I fc Hoy lftW- I Trap ShootcrsI cur Gii LI C G tin JVJ Sill j CLUB ROCK mum COATS MA It SHOOTING SWEATERS ti ll Ill fit Ik it and ho no It If of lbt lornvl The M flotih- Jili itA tfco of hit Mom lo from from lliwo for off to mod a dinger not only Solomon to lowed from God Lot of would Wlb pCQptfp iCOOftvrlOK U a of of pTotpccUy Co the love which All ftOQl With thing do to ho Arc if weigh for ho about to and tho of ho All It will lodo over thing vlthln our toff her from all or opprciiiont and J CURED BY TAKING tt a of one per cent the nine he vendors get lite Uirii ho up on cnt lo lie department when a cheque for ihe aroounl of the to be forffifdcd lo ihe llietn In At no it required on Idler to of public no hard- ihlp be entailed upon merchant by decision on Mr MulocVt put but on the contrary li a nay for the by In their AVER I foe van ii iiminx Hi iiriu 1 tvQ ijve I I from Eruptions Mr h It t K to In Kit ofifil ili1 It liM iiVf TO Civil live thai will Iniilil Chance ybuuiKiyi IViartins Cardinal Food a itiifle t i fur iufAiits MlirilKIJS AM til l lie vz1 Fa 4tv I J lt It It AND r iUo of t li fCfll ll4- It 4 for Jo At for IJufcri journals iwliti- Opposed to the Liberal Government at Ottawa arc bewailing lot of useless from public wrvfee the pleased to find that the men in have the coinage f any out ami arc thereby the expense of civil government The conceited on parliament hilt has been the jeet of much lor many years both in the ant on the hustings and of jour- mass the rejoice at the prospect of employees receiving a ticket- Government rTonn in this re- the civil and arc to note from the remark Ottawa of that will soon he fulfilled And not We know of time County who and after litis placed una appointed on a where be drew large piy tut If he was able to HARROW Of by to Wbn lit r Follow- Her fir if out From is nothing more thin the talk of qui brave defenders who have their and country in far distant lands To with an Indian officer hearing his Aroiinricenccf and who have enjoyed it al ways appreciate a reporter I wa hhtcd to instruciions to In Shaw who has his spun in and is living his family inbnnr able rctiremeni at Isle grasped the bellpull and had given it one tug when the door opened and the general stood before knew he was a once- His manly upright bearing his smile his pleasant all you that you stood in the fit one of na gentlemen alas I be held a lime fa hie and he that the must he short However he ushered me in and at once put me at case by his affable conversation I am afraid he that you have came a long distance but let me know the precise object of your Shaw visit I explained the General that was anxious with his consent to irun tome personal explanation as to the narrow I had heard one of his daughters ha recently ex- You rnuit know he said I am just a bit of an enthusiast on this point but the is very short- My daughter home from India and when I joined her in I found her ill in bed She Tad rheumatic and liovrious arbitration work he as finally well qualified to discharge Wc perfectly blood- J less and in a IS ell LTMAH BROICO AvLtfor IL MV 10 Scomo 4 l July on the bench Why should such he pi in idleness at tie public expense This country is burdened and the will he to know that the Government is taking action looking the rcuotal of all drones upon the energies of the body politic Too have superannuated nothings been living at the expense of art overburdened overgovern ed country we rejoice M of change in PO ict te a I CM w If TO THt CUP If d eiuudafl lot J it tot tri Vi vi ft Unci it ftiffv 1 It lv 4iSi If CO I avO raw AoAjcM4UrAi4U4WKtVK5ONlO i4U- ivU4llU ko SOLO AT WiliA or SKI HIT in tOWlj OH li sftr wo iitii inMi 0 At J 1 from ihn he is ihinji more than a mere figurehead determined to his lirepajment on a business understand its widely Wei lie knows that I lie most and eitcnsive of the cannot be mastered in a day but by application he is making a most determined effort to mister details lop off branches and effect calcu lated bring receipts and rures into a more satisfactory relation to each other than has hitherto mark the past history of thii department Complaint was made by certain journals opposed to the Government other day because lie enforced provisions Post Office Act for stamp vendors their from or and requiring them to obtain stamps iron the Department at Ottawa Those who understand of ihe law wilt readily admit iu propriety justness and also compliment Hon Mr Mulock for his wisdom in applying a remedy to A grievance His promptness in action indicates his business n to meet pub tic exigencies day or two ago mention was made in the some cling on the part of in Toronto because had been forbidden losell postage stamps which came to them in the shape of appeals that the licensees lo sell stamps their permits on the distinct that they must purchase their supplies from the Government and no person is allowed to sell stamps unless he has a stamp vendors license This is a provision in the Post Office Act not a mere arbitrary ruling on the part of ihe department The reason for it is that if the sale of stamps were un licensed it would afford opportunities steal and thimand it was with the specific object of pre venting speculation in stamps that the provision was inserted in the Postal Act To meet ihe grievance that merchants who receive stamps re mittances have that iney cannot get of theme to vendors the depart ment has redeemed them at a cent dUcnunv This is admit ted to be too especially when it considered that vendors only make one Cent on sales The has accord- didued that from this out amps in mail of not lets than a dollar ant prostrate condition A doctor see but she remained absolute ly colorless was in great and suffering from ft She had a kind fever nervous headache and other pains Well I heard of Or Williams Pink Villi for Pale People My daughter and box had a marvellous effect She regam her lol pains and aim- altogether She bad quite a glow upon her She went on taxing pills I am glad to tell thai she recovered I have Dr Williams Pink Pills to all with whom I com in and all who lake rive benefit ther fciin I have a sister at Jersey and shi nes ihiin for a very lon time and ended them other people and found them to a great deal of good lo whom has thern I my self when I have heard of people b in ill have taken ibm or sent of ihtsopill Dr Williams Pink Pills directly enrich and purify the blood and thus it it they arc so famous for the cure of scrofula chronic and pale and sallow complexions to the glow of health They are also a nerve and spinal tonic and have cured many cases paralysis loco motor ataxia neuralgia St Vitus dance and headache A for all the troubles of the female and in men cure all cases arising worry overwork or indiscretions of living Hell of the Dominion Geological Survey is of the opinion that the mineral found near Sudbury If anthracite coal but Is In veins Instead of layers he doubtful if it be found In quantities A dairymen Is credited this teat of barn foi his Thcr fro a neck and he tried by mote liberal feeding get them on paying basil but failed Finally occurred lo him that the bun be too cold and hectored the opening left over the cons and lightened it up to a temperature nearly when losi changed to a neck gain It cost him worth of feed per week to try lo warm the This a pointer for farmers Heart Disease 3o Dr Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all of Organic or pa Incite Heart Dis ease in and ef fects a cure It it a peerless remedy for Palpitation Shortness of Smothering Spells Pain In Side Diseased Heart One dose convinces Sold by M Campbell How easy it fa for a bay man to prove that luck is against him Fever akd to One shoitpufftf the breath through tho llluwer supplied each of Dr Catarrhal Powder fust litis Powder over surface of the nasal passages and de lightful use relieves and permanently cures Hay Fever Colds Headache Sure Throat and Deafness Sold by I M Campbell sometimes pay for more grace when need is more grit Dr Ointment cure all cacs of Itching Piles in from to mollis One application bring com fort For Wind and Weeding Piles it is peer Jet J Also cures Salt Itch and all eruptions of the skin Sold by Dr- M Campbell When the cant under- stand a man it calls him a crank CIS CuKHS AMD I tits Dr Agnews Pills arc the most perfect made and cure like magic Sick Headache Consti pation Biliousness Indigestion and all Ills cents a vial Sold by I Campbell lUlh often knocks a the door of him who who has ears lo hear Hours Distress ing Kidney and Diseases re lieved in six hours by the The South American Kidney Cure This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding prompt ness in relieving pain in the bladder kidneys back and ever part of the urinary passages in male or female It relieves retention of water and pain in passing It almost immediately If you want prick relief and euro this is your remedy Sold by Dr M Campbell It costs about as much to be stingy as ii does to be extravagant 111 a Day South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in to days Its upon the it cm is and mysteri ous It removes at once cause and ihe disease immediately dis appear The greatly bene fits cents Sold by M Campbell Character is something that stays wert else is gone FORTY ISNT VHEIi YOU HAVE IT But it vill buy a pound of Brown Label CEYLON TEA Whoa LEAD PACKETS ONLY BLACK OR MIXED Day A offered by Qeidromtot for of who VotQQto IfGlvcnhy Ibo Tut lowo of ft rid Dialing of iMt motion mm la ibatokap to work Sot ft or at It from Honolulu Out Iho lUfYIUo bit Anted full fitJoo ted 6l will bold lomcrrovr tho fill Ike by tht tor yciri tat OiuwA Iboy Is to of Hon Tub It ray to boy tad p If my trip to Wl WIiokilo of IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why Vagon calls for and I AuroraCall deliver delivers all Bradford Call and deliver Friday EMBURY Proprietor Opposite Lace done up equal to Special lermi tot family washing GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY j Urn dating her ins I I A lo It tad totaling biro found mo great Icnoiittoo why Itornin not childhood In lite Friday tut ChtucUor A In- council from Ikying over on 3rd to IrciilH Fleming for In Billet pud ftntlelpitlonf foiling ivlag tborclot of ihi aim oil and Know other On op to avowed bit taken Aw- riidlng in of kilverito and tho of tho Of Ibat tho oath of tbo have to a back teal- f tb Mm w of lb moat wo kcovr flUici11 Lilt Iim No Need to M when your clothing Is interlined with Fibre Chnmois It an protectionist cant be wind rain or penetrate It when you the line end yet it is to light that it adds nonconducting make it the most perfect and giver be and every one ensure their win ter comfort by seeing that it is put in all ordered clothing or by finding the Fibre Chamois label on any ready to wear suits they may Selling now for a yard THERE CAM NO BETTER THAU THE BEST f aa5 J in IB an I ft 1 5 t t v W editor of per Lorn at cry tender age without a in not vco a ft packet pal Id Ho bit by made the a Will aabKibcca ealto the Hit on in for On ovtnlnf ho Mori- Ireal boring of crarke lo to tbo Premier action In tho Manitoba and cbaiged bun villi tig the he to 190k to by Mr In hie In to Iho fail ettvoihip A of Kin 1 1 were amoiinp among follow- in al Judo on Ilia fan hie election apiiecntDt with jane that if to from her homo and after fcliftlnft her 7bo program to Co In l6O0 nJ Jodie mm cheed Tut inauguration of a tbe ejection of and a tin year and of 1 It will through the Youths anion in a arttcloe by Herb trip Attorney JJarrnoo and rated annoanc- on applicaiioa the tbat tho only nf many ant by which Companion will year who at All Kfinj andtepliQ vil eoins of orkr than and ten aud will l during The coil of Comfanfon ie tod I know of no lnetinent tbat Mill Rive for aubtcribera will free from the llrne until Jan and for e full year to Jin Ho alto receive Companion lithnraphvl which oijenftho color production Mr held ever offered Youth Cftfomon Avo 1H PACKETS ONLY BLACK Oft HALF ONE POUND PACKETS RETAIL so Cinr a Pcuto CEYLON IS THE BEST SALE oh TO TV0 TOWN LOTS tur it era l Apslr pARMTOKKST a if til If R trie col stif 1s J DA A HAY LTD WHOLESALE a3i Modelled each year to fit all the shapes thick ball heel They Wear Iron everywhere PASTURE TO Hot to a4i kfcrlh io it ill and scarlet Are prevalent in An exchange lds of a dog which has eaten up a farm and all its buildings The cm lifted a ilcgh- The call it if the was killed The to to thU and a law came rtWl To ihft and attested by the court the owner of the to Ins farm Tims rnpUac had a bigger than Ihe dog and soon his faun was gene and the had to move away CASTOR A Infants and Children Kingston Nov A lest gas has at proving 115 Thiity fed down a flow wis and when it flashed up to high that the workmen whiskers Here burned At fifty feet a at ill flow was and in igniting il it exploded like a cannon lies lUTj Montreal The office of the and Star a business is day jnd night and irk of getting out the paper the name of on the lists i tiling ihe enormous to the The public Ere in the scenes of activity the Family Herald office The increase in new subscriber is evidently far ahead of all records being rushed in the gene and it is clear that the family titrate is doing an The new pic- The Orphans is taking the people by storm The Illinois S ale Teachers Association has requeued the lauiteof hit State to pass a that no shall be grilled to a teacher that uses or alcohol- 2l you know anything tbat we dont know the to know dont you know that it is your let us know it thai the people may also know that we ought to know but dont know became you wont la us know On Wednesday nighb Oct two tramps catted at the resi dence of Thomas Walton Junction And asked for food but were refused They went away muttering threats Mr Walton soon after re tired and forgot all about them morning at four oclock on aw he noticed a strong smell of smoke and on making an discovered the to be On lire He quickly gave the alarm but before help the bain The spread to the house which despite the ef forts of firemen with all contents including in cash As the fire was clearly of incendiary origin is supposed that the twn tramps during the night and fired the bain The damage will amount to about insured for Some Facts Rotten or tainted cream can not make good flavored butler- The cow that gives a Urge flow of milk is the wants Pedigree without Individual merit it not worth the it written on The cow that is heated or excited will not give milk that will make good butter Linseed meal will make good cottonseed at least if too genet fed I make batter The with her bird or fourth better than the does with her fiiit calf Good butter docs nut ime from methods it re quires care and study at Will give plenty of and he quiet nli the Male the a ihe in iht- press Slow What time is my lad an American traveller if a small who was driving a couple of cows home from ifcc filds Abo it lelv re plied the boy I thought it more Its any mjrc Hi- urnd the lid in surprise- It one again Hound CEYLOV ait a ON ft OF MARKET ami ross fishermen of Port Juice trying to rrjjVc harbor in the tin of Ihiir hold give the who juhi Hit paltry may not hi Jim may ly burn lief bread and re place bottom but for comfort all day and day she is paragon Home is a field g unending fight The trick of always bright or if the hi no bright side of up the one it a important faculty one of the thing no woman shrutd by without are not all horn sunshine in our hearts as the Irish phrase il but we a cheerful sense of humor if we only try TRY OUR PA 1 1 S TUB Building Material I til eii- cl a l5tnlft ftt- Valuable Farm on Yonge SUvet For Sale or to 1VM A Wot up in iioi with tfca FARMS SALE Mb -I- ii ice a All CURES CoucOvMPfl TIS THAT HAKES GO ROUND WANTED I6f rk l O tbttcto fefcKJl0 ATRIAL- THE HAWKS GO eater filling Tiro op Tiro into ftntiiitlca fo rci con acres j yd con Kir- ico 3rd punier lot and con King Pert let in of trphKcf 10 J irlo it Bun All Vc rc ij my fctii it TUB Wit CAKfi SONS MFC CO Ibis Ob I I EXECUTORS Notice to Creditors Potato t1rn It t all ttv UrrpMvpl IU t if Hid rticilrr for ed tuicc More potent thin wit itiiclltci wodujI for lad ixotktroooa A lo of toe power ted I or j to ce ud of fctd by Pre crtliai all Of For ctirtf la ibe or No fcn mere or trcttuctof otter tack It Li to Hi of ltwa IsiUOco II IJjuYiL 1897 CLUBS Tor ihe benefit of reader hive Clubbing Kites for cd Wild U aid World and to Society lb t s dy if t tit A GtbiDlil ftiSH 10 to A f J I ttOalh MOV to lo d FOR YEARS BEST FRIEND H CA11ADA to outdo lac t in If you I- I dA refill lb Ho ofT cut 1 Tij7 tt Wtdtfi J J i j J til JULiirr w LATEST IftTOHa IS MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES CM niLft ft ALLAN WAYSIDE SONGS J- A I lit U c our A j done tie iid can get at the Eva jcfuie verbal tHWAYtf Tht Cotainoo W4iC4j It the and ia- book kind pub lished A mtt to one f 1 Ad- Medic il FOB SALE A Idea by the lti I In 1 tiff fcVl Coal UKriHi LMS 44- w liool French and Music it r ALLEN NURSERY CO UK I LAND iM rdirxifi