-x- v r I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY APRIL 1897 JVfi Millinery Co Ready Mixed A How Goods A Robertson York J Health Notice for To Wonted Pork A Co JBstrayN Woaloy Wanted Mm It Lady Phrenologist Madam MKVKn UP BUT WITH EACH FRIDAY APRIL Editorial m It a noticeable that Opposi tion in Ontario spent all one day and nigh the Government on amended license bill and then al lowed reading to pass without a division or without calling for yeas and Days It waa wind and for nothing An Act to provide that may pass or setting apart no much of any highway or road or may control for pur poses of a path has boon introduced in the Assembly by Mr Any person rid in jj or driving a horeo or other beast of burden over such bicycle path is made liable to a penalty the issue of the Ontario official appear a that Chief Ralph Meredith appointed a member of the En BUI Commission Dominion Parliament TUB I As we intimated last week Dominion Parliament opened on with His Excellency who was attended by cavalry guarded infantry and saluted by artillery was accompanied by legis lators and officers in uniform Pre mier was prominent in a uni form of diplomatic blue heavily braid ed with gold lace Sir Oliver and Hon Scott were likewise clothed in the official uniform of members of Privy Council of Canada sometimes called the Wind sor After His Excellency who waa accompanied by Lady Aberdeen had taken his place Chamber members of the Commons wore cent for and on their arrival he de livered speech which somewhat foreshadows the Governments work of the session The first paragraph makes reference to this being Her Majesty In jubilee year and that arrangements are being made for an effective representation of the Dominion in connection with the commemoration of the historic event In the next paragraph informs Parliament and a settlement if the Manitoba school between the and Manitoba Governments and the hope expressed that tiny wiltput an end to the agitation which has marred the harmony the develop ment of the- country Then follows a promise that a measure will be submitted for the re vision of the tariff which it is be lieved will supply the necessary revenue and make our fiscal system more satisfactory the masses of the people Next comes the intimation that a measure will be presented abolishing existing unsatisfactory franchise act and providing for adopting franchises of the several Provinces An is next given that Parliament will ho asked to take steps looking to the enlargement of the St liawrence canals also to extend the Railway system to Montreal In the following paragraph it is stated that appreciating the difficulties encountered by farmers in placing their perishable products on the English market in good condition the Government has arranged a com plete system of cold storage accomoda- at creameries on railways at ports and on steamers which these products can be preserved till the same reach the English markets Next comes the intimation that cording to promise a plebiscite will be taken on the question of prohibition His Excellency then refers to the recent Sea Claims Convention and indulges the hope that final will not long be delayed He also calls to the famine India and alludes to the generous manner in which the appeal for aid had been met in this Dominion Then conies the announcement that the estimates for the coming year will be presented at an early day and re- that receipts from ordinary sources continue to be inadequate to meet the charges against the con solidated fund It hoped the pro posed revision of the tariff will bring revenue and expense more into bar- The country is next informed that among the bills to be submitted by the Government is one amending the Superannuation the Civil Service His Excellency commends to the consideration of Parliament Altogether the speech is an interest- hug program of work for session war De partmental Stores and from lime forth will to of a law to allow corporations to a tfooneo on departmental Inna- as of property and taxation and of labor A boon introduced in to of to travelling on and bridges as to read In a person travel ling or a highway in of a vohiolo or horao vebiolo or in ho ahail tarn oat to right from centre of road allowing to vehicle or onehalf of road Tub hill introduced by Mr Par do to tmrnd WaterWorks Aot by making retroactive very objec tionable from the fact many who may have votod for and water works in past not have done had soon a provision been in force when upon said bylaws Wo direct attention of the Committeo to this feature A has been introduced in by Mr providing for im posing a lien by mechanics and upon personal property for repairing or altering any material or tide to the of reasonable charges for work done or and in case Paid reasonable charges remain paid for twelve months said material or repaired or constructed may bo sold by auction to recoup me- or artisan the surplus if any to bo paid to owner upon demand The sale mast be and a copy of the notice sent to owner at hie last known place of residence This may force some people to pay their honest debt Am to amend the County Council Act boon Introdocod in tho by the member for East York providing for of counties in- to for the of representation at County The bill provides thai this work shall bo per formed by a Commission to bo appointed by the Lieutenant Council but to take before and no shall bo appoint ed than in fivo years coat of Commission to ho by County Practically the foregoing Mr eons bill power to redivide all enough but why not allow tho County Council to do work by bylaw under the same restrictions Commission to act when the first division and save expense Make it compulsory that question of rearranging districts be considered every five years If no is desirable can re affirm the previous boundaries By fixing a definite time for this question of to bo considered the ratepayers could accordingly In selection of representa tives for the year in which the question of change would come op for consideration This would trouble of applying for Commission to issue and as wo said before save tho boot snob a commission would involve Wo would re quest member for North to con sider the of question presented in this paragraph rrr j NEW BO THIN FOR MEM SHOES This store is always in the lead Buying for cash selling for cash and thorough and careful attention to our business has made this business one of the most successful in Canada Our Spring- Stock is almost complete and never before has it been our privilege to offer as handsome and as serviceable goods at such little prices as this season Every depart ment is brim full of New Goods and every article is a real bargain for we have made up our minds to double our business this season and recognize that there is but one way of doing it viz Sell only Reliable Goods and cut the profits so fine that the other fellows who buy on long credit and have to pay just what the wholesaler asks can get nowhere near our prices This is what we are doing and when Best Quality and Lowest Prices go hand in hand we are sure to win the race here for New Goods and dont imagine that you can do as well in Toronto Re liable and stylish goods do no sell cheap in the larger places the expense of sdling them de mands a large profit THE We want to pounds of Farmers Meat and will pay highest prices in trade rat Toromo presents a why the Legislature by enactment prevent Councils even submitting bylaw involving more than a rate on the for deben ture leaving the other milts- for annual expenditure men were induced to make investments which resident voters have piratically ruined by voting for debt by-law- Bondholders are now threatening to in sheriff to collect accrued interest Oar own Town should a note of the faot that in court gentlemen raised the constitution that the 20 mill limit of the Municipal Act must include everything school rates Without pronounc ing definitely the expressed an opinion favoring this contention but reserved judgment r Abjl a to prepare vao the mortgagor p certificate iii4X executed the manner Act in- In the iMi oiko noinVoTWJOflnaTcaeDia MiiiMie The owner On Thursday of last week Hon Mr moved the second reading of the bill to amend the laws of Ontario when ho proposed the following as amendments to the measure previously introduced 1 In case of a in tho number of licenses in any municipality the reduction is to take effect on the of May of that year and to continue until the bylaw is altered or repealed the set period of three years mentioned in the original bill being now set aside a bylaw can only be passed after notice has been prior to November of the preceding year the no to be signed by municipal electors und in towns by 3 Lienor stores are allowed to sell unbroken packages of not loss than onehalf pint Holders of shop licenses are allowed packageaof fifty cigars or five pounds of The restrictions on drug store sale are made more stringent and are more clearly indicated The demand for medi cal certificates registration will apply to all compounds where liquors are mixed with other ingredients The is not only to be registered but legally Penalties are imposed for Ball ing liqaor to be consumed on the premises mixed with soda water etc The prohibiting the sale of liquor to persona of either coder years of age are made more stringent guests or lodgers excepted by the original bill are not now so excepted and in addition clubs are prohibited from selling or liqnor to minors whether members or otherwise or whether the charters of the or associations gave them power to sell to members Moreover if minors other than found frequenting taverns the proprietor shall be subjeoted to a fine fi Hereafter no new Keen es are to bo granted for places within foet of a chorob or educational institution The obliging municipalities to eon- tribute to the expenses of enforcing local option laws is withdrawn altogether The machinery for securing the removal of a license from a residential is al tered in two important particulars a a majority instead of threefifths suffices for petition and of muni cipal electors not as before electors for the Assembly under Manhood Suffrage Act This petition may be presented as lata as April I The municipality may by order that licensed places close at an earlier open a later hoar than J a Oar Society Golamn PERSONAL Mrs of Norwood here on a visit at Mr Hughes spent over with his cousin at Hamilton Mr of was calling on friends in Town Wednesday Mr Frank Hughes of Port Huron spent a few with relatives in town Miss Jessie of East visiting with friends in town this week Mr Chad Thompson his son George spending the week in city Master Herb Wilson entertained a party of and girls on Wednesday even Richmond Hill Liberal Mrs Trout of Newmarket spent Sunday with Mrs Har rison Miss York entertained a number of young people at her homo on Tuesday evening Mrs Howard of Miss is visiting at Mr this week His Worship the Mayor and Mrs Cane were At Home with a number of guests on Wednesday evening Mr I and wile of Colling- wood were the guests of Mr Hong a couple of days last week Mr from Pennsylvania brother of the late Maroh was hero last week to attend the funeral Thompson of father of Bey V Thompson spent a couple of days at the Rectory this week The children of Mr Earl of Toronto late of Montreal ore spending a week with their grandfather Mr I Thomas Montgomery is spending a month with relatives in Newmarket yious to for her new home in Jersey City Mr Millard son of Mr Joseph Millard was in Town last Saturday his way to Woodstock where he has accepted a situation many friends of of our dressmakers will bo pleased to learn that she is able to resume after her recent illness Mr informs us that his last uncle living died last Friday at Lex ington Mich This was Wideman Esq J P a former resident of Mr W- P foreman in the World was Town last Wednes day some time looking at the changes in the where he put in about years Mr J of Brampton jor for the Canada Life was in Town last Friday and after viewing bur Water Works aud Light plant it finest for the money in the Province Mrs Cane of Newmarket Coon President attended the aemiaunual convention of York at Weston yesterday and announced to address a of cliildren in the- afternoon Mr who has been here on a vieit for three or four months left for his home Forest North Dakota week Hie father and mother next week for Dakota to spend the sum mer Mra is very poorly and ears are entertained for her recovery It was only on of last month that Mr and celebrated their Golden Wedding arid both wore feeling quite smart Miss Bertha who for six years discharged- duties of fteBistant poet- master at Newmarket with credit to her self and satisfaction to the leaves today for Winnipeg and expects to begone At till next Madam phrenologist at the House comes here well recom mended from surrounding townsi She was back to twice She hasbeen travelling for years and if any person is not satisfied on upon her she offers to refund the i At a cbucub of Conservative members of j Parliament at Ottawa on Wednesday last it was to discuss Manitoba school question The elder said he done with it No doubt the result of recent byeelections in the Province of Quebec has furnished pointers as to the way political current of the tide running just now Tin Dominion Government will not in troduce on alien labor bill this session This comes to us from pretty good author the Government will a private bill on the subject by Mr Cowan It will provisions along line of tbo labor bill in the States and will have a clause providing for it to in to effect on a proclamation By this action Canada will not require to take offensive and so a Undo Sam acts agreeable the measure will remain in Statu quo Die leap en We have already captured the principal part of the PASTURE FIELDS To let for the From quarter of nil to acres In JOSEPH MILLARD Newmarket Of this vicinity and now we are turning our attention to securing your patronage for Leading and Undertaking Mouse If you want Just call and see our prices If you want a Good Set of in which there is no deception and will last a life time call on J A line in which we are determined to shine and to distance all candidates for your trade Quality and Price are the means we intend to apply to attain this end and we think that after you examine our goods and compare prices you will come to the conclusion that we sell the Cheapest and Groceries in this part of the County A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence- 125 The la King- on the wife of Calvin of a son The ftltQti At the of Mr Edward on the nth insts by A Mr William of of King to Mary of or Whitchurch At ihe residence of the brides father Mcpevitt Esq by the Rev P of Tottenham Mr Duncan to Maria widow of the late Mr A all of Kf Toole At the homo of the bride Third month under Bcnom- Monthly Meeting of A and Ada daughter of John Crone of Bast Afltforr At the residence of the bride on by Elder Mr Richard of to Mary A of Newmarket The Tomb In March Elizabeth aged years AtVQndoifonthoZJrd eon of aged year and irThaiathothlrd child ho has lost in a J A Watson on Tuesday March Mary aged years month at the residence the years Main North Manitoba a ot years ago decided not to defray the of maintaining Government Hone at Winnipeg it bag only been partially and now the Provincial Government thinking of converting promisee into a permanent home for Man toba University instead erecting a new circles are said to be more than naoally this at Ottawa Earl and Countess of Aberdeen entertain a week at Government House Members of the Cabinet are also giving a of dinners weekly and the Speaker keeping up part of the sociality Leading members of Opposition too are having club dinners A phase of law was in County of York other if the case ia properly re ported in city press A person in East Toronto fined by a J P on a charge of disorderly conduct under a bylaw An appeal taken before sustained that appeal and set aside the Magistrates decision on the ground that waa defective This left the J P to pay back to the defendant both fine and coats How are Magistrates know whether are legal or other- queer law where no action had been taken to the bylaw All Orders will receive and Prompt Attention Turkeys per lb April Fall Wheat per bushel to a CO a a a w a W a 080 a Spring Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Buckwheat per bushel Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Oil Peas per bushel per bushel Butter per lb 0 CO Wool per lb Hay per ton law Pork per Beef hi y pair J per pair a a a a a a a a Mil Between nine and ten oclock Tuesday night the house lately occu pied by Messrs Alex and John Brawley in was destroyed by fire The three men are in Barrio jail serving a sentence for vagrancy and the sister is at a neighbors but all the furniture clothing etc belonging to the family Wei in house and went up in smoke No in surance on the building or contents The tire was evidently the work of an incendiary sprTng TERM Offers special advantage to raemlicrs of TORONTO On and after the 59th and senior from College lata good are leaving vacauoiee for new students With facilities Sovea TaicbeMamlTrto tccturerw guarantee good rwulw Oct particulars now SHAW Principal Our are True and will you Comfort help to Preserve the Sight Spectacle in Gold Silver Steel New Assortment o Plate Knives Forks Spoons to hand at Lot Prices Mouth Organs and Violin JEWELERS