Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Apr 1897, p. 8

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THE ERA FRIDAY APRIL 23 V During the Year 89 For ill or apply IEVR BROS Ito 53 WHAT LIABLE RESPONDENTS FIND WORTHY TO RECORD lati wet SHARON Wo have not heard of many taffy pulls in our midst Mr Crake treated his gentleman friends to one and at the hour of leaving they must have hud a good time Mr Abb Wilson has been im proving his by the addition of shutters Wo glad to hear that our is improving Our roads are somewhat wet but young ladies that their host luddies do not mind mud STOUFFVILLI2 Mr Isaiah Johnston of King at tended funeral of his mother-in- law Mrs Miller of Glasgow Miss Laura Lemon entertained choir Thursday evening of last week The feature of the evening was the pulling of maple while singing cornet solos and games of all kinds were indulged in HEAD OFFICE TORONTO raid up Capital Reserved Fund Total Assets nearly 00 A of Bank la at BRADFORD Where arc received of and up and current niton We of Discounting Farmers Notes And Rale Notes at LOWEST- RATES mm It is poor economy to buy cheap Tea and use twice as much arid riot get half as much satisfaction as from a good one made nt the Toll whereby with Die Sunk PASS THROUGH FREE For further information apply to john Hind ford For the convenience of parties living in and with tula by which they con transact their himlncFfl after the p in train excepted For Coughs Colds Bron chitis Sore throat etc VM7BOH A CO Too late Jot lost MOUNT pleased to hear that Mr Stiles arrived safe in Butte City Mont While Mr Glover was driving cattle to Sutton one day last week one brute became unmanageable anil made a bee line for bush where it remained the rest of the day The next day lei or men tried to capture it but after running it through every farm for a radius of five miles they gave up the chase In the evening some persons saw the animal struggling among the ice in the Black River ropes wore secured and the bovine hauled ashore The next day Mr Glover look it home in a waggon A young man who lives on the con and a grey horse and cart had the misfortune to have a runaway one Sunday evening not long ago with disastrous results that it necessi tated the purchase of a new pair of pants The robes were found by an elderly gentleman who recognized them and returned them to the own Rev Sturgeon ad a largo and attentive congre on subject How shall wo escaojywe neglect salvation not be held in this church next Sunday on account of tho ad ministration of the Lords Supper at Mr was a guest at Mr Glovers last Sunday Three cars of live stock were ship ped from here last week Mr Geo Micks has taken posses sion of the lately occupied by Mr Bteno When on innocent men jailed by he pre fern lo come out way lie went in He may break J nil and be caught and put hack again Hed rather have the door un locked and walk out and stay out A sick men in a prisoner In the jail of disease he has Rom In by door of or neglect or Irregular living and he must unlock this name door by careful sensible habit- if he to be a free well man again dyspepsia and or constipa tion is way he got Into disease he ha to overcome just those troubles before he can get out The majority of diseases begin with some trouble of the digestive organs or of the liver which prevents the of proper nourishment lo the system The lies remedy for these troubles is Dr Pierces Medical Discovery because it gives the digestive and blood making organs power to assimilate food and transform it into pure nourishing blood vitalized with an abundance of red corpuscles It acta directly upon the liver and gives capacity to filler all bilious impurities out of the circulation It builds up solid muscular and healthy nerve force In obstinate constipation the should be used In conjunction with Dr Pleasant Pellets the most nat ural and thoroughly scientific laxative ever devised The Pellets 1 regulate and in vigorate the stomach liver and bowels One is a gentle laxative two act as a My wife had Buffered for seven with dys pepsia sick mid writes Mr Co we tried doctors and kinds of but all we re of no avail six bottles of your Medical which together with iht Pellets has entirely my wifes health and we cannot say enough lo thanks to you these valuabte ed lei SUTTON CAA J Teeth While You Walt For a more convenient season may get in such a condition as to be al most beyond repair Dont put it off Just as soon as your teeth need at tention have them attended to When you have them attended to come here Why Because here you find the most expert operators and the most modern methods painstaking and A GALLOWAY Dentist Cor Queen Sts Toronto IB The English Church parsonage undergoing extensive repairs A number of Sutton Youths ex pected to depart for flat Portage in a few days Miss Woodland is suffering from a severe sprain of an ankle the result of a defective sidewalk Owing to breaking of the flume at the mill and supply of electric oil being exhausted lights went out early last evening Herald JACKSONS POINT Prop Manufacturer end Wholesale Dealer In PINE HARDWOOD AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES Post Office SUTTON WEST BRADFORD Miss Lizzie Matthews and Miss Winnie Belfry of Newmarket spent Wednesday in town Mr William Baker has been ap pointed fisheries inspector on the Holland river from the bridge to the mouth He threatens to inform on all whom ho finds breaking the law whether they bo friend or foe The ladies of the Womans Auxi liary of the Methodist Church enter tained the ladies of the W P of the Presbyterian Church on Mon day evening After tea a public meet ing was held in the church when Mrs McKay Alliston addressed the meeting Proprietor leave to inform the Public that he now oh band for at yards Jacksons Point about One Million of Lumber Consisting of Hemlock Pine and very low Also of 91 00 per Cord Person contemplating Building should before purchasing elsewhere MCDONALD Box or At AURORA On Thursday of last week Rutherford was thrown out of his rig from visiting a patient in the Township of Whitchurch and was confined to his bed until Thurs day He is now able to be out again On Monday evening as Mr and John Wallace of Whitrose were returning from their horse became frightened at some who are camped on sideroad south of this place and upset their carraige throwing both Mr and Mrs Wallace out fortunately neither of them were injured We omitted to mention that the singing under the management of Mr A of Newmarket closed on Wednesday evening of last week Nearly all of the members of the dags were present and man in which they went through their sight singing exercises was evidence of the thoroughness of their teaching Mr sang a solo for the amusement of the and was heartily encored A peculiar accident happened on Sunday afternoon at tho bridge over the tannery creek on Street south A gentleman and two ladiea were driving up street with a span of ponies attached to a Gladstone and in the bridge the hack seat gave way and the lady occupying it was thrown out The youug man driving did not notice the accident and drove considerable distance up street before he noticed the lady and seat were gone Fortunately the lady was not injured by the sudden spill On Thursday evening of last week the cellar of the Wellington Hotel at the station was broken into and a quantity of goods stolen The gained admittance to the cellar by prying open outside cellar door Some articles stolen off Mr Bices clothes line the same night in fact the parties appeared to have spent part of the night in Mr Bices barn and attempted to get some honey out of the in the yard but did not succeed Evidently there gang of sneak thieves in town who will sooner or late find themselves behind the prison A sneakthief entered the cellar of Mrs J Wood on Wednesday night of last week and stole about a dozen jars of fruit Great preparations are being made for the spring fair next Thurs day the If the weather favorable there is no doubt that the attendance will be large The residence of Mr and Mrs George was the scene of a event on Tuesday the 18th the occasion being the marriage of their eldest daughter Grade to Mr A Lewis of Print ing Co Toronto The knot was suc cessfully tied by Rev Williams rector of St Mary Magdalene Church R They had just arrived in Brooklyn from the Island They walked across great bridge As they approached tho New York side they stretched their necks and viewed the massive build ings Oh he must be rich ven tured Who The man who owns alt those building One man doesnt own them all Oh yes ho does she assured him How do you know he asked Because she said his name on them I guess thats so he agreed he looked up at a Castoria must be pretty rich The U supreme court declares the printed contract at the head of telegraphic message blank providing that company is not liable for unreported messages in valid This ie an important ruling and a one IS as Mr ft ft is a good one and sure to please In Lead Packages only- or cts per lb From Leading Grocers Everywhere I Can a man eat enough to show any appreciable difference in weight immediately after a meal This is a disputed question Many experiments have been made of this prob lem without satisfactory results The latest was atWilliamstown Mass a short time ago where two young men after weighing themselves carefully sat down to a meal that had been as carefully weighed out to them One succeeded in stowing away beneath his vest three and onehalf pounds of provender while the other stopped at- the two pound mark Again weighed but not a notch further than before did either advance This ques tion is a puzzler What becomes of tho food one eats Is it held in sus pension in such manner that it cannot bo weighed Is there a loss of vital force in the act of eating correspond ing with the amount swallowed It is hoped some scientist may soon satisfactorily explain this matter TRUNK RAILWAY We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price If you want any kind ot Printing done see what work and terms you can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro verbial DIVISION TIKE a ill P I day is Dangerous Serious results often follow the first neglect of even a slight injury What to J- put on the wound and how to do it is told in the little booklet accompanying every pot of the great ready k It is quick and it is sure and safe a perfect antiseptic soothing and healing in effect easy in its application With pots come cotton and lint With and pots come also dental pickups for applying to aching teeth All druggists sell it or write direct to THE QU1CKCUOE COMPANY Ltd A a Do you think of IS j V a a a a a v- Hi a CO 3 CD w i to J n j i Ci J li in TWO TOWN LOSS On old oolcn Factory For Sale on Terms Apply to JACKSOK Ileal Estate Agent Brick IN For Sale Cheap or would Exchange lor Farm Property Newmarket THIS SUMMER If you do write in NEWMARKET ONT Ana get prices of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows AND ALL IATEST Artistic Effects r in Inside Woodwork Largest in Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc ftcwtwwc We and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co tiMITEO NEWMARKET ONT THE BEST nil Blood from a common Plmplo to worst ficrotalom Sore from lot St on March fl llg white Bow Information to recovery will bo suitably rewarded- 1 at J FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS THECOOKS BEST FRIEND SALE IN CANADA PRIVATE SCHOO English French and Music Accommodation for Pupils TERMS MODERATE Ave of SO KSJ iR Con of woitcnuicn house cistern and Apply to Apply CLAYTON Newmarket P foe The house and lot and six lots in a bit market on Second either separately or apply to Mrs J the late J Collins In the Town of May be purchase tether For ins at her borne PUR FLAGRANT THEPEnrCT TEA MONSOON I TEA J M0H800HTEA packed of the advertised and by them as a temple of the best of Indian and Ceylon Teas that reason they that none but the very leaves go loto Monsoon That Monsoon the perfect Tea be sold at the same price as inferior tea It is put up in sealed caddies of 1 lb fi lbs ana sold three flavours at STEEL CO From St Toronto- YEARS MARKOi AO- sending a sketch and description rosy quickly ascertain free whether an Cocoroonlcations In America We hare a office Patents taken through Much Co special in the 80IEHTIFI0 AMERICAN CO Wow York Town All Kinds on and on Cor Main Ontario Newmarket Wanted Ari Idea I some lag to I J

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