r fc THE NEWMARKET- BRA J LY around the flub what wideawake worthy to SHAKOS Haying in About the order of the day Mian iScllFir visiting her aunt in funeral service of Elmer wan held in church here on Tuesday One by one our good old mothers panning away Miss Mary Wilson of Toronto in upending the holidays with her cousin VONCE ST SOUTH The Bona of Temperance Enter prise Division No intend holding a Garden and Enter tainment in the Grange Hall grounds St on Friday evening the July Tea from to followed by a program of vocal and instrumental music reci tations J M Walton P Rev Emmery from Aurora and others expected to take part A good time promised for all The residence of Mr is greatly improved by its now coat Mr Hewitt of was the artist ROACHS POINT The refreshing shower on Tuesday evening did much good in reviving the grain crops and vegetables which almost wilted by the recent heatwave The Misses of visiting jn the villago Schools of Keswick and have united their hands and hearts and made arrangements for one of and cheapest of season on Thursday next An invitation has boon extended to Bethel to accompany thorn A time and a large crowd is expected fall wheat is ripening very rap idly and must soon bo harvested Miss and Miss Winter of Lloyd town spent Saturday and Sun- flay with friends in village A large number from this vicinity will attend Garden Party at Pleasant this Friday ovening Quito a number of ladies from the villago at lako on Mon day Wo still some evil disposed persons in our midst who con stantly saying or writing some mean slurs For example see items last week in article referring to Garden Party at Mr Mortons KETTLEBY Mr Will Curtis and Jess have purchased a complete grain threshing outfit this season and will run it on their own hook Mr Curtis also has a clover mill a wood Rawing machine and a straw cutter So they are now prepared to do most any kind of machine work that the BALDWIN BREEZES Mr Geo has demolished his old woodshed and it with a modern one with summer kitchen attached Mrs Geo must things handy and uptodate you know Master Less Crittenden is one on our list of He has got a dandy now cycle and is already an export rider of our villagers tako great in their flower gardens Mrs Geo Tomlinson and Miss Crittenden especially so gardens a thing of beauty All varieties of roses pansies and tell what all make a lino display And then not at all Hellish but kindly treat their friends to a bouquet Dominion Day at Jacksons Point wan a success so far as a largo crowd could make it so But lack of a good program of sports it lack in interest to many baseball and la crosse being only amusements Even the Enterprise did not go out on its usual holiday trips which certainly was a financial loss to proprietor A very meagre display of fireworks wound up the days outing Dancing was freely indulged in by many to fiddling of John Do Goose- quill alias Jack Many a little rustic beauty in future years will tell her wondering grandchildren how she danced to fiddling of the renowned Jack poor old Jack Our Baldwin downed by Button club on Do minion Day by a score of Baldwin Sutton The hay crop about here is i rat- farmers now require are V- ing alljlicir machinery fitted up in reported crops are looking fino around here showed us a stalk of timothy on Monday that measured nearly feet inches above root Methodist of Keswick had a lug excursion on Thursday of Inst week About on hoard two schools Keswick and Sutton cleared each All tho hoarding houses on Lake Shore full of and nearly every summer cottage is occu pied Mr Morton is just finishing a bathing with boat house underneath Lust Saturday night there boats in fishing grounds but only two or three got anything No less than 1 at Tho Snuggery Mrs Jesse Hughes of Newmarket is spending a week at Mr Mrs Arthur sister from England is hero on a visit For convenience of campers wo herewith give tho time of departure and arrival of Queen at tho Point Campers should cut this out for future reference am 120Q noon am 830 pm pm evening mail at Point for Toronto closes at sharp Boarding houses on the Lake Shore are filling up with guests Mrs has had no less than applicants Mr and Mrs D Wilcox of Aurora neo Miss of Newmarket PO are rusticating at Orchard Beach Mr Walk Caldwell of Newmarket is putting the finishing touches on Mr boarding The fancy work shows un well On Sunday last Mrs Leo fell from of her residence on St breaking her leg at ankle J A of has been r promoted to the position of chief road master of Northern and Midland divisions of the and will re move to Allandale An man was brought to on Monday night to await trial or injuring two of his neighbors cows one of which died Ho was lying down in his front room and hearing a in the kitohon wont out to in vestigate Finding had taken possession ho attacked thorn with an axe Bradley was called to his homo at Airlio last Friday on account of his father having been injured by a vicious valuable horse The animal bit his ear nearly off and a piece out of his thigh threw himon a log and then foil on him Though Mr Bradley was so seriously injured ho is recovering slowly is the month for It will pay you to visit us often as you will find LINE AT 181 very order As tho and old at they will a large patronage- The band boys will serenade at some of our Tillage through the principal streets tomorrow even ing Drive village and get your nerves toned with their excellent music They have the reputation of being the in the country Those who got turnip and seed in just before rains in June fortunate and have the promise of an even crop Visitors who have been among us recently Mrs at her parents Mr and Mrs Stephensons Mrs Herb J Charles Aurora at Mr Wilfred Mr and Vincent Fox York Mr and Mrs Ben Fox and Mr and Mrs Fox of Detroit at their parents Farm the Misses of Newmarket among friends Miss Lush of Newmarket at Mrs J Elliotts Others have visitors from a distance but we did not learn the names Mr A and A wheeled up to the at Sutton on Saturday evening last and visited with Mr Frank and family oyer Sunday There was some fall wheat cut in June in this vicinity last year We do not hear of any being ready to cut this year as yet When telling you about the surprise party for our teacher Mr Grant in our last issue we had not understood that it was a farewell party and that Mr Grant was leaving for good But such was the case The scholars will no doubt feel somewhat sorry as Mr Grant was much liked by them Thoy will now to get accustomed to the ways of a new teacher which takes some time Wo havenot as yet heard who the new will be or where ho comes from Barley is putting on a good length of straw this year Mr of 2nd con lost a valuable farm horse last week iron sunstroke huge are as healthy and dili gent as usual Fall wheat is ripening The click of the harvester will soon bo hoard and shortly after will tho whistle of the threshing engine be sounding in air In our last issue we made a rather grave error through- a on our part The party I had spoken of as being a farewell for Mr Robinson was not case but was a lawn party got up and held at Lloydtown by the members and friends of Christ for the purpose of raising funds for their treasury AURORA There wore candidates at the Entrance and P Leaving Exami nations held at Aurora June and for Entrance and for Leaving The following have passed En trance in general are promising well 1 Messrs Geo and Tom Graham have a grand show for berries in their berry patches Tommy is a considerable success as a but it is as a poultry fancier that he shines brightest In the line of poultry he is without a peer His well stocked barnyard is worth seeing Look out for tho Owls Tom Last week the Owl found a very large fine specimen of milk snake in a log His was quickly despatched What folks want us to write wants us to tell of the do ings of some neighbors which would surely get my head cracked A good old Irish grandma says Write some thing real funny I want to send the payper to me daughter out in Another wants mo to writ up some Brownhill scandal and still another wants a puff etc etc Are other scribes thus bothered I do wonder A great many are complaining of ill effects from the extreme heat Ted is pulling through his serious illness though ho is too weak to pull much Stevenson has invested in a new engine and is now ready to make the old thresher hum On Friday nights grandpa is early on baud for his Era which he no sooner gets than ho sits on a packing box surrounded by an eager throng of and reads the Breezes for their edification When any of em feel a little riled at some personal item Blame that old skunk they say just wait till I ketch aholt of him Ill settle his hash and so on and so forth Sub scribe for the boys only 1 per annum A few daye ago we discovered Mr Tremayne popular druggist of Sutton manfully striving to overcome idiosyncraoies of a bicycle He got there Since then Mrs is reported to have been seri ously hurt by some crankiness of her cycle Why do so many confide their little family troubles to the Owl Dont do it He is chock full of em and if some of em leak out ypu must not bo Those Pleasant got riled up about nothing We were misinformed regarding who paid for the grub otherwise our report was K As to their account of tho con dition of the ballfield that was all bosh It was a decent enough place for anyone Miss has returned from the Conservatory of Music Mrs Black of Ohio is home on a visit with her ma Mrs John Morten Mrs Thos Morton and family of Little Britain at Goo sons on Saturday eye So long The Andrews Harry Andrews Ruby Andrews Ivan Archibald Baldwin Pearl Alex Bond Crake Matilda Jennie Dennis Edgar Dicker Gertrude Edwards Malcolm Harvey Foster Ethel Graham Charles Graham Ethel Lewie Janet Hill Bert Johnston Walter Ralph Milton Lloyd Lulu Isabella May Allan Vi Patterson Fred Patterson Harry Robinson Rogers Lulu Rutherford Norton Smith Annie Smith Frank Melville George Arthur Stevens Daniel Thompson Nannie Towns Myrtle Teaadate Roy Welle Roy Welle Jessie Williams Garnet The following have passed the P Leaving Exam j Cherry Lome Perry Harry John The Diamond celebration of the 12th of July by the Orangeman of this district held here surpassed any thing of the kind ever seen in this section of country The crowds on the streets all along the route of march were greater than seen before But the greatest and most feature of the parade to those who witnessed these annual demonstrations was the marked improvement in the general appearance of those in line A more orderly gathering was never witnessed in the town There was entire absence of anything in the whole parade which could by any means be construed as offensive to any of the community There must have been fully 2000 in the proces sion The chief speakers were John jning of Montreal and Grand- Master of the Province of Quebec WJ of Midland Edwards of Barrie J Hopkins of Bedford Park Little M A of Charles Palling of Allendale Rev Mr Morgan of Rev Lee of Aurora chair oc cupied by Mr Bell of Ihnisfil wore ten bands in the procession and at the band contest band car ried off the honors East Toronto True Blues won the prize for the best drilled company and the prize for the largest lodge num bered 84 men The lady members of York Lodge No suocee4ed in cap turing two first prizes in the running rates PINE The Pino Orchard Sons of Temper ance hold a Strawberry Festival at Mr Cases on Thursday evening After tea was served a short though program was rendered Pro ceeds about Mr A Bassott and family of To ronto are spending the vacation at Mr W It Mr Allan Toole is improving tho appearance of his residence by putting up a patent wire fence in front of it Wo understand that Mr has contract In the absence of Mr Boll Mr Holland of Aurora occupied the pulpit very acceptably Sunday evening Mr and Mrs H of New market and Mr and Mrs T Mc Millan of spent Sunday at Mr A meeting was held in the church Monday evening to outline some basis of union with which the meetings could bo carried on to better ad vantage Christian Endeavor waa rath or attended Friday evening owing no doubt to heat Wo seo by last weeks paper that one of our residents has broken the record on lucerne One of our young men has indulged in a Gladstone and cuts quite a dash Who was the young man that took three girls in his buggy and nearly upset on Thursday evening A number of our citizens spent the Glorious Twelfth at Aurora Mr I J daughter is seriously ill from the effects of a severe fall Mrs A and Miss Brewer spent one day last week at Mr Exhaustive reports the crop outlook in Manitoba indicate that while the grain has been retarded by the cold weather of May and the first half of June with favorable weather this month a fair average crop may be looked for The acreage under culti vation this year is from 15 to per cent greater than ever before in the history of the country Bond Read July George Free aged about and a modern Jack the Ripper was arrested here yesterday for abusing maltreating and nearly causing the death of a nine- yearold girl in this village Intense excitement prevailed after the affair became known and many would have lynched him had the authorities not protected him Constable Burning took him to this morning for trial For some time he has been hostler at Hotel here and is looked upon as partially insane NTO 10 Have the Freshest Groceries in the market The- active- business they are doing means goods coming in and going out again continually like the constant flow of a stream of spring water Purity of goods and high grade of quality are our constant aim guaranteeing satisfaction Our Prices are cut fine to suit the times Free your house from these visitors by using Tanglefoot Fly Paper Smiths or Wilsons Fly Mats Just received And Fresh Insect Powder WILMOT LEHMAN PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYTICAL CHEMIST SUCCESSOR TO DR M CAMPBELL- Personal attention given to Prescription Department A- on fit between Mr Pauls an Anglican Hymn Hook Will finder kindly return to MRS JONES Park Avenue Cornwall July Archibald A McDonoll of Lancaster Glengarry County has died as the re sult of an accident which happened a couple of weeks ago Mr team ran away and ho thrown from the wagon falling on his neck and shoulders in such a way that the spinal cord was affected and complete paralysis of body resulted Ho lingered for a few days and died Has proyed a Success no Pickle You simply treat theEggs with tho Preserver which renders the shells air tight and lay away in a box or basket until wanted Our regular will preserve do eggs for 12 months To introduce it wo will reduce the price to a during July Next Post Office ON THE VER OFFER ED The lands of the Hunter Estate will be sold on long time and low interest The best terms ever offered See J Robert son Esq Atty for Estate at Newmarket or the Executors at above Office on July 10th and for a week thereafter The Canadian jubileo military contingent arrived at Quebec on Mou- day Arthur Wiggins an Aylmer team- was crushed to death by his wagon turning over on him Mr of was thrown out of a tree while sawing a limb and fatally injured Michel- Pin daughter Maria lost their lives in a lire which destroyed their dwelling at St Koch Quebec Tho father was trying to save his furniture and tho daughter wont hack to got her weeing apparel Newmarket Markets Newmarket July per barrel Wheat per bushel Go Red Wheat perbuehel to Wheat per bushel OH Buckwheat 0E5 bushel per bushel per bushel Rye or bushel per ton 00 Sborta per ton GO Cutter roll per lb 0 Butter tub per lb Potatoes per bay Apples perbbt OfiO Sheepskins Wool per lb Hay per too CO lb Chickens per pair Ducks per pair 050 Turkeys per lb a a a a a a a a a aw 0 a a a a a a 10 a a a a 0 0 a a a a i July 15 Red Wheat per bushel a White Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel a i Buckwheat per bushel bushel per bushel Peas per bushel Rye per bushel S Eggs per Butter roll per lb Potatoes per per ShbupaldDfl I Wool per 19 ny per ton 03 w Pork per W pair a a a a n a a a a a 10 a a i a S3 3- to lO i A iSsS J I I