j vr NWiMRKETJERA JULY 24 Km ftxtwwvttwiftl Proraloca to David CANCER Oil THE UP p ft at tb IN Pit to CO H lift a At into ftfii frf 1J4U1I rfl i it lU mm It ep l Ml ft CO- to WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Excelsior In do I pot my bead Hiram read of ark covenant to and 111 fclQ erect wl by To did not teem fllttoft honor lo bint Ibo Mating la Ibo rl ly of Inulp lilt Ml to lt Ihg flttil In with king god firtl bat with of to- to be nolle bough Wfj r a Alnjri 1I to oar own In Any tare that ft ft not from of or Bub One do for which he lo fltltd do thing and A WORDS TO THE SHOULD 0R WILL IT NO PICKLE You with and hem away In a or box WHKH Voiozint tot of the of all those who In fmoue X0tDpiny by entitled ywre of tlon with raado ere other and llloifretloni of Current tie editor Mr John A intrtitlj VTluvttho title at foM ftfic BOLD AT iUK lft pyi CO Remember they are priceless care of them no one will takS lhet of them for are the Windows of the Soul or EyeGlasses on us and get jour prices ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician Main St Newmarket BUSINESS 10100 HARRISON QQLLEQE South End Tannery BUTCHERS lllfiCLlll It III a pi in ci pal as thought thai man to he like whal lie most thinks and most in- tiled in are aM uncom mon a pott novelist noted particularly the portrayal and fancies became a miserable physical or irntriicitc a racing It is not un known tint tome of the greatest act ors in tragedy Rave evidence being more or less unbalanced in mind he tore their death The instance is sufficiently wellknown the physi cian who had made a of in sanity and was a great specialist in this line lie read a learned paper on of lunacy one evening at a medical society and then went liotnc and his wife and children and blew his out himself a maniac in the largest cities are steeped in horror traced and crime It seems as if reporters editors alike gloat over occur rences that the vilest wickedest most desperate tide of human nature- The picture of the ghastly headless body of a murdered woman was not long since a of great in certain newspapers A story of a suicide gas suffocation was spread as a feast of horrors before read ers of a certain journal An innocent child read tale- A few days for no assignable reason she killed herself exactly as the woman of the newspaper had done Reporters bunt up all that is ghast ly and horrible like spend ing a night in a graveyard vault or Hying how it feels to take an debauch or perhaps to be hanged or ju rgl One result may be look for Coming years will see the writers who persistently depict these either committing suicide or confined in insane or they will be physical and mental wrecks Many of their readers mil be the It it time to stop this fettering of the filthy the morbid the diseased and the horrible Many a who would be shocked at the thought of com mining a murder stealing or wallowing in filth is doing something very like it every day He is familiar izing himself with details all and wickedness cleanliness crime murder vice and foolishness exist in the mind before they in an fur themselves outwardly The person who reads these things the son who them fills his mind with them Oft repeated ihcy remain rotting and festering to taint to craze and defile permanently No I We mutt have a change The good the bright the joyous the clean the honest must have their day in our reading and in our minds We must build our minds up with the thought that is good unless we wish to to the bad Nothing is so true as this Our thought absolutely makes us what we are We can con trol our thoughts and make them what we will To this end we need reading that is cheerful that deals with happiness prosperity and the good deedi of men There are plenty of these good deeds more of them than there ere of bad one the newspapers give prominence awhile to the cheerful and hopeful reporters hunt events of this luie and make ft big story out of them The public will thank them was so much crime and murder as there is now Pail it is directly traceable to the horrible prominence newspapers have given Had From Hint and Which Wrecked Her Is Mow Pron Cartoon Truth it is said sometimes stranger than fiction and in no way has thin phrase been better exempli fied than plain unvarnished statement of Mrs Edwards of Place reporter of the Herald a few weeks pro Mrs Ed wards Is well known in this town having here for neatly twenty- five years The story she related will give in her own words She In July of I was taken ill with caused by poison ing end laid hovering life and death for eight weeks After the doctor succeeded in breaking op the fever my heart began to trouble me jaundice and complaint alto set In I could not sleep and my nerves were terribly unstrung Dur ing my after the ever left me I was attended by no less than three doctors but their medicine seemed of no as I lay for months In a terribly emaciated condition and never expected to around again This stale of lasted till about Christmas when a friend suggested to me to try Dr Williams Will My husband procured a few boxes and I then began their although with hut little confidence in them By the time had used three boxes I began to feel a little better and be gan to get an appetite This en couraged rnc to in the ute of the pills and continued to im prove began to sleep well heart ceased to bother and nervous system which had received such a shock was again fully restored My liver trouble also disappeared In fact I became alrnott a new creature I now feel as well as I ever did in rny life I have used in all eight boxes and still continue to lake an occasion al pill if I feel any depressed Yes she said I am thankful to think that I tried Dr Williams Pink Pills because I believe no other medicine could have effected such a cure in rnc and have to effectually built me up I am perfectly willing that this simple statement of mine should published and hope some poor suf fering creature may see it and be re stored to health as I was Dr Williams Pink Pills make pure rich blood thus teaching the root of disease and driving it out of he system curing when other medicines fail Most of the ills afflicting man kind are due loan impoverished con dition of the blood or weak or filial nerves and for all these Pink Pills are a specific which speed ily restore the sufferer to health pills are never sold in any form except in the companys boxes the round which hears the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People AH others are counterfeits and should always be refused Get the genuine and he made well report that an un usually large quantity of this season not as flno in quality as other seasons The flavor Is pood and in many instances the are dry and are not the proper kind for the export trade Among others there are one or two chief reasons for this prices arc to lorr that patrons ate neglectful about caring for the milk properly and flo not think it pays to go to extra trouble while arc necessarily more particular about the quality be cause of the low price Tho waken arc- not at all blamclen in matter of them teem to lost their usual good judgment and are not carrying on their work according to the latest and best methods Patrons of cheese factories are urged to give particular attention to the following All milking palls or cans should sterilized by boiling hot water be fore any Is put in them a The milk should be strained in every case so to eliminate any dust or dirt that may gathered during milking As soon as the milking fs done the milk should be thoroughly and aerated This can be done means of come suitable aerator by dipping and stirring with a long- handled dipper The morning milk should be as thoroughly aired as the nights The animal heat should be taken out before the cools off too much A can of milk that badly taint ed or has a foul odor will injure the whole vat milk and prevent a first class cheese from being made from it Hence the neglect of one or two patrons may injure the whole output of a factory A bad in milk may not be delected when the milk is being taken in but may develop when the milk Is heated and injure the whole pro duct The maker cannot control this by rejecting the had rnilk when being taken in and has to depend upon of the patron in perform ing his duties It is better not to supply at all it cannot be supplied in a pure condition A maker cannot make good cheese poor rnilk When prices are low a better quality of cheese is demanded and patrons can assist makers in supplying this by taking the very best care the milk and tending only a pure article to the J The Work gives the fol lowing figutcr the cost war and casualties caused by it the hut years France has spent in war Even Belgium spends every year francs on her army In Iocs than years Great Britain alone has Writ in war At A To the ocean Italy spends every year on her and navy The French army costs every year francs the navy The peace footing In the Russian army calls for the of horses army of Bolivia costs the people of that impoverished coun lt year At men were engaged of whom were killed or wounded for And yoQ Id fi It acd kind to blind lock for era for night fcusvfcKni el light It Is by far to for a for spots on abiding galoit Marco And to Its motion lived yea Dont bow form Dal lot It go our yon Jul A nil k TRUNK RAILWAY Our new Oven complete now Baker how to do I There are in the United Slates it is staled machinists so- tool makers boiler makers pattern makers car penters and joiners masons and bricklayers contractors and builders plumbers gas and steam fitters stationary engineers and firemen engineers and firemen electric railway and light em ployees cabinet makers carv ers and workers civil mechanical electrical and mining en gineers will To to letter must go wrong whos Ufa long And sooner know ft It Is foil to light with th infinite fio under hit In ntss Into tioda plan As siatir into OfQo mil Tic wheat crop of Manitoba Is variously estimated at from 10 ooo J for loll for ra or pfrUJjr A for KOmt my rh tinder will to t YvitniD WljifforolU i wrtbf to rfrccsoat ficOtt will Ho life for In WUhatorpwIlttr lilwllktfoilill j PAIR SAILING and the pore fatilih WUbatotDl to ill filltnenu cud Cat jour liver aver tonic to repel dlttttetcdbulH up needed fieih and It route every lTftiefl tidjurmYtj EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why Ssomm Koao Wagon calls for and Aurora Call Tuesday and deliver Thursday delivers all work Bradford Call and deliver Friday EMBURY Proprietor Home Lace Curtains done up equal lo new Special terms for family washing MM s4 a it li 1 MOW I I SB3tSKS FOR SALE la a iu to J A CODY Term tlctcr enil and In retail business said a shrewd and successful irader to me the other day it is the things thai make the profit or the low For instance a man comes in pay a bill The jtiiGUnl is might Kar gracious on my part to call it an even Hut there arc a good many bills paid in the course of a that have a few odd cents at the end If I threw off the margin each time I would in the course of a ihroAii a large share of my legit imate by looVing after the little things one gels the name of a tight dealer but if on the other hand there is perfect honesty at to weights good nth re rjuality of goods and a dis position l do She square in every transaction people become reconciled to the other and in the end iliere is a better and more satis- factory class of trade For instance a man told this week that he thought my prices a little high tome- limes but he dealt with me because he had never known me to light weight and because he could depend on what I said abaut any ankle July While an excursion train from South Huron was proceeding to the Model Farm this morning a child of Richard liar ay who was sit ting on the track was struck by the about two mites East of here and instantly killed The childs lather was on the train and did not MONEY TO WAX i j 1- LLOYD and are giving to these things For all mankind there is dire need to take deeply Into their souls the command Whatsoever things are honest things are whatsoever things are lovely and of good think on these Wilson Star f with the Peary expedition on ward left Syd ney ihuttdsy tor Greenland The main object of the expedition is to bring tick a It loatcd at York A number of scientists ate accompany- of the fatality until communi cated with by telegraph on his arrival July James V died last night at St Josephs Hospital from anthrax Over a week ago he dissected a cow which died near the city and was convinced that the animal anthrax and took the and a of the liver with him for sis A week ago on Monday he went wiih a fishing party to A hook caught him at the second of the middle finger of the left hand and made a slight wound following he was handling the intestines of the animal and was warned lo be careful and thoroughly wash his hands with dis infectants He washed his hands in a careless manner giving little atten tion to the advice given He was taken tick on Wednesday and was partially confined to the house Thursday he showed his finger to a but told nothing of the circumstances and the only ad vice given was the simple remedy for a poultice He was out walking and driving yesterday looking rather pale but about oclock this morning he became so bad that two physicians were summoned He was taken to St Josephs Hospital about oclock It took four men to hold The tow lo by litt fa Ihc Bo long a cloth rctIttlJy tiUftCbtmcIi La Ltd for ft Co Ho cater iWGCdntod the iff Lett tod li til It item or km ih it i It Denny Motion to lift at Firth lege Sheffield of a tin uiual and nature the Among the Most ancient of inlnhit ing our planet so called mud fiili PfOtoplcrui of Africa a worthy of our respect if only in consideration of its va antiquity which far in the early of world Of the most striking feature of the mud fish is the possession of lungs as well gills On the approach of in its haunts in Cen tral Africa the mud fish hollows out a chamber in mud and upon a period of rest extending over many months during which time it is with out access to end breathes air only While in the mud these fishes may he dug up and survive even offer a journey across the world in the dry state Prof Denny received a short time ago one of these mud In the presence of the the hard was in warm and after being thus ex posed for nearly two hours the fish which went to sleep in tropical Africa many ago ftwolce and came forth from its temporary sepulchre to find itself in a bath of tap water ih the biological laboratory of Firth College where it is now alive and doubtless Seventeen Canadians took pan In the match for the Prince of Wales prize at Five men will shoot tie first Edward Ryan the Mr- old son of Mr J J Ryan the Co- home fruit merchant was drowned Sunday white on the Don River The body was re covered Enoch Arms a watch and clock years of age of was struck and killed by a Grand Trunk freight on Saturday two miles of the town bleed rcitorcs tad DYSPEPSIA CHRONIC DIARRHEA GtBSOir plt 100 years I 1j It to very bad I could t the CO ACT I 4ftKlltq York it elf I In el lift Miss it without terrible now want I toenhorlltoCg of Pierce Golden 1 stjlfercd fortbrce pet no help till J Ihe use of of tattles cured trie I lr for ftuiate ikncM witli Court Jul IT VOHOBMi ho IbCoucclU to York tit iii TO TUB FARMERS OF YORK COUNTY PASTURE TO RENT Ibo Cow led tfc dlvUtom win fctpurjxxfr fctOo djr i 4 ikecoorl at vbUh heir lb- on If York Mutual th bis row from frpcrty By In lbi at In to yea a not Yoartatror4i rtilfaUy loHdttd of Apply to tbonKit or call or writs to Toronto LOCAL 4tfi4Uoa a 4 BYLAW NO- unfit Whit to It is viubSo mm of JlrixiH 4U1 other tux Id Town or rrvwkj U4 1itcud for or ic wmcovcrupcrlxtof by of lour ml In annual Council dtcris Vlt4b0 to tid for by the ruU6 or t live centum tcnU over ft of 4a by of jrfclJ w4 to be to isjtadjoI rfcattbuttKJrrtyatctJsouQt ui4 Ale for of during Id any one to total to be by on oil property or and wiu be tec lum of wb of amount of l property lo for purpose of tb W ibout for the debenture of Municipally fcmounu to of no portion or or liiUxut Is in BYLAW NO n Councilor tLcCorvjratlou of Hid to blibl Plant of authority or Jjtfbt Act 191 It tryJ to IeIuJI a of to j for It vt1lxijvlrc of Ten jikivFrfroJi tld Council it td for ibeuiac over a tod of by the fat Four per uttfldlDf or by ftii- t4 or both latere fjAllUFAOTUmHO flo TO OF For Sale riMJAYDctIrittftuliscekoonatilt9 rcrtilci ihttiUdtttii03liojor4Ht J Caliper to ARMS TO licit Set fc lLl rtJ ib till br lot lhs 1 fttCb la fLUi-riL- tl ill trill ft rit to Uli to fitrttf tut bar HOUSE ADD STORE TO LET Irmr hit J Trots dtrseitls TWO till 1 to fl luulutft TRY OUR AMD Building BICYCLE REPAIR fcftT nilti up a In with oar for tho it ftll itc Of iL Amart Council of follo4 iiuitorJtoJ 4u1roiuIruJ bo ftiid known ad ItoproTttai tbxo One 41 bo with of ufd by fur low tbt6gjfrtg4teatoount of ftM piyxblclofiny one year for prlccipii iod Id of during Mid to nu4yt by rate property of tise for paying the tid during of Twenty And the amount or the ibtc to for tocorOMitf Tut rorUiv a tbc or whole of to Of which no prltcrpi In art cor by of tLc Iowa of I tbe liertby tji lioiltrti thJI be fci LlU bo it yam rroin for to Dome of of Twenty with nUifi feVthi tsi ft by Mayor the A within Twenty aatlji July While assisting husband in taking in a fold of bay Daniel McLennhan near off the load receiving injuries which resulted in her death about hours after She leaves a sorrow- inghusband and a fan of children St Lours Mo July A ape to the Star from Malvern Ar TJua town wis wiped out by fire this morning The was in four different placet by colored fiendtore of whom was caught and lynched The lots it nearly Intense excitement prevails The con John Joyce between and Albion was drawiog gravel week when by some meant he fell off a passing over his body Ho and continued hit work but soon felt the effect of his injuries Medical aid was secured but he died the same evening ti tit Ltd Ctairto fl Ciioii Electrically propelled pleasure boats are now becoming on the Thames that they attract litile notice com passersby and stations for supplying to their or ftccutnulatort are now to be found every lo Oxford uyIbctJJ at afortiald uld 4iaount or such or or Formic or paying Mid or ball watpocUJ al in 41at tbc or tbc Ibc of the fill bcrtiD latUouod UyIw to during wUUih4 tall dcbistuukavc force and effect day of A0 provloutly uivt4 tobytbt Utctom of CorportUou ItaUy qual to vote Intuit la to wy- at tbu rule annually Our- I of of saauii iiubioriatcrifitiabajlbqlbciuiaof tte I be Of tbttili EELeilUOf Inter Lfit In txli S For pure- of tbciuciol above rut 111 fttlJ tone ite property of Tohd liable fur of due istciioaw for ByLaw to tLe Live to run 3 rorcv acd effect 4 tie day of in All ice Refitting Tires Vbwlij i Into feo Kill have ItsOSicf fiVVua THE CANE SONS MFG CO nciucu NEWMARKET Oil KALE Oil la Mo A laCiiiia I Hellers acutrccf I Notice to Creditors or- OAR AH to Ktiiuui UilCbp Aetata if fcitb tt fowciip Of at la ihtCccaty it liA tii nil Asa tbilr tn Mid a i4 ttur titer its vblbs aicsU tb is a DEAD sure fact that Do Good Work and do Break Collars in Turning We your as late as il A tiial order Kill convince ibit our work is superior to any other Laundry Its to w J lhc ted txfc mIU cm tut tttrtf to tor t j JOB not in ill line Children Orator PI to tiers Pitchers of to vote for of tai4 Town tJ3 der of rt CoMlldated del Act of lt at the Lour of oclock la be to of sectors of Poll 111 Kre la ul for tbc tL Act A D tte Lour of Nine Kill be to entail IteFvJ five In on day for iiJd and Deputy of Towa effectively rhaJJ bo fct La Uncbell inggfflccr fijjicUli-i- WardW day of tour of In at aptnt Ltrij atucd at tlccc up of tbe Jo or of ilyXaK attend la toe A- up number of vct 4AUit NOTICE Itfkcztbyalviatt If to to jjJ JJrLjvJb of be Urn tit pliorobDKlubeiJs t An- Wjd tag yoUIfljf ButldlUl fit- Deputy fllbat day of lidattbt oclock la it tbe ebeciXd7oua the In Ibe to up of of and or of Girt Of raid aball to tall Temn of tycibrof ii IblaSyUWp ytvctitbattbt lau A RED Suit run ML WHITE COW Kcistfrl tile FOR SALE F OR SALE J IT la it tit to uaaa FOR TWENTYSIX YEARS DUNN 13 AKIN BEST FRIEND in of otuiued after ocft Ueture la A at day fixed for tie of for be Let July tawe4 by etc of the New la of Of lb EMU lb from the IbcCxteol ti tbo veil Of of J a ti4 till 0 it IK MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES Call St I a lUj Art reread A dJ la L ladra own CO OUR MAIL Our roaU brings us ever clay dozens of letters about Burdock Blood Bitters Some from merchants who want to buy some from people who want to know about and more from people who do know about it be cause they have tried and cured One of them was from Mr J Gillao Gould Street Toronto Read how he writes the became account hearty food I ate Li tho clergy all my effofts la My my inactive my liver lumpy and hard became iaiUrued my appe tite days and fined For tried adjtectmedcicescfevcrydelcrico received Being a to try am to opportunity to the rcaUt After tbrc better and tba ftth bottle I enjoyed health La ate End hive tier a that day up to date Tbereforo I Jisueh In from is Mat of alldiatAte- We to outdo either in or If you waul any kind of done work and terms you can git at the OiEce before you order verbiil if au is tho time to Your Ihoto BEST WORK REDUCED PRICES Dont wait I Dull weather dont make any difference 11 ynTjOi Roachs Point Lake Si all CC4ttlU 49 to eta tit je lAii rujae litre JvJfta to U a doe it I iutUiM kMrtuuWuu it u4 to turn but ifct li J J