Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1896, p. 2

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7 n f NEWMARKET ERA JULY J A Co AOo oiling Hon Bora A rror acta P Bond A itufccj for galeElf for lie AtlD Willi Eta At Homo en BO UTluna FRIDAY JULY IBOG Our Toronto Despatch York will la A bort On and will wot to- lb Co Uldf of tb in by Jin- followed by a plonlo At park A girt a which by coo ond A brick workJog on And to and art ia aiktd lo bate and loaned lolbtcUy or lb pttcd and Worth a i The Action of lid he in hiving called Mr Mulock to be one of Cabinet hat evoked a general preislon of Ihroughoul Alt Canada but In Voik Mr entry into the Ad a of pride before Conlederatlon hat North York been by a Minister of the Crown And Mr Mulock a In for both politically it be A North York man Descended old North York In Canada he has horn here and largely brought up here and deeply interest ed locally welfare of the In yhe fullest seme North York feels a deep and special Interest In Mr promotion to the Cabinet ever increasing majorities the people of tills Riding have returned him to and it is gratifying to feel that these continuous verdicts of North York have been endorsed not only by the country at large but by bis who have in to marked a way their confidence in him by calling him to the great Council of the country a private mtmber in Opposition he accomplished much and it is fair lo anticipate from bis larger sphere increased power Advantages will Accrue to the country It teems to us but fitting that the should be by the people regardless of patty politics in no way Let rite superior to and show that we can generously give a fair send off to our new Cabinet Minister and by general public satisfaction with bis appointment encourage him to efforts of still greater usefulness i Fourteen years ago when Mr Win Mulock first elected the people in an oldfashioned hearty And kind way gathered on the plains at Hoi- Landing In thousands and- thut gave him a good tend off in public life On the thirtieth of this month nomination is to be held in Aurora Why not let history repeat let the Executive Association call All A Immediately after the resignation of Charles and bit col Iff Excellency the CoTero- sent for Hon Wilfrid Laurie to to un dertake the duty of forming an The duly Assigned the Liberal leader at once accepted And on Monday the new Cabinet Announced composed of the follow ing And of lliolittr of Trad and Richard of Field- fog- llloiit of od Hon A Blair Hod of PaUlo Work lion J I Tart UDf7XtrMiUtA And Hod VFBOrdfb of A of Inland R4reaat Mir He ml IJtrciiry Hod fleam Hod Cbarltt Pitt- portfolio Hod C A Mr will for of lb Hon will wblla appointed r or Common the of the Cabinet- whole we arc prone to believe the country will agree will the by Hon Mr to a correspondent when he observed that he thought the personnel of the Government will Rive satisfaction to the people at large The nomination of the mem ber for North to the Important portfolio of PostMatter Genera will be a lource of pride to the electors of this Riding who will no doubt accord him reelection by acclama tion Personally extend to the- Hon gentleman our congratulations He Is an indefatigable worker and we have every reason to believe that beat energies will be directed in keeping hit Department abreast of the limes The member for West Ontario too we have pleasure in congratulating on his announced pre ferment to the Speaker chair He will to the position ol first Com moner a very considerable experience and an intimate acquaintance with the tulet of Parliament Willi the change of Administration with men at the helm of affairs like the Hon Mr and Sir Oliver surrounded by colleagues who wilt eschew parish politics in national affairs claw interests will give place to a broad that will be refreshing compared with the methods by which the Dominion has been governed under the regime now happily closed with the dethronement of Am Ottawa despatch Inform cs lbt HO Oliver Wow at or a for District Attain of IhelataCflRfcVorRtid understood Mr fcfDtitr will for Hod at central It J of Mr will ro lUon Brant member or der to cieatt a AciSLXoauion that Donald A Canada High Com role loner lb mad a Topper It will observed lb portfolio of Interior new lion I dill that bo purposed that with a Western ProWooa member Hon Mr or Mr of Winnipeg Willi lor a the bead of Toil sod lb for lb OoterDmol and la wont bo than A million oar cheerful friend at ViTlannhoiaotedlUd baying a longing for lb PO amnio- mints of It appear Mi for lb pcotllon an to that or tbi man from back a now you And now dont Ottawa Ciitun now bat It baa entered upon rot an Opposition of Government organ ficooatdir- ably aicrcltcd to know whether tbo ex- Liberal leader proton the tariff not bo tampecd Implfca a from hie for msrly avowed anibprottcllon If car will only bis In patience ho will bate hi aniwer when trad of lb Government Hon Mr Laader ha that no radical change will and timely nolle to bo at lb early Caret and Mr Union And the child of Mr Geo were driving on the con exit of Ihc village on Wednesday the horse became frightened aod tan array throwing the occupants out The two ladle were badly bruised and it Is feared tbo baby Is hurt An Infant child of Mr Jos Hayes Toronto died on Sunday And was for burial Pes try AURORA Mr Winters of the firm of Winter Son Is convalescent alter A attack of Inflammation Mr Rogers has opened a dental Dice In the place made vacant by the death of Mr A Robinson On Monday Mr Gregory le eched A telegram Michigan with the sad Intelligence of the death of hi 3rd son A letter A few day previous had left In good health and spirit Hit body interred ibe Aurora Cemetery oft Tuesday Jesse Banbury the genii livery man Bros tneaked off- and stole A fair maiden The will It interesting when he starts housekeeping Jennie Is the happy bride celebrated thlr on Ifondiy at Allendalo and ntxt day the ad drum kink was still discernible their step and the ring of loyally la their voice The vat In town talc well with The fcr ejection will here with Mr at Officer ORCHARD HILL If tc where this bee is situated we tell you at have been seen to this effect quiet spot Is one mile and a of Mb Pleasant Mu Annie ha returned to her home again Mr Lauder and Miss Addle Hamilton have been visiting friends At Tottenham for a few The new tchoolhouto at Mount Pleasant Is going up steadily Every person teems to iblnk it will make an ImprcrYCCocot lo the corner We we sorry to hear of a young man who upon a Garden Party found that his piece of stuff was gone CSX It Is that fully fifty lives lost in Jspan by the recent tidal wave which was eighty feet in height And swept In land a distance of two miles and a half along two hundred miles of com stcrucacb for I 1 lAiltf ALSO TO RENT MILLARD fberiirqeni8 DRESS Leading Furniture AMD There as Urge A number ihe Sabbath School last Sunday but the heat no doubt the reason Randall of this place Mr J Dickson visited a few day with Miss Cameron near Button the first lady here but we hear will be more ere long Mr of Newmarket Itunehed ihe fiat ml boat on Kittos pond on Monday evening Your the name of pretty little craft Mr Simpson has invest ed In fine new buggy Wonder if those wedding belts are lost Kerry Is almost past but Hill Is almost a picker for every Undertaking Pants Cottons and all Stwlo floods Also Boots and Shoos and in of Summer must leave our of July HOW YOUR Onto Mens Good at A lifeSize Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every ao Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN Work JOHN II NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY WJUIiS At of Jut decided to ib Mr wti over Mr re- A from of York Vttmit oil for Government to wonly Id I gal to lou thou III V J Hi It Proctor Dldtrln John and Woodcock Aid A donld Ju J Dr the woond there no In a and alto to the cott wc til J bo A by over 1100 presented Id of the thai a ma jority favored Mr Hardy to lay oolluftueta Mr Walker daughter wc regret to slate had a stroke of paraly sis this week Mr If Travis has been laid up for two weeks to Weal to bird Mr late by a majority of to bo ted that tho of AQgatt the will Dot aoy a vote of for lite year Ik the there ra three to Doiatnloa Blair Wtldlnt Oliver bow Cabinet la Old took put to the it ih that of Confederation from all pari of the with wives and fsoulles to In in plain homely and neigh- way and have a worthy of the occasion Mr MutocV acceptance of a folio renders his seat vacant but we do not anticipate my opposition to It would be but a graceful act to allow him to be elect by acclamation and thai the to reiurn to Ottawa to to the affair the Ontario On Monday Sir Oliver Mowat tendered his to LieutGov ernor who immediately accepted the tame and sen for Hon A Hardy to become Sir Olivea succciior Hie new Premier tikes the office of Attorney General Hon Mr Gibson the Crown and Speaker Balfour is taken into the Hon- Mr sue- central Secretary iThe other Cabinet old Of course it ii not yet definitely decided on the mantle of Sakenhip of the Home will fall but it to be under wood In well Informed political circles that either Mr J York or Mr Stratum ill be to take Mr place So far as Mr Davis is con cerned It is well known the copcedts to the but it if alio veil known thit the Provincial hit a desire that member North York should continue in Ms charge chairman of the of ouii he baa so ablf filled since the Mr from the Whatever may bo Mr tuned thedU- dying act of TopjKr to a banliter all over the country for as Qoteoa number approved by flosralfool op to make Jifmietf with fraternity vacating bat par- will be prorogued till a oidor to allow require to go for loo to be In their placet Write for have already will take doty made In the la Ontario reporter ibLt to give up politic In for ad Bit Cbarlu Topper bit at cow tend bit the ordivJalm the In NORTH Farmers arc very busy haying and harvesting this week We one small farmer near Keswick was so anxious about bis bay on Sunday that for fear it getting wet he spent a good part of the day putting it up and alto gathered potato bugs Dear dear and this in a christian country On the evening of July and about the friend of Rev A In gram assembled at Ihe residence of Mr John March where a sociable was spent A feature of the evening was the of an address to Rev A Ingram which gave expression the sorrow his friends fell because of his departure for another field of labor at the same time wishing him in il His friends did not wish to show their ap preciation of his labors here by form- words only but presented him with a purse containing Mr In gram in reply stated that it a complete surprise the Tail appear a certain auoaotl la On tario Toronto boald to at of la Not Ontario to raslotooanoa ot ballot is a an4 put Iblajalaa II St lo a a la only way to of an ibat to inflict loll law fiction with new Act to York Into djrliloca for bat a bMi iba and oocu aya for oi iba bearing of part In call atlcotioa ol rao- man and ataliy lo coAOmcQt It la la may not ml our aolborltiM took bU Haying is over in this vicinity crop middling Mr and family of spent Sunday at Mr Hilts Once more hear the click of he merry binder Mr Cold of preached an excellent sermon in the Church on Sunday morning Miss Uppers of Is visiting her sitter Mm Hill Mr of Uxbridge wss catling on friends here lait week Lots of berries tins year There Has quite a setto in the patch the other day but no bones were broken NEWS FROM THE SUR VEY Haying is nearly done in this vi cinity and some have got their wheat cut Quite a lot from around here at tended the bush meeting at Sunday and report a good time The singing was grand given by the borne choir assisted by a few of the Choir A great pity did not have them all as our best singer stayed at home Mr and Made of Toronto ace up spending their holidays at her fathers The berries will suffer now What the people would like to know Is who was ihe owner of the ted lip and opened bit mouth so wide last Sunday When the next race it corning oil And who will hold aula Fro if Jennie Kiddle a girl adopted by blr Alex GUisfora wis accidentally killed by Willie Wright an adopted ton of the same man who took down the gun to thoo Owing no doubt tome not be ing done haying end many having wheat ready for barrelling and it be Ing a fine day for such work Hie Christian no was not so largely attended on former Hut after all ticket sold for to make about there would be a few dollar from the proceed of the tent A couple of swings and mutlc by tbe band were the attractions until the tablet were spread when the former abandoned for a all were regaling themselves some thing which we know mutt be pala table by the pleaiant smile and contented of lips which gave when leaving table There was five made for the occasion and the tables were handsomely decorated with large quels The provisions without ex ceptions were all that the most fattidious could As ma jority of the crowd were on the grounds there was no platform speaking so the time was spent in social conversation Sunday alto being a fine day there was a large attendance at open air meetings and the assembly were treated to edifying sermons by the- various speakers Alto tome choice singing by a large practis ed choir with organ accompaniment There was a social on Tuesday I night to finish up the large quantity of remaining over Saturday The proceeds from all sources in cluding Sunday collections we will conjecture would swell treasury something oyer Many bad from a who came to attend the parly or meetings or both Mr Fred Walton when cutting grass in his fathers in village Wednesday of week his horse took fright at another hone running loose and started full jump with the machine down a steep hill The mower was completely wrecked but the horses or Mr were not hurl He as soon as he found he had lost control jumped clear of machine and let them go It is with much pleasure we heir that Mrs Eli who two or three weeks ago went to the Toronto Hospital to have a tumor removed has been successful and it now rapidly regaining health Mr Geo Chapped is the first we hear new cucumbers large enough for table use he had them on the Who heads that outside the greenhouse The Misses Eveline and Dates of Michigan are spending part of their holidays visit ing relatives and acquaintances in vicinity They report crops looking well on their farm and that vicinity in genera We ailed to get any of the Marguerite party in connection with Christ Church Womens Guild which was held on the lawn of Mr Fox concession but no doubt it was a success in par ticular Jlartey is ripening fast and will be ready to work at as soon as wheat has been taken care of On Monday evening July a grand Kindergarten Conceit will be given by the Sunday School scholars of the Methodist Church and other local talent Solo by Mist Winter and the MistesJ Toye The scholar are being trained by Miss the popular teacher of Kindergarten songs tic On Sunday service he children will beheld in the church at a oclock to which all axe welcome An address will be given to the child ren after which Rev will address the people Suitable music and recitations will be given by the children A caravan consisting of five well covered wagons the likes of which we have not witnessed for a long time passed out domicile on Monday afternoon last moving south ward The coming Sunday will be a special day in connection with the Methodist Sunday School of this vil lage At a p there will be a Childrens Service when an address will be delivered by some efficient Sabbath School Worker after which will address people Suitable and recitations will be given by the children There will be no Sunday or service the Christian Church and all are invited to attend the meetings at the Methodist Church On Monday evening there will be a Kindergarten Entertainment in church for the benefit of the Sabbath School achool childrea and other bare for some time been in training under the tuition of Mi of Aurora the wrll known Kindergarten trainer The above mentioned entertain promise be a rich treat Come early and you tbo attended to at Mr Webster our new mini- occupied the pulpit here on Sun- dty morning and preached a very good term on Foolc of Toronto is spending a couple of week vacation at her father Mr Mr Miller lister also Mr and wife spent Sun day at We are glad see the smiling face of Mr J K a former resident of in our once more Some of the farmer around here have sowed their turnips the third time but the are always watching up Some of the Orangemen around here celebrated the Twelfth on Satur day and others on Monday Orange lilies were in full bloom on Sunday Mr Graves and family of Raven shoe are about to move into this neighborhood MORTON PARK The CampMeeting will toon begin now The service is on Thurs day evening July at oclock conducted by Eld The applications for board and rooms arc fast coming in and this CampMeet ing will no doubt excel the one last steamer runs excursions from here to every Saturday Round trip The collages arc nearly filled now and no doubt there will be consider able more campers here than there were last year The Newmarket Methodist Is coming here on the sand on their way to Point Anyone any or board can find accommodation by to the Proprietor The Park has been greatly improved the past year and with pleasant situation anyone wishing rest and pleasure can find it in Morton Quia DoubleFold Summer Dress Goods regular Ice at Black about onethird lets regular pieces Fancy Summer Drcst Goods reg ular price and at Black that were i at Beautiful Prints that were roc at Heavy Union Carpet regular at Twill Sheeting a wide at Heavy Factory Cotton worth at Heavy Feather Ticking worth at Floe Table Linen ood at for Special Table Linen regular at I worth at Gills Fancy Straw Hair at Indies Sailor Halt worth at Shot Silk Parasols worth Indies Shirt VaJtta worth at 50 at Ladles Fine Oxford Sheet tipped at Co Button Hoot worth at Tan Oxford Shoes worth at Mens Fine Suits worth 11 at ii at Men Strong Pants Sale Price Boys threepiece Suits were at Boy Suits were at Mens for a Cotton Socks 5 pair for White Shirts worth at Hair worth cccfit Beys 3cat Fine Felt Hall at Mens at 11 Heavy Bracer at Waterproof Costs were 775 at Strong Boots at Fine Kid were at Buff Point Toe at Boots reduced Girls Boots reduced Mens one lot at ice worth 5 1 l 1 So 50 5 75 5 Tone Hi of a Itlrdjit41cnir Vfr a lfcSib J Wrlbtcr to VMrcborcb ca Tito At Toronto Jul iznct t Cher Ml Tomb Int July lata Via You our Bargain always Genuine No Exaggeration here money buck if you are not perfectly make thee hustling tins month to reduce our Block taking Block DXjinma you gait Your to keep In jnr or Hob While oiur of lha lite Dr J Jul cztLNjBirdeArlrrxWrc1 otd of rniaihi At on J or A ON vital AND WILL CONTINUE TO Cut Prices of Summer Dry Goods UNTIL- CHINA BYLAW NO riant in of August TORONTO HOUSE Of HOLLAND LANDING The and reapers are heard in all directions this tfc Mr J was given the con tract lor building the bridge on the Road alio culvert on the Anderson Road which were washed by the flood Mrs J Hutchinson and family of Berlin are visiting at Mr James Browns Mrs Shields had a line cow killed last Saturday night on the Kirby crowing Mr Watson has erected a new fence in front of her residence aIiicIi quite an improvement We hear that some of our boys have a liking for cucumbers Wonder who they are Quite a I00V in the excursion on the to Orangemen dem onstration at Allendale A large number attended the foot ball match Wednesday afternoon on the J Davis P who has for a few weeks been residing in Muskoka home Some of the family alio returned J W Smelter S from Cobo- through our street on Monday Mr Eli Ins made a vast improvement in appearance of his baio by a cost of red paint funeral of the late A which pitted through our village on Friday last was the largest that we have ever We regret 10 chronicle illness of Mr Sarah a sore throat but are pleased hear that she Is slowly improving Although this small hamlet it with and ordertaking men notice thai of Aurora have a room in town A large number of the fair tea niie Idem well Why can the fed- dlars not get young to drive their wagons Wheal harvest Is fait approaching and binders song wilt coon be heard A number here attended league at King City that they might Rev Minion work Among this week we no tice Held of Aurora a I A White of Noble- ton at J O at King Mr P who baa been away railing friend In and Foil Elgin returned coma Monday morn- log vKtic by the of iho Town of to IntUul ilXDi iLe of of Act ti for It will ibctuuof iKiiti It Four of Ttoty ytuuT by an nuo of in may coo be CO payable for lo ttoj to bo Moil by ml Ibtfvfor of Plo the ilt period of tile IVIo to tor iXJcforlhc iriLKiii Of ibe to of or Jarfc Hi ii Our by of ibe Town of J folio a tbc la to Uoiiflt of bb u fltHlbjJaOCClfuC- be Coraoattb ail be tka for Of tfcuTnatjrix of IUtMt pcaaouia ajogv4 IduMUitj iitliu of trtccttal utDUof Id yCr FoxCbeyujrioor afcriIi of 7J by a rate a4 ralctlQ 10c unit u otter are bv of tbo Habit la iftvl Of for to like Taw Lit- force a Vint day of lj5 if ibe to for at of toko- un der It of u fiiciLiJ of at Lour of Mot o take ort of Qili2t4 of at o Id day M a lbcpaxJortiilribcwi4TOttjf ail WajtJaTtvf fit 1I0UI 0cot ft fiood on fox 4 day of Lour of la at tit the iiwti the LaJi Ite fvliiy or of ull autiii iLrrXifi tail LTuVbia tiy of uplScBUBacaf NOTICE tbtfvriciLaatrut toW of a baa will bo pujl tbc or lit aiuUJoJ of Tow of la of lbrsC Xt u l day Uj fiiaj tic Ibt at DAVID I to lave to tit death of Mis was buried on funeral one of the larjEtit known for the busy She leaves a and family children to mourn their loss The family have the empathy the Mr Harry ill from vicinity attended Carder on Wednesday evening Mr Js Connolly moved hit summer cottage on the Mr of elect ed to the V P S C- next Sunday evening Christie Winch is visiting with friends and relative in The like road capital driving just now jn bo time for the small boy to be locating early apples Great havoc is being done to me peafields at present Oil crop is a very promising one this year in ihis section Wonder what has the lacfossc team Soon be time for a match with some team Mis Jno Sovtrby and Mill of Chatham are visiting friends find relatives in this hood The Garden Parly it Bethel on Tuesday evening was a in every particular ThV lei and evening were complete and excellent Rev Mr Powell ably filled the chair The Suiton Bind present and defiant of gathering It ii possible to make personal mention of tool pan pro gram as all were good Proceeds about There a Wednesday evening lfcla NORTH YORK LICENSE BOARD til A fit JfcttI acS all i ft itca con 4trci Uaseeirjr GOUHTY GOUUGILS QUESTION Til a ANSWER crtf at x4i at ttu mi TO WHOM IT MAY I La fa rutin 0aVwiMi Art ltirW it Coair CVitj liafJIiwirr Tq fiiuT4Ki lilt a4cr tia la ttirjfaiocaaalTWcafrcta ear da ijv Mill lrvu4ar4 wiJ a-tldti- la afttiat Ditiitkaitbdif PSiX GOOD CLEAN Summer Sfcoi We mutt reduce It you will or call nl our will buy It meant a at Cent to you They are all the in Children Mens and Call ard Fruit Jars SOX as the I WANTED llEWClHIIOTliU ii A SOW a ca to sv If t3f J to ihj day lts aaTtrtJiccrifajua Hi a4avfcaL raurS a A rticraas if ibaaSxTji surcLaaaMMU tii My aloUi ac4ad fail I aUTl I t Sa accf a SliJ l y atlJ tswiaaiUy FOR SALE it Any quantity Teas and Coffee We a lined at pound and cut regular at a for the quality for the you can find Crockery and CMnavaro See Dinner Sets for quality at low price We inspection from to R A HI THE LEADING GROCER Ccr Main Timothy titi We will Not bo Undersold At T A BAY MAKE Uaikt aw i va a tivi aj aliwaiJ PUKE ENGLISH PARIS GREEN AT THE to iAO I

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