1 r NEWMARKET ERA NOV Bargain Hay Co Removed Pharmacy Suiiingi Hughe Groceries A Preterit Notice John Slater To Thoi Cfttlte Wanted Vro Bradley Co Sliwl AMD WITH The Em Printed all at Homo C iuim FRIDAY NOV 13 Our Toronto Despatch J Hot Dr J lX for port To onto City Hall Co will our lb ftruoUuo lo Bleb- of HI ol Hank aaipende4 of of aOalra bunch toilet Friday hard lo A on arm a will of Km and Miaul Uihtrtfood all of Vlnt- cborcbtfboitludtht mortgaged for leal J W King for from of King Mr of of lo oM of lUillnjf County by into of Jitr f on the work iliorlilll fJ iili tho men Hill by week The Dominion convention ihtt the World bo In iMiclly J A lIr of Toronto It homo Mr of ifr Detroit ftncclmltH la and who ftllnd- Tor to wt fcomo Hood Mr U mi of of Ur J Harm of of in Hit lo the Gil on Vi4ntvJy on wwnl of her Mr D of lfoatrcit fa Tom a tfHy fr Ait ft on unlive Ibli twW A to him on from Mln K1lh wit in ovtr a Junior on of fi la A Utj VHdiAcld of Toronto log Mm of Hi troll to Union fit in In lotho vliltor Mrs editor of a of of Rojfth I lucky Mr J our for or week ft for Co In And fthd ft iumUr of I flnlih In Mr of Chicago formerly hid iht in flvo tfolng through molt I of lolh I then I Into two com to vol In our Hid two nd one in J em of yotcrmnenti In I hollevo wo will ft good ftflor Mm of Ho iii ft WHAT UK fcKKtf TO It Mr Ullli ftnd Mr A to lleooto former of latter to 1U Kit of Mr to JUt hit ft with Hen which ho will conduct In that ft ft will Into of Ijc rr ftnd ft Mr Dibit Hit will of tout of ftnd will ly to ft of Hoy la and City Tender wero for work by Mr Van Whorl ft ll lilt iaiq for job ftt which ibo ih to Mr of for four yearaohetd for Mr I for Mr Unlock hat oontttct with Mr fttd it to Mr VaaWhort A by At on kit the Cowl of iUUd right of th ftppolot Qattni wot to the of- that belong Iuc4 for Ontario Court ftdlci tho did right to ftpfiot for will bo ftgpOOl- Odtotho Council If not it ftppointrcenti ftro not to in or to li to on Monday evening Mayor Cody ftnd Following height Wght wbtch to Co A Light to to Co J Work AJ ftOoouDt FotftV ft of WI2 Light ftnd Fowor Market ftccoot It ftcoount S3 ond catting Light 1 do It AJ ftooooot rohbtr for 916- QFftyflhoclf roKIoctrlo Light do Co It J do ftOCOHtti of tho f loyal Co ftnd Hooter to ibo Light Coin- toll too J ftnd referred to ho Com following commnnlcatlons from C of Drown tannery from to In oowouxjfrom properly application of Mr to do wiring wot referred to Light Com Meyer complained of to on hot corporation wit nlrCrdacod to exempt property frotn certain re ferred to Corn Light Com of following acooQoti Longford Quarry To Vftocom Oil Co 91000 Ceo- Aleodtftliog with tho of Council A Inn A inM dated lay ftnd of York to Villi Toronto In foil next will id wllb the opening of than the or Iho Drill futiinatfoo pre that Louie will ready for clou of year ted what wai atatol that men elected January to tho County Council will upon to on ftgrctnent with to that by ftod ftitortlont of that would bo the Mr Alfred Limb was a car on a switch at Stratford when a car atripk it The result the allocking death of Mr It A- At Shotanur India a band of men looted a lot of grain The vaie called on and to control the mob they fired upon it killing four wen and aii other Nov J of this his loil his life a a encounter with a- bear in the tear there He had been out a hunting party and tejjeiated from Ibein duilng the morn- ing At be did not return and becoming alarmed out to tot Men tort hat found fa the and evidence of a terrible battle with a bear were found Following the trail the dead and lice nced body of the ulnUttr found SCHOOL REPORTS holt Filth rJcjiu Kiy Doug it Fletcher Gill- eo Br Trivial Jr A -Bti- McLean Flitchtr Kay Cm Ell A TbOnjpaoo Part Albeit John Caat Sam Bulla vln Ed Im Part Praok Haifa Fred VIoMBmart the years no leas thin patents have been issued 00 typewriting machines The Ministers who are to con duct the inquiry will begin their work it Toronto op Tuesday morn ing next in the of Trade rooms Montreal Nov The grand this afternoon brought in a ill against A charged by the Hon with criminal libel then arraigned ind not guilty The trial will Oil terra These be fttpccial Service neat Sunday In the Methodist Church WHITE ROSE Mr If P at White Hose baa resigned that posi tion and Mr Brooks his received the appointment The transfer Trill be made next Monday White threshing at Mr J Richard sons this Thursday a bin of threshed burst out and Mr Richardson was badly ciushed No serious remits ore anticipated Mr had another provoking loss with Ms dam giving out again on Sunday night Repair are going on and he expects to have it fixed In a day or two The Committee of the Whitchurch Tp School Association met at Vandoif on Satur day and decided lev hold the next Convention in Bloom ington on the and of January KING CITY Nathaniel P Crossley firmer of King Township and father of Rev the evangelist died on October leaving a will and of which s in leal estate To his two children of a deceased son he bequeathed an acre of ground and the money inte rest and rent to be paid when they attain their majority Ws daughter Mary a farm in Island to his widow annually twenty- five cent of the balance to his son James twenty five per cent to his son Daniel Crowley fifteen per cent lobis son Hugh and thirtyfive per to the four daugh ter share and share alike The remains of Miss Rebecca linker were brought here for inter- inent on Wednesday Deceased died the previous at the residence of her brother Mr J Marker where she had been Gradually sinking for the past eight or nine weeks KKTTLKHY The coon is still at large and ing on the barnyard fowls lie mutt he a sly old coon that Messrs Hugh Firth and J from spent a few days past week Mr J A meeting the Kcttlchy Dairy Association was held on Tuesday for the up the shareholders and discussing the probability run ning the factory next year did riot learn the result Mr Joseph Rogers has bad his new barn understable finished Has our Summer departed for this year Some would like to see two weeks more of plowing yet The numbers arc still increasing in the Foresters order here Their usual oyster least will take place in A number of the friends of Mi and Mis gathered at tbeir residence the evening before their de parture for Michigan and had a right sociable time Quite a number from here contest ed at the King Plowing Match on Wednesday of last week Mr Frank Jloadwin got a list but it is Hated the were mostly kept near ihe field Miss Sarah Ramsden is again quite ill and has been bedfast over two weeks Somewhat larger than last week Mr Terry showed us a turnip of the greyitone variety measuring inches in circumference and weighing over lbs alter the top and small roots had been While burning the grass around the sucks on the marsh the Wilson brothers had the to loose two stacks being unable to keep the control NORTH Mr l Phillips is taking in the deer hunt in Musfcoka this season and has shipped one to Newmar ket already Miss Allen and Miss Foster New market were the guests of Miss Wilson over Sunday Mis J Webb we are pleased to say Is at present in a fair way for re covering but it will be a long time before she wit be torn her suf ferings Mis who also met with the same accident is slowly im proving and was on Sunday able to be removed to her own home Mr ft who went to the Northwest last summer is at present lying in the hospital at Brandon with typhoid fever but we are glad to stale when last heard fiom he was improv ing favorably An enterprising has established a new cider mill on this St and is doing a flourishing business Mr Ait lias been travelling through the United Slates the past year and a half has returned He is looking hale and beany the American clime must agree with him He says he is going back to tee Uncle Sam again Mr Allan Cody and his son Mr Jos Cody of were visiting friends in Maripossa this week Mr A- of Toronto Busi ness College was at bis uncles Mr J Webb over Sunday Mr Ceo of Toronto was visiting at his Mrs Cook over Sunday His trip to the Old Country seems to have greatly added to the improvement of health Another horse buyer passed through here this week and caught up a few good horses for market Jack Frost Is once more an uninvited and makes you hold your nose the early mom Our village blacksmith attended a party which succeeded a quilling bee on the Old Survey one evening this week Shorty appears to be tak ing a very great interest oullu of late Mr Arthur of who his been visiting her son inlaw Mr Brothers relumed last Tuesday Mr If Evans of North bit leased the Grove farm and has nearly finished plowing It He Intends moving on it next Spring Mr Lloyd of White Rose has also leased Mr Allan Coda firm and has been busily engaged plowing it Mr Cod we Intends PINE OROHAKtf The Sons of Temperance here hold a concert on Tuesday weather Tho Oldham band has been engaged and will be by home talent and that of other divisions The admission Is small and a big crowd anticipated AURORA Mr A has rebuilt his storehouse at and Is on the market buying grain Ha ho not pluck Local deerhunters are having poor success So far only one deer has been tens In It was bagged by Weils of the Queens J Lloyds property comer of and Wellington was sold to Mr A Love P ticket agent who will remove office to that place Thcmuch talked of Basket which was held last Tuesday evening Is now a thing of the past but it not soon be forgottsn by those who were present It a success In every particular The night being and salny It prevented tome from attending but as ft was the hall was crowded to its capacity a large number Impossible to be seated The piogiam consisted of speeches by Sturgeon and Powell which was highly appreciated The Queens- ville choir was in attendance with their excellent music which added much to the evenings entertainment Songs solos and citations were worthy of special mention Quartette by Mrs Conner Miss and Messrs Gilpin and F Rose Trio by the Misses Irwin and Miss Winch Recitations by Miss Irwin Miss Davidson Miss Morton Miss and Mr Gilpin which were all highly appreciated One attrac tive was the Fancy Drill under the management of Miss Irwin who much for her persever ance Mr J Gilpin ably filled the position as chairman The pro gram was not the sole object of the evening for after the entertainment came the sale of by Mr K Draper when some fifty handsomely and decorated baskets were sold by auction At first the bidding was slow but as the sale went 00 it became fast and furious They sold from to Tea and cof fee provided but the crowd great it was impossible to serve it in the building Those not buying baskets were accommodated with single lunches in paper bags selling at so Messrs Winch and Morton acted as clerks of the sale An enjoyable evening was spent by everyone and all went home alter hiving a feast for both body and mint One feature not usual a social of this kind wis a double basket made by two ladies and sold as a double basket was told or and was purchased by two gentlemen Total proceeds of the evening Miss of Saginaw Mich has been spending a few days visiting relatives in the village takes the attention of everyone Mr Draper Is on a business Hip to Mr Bird returned home on Saturday after having spent a couple of weeks with relatives in Lloydtown We are much pleased to hear from our friend at Bethel Corners We hope to see considerable space taken by items from this burg in the future It is again rumored that there is to be a Temperance organized here this winter Wonder if It is all rumor The trustees hive been doing some repairing to the furnace at the school- house Very little change in business in our village since the elec tion The mild weather this Fall has enabled everyone to make ample pre parations for Winter which shows signs of being a long hard one but it is hoped we will have no snow than last year Mr J bis been teiming wood A deputation from Sutton P S C visited our on Sunday evening Miss Eva Gilpin is recovering from her illness of last week Old dame rumor again says we are to look out for another wedding the vicinity of Keswick Dont be lieve the old dame knows but she generally is right Our stores arc buying Winter slocks Wheat is up arc the turkeys but the latter must soon drop as it is only two weeks until Thinksgiving It has been suggested to have a Thanksgiving service in the hall Mr Irwin spent Sunday with his mother The Basket Social held here last Tuesday eve was in every way a suc cess there being about 40 baskets disposed of which brought fair prices Mr Draper acted as auctioneer The attendance was very Urge and kept excellent order The entertainment was up to expectations Those worthy of special mention were the Choir from who did some excellent singing Misi Winch and the Misses The redoubtable Gilpin acted as chairman and also took put in the program About eleven oclock a heavy rain set in and accompanied the most of the crowd home There was no par ticular choice of baskets were got up in the latest style and looked very beautiful Proceeds something over The speeches of Mr Powell of Sutton and Sturgeon of were well received thought the would take anything but the smallpox so he brought them each a basket The near ball although quite a large one seems to be too small even tor the Sabbath evening meetings We may have a little to on municipal miners after they get warm ed up Mr Newborn Is able to be up after his recent Tony Stogdill and a lady friend of Lloydtown spent Sunday fiat this burg Irwin of Mark ham was here over Sunday must not forget to mention the Flag Drill performed by Milt Irans class at the dose of the entertain meat It wis excellent and showed NOW SHARON There a attendance at Methodist Church here last Sun day Rev S Matthews of Newmarket preached a good and conducted the sacramental service It a good meeting throughout On Sunday niht or early Sunday morning the branch as the branch of Spoflaid Company was entered and to worth of suitings overcoat and underwear taken En trance was effected by the breaking of a paoc of glass in the side HOLT appears that Rev is no longer to preach In the Melho- Church here Not a very promis ing outlook for this appointment Our present teacher Mr J A Mclean has been reengaged for the corning year Mr Isaac moved Into residence on North SI formerly occupied by Albert Wilson Mr Richard Kay is tearing down his old barn and still use some the timbers in erecting a large driving and implement building A number of have been en gaged In gravelling the road between hero and the eighth con and under the direction superintendent John Newman a decided Improvement has been HOLLAND LANDING The Misses of King At Home on Tuesday hit when a number of friends were present and a very enjoyable time spent by all Mrs McClurc left last week on a visit with her daughter Mrs Irvine Mr Owen Chapman who has been residing in the past sum mer returned our burg last Satur day Mrs and child of Toron to visiting at her fathers Mr Luck Mr John Ough of has commenced butchering here Our village was rather quiet Wed nesday A number were attending court In Newmarket Some the boys were playing last week at the North End The Annual Concert of No will be held on the December A small admis sion fee will be to defray expenses Quite a number from here attended Quarterly service at Sharon on Sunday Mrs has returned from visiting relatives in Miss Emma has been spend ing the past month with friends in Toronto Mrs James is spending a few days with her sister in Toronto We are glad to hear that the sick of the village are improving Do not forget the At Home on Monday evening Friday morning Mr Morton started in a covered wagon a trading expedition for Muskoka provided with the necessaries for a few weeks camping It is a wonder that the College escaped as well as he has There ate to many being caught this season KESWICK Mr John Newborn of the hotel is on the sick list having a very serious attack of jaundice Dr B Greenwood of Keswick is attending him Mr John DeputyReeve of North is having serious trouble with his boy on account of a cancer or tumor in his arm He has been to the doctors in the City several times with him and fast week it be came necessary to amputate the arm at the lb which is a very diffi cult as well as dangerous operation If the College Corners correspon dent reports correctly there are lots good people there but he diffi culty is for other pjople to discover them ace glad to Mr Harry Glover of Ravcnshoc around again after being confined to the bed seve ral weeks with a very bad leg The crop has been garnered an I the fall plowing finished with most of the farmers in this sect ten of the country and now await the cam- ing of Thanksgiving The farmers will indeed have much to be thank ful for with good crops generally and pices higher and with prospects of a greater increase Good govern ment In Canada and the United States will make times still belter Already a great revival of business ha taken place in the neighboring Republic since the elections In Canada with economic government and the rich gold finds of and Rossis nd and prices for wheat the country should not only be safe but prosperous So may it be A Boiler A boiler explosion occurred on Friday morning at Si Toronto when the premises the Manufacturing Company manufacturers of building and only by a miracle doing most frightful damage to life and property As It was seve ral men were injured seriously though not dangerously and some thousands of damage done There were five employees in the building at the Urn There Is a great deal of pitch and other Imflaramable material stored fn the build in and adjoining it Is building of ammonia works while not more than feet distant is one of the largest tanks of the Consumers Gas Companys fac tory Had cither of these places been touched by the explosion the wreck would have been fearful It is un certain how the explosion occurred hut it was probably through gas escaping from a in one the three boilers of the works Two men Robert Cbarlton aged and Hairy Adams aged were silting light on a bag of pilch in a room ad joining boiler room Their escape from instant death Is a miracle They were blown out In the street They are badly burned and but their condition is not dangerous They were taken to the General Hospital however Joseph Lancaster was somewhat situated and suffered to about the same extent He was burned about the bead and wis taken borne A son of Lancas ter also named Joseph was in a room adjoining the boiler room A hole was blown throOgh the wall and the floor of the room wrecked Young Lancaster crawled out uninjured just as floor collapsed The office boy jumped from window of the second story when he taw the front of the building blown out and escaped injury The damage to stock is about The building old and though badly wrecked will not be a heavy loss Wo do not claim to bo the only Clothing Dcnlorri but do claim to have tho Finest Stock of Clothing in Newmarket claim that our for Real Good Clothing No Higher and in cctC3 much Lower than ask for the common kinds of Wo buy our Clothing direct from the mnkcro and pay Spot Cash for it caving you the middlemans profit and at tho timo Guaranteeing Make Fit and Wearing of Every Garment you want Cheap Clothing go but if you want Good Clothing Cheap ceo Stock our Everything in Mens Overcoats liens Suite Overcoats Boys Suits Odd Odd Odd Vcata our Underwear Stock Andrew Ellis a from the Township Simcce County was out deer hunting with a friend named Patrick Young Young at a deer and wounded but not fatally He hastily reloaded for the purpose of finishing the deer when trigger caught in his coat and the charge was blown into Ellis knee Nov The report in circulation here en Thurs day last thai a roissaaee hid occur red In an village near Kaisiricb and that sixty persons bad been killed were not exaggerated On the contrary the turns out to be more serious thin it first an nounced The occurred in the village of persons were killed and nearly all the Ar menian houses were South Dakota report a fall of snow for this season of the year From to Inches of snow covers the ground in portion of the State Thouainds of acres of corn are and but a in all portion of crop has been threshed Settlers are for winter and much will follow The has drifted and railway arc Impeded Cham acd Miller revert loss to Over hogs have been slaughtered in Essex in effort to stamp out the hog cholera The Do minion Government has paid about as compensation to the Justice of the Supreme Court his been granted seven months further leave of absence from the 1st of October He is now in the West Indies Two notorious prisoners es caped from Windsor jail on Monday morning having empowered the when he took them their break- fist Sound Nov Charles Taylor was found he Ses- lion ofbreaking into the store of J Patterson Intel and steal ing a number of articles tome of which were found in his possession He was convicted and sentenced to six months imprisonment- One Hundred and TwentySeven in Lc ht TORONTO Ms I lr VTrtmlWtYMlalb6btt tht rtw through VealFOUa3Ict At Out hull lull It It lit CAUTION AMY canity or iLolW FOR SALE A flnlcUu iuvc tor tub or Mi JOSEPH MILLARD Leading AND Undertaking House A Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every CALL AND SICK SFKCIMEN QtWctitl J0H NEWMARKET UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY to 12 iVjffriH Hi J A In the 1Mb Int a J lfc id Vomb It til boo lie Com Atfcit Cocoa Ifc 1Kb I3wcf4WttBWLud ex 8tudr wt lUmcfftIft TMtjU Mi UbIlrtfce of yr FIE PHARMACY HAS REMOVED ONB BLOCK NORTH INTO OLD STAND CHINA thank our many for their put patronage solicit custom for future You wilt find the old in the new take this to say that I have sufficiently recovered ray health to he to to general CAMPBELL K There good sleighing in ihe Winnipeg district Destructive floods are report ed in the vicinity of Quebec Executors BY AUCTION ihi Ait dictum will for A landslide occur- red on Monday at the Montmorency Falls Quebec Mr Aichibild Campbell a stealthy grain dealer of was drowned at K A brick side wall of Camp bellStevens mill collapsed at St doing damage to the ex tent Of White in pursuit of Bad Young Man the Indian murderer Wilde of the Mounted JilS was shot and killed A painter named McGowan at fell feet on Tues day orbing to ihe scaffold giving way and an hour after from in juries received County of Warren have taken charge of an filtered new born boneless baby They think the child will live and Patron were nomi nated on Tuesday to contest Lake- side Man in the provincial bye- election or itotth la Hi at Oil of war I cf a iboToweihlpcfKfcrlotfcaiooalrcfYoiH a frc lii if b oyer a filllcx it ro bo 0is it or cleat go to Tide will bo or at lien ail Kiuairlr ft AUK CAM While near Tree on the of Spry shot his brother fatally He htm for a deer viutaalGilllii lit clt will tioOln is ttt4 Li Aft ATn WIM HILL Are still Cutting prices in CHOICE MEATS At the following rates Best Sirloin Roast tec per lb Roast Boiling Beef in Pork lbs lot Pork Sausage lbs for Lamb Front per lb Lamb Hind Quarter We bare made foregoing cuti in prices on account of the hard timet No old Cohs- 8TALLARDHILL The Leading Shop Coiner of Choice New Heme Figs Natural Figs Blk Basket Table Raisins Selected Valencia Raisins New Citron Peels New Orange Peels New Lemon ALL CHOICE STOCK We hare choice nib Honey in also LADIES MISSES AND CHILDRENS BOOTS SHOES Finest Quality New Styles Prices Right Crockery Glassware Dinner Sets Parlor Lamps c A large variety Styles and one beauty is ihe moderate prices Market m fci IT MAY CONCERN- FURNACE STOVE CHESTNUT wi Leading Grocery Only First Quality of Spices Kept Our at Main Vfr TO tCjri St If liRAOLKYOAIlRKtiON CO- NICEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT To to I ttxcitb hi for ttt Ill off to tbl t Call and toe I Lumber lit It lAifvn veU fcr III TAB SURROGATE COURT YORK A It tf a IN to itt TEA MjETING NEWMARKET la TUESDAY RAE REV J Of ATnUUTYOFpOODTHIMaD to ftt I fcrtUli4t lit tj Yak t tuLLoya IV I Ml OS a IS fl a a J IS A I a tea Ktrrdu Oil a 1 OH a lij a a OH a I a Wed wit- Ctlckwiir fill a I Tkrktjtcerlb 1 HORSES WANTED tacit ills I ft fttttl DRAUGHT HORSES MU 4 Vriftj rifijt t Jtd tili Iit til Wocl Mtflb J cl it A