Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Nov 1896, p. 3

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WJIAI ISCOIHO Off 111 ABOUT TOWN ijctn tlio of County Council to on flfil oitcUoMUo23rJ mm not to NEWMARKET ERA NOV 13 Clark nolle to named lb Mr l lb appoint The affect arras a Mlb Toronto and from fid good crowd Hose feet of new oictbr with lh nf Itabbar WcroleiM MO lb Toronto who Id toped liked ifemoiow the lilt ijny for Health fa hi report to of Council appotnifog film After municipal onlcr upon preailKj for of now fence A A week Kit 9 arrtv J I Mr farm to bo fallen for Market for lb Genet by Mr William Union and to bo lot tboy all dehorning and are well Kit- bo Vary program far fail day afternoon ilm Mr John occupied bo and a Woollen at in fSplendfO rrAdlot glvan by M tor ami a imitation by ii ytmiitatj proviso program for aotiy to the dtli Mica who at tbo of Mil Jlrydoo Ilbo and a of follow frl remain to chair rtillDg piano Ill lady for fall and iiiu by all lu contact will her Our friend aiJijiJQHco a and 11 a a of lb bad addition to ilia J W IHaofiOronlp ha to giro an ftMrcei an form apcaVcr and wo can promt an in- l-1lc- ij treat lo all who go ad- Milk The ilyiA lata In on Mr MA W at frJfbtnd at iiu for patron the of milk thai bad in lb we took a off rig left top at the of Main and trotnd the ana pretty badly Ibe Heard following ware a for coining year if 11 Coray Win J J bbo will preach a men neat and a cardial is to uf ilioaownand vicinity to Bandar A w If torso extending ft call bat not to do At a tneotJog of and next ft to Mr call for There a of pond Monday morning to Mr I now home this both a and attractive appear again Ho lata than la bad lodging month Cane Factory la foil flnliblog aotna hardwood tie band for a are up for hlndofwork a v dan I at y prala for their log and atmoo by tbapaalor A roof la Ooiitpltaou weak Hoard fUijular VatAiy a lading and ware patted amounting to Tbo for being Modal grant for Irlnol- nonreIdnl of til for and following Uendanco for month lUdtJinco80l do do III Jo a do do do do do Vf do do Total 209 Total WO Com a ft ath boa for both will lo allowed tbo following at a liming day In tba tor a caretaker for Prim Hoard adjoorned On Tuesday Mr l home lead on bo kicked by a and bad two rl broken Wautio Mr Montfckl In Town Monday and left for tbo North It fclll bo back he jo to morrow to boy cat of heavy draft Vkhders bo law retard to or hi any form to read follow Aoy who or tell or to g minor unjr in any on livn tlicrof ndoroK joatlcoof ubjjt to a of not tliau or mora than with or of prvotion or to Willi vr without bard labor or any time not thirty In of wborodoall tba boy got thtlrciarcttoi Produce There were a good many Town only mi ordinary flutter at Ho but a at wat paid Km at wuhry w offered at a Co at and ducks and air and at tfrMM Iron to and live a high Li ate pair vat iJ j for from any nuUra rcipctivily Pork an alvMco in iWt told P it I apple at barrel Co ubciJbra rn free Por torn pa have I with paper not not many of which hay gone Dead letter new that no I a who period he to a given baa for and thai bo lo the paper any Tb of ore to tent to dtparlmtnt cud the where aocb paper will be not to forward paper to unlet j pal I In at the rata of one cent per copy If you are welting a you do not want all you have to do ll My up all To and tell hi in Co tork piper no The new will effect of pub- a litil more particular at to the of tbey end lo- will have to adopt cub inadvance aytteut Social The So cial at the ml more favorable for a In connection with lb one which clolea here today On Monday the Hit of who to attend over HO all part of North York and obliged to boot op more than ton on printed program ha algnlBed bit or of being and it la adhered lo by dint Ac lb opening afternoon that wa a It xpcot4d that bed lit would be crowded In ft I hoped that will endeavor lo attend PrayerMeeting lo the from to morning proper open at In the earn place The Conference on Primary Work lad by Mr will take the at worker or not will And deeply and Mr la on of tb4 primary worker f Chhroaoo and are In audi jroydtmod thai Konb York I favoiod In for Convention The coaferenco of Bupcrlntondenli Hi bio and Inter- mediate will go on at lame imtfn the Bobool Tile after noon open at p In cho tame The principal altraotlona will be lb by of Aurora and the Primary taught by Mr Duncan All Ibe children of the Town and year of gt are viteJ to ataemblo In room at and part It will bo a halfhour long be by them The will In Church commencing at You will have logo early Co gee a teat are gif of of Toronto and JUr of by Union Choir and A On Monday operating a heavy at Co work a a ton broken no one The plate of Into forth of While out of bit rig on Mr Jit Mortal who tick tach a long but of hit hurt leg very badly It along producing a griatdeal of pain and will probibly lay op for atvcral day General The tiorc occupied by Moulomery and which damaged by recent lira fa general The have flolihed and the palnteit and ere now ibtlrluro Celling I with corrogated rnolal and when lb l be Kjot bam la carrying off fall A julot took placo on when Mr Wu to Mr Albert one of par formed tbo pretence of tbom after which the wedding tapper partaken of and a avenfng KXJIHJIVK Mr Ihcon baa mason contract for catamite building known a It of of a ten- went Owing to giving away front of olfu brick wall bad to be whole building throoboai will now to and being on a alto make a very nice A Tuesday in la cm of QttuU la km fcftoo nl con tor In of AHil will xtii from dtfoodrtl and of jr Dili fl will KDtode Tito con of HO to tl bit clivty Jpvo item barley- Thru of to and to AUnohotUr Hong ho of woodiowMo fHCltUy Co fllfeJ wltJj iDowthoveU and a to Toronto on and car for ft for Mill of floilf ami carol export a of at foe Mr and actrof Mr mora thin uiqaI of or Cats In con- at will ot Sorb Luck Mr Zcau of hi Ha hit wldcnUUy of leg Hit Trill alo for Of The now palling iba loacbti on It a that Iba and corn bo opaocd for or- on of Our Graih hero Jon no ftr oo In JaaHoa to Mr who boon a r bora for lay a market liivU and In New Clod Rooks A number of boys liana and opened Club Room over Pram ha racket kck- good over Itbat over1ni away from 1 not alwaya tin for boys fft Many of llitto Wo for a ticket tor toro to to trill four IBM fur toenfootary a of night it da to library day tho aa VJA till tf in bo of W will a Heading at on ground llcor iho by Mr Wright at a abw Ho mora or IUrr for pur In tha town To- and all bait b J and tba light put in not aoa lit clear to make a toward Ibis that been year and Hoard ap to to by aoVacJpHona to up a public In stltulion which great lll looi vry lis and ovvlng pt holidays only Board will meet atln on Friday iOpbi lo of their In Ibo Library will alto and opantbopur books to of WW or appeal will whither tha will or not j Wr Co Hard Times and Spot CmIi toll dory 32inch Boot yard Wool Shirts and Fine Braces for Black Cashmere Gloves Mens Wool pair Wool in black Very Best Fibre Lining yd Wo have Wo advertise and you know you can always on tlio you buy hero A S3 V vtyt Should ihii ad catch ibe eye of the retail merchant would like to impress upon bis mind and alio upon his pocketbook that we are In the with Confectionery at lower than what he can buy from the wholesale We have in our employ a Candv Maker and we are at expense in Confectionery We would be pleated to QuojePilcei to the Trade We have in Stock years imported direct fro the Engliih Manufacturer never had nicer The Stock bright and they are without exception very fine pur Sugar for the i a dandy You should lee it before you buy lbs Granulated Sugar for the Good Juicy demons c and a is well equipped with Choice New Goods and the Prices are Cut Wc want your and e hone to it If prices will do if Give us a call A ROBERTSON m an LAST SATURDAY AT a UGH are a Trad these day in Hosiery MILLINERY Corsets lhnntls Yars ice Undo i wear MA See the New of suitable for Trade Initialled Silk Handkerchiefs Japanese ook of Sideboard Tray and Stamped Goods Lice Pin Arc For Quiln c Hundreds Jiuuiiful away with 5500 OUR PRICKS THE LOWEST HUGHES Mr r lln flMtU I odrlox of yranj locludad o aolot by Mia A Jinn two by ft Mi Nettie loatroiuoutdMt by and by I wa1vtorfirUlIorl topic will xl Monday nlor- liHf if 1 llt in lake oiUt bjwt ttiv v ItAto readioK- and Kadi to afflrmaiW to A I It 4i The Kttcivic was a not lit iiicity on riitonUy put tut over ligliv uiiti- iJ fit ihui fa in i all Ml to concert ouit op lK4Q 17MK 4 Jtittioo ilia now A apptnioo- The flwiich Bond hit a od ft ft will for Mine d of Council of It bit limei lately bo On Monday alalia AtM up till 4o4 be C0tmnacd wotket60ctock Jit oclock I Qpf Jug Mr Mil It in two uk4odb4t two or 4Icood if timo to it poodle the pymnt of not definitely ffithby but wo Und that aid bo by at ry cover freight mail for flrit of or 4id hotel ad the ficetof in putting the wires time Ii charged for aClDil A all and to be the molt Honor and the Court at oclock Ufa- ftev llog half through throe which took unit of illnieu over hay In which coat the court arid woe given for and com of plaintiff Another ire tr Footer over a horse and tt no w iho tho to of it The third in winch itraivo the to tho the he amount A iiiflia wae left cd Ufa Honor prondud a Conn or t he un a data If you want to buy the time The Fur alio and Undertaking If offering to f bay keep and beet of ahaoi SolUa on wheal 8 not jot look lai Balta op good The 1 ivjid will ready to of co will of of the For July there ha lit the r Inthemoieol Title will l rafer for For will bi geoiflctry 4ud botany included and At Any P I heretofore or may hereafter will have vatuo at accttiflMtoof bating Form I The holder of P will not bo acquired in lift to the ex of Form the Form I Kiaiiimatlon lion at id J60C after It wilt for mail bold a a I certificate or a com nit certificate For in examination of Form ho Form I or the the hit received Form I certificate a fl a commercial a certificate or a third fieate Jnnlor Cecdldatei at the year the old and who hw awaidcd a certificate of packed perl of Form or wiihooi a certificate or lW by in the Form III only J a and a and of French or ej Similarly who work for Senior coder the old and part I or Form may complete courealn only the re- required the old Spicial A Store Cook with 1 WW Parlor Cook Jewel and A Or A Mt10JAKV older of will remember the A- who High Mew here Arthur wan and while loy at private school athu died hit Jon most of education Jn the taugjt bla father at and by the of Toronto in jiKiEng bit with Ice I at Toronto ami wat continued In Union New York and at Princeton the early put of hie urae he hiMICll to work foreign minion and the Preehytenac to the and in Africa The 4p Alfred veteran laborer in field hid much to do with becoming a and go ing to the Gaboon After the of Mew J ho proceeded to station In There he and married Cameron from Aoborn a rula- under the Ilea Immediately on dec and not vary moro than from 45 all year rmnd tar ill exposed the deadly fovere the A French colony tret yean ego at the river of varioas and Its 1 barter fur native Mr iril Mr their work at elation of th- nd were after atationbl up the river and lateral from vrero among a pnrcty heathen of tue tribe one of the enerio and ag- racci in thu part of dark The a of a trader he twai often but lurry of There they up their home a rrdymidjhoute from America and tt and the faith of Mr a great fervid in reducing to a writ form the Fang which it of tho With be compiled a the from the the learotoi their duo time he the of the hid a Fang of Matthew and Mark and was at irot on the Acts of were printed in part by the and pert the Bible A primer French and Feng a Celt by him and by the London Tract Society At tamo time rcguler iooary work on by daily morning and open to the a day school prayer clatse of and tour through villager Great care nee taken prepiriog candidate for bap bit a was gathere4 of commQolotnte among whom was man of village The converts had much were In the million and a young being preps rod for rnioiitry Marling had won ibe the natives and bit name was known far and wide lie vise highly etuemel by bit lowoiuiioiries among Canadian of Owen Sound bad several timet la America or England he bad dons a and enduring work hie car Hit whole heart was in the a fellow voyager the exaltation with which on hie last return to the field he hailed the eight of the familiar shores The neve of his oner death came fn a to rooms the York that Mr Marling with fever further particulars ate yet known The decerned baa left a widow la Africa with an child and four other children Is highly honored In the of a ad Hardware Tinware Furniture Drugs Drosifi Bilks Mantles Wrappers Corsets Gloves Hosiery Underwear Crockery China Glassware Shoos Ribbons Cottons Linens Flannels Carpets Blinds Wall Paper Clothing Mens and Boys Ladies Fur Capos and Muffs Collarettes Teas and Coffees Set a Price List printed on Thursday and distributed early Friday Morning SUITINGS STOCK OF Gome and see the crowd buy Cheap Goods TROUSERINGS IN VARIIVJV OVERCOATINGS IN AND IN CANADIAN AND IRISH ULSTERINGS AND IN SCOTCH A At special meeting of Council Monday to do panted paid yd A man named Bogarl who formerly j Town Ma acjaltt4 a jury in on charge of a farmer with to kill Model School The for In Dies- S3 and Jaflay and Willi f Pratt Chaili Qd Lemuel Mil lard 95 Frank Kbl ElbdWflloa Albert Flanagan and Alfred Marlon Audrey Campbell and Frank Broftun ICJCcrA Jennie Froieer CI j William Fredrick Br Ink Crops CoEtnuI loa to Saturday Cot at Council Alanday Town ext la lU BULBS I BULBS BULBS I CIHNKSK SACRED LIMES ROMAN HYACINTHS DUTCH NARCISSUS ic Night Bell- At J R PIIM THE These Goods arc made s fault arid so in that you cannot afford to he them Next jo I Atkinsons Stoic a E J from lurgt every ir- a bio place niter Having of had in it in stock and sell you Clothing at FIRE PRICES- Remember tec these goods at i cents on the Dollar p there arc Bargains for all We have still lots of Fire Prices not even them pale atS to lialtrl ill 1 off for tfirtntoiT Geo is fcb c-jo- of larktao3 a tart IS 0 ire asio ore It gait at mure -Mr- lot Exit atfacUa fiale SAWS HORSE BLANKETS PAINTS GLASS OILS MS aifloB COW CHAINS GIRTHS AND PUTTY POWDER SHOT AND CARTRIDGES A deputation composed a number of the of Parry Sound wail upon ihe Pro vincial Cabinet on to urge the separation of the Fairy- Sound District from of MuikOM or judicial purposes will lso advocate appointment of a County Crown Attorney with beadquar ten in the Town of Sound P Consuble Gauge on Monday captured a man named Geo who aleeping pas senger a taiiog Being jumped from a train thai wai going at ibe rate of thirty mile an hour and escaped injury After hii arrest he if as the watch i He to he Kit to too BOX STOVES COOK STOVES COAL STOVES FURNACES and Promptly and Neatly Done J A W ALLAN TO LOAM I BEST STOVE AND FURNACE COAL CoJ to nay put of Town MoKINNON to Et DAVID LLOYD ilia AW a Fix gUALL x sands of J airs to sell yet Under Clothing at smell of smoke on- of foots and Shoes HliONTGOIMERY Notice of Snaps which is giving at his- is SPOT CASH- BOOT SHOD SMB I have a lot of Tan Goods which I am clearing out at and Below Cost also some other Lines same rate I have a line of Finn Hoots which I am sell ing at and Extra goodvalue Now is your time as these Goods are going very fast this Rare Chance Sign of the Bed Boot or

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