Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1896, p. 4

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I rf fc J Side Headatitie VX TAKING Oyers ft tick Began Pills lint I A Mi Mt from Hell lD II- Fait wonderful discovery J THo Ark to Excelsior Kit IT IS NO PICKLE- You limply treat Clio I 1 VJ It and lay away In basket or box uuuaa LAV DOWN A SUPPLY THCV AUK Jul 1000 Jim of boils man In Jcn3iUra Mi W check Ill before too for micro Jn to rtI their lorocdlilroitK bo bid an Ik political Of rtow- on tblo catcall to a foundation for For r of bad of lay fa of at KWtthJtarlm had IM a Mi that to build op oalCon would bo ha a nevUnt In for and wHlt of all tribci ho lo up city capful f Hon What bo Iho of all wat at to to and of of flii li A now vrnU lead any and iho and of In it I lot ton of religion bo Joit It In our day to do ood In a bd way and tight tiling in a to right our wrong by doing other Wo to bo a of VJili vloltlod not only by iho and fnfldct but by and to IfnltLi wo wfiotftol It wo bo auto to fall error of trlnoor practice ERA will full Call for lk at a ail It afid It till BOM AT THE PERFECT TEA WIIAt UK It Out Hallway Co k Jctororation build and a lino from J id Wfnnipr via Hullo and TKt fHOM me it a to IN Jut Tuf Jaw a 0 of of a defence of Javof MOM And a refutation of lol alttcko work ureal worth many of It I a TuHil thing written by only a fat beforo her death a loving lo the public for food and to fcena and exprtfufont affeotlonto teem on her birthday which alio fadtit flcu Journal Jo the noil of It will bo pub lished Inat limit Jt of gifted and by her death become her to the American public hi jt vpir IMYlKKfc or the Soul I Remember j they are priceless lake care of them no will take are jyou the J Windows Spectacles of lasses kail on us and get Jour prices LATKINSON Jeweler and Optician Main Si Ncwnjarket BUSINESS GO at- i Ji Whiuno BUSINESS COLLEGE South End Tannery A of by Mr ft a valublo to of Higher The to called aro very In and tbat cannot bo aro prereoted for of IhoFentatoich Mr a to for work lu with The AliTofldtl JJfanry fa form toy of boil ad comprint of a pamphlet circulated ABtady of II Hatting A CURE give Card After A fllroog of Wonderful Front Ceuitr WDM ftn Innocent name fas and yet terrible a reality to Doctors hat rheuma tism emits front of in the blood but as how they can be reached and eradicated It would knowledge fails The Usual treatment a cries of way give tcmjxHary rclltf but do not cure and then patient usually gives up that here Is no medicine that Kill cure him Is not a evil and because one Is old It not Imperative l one should accept rheumatism as a accessory to advancing There Is a remedy or despite the general belief that it can not be cured a remedy that his cured thousands of the most severe cases A noted instance of the truth of this which has come to the of the of the Is the case of Francis t formerly of Trenton now re tired from business In Rat and still residing there been victim of rheumatism for over ait winter lie visited his friends In Trenton and was then contemplating a visit 10 the South In search of from his foe He had to use a Blair in walking and went a pace This Christmas he was hire again visit his and erect and without he nick or the sorrowful look of a year His friends and acquain tances all accost a new man mid congratulate him on his healthy fresh and active appearance in con trast with a year ago He has cheer fully and gratefully given the following statement of his effort after a cure My home Is where for years I was engaged in business where I still reside three years I have been a great rheumatism I tried several highly recommended remedies to no purpose as I continued to grow worse till it was difficult for me to walk I was for thirteen weeks con fined to my bed at home and in the Winnipeg hospital I was then In duced to the Mount Clement I took six courses of baths baths each without any seemingly beneficial result I read of cures in the Courier from Williams Pills for and friends who used them Irene- fit io Ibemselves me to try them did to and after a short time I felt an improvement in my condition I have taken twelve boxes in all and my improvement has been continuous and satisfactory so that I need cane no longer and I have increased weight from pounds to use of Wok Pills I am not entirely free from rheumatism but I am a new man one thousand per cent better than I was a year ago and I attribute my health entirely to Dr Williams Pink Pills Dr Williams Pink Pills strike at the root of Hie disease and restoring the patient to health and strength In cases of paralysis spinal troubles locomotor ataxia sciatica rheu matism scrofuloustroubler etc these pills arc superior to all other treatment They are also a specific for the troubles which make the lives of to many a burden and speedily restore the rich glow of health the pale and sallow checks Men overwork worry or ex cesses will find in Pink Pills a cer tain cure Sold by all dealers of sent by mail postpaid at sec a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Company Brock or Schenectady tinware of imitations and substi tutes alleged to be just as good Met Vin4orf Jib from Allan from to carl market by oat of Joseph claimed ft tor Ay dog casgbl In t- of worry log by lad to J bolts nd A I appointing C It P to yd for i John March 111 Win of croca lot HJ By John sod a pain oo Gotham ill soaoiti work on Alfred do J J A inatorralftnd drain wn work j it Forsyth do ton do J do do J j A work material j0i of Cat work on bridges material J John Van for work at John do Broogbton do do W30 do Henry do John do A do Wm Koodror do Johnson A Bogarti for plough J ork on bridge Toronto day treatment for 110 Wirt Pogal gravel road work on bridged bolts and A Holder gravel for roadt IIMJ to pay and to Jo for dog caught worrying following grants rnado to roads on ill Con tot pros at- do worth of vrrk further grant of between tots and Con 30 granollng lino lot and Con ratepayer to do an float of work between and Con pro- ratepayer do roach work was repair bill on Con lot to I i and 1 1 Con and place guardrail it lot Instructed lo guard rail on Con lot Deputy Bafcer wat Inslcacted to repair I on Con lot Deputy to ro- between lot Hi and f Coo Deputy Balnea Mil lo Into claim for damage by linger waa Instructed to pay for of Hall adjourned to on day of August aa I AND TRUNK RAILWAY for ififanto DO YOU KNOVJ Dtt liio wstircefrcy4tt no von Knox in evil drvfta tic Bo Lit jw Do toQw Hit Hi Bo the Dr TL1 la etc Ei Uo tr Von Know M lolulUlt noyoTitgilow no you Know average JvicfctorIt for n or nvccl ihit of Effect be fill ycjj Our wev Oven Our now Baker to do the Work jnq a j ill IS p S3 Central I rt CI 5 a Kta I ft I i I a yiio Id on every wrapper I for WICtTvCNftr roll SALE OR TO FOR SALE North la a alr lo A CODY IJO Terns reiwaalta to What Old to H oa3a Mil- e MY the vfrf For or wli tea li fltt Drug fi corei Incipient Jt Core a fieotli Prog llOOTp 10 complexion nd ComH CO I up jn its memory the of its friends and It seldom eve An 10 Hie tut out of its way to lie latter Human nature is pretty much the same newspaper man kind never made a better investment that more imely pays ihe a hundred fold or laicr A has been truly said there comes a time in tire life of man when a word Eiid by a either makes or unmakes the individual mentioned from InbinlbaVt country i6 moil ever faoovro fa ill lover now lcftt to cell lii pro vMorDtQloEiaitcottico or of r ro living of tit J tlirvin till flvldi look of ground Ibia lei to of lor from to bound to Clio villi price lo Villi It perfectly 1 oM to flll of on frying a fiitJ ft L Waiter tcfl TO ill DAVID LLOYD roe ic of Xi tU04ttl recto UoV or lt ftCUOOI Ida Terry lit Ilia- Lena Daley Prod rJeraldirjo ElaJbtfl Jr Frank Oliver Allfo Jr IllMary fitrasler Laura Tail Jo Jalot Hall rUElhdStcbtasoajQllDsTrcb Br Ft Drain mar Funk Tail Ada WrlgM Jr F fioan bland FelerrusD rlsoa I Jimmy Sirattcr Vera Momwi J II jI La i- A Sound linn lbs- of to Suus market other day July The Assize Court closed ten oclock After five hours delibera tion the jury informed the court that a yerdicl In the case of John Me- chared with the murder of John at Severn Bridge on Oct Mi was Impossible ten for convicliAn two for acquittal The case was consequently put over to next Assizes The prisoner will apply le released on bail in the mean time Modern ate certainly cot days and The Is toward nowaday a jects of utility which tans Utile acd We to and which our it to in the of any- ful warmth Fibre Chauo will add ho will provided with iuf all freaks of weather This it niadefromiDrcsruc4 fibro and a noococdactor of both heat that layer of it through clothing tbo I treat and tie beat ot the body A sad shooting accident oc curred near on Thursday last which a son of Mr Moei lost his life It seems the boy who was years of age to his and he and his cousin a lad of years Borrowed a gun which they loaded end hid in an old house nblcli is used for a hen house They then went hoe potatoes and after working a while concluded go hoot in The elder bay up the steps to get ilie gun while the younger one climbed up on some hen where he was standing watch ing the other boy taking It down from a shelf where they had laid it ft is supposed the hammer had not been put down after in the cart ridge and by some means the gun discharged the bill striking the younger boy to the left temple He fingered in an unconscious condition till midnight when he expired The funeral took place on Salurday- York Last week the total vote ia the various municipalities compos ing this Riding cast in recent con test will be found vote at each polling place with the figures of for comparison On the page will be found the Official count willi number of rejected ballots etc Malice and hatred ate very and apt to make our minds sore and uneasy Yokohama Disastrous floods have occurred in the Prefec tures of and en west of Japan Three thousand houses have been The loss of life is large July jo The whole of district with its seitlemcnts is talking and wondering over Ihe death of young Albeit vle on night of June and who according to later de velopments have been poisoned with drugged beer The lash was recently applied to back of a in England who had committed highway He knocked a young woman and her Justice Pay of the Kent Assizes expressed his dis approval of long sentences for first offenders He thereupon to a months imprisonment and thirty lashes from the cat W HO J CO CO 35 So 350 CI 2Btiaroo t3 CI CI Holt 72 Albert A W in CO Cor Ha IT Keswick thaea CO Swamp 3 SO el no W 15 JO 18 Aurora Bradford l J A so CO Mr P editor of the Daily Nuts who was well known throughout the country died last Thursday III TO Dr Ointment will cute all cases of Itching Piles in from to nights One application brings com fort Blind and Bleeding Piles it is Also cures Tetter Rheum Externa Barbers Itch and all eruptions of the skin Sold at Pharmacy Thomas Doris who was em ployed on a farm in was killed by falling from the wagon he was driving Both wheels passed over head Disease Relieved Milling Dr Agnews Cure for the gives relief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart Dis ease in minutes and speedily elfecis a cure It is a peerless remedy for of breath Smothering Spells in Jido and all a Diseased One dose convinces sale at Pharmacy ftp Burglars look in cash and in stamps out of the Clay ton on Tuesday night 10 Cukes a no Liver Ills Agnews Liver Pills most made and cure like Sick Headache Constipa tion Biliousness Indigestion and Liver Ills a vial doses Sold at A despatch from Vancouver states that water in the Prater River is rising and that much damage has been done upon the low lands Relief Six Distress ing Kidney and Bladder Diseases in six hours by the South American Kidney Cure This new remedy is a great surprise and on account of its exceeding prompt nes in relieving pain in the bladder kidneys and every part of Ihe urinary passages in male or female It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately If you want quick relief and cure this is our remedy- sate at Pharmacy Have you tried our Special of Flour Dauntless lot bread White Crown forpastiy These are leaden others follow proved by the demand Increasing daily Car load Windsor Salt to arrive this week Ben and only pure sal on the Suitable for all purposes PASTURE TO RENT to 13 1 Ntwtairk Residenco For Sale aa Tta ferula ajy Alto ipnil tfoaetafcOEiaoo xifcrl fit lost apply to Newmarket Laundry EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why Some IVagon calls for and 1 Aurora Call Tuesday and deliver Thursday delivers all work Bradford Call Wednesday and deliver Friday EMBURY Proprietor Opposite Jcc dene up to for washing WARMS TO WathkU the In a or Ihcrcco real to icauif Or lost Us Sinn En OwUlim- swrFto annul hit TWO LOTS Fire Fire la- ire TO THE FARMERS OF YORK COUNTY Outturn tat lit f on on ArtOUItlllUiIUaararyltlEK mm- crier WoUroair Ce Hon Power TUOMAHIIFER IS Hit The Mutual Fire tncCi to t- a J la prepared lo on charter Ifca I Una Isolated properly inaurloJo loaprlc at Notice to Creditors lUroato profits shut profits tOyoQaodcol IilJ to re pt folly this A Apply to ibo ageoi or call or W Toronto J and EWMAHKEf July A number of houses ere entered last Sunday r of a Chicago Northwestern locomotive boiler at Mich one man was kilted morning while the reopIe were at church and all ihe ready money could be found was taken The resi dence of Messrs Patrick Ryan John McGaren John Fisher and Mrs Whit tier were entered The robbers probably belong to the town In alt bey did not get more than The following we have bor rowed vet it seems to suit as well as though it were original wit bus Men havo various ways of carrying money Butchers drovers millers grocers and bakers carry it in a crumpled Hankers in nice clean bills aid full length in a morocco boot Brokers always fold their bills once doubling their money as it were young business nun carries it in his vest while the sporting man carries it in his trousers pockets Farmers And drovers carry theirs in inside pocket whether it hap pens to be dollars or fifteen cents carry theirs in other peoples pockets and three others terribly injured Hay FeYk Catarrh to One short puff of the breath the Blower supplied with each bottle of Dr Catarrhal Powder diffuses this Powder over the surface the nasal passages and delight ful to use It relieves instantly and permanently cures Catarrh Hay Fever Colds Headache Sore Throat Ton- and For sale at Pharmacy EST RAY a la Scd a Kit Old sod ijos A RED AND WHITE COW I rear old trove and a war tissTktr TOiWi TO OP NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS CLOIrtESMKS mid Building Material aUfc starcUtcDi Jcco AcniC 14 to It Itt ltd oil ft elf attooaou 1L9 cf rcojit U t ptrt toy iiu4 tf RE We up ft la with for lh vfcM It Ad Itfc Uf All fee of to faf iUL ii fcli to ifce bet She fcnd Mpplj Of rtog driniuj- IO no to or to fa a took ft to the whole lo the lu Dr a Goal FOR SALE li AH ac4 Vtr Fork or Talk a do in Ms line COR SALE A Cow calf Lo to I ANTED- wtoua two lidciuloujrewKctirij aWEt a to onr a aa 10 at yl for JU to CostorU Cured a Day South Curc cr Cures in 1 la day a the 0nd the fitii dote bene fit 3 the Suuon voted will the Grand Jury returned a bill in the case of William Hammond of murdering Katie at Graven Utile Goldwln the ion of Mr A of Jiradu narrowly escaped drowning at and it it not yet known whether be will recover torn the of the duckfig He vai play- tog with on the pier when he fell over The little girl brought a man who got the boy out after be been under water aorta minuter It took to bit tccouat tuio cd hCMrfpliob u o A Book of a tellies IhtlC lij of But Mi how to cure la to fi villi nut tfcottupfcf of cured itr cd to go of tiic you q tUujpt ltEJlCAL IP Ifrt ft rjLUh fcrfjd wt til lLt Mir aXOfeEM villi vlibAii FTCitaj ticcr14fco t til DUNN Ail to acciter Wo will a at It Call THE CANE SONS MFG CO Lid wait AWVii i- We any Office to outdo 15 either in If tiirt any kind done whit and you can lic before you Our is is to Your taken- REDUCED PRICES Dont wait Dull weather I dont make any difference HI NEWMARKET MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES Call it rt fc Acuta a At- rto ifHtU it UJ tack Can at two CO WD Turns Bad Blood Into Rich Red Blood P Wood No other remedy possees such cleansing healing end purifying as It not only cleanses bill it heals when applied externally all ulcers scrofulous sores blotches eruptions etc and pure as a babes inter nally it removes all effete of waste matter from system ftnd all organs of the body restoring the stomach liver towels and blood healthy action this way sic well ih weak slrong and who have that tired worn out feeling receive buoyant health and o I hat they feel like work- W appetite your your ambition loll warn mm sum Roachs Point LakcSimcoe FREE TO I OH ji tzl to to U I- art restore you the enjoyment of happy vigorous life I t

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