j j 1 A f THE NEW ERA FRIDAY JULY a fltobkToklng Moddook fiommor Goods Auction A Co Estate J Voters Lie A J Pumps John Wrap Lost Card A to EVKR UP I HUT GROWS WITH The io all at FRIDAY JULY A cablegram from London on indicates that with yesterdays functions last of the Jubilee celebrations Majesty has most probably made her last state public appearance is pretty high official authority for tho rumor that or span of life may bo loft Majesty sho will confine herself to work for State as can bo done at Windsor Bal moral or Osborne Other official func tions says suoh as drawing- rooms coremonies hospitals and tho like which bring tho face to face with people will horc- bo relegated to and Princess of Wales The Queen thinks has dono enough after sixty years of unreserved devotion and to her lifework for the people of to win for her wellde served rest by allowing tho burdon of responsibility as far as sho may legiti mately fall on shoulders of those who must bear that responsibility when she away It was no doubt a knowledge of this that lent so pathetic an interost in tho proceedings Queens visit to Kensing ton At St Marys and St Abbotts an address from inhabitants of her birthplace was presented Six hun dred children assembled on a platform and hailed her arrival by flinging the National Anthem and in Her Ma jestys reply to the Townaddress sho said I gladly renew my associations with a place which as the scene of my birth and summons to throne has ever held and with me flolemn and tender recollections By way of addingto the tender affections of the people and respect to Her Royal Majesty aorosB the gates of Kensing ton Palace was a banner on which was inscribed Home Sweot Home The sight of this banner is said to deeply affected Her Majesty tore wio manifest Monday when bo Announced in Ho owned no in of at pre a this wee a drive moat who fit present lending In It was further Intimated that ho had not spoken to Hone and other of ho as to neat traitors present par liamentary cession They happy family now Tub following paragraph from Toronto Telegram shows broadminded of of North York in of Commons It says l Mr did a graceful and thing ho moved Bit Richard Cart to order tho and men of tho Permanent Corps hook to Toronto In order that might pay a last tribute of re spect to deceased and Dr For although politico should havo no part In matters military it was well understood that Dr to Coneorvatlvo aide tho last ion ho contested North York with was not acceptable to party at proacnt In Indeed It was than hinted that doctors head was to fall Into tho and In advance for tbo position ho filled as medical to Permanent Corps But fortunately Mr was potty part Izanahlp and would not that a should bo al though strong was brought to bear upon him And this coarse was not only bat as Independently of politics Or Strange had many friends of truo Liberal stamp who would have boon shocked and affronted if the doctors had the dismissal of a man who professionally socially and personally was a man among men With to same matter the Vai says appears to be a misunderstand ing regarding presence Corps from Niagara at the funeral of Dr Strange last Monday It was done wo understand by Mr torGeneral as a token of respect to his old political opponent and was thoroughly appreciated by all military of different shades of politlos Oar BOTES A from Quebec states that Lady Aberdeen sailed on the It Labrador on Saturday for England The Prince Edward Islanders have now got the election The Legislative of the Island has been dissolved and a general election tabesplace on the of July It is announced that Mr J A exdeputy reeve ot York Township is a candidate tor the vacanoy In Division No the County Council occasioned by the death of the late Walter J Dull Political Interference with the of the Montreal jail has led to suoh demora lization that it Is now alleged that the prisoners who escaped on Saturday were aided by some of the guards This is if v t A cablegram dated London Jane Bays Sir Wilfrid Laurler la overran with invitations to dinners banquets and garden parties and to address political and in dustrial meetings For want of time and through physical Inability he has been compelled to decline most of them Tub World replies to the Mails shot the Orange Order by stating that the latter will have all it can do to square it- I self with the Order without seeking to at- others for the Grand Lodge The World adds If the the Hail had been carried out separate schools would now be In existence in Manitoba and the principles of and equal rights to all would have been grossly vio lated Another of paying your money and taking your choice In the Senate last Monday Mr Mills established that the of that Chamber to institute enquiry Into the affairs of the County was but the motion was carried When again meets however It Is quite possible the Commons will tain the towards making Canadas noble Senators mere directly re- sponsible to the people A change not only la the mode appointing or selecting but also in defining the functions a live issue the reform comes we make no Toronto June City papers state that a legal firm aoting for David WJIght of Whitchurch has issued a writ to recover damages from Albert a farmer Scar- for the seduction of hie daughter A scheme is on foot to construct a public park on the block in front of the new Court House from Queen to Richmond iinhe buildings now standing on this property ae poor structures It is proposed to call it the Victoria Square action of the v from was dismissed for want proeeontion on Saturday A- big defalcation was discovered last week when John Gibson secretary- treasurer of the OKeefe Brewing Co was arrested on a of embezzlement Report has it that ha has made away with about To the speoiflo far made he has pleaded not guilty In the police court and elected to be tried by jury Printers in Johnson employ went out on strike last Friday Mr Alex who formerly resided at Newmarket is chairman of the reception committee of the Highlanders Islington team The Mayor Is chairman ot the general committee The GhbSt article on The Senate Plot is a It roasts exPremier Bowel for acting the tool of Tapper Hag- Foster and the other nest of trait ors of days gone by The County Judge has at last given judgment in the suit of Webster v Lennox for whiob was tried last November Herbert Lennox of Aurora sighed a draft of accommodation for a friend to liquidate a claim held by A Webster the ticket agent It was sworn that Mr Webster subsequently negotiated with bis debtor for a note to replace Lennoxs draft The note was made but Webster did not carry out the arrangement He subsequently sued Lennox but the judge held that the substitute arrangement let Lennox out and gave judgment against Mr Webster On Saturday Sheriff will draw the jurors to at the September Sessions The York County Commissioners met at the Court House on Tuesday and opened tenders for the construction of a new bridge at York Mills The for the piling was let to Company Toronto and that for the earthworks was let to B of York Mills PERSONAL PLEASANTLY Mrs Alex Millard of Toronto fa visit ing at Mr la laid up with abscess on his neck Mr Gardner Jr and wife of are hero on a visit Mr Lcpard and wife Toronto spout Dominion Day at Mr Miss E Morton loft town this week to spend tho Summer Jaoksons Point Mr Will and family of Youngs- town is on a visit with hie Mr Byron Oliver professor of music at Academy Ohio is homo for vacation Timet Mr Frank Lloyd of is guest Of his undo Mr Harrison Doputy Hunter and wife and also Mr and wife spont Sunday at Mrs Tottenham Mr and Mrs and son Toronto visiting at parents and Mrs Pearson Mr Bowes and of Now York Miss Ough and Mies Myrtle Ough of Aurora Dominion Day at Mr Mr Reuben Phillips of Sharon Is an other of Ho drilling for days In cavalry at Rich mond Hill The following from Toronto spent Do minion Day Messrs McQuillan also Morrow sister of Mrs By a paper wo that Dr Large has been appointed on the medi cal staff at Toronto Hospital The Dr is the youngest son of Rev Mr Large formerly at King and we congratulate our young friend Mrs Morton loft on Monday for to spend a couple of months was accompanied by her Mr who has been visiting in this neighborhood for the past six months He was one of the first settlers in that part of the country and Is doing well Alderman Cody and wife and also Mr Lehman attended the Friends Yearly Meeting In week A of more than usual Interest Is reported Ton ministers were present in- representatives from Palestine England and the States Tho meeting Is to be held at Wellington year World Rev Mr Belfry hie farewell in tho Meth odist Church on Sunday evening Mr Belfry has our best wishes for bis future success and it energy and ability ciuiit for anything in this world he is sure to attain honor and respect wherever he may be placed The Toronto of Tuesday says Rev Joseph new Broadway Tabernacle pastor was welcomed last night by the congregation Addropses were de livered by Rev Dr Griffin Rev Dr Barrett Meikle Rev Hunter Salmon J Denton N Caswell Hudson and Denton Since last weeks Issue we learn that In addition to Mrs Hewitt and Mr Joseph Millard the following citizens ot Newmar ket were here when Queen was crowned years ago and have been con tinuous residents ever since Messrs Ed mund Henry Richardson John Mosler Alex Caldwell Timothy Mrs and Mrs Potter Among those who passed the recent final medical examinations in Toronto was Mr W J Wesley of Newmarket brother of the Dr In the six examinations his course he never missed a subject He re ceived the degree of from Toronto University taking honors 75 in seven subjects The Era adds Its congratulations and predicts a brilliant future We under stand that he located at Sutton Rev J Gardner and wife of Honey- wood are spending a couple of weeks in Town It is our pleasure to congratulate another Newmarket boy on receiving Uni versity honors he having passed his re cent exam at Victoria College for A On account of III health he has been grant ed three months leave of absence and be Intends to spend most of his time rusti cating in Muskoka We trust that his fur lough may prove all that can be desired and that he will be able to return to his work fall of life and vigor I We take stock in ten davs and previous to doing so we will Cut Prices to the quick on every line of goods Every department will contribute to the Bargain Lists and a little money will do wonders here during this Big Cut- Price in i a yards of Print at 4c 5c and Hundreds of Blouses onethird less than regular Piles of DressGoods at and worth 50c Big Hosiery and Corset Bargains Wonderful Hat Bargains all kinds Wonderful Crockery Bargains at 5 75 00 c Every one of these will sell like sugar One Lot Mens Suits sizes 38 40 worth 8 all sizes Very Fine Suits all sizes Big Cut in Boys Suits Mens Good Tweed Pants special sale price Ladies Fine Oxford Shoes regular 1 at One Lot all sizes Ladies Fine Dongola Kid Button Boots good value at 2 for 125 A Big Lot Mens Fine Dongola Gaiters regular 2 at It will pay you to visit this store this week Put To The Test THE MOST CONVINCING AND ABSOLUTE That Dr Williams Pink Cure When Other Medicines Fail What They Have Done for Others They Will Do for No remedy of modern times has offered more or stronger proof of its sterling merit than has Dr Williams Pink Pills The cures are not those of people in foreign lands but from all parts of our own country and the statements made are easily verified by everyone in the vicinity in which the cures reported occur When proof as this is offered doubt must cease and the medicine must be awarded the palm of superiority over all others Every mail brings letters result will not disappoint you public are cautioned against numerous pink colored imitations Insist upon taking nothing but the packages which bear the full trade mark Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People SUTTON Early in the morning of the ult the streets of our village were seen to have an unusual stir and excitement all seeming to wend their way toward one fixed point of interest But there few even those who were as a rule ignorant of ordinary events who were heard to ask the reason of such for it was generally known throughout out our village and the surrounding country that in the Presbyterian church that morning at seven oclock Miss Edith daughter of Mrs Mann lw I of this place was to be solemnly unit- grateful people in ail of jn to William Law of It is reported that Al Bucken- berger will protest the eight games that the won from the Syracuse Stars on the ground that there are some men on the Toronto team that have been farmed out by Washington Toronto SHARON treatment he before be lied to abdicate bis from the combination of col Miss Eva Thorpe is home for vaca tion t Miss Lena Kavanagh spent Sunday with Miss Clara LUndy of Second St Mrs At Home on Monday with a few lady friends from Aurora When the weddingbolls rang here last week somebody ran out to see where the fire was Mr returned home with his week We all congratulate and wish happy couple a pros perous life Mrs- endeavored to get off a moving train at the wheels which out feet The naval review at Spithead last week was a splendid exhibition of power on the sea Pembroke carried the bvlaw to grant the bonus to the Pem broke Southern Railway The estimate of Chicagos popu lation by the publishers of city directory is 1828000 an increase of over last year Kansas J 25 The worst hailstorm known in the history of Kansas this last night Hailstones weighing to sixteen ounces stripped trees of their fol iage smashed window pane includ ing the finest plate glass store fronts cut down telegraph and telephone wires riddled awnings and inflicted unprecedented damage throughout the Dogs were struck in the streets and instantly killed and horses wore knooked to their When the fury of the storm had passed dead birds were found everywhere Fre quent and terrific lightning accom panied slorm looks like a that has withstood an artillery siege There are not a dozen build ings in the town that arc not almost and many roofs wore caved in roofs of street cars also wore pierced Canada who have cured by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills some times after years of illness and after other medicines had failed and it is the words of gratitude spoken by sufferers thus restored to health that has created the enormous demand this medioine The following letter is but a fair sample of hundreds con stantly being received The Dr Williams Medicine Co Sins I have great pleasure in bearing testimony to the medical value of Dr Williams Pink Pills as a blood purifier and health restorer For ten years I was a victim to a complica tion of troubles beginning with sey and followed by rheumatism and bronchitis My physioians told me the trouble had become chronic and that every winter I would either have to house myself up or go to a warmer climate Two years ago I was con fined to my bed and room from Febru ary until May under the doctors care One day while reading of the cures wrought by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills I determined to try them and I found a at last in this splen did medicine I used a dozen boxes of the pills and I have never been better in my life than I am now and I have not been troubled in any way with my old complaints since I discontinued the use of the Pink PUIr As I al ready stated I was a sufferer for years and during that period spent a small fortune in doctors and drugs only to find in the end that Dr marriage by the Rev Fraser Pas tor of the church For fully a half hour before the ap pointed hour one could see a contin ual train of friends pouring in at the entrance of the church so great that when the time for the ceremony ap- scarcely a vacant spot could e found throughout the entire build ing a thing which particularly attest ed to the couples extreme popularity The interior of the churoh presented a most beautiful appearance the equal of which is seldom witnessed at a ceremony of the kind The whole interior portion of the church was a boulevard of the most beauti ful plants many of which were at the height of their bloom they having been placed there by the many friends of the bride As the hour approached all tongues became stilled and silence reigned and at the approach and entrance of the principals the Wedding Bells March was rendered by Miss Florence Hagerman The bride en tered leaning upon the arm of her brother Thomas Mann by whom she was given away Her appearance was most beautiful she being attired in Cream Henrietta and carrying in her hand a large boquet of flowers of varied and delicate hue Next to the escort was Jas and pre- ceeding the bride was the brides maid Miss Maud Evans who bo looked charming in pale green muslin and lace The groom who was Williams Pink Pills accomplished assisted by his cousin NN what all other medicines failed to do When my friends who know how often I was laid aside with illness asked me what cured me I am always happy to say Dr Williams Pink Pills Yours gratefully Mrs J A McKim Cataraqui Mr and Mrs McCim are among the best known and most esteemed reel were looked after upon the opposite side of the by Stanley Every- thing passed off pleasantly and after ceremony was performed a was held at the home of bride where a goodly number assembled Things having been got in readiness the happy couple amid a shower of rice accompanied by five other vehi cles left for Roachs Point passing dents of Mr MoKim through and Keswick on has been a travelling salesman for tho way At the wharf amid another pianos and organs in the district in still greater shower of rice they took he resides for upwards of the boat for Lefrby intending to make twentyfive years extended trip in the South They What stronger proof than the above were accompanied from the shore by can be had for claim that Dr the waving of hats and handkerchiefs limns Pink Pills cure when all other was a sign from those present medicines fail If you ailing that best wishes of their many this great medicine a fair trail and friends go with thorn Leading and Mouse If you want Just call and see our prices If you want a Good Set of in which there is no deception and will last a life time call on ftad Embalming A Nigh calls attended to at residence Street wife of Mr Hulsc of a CniDLEYAttho Christian Parsonage New- Tho St Newmarket J Pollock X Thompson Rector John to Hall too late John Henry Evans of Montreal Christian Parsons by Elder Hughes of Tomb Goo June infant daughter of Mr A Morton June alter a Doyle Mount Albert Juno Holland Landing on the Joseph Johnson aged yours and St J ft Main St North Newmarket 1ST All Orders will end Prompt Attention I 9 I