Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Apr 1897, p. 2

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I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL Co A Pointer A Churns Co Property for C Wanted House if She HUT WITH EACH The is Pointed all FRIDAY APRIL Lam wcok of Center mot in convention at and Mr A Thompson of ah their for next electron Riding fa now represented by Mr Liberal At the for Nova for Mr liberal been returned at general election before last wont Conservative over proces sion of viotorica for Laurior and hie right along On Inst the of in nominated Mr Duncan the party Provincial The now by Mr leader in Conservatives purpose A can didate in field and the Patrons will likely Mr this will a triangular fight next election with doubtful results A Provincial took place in Nova Scotia on Tuesday last and so weeping was the of the Liberate that lie Connor vativee only elected four members out of thirtyeight Nearly all constituencies represented by Conserv atives in tho Commons returned Liberals The result almost paralyzed Sir Charles upper and Hon Mr Foster who had in hopes of capturing Local House way of helping ilieir party at Ottawa It is now common talk that Can adian Company of which Opposition made suob a fluster in the aa having made an offer for mineral lands similar to the grant and refused was a sort of put up job to place Ontario Govern ment in a offer atill before tho Government but up the present no decision ha been simple reason the company has pot furnished evidence bona fides by the money Hon Mr Hardy appears have properly estimated scheme Tint of this weaken political is the a Worlds Montreal special that Hon John gan a former Sir Mackenzie and Sir Charles Toppers Cabinets and recognized leader of the Irish Catholics in Liberal Conservative is preparing to throw In his lot with the Government abandoning forever the Conservative party The cor- respondent goes on to say Those who know or pretend to know whereof they apeak declare that a speech from Hon Mr before the end of the present session will place the exTory Minister squarely within the Liberal fold that the converts support will not only be ex tended to the general policy of the Lander Government but to their Manitoba school as well Down Montreal politicians say that Mr is the biggest fish that ever swam into the Oat Toronto in tho history of Toronto was each a display of Easter Lilies as daring the present Eastertide Chancellor and Mrs have re turned from a holiday trip Mexico The old woman hipped back to this city last week from Newmarket is known to Presbyterians all over this Mrs MacLeod the wandering woman formerly lived in County bat of late years has from place to She the and Is a native of West Highlands of Scotland a A largely attended mooting of retail merchants was hold in Forum Hall last Thursday evening to organize against de partmental stores A is being passed around for of Mrs Day recently committed for shoplifting sympathy for and other is of a on jus- tied Lot guilty take their medicine The entries at Kioto Show not numerous to take near all tho These shows are out of date for hotelmen People who travel Metropolitan from Hill to Toronto ore won dering tho now cars long pro mised will bo brought into requisition If the Companys managor had to stand all way to Toronto a few times por week ho would got a on An abortion is all talk about days in which a city policeman and a city doctor the Welsh of the Now York Reservation baa positively refused to let Henry Warren of this walk a across Niagara gorge on and of July Welsh wont allow bio bo fastened on Amor Joan aide Tho Landsdown Ave railway is to before Railway Committee of the Privy Council at Ottawa tomorrow Hon Thos Premier of Mani teba was In Ho left for Ottawa yesterday Clubs annual show opened yesterday There about en tries including Mr Geo fox terrier for which ho paid Ann Day got throe months at for shoplifting Mr A Jury ia in Toronto next week from his western trip and will leave for England about May makers at T out on this week on account of a cut in wages Mr Matter P leaves today or Europe and will be away till next fall Oaf Ghbt gives a pointer aa to the coming poHoy of the Government respect ing tbo pulp industry That an export duty will be imposed on pulp timber is quite within the of probability a policy would be a surprise to the tariff man in tha States but it will no doubt result In transfer of manufactories from American to Canadian territory It is said the American supply of pulp wood will be ex hausted in five years There are palp paper mills in operation which are averaging and this is a low average twen ty tons per day This is tons of pulp per day used or tone a year At per ton this an outlay of year for pulp alone Cal culating the labor employed at 100 hands in each mill this Is in all and at a month for each man employed wages amounting to a month are paid or year It baa dfotde to bold annua militia training this year in June AH put in their yfcr must put it in before June It thought the will begin on June The force to be reduced from to men The camp Is not to be an idle tbjs so Gem Heretofore regulations have been plentiful but no enforcement Here after regulations means business The new rules calls for men between and years of age feet in in for cavalry and in for Infantry with measurement of 83 inches The men be physically no symp toms tf rheumatism or not even listfooted Medical examination will be taken before leaving for camp and after reaching it If any are found to phyaically they will be tent homo the of the of the Co or companies will be wiped out so to actual force to men of boy a wont do hereafter POINTS Pleasantly Terry Good Friday at Barrio Mr J spent Good Friday city Mr Arthur Wilkin of Toronto was in Town on Tuesday Mr Geo spending a week at Mra Cameron of spent at Mr Lehmaoa Mrs Jas Nelson spent the in Toronto Mary Lloyd of Buffalo home for a couple of weeks Engineer Warren spending a week with relatives at Berlin Mr Robert Randall left for on Good Friday morning Mr and C Cane were At Home on Monday evening It J Davison is spending a few days in the week Bolton of Toronto Easter with her grandfather Miss of Toronto was visiting her slater over Easter Mr Matthews of spent Easter with parents There a juvenile party at Mr on Tuesday evening- Mr Ed of Stayner spent Good Friday with friends in Town Hawthorne Esq from Montreal spent Good Friday at Mrs Hewitts Miss from Toronto is visiting her mother and aunt Mrs Marshall was At Home to her many friends on Tuesday evening Jackson entertained her class at The Bowery on Tuesday evening The Misses Rodeo of Toronto spent the holidays with the Montgomery families Mr and I M and Mr and Lloyd Easter in Toronto J of Toronto waa visiting at Mr Thos Gardners over Good Friday A party of young people were enter tained at Mr J A on Monday evening Master Walter Jackson entertained a number of young friends on Wednesday evening Mrs John Armttage of Toronto spent at Mr Silas Armitages St Inspector Barker made an offi cial visit here last week and found every- thing Mr Edward Thompson of Toronto spent a few days last week at Mr A Thompsons is visiting Etta who Is Spending her vaca tion at home Mrs Ferguson and Miss Ferguson of Toronto were guests at Major Lloyds on Good Friday of Milton made brother J a a last weak or eight young men from Now market Good Friday at Orchard Beach to anew location Mr and Mrs McKay a number of last Saturday with progressive Miss of Toronto was guest Mies Millard at The during the Easter holidays Miss Ethel Hill little Eva of To ronto Junction are spending the Easter at Mr J Belfrys Miss of Barrio daughter of Mr Wilson spont Easter at Mr Misd tho Newmarket Model attended the Provincial Teachers Convention In Toronto this week Messrs Boll and Stopheus of Toronto wheeled up from the on Good Friday guests of Mr Morrison Mr Edgar of tho at Kingston and Mr A A of at were homo for Eaater Mr and Mrs Lloyd of Mr and Ed of Woodstock and Mrs J Gardner of spent at Mr Visitors at Methodist Parsonage on Good Friday Dr and tin of Toronto Mr and Edmundeon of Bradford At the A Convention in Toronto on Good Friday Mr H Lennox of Aurora within four votes of presidency Mr Craig of Fergus won honor Fox was taken sick at Town Hall on Tuesday evening and started for home but only got as far as Royal where she was taken in for temporary re lief and became ill that was not able to be removed since Mr Caldwell wife and child of New York accompanied by Morrison of Toronto apent Monday with hie father Mr Alex Caldwell who has been confined to hie bod for over a year at the homo of his avenue A letter from Man dated April says Some farmers will start seeding this week on plowed ground been bad and weather too cold for a spring trade We are paying for butter eggs went down Saturday from to loo Fork and front quarters of beef are 8450 per hind quarters from Mr J Johnson one of our former writce I have been from home much of my time of late looking after my interests near Junction some 14 miles north of here It likely to an interesting point for thia part of the country moving along nicely Our and light ia nearing completion A number of now buildings in of among which is a line Methodist j Church Spring has been very pleasant giving us lots of maple syrup The lake a open and the will soon run Vi v This Store leads and outdoes all competitors in best qualities low prices and best assortments Just now every department is crowded with New Goods which have been bought for cash in the cheapest markets in the world There is nothing old or outofdate here and no Goods that we cannot truthfully guarantee 50c pair 1 25 ARRETS AND CURTAIN Lace Curtains per pair I and Special Lace Curtains yds long and 40 in wide taped all around worth at White or Cream Nottingham Lace Curtains yds long 5 feet wide worth 175 at Good Union Carpet yard wide new patterns special Extra Heavy Union Carpet yard wide new patterns special 39 Best Union Carpet yard wide same patterns as shown in dollar Carpets special price Good Brussels Carpet Canadian at per yard wire Tapestry beautiful worth 1 special at Curtain Poles and Windows hades at lowest prices A visit to our Curtain and Carpet Room will pay you and please us MUMS AND BOYS SUITS AND Always consider quality as well as price in buying clothing Many stores talk prices only while quality is entirely forgotten Remember a poor garment is not a bargain at anv price THESE ARE SPECIAL Mens good Canadian tweed Suits strong sateen linings good patterns a Suit well worth 550 we sell them this week at Mens very neat allwool tweed Suits dark patterns well made perfect fitting goods with farmer satin linings worth 750 special Mens clay worsted Suits a special line tailormade fit for best wear would you to order special price Our own tailormade Black Suits made from best black Venetian and Worsted lined with best farmers satin Pants to match or striped if you prefer them cutaway or Sack Coat this line would cost you to order 1950 we have all sizes at purchase of Boys Suits will be ready for you on Saturday Mens Soft Hats very wide rim worth special Mens Fedora Hats new shape Mens best wool Fedoras regular Mens Fine Fur Felt Hats Specials also in Dress Goods Gloves Boots Shoes i at 2 5o 50 if 00 75 THEN O meeting on Monday evening All members present Following bills passed J keep of women tick- for woman to Toronto cedar Smith Express A services re Electric Light ing John opening ditches David Millard work on street Todd inspecting Market Scales Pay Sheet re Light 160 do Donne coat for Electric Lighting The bills of John for detective ser vice were referred to the Finance Com mittee The Road and Bridge Com reported that instead of the Town trespassing on the property of Mrs Meyer corner of Main and Timothy street they find that tbo fence is trespassing on the roadway to the extent of inches and clerk was to notify the ftgent of Mrs Meyer to that effect The Property Com reported that Tenders had been received for building the new addition at the Water Works and the Hose Reel House on prospect Ave and asked for time to consider the same Leave granted The Committee appointed to confer the Society with reference to the use of the Fair Grounds presented the draft of an agreement which was con- by clause Agreement con- Armed and Clark instructed to forward a copy to the Secretary of the Agricultural Society The Clerk laid on the table audited accounts for which was referred to the Finance Com The Mayor reported that the Executive met representatives from the of King Township at the Counoil Chamber last Saturday and after discussing the question of Town Line maintenance it was considered advisable to meet on the road in May next and if possible Mr Campbell the Provincial Road to be present on the occasion the data to be arranged by the Mayor of Newmarket A to regulate fire limits storage of coal oil gunpowder etc passed two readings The account of for straps re fire referred to Com was passed The earn of was passed in of Mr Marsh for use of fields la road was blocked with snow and thaOlerk to East corporation with onethird of the amount DeputyReeve an agree ment be made between the corporation and Mr and the Fire and Com are to attend to it The Mayor suggested the Idea of offering a reward for the in Newmarket to Hop if possible- this of work that if wore offered for current expense in cases of burglary It would bo of service On motion the Council guaranteed incurred by- any one constable and assistant called In to in vestigate any robbery taking place in Town The Chief reminded that the ByLaw is in force and is being violated by riding on sidewalk on Main and also riding without a bell Council adjourned at till next Mon day 5 PASTURE FIELDS To lot for thojjeason From quarter of an acre to In size JOSEPH MILLARD Newmarket HAS THE Leading Furniture and Undertaking House If you want Just call and see our prices If you want a Good Set of Parlor Furniture in which- there is no deception and will last a life time call on Newmarket T TOWN STOCK OF Mens Strong Working Boots only Ladies Extra Fine Oxford 1 We cannot begin to mention the many excellent lines of all but invite you to Call and see for yourselves that our Goods are No and Prices the Lowest SIGN RED BOOT IFF 1 Embalming A SPECIALTY attended to at residence The In King on April of of fl bod The At Toronto on the Arab by M all A I to daughter of Latimer button of The Tomb DAVI Turner At on Monday April Alice Alberta wife of J In bcr year Hopper On the of Whitchurch on George Hopper aged ycara North on of April 1897 Frances Mary wife of Johnston of Newmarket and gay The funeral will place on Friday wth tbe Moot at residence of John welcomed by all lot in Con of North in bury at a in funeral sermon at Mount Albert about oneooiock and interment at Presbyterian Our Japan Tea at giving splendid satisfaction in flavor strength and value In Ceylon and Assam at and wo find ft constantly increasing demand Our Package Teas are the choicest in the markets the Ludella at and the Monsoon at the most delusions of all package Teas Pungent and Fragrant We solicit an early trial of these goods The drift in England towards Cemetery At on the Samuel aged to years Native of Tyrone Ireland Interred at Queens Cemetery on April FROM El A- 303 A fifteen weeks may bo pi ably spent at Furniture HQEflfiia wo Central Business TORONTO Plenty of to aoqutre a yood practical knowledge of nooVkccping and othtr com time to get up Stenography and for a good Main St North Alt will receive Careful and Prompt Attention position A special class from July Mb to July for Get particulars Address SHAW end spec Public Notice la hereby given that I forbid- jy person person outs any person paying any account duo mo to any or my fatally Dated at Newmarket this day of April Blacksmith POR SALE

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