Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Nov 1896, p. 2

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J v Co A Co UanlksO CO Tcronto Hern UIq Wanted A Ifrlci f Capital W J ana Cut OEob GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Ess t B ass ft p IK ft I iS J ft tH AMD WITH EACH la U At Homo via mm Uia KM PA Our Toronto Despatch Of ftlfttlu lion Jjrdeo tell on to of n ho on the U- will ftlUod of iho JM for of lit itUiki ot H ftlnoonU lo ftbuibiOOy per Hon Mr Agriculture it to n null Klogttan frxt 0b to V no rd ICO tot It of Mr Tub vjli rnlgbt tbtolu for lb of School It lbl will qUoq of lb of ecooiotb by Atcr- of Tim Iho lo en ftHrcrllMtatol Board d with At Mat of air 1 by Hot Mr of tool In thai of ooaalry for of to known Ibo u Hit year It It profit to for oiUntlrt of refrigerator of Ottilia lUt of to look fcfKf InttKtU liocarao to pwer tog goal for a of dilllloa to all fttvnUci II 40Unow to to ally of Am for Cornwall to will bo will flll Of Dm and In floldi ylr Mr Mr of Council aboil Ion of nd to tbo loci of with will fan but thai with It Hill or of thoVIIIajvO will to fte ai4 fMUjjto not Worth travelling from of the County down us thai llic Street Kail- ay Company have completed their overbear trolley from Toronto to this side of and state it confidently that the electric cars will be to Richmond Hill by Ihe end of week This will be gratifying to the along the street and also to Richmond Hill but those who have Occasion to drive the highway complain of condition of the travelled J road This ought not to to be the com pany which obtained so liberal a fran chise from the county should not transform a privilege into a license by imposing obstacles lo public Possibly however the obstruction i hot so formidable as represented and we only speak of the matter from which have reached us Toronto papers referring to this electric railway stale that the present house of the Company near Mount Pleasant is Urge enough to supply sufficient current for passenger traffic to Richmond Hill but in creased power will be required for freighting and this will be provided by improvements to be added at once As our readers are already aware the Company has obtained power to extend their line to but the agreement has not yet been or con firmed by local municipalities Referring to this fact the says As soon as it is decided to ex tend the line North from Richmond Hill an additional power house will be erected at Newmarket or Aurora When the Metropolitan was first in troduced for the consideration of the County Council we will remember it was mooted by its promoters that it was the ultimate design to extend the line to and possibly Keswick and Sutton and from a re cent interview with the President of the Company we learn ifie ultimate object is still kept In view But In view of the fact the franchise a of o years we ate surprised that Reeve Hills motion for a reduced traffic was more favourably enter- by the County Council Tub annual Inspector of of Ontario for tho put duly received was over looked lime In practical wo regard most important for ytaif on account of cUlooa of bating with offices of will prove In to registrar of at well as to solicitor Id to of tb Wen Act week by for official Referee brick to a claim for brick fa a claim was bated on Lien Acs of but Registrar by Judgment decided act dca not apply io a supplier of material ibo aaue way at is dbti to a NEWMARKET ERA MOV 27 1896 1- lM TW fa anoooc vctia and by of I A far Char kilt sir of mull CD IboKbcolqculloa u y on will Ibi iblj fati been flojiJJy nil to a a to all to on of fcoih probably a rati majority will oocdoilODf a qocitloo It now Tut of neatly and tlw Jo ftrtnot to ft wort rational tad of plan ft hart prlwn not a To who Jo Jnilltttlon for Hint art of byorotl will la a wl of their own will not will have tban that will In a nut loll hardly an or cloth for la now In tbo lootnt acd will aooo bo for tho Of of Com ment and Hon J Davit Provincial Introduced a from Hardy laat morning Of Hanker Will lin- on JHrarn Jobnton and a that At- lake to a man named a former of was In grtin forged names largo number of farmers in York and sold note to Mr Williamson bo also defrauded many of bis and It now to In Southern Oliver did not caio to warrant an effort at bis extradition Premier Hardy bo would look matter but ft fa not likely bat any will bo taken bo la very much to proceedings without a certain of Im taking tbo and heros dolls for another remarked old sub scriber lot but bo Its fieltln late The editor You want troth dans you only giving what bat been developed since Ibo torn over ai Ottawa Well perhaps to remarked subrcrlber tot rnoy other to PoisiUy replied tbo editor and if so well give that aide when ft All ho what country whole troth It good to have r change la while ft to of hidden thing editor of depart mental bidden covered up aro to tight of day May to said Subscriber both aides want watching They all go for Ho I The trinity weather of fast suck caused quite an increase Mr Jos Irwin of Is spending his vacation at bis home There VM a snccilngin with the on Tues day evening Quite a number hero we o- Ing to Sutton lo hear ihe musical treat A IfirJo expected lo ad dress the Christian Sunday evening are very sorry to lea of the of Mrs Woods She baa been suffering from of the for over a week and at her advanced age her case is danger ous She Is staying with her daugh ter Mrs John Mr Is home on a visit KING CITY The annual meeting of the King Reform Association was held here On In I tall regretting Inability lo attend read from Hon Hon J Davis McMahon Eto and others Owing to the In clemency of the sreather many from being present The situation was reviewed and officers elected for ihe coming year The officers chosen were J Walton VicePies TJ Jioart A consisting of four was appointed for each of the nine divisions of the township After the business meet ing was concluded the company re paired to the dining room a dinner was served up fn the excellent manner for which Is so justly famed and was thoroughly en joyed by svho spent a very pleasant hour The following toast list was duly honored The Queen The Reform Patty Or Coulter Aurora J M Walton Kcllleby Agriculture Kct J Ferguson villc ihillipi Newmarket- Trade and Commerce A Icy King The J Toronto W ASkeans Toronto Dr Nor- man King The Press of the Aurora VIRGINIA of Importance will engage new Minister of She Interior will bo the rcqueet of She North- Territories for Provincial In the Confederation Alberta wants to bo- of minion and It la thought Dominion Government much linger sieve oil demand The that the Xerritorlea should bo a Province witb all powers power of Its credit It is that If Provincial autonomy Is given will be great ad vantage to that section by doing away bureaucratic of govern ment from Ottawa which the tora contends Is not to the advantage of the Territories Mb AURORA The Association Football Chsrn- Eton ship for the County of York will decided in Aurora on Thanks giving Day vs Aurora Walt Cain of Newmarket will play on half back line with Aurora will no doubt be a very exciting game Hall placed at Some impudent sneak thieves entered the residence of Mr If Swain book keeper or Knight Palls last week and stole They left a note called to borrow or but bad only found On account of To ronto receives over a year Auctioneers pay billiard hail proprietors cabmen dealers victualling houses linry stable d it about Tub great rite fo tho price of wheat tonus hundreds of of dollar to Our farmers Those who held wheat op to time ere she fortunate oner The looking alter She roteretts of lis readers and of Information at command July add has ever tloco been Inform ing its that wheat would rite Each week Mail the facts were given and the advice that wheat would bo still higher and from day of the first notification op to the time the has been over a bethel Yon can have the Uait an acid tbe both for one year for Bend this office of mature years whore memory clear before war have practically forgotten bat Henry Ward lilt pulpit Id Church an block for slaves fern- of tit ye sties was of the beautiful girl and It was that meet oyer in Plymouth Church or In any other American for that matter occurred Mr was unusually dramatic be pat a fire In to his words as bo stood stave girl on platform which fairly burned Into the hearts of bis acdlvors It was not Jong before the poop a became with But kept on until be was ready to pus collection Tbta the gave to and cot only heaps of money vis pet the but icia and women took on rings watches and Into the baskets and on platform It was a remarkable tot or each a as probably will never be In Ibis country recalls with wonderful vividness Inhir fa the Hen when the of When Mr Gold BETHEL CORNERS We are pleased to bear that a league was organized in Ibis place last Thursday night Mr the Superintendent of the Sunday School was unable to at tend lo bis duties on Sunday Mr and Mrs returned home after a three months visit in Sintaluta W where they a very enjoyable time visiting their sons and daughter Mr and Mis Richard Morton are moving from our midst They will be greatly missed both in Church and Sunday School Our lots will be Suttons gain Mr and Mrs- Kemp and daughter of Sutton were visiting in our midst on Sunday Miss Horner of Sutton was vitiling the Misses Sunday HOLLAND LANDING has disappeared again after making us a couple of days visit The Social held at the resi dence of Mr on Tuesday evening was well attended and a very pleasant time was spent Who was it that lost the road on the way home Word has been received that Mrs James McClure who is visiting her daughter Mrs Irvine at Smiths Falls is seriously ill Later reports say she is slightly better and hopes are entertained of her recovery Rev Mr Little gives his sermon here on Sunday morning reat at Christ Church We understand Mr Utile intends moving to Bolton where he has been appointed rector Miss Grantham was At House last Wednesday evening with a number of friends and all report a vtty enjoyable lime Geo Rood and grand child ren spend Thanksgiving holidays with her daughter Mrs at Toronto Mr and Mrs Wilkinson and family are visiting at Mr Sullivans Mrs West was friends In the city a few days last week Mr W C and bis mother at tended the funeral of Miss Maud Dickson of Mrs Lane in the city last Saturday Our township Collector Mr Kay has nearly completed his work It could not of course be done to quickly were people not to prompt in paying Mr John McLcary lias had a fine new wire fence built in front of his lot and is otherwise improving it Miss Tennyson of has been visiting at Mr John I vans The pupils of public school are practicing for a grand entertainment lo be held about the of Dec Mr John an old resident of this place got lost on Saturday and after a long search was found in Waller field about p According to the report in last weeks Sunday Schools teem lo be in a flourishing condition in other parts of the and province If Executive would visit Vir ginia they would find ample room for missionary work in thai direction There has usually been a here the Summer time but this Summer it has been struggling between life and death with chances in favor of latter Several unsuccessful attempts in way announce have been made at reorganiz ing and pupils enough would lurn out to form a School only to be dis appointed Some one has written thai opportunity has long hair in front and behind she is bald teaching us that opportunities after they have slipped by cannot be caught An other golden opportunity was allowed 10 pass by on Sunday last We now two remitters on this circuit and one was going to come to help organ- ire The hour came and went the children were there in large numbers but neither preacher nor superinten dent and now it is doubtful if the children can be reassembled after so many disappointments The congregation got tired waiting for church and nearly all of them went home Punctuality thou art a virtue tit News been received from Sydney ol the massacre of a party of hunters composed of six whiles and five natives by the cannibals of BRADFORD The Standard Rank is again fully installed in its old premises Holland west which have been com pletely overhauled during the past summer as to be almost unrecover able to any old customer unaware of the change The managers office from being in a dark dingy uninvit ing corner at the rear of the building has been moved the front and now Is a light commodious room fac ing on Holland street The rickety old counter with timeworn green painted wire screen has given place a beautiful wide counter of highly polished oak surmounted with a screen of bronze The tellers cage situated in the centre of the public room is an orna ment in Here instead of the narrow ledge afforded to customers in the old building there is ample room on the wide counter to observe the notice contained in a tittle bronze frame counting ones money be fore leaving the wicket No pains or expense been spared in making the building a credit to the workmans skill and an ornament to our town Our townsman Mr Wm Lawrence who had the contract deserves much credit for the excellent manner in which he carried out the same To Mr Morton the proprietor is due considerable praise for undertaking improvements at so great a cost over the high class Burglar Proof Safe which was specially order ed and placed within the vault with excellent light good ventilation and heated with hot air the present prem ises ate without exception ihe best and most complete to be found out side the head office of a city and are such as our citizens may well point to with feelings of just pride It is safe to predict that with its present busi ness air and and obliging manner in which the wants of its customers ate attended to by the present staff under the manage ment of that affable and energetic manager Mr John ibis insti tution will not only prove highly sat- to this Banks Board of Management but will be largely spreading a force and energy through and among the business intertill On Day the of ray Methodist Church intend holding a Pink and White in the Temperance hall from to p m This It going tobe something out of the common line of things A very large gathering expected to witness the carrying out of one of latest novelties In church enterprise services have been In the Methodist Church Somenhere about souls were brought from darkness to the mar vellous light of God Mr spending a few days at home sreck Most of have returned from their deer hunt warn meetings here on Tues day and Thursday evenings are attended We heard the had a fun on fifth a few days ago guess they paid for it though Mr Robert has become quite a popular bookseller Mr Richard still keeps poorly WHITCROSK A very pleasant evening was spent it the residence of Mr Wilton on evening last by a few friends of Mr Walker who had been hired with Mr Wilton for past summer Various games a good feed of oysters and other good things were provided by Miss Wilton Be fore leaving for home Mrs Mr Walker with a hand- tome shaving to that he would have something to remind hfm of the pleasant time he spent at White Rose Mr Bennett of Chicago 111 spent a few last week iritis her shier Mrs Brooks Quite a from litre went to Wesley Church at Vandorf on Sun day to attend the church of Maccabees which was quite a suc cess KfcTTLEBY On Sunday aoh inst the Metho dists here will hold a Thanksgiving a freewill offering in aid of the church in place of the Thanks giving tea as announced previously The hunters have returned from The only game of im portance being a small bruin brought down Another fo rapped last week by the same per ton mentioned in our itsuc Mr J Elliott and family moved Monday from Mr Bakers house to the on fate Nancy Webbs farm Mitt Buck is putting an addi tion to house A wagon load of hunters and dogs from a distance drove down to Ihe Holland marsh on a rabbit hunt John is sinking a new well for Mr Wakefield Mr has returned from Manitoba after spending ihe summer up there MOUNT ALBERT programs for the Con vention lo beheld here on the and of Dee are printed and will be circulated fn the various school of the next is of more than ordinary Rev Jos Young of Stouffville is 10 give the opening address in the Presby terian Church on Tuesdry evening On Wednesday morning Rev J Sturgeon of is to give an address and Mr Wilson of Pine Orchard has contented to take charge of Bible lesson In the after noon the Counly Secretary is to talk on Work Rev Dewey will lead in Song and Mr A Day energetic Provincial General Secretary will address the children In evening the same gentleman is to give one of his popular and addresses ana Rev of will answer the Question Drawer It is hoped that every S S will tend at least two or more delegates Mr Jos Miller is the local Secretary and names of those who desire homes should be sent on or before the of Dec so that the Billeting Com may know how many to provide for every in the take an interest in the Convention and make it the best ever held is reported to fall en in come of the of with beneficial on the crops Thomas A White a farmer vras following a deer on the when he carelessly placed hand over the of the cocked rifle It went off accident ally the hulltt boring a hole through the palm of bis band and Unking him in the right check lie was taken to Toronto for treatment l3berti8chet 1 ft ft fc J fc A A J dor cow CAPITAL TWO of bra TORONTO RE AT it to got n Toronto- WANTED FRESH MILCH COW price I 8ILVER a yi Yvyy We have had an Trade in Mens and Boys Clothing this Fall and this we propose to show our appreciation of the very Liberal Patronage we have enjoyed by offering the most startling bargains ever shown in Newmarket in MENS AND BOY CAUTION J tod to FOR SALE A Sect for In MILLARD Furniture AMD Undertaking House a Last week a motorcar ruu- ning between and attained he speed thirty wiles an hour Hugh mer chant of King Township died on October leaving an estate valued at so consisting of mort gages and book debts and as he left will his daughter Mrs Florence applied for letters of ad ministration Mo Five children of Mr and Mrs Snyder living miles north ihe city were burned to death late last The burned while the parents were attending a dance When they reached the burning building the father saw his daughter lying burning in the front doorway clasping her year- old in her arms The flames prevented rescue The father fell in a swoon arid ha been a raving maniac ever A report from says that an old man named Covington at one time a section boss the Midland Railway at SloutTville has through the death of a wealthy niter fallen heir io The old man has been straitened circum stances lately bat this magnificent be quest means a sudden his fortunes Four children share benefit of the big legacy two eons William and Walter proprietors of Stouffville Fret and the unmarried daughters Addle and Martha has been received from French River of the accidental drown ing of Milton and John sons of Mr Duncan Coo liable at that place and formerly of Toronto police force two young men aged respectively and id years went to toe mouth of the Bad River beginning of the week for a duck bunt and were absent all week Not returning on Sunday search panics were sent out and boat found bottom up with sail still set- Later the oars and other effect belonging to 19 Jit tt PRICES TALK Mens Ulster Over- compete ro Mens Best Tweed Ulsters were go at licit Frieze Overcoat high col lar on back tweed lined any day goat Mens Fine Tweed Overcoats were cheap at goat Mens fine lining velvet collar were goat PRICES TALK Mens Fine Tweed Suiu special 5- Mens Fine Double Breast Tweed Suits a bargain at go at Mens Finest Black Suiti now special 3- piece Suits to regular at Young Mens Suits I patterns were at 3 PRICES TALK Pants good ones at t Boys Long Orcrcoit storm collar tweed lining every coat worth 4 go at Boys Tweed Oscrcoat odd sires only were go at Young Mens Tweed Ulsters high collar stylish coats price was Boys good Knee Fants at Boys sec Knee at a These Bargains are every day dining the if possible fllAll jjARGAIIlS A Air Brush Ink Portrait With every Cash Purchase of furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN or joiin fi5 A SPECIALTY fttl3J lo It AtHo llfJXGatfctdce tb or Ji a on of IL lit- Urarifftnu fho DjIftWH At the Itlti w 110 iciutf Well in At Toronto Atiloip Edward IlocliV- J ii B4ltb rdui will tf FOR SALE App to ItOCHIS CO LOVE Ken Wj IkUihd w ANTED- ttt wut It est tn til PIG ASTRAY to jEiaiE ASTKAY la f lata w in er lass TWO SHEEP EXECUTORS SALE Or VALVABtE FARM PROPERTY rim MR JAMES it Saturday Doc TOWN OP NEWMARKET FuwttTtaiforthvyMi rOfilloadraud la To tit r 1 0 IJl vat 4li ssMt7 cMiiKtttujrto a Of W Axli QcUia He i UU IN- IN- SHOES Ladies fine Kid but ton Hoots at Indies Soft Pebble Walking Boot button or reg ular at Working Shoe regular at DRESS New Curl Mantle Cloth regular i Mens fine reg ular at Mens Hoots 275 our price Heaver regular All fine Black regular pieces New value goat 1 regu lar price go at Silk and Wool Plaids go at pair fine Kid per pair a IN STAPLES Good Wool Flannel at Cotton Very Wide Table IVnen at Wool Sheeting worth goes at All Wool Halifax price it Heavy Cotton at regular at Felt all uvular jo JO Come any time but you can shop better through the week we have always too much to do on Saturday ASTRAY 1 GENERAL WANTED of J ho lltbftfor ft AocV a0hkropblron4 brown to will HOjjKltTOAltKKTL YflyBFmL Bulls BUYING A DOWN DRAFT DOBBIN DRUM It makes era and wood go nearly twice as far for heat ing and very testimonials can be given as to their and dura bility All information cheerfully given by DENNIS Agent will to HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES- to mitt ilcDtfir7r wu It A Monday lit fc i- l tcfcttV latur tf IK tit Atjlutnfcf ibt tit ie lattutL toMeoltrcta tilt J tkicSfU itt V l tfrlyf Aalctti la KJtftico tor CttrlUtt Nor ISA CLUBS For the benefit of Era we hive the following Clubbing Era and Weekly Globe 160 Daily World 32J lo new Toronto Evening and Era flud Illus trated Weekly York A it l lit AbtKLtrcbnt A JO tot T tt4y tot for ljirt iU wrk IVEortgago tilt oat1i4 tootCfiiewtii it VillbtfiffrrtrlMf ACCtl It VILLAGE Tuesday the day of Dec tic- ttr flt it dir to no- BEST STOVE AND FURNACE COAL SCREENED Cos to any part of VILSONMcKlNNON JACKSONS POINT IVS5 W McDONALO Prop PINK HARDWOOD AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES til I IO Jtnttitf tte tMlt rtt tit t flatted Nor ft CHINA wHAlL Clioicc New Natural Basket Fable Raisins Valencia Raisins New Citron Peels New Orange Peels New Lemon ALL STOCK very choice in alio THE NICEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT To tty liu ibcftuDAavuadcaftc4 rt ttMMfcrtt it flxUfj cf tUwctk to t it LADIES MISSES AND CHILDREN BOOTS SHOES An Finest Quality New Styles Prices Right AND Crockery Si Dinner Sfs Parlor Lamps c variety aiJ the A I J STOVE FIRST CLASS Call and I ubtr Yard jTho Loading Only First Quality of Spices Kept Our Nor at fnft fur frL ttA rwi iYriV

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