Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1896, p. 4

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J I YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BE CARELESS ABOUT THE KIND Or TEA YOU DRINK grade teas are injurious and a few more cents added for a pound will buy flic irfctly pure lea on the Packets 5i Cents Wlcolcsalc Agents The only food l lt will Mid JU up a Treat com- ftirybit Martins Cardinal Food a simple scientific highly nutritive preparation for delicate children invalids Kin ft A CO J lit CO I uutiifln HITCH ORIGINAL wo Allien frliiit diXfflitl TOO u Icif realm It Jo Turgor ihodnmk gallon to pur For lho time ho torn to for cor Xvlc1a4yibfiioircr no- lt4 of book of nd In line tong run To you tool with of or a chitotlhttttJI Drinking It of bird Ao4boncel work iho to Iu It louerd And At a to And Bi li for 1 of of 110 but to of Mm ill I A Hit 4llj0 Cheapest and Best Reading in Canada HUN the Canada A a contributor to columns to bo the full And In Canada It lv5 beat In the liomliiSon It a from Truth weekly It An of columns of bright In each lo In or to of for Ihiec will any for for sun 1 Ml Weekly combined will to end of 1 for oil I SUH tiHiNTfr fir to a or clock th- of on THE ftQM TO COP PURITY tfwtMafJu 4MfImJrJ hm bt It Mot If CO WE NATION CoMPicxiou aAficutUUuUTfftcdNBHVKfOKia BOLD AT CHRISTMAS PRESENT i to a frIod ft iph for f itD Mr IllllUdUUF 6lr ilo ilio at Off to it The man fail in it pretty to tic would Dike good editor WHAT UK WHIIR AKOUT Two to the Judging in the Sudbury a feeling of in that of North cm Ontario on account of the action of the Provincial Government in with drawing from talc the public land in the vicinity of the I We regret to announce that the On tario have all lanih the vicinity of the Cordon mine from the market am upward of acre are tied up and the further intimation is given that the I action of the Government has caused I much and dissatisfaction among the icUtcri a I many other of public policy we ate inclined lo the con viction there is room for wide dif ference of opinion in thereto The settlers around Sutlbiny arc not all Ontario- and the very which the states is causing uneasiness in that section of the Province will be a source of decided satisfaction to all Ontario outside of the immediate circle of the locality for which our Commenting on the which the above extracts are taken the the side and we the very large majority of the vince It to ft will vUwtheactlM of ihaOovoromtDt to In lha vicinity of wltb folly of the it to the of of mm and di- cover a or so later thai had by a law for own of being used for pablla that a In power Ontario at the copy error the of the domain that did to give and oil of aad Ohio their over the American people Tho may bo of vatuo or it may not but ft portion of Hi to the oora will not millionaire Into tilt a for property out which their wealth will Wo to cspittllita wlu fkltli in tho to from Ilia IcgiriiiyfruUof hut tbaVli a cry thing from put- in portion to gobble Op country and secure monop oly of cool Add If the Ontario Government in placing this reserved land on the mar ket adopts such regulations or at tach such conditions as will prevent combinations and monopolies they will conseve the best interests of the whole people frit AdVOCAttA AitioooJtheAetexcmpUD civil right Why who bit or from ah do Accorded toaUtnk or for IbAl in to life Whit with tAiAtioo pro- AQd A fit Op to work wander iiitn of lLo iuperor to wAtktol toiler AtHih fplihC4 And debtor to Mill during FREE Hi BICYCLES AUD WATCHES At Follows 10 AIOA A Vfttcb K6 fclua MONTH FOR B Tela during year THEM WRiuR8 I fcfiniik4itu lAl It a- Ii aw A ki few t Ma Quite recently Hon Mr Minister of Agriculture or ibis vfnee tetter to the of- ficcri directors of the three dairy associations of Ontario auggctting an amalgamation of these order to and economy in fostering the and cheese Industry At the present time each of the three the and Western Dairy Associations and the Creamery a grant from the Provincial Government which Is ap propriated paying instructors and officials In connection therewith Of fate a considerable number of cheese factories have been manufacturing butter in winter that the work of the Dairy Associations Is to some ex tent overlapping that of the Cream ery orgs ni tail on In Mr letter lie points out that by amalga mation or delegation of the pow ers of each to a board containing re presentatives from each it would save public money now expended in main tenance which could be devoted to Instruction inspection He says The first object Rained would be to lessen of management and thus give m increased towards additional Instruction and spectlonio to greater uni formity of products From a careful estimate I have made am of opinion that out of the present grant fully two thousand dollars might be diverted from expenses of management to wards this work The important object gained would he the substitution of live body for the three at present In existence with which would rest lite oversight and of all matters of common Interest appears to us the proposiifon of the Hon Minister is not only the of the respective lions but also of the Industries they rcprcscnl There would be a large saving In management if directed by one and the work simplified and brought under one common system throughout the Province while the saving thus ef fected could be in materially increasing ibe opportunities for effect ive personal instruction and the fur ther development of important industries The change proposed seems calculated to advance the but ter and cheese branch of agriculture in the Province and will no doubt receive the endorsement of the Asso ciations interested Editorial It It that not Ally At of Metropolitan ox- leading lino lo vJlUgo think II wlH Jail hat how About who would liko trial a Mr who to- for HtHM XltAtilff on KWf Aod cowl void ftt will hAVO to fa to fall la with Mi It down At tho polity not only to rclQAO Above hot Alio do dine to In toy locfcl option lovro IVorTicofopHraiOtilo wtek wo vouch Atfed Id Hi wo r yoa too II Jo pQ down lxln to ptpriOtRf tohATo of tide And by 00 the right i Ida of Any thing dreAdfat Built In a forcible World bit neither nor Mail lo Woat or Kir In lion nd 00 And fall Approval of the term of h ondcr to cor don hi with will lend a chill of fiXl And hit now Hew A the timely Advice of a noted And lo ko All publio tome ADDOQOelng A dAy And hiving pledged their AdvAD- Do not bo Lute to pledo vote and tbo tell Ibo to waIi Awhile to dAUA they la field for whAl for IbimtdTtd for good of All It not gold you know who Aid to bo be It remATlt broom Aoordtog to from lie work of from civil t vice On the of A fir leu I i re clerk Id Poll meot two clerk told thtlr icrvlMi bono re- jaired And lo Deportment a iocno DAM ero from of country Of woibAll bier a f About Ailing Into And All ibAt tort of thing but Ihero do a horde of on ply been preferred Mr WilllipiKHlatiAiierOI by one the Geo- directed to inquiry In thereto And J W a w cad by the publiihcd evidence the Willie the delivery Of neglecting under lock And key of to And old Willie re ib nd At the of Atkcd for vote of All who cop hid xOacAtoi tut two to the up htm Aetata Broun And Mr will bo to to tcutuuler of a liking AgrlcHnre At meat fog Of America held In Hew York WoMkp Hon Mr wai tlKlod to time funny to td tftgrco of mujkAl wtt conferred on lhAt Co whA Toronto doing el a meeting All and theoretical fulfilling ill hid ibli for North To ronto the Inge win to the recently v by the County giving the Company a Action not but rnoit likely will ho founded on not being lo the ttrcit to Ant over A period of Toronto credit for ho liken on And wncludce re- freoco to the of follow will In keeping up hi ot And ncerly touch the Amount true and not been refuted fkArboroAod VAUghnrnAkpg ao fail About of Tut Mail Hit will oh Government bought At to pur- In Toronto tbfe At from to retell How It In to jOAlltyof And If cot Aim true flutcigiten by tho then our been iniilntormcd not to the Acte of men And roll leto bo dcprccAtcd ConaJich Hi for the Wlh tttno And InorOitod Among the new a lory of gWIng the fn the brought up to of Dominion giving nemo Of every In with tbo Unci on which lo- or ntAfCil Among If llto And ah on of aII countries world of cikotitlone git en end the with And looking to the woId lo on would llkewlco bo to who reducing Annuel to the loweit thefAtthoflhe of Government- country ihe to the they And potent they up Beforo the lo by a few who fakn torn thing by a ho ho will think out the In Iho And In All not Impose further between com munity And the country cm relied upon effort directed op of inomorieof our And faopei for which ii poAilblu proven by eocene of a for the put he grow ing Into Rood of SalitfJa AlwAye limed a Number to of lie welbtold And prettily ycAr of a feet long by over a Ceo it a by pro in 1 colore of up which our votootter endeavored to climb Iho hie gorgo of Woo which through New York And which from the whirl of In foreground General le dying by Arms of hie The the through the rocke And to the right And with hie Aloft on York Volunteer emotion which to of one whether to choke up with tho or to with Territories Ate thai by A number of a Al bert AtftAd 10 AI The mAtter lo Mr who tit they Held the a the a bill a tew Ago giving the tight elect which Acbool they ibli wai whet Jaw ought to I they could not Territories Act Adopt it It rejected by to SI Mr pal through bfe Agelo which Lie at Governor feet for col given one or other Two r three of en of one of the mefn being thil the of ibe bill mm dli le which ApetopbUt written by of St a Inflicting iho And to which the whin It for Archblihop And And for Father Sir John iu repelling upon pronoonocdlt And felr And Mid it give for to Roman CASTOR I A For Infants and Children from Ihi Court Jo of Queen of refund but tborcpDrt fcddAlhetbo will likely I ton the Supreme Court It Ii Ontario Govern men to Add Another Pro- Colli of Boyd And bo under con- will duly lo Toronto York County Mr Ifollwstfno wtt ft former resident of Iowa of men were lo fct by the KfAgUtrAto of Toronto eovrrAl of And lb him oaohelf the term the fellow got for iroci- ere It bo hot II lough on Joitloo who Alolo clothing were not torn sil ver In with- Large room to Along North wai brought dote on week The money Among the In dUot on proien but held Although improper pAymcnts been pcnooi returned At thIuncluro the petition t by content No order Co being mede Alio and now It wonder I over Meanwhile teed oat ot party by filr Ch nice Topper daring the Bill will lo oc cupy a Id the And thorn in the to the discredited Knight from by Oitawa Nov An 1 -year- old was killed at a raising bee at Che farm of Thorn on Wednesday last a number of neighbors were present helping to build a log stable The weather was wet and cold and Ihe slight rain fall ing made the logs very slippery and difficult to handle White one of the logs was being pushed up a to the top of the building it slipped and came tumbling to the ground- The men noticed the danger and ctcaped but a little girl of Mr who was playing about the building so fortunate The log fell upon Stilling her instantly women too There no que sVut If they did not faive for a yoke fellow they could never endure the grind end drudgery of life Hut It loving thoughl of lnl Hut when or to A burden too ten cheerful or hopeful down by end wreUb- peculiar to the etc to overcome If culler given proper Hot If Allowed to So they liable to develop Any woman with Allojcnti to of Pierce It It perfect And for of the feminine organs It viied for one purpose And pplpMO as no medicine ever done Br Pierce been chief of the Jnialld S at where In with fail Of he of Mo living hid a more ex to of Attn mrdlciDC Invented for vhat bis Favorite Prescription Dr Pierces Pellet cure Idea person were killed at Franco by a boiler ixplo- The damage done amount to ptrucji if oast Jr- itfl IN Ml At of OtbtaiACC4ltlei L Jo It ill great AL It til tun Hi lire two lAlttJffrloU will cm- AS ALUCU i to to or v lo arts a lens lobe a lc A to l I by a will I beta real Wo Ate lo lis to Ob 10 In ca vhil sdi people to to it Its iptxlrs In tuiopoiwtire tit tots Lbs letters Jictskjy A a will folio If oca a- Boat on Aic iuci A tori fc tarsi thiols Ob WDfU1 luo In WEEKLY will- tie world it CO 4rnnxs1o Or yresirc4r ll oa In AfiAveto to vitcoiinJi CJV lSr It liJft or in a si IUJ Jifrriox norni tit in CM cr nil irmj Bo JJeoTTolmoQUIaKrotnOrstUQl W0BD9 OF Ill OB wild led All of lbs H srJiclfrS link sS iittX W aoflsBrcrjr Mr Crosby employed for a num years on ibe Toronio I suffered for from that terrible disease and so bad at limes that my stomach bad lo be out in order to get relict I under treatment of physicians but did not get better until I began Remedies The dose gave me relief aud I am now ftcttag better and in every have no hesitancy In mending the remedy for dyspepsia Whooping Cough Cure alio cured my little child of a severe case of that disease Rheumatism Cure fails to relieve in one to three hours and a few da Price Dyspepsia Cure cures all forms of Indigestion and stomach troubles Price cents Cold Cure prevents pneu monia and breads up a cold In a hours Price cents Cough Cure stops coughs nlghtatveatfallays soreness and speed ily heals the lungs Price Munyona Kidney Cure speedily cures pains In the loins and forms kidney disease Price cents Munyon Headache Cure slops headache 111 minutes Price Munvons Pile Ointment positively cure ail forms of piles Price Wood Cure eradicates all impurities of the blood Price Female Remedies arc a boon to all women Munyona Asthma Remedies relieve In minutes and cure permanently Price Munyons Catarrh Remedies never fail The Catarrh Cure price eradicates the dUearefroro the aye- tern and the Catarrh Tablets price cleans and heals parts Munyons Nerve Cure is a nerve tonic Price Munyons Vilaliwr restores lost or Price A separate cure for each disease At all druggists mostly cents a vial letters to Prof Munyon 11 and Albert at Toronto an swered with medical advice or any disease Rumor has I hat number of prominent ratepayers King wailed upon Dr to induce him to be a candidate for at the coming municipal elections The Methodists arc making every effort to the fovrl supper and entertainment on Christmas Day that has been given this year Jennie Simpson tin- popular elocutionist market and Brown popular Toronto will be to lake put in the entertainment a number of fine soloists from outside places The bills will be issued shortly The Farmers Institute will hold a meeting in on No doubt there be a attendance as the following gentlemen are expected to address the meeting via Mr AW itown A Peart A Burlington and J Reynolds lecturer in Agricul tural Physics AC mm A cist paper tbftt arty is ond not to good as when ho on trip sooirner in ni l jxndt Hon of will of the Gosin- ratol or HAVE CEYLON TEA 111 She if rMt or All in w a FARMERS ASTRAY lit Owner to tZLl iLei STKER ROAN ccjlvsn end raj ell lK fe J it VAKSOTniKI lAfl7 I VaMcrfoH-O- JACKS0iiS POINT si Prop PINE HARDWOOD AND IUMiJKR Liivu aire IS Ufa tut tfrrxaVr5TJjrii2S2z yon HALS or to TWO TOWN LOTS lha old WccUca Sis J ess- LASiOB ot nifriv FLORIDA GARDEN LAND CO Ira Rut XCUT SAWS AXES COW CHAINS HORSE BLANKETS GIRTHS PAINTS GLASS OILS AND PUTTY aifles POWDER SHOT AND CARTRIDGES V BOX STOVES COOK STOVES COAL STOVES FURNACES EavcTroughing and Promptly and Ncally Done- J A W ALLAN Ji aftsri il coa 1 est Alt9fsrcil4ilxeordf of drr JABBROTHKIW For Saleor to fienl fitreat ci MlHf to Of toSItJJAmJ Newmarket Laundry I EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why Not Homo Wagon calls for arid and deliver lay delivers Call and deliver Friday P EMBURY Proprietor Oppose House JKC Curtains done up equal to new for family washing v Modelled each year fit all latest shapes thick hall and heel Honestly of They Wear like Iron everywhere A PERFECT BLEND A PERFECT TEA PURE CEYLON Gnovn cured the me TEA VCAO a TCSTCO V at Lcao ccrra a I DAVID WHOLESALE AGENTS TORONTO Valuable Farm on Yonge Strut For Salo or to Rent I VT AOIllJ fctCii In hi ft loWC Dtrrlitor WtwauY Save Your f Bills BY BUYING A DOWN DRAFT DOBBIN DRUM It tnnkc3 and vood go nearly twice as far for heat ing purposed and very can be given to their succor and dura bility AH information chccrfiilly given by DENNIS Agent Newmarket or to la tot id SALESMEN Ulf villi M I V V ff if I to tr ii toy id rto TRY OUR PAILS TUBS VASHEOkUJ OP NEWMARKET I till ALLEN NURSERY CO Blacksmith Goal for SALE its J- v Building Material BICYCLE REPAIR filtlfri hi Stop for do not alio any Office outdo ui in ibis line cither in or If want any kind done work terms Alt tiring Tiff can at the Em you promptness is pro- IdtipgOnKoW or Ji t Tilt iirg into fo All ofcccM f ony of Jiirti sill lVtt ib till cJ THE to SONS win NEWMARKET 1897 CLUBS I or ihe fit of hue Clubbing Kilts Bra mid Weekly J1 JO Daily World Toronto and yorLA rated Wookly York j Notice to Creditor OF liiI tirf t Juj iiuc Us il 44riofC44 tan wiu a it ol4Ju 1 tat full ito lit fl fk IM a t ov J It wMtytJlUl4f lU w ii Mm- r MLi JAiiKeoviKjri a su fur nun I Ground Weekly Mail 0 1 to new sub YriAlfS POWDER lAIVOtOY tALK III IONY-

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