t THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY BANK BEST HEAD it General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED AT nod American wjj promptly attended to INSURANCE Standard Life Assurance Co I Invented In oyer it it Children oyer 12 years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge OKO HUNT patriot J A DO Agent Joseph fl Cody I AW and Saturdays At Town Clerks o Sunday School Wesson Pauls in WOT 111 foundation can no man lay than that la laid which la Jeane the centre of and Corinth of her Thooity built upon la- connecting the of Greece with mainland and from Its very location commanded of to both cant and To apeak of a man or a woman a Corinthian was to put upon tbom stamp of doapoat In amy Near that city too were held an nually Isthmian games When wo take oil things Into account wo can understand how unpromising and how a field of operations was afforded by of Corinth probably it was this groat need with advantage afforded by that oily for reaching all parts of known world which led Paul to turn his footsteps to that for work Every man needs both work and ship Work without prayer would ho athe ism and prayor without work would bo Honest toil will of our best It will em from vioea andorimes spring from idleness Her was aotttooof Pauls might ho lived in with the Unseen whether in the homo or workshop or synagogue We our lonely and troubled hours and we may enjoy communion with the same who at Pauls bed- aide L 4r Grand Wor for Humanity People in Life ledge Successes the Well Known Ciiisone Testify to Great Benefit Received FROM BROAD HOMEOPATHY Got to Health and Cure Yourself with a Cent Remedy Positive and Permanent Cures for Catarrh Rheumatism Dyspepsia Liver and Kidney Troubles end All Special Blood and Nervous Diseases iliea 3 Bennett No St Toronto Canada I had a very of the scarce ly speak I had terrible pains in my head add was completely broken down cured Grippe Cure end It was not noocssary to use vial before I got hotter It entirely broke up and I not had an attack Is no that Remedies are in such cases as my own a Agent for Lift Money to Loan at Current fl Ramsay Insurance Agent on Farm and Isolated Town Property PAINTING J Paper HBrnrer years all of tue liufllncea ftull of of latest In yailFpa Ask to aeo them door North of Primary fiokool Church Str Painter PaperHanger and House Decorator Millards and Ceo Carriage Palnter198 OppoBltOiEireaJoll Main Street Iiiveify of House Main Street MISCELLANEOUS Main St KDrugglets Fancy Goods miss 12a prepared to do at private residences PerToctflt Vx the latest fash ions sent Newmarket PO TfiIl receive prompt Son QoeeHeviuB attention to all orders to Loan At Six per cent en ffttretlass Farm Security by for taking Affidavits itate Agent Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Licensee Etc AUO Agent for tho following Fire Companies of London Montreal in also for To- ronto Corner of Main and Lot In Sickness in Health Man and Wife Join Hands in Proclaiming Groat South American Nervine King of Cures for Stomach Trouble and Mr Phillips of Oat I voty much by and dyspepsia for a number of No remedy or no physician seemed to with my case Whoa all else bad failed I read of the cures being effect ed by South American Nervine I decided to it a trial Before I had taken half a bottle I was much improved and felt greatly relieved A few bottles of it made a new man am better and healthier than I have His wife was also a great sufferer from stomach trouble and headaches She says Seeing the wonderful effect it was having on my husband I tried it also The remedy gave me almost instant relief and has cured and made a strong woman of me Sold by Pharmacy Newmarket Frank Moss an oldtime miner has returned to Grand Falls Mont from the gold regions He all the reports of the wonder- fill auriferous nature of the country but says it is a deathtrap and that the place is dotted thick with the graves of those who died of starvation and hardship in their quest for wealth Keep Close Watch T Look to it that You are Well Guarded fa Against that Stealthy Enemy Kidney Disease Sooth American Kidney Cora is the Only Which will Relieve at and Cure Michael MoMullin of Chesley writes I had been troubled with gravel and kidney disease for eight years At times the pain was so severe I could not lie in one position for any length time I took South American Kidney Cure according to directions I got immediate relief The soreness and weakness all left testify to the remedy a wonderful cure This stealthy enemy will not emit you by using pill doses It must be a kidney specifier- a liquid that will dissolve all the hard substances and carry them off through natures channel South American does this It is a liquid and never fails to cure Bold Wilmot Lehman Newmarket Rheumatism seldom fails to relievo in to thrco and in a few days Cure positively cures ail forms of indigestion and trouble Price Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold in a few hours Price 26o Cough stops night sweats allays soreness and speedily heals the longs Price Munyone Kidney Cure speedily pains in the back loins or groins and all forms of disease Price Headache in three minutes Price Me Ointment positively octet all forms of piles Price Blood Cure eradicates all im parities of the blood Price Female Remedies are a boon to ail women Asthma Remedies relieve In minutes and core permanently Price Catarrh Remedies never fail The Catarrh Core price eradicates the disease from the system and the Catarrh Tablets price cleanse and heal the parts Nerve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonio Price Munyons restores lost vigor separate for each At all druggists mostly 2o a vial Personal letters to Prof Munyon and Albert St Toronto answered with free medical advice for any disease Blacksmith Coal FOR SALE Midn8tKowmarket stock I I I WORKS IN Woriunients and Head Stones Call tilth An Idea ihhy wilted Ont July 23 Mrs Adam Woods of the second conces sion of burned to death in her house by her clotping catching fire while preparing dinrfery having succumbed to her injuries in a Her husband alarmed by her cries rushed into the house only to find her in flames He succeeded in extinguishing tho flames but not lw- the woman been fatally burned Deceased was eightyfour years of age and was greatly respect ed in the neighborhood July to the of to proper accommodation seven children of the local School Board has been obliged to apply to the various churches for leave to use their build ings during week days and so partially overcome the difficulty The new Baptist Church just completed was formally dedicated last Sunday when addresses were made by all the city pastors Mr Cooper City As sessor who has been busy in making up the first assessment roll of Ross- land acres states that his work will shortly he accomplished and that the total valuation will he in the neighborhood of two million dollars The directors of the Aurora and railway at a meeting held in Toronto last week decided to cir culate a petition in the Township of King to secure the names of free holders favorable to granting the com- bonus of will be presented to the town ship council which meets at Suttons hotel on July If favorably considered a bylaw will be introduced and read twice after which it will be submitted the people for sanction before being finally passed It has not been definite decided whether the company will operate by electricity or steam but the directors are building the line this fall or year at the latest Cold July Inspec tor Strickland of the Northwest Mounted Police arrived from Yukon accompanied by Mrs Strick land and the child they took out as a baby party arrived at Forty- mile Creek on July and there erected their first post This spot was then the centre of mining district twelve members of the police who have to mining are all doing well five who are now on way back did not like a min ors life George found gold in enormous quantities in a creek run ning into the on August 12 Ho it known as he could get to Fortymile A stampede to the creek at once took place and miners and miners poured in from the United States side in such numbers that now that not more than half a dozen claims are being worked in the Circle City district These men had to drag their kits and belongings on sleds for three hundred miles Over rough ice This stampede set in at the beginning of January and all winter the first work of the men was to build their houses and very heavy work it was Mr Strickland does not the story of 200000 having been already made there by any one man but says the most liberal truths read like fairy talcs It is however very hard to say just what is being made The miners are reticent their earnings- He can say however that miners who have come out and staked claims this year who number a hundred taken or sent away already sums varyingirom to each and have kept back considerable sums for development and other investment Miners from California Australia and South Africa say that nothing in the world has been struck so rich Inspector Strickland says the country fills up as rapidly as it is do ing the two trading companies will not bo sufficient to supply the food for them and there is plenty of room for other companies in this line Provi sions are not so dear as might be ex pected Flour is 12 a hundred bacon a pound canned meats and and cariboo and moose flesh is sold by the Indians at fifty cents a pound Inspector Strickland strongly recom mends that no person should out to the Yukon distinct without taking with a years food as well as some dollars because paying claims are not always found immediately and is the long and hard work of building a home He says that min ing is not a picnic There are no enjoyments It is all hard work Wood is scarce and requires a great deal of labor in cutting The climate healthy and there Si very little sick IMyjs The chief complaint of scurvy kidney trouble and rheumatism Though the winter is eight months long it is only three weeks that the sun is not seen Miners wages are a day but this rate will fall soon if the present rush continues from the Pacific Coast July Sir Donald A Smith the Canadian High in London has been besieged for several days past by inquirers who desire to go to the Yukon mining dis tricts Most of the applicants for in formation are young men without money who are employed on farms and in factories Wouldbe emigrants of this class are urged to stay at home hut hardened men with capital of or more ate encouraged to leave for feie fields flrtdReguia- liHg J A IS till K SIGNATURE OF- Promotes nor Wot otic Remedy for Constipa tion Sour Worms ConvuUionsFeverish SLEEP 4 Simile Signature of IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERT op NEW At month- old Dos pot up in only It not gold In allow to yon on plea or promlw It lit wiH that yon got YOURS FOR GOOD SE And yuarantcil OF TEETH 5 Ave ycara extract pa free of charge operations are and by aid of electflolty Special to Crown Bridge work T My charge is a tooth APPOINTED I H A GALLOWAY S Dentist Cor Quech Toronto e Isaac Usher Son Cement guaranteed to be quite equal to any of tho J rtland Cement for all of farm- bankbarn walls stable silos pens bridgeabutmenta arch Ivertt cisterns etc This Cement is sold at out onehalf the price of the Portland I Personal Instruction given free of charge and all work warranted For further Information apply to General Agent lino of flrat and Shingles Lath etc always on lowest prices fflOTHBST Tills Is the time of year that your children are donning thel new suiu and dresses Why not bring them to Aft mi nave their taken You will regret it and always cherish them with pride Many a woman chides herself now that she did not have her children takes Cabinets and Sunbeams now 9 mo of scrofula I weak and and Hoods mo land well After it had lover to Hooda a complete core Anna- Hoods the family easy to take easy Paine You or American Care will Re In flours and Care I Buffer intensely with rheuma tism and sciatica in ray left hip I tried a great many remedies and a of they could do very little for me only giving mo at times a little temporary I saw South Cure advertised arid decided to give it a trial The first lew benefitted wonderfully nd after faking only two bottles the pains disappeared and there has been no return I consider my been so thai had given the verse I could lib on left side Mor- Sold by Lehman Canada in Australia During the peat fiscal year the value of our exports to Australasia amount ed to 517000 of which 68722 were represented by fishery products by lumber in agri cultural produce and 80587 in Canadian manufactures This latter itra included the following Agricultural implements Vehicles Cottons Organs 18887 Pianos Machinery The agricultural produce covered bushels of wheat barrels of flour barrets of oatmeal and bushels of potatoes A heavy hail storm did consider able damage Wednesday between the 2nd and 3rd concessions of near Glasgow The hail was six in ches deep in the fence corners even this morning About 150 stalwarts of the ship of Whitchurch raised John barn near without on Saturday It is one of the largest barns in the township and will have large stable underneath as PUT IT OFF Is a bad to follow evil the matter of education any a business man today the time be put off the opportunity to get a better education The Cental Business College TORONTO Is open to receive new member at any time It offers excellent facilities for practical train ing In Business methods and Accounting Ita Shorthand and Typewriting Department Is particularly strong continues Holiday for August again Sept 1st Get particulars Enter now SHAW Principal Garrard and SO Years that Pumps I manufacture Cheapest and market I put In Gal vanized Or Wooden Piping Guaranteed to work up to SO feet I also put in FORCE PUMPS CISTERN TANKS made Cistern Pumps from up WellDigging done Cheap and all kinds of pumps repaired on shortest notice Any person Wanting any work of this kind done postcard and It will bo at tended to at once and you will save money by hare a large on hand JOHN BENNETT 0 Box Newmarket I headache potion sour PHI do their Hi- easHraod at aitar dinner a cants Prepared by I Hood Lowell Mass PU1 to tike with Hoods Keep yes in O Oar ate True and will give yon Comfort They help to the Bight in Gold Silver GoldFilled o Now of Knives Forks Mouth Organ and Violin Strings I EXCELS EGG Has proved a Success It is no Pickle You simply treat the Egfea with the Preserver which renders the shells air tight and lay away in a box or basket until wanted Our regular will preserve eggs for months To introduce it we will reduce the price a during July PhI Next Post Office a for Queen Victoria and latest and richest pictured endorsed of Her with tho of her remarkable account of tho Only book Tremendous demand- for tent pflW Duty paid for outfit territory COMPANY Kept Chicago Swi