Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Dec 1896, p. 2

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ru NEWMARKET ERA DEC tax A It Watson A Bale A How Block A denote Londy Merry Christmas Mortgage Bill Frank J And Vacant rank IT lie AMD WITH EACH Em it Painted ell At Homo VJ HO JUT FRIDAY DEC IHOO Our Toronto despatch to Im Deo allonf mi an of lrtet lines to and likely to vltl On January trots Into and away with ft of colter ft teuton th to Os good today York County win loners hold ing ft lo day with Hallway Co In to proportion of to rld toward tbo now at York If reached work with ftt one was In the lift retained to on Mon day J York til for was Wednesday afternoon of King as and tint was about Interested bidders The Topper organ of Hie Opposi tion at Toronto laVct good deal of satisfaction in parading a quotation front ft letter a defeated candidate in the sitter Pro vince of Quebec to whom certain coal contract referred a has been the custom of the Government ever since Confederation between rival contractor It would appear from the tone of the letter front whom the Department advice that the writer not actuated by lhat high duty of him but sought to make of In latton to advance personal intcreiU and wrote to one of the contractors hinting along this line and Hon Mr at once relented the objection able made of his private confi dence reproved the man for his pro- methods and declined to have anything more to do with him There dishonorable on the part of the Minister of Public Work but rather on the conUwyfi much to commend Notwithstanding these fails the organ ferrea to of the Government do not to it liking keeps on repeating in a sinis ter kind of way that business is business That there is a sense in which the Is applicable to the present Government we believe only too true When heads of find their over crowded with employees those not re quired are and their salaries saved to the this is busi ness When the cancelled dozens of mail carrying contracts which had been irregularly let at rates without ten der and placed the work to open competition and when he ordered an inquiry into postal irregularities in the Province of Quebec the Jobber realized that he meant In Ontario loo the revelations made by the commission appointed to re port upon the bargain and sale of the post office furnishes a beau of the business meth od obtaining under the rule of te gentlemen dismissed from the treas ury benches by order of the people in June last The published finding of the commission in this tatter in- once reveals the fad that the resignation of the postmaster was ob tained by the payment of in order the office for a near relative the jilting member Mr is making things lively for the late business is bust- crowd More recently the Minister of Mili tia discovered that Gray the happy recipient of a salary precious little to do for it and dismissed the roan and abolished the office a year thus being saved and no interests likely to suffer in consequence again we say this looks like business in the truest and will receive the commendation of all fairminded men throughout the country Tea Titpasts OP ana data of Deo cay la it i el Ilea Edgar will bo appoint- WeatQoTcrnor of Ontario In May Is la may early In teuton of sbo la will not till thai Ontario winter wUlbaUTsrftnathapruank fa Jruiaary Reformer of York on ft Wesson Riding forth that th shft tin I of ft and an Commit leo of on from each Ihal for honor mail to a member of Ibo AitooUtlon and ft rcsb Ing In of lb and candidates If ton on ft At Incorporation ft nd It Hon lo Toronto It leaving ho his fttlenlloa towards military glory lb ft giro How comes Intimation from Ottawa lhat fJraya tore and linos In Toronto I simply ft with ft salary of ft year and dalles ha and tho Colon paid to ft In ft nil now helping local volun teer In MOUNT ALBERT Mr of lolls so fr bo tboro bo no oa program and looks for an on and opening scaitoii ftt In lb Presbyterian All school In not aoloelcd do to fti and forward name according to circular HOLLAND LANDING Li mc Of Air La tot friroUvTccftctcniOjtflTCCifcTUif fox findlt tor iho hi Mi tut llf fci ditsir 111 for VIVIAN Oar fothtt Our floodtjr Ob till mil lh cur It bo 1 if a vhlcb church Him wit UNION STREET Mr Daniel of Raven- from a We Pro to the death Draper At her home in Deceived a sister of Mr of whwethe of Shcftavcin end five children to mourn their The have the heartfell of community their A number from at tended Sunday QUKENSVILMZ Mm Id Halloa to dlatogocjKlutloot duett choroui motion drill dob col lo Another x4dIllon in frtoV wo to bout of nearly Wo CO bora on Our Hit tor year and Library la Mr oat tho to chivngo their in Jay and at any and only at for Ma itImi root fro Tfrtro and no vlllo to mako hay vltllo r in fccra for iDtr dbeHi8ehcvis not attended on Vcdrclay and tUIo HunJar wftri relatives In imilihcpMiila and Vlvlaq a of day and lira- A- Battel family Toronto been a for It Iho heard OR SALE Alttibrt4l Pi4 OR for fircntbit ill let MUST BY DEC ot aro common Mar re el to and or Mr imki of Hoy a of our bo printing a Star announoiM that a offer on coord for an fifiid by J Caldwell of Winnipeg and offer wat no leu than ono million dollar by Mr A on of a oato of In Toronto and ofor for cold but Mr Caldwell did not It a amount for mint Mr hat Jail revived a letter from Winnipeg inagoftto elating that loucatflguro ho will for fa now lawyer lore Wirt leek of Inducing up to tho It ft loved much HI on gold In of mine that term a Ii on an the Lake and la In Rainy Rlvtr At lotdln not long ago by Wt a for and no being able to doyelop It told fox to Mlu tHoddto Wo to follow Wa ar ftlad to too for tot tr which oar from llrnt iborornodellliir aU4U Ttavtltcfa to th and tha a at arctic annual In bald Monday titled oldcart ard the fear all old our popular iho ana iBjrof IkQilTat from from promote In Pro- logo la Mr and J Mr to Cor of at Wl library hare COLLEGE CORNERS- WHITE ROSE Mr IU of William hit titter Mies aha firnlth It Toronto match at Mr Joseph Friday watqollo a and glad to eay that a of fell Into tho of Roy Mr Chapman of King of a former pat lor on tnla occurred Church here on Mr John Wallas and ton Cliff were vlaltlng In tho City latter part Wo aro to too that Kaa for and from tho offer a It a largo itt will bo made Ann fltnlth It lifting at her Mr of Brook a to hot homo at week pra logon Vcdjty atllt and It at at of Ron that the entertainment on tho of Intl Our miller Mr ro- porta largo of ithcit coming In who for millinery depart ment tbo largcit at borne ban compelled to return homo on of Wo of the country and alio under roof will a re all nock tit not to favorable Vo want to a word of ClCK5 a to Hover auiared your frleada and will think all of joj not only but that you will than a quarter teat time Our la do- log a prop crly week that bo of to Mr Roldlt of liro Orchard Mr Hall the King totrmhip I who collided with a trolley in Toronto fa more Injured than at Hit ribs ere broken from the column lie is In a precarious con dition THERE are OTHERS Who arc filocked with we but to the cm I THERE AUK NO OTHERS Who show a Selection or c I Prices than are loin Iris month Colo srccTACLxsi p to tell you much about our goods or Silver prices but if will kindly call shall be J pleased to do then I WO Remember we dont prettnd to be posted In the qualities of all daises of goods but do know all about the lines we handle Wouldnt you rather buy from such a dealer of charge on all bought here AND Silver AT Etc Mill fiiuirvFon of if with Mm John from vfiHIog her 1 Mr of fa vUittog at Robs uook iiiv Lock of J over Friday Mr p im imr In Dakota Workman of Toronto was visli- fog John Millards of Aurora vuit- IngatMr over viliting In Town Mr Mid visiting withlhclrtoif Mr A In About by Banker as hi on Tuesday night EtdtrChidley loUlor on to Terry in revival for a of wocka Mr K Jackson is attoadlng Fat and of Agrlcukoral ronrcwohitlvci in this Mlia Alleo celebrated her birthday by entertaining tome young rieeds on Mr J Darke Mr Mil Frank Ktlrnati end Kate Haskell hi Hill Thank giving who hi iiruation wllb located with of Toronto WayllngF installed of WHAT UK atoui Tea Parry Is a a f kid In that region good On Wednesday lnl MItUied in It still westber In Ibis A of teo hi and of unknown is it- lilted to bats In lbs of Parry Jlloo that art of bears It Is Is bluings at that ib for last wee la January bat lb activity per- vadleg the color to tie probability of being to I a wofktc If It with ofllciii TLete are MO aid so leas Shan 100 an lor that the AoteA epilog 4c4 by annqxii A it tune day Sja4s bat IS una if lbs cf ooaiilr tUvtlca H No Toronto on Tuesday A largo gathering him Mr John Winnipeg ton of Mr Frank arrived on Tuesday and will the holiday with here There one sleighing when he home and la brisk- Speaking she Thaokiglvrng party in Aurora of lut week Iter II Matthew of Church in Van and delivered a County ha received hi as Constable- for years and hat been a County Con for twelve year His record In criminal work a favorable one and hi will be familiar to him Itev Father Morrla entertained four gatits on Tooadayovtnlog Iter Father of Father finnan of of and Father Or it ptcachod an fa John church tamo evening at a poclal sen loo On Wednejday of tut week Mr J reave of and exWar den of tMscooolY la Carrie Ferjritr of John Ferrler of The ceremony by the Key Booth of Methodist wfalca Mr and Mr took the train south their wedding tour We clip the following from land Plain ffiolttvt having to on of our Kb vmerket boy of the gathered at Union and far a dinner in his ft was a affair Dr Coate leave for week lo pursue hi studies f the college and and LI friends Ihongbt no more ibn Inst event be property The dinner wee tendered to by Dr Dr Dr J Mr aid Mr Dr acted mad a brilliant speech he the hope that Wj be and profit to the doctor and that be would re- lure take of aurgoooe vile by and altogether an was Dr begone a year and will devote hi to study VST Montreal bid a flta The query of to day Is what is the with College Corner his very much Hog killing is the chief industry prevalent among our neighbors these days as we sec it at nearly every farm cold weather has forced a new article in the fur line called the elec tric fur cope which no doubt has a tendency to shock the hard up hus bands The thermometer has indicated the mark for a few days The ice is about four inches hick in come places Having made a visit to Jersey wc noticed that this little place is fast im proving A number of new houses have been built and remodelled and and Mr James King intends build ing a new house next Spring on the lot be lias from Stephen I paid We are sad relate the vacancy made on Queen Street by Mr Clarks removal to a farm in Egypt to and sell com Our loss will be gain Miss Rush intends holding an en tertainment in the school house at Christmas It will be a grand treat as Master and others will render a screaming farce entitled the Californtan Auctioneer Read ings and recitations will form of the program and then old Santa will appear on the scene much to the enjoyment of the little scholars Strange to say but it is true that our ill luck life is dciived from not attending to strict economy In dustry was handed down to us by divine hands Then why not plow deep while sleep and then we will hive plenty of corn to sell and to keep This is a good axiom Mr George owlet has completed the contract of putting up a for Edmund of Raven- hoe Thanksgiving came off in full blast as a few have complained of too much turkey As it is three weeks till Christmas they will be able to recover from the effects and enjoy another big feed Dame has listed wedding on the fair pages of matri monial so a little bird told me Mr Richard Mahoncy of Raven- shoe Is recovering from his Miners and is able to be out again Another entertainment is an nounced on eighteenth of this month The new platform built at the Free Methodist Church adds much to the convenience of the public Mr Silas Morton is down with diphtheria It is the known around here An aerial kite in the form of a hawk swooped down and carried away a hen one day last week Robert and David re turned to Muskoka this week with a lino lot of apples which they bad pur chased A young man here is troubled heart affection caused by pair of pretty brown eyes A minister could perform an effectual cute Mr William Grant attended the quarterly service at on Sunday The Sunday service conducted by Mr to the absence of Mr Walker who is away on a visit to Mr with a pain ful accident lut week While work ing or a he fell off re ceiving a few Our furrier hi I specu lating the put two weeks Mr appoint ment In addressing the Voung Peoples Society at Mr Clancy of making friendly Call people vicinity The new arrival at Mr a bind hit visit lug her Mr tor I it weeks Mr of tut on tlidtlck for time- He ii tatter ill MM I out very poorly ft tout year ago udliuXttn to levy It to utile fo under Lo of Iho An4 by Mr anil by of Toronto It cMinpIItli4 in llic forward in On Tatidiy of Jut inlvJit on Kca wick flLl Jobn Vw Vinllormwi A lingular ty no kit thtn in for carrying the to Bolton ana it ycur lime wo Tboflrntof looKoltivcr vtt froovr let hit broken lift tun of the lake tied ft Of lute ft the of mm CAUTION HI ml to Hit FOR SALE jo- wcA ATKINSON Jeveler and Optician 8 Main St Newmarket GLOVES Real French lacing regular 1 at 90e Kids nil colors at Real Good from lc up to i Childrens White Bona from DRESS GOODS- buys Lovely Drew including linings and trimmings buys a Beautiful including and trimmings Some Handcomo Goods at a yard Some Silk and Wool Plaids regular at A Good Black is an present See our Stock CHRISTMAS CLOT UNO Doing the Trade buying in the Largest Quantities Enables us to all Nobby Frieze Overcoats regular 2 Boys Nobby Tweed Suits well made Mens Good Long Uislcrs by others at Best Frieze Ulater 00 Mens Best Tweed Suits oil wool single or double breast regular 10 prico 7 Finest Black Suits LINENS Pure Irish Linen Table Napkins price 85c Large Linen Table Napkins Wide Loom Damask Table Linen Bleached Table Linen very line and wide Bleached Twill Sheeting yarda wide Felt Cloths in all CHRISTMAS GROCERIES Choice Currents bold clean fruit lb Choice Valencia Raisins now 8c lb Crosse Citron Orange and Lemon Peels Pure Spicea the CHRISTMAS CROCKERY Dinner Sets away down Tea Sols large variety Toilet Seta see them great value Every article in this Department marked away down a it it it J 126 75 A first iliDOCW for or JOSEPH MILLARD Newmarket Leading Furniture AND Undertaking House A 1 s Dry a the on Nov Wth There wit very good tJfliUK and and to 916 hon on North rt Conowiloz in Dp ilia ftccommoUiloni for farm stock on of voei well but priori rp1cdJovr Mr Colling a on of ffwk hfgbv Mr tod a mkh for tub filon- it and few were for Mr J and avAy to Whitby ttMk Grand of iho Bona of Hew hero jli A lyVci for fniltation at the Mr by erecting a new The and alio the competitor In Ihe orchard aniiooi tokoow who are The ice on the peed the put his the of the with a able looked on Ruoday the a Uric A Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every Caih of CALL SPECIMEN Work at Wo have opened up this week a large and well Stock of fcho We have a Choice of FANCY GOODS EST rn A jght a 125 yb Tho radio of We of Aurora WcrcUr Itt Tl7fenr At lib of of a AnroreOa WTtmtw of a At tf for by Mr Mr Aadfoo to lL AuromonlfoTijshtr It- J BUI EkdCib to Tjitto to Alfa Aurora- B or to John Ir at IMtVtQ Tomb diesbtacfjavar- on lii in County Every article to be found in a Grocery Store you And on our You will find our Prices low and in some thinga lower than any house handling Groceries ask for a trial order and wo are sure that will win your patronage Thanking our old Customers for the past patronage we trust we be able to still serve them ME THE CHEAP STORE In Celluloid Silver Leather and Plush Also Choice Perfumes Be and give us a call ejecting your Prices Reasonable Pharmacy DR CAMPBELL PROP RES I Kobe ait- AURORA Mr J Lloyd who Introduce to Toronto on from Toronto to fill Sunday and re- acd ooadfltUd tin Dr JJanaa of Quatdian filled pulpit for Mr who to do ao from lot of voIm lowntmio la Toronto on attfndfog trUI of John Kraak Wheeler aged 9i who at Aunt bra6d to and to Li fay by tailoring at work old to put wood In lha it a around her noci took and from off the burning and called waa abool face nock ha coal on of her A nl charred theft of wool a am of wool Willi McCoy In ttCoJe AH ait to thifr trial an In- aa d4 WlUla raiicUUj much arm path Ji for the In and to Ha Jol TO fit bad acrloca ttUUp a lid out Lit ce ootMt7 litiitaooofN ac4 If it Alloa T ti ta Kih JtAT ft ft IT- 3sr Pill Jvfd rrcnu at LI- AY pur Ijo This is an Opportunity to buy Winter Goods Reduced Prices just when you them lip Jill Is now going on Tee Prices arc really feeing Slaughtered cue of the be Cleared Oat at of Profits In Clothing hive some MENS SUITS FROM S3 MENS OVERCOATS FROM BOYS SUITS FROM PURE and Our Groceries are ALWAYS RELIABLE PERFECTLY FRESH Lard only roc lb Have you tried our C at It the arc sole agents it the Leu SPECIAL OFFER BARGAIN Veto SALE OK VALUABLE FARM LANDS titles Us con- a certain m fclch or Tuesday January Iweire at TOWN til Us and siaree Seresu et4 stales UcsUs Is OWN iLe rxjriB0te4r4duiarAcrorue- aalut Mas CT l ear- jJJU4Jweat4 rf T FU ilc See STOCK CENTRAL PHARMACY before Buying J R Y BROUGHTOIL Bell GIVE Uock kaacari WevcJiaclcrf Wtdivi llcT4ar to Wa hit tuf fox ior Councils Act OF SHARON Boots Shoes Trunks and Valises Also we are with every Five Dollar Purchase one Elegant GoldPlated Watch Gentle man or Ladys giving us la V4 it it Lit lift aiiiw lit id acl J it lablct lit til it J v TJ- Salt lcc- A ui af r Hc 10 Vft friWa jot 15 Flail CM rOAOM I- Im a Oil ft OR a 1 1 J 1 f Oil a oca M da 0 IS 4 Oil a I- on w a IS ft on Oil 11 fli J Ed a fciu II a ia Oil ia en oi II a ft 15 lMig BO a 9 i ft 11 ri It is a Oil M a oh a l r lv 0 i tj ass eg so a tlult a A I i ltt III a a iriei OS stlrui eta u J r a1 Til-

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