Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Apr 1897, p. 1

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I v V NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Give the liberty to know to utter ami to freely according to conscience all other liberty No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance Vol No Single Copies Cents Each J r Newmarket Ont Friday April 9 Terms 125 per annum 100 if paid in advance j jji ii IN aj iSJtSAAf There are some Goods that give fair satisfaction and others good satisfaction There still others of special merit which may be said to give Lively Satis faction To this class belongs the celebrated Water and Weather Proof Brand Those who once use it become quick admirers and tell others and it is largely due to this the quick and large demand that has sprung up in one short year Give it a trial for or inside use Hardware Stoves Tinware Paints Oils and Glass LEGAL Farm security Barrister Notary 30d00 to Loan Barrister- Solicitor etc Solicitor for Township of Division Court Newmar ket Ontario p Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer etc Lute with Loud Marsh Cameron Barristers Toronto Estates carefully managed and collections promptly made Money to loon at lowest rates Office Block Main St Newmarket Banlater Reformer Block Money to Loan Assignee and Commissioner MEDICAL R If and AT Aberdeen A Toronto Ont Member Association Member University Council Aberdeen DENTAL Main Styeet Newmarket Office to am to p to pm and Office At Pharmacy Honns8 to a in and to pm Night calls at Street two doors of GVJtatt A I Block opposite Muthodist VitmiEra Air for Guaranteed C J Bcaident Dentist Aurora to Br Office and Br Robinsons late residence Street Aurora Pearson Over Br Newmarket Every Friday and Saturday Gold and Porcelain Crown and Bridge Work Irregularities corrected Appointments may be made at the Drug Store Toronto Street AUCTIONEERS CD Auctioneer lor York Co Farm and Chattel Sales will receive special attention IKJ Main St or Box Newmarket PO a Auctioneer for tlie Co of York sold on commission Terms reason able Farm Sales attended to a trial solicited Street Newmarket Continued from hist week Speech Hon Davis on the Tender System This question of buying by tender not a now but an question and I want to coneidoration of lor a moment to of a Government which held power bore a good many years ago on this very My lion friends opposite very often l bat if this Government wore aa good Hon John Macdonalda Govern would bo very fault to with it I will quote something from Hon John Govern ment and their notion and tho they pursued with reference to this very matter which is under discussion I am not hero to say that John Government was a bad one In some apeot think were very good I think in point of economy were very good I think there were some great prin ciples which they attempted to violate and which them to lose office a viola tion majority of the people of this province did not approve What Aid they do in connection with the question of tenders I find that in 1869 and that Government asked for tenders for arti cles including coal wood butter butchers meat fish general groceries general dry boots and shoes crockery glassware and cutlery farm produce ice atone to Fiftyeight articles were pur- chased by tender called for by advertise ment and I have copies of the here But we find that in an other year of this same government that that tender list alter the experience of the years was reduced to article- coal wood flour butchers meat and butter Those were all and the only art- they asked tenders for Now I will give you for the change of policy of that administration as given by Mr Inspector of the Public Institutions at that evidence is to he found it report of the Public Accounts Com mittee of several years ago He says When I was appointed nearly all the supplies wore got by public tender goods and groceries were largely ob tained by public tender as well us fuel flour batter and perishable supplies The practice prevailed that tenders would be that is prior to the change was made in for Toronto Asylum and intonding offerers were required to send in samples of all they tendered for both in respect to groceries such as tea and and staple dry goods That system involved the keeping oh hand of gome articles by wholesale dealers because goods were only delivered as called for it involved keeping on hand some lines of tea or coffee as the sample called for It must be obvious that that was a difficult thing to do consequence was that after ob serving the working of that system I strong ly recommended the Government of the day to change the system as far as the purchase of dry goods and groceries was concerned and to buy these to the best ad vantage in the open market in the same way as a merchant with cash at his dis posal would make It deem to mo absurd to for tenders and to bring in samples as if a man wanting worth of goods came into the city put up at the Walker House and asked merchants to bring their samples to him instead of going to the warehouses and buying it In conversation with Mr Sand- field on the subject he at instructed me to in the open market That was the of change in regard to groceries and dry goods Formerly at for Disease of Women Chelsea Hospital London fin Bland for Disoasca of Women of Hospital for Kick Toronto Central Pharmacy to m and tin Riitf Newmarket Office of the late Dr era first door South of Post If P Ontario Homo for JVIiss Davison Who has received her tuition from tho Best Local Teachers and also from of Toronto Conservatory of Music is desirous of procuring Pupils for Piano and Organ Residence Niagara fit Newmarket A SINGING AND VIOLIN TEACHER SPECIALIST FOR ALL VOICE DEFECTS TESTED NEWMARKET eon at the Toronto and Homo Sue Incurables At Keswick LIVERY Opposite Fire Hall Main of House Main Street Vox tho Finest Turnout In Town No other oil and no other medicine has ever been dis covered which can take the place of Codliver Oil in all conditions New remedies come live their little day and but Cod liver Oil remains the rock on which all hope for recovery rest When it is scien tifically prepared as in Scotts Emulsion it checks the pro gress of the disease the con gestion the process of healing begins There is the whole truth Book about it free corr This principle which has been laid down to purchase by tencter where advisable and in the open market where goods can to the best advantage in that way is confirmed by men of ripe experi ence and judgment It was confirmed by the pursued by other public bodies A great many members of this House have been members municipal councils and some of them have had long experience in such matters and I ask them to consider from their experience of the of peoples money isit not true white large public works were built by contract after tenders were asked for a consider able sum of money every year in any spent by making the beat that could be made in the market for the work that was to be done That was my experience for a number of years while in that particular of work both in township and county and I believe I am stating what lias boon experience of gentle man who has been a member of these bodies Why did they follow that prac tice They did it just as the Government does in case because it paid their in stitutions Take school boards who have to deal money they do it for the same reason They purohaea the large articles which can bo to advan tage in way by tender and then they smaller articles in the open and in doing they act in the best interests of those who place them in posi tions of responsibility This has been the experience of similar institutions to ours in other parts of Canada They have tried to tender much the of this province did many years asking Wnders for all articles and found it was ft failure and they have come to the and arc acting upon con clusion as result of experience that they will buy the articles ha bought best by tender in that way and in no way My friend from West York Mr John referred us to the Penitentiary at Kingston and made statements which I am euro he would not hay mode had ho been familiar with the facts of the case which was shown last year when we had Warden of that institution here when he waft brought here to information to show that system of purchasing at Kingston was superior to the system of purohftfling in this province It was found on his own evidence that they did not pur chase nearly all their supplies by public tender that a considerable proportion were bought in open and more was shown which I will refer to a little later on and that when they purchase by tender they did not purchase as cheaply the same of goods as we purchase in the open market 8o that it is not correct to that any public institution that I know of or of which I can get any statisticsand I have matte considerable efforts in the last few weeks to get statistics purchase all their articles by public tender They pur chase those that can be to advantage pur chased in that way and the rest they ob tain on the open market A moments consideration will show that business men adopt the same course They buy in the open market when they find that they can buy better than by public tender got statistics the other day from one of the deaf and dumb institutions in the State of New York and among other information was this that they did not buy a dollars worth of gooda by public tender All are purebred in the open market would imagine that they could purchase some of their supplies to batter advantage if they obtained them by public tender but it shows what other institutions are doing along these lines If we assume that the system a right and god system and believe that the evidence produced will show that the sys tem pursued is proper system the ex perience of competent to judge un animously show that the system adopted here proper system in the light of the evidence no one will Jidpote that this system is the best system The question which is a one to How is it being worked out how is it administer ed The gentleman recommend to us an inferior system a system that he himself cannot be carried out How does our present system work out so far as the administration concerned I pro pose to give what I think the House and country will consider sufficient evidence to show that not only is the system a proper system but that it has worked out advan tageously and in best interests of the province The people have a perfect right to know whether their money is being spent properly whether good value is be ing obtained and this Government has no right to the of the people of the province unless they are able to show that thay have made every effort along that line We are not afraid of investigation or to have a question of kind brought up because the more comparison there is with other institutions and other Governments the more it will show that better value is being obtained for the money spent on our institutions than anywhere else it seems to me that there are several classes of evidence which might he produc ed show whether this is so or nut One class would be the result of Public Ac counts Committee investigation and gentlemen opposite sometimes make mis leading atstements as my friend did in moving the resolution telling us that a bulk paid- to a certain man and no detail whatever of that I think all will agree with me that no bulk sum shown by the public accounts as having been paid to any mat for anything has ever been asked for before that committee but that documents were brought down exactly in detail how every dollar of that money was spent There ia full opportunity to get information with re spect to any and one of these particu lar accounts and I appeal to the records of the Accounts Committee to show that this system is administered well the interests of the province We find on the very last of the Public Accounts Committees Report last the question asked whether every that had bean called for by every member of that committee had been pro duced before that committee and the re ply that every one had been brought down with the exception of one asked for by my friend the Hon member for Mr Haycock and he understands thoroughly why it was not brought down A return was asked for in the Hones for information and he agreed that it should not be brought down This shows that every opportunity given to investi gate these accounts There has been investigation year after year and I ask the what has been shown as a result of all that investigation that would go to show that the system carried on and in operation in this Province for the purchase of be I sub mit that the sworn of soma of the best and moat capable man In this and is on record tin prices paid by the public institution low and reasonable prices In many wore even lower than the wholesale prices It is true there were some oc casionally an hero and there which seemed to indicate that a larger price was paid and there is nothing to with reference to that There is once in a while an item like that for instance an item of That item attracted the of committee for days In each of the institutions a small quantity of that article is used and it appeared that J j coot more per lb paid for it some institutions than by others We it all up foaad that if j a cent per lb had been paid more all around it would not have amounted to more than or a year laughter That is no reason why it should paid but there wan a reason for it Some of the institutions are further away from the centre of the difference freight was all the way from a cent per lb ami that made a considerable difference in the cost Mr Kerns Did the Government pay the freight Mr Davis The freight from the first point of distribution to the wholesale point where it was purchased by some the in stitutions was very much more than to others We all know in business that so On the whole the record of the public accounts itself will show tbat value had been obtained fur the money ex pended for articles on open mat- bet Now I want to give a comparison There some articles purchased in the open market here that were purchased ten der at Kingston Penitentiary the ob ject of the late of the Penitentiary here to show that ar ticles which dvero purchased by ten der and which purchased in the open market were bought for lees at Kingston and that it would be to the advantage of the people of this Province to purohaae by tender as well Now we have the evidence bearing on that in the report of the Public Account Committee of page 156 aod I will read you two or three items to show yon how the figures worked out At the Kingston Penitentiary they purchased by tender carriage bolts of a certain size J by J They paid cents for in open market purchased them for Another line of bolts was by them at cents which we obtained open market by this Gov ernment the same class of goods by at cents Auother line by they paid for and they were bought at by this Government in open market and toon down through a great long list covering two or three page3 we find the same thing shown With two or there ex ceptions out of a long list of perhaps or we purchased at much less in the open market than the Dominion Gov ernment were purchasing at for the King ston Penitentiary under tender Now I am sure that is pretty strong evidence that we were getting good value It either proves that conclusively or it proves in connection with other institution some thing else that I do not care to name here now Then the that goods are bought by tender I submit to the judgment of this does not show that they are well purchased That does not settle it I am not si vine anything against system of tendering where it can be used and used properly I think it is a good system but the that are purchased by ten der is not an evidence that you have bought them well History even Dominion has enlightened a good deal On that very question History records many cases where great frauds have been perpetrated Many have beard of case3 where dummy tenders were pat in and where the lowest tenderers were bought to withdraw their tenders and where tenders were put in a small amount asked for after that small amount was filled under the terms of the tender a large amount sold in addition to at a very high price I wish to give just one illustration of that showing that simply because goods are purchased by tender it is not conclusive that you have them well In the report of the Accounts Com mittee of last session page we have this information in connection with St Vincent Paul Penitentiary Certain goods were bought from a man earned This man supplied goods of the same kind at a great deal more than the tender price The attention of the Auditor General was drawn to the when the account came to him for approval He wrote fur explanations on different occa sions and finally ho got this reply In reply to the remarks of Auditor General beg to you that it is im possible to purchase material according to for the Penitentiary is for only- His are lower than the wholesale price but he has got for five times more ha is getting back da extras what he I this cask any on any or individual but simply to show one of many cases which will Into minds of people of this Dominion of which it is possible to Gov under tender The tender system as in operation in Province I be- Navels an bonsai system a system and tho tenderer gets the busmen It ihu principle upon which tenders a ashed and it is he principle which ii carried out nil the list When I say that I wit not say that there may bot be occasionally a case where when too tenders are within a very triile of amount and where one man had supplied line of goods meat to our outside in stitutions where the of employing tike Mr cannot be adopted with advantage where one man has supplied the meat and given good the ihe Super intendent of the institution knowing how difficult it to deal with tenders for and butter according to the samples pro duced at the time and the samples Called for tender we may have given the contract to the one who was not the lowest But the reasons are good and justinablo on public grounds which be satisfactory to every member of this House and to any elector Province of Ontario and it is just what we would do in our own busi ness if a simitar thing Every body admits I believe to be so I make that assertion from the the that no charges to the contrary are ever heard I believe nobody complains that tbe con tracts are not awarded honestly fairly and above board for the goods tendered for here I can give you an illustration which two or three months ago to libow there is no favor exercised in the of I happened to be a public meeting two or three months ago Among the gentlemen who addressed that meeting was Mr Campbell P of Toronto Junction a most estimable man He happened to be a Liberal if that is any fault We do not think fib some might In speaking of conduct of the public business of this Government he compared it with that of the late Government at Ottawa and spoke certain where frauds had been committed there He said this Government bad asked for tenders for floor a short time ago He baa a large mill makes good floor and is a man who could compete for contracts of that Bind He tendered for flour for tome of the inatitationa do not remember which and he Jatd he came within a barrel of the lowest tender the Lowest tenderer was a strong Conservative and he added I am a well known Liberal and the Government and everybody else know it and tbe lowest tenderer though a Conservative got the contract I an gentlemen if this not a record upon which we have reaeun to congratulate our selves is it not a record in the light of some other events- which the people of the Province have congratulate themselves that honesty airplay irrespective of politics are the guide in posing of the peoples money in maintain ing public iuatitutione Our compare favorably with those of other institutions I compared the of Kingston by tender and of this Government in the open market Now I want to compare articles purchased by tender at Kingston Penitentiary and those purchased by tender here at the Central Prison Those institutions are vf much alike they are run much in the same way as two institutions can be and the quantity of the articles re quired would be practically the earns for both institutions Let us see what the is under tender in both cases Here is butter for the Peni tentiary and Central for year 1894 Butter per lb by tender at Kingston Penitentiary cents by tender at the Central Prison cents per lb at Prison cents Flour per barrel at Kingston Penitentiary for tho Central Prison So you will see that iu those three leading items in both purchased by tender for the same year for same kind of an institution we a lower price on all of them than they have in connection with their institution AH I wish to from this is to pile op the arguments to show that we are getting for the money expended and we care not what kind of a you apply to the ajstem There is another test which it secme to me sums op all the other tests end ought to a final answer to argument it such it were that gentlemen made in moving the resolution a teat which it seems to me will bo answerable along with the others which I have made to show the lbs system in operation should not be changed i to compare coat per capita of our mutila tions with that of similar institutions else where What we do find Let the That la a different class of asylum from the other Asylums of the Province It what wo call asylum for the feeble minded There aid a number of institutions of a similar throughout United States and Old Country We have Who to the trouble to get from the very best available sources statistic showing cost of of that In other I have a here of or insti tutions but I will cases and tbe list can be examined by any one We find that year the Ontario institution had The number of employee is mother feature which I did pot to deal with UnonFth Page

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