Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Apr 1897, p. 4

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l K- v ii THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL ft- With Hoods Seles Talk and that ban enjoyed and patronage to a greater extent than accord ed any other proprietary This simply because it possesses and produces greater cures than guy other It la not what wo say but what Hoods that All of Hoods like Hoods honest the public and with Ha superlative medicinal merit la why people abiding conUdonco in and buy i Sarsaparilla Almost to the of all others Try Prepared only by 1 Hoo Co Lowell Mass ntti are only pills to take with Hoods I to i i prof Best Advertising Medium County Trail slow 1verltBe- per Nonpareil line for Insertion MO mo HMO moo Advertisement unaccompanied with writ ten Instructions Inserted Willi forbid and charged accordingly AtivcrllHcmcntawillbo changed each month desired For changes month tho composition must ho paid for regular rates Changes for contract advertisements must ho in by noon on Low Kates for Notices Farms to Kent Articles tot mid Found etc Heading Notices among local news nor line for- each insertion No such Notice in serted loss Church advertising at regular rates APRIL 1897 the reduction amounts to leas than formerly There arc a few items of expendi ture of special interest worth noticing For instance is naked for the erection of a statue to Her Majesty also for a statu to Hon Alex Mackenzie both to be erected in the grounds of parliament building at Ottawa Jesus op a essay in refutation of cer tain olaimsof socalled higher and forms a toncent of sorios of editor of Boston Mass The mining town of BC has just hold its first municipal Mr Scott formorly of Gait to Mayoralty by votes to for hie opponent showing of so largo a of British subjeots oyer 21 years of ago is regarded as a very favorable one for a town whore bush two years ago of has to many requests to publish a collection of his in book form It is row in press at the Methodist Room To ronto and will appoar this month It is Lion and tho Lilies If wo right Dr father was one of prominent business men at Holland Landing in palmy I Dominion Estimates Judging from the estimates submit ted to parliament for the year 180798 tho of departments in the Fed eral Government must the with vigorous hands As over seventeen a quarter of dollars are required for charges and or very nearly onehalf of tti total expenditure for the year which really belongs to uncontrollable liabilities the country will be able some conception of the economy effected when it is learned that the total Globe to remark Wo say that man who says or insinuates that of Globt on is or or in- Canadian Railway or having dealings with Railway is a liar a elan- Mr of ap pears to bounced by Globe A in the press gallery at On- Assembly makes the observation that Mr Whitney loader of Opposition thinks he is on wrong aide and adds There to bo fiomothing wrong with that appears to bo comfortable in it If anybody disputes remark we refer in Mr Martor who had a years ex perience Ann now word comes from Montreal that return of Dr tho newly elected member for is to be protested Intimidation at Piles Genevieve da and St Tile on pari of and the corruption of the other parts of the con of money and said to be grounds of April number of Canadian Home ycurnait Toronto reminds us that Easter is at hand interesting ohaptera devoted to the latest styles in Easter bon nets and all profusely illustrated a pretty page poetry Faith Fen ton about Countess notes on boohs and work and household doings or Canadian women reports na tional Council by Countess of among contents amended game protection fath ered by Hon Mr Gibson makes no changes of a radical provision of old aot prohibiting transportation or possession of wild deer or raw skin or venison during close is ox- to head of prohibition of hunting taking or kill ing of wild prairie fowl English or Mongolian pheasants beaver and otter is further extended to season during which snipo woodcock or partridge no matter whore or pro cured may not bo exposed or kept for solo or barter is further to A few days ago lion Senator Ferguson intimated that it was his intention to op pose bill in the ami thus if ppBBlblo prevent the Federal interfered with Local Legislatures If tho Hon and big Conservative colleagues in Upper endeavor to thwart the peoples wishes by direct action in opposition to popular branch of Parliament ho will only hasten days when Chamber of which ho is a distinguished ornament as one of its back vill bo waltzed out of existence the country saved the thousands of dollars per annum which its continuance on sufforanco now costs Tim County Council of passed following resolution for Premier Har dy That in the opinion of this method of electing members to County Council under now order of things might with advantage bo by dividing each two wards and one representative from giving each man one votoonly ft wont troublo Premier very People like to veto for and certain control over all tho men who do their public municipal business support of Prohibitionists bo withdrawn from the Govern ment that has deceived thorn with Sir Olivers advisedly drawn plodge says Templar It would jumping out of fryingpan into the If Hardy wore it would mean of a Whitney Govern ment on the right of Mr Speaker and where would tho Prohibitionists bo with a Government of who bad no to offer tomperanco people and who were so afraid of cle ment that dare not propose a amendment along lino Prohibitionists desire is less than the Meatjrnatcs prepared the financier paragraph from the Tile- gram may be taken to mean one of two viz tho wonderful ability of Town ship Councils or want of it in the Legis lature- It says It is fortunate that the Ontario Legislature have an imposing building in which to hold their sessions Otherwise a stranger judging by the ability of that assembly might that he had strayed into a Township Council meeting Was Dying TUB OK AN ATTACK OF LA AND Case of Mr James Owen of Doctors Told Him His Lungs Wore Affected and He Could Not Now in Good Health From the Gazette When a man faces what medical authorities tell him is certain death and regains health and strength ho is naturally grateful to the medicine that has restored him Such man is Mr James Owen one of the best known farmers in vicinity of Que Mr Owen tells his story of shat tered and renewed strength as follows On the of December 1 was attacked with la grippe A week later the trouble developed in to pneumonia in its worst form and I did not leave my bed until the first of Match and then I was so weak that I was unable to walk alone All winter my life in the bal ance Summer came und I was still weak and feeble though with the warm weather I gained a little strength I had however but very Tub Matt Btates that there is a good of satisfaction in reflection that there is a substantial Conservative majori ty in tho ficnate and this same Con servative majority no doubt experience a good deal of in reflecting that do not to appeal to a Canadian constituency for election in or der to retain their seats in the Senate Chambor reminds of the fact that poreons given to drowsiness always glad to sea Senator Ferguson get up to make a Not that there is anything specially brilliant or interesting in his orations but they are sure not to bo dis turbed if happen to fall asleep by any outburst of applause Ik the final passage of amended License Act the preventing dreg from selling in quantities than six ounces and only then on a medical certificate was further amended by pro viding that if the druggist happens to bo a practicing physician ho shall not be allow ed to the certificate for the sale of liquor except where- there is no other medi cal practitioner in municipality An other change provides that hotelkeepers may sell to minors when the is authorized in writing by parents or guar dians- The lav was also made on Justices of the Peace to notify Commissioners of conviction made under the act Magistrates should make a note of this who held the portfolio of Minister of Pittance in the and upper Ad- ministrations The Premier has sweeping the out of his department and very considerable reduction hi NorthWest Mounted Police The estimates are 000 as compared with in The pay for the force will be instead of the cost of subsistence as compared clothing and stores instead of The total reduction is The Minister of Public Works pro- Eposes to expend on public works less than voted on the late Governments estimates last year The salary hill of Mi department since the Liberals into from to Turning to the PostmasterGenerals department we find Hon Mr expenditure shows an estimated for 18978 of It is pretty evident that he- too hag been lopping off decaying branches that Sir couldnt see The Minister of Justice too Sir Oliver Mowat has been Using a sharp knife The cost of Do- minion penitentiaries he proposes re- from to Our readers will probably that a royal commission at cost of leakages Tut the Kingston Penitentiary As a result of the investigation the Minis- of Justice proposes a decrease of less a sum than and at St Vincent Paul The chief red uotions are on the cost of in- and maintenance of convicts The item of for tobacco is cut off altogether In the department of Marino and Hon Mr Davids keeps up the procession in the way of reductions total amount asked for the main- his department a reduction from the iwitimato of his predecessors in of Ho all along the line until the re ductions in the total estimates as stated amount to A stop has also been put to the lavish expenditure On stationery in the House so that on this one alone on the that certain of Conservative have already given evidence of their determina tion to prove obstructive during the pres ent session Toronto Star takes occa sion to remark that the Senate is mors or less a fifth on the coach of state in this country and If the vehicle begins to be to pull fifth wheel is very likely to come off and dump a very fancy collection of old gentlemen into the ditch little power in my legs and I could not ride a mile in a buggy owing to tho pain they caused me My lungs A Valley Canal deputation wait ed on the Ottawa Government the other day and urged the completion of the canal at the earliest period possible Mr also troubled me and I tola them the work would be completed as deal of matter I the rapidly as the finances would allow The tickled deputation all over by remarking If the Govern ment in a hole as to he would be pleased to advance all that was needed to complete the work at per cent We quite agree with a city paper when it states that In the national gathering on the occasion the Diamond Jubilee over in London next June Canada must take no second place in the splendor of her representation It is proposed to send a regiment of volunteers from various parts of the Dominion as the Pre miers body guard Star thinks that every man should be a nativeborn splendid physique a finestalwart type of a man of not less than five feet nine inches tall all clothed alike in a smart grey uniform with a buff belt and having the national emblem a beaver and a maple loaf worked on the shoulder Let the country pay the bill and this sug gestion will do A recently waited upon the Ontario Government interested in Marie and Hudson Bay Railway to urge for a substantial bonne in of the pro Speaking for the deputation Mr Blake pointed out the importance of the line lie said It ran from Lake Miwanoblo a point on the Canadian Pa- Railway directly north Marie about miles east of Heron Bay to Factory on the side the Moose River- The advantages which he claimed for over others have been proposed were that It is the shortest the least expensive it runs through valley of Moose river An independent company Mr Bloke which was working in harmony with this company had been formed to develop tho whale cod audjothor products of Hudson Bay The Government promised consideration best doctors we have in this section of the province He told me candidly that I was past medical help He said that ray left lung was in a state of collapse and that my right lung was also affected This was in July 1895 For the next three months every day seemed to draw me nearer and nearer the end was so pressed for breath at times that I could not walk any distance without stopping to regain it In the month of November I began to take Williams Pink Pills It was certainly a forlorn hope and I admit did not expect benefit from them but took them rather to please a friend who urged to do so I believe I was sur prised when I found they were helping roe for I thought I was beyond the aid of medicine but help me they did and I gladly continued their use The result is they have made a well man of me I have not a pain about me my breath comes as freely as it ever did and I am strong and vigorous My case can be briefly summed up in a few words Dr Williams Pink Pills have given me a new lease of life and I am glad to let everybody know it Williams Pink Pills create now blood build up the nerves and thus drive disease from the system In hundreds of oases they have cured after all other medicines had failed thus establishing the claim that they a marvel among the triumphs medical science The genuine Sink- Pills are sold onlv in boxes bear ing the full trade mark Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Palo People Protect yourself from imposition by refusing any pill that does not bear registered trade mark around box debate on the address in Senate Hon Mr Mills made several strong points Coming to the tariff he said that it would be strange if the did not consider existing interests j In advocating freo trade the Government was not pledged to removal of customs duties Then environment had to be con The Government could not over look the manner in which other countries intended to deal with Canada It might even be wise to adopt a policy resulting in a loss in order to change the policy of a neighboring country fact that the Government was alive to these considerations only showed its wisdom It was possible he to extend oar trade with Great Britain in such a manner to convince the mother country that we were not only a part but intended remaining a part of the empire Does Modern College Education Edu cate in the Broadest and Most Liberal Sense of Term is one of the most important inquiries that could be net on foot This discussion which is to be taken part in by President Oilman of the Johns Hopkins President wight of Yale dent of Cornell President Mor ton of Stevens Institute Henry Thurs ton Peck of Columbia Bishop Potter and others of the most distinguished men of both the United States and Europe is he- raised a great I gun in the April Cosmopolitan by a radical consulted the inquiry into the Educational problem along the lined of Herbert Spencer President will follow in a direction almost equally searching Altogether there is promised the frankest possible expression of opinion and it seems probable that it will be the moat thorough comparison ever made of educational methods with the needs of everyday life at the close of the nineteenth century Harold Wood aged about years son of Mr Wood near Deer- hurst P was severely kicked in the face by a horse on Monday and rend ered unconscious We understand his nose was broken and other injuries inflicted He had been to the bush for a load of wood and in getting on or off the load stepping on the at the same time placing his hand on the animals back This caused the horse to kick viciously with above result Blood Pure it Then take and it Then lake and make so One fact is positively established and that is that will purify the blood more perfectly more economi cally and than any other remedy in the mar ket There ore fifty years of cures behind this suUvnieut a record no other remedy show You waste time and money when you to purify the I dont believe there ever was good a as They will do all you recom mend them for and even more When I have a cold and ache from head to heels a dose or two of these pills is all the medicine needed to act fight For headache good pill good coat The pill two purposes it protects the pill and it to palate Borne are too heavy they wont dissolve and the pills they cover through the system harmless as a bread pellet Other are too light and permit the speedy deterioration of the pill After years exposure Sugar Coated Pills have been found as as if laboratory Its a good pill a good coat Ask your druggist for Ayers Cathartic Pills testimonial will be found in full in with a hundred others Free Address J C Co Lowell Mass The Finest lot of ReadyMade Suits made for the Best City Trade which we are Offering at Half Price It will pay you to Examine these Goods See our Stock of NEWMARKET K DEPOT our AND Central Telephone Office N In Time yet Pure Blood by using No other remedy possesses such per fect cleansing healin and purifying properties as Blood Bitters It not only cleanses internally but it heals when applied externally all ulcers abscesses scrofulous sores blotches eruptions etc leaving the skin clean and pure as a Taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the restoring the stomach bowels and blood to healthy action At Buenos an immense amount of damage has been caused by tlie explosion of a cart load of fire works A whole block was destroyed before the flames were under control Ten persons lost their lives through the explosion or during the conflagra tion Ayers it lies The Flower Garden The Vegetable Garden and The Farm mi Sellable AT PHARMACY Next Post Office Seed Oats for Bale A quantity of Banner at per two pure Jersey Bulla fit for service Lot on Con Whitchurch Newmarket P On or about the of October from lot No on the 3rd Con of Worth TWO person knowing or please receive toward MV of Idea I no for their J d list two FOR SALE Main

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