Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Aug 1897, p. 6

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v- vV WTTVTJwivi August Sale Jobbing Alma College Warner Colt Astray Trent Pig Gelding for Sale Partridge Farm for Haines Glove Lost TOE gjUDAV AUG 8gy It now Coo journals hot leadership of In the Ontario Mr will tone foon tho Is wall Ha to start about the or An gaol and will during visit and AJaoma he gm GROWS I AND WITH EACH ISSUE The Printed FRIDAY AUG 4 The Copyright Question Ottawa correspondents to Western Ontario papers state that a despatch lias been received the Canadian Government from the Jlritish Ambas sador at Washington accompanied by a note from the American Secretary of rotate protesting against the refusal of the Dominion authorities to extend Canadian copyright to American Our readers will romomlxsr that Canadian offer copy right to British subjects and to of those countries with whom Great Britain has ft copyright treaty About yours ago an arrangement British and Governments was entered into respect ing copyright hut Sir John Thomp son in his capacity as Premier and as tbe first law officer of the Crown in this Dominion was of tho opinion that such arrangement was not in tho nature of a consequently ruled that citizens of the United States were not eligible within the meaning of law to the protection and privileges of it provisions How ever now that the American Govern ment has extended the benefits of copyright to the residents of Great Britain and Ireland Washington au thorities are urging the British Gov ernment to use its good to se cure to American citizens power to take out copyright in Canada on same terms as Canadians them selves From the despatdi sent from British Ambassador at Washington it is quite apparent that he sympathizes with the request of the American See- rotary of State as ho expresses hope that the Canadian Government will accede thereto and thus regard the arrangement between Great Brit ain and the United States authorities as of nature of a treaty Speaking of this matter the Ottawa correspondent of the Telegram an nounces that the question thus pre sented by the British Ambassador is now under consi4eration of the Cana dian Government who it is said are inclined to offer to the American Gov ernment the same status in Canada for American citizens under our copy right law as the copyright law of the United States confers on Canadians At present a Canadian can only tain copyright in the United States sending his manuscript there and Ah Ottawa despatch dated July amended of of governing raining along Yukon fend its tributaries Id Northwest Territories roads as follows shall only bo for claims other alternate to bo reserved for Crown to bo disposed of at by Minister of Interior The penalty for trespassing upon a claim re served for Crown bo loams cancellation by the Gold Commission er of any entry trespasser may have obtained whether by original entry or pur for a mining and the refusal of of any application trespasser may at any for a claim In addition to each penalty Mounted upon a requisition from tho Gold Commissioner shall take no- slops to trespasser royalty is No and provides that per cent shall he and collected by to appointed for purpose from claims yielding not more than week and coat on any of that sum such royalty to form part of fund of Canada The and manner in anoh royal- ty is to be and filiall be provided for by regulations to bo mads by commissioner Default in payment of such royalty if continued for tun day after notice has been posted on claim or in vicinity shall be folio wed by cancellation Oar Society PERSONAL POINTS PLEASANTLY PARAGRAPHED having the work set in type in the United States and printed and pub- there There is ho arrange- between Great Britain and the United States latter country hav- merely passed a law of foreign which the residents of the United Kingdom can avail themselves anc same terms as tho citizens of any other country Hoe between Ontario and from the Lake of the Woods to English River will be defined by a joint board of surveyors appointed by the Manitoba and Dominion Govern- meats The Indianapolis Journal prints this in Harrisons forthcoming book General Harrison has just completed the revision of have appeared in The fj Home Journal making extended notes and additions to them There is a little in connection with- both When the articles was made with General Harrison by Edward editor of The Indies Home Journal the General was paid for them with the that when they were into book form the to share tbo royalties accruing there Mr however of hie own accord Khnorously released son from him royalty for the the the azotes by General Garrison the ascription of his was wore more than this Mr Boh Goner Harrison the disposition of his boob in Mr bauds The heat offer came to editor from and to them Mr ayo book for dig- contributor General Harrisons of the book just complot- and volume in autumn Mr poorly again Mr John Gibson is able to bo out again Mlaa Bond is spending holidays in Toronto Mies Ella McLaughlin spent Sunday at Albert Mr Geo New York was hero for vacation Mr Leon is to Town from Brussels Mr Frank here from Berlin for holidays Mr Harry Moore of Smiths Falls was in Town week Be la Porte Toronto a guest at this week Mr Will wheeled to the the of the week Mr J E Canes family have gone to for the holidays Foster visiting tbia week with friends at Mr is spending hie holidays at Rochester Mies Gertie is spending a couple of weeks at Richmond Miss Vera of Toronto is visit her aunt Mrs T Miss Mary of Toronto spent Torontos Holiday in Town Mr and Mrs Campbell of Toronto spent over Sunday at Mr Miss of Toronto is visiting in Town with her this week Mrs of Toronto is the guest of Mrs Prospect Ave A bus load of the Hunter and Banning families spent Tuesday at Lake Mrs Fred Bogart and children of To ronto are spending a month in Town and daughter are visiting with Mrs John Bopart Prospect Ave Miss Edna Mortimer of Toronto is spending vacation at Grandpa Millards Mr of spent Wed nesday in Town with Mr Stanley Scott Fanny of Bradford was visiting with Mrs Marshall on Wednesday Mrs Lewis of Toronto spent over Sunday with her cousin Mrs Mrs of New York City sister of Mrs J is here on a visit Mr A A Y Ramsay has gone to St Catharines to visit his niece Mrs tago Mr Guthrie and wife of Toronto at Mr John Gibsons last week Miss of Toronto the of her aunt Mrs Peck for a of Mies assistant at P is spending her holidays at and Miss Laura entertained a num of her friends at her homo on Monday night Miss Maggie Wakefield of Hill upon Sunday with cousin Mr J Mr and Mrs P Smith of Toronto visiting at Mr A Thompsons on Monday Mr P Caldwell of Rochester spent a few days visiting relatives and old friends returning home on Monday Ho spent Sunday at the Lake Miss Helena of who hag been spending a vacation of five weeks with Mrs Albert leaves for the tomorrow olio following from Lon don Advertiser The four Sundays the pulpit of First Presbyterian London has been supplied by the Rev John Boll A expired Rev J Clark will resume his ministra tions on Sunday next Boll has pro a acceptable His sermons have logical pointed in manner and matter far removed from The would be delighted to wtlopma Mr Bell ateny time Juno of this Town is visiting with Barrio for a Dr of Toronto and two visiting at Mr George Mr Goo Thompson and the funeral of Mrs at on Wednesday Mrs and of Toronto aroepondinga month at Mr Geo Miss and Miss of this with Mrs Morton Mr and family wont to Lake on Wednesday and will at Hollow Mrs Dr and Douglass spending a oouplo of weeks Lake Mr and Mrs and daughter of visiting for a fow days at Mr Lloyds Dr Hunter of in Town this week by two daughters Mr and two of Detroit have boon horo for poet weeks Mies of Grand Rapids is visiting Constable for two or weeks Miss Dawkins of Toronto spending vacation with brother Mr J of Town Mrs A is spending a of daya at Lube with Mrs Floury of Aurora Miss daughter Mr is holidays with grandmother Mr sr of Toronto visiting over Holiday with his sou Mr Mrs Walter Sutherland and are spending a few days at Orchard the guests of Major Lloyd Rev Mr has been engaged for a year by Christian and baa entered upon his work of N was the guest of Miss Lena St a few days last week Smith of this Town is spending a month with her daughter J at Mrs James and her Mrs A of Brooklyn Y are spending two weeks in Mr and were the guests of Mrs Dr for a few days They spent Sunday at the Lake Messrs Fred and Bert Ratoliff of To ronto wheeled here on Saturday and spent the holiday with Mr Mr of Toronto after spend ing some time in and markot returned home on Monday Miss and her sister Mrs Ham of Toronto are visiting with their Bisters Mrs and Mrs Lloyd Mrs of Toronto and daughter were in Town last Monday on their way to visit relatives at Mr Wiley wife and daughter of Toronto formerly an employee of this oQloe were visiting old friends in this neighborhood for a couple of days this week rj We have made Four Very Special thin Hard cash much wanted by One lot Fancy Muslins in the latest patterns at special price Also fifty Ladies Blouses regular and at HIED A sample lot of Boys Mens and Girls Fine worth up to your Choice at J J Draw Hats pairs Ladies Low Shoes worth awl and 126 aula lift Strong Boots go at Strong La Boots go at full of Bargains and a visit here Other departments are also Test us will save you money Mr George of Toronto was here on and is rastioating at hie brothers at Hollow Lake Mrs entertained her Sunday Claas at her residence on last Wednesday afternoon and evening Mr Lemon Baker Deputy of was in Town on Wednesday Mrs Baker left here the same day to visit at North Bay for two or three weeks The following is clipped from Buffalo Times and reference to a mem- of the family that formerly resided here The sole topic of conversa tion at the Imperial and other cycle the neat way in whioh Kid a rider of tho Imperials the handsome gold- plaited Quaker whsel in the Lswls Road on Monday last They all youngster on his neat whereby be fooled one of the fast ones of the oat of a prize whioh he tried to keep for himself although not entitled to it Ever einoe the Crone has been the recipient of many kind wishes for his future success on track and road He has been riding for two years but played in hard look generally In the Lewis his size was against him but he managed to stick and finish with front A rider who finished behind him in manner to put the wheel out of sight and it not missed to prize With the assist of a friend he managed to find it and kept it man who was slipped up talked for a few momenta but when ho perceived that would not go he beau riding around the town the pant few days the ofalleyea He hie put it about two pounds more than but nevertheless is a one on the road He has done good riding across the border and his friends have hopes for him season in Buffalo Ho is one of the most wheelman In town and is natural and are jubilant over bis win His exact weight is good paper weight His home was former- Toronto whore his parents now re aide They are one of foremost families that town and he a popular there he is here More power to the Kid OK Sale Aug The Executors of Into Aaron P will for sate by Public Auction at Millers Hotel In a acre farm situated In Mnrkham Township For further particu lars sec hills It is reported that a reign of terror exists in Portugal It is reported that Belgium will endeavor to arrange a commercial treaty with Canada Last month the Canadian Pacific Railway sold 17000 acres of Manitoba land realizing Maclean Coleman aged six of was thrown from a wagon and killed Sunday The Prince of Wales will be the guest of tho Kaiser at the chief Ger man reviews in September No rain has fallen in Colchester Essex County for over two months and crops are suffering Sixty Turks have been quietly ex ecuted by the secret police on mere suspicion of being liberal agitators At Winnipeg A J an employee of the Vulcan Iron Works fell from a machinery hoist and was instantly killed l The City Treasurer of Chatham paid John a bill in mis take for a kept it and goes to jail for three months A company has been organized in Montreal for the purpose of sending an expedition to the Yukon district upon the cooperative plan The miners engaged are to have a share of the profits The foreign Ambassadors are de termined to maintain their draft of the treaty of peace between Turkey and Greece Pasha the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs seeks to amend Robert Donaldson jr of Mon treal is under arrest charged with stealing a warehouse receipt for goods and machinery had been hand ed over to an assignee for the benefit of his creditors R Clergymans Has more Worries than the Public are Aware of Nervous Exhaustion the Frequent Outcome There is more worry connected with the routine life of the average clergy man than most people imagine His duties are multifarious and it is little wonder that he frequently becomes the victim of nervous exhaustion insom nia etc In this condition Dr Wil liams Pink Pills act more speedily upon- the nervous system than other medicine and promptly restore the user to a normal state of health Rev Clarke a rising young Methodist minister stationed says I derived great benefit from the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills I found that when I at tempted to study I would become drowsy and could not apply myself to my work My digestion was very bad and my nervous system seemed to be out of gear At first I paid but little attention to the matter but found my self growing worse At this time I was stationed at Fort Stewart Ont and was boarding at the homo of a storekeeper who advised to try Dr Williams Pink Pills I decided to do so and to this medicine I am- again restored to good health Under these circumstances I feel it my duty to say a good word for Dr Wil liams Pink Dr Williams Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease They renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from the system Avoid imi tations by insisting that every box you is enclosed in a wrapping bearing the full trade mark Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People Burglars got 500 in revolvers and cutlery from James Robertson and Winnipeg The Japanese Government if to be seriously embarrassed financially arising out of the increased demands in every direction on account of Japan taking her place as a civilized nation The new regulations to govern gold mining in the Yukon district will be sent from Victoria B on the and with tbem will go the ad vance guard who are to carry the law into effect Leading Furniture and Undertaking- House If you want Cheap Just call and see our prices If you want a Good Set of Parlor in which there is no deception and will last a life time call on Newmarket at Falls and A SPECIALTY tended to at residence Street a hot some fee On Sunday evening steamer the and Ontario Navigation Co into collision with the- steamer they were going through the rapids The bulwarks of the were stove and the is es timated at A new bicycle tire the in ventor cannot be has an outside metal shoe or rim surrounding the rubber tiro flange of outer rim around the the tire to prevent- its coming off and Markham played a hard fought game of lacrosse on Saturday the former winning by a score of goals to These teams are now tied for championship and have to play off on neutral grounds James Knott ft 19yearold boy both feet badly crushed at Graven- hurst Tuesday Knott with a com panion attempted to Jump on the pilot of a moving engine and slipping his feet were crushed by the wheels He was removed to the General Hospital Toronto where it was found necessary to reamputate the left foot the instep Two toes on the jutes making Falls Ont July The test of the strength of the new steel bridge in every particular a grand success this afternoon Sixteen large consolidated locomotives repre senting tons and cars loaded with the heaviest kind of material for ballast representing tons stood over the main arch on the upper rail way deck and tons of heavy material was distributed on the lowor or carriage floor making a total of nearly tons of burden and when the measurements were taken at the crown of arch this immense weight only indicated a deflection of one inch proved to the en gineers in of construction and the railway more than a gratifying result of the large engines stood the the arch six on The other four en gines and cars of ballast were dis tributed over balance of the bridgo that rested on When the result was announced sixteen en opened their whistles and and tooted for fully IS rain- on of July daughter of Mr Chat or a fa J Manitoba July Leonard Johnson of Whit- ham Jennie of -Wk- The Tomb on WJ daughter of dockused and months Keswick on 3rd Inst years months and days Toronto on JuiyinthjBthjcaror Minister of fit Saint J I i iux mo result known to right 60 badly crushed that I that tet on they also had to off I her of liver I teiffiil If J- At J x

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