Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Jul 1897, p. 5

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WttFfix NKWMARKET A FRIDAY JULY HEAT REST TO HON TO- General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH General Banking- Business AN BOOTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT ISSUED I at Sterling mid American bought and iold promptly attended to INSURANCE Established In over Children over years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge HUNT District J A Agent- Joseph R Cody INSURANCE IN ALL ITS At Town next to i ire Hall J Agent for and Money to Interest at Current Office Newmarket School Jicsson July Golden Text on Lord sod thou shall bo and thy of Paul and In matting their first convert on continent of Europe pleasant their in with tbo oaso mentioned vory Wo do not know bow long tho missionaries wrought in but it long enough for thorn to have gathered a considerable number of Wo know this from the fact that this felt to contribute to wards maintenance of Paul when he driven out of their toThesealonica and from hints In New narrative out day by day from homo wore wont to gospel In parte of tho city They tho of a poor slave girl who possessed of an evil spirit Her owners traded upon superstitious of tholr ago and to her cam to all of questions Whotlter it spirit who thought to the of by testifying THE TUB SICK AND BUFFKHItfa DO NOT TO HIM IN VAIN The Cured EACH DAY UNTIL A BEEN ASTONISHES EVERYBODY- Viotime of Who Boon to Health Bless Name of Mr Sutton West Ontario Canada I began using Cure for ago and experienced splendid results I had studying vory hard for some and was in an condition a constant strain telling on me but email vial of Cure gave mo and I no hesitancy in this remedy Cure seldom fails The Hero lies n poor who always wan bony lived that rendered her dizzy belonged to ton and road Brown ing at eight Showed at and teas and would votA if aha might served on a school board with courage and zeal golfed and rode on a vheef read and know mforobes by name Approved of was a Daughter and went in for the top educa tion Her husband wont seaward for nervous prostration day on tablets found an Tho shook so groat she died in- stantleo Wtf What the Old Says A Little Paint in right place and of the right kind make a great change In the looks the room or a borne The casing baseboard picture chairs and these can brightened and made clean with WE SHERWINWILLIAMS is ve for furniture and work It gives a finp surface tints are delicate for use Kuamel Paint is prepared ready for brush Any one can use it make points for every purpose each is a special kind suited to a special Our booklet Paint Points tells ail little kinks- about paint the good and the had It the special mint for buggies boats form tools barns fence roofs houses and all other painted things Send today for a free copy For booklet St Street Montreal THE SmiBWHWILLIAMS CO filGACO of or whether it was iho girl to relievo in one to three hours and cares momenta who cried after Paul I in fl fl Ramsay Agent on and Town Over Tin PAINTING The IcadlnKHoiiflc Painter J miner and Paper Hanger and Sitae desiring deliverance wo cannot tolls but spaeking in name of Jesus Paul commanded spirit to depart and was cured This enraged her masters and caught Paul and and dragged them before magistrates Christ breaks bonds of a filiation when hie eorvanlB day and night unto him He chain of sin the cap Boiil sigha after him Ho opens a path for word although world may attempt to fetter it Ho open prison of the when hour of redemption arrives of jailer opened like hie own prison shaken by earthquake ana with shook Other cases like are as the opening by tho dew and expanding in sunbeam Trust In Jesus the one command and works of loyo of saving faith Happy ia it all In the tread path to Not the least part of was tho that other wore hold bo by a secret influence that attempt to escape Economy lug medicine in other matters years Infill of economy to get Hoods there is more medfoinal value in Hoods than in any other Every bottle of doses and will average taken ac cording to directions month while others bat a fortnight Hoods are the only pills to take with Easy and yet efficient Full latest designs in Wall Papers door North of tbo School Church fctrect s Practical PaperHanger and House Decorator KCoon Street Millards wine and 5co House flltfnCarriagePalnter Opposite Hall Main Street House Main Street Wfs Simpson Main Sundries Goods miss prepared Perfect guaranteed In all the laUt sent through Newmarket PO receive prompt attention Weight St Son and Prompt attention to all orders Dyspepsia Cute positively cures all forms of indigestion and stomach trouble Price Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a cold in a hours- Cough Cure stops coughs night allays soreness and speedily heals lunge Price Cure speedily cures pains In the back loins or groins and alt forms of kidnoy disease In three minutes Price Ointment positively cures all forma of piles Price Blood Cure all im purities of tho blood Price Female Remedies aro a boon to ell women Asthma Remedies in minutes and permanently Price Catarrh Remedies never fail The Catarrh Cure disease from the and the Catarrh Tablets cleanse and heal parts Nerve a wonderful tonic restores lost vfgor Trice ft A separate euro for each disease At all druggists mostly a vial Personal letters to Prof and Albert Toronto with medical advice for any disease One of important things about good farming that most of us to learn is to avoid waste We pay taxes on land that we do not farm we only half cultivate our fields and bo waste both land and labor we have a large percentage of the crop in the field we waste time and capital raising inferior animals wo waste money in buying what we should raise ourselves we waste energy in trying to do more than any one man can do right we waste opportunities to improve our condi tions by staying away from institutes and by neglecting to read papers we waste in a thousand and one ways and then we are ready to say that farming dont pay Our syrups are made from the pure fruit juice and are unexcelled J Y film Manufacturing Chemist Druggist w Sciatica Cure for sale FOR- The Flower Garden The Vegetable Garden and The Farm Money to Loan At Six per cent on Firstclass Farm Security by David for taking Affidavits- Heal Es- ateAgent Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Licensee Etc Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance Companies Queen of London I Oil and Liverpool Gore Mutual also CHS Montreal IBM also for Life Association To- rjttto Old Office Corner of Main into teg and fitrccta New market SALE vr Main Cement kept In stock NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments arid Head Stones Call Before Elsewhere For the Bra Protection vs Jccippoclty For many years I have been a strong supporter of a National I be lieved it was necessary for the building up of our country At this time Great Britain Is beginning to take a greater interest in the trade with her Colonies and it has been for a long time clear to my fad that if she would give her Colonies preferential trade for their products they could In return admits here on a free trade basis so far as possible consistently with raising necessary revenue If a system were established our agricultural population would I believe soon be doubled That the wealth of a nation depends on its exports is a well known axiom By protection Canada may retain but will not add to her wealth because the moment manufacturer produce more than the home market can consume and to extend their trade they would have to reduce the cost of production to enable them to compete with produced in countries where labor is cheaper which only he done by a reduction in the amount paid as watts which at the present timeis not practicable protection only our population to the extent of the own market the Agricultural tq home industries it would certainly- pay us to sacrifice eomefeW of bur if England gave as at least twottifWK of our population would benefit by the better for what they produced and the whole of by cheaper Then of our from their natural advantages would find that a Revenue tariff and cam age rates were quite protection the increased business caused by the rapid Battling up of our unoccupied would more than compensate them and the country for any The country would find that business these factories maintained in a healthy state would employ more than all factories at the present do and what would be still better would be no bur- den to the people and the Nation at large would glory in strength and trade A Col P Alberta NWT Who tin if come Tott your may k i for filfcuJ of two IjivgijUous Paper is now being used for un derground The material is cellulose paper soaked in asphalt The pipes are said to bo impermeable to water and air capable of resisting pressure not subject to the ordinary causes of deterioration not affected by the action of currents Paper collars ate used for joints June HO Wm E a farmer of the con cession of Morsea about four miles from this place was struck and in stantly killed by lightning about six oclock Tuesday night Mr was holding a hoe over his shoulder when the lightning struek him run ning down his body and tearing his shoes all to pieces Deceased was fortythree years of age and leaves a widow and three small children Have You of These Palpitation Fluttering of the Heart Shortness of Breath Smothering Spells Swelling of Ankles Night mare Spells of Hunger- and Exhaus tion These are most pronounced symptoms of Heart Disease Dr Cure for the Heart will give re lief inside of minutes and will ef fect a speedy in most stubborn cases Its vegetable its liquid its harmless its wonderful Hold by Wilmot E Lehman iiontleys Pharmacy Newmarket The nail factory is being rushed to its fullest capacity and can not fill orders fast enough Addition al machinery will be put in at once Walter of Kwang Tung China and Miss Emma Ellen of Port Dalhoueie were married at Denver Col Doth had been students at Stanford University California Pile fluiay Ointment stands at the head as a reliever healer and sure cure for Piles in all forms One plication will give comfort in a few minutes and three to six appli cation according to directions will cure chronic cases It relieves all itching and burning skin diseases in a day cents Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket im- Calvin of has issued a writ against Thomas William son for damages for conspiracy and Blander The recent tropical tornado and hailstorm in Essex county did so much damage that Parliament will be asked to grant a vote for the suffering farmers Mr Thomas an aged respected resident of the Junction dropped dead Thursday evening while talking to exMayor Pears He was the father of Dr Gilmour warden of the Central Prison and fatherinlaw of Mayor Tie was of age and July The distribution of medals to the colonial troops today by Prince of Wales at Buckingham Palace was one of the most successful functions of the Jubi lee There was a large gathering of spectator to witness the event anil terrace Was gay with ladies and uniforms The troops wore la three sides of a square facing and were inspected by the Prince who was accompanied by Lord Roberts and and their staffs on foot The men then marched past in single file each man as he reached the Prince and Princess halting and facing their Royal Highnesses The medal was presented the recipient saluted turned to the right and marched ahead When the last man had re ceived his souvenir the Prince raising his hat called upon the line for three cheers for Her Majesty which were never given with greater heartiness The troops then formed in fours and to the music of the bands of the Gren adier Guards and the Westminister Volunteers the fifes and drums of the Coldstream Guards and the pipers of the Scots Guards they marched proudly of the palace yard the on lookers cheering enthusiastically On the streets the enthusiasm was redoubled and a roar of cheering greet ed the colonials at every turn During the forenoon Right Hon fos Chamberlain introduced Sir Wil frid and Lady to the Princess of Wales The medals which are of silver for officers and bronze for the men bear on one side the Queens portrait and on the other In commemoration of the Sixtieth Year of the Reign of Vic toria The inscription is surrounded with a wreath surmounted by a crown mnh mi AT Next Post Office bathing William Mlddleton got be yond his depth and began to struggle when Johnnie Armstrong went his rescue He too dropped into a hole and both boys went down before their companions could do anything for them Mr and Mrs Swan who live next door to Mrs Armstrong vent over to render assistance and about midnight Mrs Swan who was in very poor health went home leav ing her husband at Mr Armstrongs Mr Swan arrived home about six oclock In the morning and found his wife dead in bed It is supposed the shock she received the night was too much for her flf PUT IT OFF la a bad to follow He evil effects are particularly the matter of education Many a business today regrets the time he put off the opportunity to get better education The Central Business College TORONTO CURE BILIOUSNESS LIVER TROUBLES At- The Isaac Usher Is open to new members at any time It offers excellent for practical train ing la Business methods and Accounting Its Shorthand and Typewriting Department is Present session continues flT to July for August again Sept let Get Enter now Address SHAW Principal and guaranteed ti ho quite tonal to any of the Portland Cements for nil sorts of farm structures such as bankbarn walls stable silos hog pens bridge arch culverts cisterns etc This Cement Is sold at about onehalf the price of the Portland Personal Instruction given free of charge and all work warranted For further Information Fifteen of the River canneries have been sold to an Eng lish syndicate The fact that the mail on the Wabash train wrecked near St Louis was robbed after the smashup leads to the belief that the robbers caused the wreck Hundreds of letters were rifled Serious riots among the Mus sulmans occurred at Calcutta lie- sides the main mob scattered gangs of rioters paraded the streets hooting and stoning the Europeans several of whom were injured Finally the authorities were compelled to call out the troops Our Lenses ere True and will give you Comfort They help to Preserve the Bight Spectacle in Gold Silver GoldFilled New Assortment of Electro Plate Knives Forks Spoone Ac to hand at Low Prices A Call Solicited Mouth Organs and Violin Strings General Agent Bel haven A line of first and Shingles Lath etc always on hand at price j This Is the time Of year that your children are their new suits Bnddri4frd Why not thorn to Art have pictures You will never regret It and always cherish wllU pride Many a woman herself now that she did not have her children taken Cabinet Causes fully half the In tbo it retains food too long In the bowels and produce torpid IcdJ- bad taste coated and all Its thoroughly by I Hood Co Jewell Aula vnu with JEWELERS Nowmarkfit SO Years Strayed from Con thelBthof Sara red H elf era part Jersey two are old one of which la a ouo fed steer year logs to Q recovery Will be Oak P for Que Her and Diamond nAipi latent reign and full account of Victoria Jubilee latest and pictures Contains the endorsed or Her fajeety with the authentio History or Her remarkable reign and full account of the Jubilee Only book Tremendous Bonanza for agents Commission per cent Duty Write for out territory DOMINION COMPANY 00m Chicago Mw l manufacture and sell the Cheapest and Meet Pumps on market I put GaU vanlxcd or Wooden to work up to W feet I also put In FORCE PUMPS CISTERN TANKS made Cheap ft torn Pumps up dono Cheap all of repaired on notice Any person any work of kind done and It will at tended to you will by I have largo on JOHN BENNETT 1 Sutter our eh aft ftrbuiitT faJK pert tevorywhtfiv CO LTD Toronto r

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