Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Sep 1896, p. 2

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zr NEWMARKET ERA SEPT Co Town 10 Hoars A Valcafcla for It Pares far Hal Mr Art A list I AMD WITH EACH Era ftt Home CI U7 IUTTI1 SEPT Our Toronto Despatch to iht Sp1 of children Jr of JjMifitit op In last cats not 1 to I en a grand affair at Mi flit ibfs A from and Killed CD Hardy to York in lbs During the course of delivered by the Hon K J hit election list Tuesday- reference made to the fuel that as iivtc member of the legislature lie taken occasion to call public at tention to careless municipal auditing and repeated defalcation some of extending over a of yens all over the also to the of reform along Ibis line In aubstanlt- of the of the matter brought before the attention of ibu people tic may slate that quite recently the Ontario Government has in compliance with a demand for an investigation a commission to enquire into the finances of County On ilie demise of the late Treasurer a deficit of tome is alleged to have been discovered and al though these insularities arc aid to have been on for some the auditors annually appointed by County Council have certified to the correctness of the late treasurers accounts In view of these alleged discrepancies the in- veitigation is to go back to and has occurred in is con stantly ui elsewhere in both municipal and school boards in different parts of the Province laterinslaree than has more recently came to light In the city of it is report ed steps have been taken towards in dicting an extreasurer for serious de falcations Independent of the direct loss to ratepayers more or less trouble occur by the distrust thereby engendered The efforts therefore the Provincial Secretary lo ensure more perfect audit of municipal and school accounts one that will en sure greater confidence in the future will be hailed with satisfaction by the Province at large In the of to which reference is made above the special auditor reports deficit at lie also mentions come of the reasons why the deficit was not discovered sooner 1st The combination of the offices of clerk and treasurer and A lack of system in keeping the books and records of the municipality and Inefficient auditors men without municipal experience and without the knowledge of accountant work The Provincial Secretary hinted that a uniform and more perfect system of bookkeeping at least should be part of our municipal code and now that he is in the Government we hope he will give effect to his views ORIS SO WRITE Ik of Kir Oliver Mo time for receiving hills has from lbs to to IXr Rous In of by of worka In Itt t troth Is Ifr bad a majority of lbs Town actma bribery and calls ineti2dasptaiistloa Comptroller of Ottawa a kind and iit ad In his A widow or tot Gray general elwttoobotwho ItEoayrimasmalHblngbDtll one a selfish man not has of kind of rota to have la high pi to of lbs proposal to of to less than thirl days with lb hops of saying a of by horns with atvia a day aUowano will not Of toons aids silk throw on bat real truth Is tbirsars loo many on who In politics for and has to take a hick scat psrsonal advan tage figures In soalt A was Opposition pren Hit to lbs lbs Oovarn will leave Immediately for Itoms to from Pops a laid to Imq sfleclod Ottawa and on the A press from Winnipeg elates Mr given report an on- Nothing of lbs ktsd had aver It Is a In realm of politics to a jfowlng for fair play lhli feature via exempllfled In Worth York Tots- day lata when opposition to relorn Provincial was a and allboagh lbs Liberals had no fear of In ot a it was a to allow election to go by acclamation and area Jelly appre ciated as It saved at tot of on and sspenss It all right with good proe- A despatch from Winnipeg dated flept says ha aid of two or farm bands from Manitoba and rapidly From alt acoUoos corns that the crops turning even the moat and no where fa thtrt for complaint An average forth whole country of twenty of good wheat to the tors Is con- ildard a result or the election of Provin cial by acclamation QloU Till Hiding Is content with Us and a not to now And wall Hie In ihaf Dominion by the and la legislature by the which is in iveat Ontario for Dominion par pott staled by Mr What more could the lbalssol The elect orate would an bngiateful lot If It ware otherwise who woo the match the World on the Themes fait was toco at and la cow tret vote the Parliament at Ottawa was taken on Tuesday and Government by a ma jority tit Br lb of Waterloo County on a vacancy has created for Premier Lender Cabinet to nil was CO age Tut iLHtuhUTtti crkktl Ir4g4a on hi lis I victory far the forty root SOI Jicriklo America tie fieli Tub bye Oxford to 11 vC4Qcy la by Sir Hurler took of JUre Hi A over pudlafj by ft uijorhy of ICO joutctliit tod will ft right of la the We lite our bit eltfUoo will ftfid the of villi to lit SU1 ft Jo j fto ftittcleoo lei of uuuecript will be by Hon Vorlbtxtoa Ford iiid will be by to ibe of wiojgo will 4 Town Deputy end Cody floiDenille pitted lieKltettfQLfjM Fey re Property Coin crib work Not 16 re for place A rebate of Wo war allowed to V oa of dog dtitroy- A deputation of I A It end JwV- with to Jiibrary and IV to wee to Com- of end for a of to be taken Into Town a uioo with of Inferred to a competed of the Mayor and Hooter and Cody are where are too fail on If tbe not enforce the ByLaw more rigidly he will take to have the amended A Committee of tbe Deputy and to to to J oo hie Wait to wat Xbe Com on Light a the of theccLlracloie for tbe toller to- that the bo longer alto thaArracgcmentt bo light the temporarily until the be got ready adopt ad ByLaw to Kltclrio Plant read ft third lime and Council till Friday evening- SHARON Quite a number our people taking in the Fair this Week Labor Day here as a labor day ana not a holiday even not doted Quite a are week And last Mrs la from a rheumatic and of Mia Ellen ft alio quite ill Ma who baa wen ill for tome time It on the convalescent aide will be held on the Englbb Cburcbe Serried a and We otn a will take are Rointo on the which will take nearly half our male population Mr pulling about three hundred rode of tile on firm Fletcher Mies Clougber and Ryan of Toronto to the after with friend Mr it 11 an trade thft of cider autumn Holland and Albert foothill J a3Tircrua7io the To ronto that there wta not be any to the Bo term ago both holding In the Dominion and lively It hardly be that the Hit bo very largely and yet II waa a very rot elite gathering The Town Hall had gaily for by the ale of and flaa of and no than bong npon walla and giving to and of the banner of the wae the following Old York Cradle of the OUiuetieatn- our and The Canada la da a Proa The dairying and other were not alto ftndflowcrejftnd and those who had the matter fn charge all the from the variona apcakera J J Keg by Mr P of In the Im partial manner At V one Hon K J Davie by ft of prominent Meade entered the hall and he at nominated by President of the York Aeioolatlon and town del by ROM HrnoUj of being no other nomination within time by elected amid much Town Band which had been kept out of eight while the law being com piled down Main at and made merry In front of ball returning having retired after tinging of national anthem Mr VfVr- took the chair and ox proetod the that the people of York felt In having one of in the Dominion and one In the Local people York might of the that It the cradle of Reform Mr Davit had been rocked In ft Ho hail grown among them and had Jlvodallhrt life in York Ho waa not a politic tramp plcktd op from anywhere some member were but both he and Mr were real- the vnd be iwn by their when Mr Cane the for not putting them to the trouble of ft con tort or wuooyt Mayor Robert ton then read following from the Town To At J that or the of pellUeal parllffi 10 ftttdorfar np root a of metro- the In called to auUt ad IhaaiYiirsof the and oar ettu- jour for welfare of well the rtdtng Prom roar of we greater ftdmlAiua- unite Ike fill Ytr root ftayoglteD Mill tht we Id all year work Mayor alto added hie A reform gov bad power for SI new government of being ft one and remaining In ex for another daring all of which hoped that Mr Davie wo old occupy or more important In reply the preaod appreciation of ad- be not help feeling too flattering lie was glad to be welcomed to Newmarket at home tbe lown and bad long watched fotereatitiprogreiade velepment and public tbat bad been lo him he appre ciated wore It Lai body It had been effort the peat It be the to advocate people lo in tbia riding and in all Province Aromas On of the Reform Dr Coulter of Aurora read the following TV tertiary tilth- North io4ayrulatoeiorfrt tare Lvten it Peailer Pro lace to flu You tic- oar ad thai have with your CsueerlopobUellfe t man bare Kiel in tbeOoiatxcf York or Worth La Ontario end cow Crowe Your recce fcutu to ito with the of ibo la a tie v- WaiCta you pteliiea the we will look tea of rice that wia to tbe people ud to ffraturlcx jour carter to atlfarxjlfice U four oroaioce lei rttard of ft with moil belief that terete roar and alio iojr Soar leader of to of reoaieftmetaber iWe bare of of Ilea Carlo be to record bia career 4 we to Iba pleuae we fetl e Mceglftff Ua aa 4 flfr tfowai or It ft a the u act of foiBra to yea roof really proa- icd we are itix will geWao topee meet Dr Coulter who baa the happy faculty of works Into aenlenoea that flow river peraMil of Hon Hardy In the the party hatchet and the political pipe of by briefly referring to of of Got- ftnxaeoti Hen- J Davit w waa greet with toed ftppUote the playing a Jolly be paid ft warm tribute to the veteran chairaixn or great to the of alio lo Da la the recent Hon The people toil Vhm wti to ho rendered by Iff Dab ho it would an honor an adTantti to the tiding It not He for end In allowing reelecttoa tlon To the Dibwa of had him nflfaJlljig In to return for without their ho could cot have the ho did With tht prclimlnarlca to a rericTT of the of day in Provincial politic and with Darin the ha there baton n the of the Which ho not been to ray he worked for and that watthe election of bid that and deilrol again to of It an American That however not objection lo It for good mod- to bo bid American however rcialtoi many a tool It would bo a thing for Canada If it were here- Another thing that had been much dlf- wat the abolition of He had taken the position lilt were thorn to be ftdrantago to Government Home ho wae pre pared to favor atolllton but that Inquiry fint be made Into the rounding the and lennre upon whloh the property held to tee whether the advanlagca would to At the Drat the ft of partita waa appointed work and had getherlng which woold bo fully considered at aeeilOD dealing with do that which found to bo the bait the people and the mini to ftaatitfatory isolation of attention Ae fttnatUr of fact the had very little over railway and few to grant the Dominion ago had the control of railway The therefore a more acuta one Ottawa had taken laat year with the knowledge of alt parlfe In the to by neat It would taken out of the arena of Ap plftUM Mr timed to the condition of and made by the There a when good were ape tad over ft long of yeara to forget them For those who might have forgotten be 03 review In a few of the acta The v of bad lten in under became in The Farmer had greatly extended under him alt knew how tore and helped by cut loot at Inttllotea reading of and the Interchange of of men were Identical In there were 1 fntlitutea In 76 and In The at tendance In about In The were and the Province had bun covered by them parte by The been to Ike of our the The Dairy at had In It who were ftolppod to take charge of the and the fact that men had gone from It to tbe eld land login proved that we had of the moat dairy In anywhere Ibe at and alto doing excellent work En the matter of fruit Govern doing all It could do The the pioneer farm Depart ment were ell referred to evidence of progrcief In regard to the roada movement Davit no one tell the gain from good If half a load more could be hauled in time II meant a and he hoped North York avail of Mr Campbell experience and aware better at perhana lata than now hit retlew of tbia department of the work declared that a ment composed entirely of do more than the Government baa doing all ftld tore yaw the the Provincial gave to the view much good would ruultfrom lonotuttlera to Ontario It not geat rally known bow great were the to there on wall of ft united Canada right to be patriotic and no better Ing could be thought than by of telling the advantage of great country They wanted a elate of for new of the tame type and Scotchmen who and ago hewed for out of the of older Permanent data were to be not not by pampering them but of We be able to do Utter for them then our competitor do The Manitoba and were moat plaice for cat tide of OntariOj and Province offer more than they The rtoorda id that the free grant land of the practically Many of and to drougbl tordoei tbat In a few the wcrkot W jear average yield of ho did cot wbleh cbotcn for mccb ever a aeries of than that On Were not great ad ventage Ontario had free grant ro lornadoea a higher yield In there Ifanitoba waa under flag and ho bad to a word it Large of free grant land In Mat and Parry are awaftlng art- In the plotter farm two town- have been year and entirely taken ap ware going in quite fut the could them plaio hero rich land In vicinity of were wty of by rail and acme more than bat aa to In old Ontario in the Government waa doing all it ootid lv Open the with cooieto3 having decided that enozgh been given older and that be applied now to the lint to the newer There a great advantage In pot by either the United Hutu or In winter Eel work and a little ready by the men who ware there or getting out pulp wood and Ian bark They could alio git work on where preference given to Another advantage borne market for jibing pro duced provided He had during a to North Bay to find Here got better no there than the farmer of York country abounded In and offered advantage for dairying the mining of Ontario Mr One thing knew to be true and Ibat that Ontario mlnaral flalda lcke and Iron large and cinch da- work bad already Hardy bad taken groat Icier eel Stipend to do that properly one Tbe great capital tnd there that JJitirb who money ware becoming of bad tad their of which rm of cot a owaMl ial did col frit lhy vera and wild There wta hone lnOac4aV Jcbn for toracat to retina monicfpil flcan en IndlrlduAl and In private he that In of Applate In ltlW ft come largo Two uni form lytic of and more audi A It hating bin I that tbo for York waa duly Mr took to cay thai If and a rcontrcd lht he baa the appointment He raid member fan the Govern meal will not or any official who la rcmita In doty He raid Pot charge In writing and It to and It will wllhbal fair In the lion elated that he of no thing In of be knw no man religion or poll Ilea but waa prepared lo give fair play to rail rich and peer educated and and AH were under the Sag and all JJrIIihub eoti theyweraiotUlcd totical ha profOtad to act honorably and fairly by ail men Mr Jackaon for a few He briefly to great reform throw of the Family Compact by bad been eaten ed and under had advanced for over QtContr7LoUon Hi nnder hit acwior enlarged Mr Contetvallva of York lb laat and by Mr Davit with the remark he Mr would flgbt htm ft bard aver at a few Mr Lennox re that Mr not a but added If a Reformer bo Provincial be knew of none be rather the place than the Hon K J DavU The with national anthem of prooocdlng were the to and r little Planter and the tinging of Cheer for Canada by and the Maple by Mr V Alto the of the Newmarket Hand at- Quite a arc tending Ihe exhibition Mr Arnold and daughter from Montana arc visiting and relative If Clcmcntt wife and family from near Mount arc Haying with relative here A number of In the lo latt Saturday and report a cold trip Mr and J Connell spent Sunday and Monday in Toronto with friend MIWQ SENSATION Our announcement lest a big in the Clothing Department When that 900 are marked to 596 public it and wo nail a tremendous in tho vcok i BETTER THAN Friday morning wo will offer another lot of Mens Tweed well inado at Tweed Panto that alwayo coll at for Mr and Mr j Worsted Pants tailor always at spent Sunday in the Pino Black Diagonal Worsted Coat and Veal tailor made with would bo alright at our price All Wool Tweed Suits tailor worth at Wo mention only a few lines but a look at our stock and careful of will convince you that hero not in Toronto is the place to buy your Clothing Remember wo dont Cheap Clothing but Good Clothing Cheap Boot and Shoo better than over in the Mhi Gtoia of spending a fen dajs Mis Gilpin Mr Norman of Aurora addressed the on Sunday evening He is slaying with M while In the village a number were disappointed on Saturday at the not calling at Morton Pack 1 Our Pricca always the lowest 11 1 MCMILLANS CORNERS are getting along nicely their seeding and several will bo through this week By all the crop Is going to be very light Mr has been very poorly this week Fine weather week for exhibi tion Several from here went down The Presbyterian Sun day School picnic pasted through here Monday morning en route for Morton Park report having spent a very day Mr Prank and Clara Cosrie- of Union Street were visiting friends around the corner last Sunday Mill Jennie returned home from Toronto Monday Mr Harry Manning spent Sunday wilh friends at Point Harry is sorry the cold is driving people South Miss Ella Lewis returned to New market on Monday to resume her studies Mis of Aurora was visiting on this street this week Mr Geo Fogg of visited our Sunday School last Sunday morning HE The pupils of the public school arc being trained by Long of Toronto in a kindergarten program and will be prepared lo give adeltrht- entertainment In house on Monday Sept Long has been vtrj successful in training children and no pains will be spired in making the concert a grand success VIRGINIA HOLLAND LANDING Pine warm weather this week after the cool wave of last week A number of our citizens are tak ing in the Exhibition and teeing the city sights His Li Hung Chang pasted through hereon Monday even ing The special train stopped here for some time giving a number the advantage of seeing His Royal High ness Mr Davidson of LUloweU was visiting his brother John Davidson a few days this week McKenrie and went down to attend Jury in the city this week Mr was ill pail few days but wo are glad lo hear is somewhat better again Miss who has been visiting in the city returned home again on Monday PANSY COLLEGE CORNERS like to know College fC Kill ft rxtoij- who l uiat I a Junta a Wif while land ran vc lop and the ft afur Utter than Will both ifaiarjuut Utile Ho a will next wife t week Ma Dry Twit real tact and iiia- which he leave dally Dry lire ye Town Kim Grove our Vr- tall hive a that in J una which 11 Now boat that Tho runcral of nil but Ktaity to a crowd of KOJrolojr buna or bo wtU ibo old He la an Inexorable creature aM when he lay tilde your work no matter Important it iriy to be a few sA your remark with bald be Wo be ml yet the a virago ifita believe that be la l vitii He look attbefoneraj or can crOta the liwtlt the man Eight hi elected tbinz to do la to nut our la order Is It not for eternal Tux Decs QURRNSVILLE There is every prospect that the Garden Parly on Thursday evening of neat week under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church will be a great Tea will be served in basement of the church which adjoins the lawn of Mr Win from to In addition to the music of ville Band a delightful program of singing recitations etc is promised Mr Loc of is lo give an address and Mis a Speeches may also be expect ed from the resident clergy and no pains will be lo make this the treat of the season Mr Timothy Morton of was calling on old friends last week on his way to Keswick Miss J Stephens of St Thomas and Miss of Hanover have been yisiting at Mr Kenyons Mrs Leonard and Miss Ixittie are spending a week or two in the city Matter Willie has been very poorly for some lime with rheu matism Hope soon to sec him about again Those who do not belong to the Mechanics Institute should join be fore the long evenings begin We hare a large number of well selected books which will afford any amount of initruclion and for the Winter evenings A large number of people attended the funeral of Master Host son of Mr James of on Sunday last Funeral was conducted by Rev Mr Sturgeon in the Meth odist Church We are glad to Mr able to be back in the store again The harvest is past and the summer Isgonc and farmers are now busy with their ploughing Quite a number from this neigh borhood have taking in the cheap Saturday excursions Mr J of St Marys was the guest of Mr Kay a few days last week How many young people are leav ing ui I A Kay left last week at tend the Port Perry High School Evans has gone to Miss Atkinson is now making her home in Miss Sidney Kay and Miss Maud A Evans intend leaving next week for Si Catharines lo pursue a course in Ladies College We wish all these youthful aspirants success may they soon to enliven our Mr J I Stephens our genial teacher is now settled down to work again He is giving general satisfac tion and we hope to hear that he is going to remain with us another year We noticed in the recent ma triculation scholarship criminations that Mr Kay succeeded in obtaining honors in German and chemistry Most of campers have left Point Owe our thanks to a discerning public for increas ing our trade which has doubled you are looking for Remember we lead all competitors TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE 1 TORONTO- jits Iff a 1- I l WjoTthana and tuitiU for ill lit Birth oclock by la tcr on at Ito tobojunvl by iAih from euI ox fritAd oat iboprimo of life Of the vlccliy of of the vllUft ivaj to for trbcltft two Hill fir1 Aiwa tbrrfoy In com not of u liiiijtijjj utbovfb ibey vceijrccf It for tffAl5 If It It It known our Of vblch iaiitftJ kjt Hub Mr icing cxc Mr over twta u to for Kbit iiika l0jkUtlO3 out Ibiir ftCttbUf i frit Vet yicr- w4 Ml Vt4iatUn- Begirt Mr flw tit of ii f La J BdittStJii eta r la as Sir will A SajlMbctUutcr lid id lj iiUlvUUKajlltr lo aiud axA la x Siil fcsss ia KESWICK White ihe Rev Mr Reynolds the marriage cerr for young couple one day tut week a learn which had been left standing started on a trip of ihelr own accord down the con but were over taken near without having done any damage We hear that Miss Draper of is again quite poorly also Mis Thompson of the con Rev Mr Reynolds preached his farewell last Sunday evening in the Free Methodist Church to a congregation His rainhlryhere has been one of great good to the large and appreciative congregations that Sunday after Sunday to his able and eloquent sermons May bis future labors be richly bless ed Mr Hayes has a visitor come to stay Its a boy We hear that Mr John is likely to receive the appointment of lighthouse keeper on Vox Iiland We hope lhat the news proves true for we believe that Mr Prosier would All the situation satisfactorily It will be remembered that tbe late keeper Mr Dark received a heavy fine for using a fishing net too This is about in the same line is civil servants under the late Government taking free hand in the elections Mis John of has returned home after a visit of several weeks at her mothers Miss Aggie is seeing the ex hibition this week Mrs Spence of Aurora was visiting at Mr John I week An accident that nearly cost the lives of two occuiied at head of Cooks Bay Monday night Mr James Murray of a companion from Bradford were duck and in changing places in the boat somehow fell Into the lake Had the water been deep they would hive undoubtedly been drowned Ai it wis they were up to necks in water when reached at oclock at night been in that position from some time in the Their cries which might have been heard to the Soldiers Bay at last attracted attention They their but saved their lives Mr to roll out of hammock falling on the stump of a tree one day list week He has LIFES A BURDEN If the Stomach is Not Right Is Hour Ate Any of and Dr liter liJi QQckly ho It CAUTION ltd lUrt A or fx tbo the liw FOR SALE A ovl for tr lo I- tit liar JOSEPH MILLARD ROACHS POINT Mr Frank Morton of has cornmencuj building operations on the lake shore South of Mr Con- noUs He intends to put up a large bonding with confectionery store and Icecream attached The season to a close at the other night with a ball at which guests were present Tomatoes are selling at Acton for a bushel to i 1 I Iks tELfoci ti x3 in la cor a ti if J J FARM FOR SALE House riming A LifeSize Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY to it if to hi We I A IO irk l Low it Lit Albert a AlUrt 4 Cut Kits If Ac of St J Jc4 to Tho Tomb lie lite til 3 ft WinAi tbelthUii Jace tr were WixJttiljre la llciue yorilxi4BS4U4JcattetU1i rt lua lUi Uittv he tie put Mtb v 1rav uun si All lttU2 liiii I In in elf i3 t EfitO Ml iiS i- isr jr3 WAYSIDE SONGS A REDUCED TO 760a DAYS ftt- A u A We A 4ie Farm For Sale IPHK FOR- GOOD CLEAN loct once 1 out We If end the arc reduce Sock will only call buy It mean a to it arc all the Muiei Mens Call and see Gear owe 1 3 trier t tee Uxk dio- IMicauc In el tat 40t 4Jfij j2 Life i4M I a tut THUSTd COBPOaUTIOW 0 OHTAIIIO tODLTOr SUflAH and Fruit Jars Any quantity as cheap as Teas and Coffee We bate a line an a our lire at a lor the fur the find Crockery and Chiuavare Sec our il low rices is for fcisyoa Toilet A PORSALE- lima Ar IIOMBX TO LOAM i t CV- iFJ A THE Sff We will Not bo BEST STOVE AND FURNACE COM SCREENED AUo Coal ny part of Town WILSON M0KINNON S S3 fat t Steal J7 sYKAKCjMiHKIiKK iti aU liati lalLitNltvU

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