Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Apr 1897, p. 5

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i NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY- m capital HEAD president REST 9300000 TORONTO McOILL General NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED AT AM Sterling Ainwlcnn Draft bought unci add Farmers Discounted Collections promptly attended- to INSURANCE AV- Standard Life Assurance Co Establish Invested In Cum da over over years of age Insured Females Insured without extra charge HUNT District Inspector J A Local Agent Working Miraolos April Text Christ thee whole After fierce storm ot infant church to thoro camo a time when followers of Joans had peace throughout of Palestine and multi plied is no hint as to con tributing given in but fact that the Jews found throtoncd sotting up of Idol wor ship in very templo Itself through of tho Emperor Caligula that ho should bo probably accounts for tho fftot that of Jesus left to pursue thoir unmolested Again wo the church availing herself of opportunity end pressing causo of Jesus Christ everywhere who visit sick and absent scholars Rain an influence- over thorn not to bo secured in any oilier way To do good wo must bo flood Few come I to in Christ till they first in Christian Wo should go to God in earnest undertaking any important work Work for God cannot bo measured An- drow brooght one man Peter to Christ Who can moasuro how much did monument that can be erected to one of Gods faithful followers Is In loving memory of those who boon helped and mado bettor by hie life OTTO Joseph A Cody INSURANCE IN ITS and Saturdays Jfttown Cleric next to Toll Truth and Nothing but the PEOPLE ABB POSITIVE OK TUB success or BROAD What Peoplo Who by Remedies to say About Thorn Mr Thomas Morton 1 was troubled with dyspepsia and nerv ousness for twenty years I tried every thing that was advertised and consulted my doctors who did mo no good I began using Dyspepsia Cure and Curo and they have proved tho beat thing that I over used I am feeling better than I in years Rheumatism seldom fails to roliovo in one to three hours and cures in a few dye Price Dyspepsia positively cures all forms of indigestion and stomach troublo Price Cold Cure prevents pneumonia and breaks up a in a few hours Price J A Agent Tor and I J to Money to Current AtthcPoatOnice Newmarket fl fl Ramsay fire Insurance Agent Bates on Farm and Isolated Town Properly Shop Newmarket p Insurance Agent Newmarket leant MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 At toe ERA Office- Newmarket leaned private residence If desired Special Attention to Shooing Eagle Street PAINTING i House Sue- Special Attention paid to nil branches of the business viz Glazing Graining Wood Finish Paper Hanging and log Satisfaction guaranteed 2nd door North of Primary School Church Street Practical Painter and Decorator Corner Church Street Millards Mile and Geo- House Sign Carriage Painter Main MISCELLANEOUS m i Simpson Main fit Sundries and Fancy Goods miss Is prepared to do Sowing at private residency Perfect guaranteed in all the latest sent through Newmarket PO will receive prompt attention fianney Rg Architect Member of Ontario Association of Arch- Consultation Invited parlies templallng or their Losses adjusted Main St put IT Delays are dangerous You never can tell what day you may bo flick You have not had your photo taken for yean Make a note to call at Gallery the Hist day you In Newmarket and leave your shadow the substance fade reduced prices Testing Upwards of 1000 varieties of farm have been touted in the mental Department of Ontario Agricultural College within the past cloven yearn and GOO of them been grown for at least five years in succession Nearly all the Can adian sorts and several hundred new varieties imported by tho Experiment- Department m different parts of Europe Asia Africa Australia and United States havo been included in these conducted experi ments Some of new varieties have done exceptionally well and have already been distributed over Ontario through tho medium of the Experi mental Union with very gratifying results The Siberian Oats cheuri Barley Herison Bearded Spring Wheat and the Yellow Dent Mammoth Cuban Wisconsin Earliest White Dent and Salters North Dakota varieties of corn which now becoming so popular in On tario were imported by Experi mental Department and after being thoroughly tested were distributed in small quantities The present system of cooperative experimental work in agriculture was started in with plots which were situated on twelve different farms in Ontario Since that date how- over the work has increased from year to year and in there were 11124 plots which were situated on farms Interested persons in Ontario who wish to join in the work may select any one of the experiments for and inform the Director at once of the choice made All material will be furnished entirely free of charge to each applicant but he will be expect ed to the test according to the instructions sqnt with the seeds and to report the results of his test as soon as possible after harvest LIST OF 1 Testing nitrate of superphos phate muriate of potash mixture and no manure with Corn 2 Testing nitrate of muriate of potash mixture and no with Testing leading varieties of Fodder Corn Growing three for Green Fodder Growing three mixtures of grain for Green Fodder four varieties of for Hay varieties of Clovers for Hay Testing three varieties of Buckwheat Testing four varietiea of Spring Wheat 10 Testing four varieties of Barley Testing live varieties of Oats Testing four varieties of Testing three varieties of Testing live varieties of five varieties of Testing fonr varieties of Material for either No 1 or No experiment will be sent by express and for each of the others it will be forwarded by mail The supply of material being limited those who apply first will be surest of obtaining the desired outfit It might be well for each applicant to make second choice for fear the first could not be granted Address C A Agri cultural College Cough Cure coughs night sweats allays soreness and speedily heats the lungs Price Munyona Kidney Cure speedily pains in buck loins or groins and all forma of disease Price Headache stops headache in three minutes Price Pile Ointment positively all forms of piles Price Blood Care all of the blood Price 2oo Remedies are a boon to all women Asthma Remedies relieve in minutes and permanently Price Catarrh Remedies never fail Catarrh Cure price eradicates the disease from and the Catarrh Tablet a price 26o cleanae and heat the parts Mnnyona Nerve Cure is a wonderful Price VitahVer lost vigor Price A separate cure for each dieea3e At all druggists mostly a vial Personal letters to Prof and Albert St Toronto answered with free medical advice for any dleeaae deputation from Richmond Hill attended a meeting at the Parlia ment Buildings to strengthen the hands of tho Metropolitan Railway Company in their efforts to get tho bill passed through the House per mitting the Metropolitan cars to run over track of the Toronto Street Railway to the Union Station bill was defeated by to J A dispatch from Memphis soya that sorrow the desolation of the flood cannot ho or described The wealthy have heavily damaged and the poor lost their nil and today they shiver for want of suflicient clothing and feel strongly the pangs of hunger They are huddled together in temporary places of safety and arc provided with little if any food The low lands opposite Mem phis are inundated for 10 miles out The little towns of Ashport and Gold Dust arc up to the windows ill water and the houses in low places are up to the eaves On the opposite side of the river the towns are in equally as bad condition except Osceola The low islands are also flooded and many of the inhabitants have lost everything they possessed Intense Pain prom Sciatica A LITTLE PAINT will make on old farm wagon look like If you keep your faimimpSepieirts and tools well painted they twice as long as if they were never after they left the THE HERWiWlUMU PAINTS are made for A paint for houses another floors another for barns another for furniture and work A for buggies for shelves tor form tools for hath tubs suited for the intended and nothing else A paint recommended fond for everything is prob ably Rood for two article to bo painted exactly alike Upon one yon may desire vamWi surface upon another an oil finish that can be washed WE SPECIAL FLOOR PAINT la made for floors and floors only It dries quickly It is made to walk on and to stand being walked on Our booklet Paint Points tells many valuable thing about good paint and had paint how to paint and what to paint for a free copy a postal will do For booklet address Si THE CO CHICAGO Canadian ChildSaving This good work which last year aid ed some fifty needy children of our own land gives evidence of doing still more during this present year Some ten children have recently been sent out to good homes and about twenty more are now ready to placed out Among these are some beautiful little boys and girls suitable for adoption Address all correspondence to Rev Watch Brighton Ont THE MYSTIC SOUTH AMERICAN CURE CONQUERS IT IN TWO The foil wing conies from the wealthy lumberman of Merrickville Mr For a number of years I have Buffered intense pain from rheumatism and sciatica in my left hip It is doctored constantly but without re ceiving anything but temporary relief South American Rheumatic Cure was at last tried and its effect was truly magical In two days the pain was all gone and two bottles of the rem edy cured me completely I was so bad that for two years I could not lie on my left side if I got the universe for so doing At present I have not a symptom of sciatica or rheumatism and hence it is with much pleasure that I recommend this great remedy I know it will cure Bold at Pharmacy must an enterprising place This is what the World says have the worst crossings of any town or village in Canada In fact we have none at all and in wet weather have to wade through the mud ankle deep to get from one side of the street to the other SAWS AXES COW CHAINS HORSE BLANKETS GIRTHS PAINTS GLASS OILS AND PUTTY SHOT Bites POWDER SHOT AND CARTRIDGES Disease Strikes All Classes m THE ESSENTIAL MATTER IS TO BE FOR ANY EMERGENCY I It is painful to pick up the daily papers and observe how people of all classes are being stricken down with heart disease and apoplexy One day it is the farmer in the field again the laborer carrying his hod or as this week a prominent architect in Ottawa Perhaps it is not too strong a state ment that per cent of the people of Canada are with heart disease to some degree What a blessing it is then that there exists a medicine like Dr Cure for the Heart which is so quick in producing relief Instantly the patient obtains that ease that is so longed for when the heart is There is absolutely no si disease that it will not help and with few exceptions will produce a radical cure Sold at Pharmacy The Public Library has been made free A lamentable drowning accident at Kleinhurg during the fresh et last week when Reuben Hogben for twenty years head miller at grist mill lost his life He and an other man engaged in lifting the bracket- boards and when the other man turned round to secure tt crowbar deceased fell into the water and was carried over the dam in an instant A minute previous the unfortunate gentleman had remarked that If a fellow was to fall in there it would be last of him so it proved Deceased who was about fifty years of age was a much respected resident of the village He leaves a widow but no children Wright Son Prompt attention all orders Hawkins flys SAVED MY I consider it the best remedy for a debilitated system I ever used For Liver or Kidney trouble ft excels Scotts Store CURE is sold tee It cures Incipient Consumption the boat Only eta Drug Store KAPLS HOOT great Blood gives freshness and to the complexion and cures Constipation if liiiVs q If the Stomach is Not Right IB THERE NAUSEA IB THERE IS THE TOKOUE COATED ABE YOU HEADED DO YOU HAVE SICK HEADACHES AND AM OF TIIE1E DENOTE STOMACH t AND DISORDER Dr Agnews Liver Pills act quickly and will most stubborn and chronic cases No unpleasantness No griping These little pills little wonder workers and are farfamed in a vial for- 20 cents Sold at Oliver With Kidney Trouble The news has been flashed across the wires from the old country that Sir Oliver who is there seek ing medical advice is a victim of kidney disease His friends say that the case is not as alarming as the press reports have stated But there seems to be no disguising the fact that with Ontarios Premier as thousands of others kidney disease has seized the system It is laying waste the lives of our best people in all parts of the Dominion And yet those who have learned to use South American Kidney Cure are finding in it a rem edy far surpassing a sea voyage or oven the skill of Englands greatest physicians It is a kidney specific not a cureall but as a specialist in this particular it gives relief within six hours after the first dose and re newed health to all who use it Sold at Pharmacy March Mr John Moore while throwing down feed for the stock out of the mow fell to the barn striking his head on a stone His wife waited some time for him to come to breakfast and after a time went to the barn When she found him he was still breathing but died in a few minutes Quebec Heard From HENRY CARROLL P FOR KAMOUR- QUE SOUNDS THE PRAISES OF DR CATARRHAL POWDER It will be noticed by those who have studied the testimonials for this wonderful catarrh remedy that they are thoroughly in charac ter Every province in the Dominion through its members of parliament and most prominent citizens has told of the peculiar effectiveness of Dr Agnews Catarrhal Powder It is of a character that overcomes any local or climatic conditions and as with Mr Carroll it is a most effective remedy for catarrhal troubles in whatever shape not omitting hay fever where it works like a charm and every case is speedy in effect Sold at Pharmacy Long who has won a reputation for training children has a class of pupils in the Public School and will give one of her very popular Kindergarten Concerts in that place on April 2nd On Tuesday of last week as Mr Thompson of was engaged feeding a cutting box his hand was taken into the machine and cut off his arm above the wrist The rollers then broke and released him Had this break not his entire arm would undoubted ly been destroyed BOX STOVES COOK STOVES COAL STOVES FURNACES EaveTroughinp and Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done A W ALLAN Do you think of THIS SUMMER If you do write WI CI Ml LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT J l And get of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match e Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows THE LATEST Artistic in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory iu Canada for the manufacture of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc We construct and Repair all kinds on short notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co limited NEWMARKET ONT March A J Carsons grocery store was broken in to early this morning and about worth of cigars tobacco oranges candies and in inoney taken The burglars entered by mashing the front window I- For Infants and Children up I lit J BILIOUSNESS AMD ML LIVER TROUBLES

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