Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1897, p. 7

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I A C leeks WHAT IB GOING ON IN ABOUT TOWN i Presbyterian Largo congregations last Sunday and the by pastor well re particular on in evening on Put off old matput on now Silk Then am peculiar and goods are just In appearance It a now drops fabric just received by A direct from Now York and cer tainly stuff waists Stone Mr Moffat has arrangements about completed for opening a book and news in promises formerly by Campbells tin shop The place is refitted and painted and will bo opened in a day a THE NEWMARK ERA i- Dont forgot that now rates for Post Office Orders won into effect yes terday No order is leaned for less than So now St In connection with the Lenten Services In Father Car berry of announced to assist at vlco morning Big advantage of poster end a notice of sale in was clearly demonstrated by sales of Messrs- J and It is estimated thai upwards of people attended former and about at the latter last India Famine Fund In Andrews Ward their this amounting in all to of amount Miss and Mies Georges Ward not heard from total subscriptions in Newmar ket now lip Parlor Social I IS of Presbyterian Church holding a fiooial at rest- Mrs Forsyth Timothy St on evening of to whioh cordially invited will bo a short program games and refreshments Proceeds for par- poses meeting last Sunday was conducted by the Templars Mr Hun ter presided ana also javo an address Mies Murray took charge of the organ Mr gave two solos lodge choir contributed two selections end Mrs Hughes gave an meet ing Sunday is in of the li ft Child Smothered Coroner Scott had a call from rfiiron Wednesday morning on account of a painful accident night respec tively 1 and years in the same bod but the oldest got up in morning it was other little one had been smothered A was called in but tlienhild dead though not cold when no arrive An inquest was not considered necessary Waterworks Quito a number of visitors have called at the WaterWorks and Electric Light Station during the past week and express ed themselves as highly pleased with the appearance of the plant and the of the premises A visitors register would surprise even our Town Fathers Engineer Warren doing some more fix ing this week he this ends it He Out This is AllFools Day and urchins have not boon slow to improve it On Thursday lost Private Bills Com- approved of tho agree ment the City Council and Street Railway Co respecting running cars to Island Tho question is to bo voted upon by people including running of Sunday cars Two boys wore aevorely burned and Factory on by the of a cauldron of varnish- One has sinoo died Lojiiulaturo drawing to a dose for session suit which Thomas Shields sought to from the city for the death of his wifo on the plea that it was duo to a defective was nonsuited by Justice Ferguson Corporation had men repairing and putting in drinking fountains in the East of tho last week W J formally in ducted pastor fit Andrews Church a ago todey dates for show over fashionable world making aaoh a splutter this year are April 20 and May I Arrangomenta are being on an and it is than like ly that the show will eclipse anything here tofore attempted jn Canada along this lino A special to the Globe from mining districts week says For first of this year ore production and exportation of West Kootbnay has exceed ed two million dollars Already preparations being for an sumrnor season on death of ex Aid on Sunday was sad news to a circle of relatives and friends Also that of Mr Daniel Mo- Lean for many years tho most prominent leather merchant in Ontario who on Saturday A Russian official is visiting the city this Ho Is Inspector of Private advices to friends in his try report that the recovery of LioutGov is doubtful without competition that it would to purchased in any other way With to the first part the resolution which involves tho principle upon which action of the Government is based regard to supplies for nil oar institutions wish to say a word or two First of all statoraont in the resolution with all to my Hoik friend is not I think a fair I The impression that would go abroad from tho wording of that resolution if wore not aware of facta to contrary would bo that no goods for Institutions by tendor and the resolution asks that all bo supplied by public tender I wish to It lo the House and to country that a very largo proportion of goods used by institutions are now by I wilt figures to show to exact amount in a minute or two Only goods which cannot bo to advantage by public tender purchased on open market Thogenornl principle laid down in purchasing for all iusti- is simply this everything that can bo bought by public is purchased in that way I am euro this a reasonable proposition that it is a fair proposition many things yon cannot purchase by public to advantage and it would bo a distinct loss to the Province to purchase in that way I people of Province will with adopted by the Government a sound prinoiplo I think as many of the members of thia House Will Bay looking back at their own experience and their own knowledge of business and busi ness transactions the principle is a proper a one to adopt Tho Hon lemon tbat all goods be by tender I wish to Bay that the Govern ment open to increase the lines of goods purchased by just as fast as experience teaches us that we can buy to better advantage by so doing There is no hard end fast rule The only rule that guides in the transaction of these business matters us to what should be by is will it pay Province to buy particular article by tender or in the market best What does Hon gentleman wish to do Does ho wish to compel the House to buy thoso things by that experience of all business men in the past saye it will be a die- advantage to buy in that way That seems to bo what the resolution means It an instruction if it wore pass ed that all used in institu tions should be purchased by tender and my Hon friend himself in his speech introducing the resolution states that it would bo impossible to purchase some of by tender laughter If he that wo should buy soma other f articles by tender why did he not specify articles by priBOn abor which thoso articles and the House to pur- for in tbodiffereutiustitu- in addition to the oods already A Friday April 2nd aturday April 3rd AND deserves great praise for the interest he in the place The Tournament- The Demonstration Committee met on Tuesday night to receive the reports of the committees It was decided to adjourn for one week to give them a little farther to complete their can- Other committees were also Kp- tiled to get up Prize List and estimate- of the amount of required of printing and other expenses also to wait on the Town to ask for a Joan of venty five do lara The committee meets on Tuesday night April at Fire Hall and all the mem bers are requested to be present Some Beautiful Last Saturday Canes Factory shipped the first car of doors op their for the inside woodwork of a magnificent residence at fit Catharines The veneering was some of the finest work turned out of factory and includes seven kinds of namely Quarter cut White Oak quarter cut Red Oak Curley quarter out Sycamore Butternut ordinary and Georgia Pine room Is trimmed differently with wood to match For in- stance main staircase and all the hall tritumiiiga are of White Oak panelled and hand carved The newel post a massive and handsome piece of work All the work is from original designs made by Mr Bun- hoy Superintendent of the Carpenter and much open his Ability The mantlepieces belong to this contract arid will be shipped later are of exquisite design and we feel confi dent that the workmanship be ex- celled in Canada The parquetry flooring contract of design will look very rich when laid The repu tation of the Wo Cane Bona Mfg Co for this claBB of work Is estab lished throughout the whole Province their work in Niagara Toronto Whitby and elsewhere is a standing advertisement Plate If you want in this line on Dr Dental parlor open everyday a I of J Davis on the Tender System In Legislature on Wednesday Mr the Opposition financial critic moved thojfollowing resolu tion after having been debated at considerable length was voted down by the handsome majority of That this is of the opinion that Tender system on purchasing Supplies for tho Public Institutions of Province and for the Stationery required for public use should bo adopted in lien of the system at present carried on Several of the Public Institutions of Province being under administration of Hon J as Secre tary it devolved upon him to deliver the principal speech in defence of the Govern ments policy in the purchase of supplies address upon that occasion was of sufficient importance to justify us in de voting space to a full report of it which our readers will peruse with interest and pleasure Mr Davis on rising was was greeted with applause by members on the Government side of the House He said Mr Speaker The resolution moved by ray Hon friend is not a new one altogether in this House We have discussed its merits on more than one occasion but I find in the resolution we are now asked to support some variations from the resolu tion of the past The last clause new and I wish to say there is a principle in- volved in this resolution a principle that I think the House and the country ought to have the fullest possible information up on and I propose realizing this principle to be important realizing that the Govern ment aro taking the proper course in the expenditure of the money of Province in connection with its institutions to lay down the principle upon which for these institutions are pur chased Before entering that and asking the House to bear with me while I give a few figures in connection with that principle and its operation I wish to say a word with reference to the last of the resolution which we are asked to support today This refers apparently to the dis tribution of stationery by the Queens Printers Department of the Government Now I wish to say this having made con siderable enquiry to what classes of goods arc required there for the distribu tion and uses of the different officers under the is that all the large lines lines in which you would require any amount of one kind of goods are purchased practically by in the open market and the result shows from the records and the in voices and the prices that are paid for those lines of goods that very lowest possible wholesale price is paid for the same Then I aay to the House and the country that there are a very large number of purchased of only a mall amount of each particular article required during year and it would bo utterly impossible it would bo in- advisable and improvident and not in the publio interest to aak for tenders for those different Hues of goods Bo I claim from the examination made that public tender is exercised and ueod in connection with that Department as far as it is possible to do it with advantage and only those are purchased in the open market purchased tender certain other articles That would lie a fair resolution and would bo a fair subject of discussion Tho House now is asked to vote that every pur- chased for these institutions should be pur- chased by tender and the Hon gentleman says this an impossibility The principle on which the Government baa of Province That I believe Hon gentlemen admit a very com mendable and a very desirable thing The Prison labor does not compete with out side labor as it would as if employed in some other ways and prisoners manufacture a large amount of goods The amount of good a Of that is for the year to which I am now acted in the purchase of supplies in the Hon gentlemen would that subject bat would circumstances Bo that disposes of an past I am free to admit is a fair subject J be purchased tender have a would simply be absurd under the for and while good theory to offer it out badly in practice It is a reasonable considerable sum of money which that the Hon gentleman and his as been expended in Ihiewajr friends on the opposite side of the House another list which we con- should ask for information and data show- impracticable to purchase by ing how this principle has worked out tender and all institutions It is a fair test and I am out the that amounts to sum pared to appeal to that teat and with of Now perhaps it would only be the resolution and that test to a fair thing to give and the House have a tho judgement of the Hon members and right to have some information as to what the judgement of the electorate of this that amount Province l for difference of as to whether some of these articles should be fc purchased by tender or not I believe with of the amount of purchased during v J u chased by tender w ie purchased the them f market what oode we submit to L w a think it would be advantage to the AiI KwTfr -V- you it is to purchase by tender House and I will show you the amount oodB S and that perhaps that might bo some question i J should be bought Province tender or then will submit some I wnstder it practicable to tender s for reasons why I think they could not be pur- these services Gas and light No chased by public tender During member of this House will consider that fiscal year Sept there was laid out for the purchase of supplies for the institutions in this Province the sum of Now that divided as follows In division No I taking all the institutions the total amount of salaries and so on which all Hon gentlemen will say cannot be pur chased by tender amounted to Then we have purchased by contract that is by tenders advertised for every one be ing given an opportunity to compete and I may say here that it refers to all leading articles that are in use in all the institutions such as flour coal wood and articles of that class which can purchased to advantage by public tend er The amount purchased in that nay amounts to 5192900 Then we have in the item No taking all institutions together the sum of paid for meat supplied by special arrangements Now those special arrangements are the arrangements which my friend to my right Mr incidentally referred Jo and which all gentlemen who are members of the Public Accounts Committee I am aure aro thoroughly acquainted with ar rangements by which Mr- Hunter buys cattle in the open market and they are butchered cut up and distributed among the leading institutions of Province adjoining this city where it is possible to carry on the purchase of meat in that way A very careful analysis of tho working out of the was by sworn evidence before the Public Ac counts Committee a year or two ago giving all the details It was admitted by not favorable to the Govern ment politically Mr Hunter thorough ly competent man for the discharge of you could arrange that by tender to advant age Water supply Mow this House know arrangement is made tbat can be made considering the conditions where these institutions are sit uated the same business men have to make Then we have renewals of furni ture etc a considerable item This would be a matter that it would be impossible to tender for to any advantage In fact in could not be done Then we have travelling expenses Schools and religious in stitutions could we arrange to tender for great advantage is given to the different institutions of the province i Then we have for postage tele graph and express the sum of Then a lot of miscellaneous wire work inspection of weights and measures etc a number of items a long list of them each one of them enumerated here making op that total list amounting to am wilting to submit that list to any prac tical men inside or outside of this House and they will say that they could not see it to their own advantage to tenders for any in list Then the total sum we have left lai which is debatable ground to wheth er they ought to be purchased by tender or not and I have taken ft little pains to look into that because an annual motion that up in this and a wrong impression has sometimes gone out in the country in reference to it and it per haps might not be a waste of time to go into it very fully so it may seen where we stand with reference to mat ter Paints oils fltijK tea sugar svrus etc salt pep per etc cheese soad etc I suppose that would in mi T FOR LADIES GENTS BOYS AND GIRLS Dayton Tempest and Favorite are the three best wheels in the market for the prices we are selling at Call and see them as a Fro HO STOCK OF Mens Strong Working Boots only 90c Ladies Extra Fine Oxford 1 We cannot begin to mention the many excellent lines of all but invite you to TOWN Call and see for yourselves that our Goods are No and Prices the Lowest SIGN RED BOOT Some went so far a to say elude sal coda and artioles of that they did not think a bettor man could be from his experience knowledge of the business and honesty and that was a man who would do what was right in the interests of the Province In the position in winch he was placed Now the result of the purchase of meat in that way was shown before that Committee on sworn tiiia evidence to have been than of meat there are These are the arliotes of which that balk of is com posed There is the analysis the last fiscal wear of expenditure all the money in connection with the public of province and I submit to the of this House whether ever tn by contract at some other one of has been referred to by my Hon from West York Mr St John who has just taken bis seat wo have another column of goods manufactured by the institutions them- solves In the Central Prison a you know there a number of articles and it has been the aim of Government bo far as possible to J of which could be purchased to advantage by tender I have tried to aome thought to that and from my I have not been able to Bee where ao article could be added to the Hot of Roods to advantage by tender If I could see would of those articles for which tenders TO BE NEXT Idea Who to to lira pis to potest brio YOU wrknBtjRN P jour JOHN DM The following have been made to A U W Lodges around vicinity during visits of Grand Organizer Mount Albert Bradford Bond Head fT tO LO0- It J Bettor CEYLON TEA At Six per cent on Farm by Tor Agent Convoyuncor of Hf2 Licensee and Gore Mutual fur Confederation Life Association To- OvriCHOid and

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