Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Dec 1896, p. 2

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J NEWMARKET ERA DEC K A CbriitmM A flirt- J To Collin AMD WITH Printed At en no ritt 011J1B run FRIDAY DEC 1H00 Our Toronto Despatch Deo Git AM for for Hon J tuft Hod Whitby fktttom on Tot Mr Km two of It nomination a tot to ill -Ohmi- 111 Jkftrto It ftOCompllibrnnl of they 1 In Win tad tit tty a York Dili office A on with miller Mine hit of Id John J mm who lloMlui Avguilftnd iDjullled bo Ida on corn- It Is of York Iho flrf4 it to rib 1 lo wrry amy down In 1 Ibi btbtlf loajhiliktaM bucj ft tbiOotufoLfcfc martin join of the to hire tpjil for lch tod of Cboocllor V4nll of tit Alex QttngwtiteOdfoZ Prof of Trinity Rom mom flut Mtifonof took wblcb Milled to igila to ooopli of f of Hit J r ihoto from dliUno wtro ISr Jit Kola of Ju flriruox of ind ITr of Mr of oar In JAiro A tile of driobi dirKt from of Oct for loO fron to being ftboot billet W ft Rood for bono obilnc4 bin woald ft io ftfilr Importer to to In raioofiotoro now torn been book4 Mr rlcctloo I hop trade with yon In trill oon person Interested the Hit of color ftod lite of elc TO ABOUT A eUtei Mr In Mini lob been In loflll ib re Hon Mr Toll ftCyeeleollon for been for In of to will like plioo one liter from Erg Nov Premier ibt Hon Mr In London by of led Of ft flit led aid lite on the Atfinlfocouttottht Dominion will the Mr currency to ft 1lr will not conllnaa Co fl I the jil of High Comrntuloatr tile iun- iba I Conference bit he will bo by Hon Senator Mill A ego the tamo pendent that lotoccMdtd In the by In it latter find mote In polflicat warfare than he extract from ft office Hen and Toronto iPtot Ah hit lo Toronto paper we learn Pro Dominion Dairy Com ululoixer men of To ronto on The luud object of Mi vie to get the city thle and lie vat to that a cold bo In Toronto The Dominion it for the to iba Old of bolter and Ho euro that Toronto proper for collecting broken carIote of pro- due for likely id- vlceuill Wi ban receded a neat acnual robetfog of Oct Agrfcot- and Union to be at Ontario Agricultural College on Deo 10th and aipoioti to carry on periuitnle Ontario culture live bun lo their and will at I of the In alone with differcot com ditlfcri imi of with frccit feruliaejuahoauacdrapc all practical the re at doubt be and In- la May of KirVpktric of Ontario well ftl regard to A abort ago dace Mo- at the of aether prevtcily made the at Toronto of Mr of Comtnoni to be to George Air Kirk- IbatgcQiti- ft long be a tipeaXerof Her will added weight of of l- prottcc It la that be da- fill the that will May prove tree Kill to ficd to a Wawi lid widi lea In Kit been In Mr Cane epent at Midland Harry ThankrIvlDg Day In Battle Mr It Parke of Mite Birr of Toronto her aont Park to of la ft ISIia epent Oily Mill latter of week In Toronto Mr of le brother over In Toronto at Brantford for ft few Mr Jot of fn Town on Bay MUeJackaonof Broeeeli vliltlng her If Haddock llak con hit to two or thro Mr J Toronto vlilt the pi rental roof week oyer with Mre Mr P J OMalley and children pent Thankiglrlng In Toronto Key W Arnoa the of In- on Day Mr of Toronto ftttecl J Mr and with rclaltrci Day Peck Mill Florence Trenthat Mod the her W Alderman liable to bo out week down In with la Mr and Mm J P Belfry mended a foneral at lUIfrye of age very Mr and Win J of To ronto Day at Mr Gardner Mlai Bowling of Toronto the of Mm It A Ilrolth on Day Mr John of le week with relative in Town and vicinity Mil Jeuo and her daughter over in Bolton Mr and In the city and latter remained over Mr ilh friend In Town on hit way from to Toronto Mr Baker of Whit- gave ft friendly call on while In Town Prank and Thorn- lv Here week at Mr J If and other Mr and in well the wedding of ion Mr Geo Mill and ft gentlemen friend of Toronto over at Mr John Lottie Brown and of Aurora have a few with In Town Lehman who attending College of Pharmacy Toronto for holiday Miu Maw of Toronto giving and following with her Mr Maw Millard Ave Mill Hart the tea demomlrator who at China Hall for nearly ft ft favorite white In Newmarket a of week word having that her Bar Hill bee to p call to feet to approval of the Stationing Com Mr banker of IfuoUiilleaon of Rev If at the Par ion age Con liable Savage left for Hamilton Tctefay evening to work op another caw of Jo tbe vicinity of the City J mallard J A IIelMJPieVheller J and J Thukgiviog Day In Toronto Mr Parki who tick or over two at old trade Mr Hardy at nearly Wad to on Monday night the rupture of ft in all right now Dr aud Dr of the To ronto General Buff and of one of graduating over at Mr Mr Borne of Cavalier Worth Dakota who came oyer ft month ago on lockout of the death of fall at ML In Town on Tneeday foil to for borne Martha of who borne India on baa undergone ftnopuaU on In Toronto and not ont of danger whan kit from of bar ftrftnUrlaIned for We who Veen here all retorntd home with bar We beard until tfaii a from Albert three ft very folly Life tari lb I SHARON ThoPabllo holding an entertainment In If all on the A collection will betaken The league bavin a Toteday lUtolvcd that WW will ft greet help to Tcmpcnnco continued la to preparation for the winter Mr in Toronto on are making nto of newly formed Ice Meter Geo Halt and Chat Morton attending Jury In Toronto Mr- and of Mongolia pent the with at Keewlck ftro being well Attended ftnd much fa match billed for Monday ii illll talk of a Tcinpcranca being hero Hill winter Mr planting White If id lup a hone to water on day evening Mr Lemuel Wilder on Inbrcakln email tone the an KINOCITV Mr Joseph KcflVr of met with whxt have ft ftCCldcnt On Saluidiy la Toronto He wn crosilng ft part of he watiliuck on the bead by a pining vehicle and IhrOrrn headlong to the ground He for the time and taken Into Hoopla rut ftftcmudi taken home by Mi daughter and making CORNERS Vc wedding belli lilting In the vicinity of Mill Lena viiUing her litter Mil at Mr Huntley on the tick Hit Wo the Bethel S to have ft Chriitmxi liec night of eve A great many from iltcet arc going to the Anniversary Supper of the Sutton Mr Is going on Jury thli SCHOOL or ram or Klbcl Or Dow tain Vtolci Dew lilllfeiD Jr Pierce od I Flora Belfry ham Belfry Belfry Belt Bora- Dow A m HOLLAND LANDING mm Mr Flntgo Hannah Toronto at Mr Jaa Bciblt flroat morning A few of but the had a Vikltou Day X home He Ja Murphy Mori Millard Ittg aud Mr at Mr John all of Toronto and Mr and Mr MrThMFipoi O glvca an on evening lull duetts tlom and Imtrurntntal con cluding with a roaring farce Mr Woodcock of held a muting hero on Wednesday night In On- with Co Council election VIRGINIA Mr Frank in Row 111 of tfjn vlalilog In Ooo of wen la IblDkfng I matrimony ha laying In a pork of effected by now la of from Mr John Kay to Mr Riant Ho fault bo tho management of office Mr Kay gUtn being that waa to ho taken to A largo squirrel ahol In tbo villagoon Day on of their carl An owl nearly a ai a tur- key a few day ago icmw from on tonUy Mr John Arnold lotoon of ill fence mliLyl him I Up boon 1rack it fori It Jf iffypoll at on lo ftlluiloa in a floor mill to In ft on hind If a visitor hit lo Utile girl of on tfjiijktfZtvliK CO AURORA In Jty Mr nd J- flro ipct- lug lo to by tho flrl of lho new Mr will go Into bo a to lho other but wo will bo to put with Mr Leonard ft ftp- in Church on Day which all 1 i not at as would all good alt year collection In aid littto Mr and Mm J McFarUnd at on held ftn At Homo at of Mr Dunham Friday evening which wai well aindcd fttid a Mr and Stephen Sun day at Mr Mr MtcMgto is at Geo Cola Mr Mitchell bat for wbtro ho has a situation small boys ftro lilt Christens Tho practicing for Everybody is op for the VlnKr making PLEASANT VALLEY The news of the sudden death on Saturday of Mrs of To ronto a former of this vicin ity catt a gloom of over her many friends here- A very enjoyable time was spent at the Social Several familiar faces were again greeted litem of Miss Miss Scott Rev P Scott and Mr F of Toronto Miss Oliver of Miss Powell of Vandorf Rev Mr and Mr and Mrs J Stephens also helped to con tribute to the program as as those above mentioned The special Thanksgiving service was held on Sabbath evening The postponed entertainment of last year In connection with town Sabbath School is to be re considered next Wednesday evening at Mr The threshing machine is in the section calling on Messrs Stair and UNION STREET A band of gipsies passed through our burs last Saturday Mr ilt has moved into his new house Messrs David and Hoover from have been calling on friends in this Mr and Mrs Rose spent over Sunday visiting relatives in Markbam Mr Walter and daughter are visiting friends Jersey We understand Mr has been at College for an other terra Mr J Cowieson purchased a fine team of horses one day last week Mr Fred Shine of Holt has calling on friends on this street Mr G of Aurora has on visiting at Mr crowds attended the Quar terly held in the Meth odist Church at last Sunday Rev Mr Craig filled the pulpit both morning and evening Mr and Mrs Graves last Sunday friends in this locality The little squabble the other created quite a in ibis coca- Church hanltfllvltig a About v- Another flro hero morning when burnt to Iitjjj arid a number of nox a beast both Ituthcrfon aud Coulter Mica Tiffin of Toronto ftto hero with Aurora Football Club with the team here on giving by a goal to thereby winning the of York Co Aurora loam wore Wing Clark W Clark Walt Cain Clark BackaO VtbiUo- and Wall Cain flayed in good form Mr Ira York Jacob imUioa- Stay Patktr A IltUarr r laaHaiiUtnbiJlulilloverKtta JrILJflllas flnCjr lk4o fiawdao Jr It I Vara Sorrlx3 ftirah Jfiaak J tit Mao Kr TtarU Mar Jr lit TraTla Kmart lrtprd Isiptra Part I Hul led I If Win Hopper VlvclBaart Stito J a lirrJtrKfl Jr til li Howard Jauci Vf Vraofc iriiti Jean Ifarktr Jstaph iZt Hiry Biter Pi Ir I Jr Jr ft ITabTetVUtOr Vrtn t if da Ada it It llam KESWICK nVroTlntccnlcu ihe Cbcrtlj in Jrtor He- mo Toronto In ibli floJthlDg op On no It thin thro A GfltUndcni fir4 John lUaxtiafi and i ft Terry with fie li Mr Kilter your to Mo 1 I cent a of to Otflca but in J Ifoaot li IMi at Mr iriU Is taking her agent for on farm by Mr Hit Daft la leaching place ot Mr Lloyd ft on REAl We have had an Enormous Trade in Hens and Boys Clothing his Pali and this week we propose to show our appreciation of the very Liberal Patronage we have enjoyed by offering the most startling bargains ever shown in Newmarket in AND After several month Ruby again turned up and will try and keep the public potted the raoit important occur around burg Quite a number here took in lit Fine Orchard and al though the night very dark they an excellent time A new wagon ha made In our report bit it that the owner Is to be path matter next year Mr and were viiii- in the city litt week There been com about what the of our town be now thai the la has left it From the report on giving Day one would imagine game must be very thick The roadi are improving a little but rough yet We with to draw the attention of the lo the hill South of the The should be filled up or a rail ing put along before winter set in We fear there would be ample room for an action againat township should an accident occur Mr A Sarr has been making a vast improvement to Ihe appearance his farm by trimming up the ever- teen S well attended on Sunday talk of an entertainment toon TALK Heavy Ulster Over coats were go at 5 09 Mens Best Tweed Ulsters were Beit Overcoat high col lar strap on back luced any day go at Mens Fine Tweed were cheap at goat Mens Navy Overcoats 1 fine lining velvet collar were o -w- PRICES TALK Fine Tweed Suitr special Mens Fine Double Tweed Suits a at go at 7 Mens Finest Suits al ways just noi 10 special piece Suits to regular at Young Mens I Suits at Mens Tweed Pants good j Hoys Oicicoit collar lining every coat north go ai Tweed Orercoat odd sites Young Mens Tweed Ulsters high collar coats was at good Knee Boys Knee at These Bargains are every day Come dining the possible SHOES km Hut beplefic4 fCO W pile W ANTED ai iMtS A4rtJ titfr If ex market ant John Clark aged seventeen and aged sixteen were drowned in the canal at Ottawa They had been staling Amotion it not every day that an Ameri can firm wilt admit its inability to an order for goods from a Canadian house and ask the assistance of an English firm to help them out Nevertheless a reliable despatch says that the demand for the Orphans Prayer picture which is tent to all subscribers of the Family of Montreal is already that the publishers of the Herald realizing that the firm of Prang Co of Boston were not able lo produce the pictures fast enough cabled to the firm of Co London for assistance A favorable reply has been received and their large establishment is now busy day and on the Family Heralds great premium picture Orphans Prayer Of course Ihe work of producing the Orphan Prayer requires a great deal of time and skill but with what are probably two best Art houses in the world working day and night the publishers of the Family hope to be able to fill promptly all orders The plan announced at the beginning by the publishers of the Family Herald lo send the Orphans Prayer lo sub- in the order which sub scriptions reach them seems to give perfect justice First come firt served is tlieir motto and it is a good one The price the Herald and including the Orphans Prayer we see is only one dollar It is indeed marvellous how it can be done for so little CAPITAL win latent TWO Ac know FARMERS AoaiWh6ltaTorotredIjerkaWrJljr Vitii- twb WUTUOMPZOf ji5 Dr Me IN- BOOTS Ladies fine ion Hoots leg Soft Pebble Walking Boot button or laced reg ular at Working Shoes regular go at Mens fine Gaiter reg ular at Mens Long Boots reg 75 our price IN New Mantle Cloth regular 1 Si at 54frch Black coat All Wool fine Black Cashmere regular goes at 5 pieces New regular value go at Coocd regu lar price go it pieces Silk and Wool go at rco pair Kid Cloves per 5 So STAPLES Wool Flannel at Large Cotton Blankets pair Very Heavy Wide Tabic Linen regular at Heavy Wool Sheeting worth All Wool Halifax Tweed regu lar price 50c goes at Heavy Factory Cotton at Moreen Skirling regular 50c at Felt all colon regular wit fit IT J Come any time but you can shop better through the week we have always too much to do on Saturday THIS WEEKS BARGAINS BAYS SALE SATURDAY TORONTO Yo3tdOerradeL CAUTION FOR SALE row wood 4 JOSEPH MILLARD TO LET WAT Cotujr QUUI lit one KM I In money Toronto Market fOhOMO per a Ocom a Be tat a Rxsttf Oil a on a on a a SI a a on a a oil Avft44r I W a fftlMiaillMaii a tf Oil a J Pork IS a a a ChkktLi iaI C j a J Tofkfirf lb W Vlotr a V a DU a on a 015 a Oil Oil OH a Oil a Oil a tClUtttl dCl Mta on on NtDptf lb If a a It a iif tI a fcictXlti a Oil OH MMtllf a Ceil pet cut M a CO CO a CI a Id if Leading Furniture AMD Undertaking House A LifeSize Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN Or at JOIIK NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY Night to it raider 1 an for wit atdUvJicotatflilJiL jAeonoTuetti STRAYEDOR STOLEN- ONE STEER ROAN Large White or for to VAHSOSTRAHD The Councils Act to tire ELECTORS r lb ffeact I to riorr7dclnBIbaTaDt lha op Llb Hill wiucbHmurtIftdicjduaJMta a Our Stock Must bo This is an Opportunity to buy Winter Goods at Reduced Prices just when you want them IN ARREARS FOR TAXES IN THE COUNTY OF YORK l iho At CO UrjydIBrairiidpCaTctcUj Nor Vw All lir til Mr V to illicit 1 Hi tJiiiUiai J Kit yjio Tomb 111 rib litkcrtc1 bit fc We ai selling Ankles and in CcIluloiJ Silver and at Greatly Reduced Prices TUESDAY of IS TUB TO- tie till s1 IttxtOD- A ALL THE FOLLOWING LANDS ARE PATENTED l Con ltUtutorE4aiSrJ ISA IS It A JiTlt it- in A Coninmcnt CHOICE PERFUMES NEXT POST it A cl cj N I u it J iLiiijr j AWwVirEbcpf4 VivtiA iivt Mai am J fc fc lutein wKsiiiior It icucii Si I I SI 4 1 Ji ii tl ail 1 I 1 a in ii i i i A LI a it l OF VALUABLE Waikcfl Ail Oil llo tit lj j fi ASi4Co it litytii a iV tffltti ivif raiti till Tilt IOACICJ I ll era 5lci lies to to lXUMOH C c- Ir jit S- JJ ijtilr- i Ml to Li I j Jl I I a I 1 Jl a l i 3 A I l to I runs Choice New Figs Natural Pigs Basket Table Raisins Selected Valencia Raisins New Citron Peels New Orange Peels New Lemon ALU STOCK Pre Wc very choice Comb Honey in lienor MISSKS SHOES AND Finest Quality New Styles Prices Right Crockery Glassware Dinner Parlor Lamps c A variety one is lice 4issaurcr of County of York Fib ailkaif Loading Only Quality of Spices Kept Our t viy fiif Ai lb Cur Jico Main filthy tit

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