Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Jul 1897, p. 4

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r-r-7- FRIDW JULY Tired Feeling you all broken up with out life energy or appetite It often tho forerunner of or tho accompaniment of troubles It fa a positive thin weak Impuro4lood for if the blood la rich red vitalised and vigorous It Im parts life end energy to every nerve organ and tissue of the oody The necessity of taking Hoods for that tired fooling to every one good It will do you Is equally beyond question Remember la the bestin foot the One Blood Purifier mil easy to operate to JACKSON Best Advertising Medium n York County A Transient advertise ments Nonpareil line for first nstrtlon it cents per for each subsequent CONTRACT SI A OB WO a HO 1 1 MO Inches Inches 2000 1 Inch Advertisements with writ ten Inserted until forbid and charged accordingly will clumped each month ir desired For changes each month composition must bo paid for at regular rates Changes for contract must bo In the by noon on Wednesdays Special Low Hates for Executors Notices Farms to and Found etc Rending Notices among local news per line for each Insertion No such Notice for leas than Church advertising at onehalf regular rates NOTES and West York are to run a sort of opposition pair to and only ajfiregH inn west or north by Torontos turiets in top boots A Sir Wilfrid goes to on July Ht- visit to a VFIII Ball August on Ontario election been fixed for next at Town Hall before Justice and East fiimcoe has been the of August at before Ferguson and Robertson At the Fishmongers banquet to the Colonial Premiers last week in London Sir Wilfrid the conrpo of an effective speech said that be cordially dis liked the word colony because it seemed to imply superiority on the part of the in habitants of the home country i The rises to remark l The County of has at last been shamed into the erection of a county House of Refuge and will proceed to build one at once Ontario should now follow suit that is should have ft little shame on its own account and our cotem quite right A despatch from Kingston that Hon Mr Parly will vieit hie depart ment at Toronto next After things in order he will proceed to the sea where he will spend the summer va cation At the close of midsummer holi days be will again return tohiadepartment at the Parliament Hie is reported to be improving Hon gave a statement of the tinlf the mm that ho eacd to tho country up to April country ftnimoIsJees one year old 1st by cancelling mall contrBotalot by his a head on all other cuttle if valued at predecessor In office Under old con- than per valued the country would to pay over and not more than tho tariff the now contracts ad valorem if only total op to 27B02 per annum the duty la per cent ad valorem earn of thaa saved As are placed percent ad valorem contracts are for four years total With it duty of par head on calves will bo over At this rate Buffalo Detroit and border tho should soon bo to Canada will have to pay self sustaining for their veal next spring to A despatch from tho City of at a Conservative political dated July states that Mr Edmund gathering at last week Dr Shepherd of Toronto Canada is in that P who represents a of city in capacity of a Commissioner to divided political territory about ono treat with Mexican Government re- cast of Toronto statod that trade Inst ween Mexico and accounts of tho Province of Ontario Dominion A Canadian Colony hue not been audited for twentylive been started on tho Isthmus of and yet this same gentleman has Mr Shepherd is a worker j and not- the Public Accounts Committee withstanding a in Toronto who of tho House of Assembly and has had want a sit and who now years but has never been able to about hie former Conservative pro- detect an error tu accounts passed or preferred a siDRlooharoe of defalcation or the country will not tho administration he moke for a man who on to earn Ills salary and it i- Cottage A Ltarre New York speaking of the coming international yacht race on Lake Louie just ten miles from Montreal which takes place next month save Canada now holds the for the are to compete and unless the New Yorkers who td recover month pot their very best foot forward she Canada will have it and all the honor thereto if- now the Remedial agitators politicians including Sir Charles who was prepared to die for it and Bowel 1 who thought civil war would eventuate without it are in the dumps Merry del has written a letter to Archbishop face Man in which he slates that the Pope is now in possession of all the infor mation regarding the pchnol all agitation cease Holy judgment at last week wind ing up his Western political campaign Mr Whitney leader of the Opposition In the Ontario Assembly that if he v would him to power In would to he till n the of Mil would be he wiih thoop at The people of Pro- vlnce to think those who attend should pay for the luxury and pot ratepayers generally hut Mr Whitney would make the public burden still greater by taxing the for the benefit of the few ONE OK THIS MOST OK MALADIKg Mr Peter riultcied for Years and Hi with Many Before Finding a Cure From Recorder Perhaps no prettier place is to be Been in Ontario than that at New mans upper lock on the Canal this station for a quarter of a cen tury resided Mr Peter Millar who during that period acted in the capa city of and was perhaps the best known man on the canal Mr Millar is now a resident of Merrick- having retired from active life To a correspondent of the Recorder he related the following experience il For many years I was troubled with lame back which gave me great pain at times and caused me much loss of sleep I tried different kind of medicine but found or no relief The spring of I was- assisting at getting out ice me day when I felt something snap or give way in my back and it was some time before I could straighten myself up I now became so bad that when I laid down I was un able to rise without assistance I fully made up my mind that I had become a chronic invalid and never expected bo see a well day again A couple of weeks after my back had almost en tirely given out I saw by an article in a paper that Dr Williams Pink Pills had cured a person troubled and I immediately sent and procured a box to test them Before I bad finished box I found my back somewhat stronger so I procured five boxes more and by the time they were used I found completely cured I took the last box I have net had a pain or particle of lameness and ray health baa been far better than it had been for years before To ensure obtaining the genuine al ways ask for Dr Williams Pink Pills as there are many pink colored imita tions The earnings of the P It for the last nine days show the magni ficent increase of over the same period of last year Ronald John aged from Dalkeith was drowned on Wednesday night in tin Nation river near James London nit Garden a wholesale tea and coffee merchant pioneer resident of Vancouver was drowned at Harrison lake while bathing Chicoutimi County was visited by a terrible cyclone which killed four children destroying buildings and causing much damage dealer was stung by a black scorpion It was thought at first that the sting would prove fatal but the man is rap idly recovering Chicago July Three highway men armed with revolvers held up a trolley car on the Cicero and Proviso line last night and robbed the con- dutcor and the passengers of their watches and money They secured several watches three gold watches and about in money They escaped without being pursued robbery took place just outside of the city limits Within an hour after the holdup in Cicero five high boarded an Archer avenue street and Kedsie avenue and covering and con ductor with revolvers secured a watch and a revolver The robbers all wore masks and did their work bo iuickly that after they had disappear ed the and conductor were unable to give a description of the men The Queens Household The royal household of Queen Vic toria comprises treasurers stewards paymasters keepers of privy purse secretaries readers to her majesty chamberlains examiners of the accounts lords in waiting grooms in waiting marshals ushers libra rians a poet laureate painters keep er of the swans a keeper of the jewels master of the music housekeepers trumpeters physicians ordinary and surgeons dentists chemists druggists chap lains organist3 and composers masters of the hounds veterinary surgeons inistrefs of the rob as ladies of the bed chambers and extra bed chamber women who are hot as migbtbe supposed servants who do the sweeping and dusting hut vis countesses and noble ladies maids of honor and a host of servants in all there are named in the royal house- hold about two hundred and ninety of whom receives more or less salary Queen however is liable to bear the expense for besides an ex ceedingly liberal allowance from the British people her private fortune is said to be between and from Ottawa that Hon Speaker of of Com bos appointed Mills a of Centro to of the of Commons Mr Mills is a nephew of Hon David Mills and married Ottawa lady who is at present mother here position wee made vacant throoRh illness and is worth about fourteen hundred dollars a year The late occupant of the office eighteen hundred dollars The Canadians London July The Can adian rifle team have been practising steadily at Staines for some time and many good scores have been made Today a friendly match was shot by the full team twenty a like number from the London Scottish volunteers one of the best shooting bat talions in the Kingdom The weath er was excellent and bulls eyes wore put on at the various ranges and COO yards with great regularity At conclusion of the match when the scores were totalled up it was found that the Canadians were on top defeating the London Scottish team by points The totals were Canada London Scottish 1779 R Wo know a chap who composed a model letter of this kind He got more money in the next mail than a dozen collection agencies could have secured His letter ran something like this In times of trouble one turns naturally to hie best friends first We send you the inclosed statement in the same spirit as the New showed toward Bill Nye When Nye asked him indignantly Why do you charge me for a sandwich the Jerseyman answered candidly Well the fact is we need the money That is our excuse for troubling you One correspondent sent a check and I take off ray hat to you I send you remittance not because we have the money to spare nor that your claims are greater than those of our other creditors but because you are the best dunner I have ever seen I have been at it twenty years but I tke off my hat to you Never write a letter that leaves a string Lemons may be kept fresh for a long time in a jar of water changing the water every morning Til effort to corner wheat be- wheat is scarce under heavy foreign lemand tells a favorable story for the Owing to the drought in certain parts of Australia it will be necessary to import thousands of bushels of wheat The three districts and are producing ore to the value of a week and this is only the beginning swimming days are here that is for the small boy who fear neither pneumonia nor toothache aim knows no such thing as nerves According to a correspondent farmers give the preference when hiring help to young men who do not ride the bicycle The farmers claim that hired men who wheel are not fit for anything else Dr W Boucher of Ottawa was opening his medicine ease and as he did so a sixounce bot tle of ammonia exploded filling his eyes nose and mouth with pure am monia His face was terribly burned The first effect of the great coal miners strike are being felt in United 8tates At Cleveland a big iron works has shift down for want of and several lake vessels will be tied up Western railways are seizing coal in transit for their own use asset Ho Put a pill In the pulpit for the physical man then put the pill in the pillory if it not praotise what it preaches Theres a whole gospel in Sugar Coated Pills a gospel of sweetness and light People used to value their physio as they did their religion by its bitterness The more bitter the dose tho better the doctor Weve got over that We take sugar in ours or Its possible to please and to purge at the same time There may be power in a pleasant pill That is the gospel of Cathartic Pills More pill particulars la Cureboolc Sent fret J Co Mass FOR SALE BY A W ALLAN DEALERS IN- Hardware Paints Oils Glass Stoves and Tinware NEWWA The big ocean will soon it is thought be equipped with life boats harnessed to so as to be practically unsinkable Cylin ders filled with compressed gas will be placed in compartments of the life boats and from these the balloons which will be harnessed with cords to a hollow mast connected with the cyl inders is inflated The mastwhich is iron tubing is adjustable and when turned forward the big balloon acts as a sail oars proving quite unnecessary The combination boat will doubtless prove of greatest service in saving people far out at sea The Bane of Beauty AND J Central Telephone Office W STARR Beautys the fading or the hair Luxuriant trusses are far to the than to the maid casket of charms is yet by time women will he glad to he reminded that felling or fading hair uiiVjjwri lo those who use Hair Vigor MAIN STREET NEWMARKET FULL LINE OF FLOUR The best bread and pastery in Canada fa Hungarian Flour Irelands Breakfast Food Oat Meal Corn Meal Bran and Shorts Oats Barley and Peas for Feeding purposes Smoked Hams Hams Breakfast Bacon Long Clear Rolls everything in this line fi ivvwfAvv parts of the Town on Shortest Notice albert in All genuine Flour is tied with red white Beware of imitations

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