Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Dec 1896, p. 1

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a THE NEWMARKET J Every Friday GEO at nit mitt ftrnrcf And 2009 SUBSCRIBERS with la III fart at 1 ME THE TO KNOW TO UTTER AJBCOkblHO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY as- a -i- YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No papers tent outside of paid in Vol No Single Copies i Cents Each Newmarket Friday December I Terms Strictly in Advance within or Si jo at end of yea NEWMARKET A Interest Allowed on DRAFTS ISSUED AT toll NEWMARKE 4 MO Our new Bake Oven Works complete Our new Baker knows how to do the Work OUR BREAD IS VERY I The proper material has been discovered for the manufacture of Castings for Stoves Etc Arc the of They will not Warp Crack Sec Samples Both in Coal and Wood at our Show Room Of Hog STARK Repairing promptly done IKOAL I J rif J street Remember Uurj to they arc priceless- Take care of them as no one will take care of them for you IV WOODCOCK iU tlio Windows of rut nruAiiTi to a 3 I iirtjiif Ofi it dr ft- r Ariibtl 11 Onto Pa hi A AithfToronlo Homo of A I fi J Air for 111- Soul or I call on us and jef prices L ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician SO Main St Newmarket nun MAS INTO OLD STAND Hiatal of til Burned ft AD O D AT LOWEST HAT J llfUffc a fUtrC riUtjt fir- TO LOAN iifticfcrcltKreo Standard Children over 12 years of age Insured Females Insured without ArrififoiriCiritlftvnLMa Yell Uooa 1 la lrllti THROUGH joiitf iMioif in BEST STOVE AND FURNACE COAL SCREENED tl llivcd iiy of Tivij WILSON MoKINNON U in our solicit lliu Vi firl il in store ihii unity I recovered my Notice of the Snaps which I jiv insr at his mt boot mm ma I have a Tan and fielow Cost also I have a line of Mens ins at 150 an- Goods which I run clearing out at dine other Lines at the same rate Line Moots which I am value Now is your lime as these Good Dont this Rare Chance Sign of the lied Boot are joint very fast r j lif HUNT A A yHAMlAT Tin- CHRISTMAS l lOA5iAV of uiit4ftidtJCCifyj Of he or Milky to matte SOMKKVILIK l At Hi flM DAVID LLOYD Fire v TcHjikot E GROOME J us if SIMP lirVigiSln V II -M-i- 1 11 ML VKDflKf WOOD itur imik I lihriivl I I I Aucnosuriu A J Singing and Violin Toachor for all Voloo Volcoa TOWN CARTING- TClftLtU ten IJAVfb A I A I SON OK At pit J lid Vi Hi tjpiiJvnj Intel- 1 -Up- cf I lci 1 iu Of VcUrltity til IK Halt aU Ycm firJAiiicf RECORD IT IS A SURE CURE Diarrhoea Champa Cholera I1WMKR conditions la some conditions the gain from the use of Scotta Emulsion of cod liver oil For this reason we put up a 5oc size which up a I WHT HE TO ABOUT A lotr4nc4 la by Mr iokrokcJ2W from to ojnl of flri fit hit Hear Joillw of Can At fcffcu week Sir wit iha irl lor by Hon flnndon on Friday of elected th iur Qkht o lit oar by lb I tad by cm by Ironing If li to North for will on Wl Vhtorlt will ftl to nominate a for the notice 0f now form under of Th of CdII It jcLvl lb Join to Oft an on Ka Walfachp Ibo will Ai on tun of a of bootlDs a year to a Now or film a apprtbem to the who a for a AH the Utter who tell differ a a bo iTooHiroyo a to vr Men to go up aoi it la ktcton tchvl fltttlttntot infer for tbo ho to the while In the die the other who thai Premier fiat to tiroway and rtJiicrJiif that extreme partial be right The appear to have the the the hippy if a a ma by Tut Daily the following for of in be- ewe nation certain ap tJDtaieiiLB by rtiiivi aod l Ihiicointry a Mini iter to bit for he desire re tiiro power after to tro Ivrch the hi io64IcId4 like a little at- the bitter 10 Idea ffi5SS IWARULfi WORKS IN MONUMENISand IILAD STOKES it Si is enough for an ordinary I cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children In other conditions gain must be slow sometimes almost cant be built up in a day For this Scotts Emulsion must be taken as nourish ment food rather than food prepared for tired and weak digestions The r i Hoppo Guidt It that the Topper- that held a in Toronto a few their ihroogboot the to leave no to of rmthlcery Ontario AetlnjtOO the ad opportunely tendered we ceo and all the Hoe and are befog If real good will wmo importing party froaa Ottawa that there Militia and being to ai He extent It moolah that on- the late inferior friendly that A Shaw of Almonte and the with apKifl- calling for all wool Ex- peril declare the to la half and aent a report to 4teal The probed to the bottom Tut Fiji Prat at- to the fact by a committed of belcrging to the vcrth of chute while Canada exported worth year Canada hle liuwi worth on it United by and etui fat batter la J tie at l There arc a great many advantages being born an American citizen One can hope to become President of the Slates and variousother high and nighty things after the greatest privilege is in being bom among a people who arc free from foolish superstitions Suppose you had been born on the Cono River for Instance How would you like that when you consider some of their beliefs Is lotd by persons supposed to be well people inhabiting the district round the River share with the of whom we have recently heard a lot the belief that if their priest the were to die a natural the whole world would follow suit at once and would dissolve into air for it ac cording be no only held together by his personal will Accordingly when the pontiff falls and the illness is enough to male a fatal termination probable a successor is nominated and he so 000 as he is consecrated priest hut and clubs him or him to death A somewhat custom obtains in when the King alls seriously ill and likely to die for hi wives to kill him The same is followed if he Rets bey a certain for an On- prophecy states that the throne will pass away from the family in the event of the Kin a nitunl death An in and the strong est speculative arguments are in compaiisnn with proof by experiment is a sub is and written about yet no teaching is to effective as the fruits of a few weeds tolal abstinence in case of a per son addicted to In the November of the following anecdote bearing on our is related At a meeting in ICnUnd the question of total abstinence was lie- discussed at the close of a lecture in favor of it by Mr Silk Buckingham A arose and raid it verv well for gentlemen tike the chair man or man but for latdworcin men like himself to do without beer was perfectly ridiculous In this sentiment a group his friends The speaker then inquired Have you ever tried it It how ire you able to He then proposed to adjourn the meeting for a inomh have the men try the and hen and give their honest verdict agreed to do this When the of the meeting arrived the building wis hours thxc time to commence When meeting opened the same wurt- ing men made an address substantiilly at follows have kept promise made one month ago to this none of us have tasted drink have continued to the improving sensibly as have proceeded and as we had not been a single day or even an hour from work during lhat period there were no deductions for lost lime So that betide being stronger health itY and happier than were before we had each us at the end week from thirty to forty shillings more in our pockets than formerly We therefore that attended the first meeting though we came to oppose it and we mean to persevere as we have begun and recommend all to follow our example X7C03FII2 HIS THE SICK TO sSeMitossBhoasB TREATMENT IK CANADAS HOSPITAL HAD FAILED BEST THOUSANDS OF so for flcl to lOJt jci Mr J Managing Director of the Dominion Co Ltd Adelaide St West Toronto say It is now weeks since began the treatment for Rheumatism and can say the resulta have been simply wonder ful in my cite- This disease had af fected me in the Joints of my knees and one of my feet and at times was so bad as to cause excruciating pains I tried a number of other remedies but received no benefit from them Inside of weeks Rheuma tism Cure has completely cured me Munyoni Rheumatism Cure sel dom falls to relieve in one to hours and cures in a few days Price Cute positive euro all forms of indigestion and stomach troubles Price cents Munyons Cold Cure prevents pneu monia and breaks up a cold in a few hours Price cents Cough Cure stops coughs night soreness and speed ily heals the lungs Munyons Kidney Cure speedily cures pains in the back loins or groins and forms of kidney disease Price cents Headache Cure stops headache in minutes Price Munyons Ointment positively cures all forms of piles Price Wood Cute eradicates all impurities of the blood Price 75c Female Remedies are a to all women Munyons Asthma Remedies relieve in minute and Price Munyons Catarrh Remedies never fail The Catarrh Cure price eradicates the from the sys tem and the Catarrh Tabids price cleans and heals the parts Cure is a wonder ful nerve tonic Price Munyons Vitaliaer restores lost vig or Price separate cure for each disease At all druggists mostly cents a vial Personal letters to Prof Munyon 1 and Albert Toronto an swered with free medical advice any disease Woman J ponders 10 hide lift tfrt Or Liver she and the bloom Disorders like these arise from sluggish liver one to two pills a will clarify and purify the complexion in short order I Jr pills at all druggists Se- you whit you ask for ice for at Pharmacy A Hint to A housekeeper asks What is the simp est way to keep jely from molding on top If you shut a small up in the pantry for a few minutes it may do something towards it Skitoks HAVEU LIFE In a I tut For Liter or Kiictj it 1 lit IS BoQlt is a l It cares IteipitatCyOoiamptiia It the Core Only t a W St or a CrOVPH ROOT the great Dfood clear 10 Cotuti- Biers In the floods in Greece the cemeteries were swept by water and washed out of their graver The loss of life is large Next of Dec will be the nth anniversary of the A in Sutton when they purpose giving a giand entertainment similar to lhat in Jan list We all remem ber what en affair lhat was and the Workmen who know how to do things Hill no doubt make the coining event ruotevirtercsting than its antecedent Infants end Children Vm York Tue C unci I held another Friday Reeve moved that feet of land on Kingston in the city limits and owned by the county be abandoned to the city Some objec tions were nude but when it was found that if such action were not taken ihe county would have to for the care of feet of roadway without receiving any benefit the mo tion was carried The Council then went into Com mittee of the Whole and spent the remainder of the days session in the discussion of the building of the new bridge York Millr SATURDAY The last meeting of the York Council under the old was held on Saturday the mem bers dispersed to their homes with the certain knowledge that at least them would not return again A by law was passed repealing the byraw appointing a Deputy Clerk for the county The Warden and Messrs Evans and Hill were appointed a deputation W wail upon the Railway Committee the Privy Council in case an adverse decision should 1 vixen in the case of the appeal of the C- P against the County of York Mr Moat was allowed a rebate of on the rental of No locate street as he had on account broken at Hoggs Hollow Mrs Atkinson lessee of No gate also got a rebate of 275 as she bad lost considerable on her bargain The Toronto Suburban Street Railway was granted an i in of time until July next to com plete its road to Islington A long discussion took place on the question of each member taking home the chair he had occupied as a to the old Council It was finally de cided that the Warden and County Commissioners should rearrange chamber and the remaining chair will then probably be old to those members who desire them A vote of thanks was then passed to the re- tiring Warden everybody sang Hes a Jolly and the pro ceedings were brought to a close with speeches by Mr Woodcock Mr Evans Mr Hill and others Hon in It How often home happiness ruined by I How often the husband who really loves his wife neglects the little expressions and acts of love till love is starred How often the parent who really loves the child maintain such a cold exterior that the child does not know it I How often the son Wis to appreciate the loviog sacrifice of the mother My mother gets my builds the fire gets his breakfast and sends off said a bright Then the get me up gel my breakfast and tends me off Then she gives the other their and rends to reboot tod Ifaen she and the baby have their breakfast Are you well paid Father gels two dollars day and I get two dol lars a week- How much doe your mother get With a bewilder ed look the boy said Mother I she work for I thought said worked for all of you OS doe but it lb Most Cuts on Record Ten lag From CeatKcted end oat In Every btored to AcllvsLlf We suppose there is not a resident of Newmarket who does not know Mr J A who does not know of his years of suffering and who has not heard of his release from a life of helplessness and pain through the medium of Dr Williams Pink Pills Indecd we doubt if in the annals of medicine there is a more re markable restoration thin has been accomplished in Mr Moffats case and he deems it his duty to mankind to make the facts through the columns of the titer Ten years ago Mr MofTatt was working in the Hat Fac tory Through the influence of damp room and possibly some care lessness in regard to his health he was attacked with a which eventually settled in his limbs For some years he was an almost constant from rheumatic pains and spent much money in treatment for the trouble but with no be yond an occasions temporary release from ain Finally to make matters worse he was attacked with malaria and rheumatic fever He was then forced to go to Toronto general hospital when it was found lhat ho was afflicted with torticollis wry neck Dunn the first six months in the he was treated by the staff electrician but the powers of electricity entirely I and after a consultation of it was deemed advisable to perform an oper ation Six weeks later a second oper ation was performed The operations proved successful only in so far as afforded temporary relief He remained in the No vember till January an with the remedies and ap plications known to the staff of well equipped institution no relief could he obtained He was then advised to go home partly in the hope that the change might prove beneficial but instead he continually grew and in March was forced to take to hit bed and those who of his condition did not think he had long to live At this time every joint in his body was swollen and distorted and he suffered the most excruciating agony If a walked across the it intensified the pain as though he was pierced and lorn with knives and if touched he would scresm aloud with In this state of hopeless suffering he remained bed fast for eighteen months all the while using all manner of medicines from which relief might be hoped for Then he was put under the treatment of a celebrated Toronto but with no better result After this last experiment failed he determined to try Williams Pink Pills at the same lime discontinuing all other treatment At the end of three months there was very iin- movement in his condition and so much so his mother thought he could be lifted outside He was Hill so weak however lhat he was only able to up a few minutes as before When taken back to bed he felt a sudden tingling sensation going up from his toes and through his joints and The next morning when he awoke the pain had left the and lodged in the arms and then for some weeks the pain flitted from place to place in the arras and then disappeared and he has not had a particle of pain ever ibis time he was taking Dr Williams Pink Pills and slot but surely re gaining his strength Then an in valids chair was procured and he was wheeled uur eventually be was able to himself The continued use of the Pink Pills con stant added to his strength and then the chair was discarded for crutches and then the crutches a cane At this time Sept Mr Moffat I hid so far that he a frequent contributor to the columns of the and pro curing a horse and buggy he wis en gaged as local reporter for the paper The once utterly helpless invalid is now able to go about to get in and out of his buggy without any assistance and is at his past of duty called upon Thus we find that after and Wil liams Pink Pills proved success after all other remedies and the of medical treatment bad failed With such marvellous cures as ibis to its credit it is no wonder that Dr Williams Pink Pills is the popular medicine with alt classes throughout the land this case cerlaioly justifies the claim put foitb on its behalf that it curei when other m fait Toe rebellion in Madagascar oyer neatly is land Nov A wilder holiday today could cot well bo Imagined a heavy snowstorm set in and turned today into the first of Street and blockaded with oow and it with the greatest difficulty tie sUtttcari 1 BITS FROM OUR Simeoe Co Council granted towards building a lockup at Bradford President Cleveland will re move to Princeton J when his term expires men think arc practising economy by refusing to pay a just debt promptly A fiveyearold bay has been stolen from the stable of George Sanguer at StoufTvilfe Another massacre of Armen ians is reported from in which were killed At in a dy namite explosion on the Alf mine two men were terribly injured Ec Fire tenants on Lord estate near Unpick have been evicted for nonpas of rent One reason that school teachers never get married that they rec a great deal of roan in youth Lightning last Friday destroy ed and seasons crops be- farmers Joseph StephCMon and Joseph near Cbcslcy Men who talk most against are generally willing to ad- rait that they dont attend services regularly Mrs James of Belleville wis burned death by a lamp which was knocked from her hand and set fire to her clothing China is reported to be about reorganizing her navy and building a lot ships of war under the direction of LI Hung Chang 13 Customs Collector Elliott of has been dismissed He was short in his accounts about but has promised to make this good Big sleeves have gone out of fashion oirfg largely to the fact that jhedressmakers have found a way to make the tight one cost Just as much Dr Slick of who recently pleaded of uttering a forged power attorney was sen tenced to twentythree months in gaol A blacksmith named Duncan walked in front of a P train at station on Saturday and was almost in stantly killed The Shah of Persia announces that hereafter he will Premier and will preside in person over the Cabinet which will consist of twelve Ministers A report comes from Tokio to the effect that Russia has been grant ed the right to build rail- through Chinese territory defend it with Russian troops E A shooting accident occurred at tne north end by which a young woman mined was instantly Ml by the gun she was handling ex ploding Of all the great departments of the government there is not one comes so close to every citizen and is so essential to his welfare as the post office department It affects him in his business and in his pleas ures in his more general as well as in his most intimate relations of life Business the most enormous mag nitude is daily committed to the care of the mails People who a bit of green in the house when fields and flower gardens ate wrapped in the desolation of winter will find a sweet potato planted in moist loose earth or a jar of water with the seedend projecting pa aid will a beau growth of vine in a short time It resembles English ivy and rivals the glossy leaves of the ting Jew for decora ion RtgUttr antes bat oing to the languige used by Mr Justice Rebel the bench ai the assizes towards Irish Catholics a petition to the Minister of Justice has been drawn up and the whole matter has been placed in hands and that it will be pushed as far as lights of such a mailer entitle Ihem to pro ceed The Register adds We hope ihe Catholic people of On tario will see lhat petition is in fluential signed No patent is granted to a foreigner in Japan No foreign in ventor by applying through a Japanese can oblain a patent except by fraud If a patent were obtained by a false that a Japanese citizen was inventor and it was discovered that he was not ihe would be at once cancelled is precisely the same with trade marks designs there is no regis tration and no protection The re sult is that all goods of foreign pro duce and manufacture of which the label is worth can be bought all over Japan of Japanese manufac ture and at a quarter of fractional part of the cost of the original and genuine foreign nude article The Indian ol Is land have asked permission of the Department to use gill nets during the close season for the purpose of catching fiih for domestic use Lake Simeoe Is of the famous pleasure and angling On tario the Fisheries Depart roVit has prohibited use In it of net of every kind Two yew ago the In dianroa the representation of the Indian were allowed to use gill nets during close season for catching tub for pur pose It was found the Urge fish being W to The not propose to allow a repetition of action and ha simply granted permission to the Indian to use the dose method of them auUw of

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