Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 May 1896, p. 2

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Ey ijwaoskOo North York to to lUud WITH EACH ISSUE Era la Printed nil At Homo CI MAY Our Toronto Despatch to Holiday April afterrcon I wo men and Boyd hired a cane I the crowded on lake When atMl tod A halt ahwo frail I- Thrw boats log On men drowned Boyd reecucd In en Death on of of Hot In Toronto Mr Dm Id Crown ha hi on fticnno For kept Loot on If a J 1 1411 ill Church atriw do- leaves Wo daughter to their mo Janus ftnd of tills Mr Crown of Dr la In Hon Mr Premier of Mani toba la In city In company with Hon Mr went to visit tho farm Mr Dry den vera in acIdent on Front Liberal convention for Centra To- llll on of It In Mr I lie r fin declined to Ho will not lend to red I 111 John Murphy who for ha been Normal died jreitrday atill alojglik bat largo for KuA Toronto by Ms on own and lb give to man prononnoed luch la to In Kino lit Hob- Hay on Daring Sir Mac Kcmie Howell learned of this Dominion and mended Sir iVjtfr as several the latter bun engaged in material for Cabinet but despatches from Ottawa yester day that he was from unexpected quarters And was therefore to make any announcements Sir Charles relied the oblation of Gov at hit riht hand from Quebec but that gentlemen decided on Wednes day to decline entering the Federal Cabinet his precarious health the assigned Jfujtji John Macdonald as to reach Ottawa from Win nipeg last evening Humor assigns him to Hon Daba place in the Topper Administration and alto lias it that Col South Nor folk will become the Ontario tentative in the Cabinet in place of the retiring Premier It now looks at if Sir Charles will have to enter the election campaign with nearly the time old combination that Sir Mac Kenrie Hon oil denounced as a nest of traitors It will probably be Monday the new Government will be completed I Hi UK Among the noinUr of which of at prorogation parliament flchomberK and Aurora Company It fa that Hon Mr iacandidatarao Lib- a cones Mr hu declined to TbUfooiaMlftbaprcdlotloQ that In thfa ctfon likely to or trno FriJiy In of vrork of And la and year I thai named lion Chancellor Chief and Meredith Joitl Oiler Hon and Mcrra Boot and J P Whitney A for Hon John HeeTt of bolorfaty In Heath At ft of winter ft calling upon coercion of Manitoba and declaring seot of hit do- of dial ties did not heed ho and now ftrraogcmoola being for ft meeting to bo bald at on fib t which Mr Mc Carthy will to ft can- to IJr Hawaii Irtlob ftppftlntQKnLf were raid OlUHOQHtlofdftyft JobQlTcUoogililIPfor of for Ma McKay Killing for of of for being lo In of i on If It of lh6 to try of 4olUrf for otlior HOW not in llio Vciy waI ovrnintnt upon country a tilth At ft of three of doIHn o end not K for ting of over to on Mr AAlnit by Auditor until the prorounw And a0r jytiig of Yorkl proportion of of York but not with a of Mr County of York villi Toronto In of for protwtlon of At In Toronto Juttwhylho lycfiof thit oouDty oy for In Toronto Any more thin In Klngriton it ifould probably tho In to to Ho that ajt of Council a fully rlfthli In miking An order York County 10 help Toronto to tho of it At Jithurl Uttlr JhliinAybo bat for ft An jolty Tut for April a Attricllvo number llkltrAtol tint will in to AlthoDoofcttort by And will aJiIdo Ih Count of York IfAttiug Aud fjuoly to MiyiLd of Oct procUwAtlon I wiiritLi tuned Iul prcvtouily U of for tho If fiu4 for 16th of en Audthi aja wide on to July Aftr proroifutd by Mr McCarthy to of North rtitio of tho And corrupt jobs to which lion hid conclude What la thotLmtdy none that I know of but and unmerciful lion of by iho of Canada At Under Ihcio I hardly Add that I no confidence In And I help that bo for the better to with much fulncat rny pot Hon on the various I think Aro of juncture or you to whether my are which you your If your Approval I Again tot vacAncki In with ooo filltd and the one Ii a ao tho tho Cumberland vArhorao find An empty to if way chronlcka recent appointmtutf led to morrow it diet Uvea a iota tomb raalvfd two of evening John AndMrTepUl lor York rendered country by giving up hit county to Mr who was lo again tbo of own eoato now full not only of years and honor And dignity but of Alio to i the of fl years all filltd one of tbo of papers announoo tbat Aid flhappard has from that Las Appointed Inspector of for Toronto It i Mr will still it lain his Li city fCoaJaAyi Ko Uoeuuient or Alt4wci to of And sis tu to obtain aliAll said lis for York of lr fiusLgs he Us for sOms iiilltia no fcu Mr A hi in tvittiuLt An Mr taken An iho to of M Acd tfo wort At lUlUi will a reply to as to legality of bats from a i them to WAters on of a party kepi as a preserve iho aoawu from Wsrdn mas that would to Illegal without a b Chief Warden aelwtodAnd In relating to as folio for kill buy or Any pickerel sod loth days lotlaiko la Bus aid i or AiyUta or iniOironijo April Mid in Hi talujoQ cm thill kill buy fell or wbiuftsb or ulmoq Kot W daw for kill lyjy or pck- days lucidly to a la uadTwolkUiy for lbs parpcoo a or NEWMARKET ERA MAA has boras city lfrll wsf la if vlillin in this week And mother got back from on Mr Mitchell Is having a tad spell this from heart of Aurora manager of I w In town on Wo to bear that Mr Itoaill very fAvorably Mrs John Vcd- mid ay Is Mr Moody has Mr lot on MMtfi lid Willis and til loll on last to for Mr who has btcu under weather Ablotobo out I wo Hull who for tho fast week Aro Improving Mr ftnd Hi J A Attended funtTAl Mrs A In ell latt J of Kfng den was In town and a call Mrs J Toronto Is this vfth relatives market and Mrs and family of To ronto this to on Hi for Iho summer Mr Funk Mini for on Monday In and play local team Dr very loir from Cily lo help wait on him Mlllanh daughters Mr John Millard left or city on Wednesday whero they to In future Mr Parks of la vlnlln Willi his undo Mr Matthew Parks who Intends reluming with him for a short villi with Ms brother Mr Philip In on his to Collin Inlet wliCro ho his obtained A situation In the of a dumber Mr Alex Millard of Toronto was In town on Ho came up to SCO Mil mother who a slowly Improving and hypes entertained of her ulti mate Mr Acut for ley A Co- of in Town this uniAutiig for llilr new work of Canada In which on of to ftppUr lc litnrt and and Matter Attended the big wedding la City on Wednesday when of 46th Mrs brother to at Trinity Church Mrs Alkenhed wife of of mortland avenue Church nee Mill In Aunotto Church on and Mrs Is the Hill In revival this week Mr Caldwell who has been to long an invalid and has four months at Mr Ah on Caldwell farm near Haven shoo was brought latt to homo of bis Mrs Bo- garh Wo regret to fty ho has very of Mich got edition local which Is a credit to their libr ary ability Oft ataff of writers wo Slits Dales waw of porters and J A- Dales on the Mother and are lo that former citizens prominent in Iho It gives us much to notice by Klngitoi Whig that Another graduate of High ha taken IU at Wo refer to flf of aobjets in which lie at Divinity 3rd Church If it lory New Apologetic and Mr J writes from Athens that is on and hauls Are being made averaging from to Ibi Ho addu Jiprin has oat here at and everything to bo a I to And that In your were charging 2c per for making when hero is Iho universal price charged with eat freight rater at Montreal is but tome VjO miles is shipped and as it It known County is Iho banner county for you can imagine output Figure I cannot give you but will endeavor to do and write amount of chute shipped from this year Of course year a poor year only hero but all over Factories Arodotle1 Along road about to miles And All their eharo In many ftrmera here have from to 0 milch cows but standard of cattle are net what I In the habit of in old North York However more anon STRANGE I all wheat is tooling Some farmers arc already through ceding others finishing this week Mr J I McCallum has purchased a new threshing machine for work next fall Mr Large Rev Mr Watts work last Sunday the latter being absent on account of the sod den death Saturday of his mother-in- law We to notice on our of visitors Sabbath School Mr and of Albert also Miss Sadie of Sharon The hail norm last Tuesday week cooled the aim Sphere off to a corn- decree gin There was a attendance at monthly consecration meeting of the V on Friday iheo the newly elected took charge duties Business meeting this TUfi fillifng baa armed QUEENSVIIXE The annual of the Ditto of the Public Is to be held next Monday A full of all the fa as of Is l be the election of officers for the year Meeting to held the Library VIVIAN seeding end the farmers Attentions flic welt- occupied Mist Lottie Hack returned home last week from iter visit In the ciiy Mr A lost a very valuable hone last the cause ft suppoed Our teacher did not return home last Friday evening but went- later on Whats he attraction Mist Henderson was visiting Miss McCorrnack last Thursday getting famous for several things illuminations as two hotels and a store were con sumed by fire Iwt week The village could ill afford to the buildings as there is hardly anything left of the once little town The citlicns of Whitchurch should feci proud of their township as it is the only one in York County and in fact in Ontario that Is a temperance township their being no within its country limits How much better Ontario would be If this state things existed throughout Politics and politicians forms the main topic of conversation mound here- Debate and rather hot argu ments lake place nearly every night Judging from the noise which Issues from the debating room frequently people begin to think one or arc practicing for regular campaign ing KESWICK Young and Addison of Toronto and also a Mr Shaw of To ronto are oil spending a few weeks at Mr on the Lake Shore Dr Young lias commenced building a summer cottage at Orchard Jlccch Mr Addison preached in the Methodist church on Sunday evening last and although there was but a few hours notice the house was well filled The was a rare Heat Mr John Rose who lives a distance from the village an experience one day last week but with aid of his wife a fish spear and a pitch fork they managed to die- pOSC of him Mr Miller the young man from who preached in the Methodist Church on Sunday morn ing last gave an sermon Lake is unusually high this Farmers are very busy feeding Some will finish this week Mr Connolly who has been at tending Medical College in Toronto is Dr Greenwoods assistant duting the vacation On account of Quarterly Services in next Sunday the morn ing service is to be withdraw in the Methodist Church here but Young is preach in the evening Those who had the pleasure of listen ing to hint last summer will know that a treat store Mr John is preparing enlarge his barn and build under ground stables Messrs Dickson and of Newmarket paid a visit to Orchard last Saturday GUM WILL THE WISPS The Owl has been off on a scout and thus forgot hoot The dreamy stillness of the gloam ing in the Swamp is awakened by the melancholy song of the whip poorwill its mate whip her well Oh thou cruel bird create do mestic infelicity and election arc the all im portant topics of the day Mr George deserves our hearty sympathy lie Ins suffered untold agonies for a week past from an extracted tooth No rest or sleep for a is pretty rough on a fellow Sutton is looking just now The electric lights are an immense improvement The influx of summer visitors will likely be great this year The mill along the Creek arc as their being off the spring freshets Youd belter be sorter cannie where poke your nose The of housecleaning are going on of wild goose chases there days but few birds bagged Hut you can depend on it they strip the feath ers with the balls Little Johnnie Well what about him Well as I was little Johnnie weary of rat houses with his axe turns attention to napping skunks and wood chucks and now has returned to his old love trapping The results of his active labors are seven skunks some odd half dozen and the like number of A great deal of live stock have passed in their checks this Spring the result of the severe winter and scarcity of fodder As a general thing stock is looking thin The grass has come on remarkably early Good pasture now the last week in April Morton Park stock is away above par this year Everybody is any body arc going to summer there Everybody nearly complain of flooded cellars owing to the lack of frost in the ground when the snow dissolved An honored old resident long since gone to rest once when a little boy fell into a rag ing torrent and was swiftly borne away then asked concerning his escape he replied I and I whuin and I tried v him and I tried to try and couldnt try At last hold a bush and pulled myself oul A very char acteristic reply Vc notice that a good deal of ille gal fishing is being done over Dig Day Some big hauls are reported and lots of shooting at ducts is going on It Is very templing to know stolen fruit tastes best lis reported that the Italians wilt be here to work in the gravel pl Will cyclers wear the bloomers this summer You bet Considerable spring grain up In this towiubfp This Owl Vim ORCHARD Frank The arrival at Mr Lehmans last sreck a boy Mr claims to be the fint to seeding With the exception of a couple of net spots bo finlihcd Ms acres on the of Aptil KETTLE BY Mrs M Robinson lias received word of the death of her father Mr John Winter of sad taking place on the stock is on the roads on account of scarcity of food pics were made last Saturday for the first In this vicinity Who beats with the outdoor home grown plant Mrs Hughes Pottage was visiting with Mr the latter being quite unwell the past neck so Mr has been laid up with ft bad attack of shingles Wc trust to sec him about again loon The Division still Increases Us Several mote were proposed latt Saturday The ground baring became no doubt football j practice will soon begin J Mr M Robinson isstartrng a young on his has been quite busy of late and setting out young trees i he expects will be ready for sale in a or Will the correspondent of St or Landing inform us if that agent resides In that locality If he does it Is time he calling on bis patients here to sec if they are In need of any of the nostrums the merits of which he so strongly falsified to old Invalid friends AURORA Farmers have made great progress with seeding Several outside ol the town have theirs in Tho bicycle crac is than ever this spring It said the in town is creeping to one hundred Jlasil and his bride form erly Miss Sweety of Holland Landing returned to town Monday evening and were serenaded by the urchins first and liter by the band Mr Mulock was in own Tuesday The Young Liberal Club held their annual election of are now in regular working form Your correspondent has been favor ed with first issue the material for a political slumping campaign It consists of Information for the elec tors Ho Speech on the Mani toba school question by lion Poster from revised and Vol No I Circulation A political review Topics for the electors of Ihe address on the wrapper is in a ladys hand cer tainly not one lady employees paid by the Government Some out laid In Parliament it was not And the name stamped on the wrapper is W Montague- I am very much obliged to the sender but I would have preferred the Hansard vised The second is gotten up in a manner ft discredit to all parlies concerned At a meeting of the Council it was decided to do away with dog lags this year The bylaw however compels the of dogs to register them with town clerk pay the tax and and obtain a license Mr David huckster has found that it is not all profit turning over farm produce April a About oclock Saturday night five masked men confronted Edward Kitchen as ho from tho back door of fathers in Town ship and revolvers pointed at choked him Into then escorted him into the house They bound the father and son in chairs back to back and fasten- the daughter with ropes to a chair Having warned them to keep quid and having thrown oscr the prisoners heads the made a twohours search of the house for valuables The thieves secured in caih a witch several a chain and other jewelry After they had gone Mr Kitchens son succeeded in freeing himself and the others Then he rede to and Informed the police where he telephoned to Smith The Kitchens were unable to recognize any of the marauders A column repulsed an attack of in the outskirts of machine guns in- flicllrig heavy loss on the enemy In the fight between the column from and the Matabeles on on day five hundred of the rebels were kilted Man April Owing to a washout cast of Port Arthur the C P express coming west went Into the ditch and Engin eer Daniel McNeil was killed He leaves a wife and family A cyclone of tremendous force sped through Clay County Kdi dealing death and destruction on every hand As far as known five people killed three fatally wounded and seventeen Injured A young man named C Shaver of Lindsay who was at tending the St Catharines Collegiate Institute while out bicycling on the new Welland Canal near ran into the canal and was drowned April Two weeks ago the brothers two wealthy Pittsburg were gored by an bull Alexander died twenty hours after the attack and yesterday afternoon Patrick aged years died from effects of the injuries received The wealth of the brothers is estimated at Two sisters survive them Patrick was mentioned as Liberal candi date for in the present election Willi Hoys readytowear Clothing and to block wo will tot tea hoi a Clothing which induce Man Boy and Mother to visit this department You know CLOTHING IS Mens CO Ceylon Flannel and Vesta cool and regular price Solid Wool Tweed the kind at Fine HairLino Pants the kind at Drill Overalls with bib kind at Mens Tweed Suite good patterns well and trimmed 4 Mens Tweed Suits nice patterns tailor made regular g80 while Mens Fine Scotch Tweed were bought to soil at but will go Mens Black Worsted Coat and Vest cutaway coat beat Farm ers Satin lining would coit you to order go at 10 extra heavy cot ton heat make at Strong Elastic Braces per pair Special Sale of Mens If 6 00 15 Boys Strong twopiece Boys Halifax Tweed two pieces well made worth at 1 Boys Nobby Tweed regular price thoy go at 25 Boys sieea 29 to 32 at Boys Fine Tweed short panto regular price but to clear thera quick Youths long pant Suits sizeo to stylish patterns will wear leather price while thoy last Youths Tweed- cold in storeo at but we bought them away down and they goat Special Offering in Boys Special Offering in Boys Boys Strong Boys strong ribbed Hozo a bargain lot let fit out your boys we will do it to suit you It a tor ihcfCcarGti How admitted at an AW A TO LET FORTIUS SEASON HOLLAND LANDING fie A meeting held next Tuesday evening Hall to a corn- and make for coriiinj election and other prominent ate ex- to be All interested requeued to attend The Salvation Army Hurricane Hand from Toronto ate book to arrive here on Friday evening May lit A number of soldiers from Newmarket will alio be present A good time is expected All arc in Tiled to attend Mr last Tuesday the funeral of his uncle Mrs Williams has been will ing her Mm- Sheppard returned lo Toronto Junction Tuesday evening The Cricket Club a meeting on the 53rd ulb to settle the business in connection with the concert here the of April Something in neighborhood of after paying the tic counts A vote of thanks was to the leader who assisted the boys at the recent concert also to Mr Chat kindly let the club have the use of the hall free The club secured a cricket ground from Mr Morton at the north end they intend sodding a crease for practicing Mist Assistant Teacher whose time expired the last of April has been engaged for another month Owing to the large attendance at ihe the trustees deemed it ad visable to employ an assistant an other month Mr two cousins from New York are visiting him this week There is talk of celebrating the May here The fine weather of has greatly advanced vegetation The grass never looked green before at this of the yean Mm Beaton stUI to be low We are pleased to Miss Thompson able 16 be out after two weeks illness Mrs Stephens of Toronto is visit ing fiierds Visitors here over Sunday Mr Chapman of Miss Wright and Mr Hodge of New- market Miss Moore of Aurora Mr John Little has taken a lapic and is present very April The new threestorey duelling In course of erection on Main street collapsed today Mr Keletf one of lind it narrow escape in the diAtn in from of the Ihc lime The drain initially filled rtjitfg and lumber tome of Mr Keleit but without Ail to JOS MILLARD- Clothing Starts Saturday Morning Be Here Early THE It ViADDOOK Mwm Laundry EVERYTHING IN GOOD WORKING ORDER Why ulisfey calls for and I Aurora Call and deliver Thursday delivers all work Call and deliver Friday EMBRY Proprietor Opposite Curtains done up equal to new Special for family J I CHINA A Ml J A W ALLAN Ik WILL FOUND IN AND Mouse NEW WITH A COMPLETE A LifeSize Air Brush Crayon Ink Portrait Willi every Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEB SPBClMBH A calls alUndiJ to at A radio W- IS- a Mr tie Hot It ft Stock of Spring MIXKl FAINTS AND PAINT OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES LAWN MOWERS LAWN RAKES LAWK HOSE BARREL CHURNS DASH CHURNS BUTTER BOWLS FULL ASSORTMENT OF GARDEN TOOLS STOVES AND TINWARE Repairing Promptly and Neatly done- J A ALLAN a 3 If A Altar ILi tie it iff Fit Still wet on inch ha Hit Kir rcitowtd a AtrU rtr4lccy ulLrut Jitgi dicVur Unlit St l J OA02rOV8U fu3HiTunEaJ Our Bargain of the orderin force owe in a while in a few department but all the lime and in every department This explain why people after going around to other houses invariably come back to us for the only Genuine JUST A SAMPLE OP OUR PRICES Long Clear Bacon lb only lbs- Roller Flour Pure per Mens Sox per pair First Worlds Blend Tea per lb Hone Shoe Salmon Mens Flannelette Sbirta Our Factory Cotton thorn all We are showing tome extra values in Mens and Clothic have a the finest and cheapest lines of Tweeds for Spring ft have ever offered We can make you up Clothing about as Cheap as you hate paying it readymade HOUSES 71 MAIN STREET AND 10 HURON STREET Kindly run your eye along the lowing and rec if there is riot thing you sant price you find very reasonable and to quality we you to come and examine Our facilities for buying arc SECOND TO t NONE Since opening here we have bought for CASH ONLY and are satisfied can and do sire the best I all around value in Grocery- Department Evaporated Peaches finest ioc lb Apricots lb Prunes 5 and Varilb 5c French Prunes very fine toe Extract Lemon bottle Boxes Figs lb Sardines good quality can Sardines in Mustard can for Mortons Preserved Bloaters can Cream Baking Powder a cans lb each for 25c sunlight Soap only bar Soap r3 bars for Mince Meat Japan Tea good quality ace Coffee lb in pail for Soap bar Our Japan Tea at lb or lb ij the belt value you can find for the price J Ladies Mints Childrens and Hoys for Spring we will show Fine Value Suits and Bert Department In See our new piece Printed Toilet worth alio BeokvLtat til tig Ml ttiUiA iti per lb Jii in It Anil a Ho Ma w a w a a a a Da OH HA I6J 1 Hi a OH It a a w a I a CO to a a i to a HO ecu Will RENT Hit lot fjcntii Polity Ho StU for ionic very up Dinner up Tea for Set of Bowls for If jou tome piece your good Toilet if we cm it odd lot for Ill Si THE LEADING GROCER Main tOR ioJ ri SWIFT STRONG PERFECT IN DESIGN on lie Roads FULLY GUARANTEED P a ins A it V lUto at 0V 11 CORN FOR j ior- Hi rul OLD Ailftcic I lib iJloull J FOR SALE Sfe I ill tiXij ivikucj ia Lit I NCI Li

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