I Peeks Meal WHAT IB ON IN TOWN Saturday Mr bright of to Arid among Ihora on that measured inches the ends and It from Plymouth Rook variety This beats Mr Who The County Tho rnlrjutoD of January fioaston County Council aro now and will bo for next Monday Tho book makes pages and print ed In daye at Job filvcaonidoaof our for this kind of work and of County tot in in tide book and will furnish interesting road for taxpayers last Monday were very satisfactory and chow that good work is done by committee sum of woo voted to Campaign Thoughts aro already turning to International of Epworth League to bo hold in Toronto July It Is that this will bo gathering of Methodists oyer held in world Improvements Mr has caught the improvement fever and is having considerable alterations at Forsyth House The room formerly occupied by the bar changed Into a sitting room with tables on hinges bo that it can ho used as a sample room for travellers when other sample rooms are engaged parcel room is now at roar of bar and the convenience la an improvement Addition- lights are also put In making it well lit throughout by electricity in 1 1 i i Accidents Friday Mr Richard- son had the misfortune to pat his hand too far into a strawcutter while feeding it and had tho off end of hie finger The same day Mr employ ed factory got his left hand out behind tho thumb Ho was adjusting a with hand the other above and he passed hi a hand nearer saw than bo had Apposed with result Ho off work for twTorthreo of wood last Sat urday Rev Mr Thompson met with an have proved very serious Apiece flew and struck him on cutting a vein and it bled for before it could stopped On Wednesday while Mr Cane son of the Mayor was working at the fac tory he had nail and the tip of his fin ger taken off by a circular which will throw him off work for a little while moo will hangers thorn away Boo ad bo tor Mo tto giving lose meeting Regular meeting of the Co Wednesday evening should as boon no meeting for Haste Holidays faro wilt bo on railways from to good to on between nit stations in Canada To Mayor and of this Town the of Village may bo a anggestiou worth following In that village casual visitors and wanting a meal and nights lodging required to saw ton good sized sticks of cordwood In- ol woodsawing wo an hours work Ghniatian Sunday morning now received into will join Sunday interest continues in the revival meetings and hassmont is fairly woll filled every night having groat It is the will close Sunday night There was a bin crowd at depot on Tuesday night to say good bye to the party that left at midnight for Manitoba We hoar that there were 17 Rogers- among them They felt very grateful to the neighbors who a boo on Tuesday and assisted in getting their things to the depot as well as packing the care The party left for their new in good spirits and with thorn the of the community fflethodistChuPeh Last Sunday evening Mies Bertie of sister of the Pancake Tho Aid of Christian Intend giving Hot Shortcake ami Maple Social In of their church on Particulars later There are applications for tavern licensee and shop for the year May 1st three mora tavern licenses than were leaned Hat year Hat of applicants will bo in an other column Should be Stopped Wo been requested to to take a walk down to North End In a while after ho rings Car- It Is that the and talk In a certain Tues day night disgraceful The annual Tea and offering of Womens Society in with Church will take of at of Mr Huron AH ladies in the work Invited to at oclock tea at Backers are Up boys after the- suokora again but they aro not very plentiful It is said that Landing people have constructed a dam to coming up stream If each the the Fishery Inspector should see to it removal and punish the guilty Many poor here nearly lived on these flab for three or four weeks last year Only To Orescent Bicycles is the price People imagine for SCO yon can get only Inferior grade wheels There lies the mistake Crescents are highgrade wheels at 3rd grade price Examine samples at A a f Always in the lead THE VERY LATEST NOVELTY FOR BLOUSES AND A Special Importation of French Sateen At onehalf the regular price This is the biggest bargain ever offered to the public The dress materials we never lower I Those master sang a with The habit of cigarette smoking is being accompaniment very effective by medical experts everywhere Fellowship at a quarter to ten next Sunday morning followed by a ser mon on by the pastor at the of Evening A special call The Review last Sunday afternoon was very ably conducted by J Stephens of Pino Orchard and Pear- eon of King this blackboard and lea- eons being freely need schoolroom was filled and well pleased A Michigan young man is reported to have smoked them until his mind became a blank and a- Nov young woman until she was unaware of the company In which she afterwards told she had been by a policeman on hie beat Those young men in Newmarket who may be almost any evening with cigarettes in their should take warning Ladles DC Monarch Bicycle Only one month to J Queen St Newmar Seel Oats for Sole A Quantity of Banner good at per bushel two pure bred Jersey Bulla flt for service WILLIS on Con Whitchurch Newmarket P are showing are up to date in every way and the price was On or about the of October from lot No on 3rd Con of North TWO Any person knowing the of saincplcflEeaddrceaand reward MY Copes and Justin at a Did the small boy play any tricks on yon yesterday Water ratee are doe again The ladles beginning to plan about their The roads have been in an awful state since last Friday but are a great deal better than a ago The magpie syrup season now in fall force and the smoke from the surrounding woods Indicate the location of the sugar camps Regular meeting of Town next Monday evening The Mission Band in connection with the Presbyterian will Satur day afternoon at oclock at Silas St The fast snow storm revived the winter wheat wonderfully and it is now assuming a fine freah appearance with of a good If a man wants to have any peace these days he had beat not even to his bosom friend breathable Intention of buying a wheel The mention of such a will cause him to have about a dozen agents nearly living with him till he makes a choice- The Methodist Mission Band will meet at the Bowery tomorrow afternoon The ice is moving out of the pond Some of onr exchanges remarked that March came in something like cold lamb it went oat like roast lamb enterprising la getting his hot bed into shape week the Montreal horse to be at the Eagle Hotel on Saturday saya that Mr has sold the Eagle Hotel to Mr P Flanagan and fag to Streets ville This is the season of the year people are contemplating building No use going out of town when we have auoh a competent man Mr See card Regular of the next afternoon at the of Mr Cane The sap has had a fine run week There will be of syrup on market to morrow and are taking of sidewalk fine J1 The weather very mild there Wg crowd town last Saturday even Spring Goods In rakes hofia epades shovels paints oils glnss at A a Coming this Way BE railway is sure to reach New market- it is only question of time but just now it looks if the Toronto Hoe will yet here before the line In the Railway Committee of the local Legis lature the Metropolitan Railway Cos BUI was again considered last week The clause giving them power to sell light in Toronto was withdrawn was given however to extend their line to all points on Lake and to use steam as a motive power with the consent of the municipalities If mind this consent should extend to original construction so that proper agreement as to crossings etc could be made The people have as well as the rail way corporations and municipal councils should have something to say in regard to what shall be done Nobody wants to see hissing locomotive followed by a cloud smoke passing along the highway Seeds AH who plant know the value of reliable seeds For many years has sustained reparation in this respect New a a The residence of Mr Martin on Prospect Ave had a narrow escape from in smoke at an early hour on Monday morning Mrs Martin the struggling of the baby upon whom the its first effect At once Mrs Martin observed that the room futl of smoke and she aroused her husband He slipped down stairs and discovered that the sitting room was on fire With great of mind be gathered all the on the faitohen floor and far possible smothered the blaze He then took a pail of water and without atiy d alarm quenched the fire continued checked for ten minutes more there would have been no saving the place and the five Inmates would have had much difficulty in escaping with their Uvea How the fire started is a mystery but it must have been either by a spark from tho atove or from a From appearances it starts drapery of a chenille table cloth and from this It caught on a fanoy and thence to the carpel The floor then took on fire between the cracks and when discovered by Mr Martin flames were creeping under the base hoard between the sitting room and hall and tanning up the sliding doors About damage waa done covered by insurance Police Jo the case of the young men summoned for disorderly conduct and doing damage by breaking a in Mr store window on Friday last Magistrate imposed and coats on of the three connected with the breaking as damages and on the only a nominal tine of fifty cents and coats as be felt assured the conduct complained of was not indulged from a spirit of par ticular annoyance or wicked intent at law in violation of the Town ByLaw CHINA ROBERTSON BAKERY J March BAKING POWDER Try Our Own Baking Powder put up in- one pound cans ex pressly for us only can TEA Worlds Blend Tea the best Packet Tea on the market to black or mixed Try it FRUIT Good Sweet Oranges from dozen to 100 Choice Bananas and Malaga Grapes WEDDING CAKES If have any notion of getting married as that is the rage you should get your cake at and you will be happy ever after ROBERTSON The Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner Common 6ensc Bicycles Manufactured by the Henderson Bicycle Co Limited Goderich Ont Roche Co are selling them at cut prices for Spot cash They dont sell them on the credit system out they sell the Huron at usual price and the Common Sense 100 wheel for cash down on the spot Opening today and tomorrow and following days a Depot The section men deserve a word of praise for the neat manner in they are cleaning up the station grounds Business brisk The exports the past week include cars of wooden ware from an Factory cars of settlers effects for Manitoba one car of cattle for a ranch at Walsh car of bee cattle for Toronto care of and of flour to gether with shipments from the Specialty Co The imports include cars of pail timber cars of lumber car of steel for manufacturing purposea car of shingles car of coal car of Manitoba wheat and car of coat oil f Hughes Opening Saturday April Orders flUedihyMme before that date JfiU we can furnish our lady cus tomers with millinery and bicycles Be Sure and Call If you have any notion of getting a new Bicycle dont overlook Messrs J A Allan Co They are for three of beat heels the market Silver Contest The Temperance Hall well filled Friday evening the Elocutionary proving quite a drawing card Rev presided with his ability The contestants for the Silver Medal were Murray 2 Neil Dyke Grace Dyke Miss Holler 5 Belfry 61 Eva Lush each of whom gave a reci tation from papers previously furnished by the Lodge The filling in of the evenings program was given by the following Headings by Mr and Mis Nelson of Aurora singing by young people of the Lodge mouth selections by four boys and by Mr Thos Hunter The re port of the judges was presented by J Dickson Esq A and their decision giving the Medal to No was received with applause Nob and were very contestant There are to bo seven Silver Medals distributed and the aium will no doubt increase as Next one in about three weeks The Lady Cleveland at is without doubt the best wheel on the market at leca than catalogue from A a 1897 Hanger and Stretcher FREE CHOICE w SHIS Evaporated Apricots Evaporated Peaches Very Fine French Plums Evaporated Necterines Bosnia Prunes 5c lb Good Cooking Figs lb XTBAOT Finest Quality only in Bottles with or without Out Glass Stoppers at and Bottles with or without Cut Glass Stoppers at and Do you want a snap in Vase Lamps at and worth about double When you want one come and see ours We have more than double the variety of Styles and Patterns of any house in Town and range in price from for Complete Sets Boots Shoes SPECIAL VALUE Wg handle the Rubbers the best fitting and moat satisfactory to wearer RA This is a very useful article and should be in the posses sion of every gentleman not only for keeping his trousers in shape but it is a convenient way of hanging them up They retail at but we are going to make you a present of one with all orders of Three Dollars and upwards A nice assortment of New Spring Goods Call early and secure your choice MY TAILOR The above article cannot be purchased elsewhere in town SPLENDID VALUES Our Japan Tea at 25o is giving splendid satisfaction in flavor strength and value In Ceylon and Assam at and 10c we find a increasing demand Our Package Teas are the choicest in the worlds markets the at and theMonsoon at the most delicious of all package Teas- Pungent and Fragrant We early trial of these goods GOOD The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts Ho Old Stook on