V ERA APRIL A AlUcwa Wont Mora WW P A Floor Hill Jib Hud tor lor Cud of Little f lH AMD WITH roaue and tjistotvc day next week General election to piece during May TheGovcra- mem Trill go to Ibe country pledged tocarry the remedial bill returned to power This Is program What It the answer of Worth York find Ontario fa to lira Printed tea tut Urn FRIDAY Ha III from Jo up Toronto April I P Tor To died for lorjb Won Hoist ot Vanwotcr representing Japan a Consul in la villln3 for 111 Japan gooda to city filr Howell will from ilia of MI week Xba Herat Ibta weak lea an event Jul- from all our Ontario and adjolnki of Hew mod ClovawMataaral took pari in 111 ia In the oily A union of York la day Paler a farmer about atily jtmctiii arrtrttd villa by Wljsoo on of ma- ceil property contained la a cbiltal ttortfaga Ha taken fatvitiy morolng atd fornially till tomorrow of Last Wednesday Sir wilhdrfiff the of the Hill and with a humiltalfoft defeat In Ms in the daa despatches from Parliament will be on of next A the Cabinet will Sir Howell and Sir Charles Topper to the toon as Risible after reconstruction dissolution will take place and the general elections Polling will probably come off the vtcek in June of hat turned the Commons Into anything but ft deliberative assembly it fa now the peoples turn to have a Irll decided to appoint a woman in- for fcmala duties trill alto bind Among mora likely wndldilta no lifts KfHotl ard Ifrt reomlly from A- iolisicg In JJcsuliomola loo of on btn Hon adrei fir J Intel Tala u jo Iba at Jba and a of usual la Jon ten the but ilia action of in commuting the death atrtlenoa of to la likely to a VaU Tat op- lo llr Vallicofn York for a real In ilio weak to action in alio of and liia In to the itemed lalMIJ of the data for the wordy combat Mr declining leao Ottawa until prorogue on Villi- How Immediately after thai will meat end and for I Tub In dally twenty to to world if one of to light of J awful totally ivlthoal murderer of tho most tlrocl6U3 on tint at least Ave of ftio ftlio and died At of neuralgia thohcarl by ft liar of hit tut To a ha In w lib a New York to a ftontaltonal a vil and trot the on WMSdiJ- Mr BUM Monday to ft at OH of wai og at Mr J- I ftod doing city WrfJ A city on to a week Mr Fa idler from hero Ittl week Mil and Flo IlayUr to iho city to about that having fln Warm weather and dry week to a Michigan for of to Mr and daoghtr op from Toronto on linking a In town end Vicinity for a photo of JJalncrol who Ii of tho In with tho Ontario hat with an on check letter tbli week atd improve at Mr T of Toronto In town the pail neck looking after tho repairing plluling and his and at whloh la letted for a term to Milltn j- Communion viH be at Mi Mr John been In vicinity Mr George Glover At I Home one evening ircek vUh a number of invited A taffy pull the attraction A time reported Mr Ross Milne of a few with here busy at clipping these They are getting for seeding The Valley Match Co been doing a rushing lately and understand an order Is nod being filled for Brazil Think vie hear a faint echo of the belli now This week has been too mild for arc under tho that some of the young men iota the third having taffy on a stick last Saturday evening and we Inc ho hesitation in laying they had a good time thank to Mr- The has about left us once more and the water lower again What about repairing the The tannery lias been shut during Raster holidays but has re work again Our dairyman Mr has his wagon altered making it mote convenient for SHARON nd have and good weather to back it from here made a very comparison in speaking of our teacher Mr Turner who Is a good and a great worker in any and the ten of the village arc uch sarcasm But throwing is in perfect harmony with come peoples nature Mr Vm very low and his recovery fa doubtful Mrs Walt and her daughter left last Saturday for their home Id Chicago Mrs Thorpe spent a few days last week with friends in Barrio The loads ate bad but we might as well throw reflections upon the Giver of snow to hold the council altogether regret to say that Mis Is quite poorly Hope the warm weather will revive her Mr Andrew J has engaged with Mr Peregrine of Queens- vlllc fur another term MOUNT- PLEASANT During the past ferf daya political tumors have been than usual An evening paper at Toronto on the authority of a well known Lib eral states that the plan of campaign for the Dominion election is this Sir Oliver and lion G Rots will contett seats for the House and Hon Mr and Hon Mr Fielding will do likewise P for Winnipeg will leave Dominion poli tics to become successor to Premier In Manitoba the foregoing comes the further tumor that the above changes will necessitate a reconstruction of the Ontario Cabinet and the slate is thus Riven Hon A S Hardy to be come Premier Ontario Hon Mr Minister Education Hon Mr late Speaker Provincial Secretary and Mr EJDavis of North or Mr Strattoa of Provincial Treasurer most probably the former Another rumor as Use outcome of the recent visAt of Hon Mr to Toronto Is to the effect that bis purpose was to induce Sir Oliver to the leadership of the Liberal paly in the Commons and that the latter now has matter under consideration lion Mr arrived at To ronto on Friday last He refused to be interviesed by reporters fur ther than to say that his visit bad nothing whatever to do with the school question declaration the that his visit has relation lo his future action as one of the lieutenants of Hon Mr or Sir Oliver at the case be in the approaching general elections The foregoing are only a of the many rumors freely discussed in J political circles during the week There way be no leal foundation for any of them but indicate the feverish stale of the public pulse and of preyailing unrest One thing 11 certain we are on the eye of a gen eral that promises to be more embittered than any contest since Confederation From a comes an Intimation Conservative that Sir will retire from the Dominion Premiership before the clow and that Sir will become Ida A of the Federal Cab inet will follow Put of the program In this connection will be trie with drawal the remedial bill for ihii lemon the pussge of a few including tuppltMtnlxiy by StGeorges Day and if possible dissolution week have been for ttn day yiUing ready Ibe ihat imminent it rxori than apparent usual elides tome people aay it may announced on advices from Ottawa the effect the Government inA the remedial bill and would now through lo run the jntiy till after a Ww is elected then Boor of parliament last week Mr Martin for Vlnnlrxg look to apoolotrneat of Mr for cue the toy to a Huron Ha it wm known that Mr Maisoo got for voting for remedial bill and that the had Lien To those who know tbo of one vole to Iho Government at It matter for wonder that given bat debate Mr McCarthy revealed tbo Irao Inward- nui of whole by tbo was entotlng a bill declar- a judge for Huron and order lo that had to bo made before ot tho Ontario Mr the of apnolntmeut by himself In To- Onto bo into a of Act declaring visa alantd by Kukpallrcfc a but got there Ink Town Council next Monday Heat la fit Day hare noil Friday Only weoki on lb market will toon In bloom Friday Monday Aral Spring day In the reported Hot bid tired up week aala of oil And lallow aro setting quite Wild ducks aro flying north band night Ho aabeerlbo for the 1 of for now general Tbo In Over In the again yesterday How at North livery VIVIAN Mr for a Isaac of this place has engaged with Mr Ionian of lieihcsds No doubt he will be greatly missed especially by the fair sex Mils Lucy Mitchell who has been in a Toronto Hospital for some time has returned home for a short si lion Mr late of Is the new proprietor of the Hotel Al ready improvements arc being made and the place Is assuming an appear of business Mrs Peterson of Ml Albeit is visiting her many friends in this vicinity To Era readers lo think that the Vivian people arc capable of such a act as poisoning a COW would be the height of injustice The cow died from the effects of a broken neck and several who were summoned for aid a shorl lime after will give their affidavits that effect Owing lo condition of the roads everything Is very quiet Several of the arc making maple syrup Rev Mr Sturgeon has been pay ing visits in this vkinity and prcfcitf walking to riding Stephens spent his holidays with his father notice an inquiry last weeks issue from asking for tcribe We would like to know where is located and who was the founder ice choir has again Mis John Stephens is still in Kes wick her who continues very low Hen is preparing to build an addition in his barn The be up wonder if there be any rubber boots around Mr John is pleased with the say his windmill is working sale last Friday things were cheap LANDING Mud mud mud reports the town line Into rather juicy W of Toronto was here latt Sunday- Hie grass bushels Is booming here again owing to the advance in price Foster shipped two car loads week Miss Maggie Warren of New market was the guest of Murphy last Friday Mr of Toronto Sunday at father of Richmond Hill spent Sunday Mfn Annie Mr of Deer Park was here this week Mrs Willouhby was visiting a few days in city this week Oning to the high water Ihe past wick sucVers were rather scarce lo hear of plenty being caught In a few dayi Mr of St North lias Mr John Owing to the bad state the Rev Mr Walker was unable to make this appointment tost Sunday evening Mr Frank lodges has moved into ia Hew Good are here in such profusion In every depigment that require ft whole of this paper you to come and and expect Jo to even tell you half about them hut our is find better than the tell about New Tweed a lato Importation they should but they go at cents Black Figured and Plain Lusters at Silk and Wool Plaid Sateen Black and White 1 40inch Gloria Silk ahot effect rig ir All Wool Serge very wide ail Specials in Kid Gloves Specials In Hosiery Largest Stock of Prints In Town LOTMINrThe Reliable Kinds Men Real Good Suits Serge Suits good Mens Fine Suits t Mcni Black Venetian Suits Men Pants A at So 593 J Boy Good Tweed Suit The Best Wearing Suits for Boys in Tweed Nobby Styles BOOTS AMD The largest Hock have ahown We cm fit out the whole family and you on ever pair of Boots CARPETS AND CURTAINS AT RIGHT PRICES NOWS THE TIME YOU WANT THEM THE GO r North York Trachkrs The Meeting York will held on Thursday and Friday ard in Mr J J f and probably Mr will bo present Horses Wanted Mr Koch other Montreal buyer la billed lo tha Dominion Hotel on Friday to boy a car of acd a car and la good for tha KESWICK The funeral sermon of ihclalcMrs Goodyear will be preached in the Christian Church at am next Sunday by Elder of New market KBTTLEBY There has been fine run of sap and those having a- good number of I business Mr Oughs house on Si Mr is visiting at his daughters Mrs Alex Shields BKLHAVKN riding is becoming very around here The mail- carrier the example Mr Winch of Mount bo rest spent a few this week viiitin his father and brothers Mr is moving from lake shore lo a farm south of the village Mr J Davidson delivered a Brand address at the P on Sunday evening to quite a large con relation Mr Ethan Connolly is home from Toronto where he ia Attending the University Mr shipped another car losd of horses this week Taffy parties are quite common in this neighborhood The run of rap been a little below the average this but just as sweet as in former years There has considerable mov ing llna Spring and many new neigh bors arc around us and Geo Stiles went Toronto on Tuesday on important IE Our Bargain System Isnt of spasmodic order in force once in a while in a departments but all the time and in every department This explains why people after going around to other houses invariably comeback to us for iho only Genuine Bargains JUST A SAMPLE OF Long Clear Bacon per lb only Boiler Buckwheat flour Pure per lb Sox per pair First ClaaSodaBicun Worlds Blend Tea pet lb Horse Shoe Salmon Mens Shirts Our lie Factory beats theya all Wc are now ihowing some extra values in Mens and Clothing and have without a doubt the finest and cheapen lines of Tweeds for Spring have ever offered Wc can make you up Clothing about as Cheap as you have been paying for readymade fiJa MAIN STREET AND HURON STREET PLEASANT VALLEY is very scarce Its nothing but mud mud mud The religious services excepting Sabbath School been very attended past week The moving of Mr passed through here this week on the way to Pine Orchard If any one gels lost at ihc comers just take the south rack and you will he sure of a wellbeaten path hear the talk of the upset on the bill last Wednesday There surely was a ludicrous side in that Mr John Nightengale as Iho report thai ha la oat of aa warm weather lit to not Ho to con- SilUoj for a quarter roaat fact anything In ahop Mr B a Taffy- Pull The Aid of to call lhaalltHon of to the fact thai ibajriotod giving a Taffy Pall In of their church aienlng and fa a dime and that foragoodoaoiicoaplijwllh fact that la tha laat of aeteoDrbonld oat a good Jd We Go for a small Light Plant about 100 to Goto back Goal Oil dot not ihiui Utter light inoia andaafar find ell dirt dan- aAdUblCdthethxea tor an up- to data Light thay Hi cottamtrt Model School Third Division of for HI Ethel Gray cber fl Ethel Lores It Gulf IB Paul 16 Jinrcau Roy a fi Clauds 10 GliarUa J I ay hi filxuicia Acuta l by it f Mr Hoys barn Mr met with a painful accident tail While waking in ihe bush tome snow ftoin the front of some logs one of them rolled upon him breaking both bones in one leg in two Irish who has been living with Mr John lloys home last week when the rest of the family were away He was seen several miles west of here enquiring the way to Bolton He has been villi Mr for over years He evidently thought thai Honesty was the best policy for out of a bank in which his and another boys money been kept he took his own only leaving the rest behind HOLT The wedding bells were in order on Wednesday of last in our village Mr Charles one of our moil respected citizen was united in marriage to Mus Kate Vincent The happy couple have ihe cordial wishes of the entire com munity for a and happy married life Mr- Thompson lost a brood last week A veterinary was sent for but too late lo render any assistance Inflammation was the cause of the death of a valuable heifer belonging lo Mr Richard Kay Mr Hogg of this place preached in Albert oil Sunday or but and here In the after noon The pupils of the Public School have begun rehearsals for a splendid entertainment which they Intend holding about the middle May Full particulars will be publhbed later on Douglas has gone to Newmarket to live fur the summer months Our force of to begin building operations week Our leather Mr McLetndid not late of the change the School Act by the Kapler holidays were extended throughout I hit entire week The roads in the neighborhood are now pretty snow but the snow bank fa front of Mr Charles Travis More will defy aim and rain for some lime Mr has moved on hi fana he DRYTOWN Win and Jack of Toronto arc home for a couple of weeks owing to the bad condition of the roads Mr John Mahoney sold a fine heavy beast to the buyers lau week for Mr Wm Miller has returned home from Mr Jarncs Cunningham jr and his slater from ipent Sunday with relatives in this vicinity Rev Mr Reynolds will take charge of the cervices here neat Sun day Mr told his little Patriot Roy driver Maud to the Montreal buyer for eighty dollars We there is to be a wedding not far from here in the near future Mrs Wm of Toronto is spending a few days under roof Mr Abraham and Mils Morion of Baldwin attended an invitation party on this street Jhey report a fine time UDOKA William and Martin O linen are doing a rushing business getting up their wood sine ihe ano has gone down Miis Bertie is on the sick list We wish her a speedy re covery Mr I has given up fann ing and has gone lo live in the brick mansion Mr Richard was renew ing old acquaintances at last Sunday Mr J lost a valu able colt last week Mr Sexton intends giving up hotel business the first of May The roads ate very bad Feed is getting Mr Thos Simple has got a larger stock of logs on hand than he ever had before Mr Waller Wains has got a large amount of slumping to do this sea son There is a new house going up on second concession Mr John Gardiner is the coniractor Sum OAK RIDGES The creek has been illuminated every evening this week by fishermen seeking suckers and they seem to tie very successful Fish are quite numerous this year There tome talk of the hotel changing hands Mr Chas Norman of Temperance- vilte intends tunning the faim lately vacated by Mr Spencley this sum mer Mr Thompson who has been ill for some time is recoverin Our General lias commenced operations on the farm lately vacated by Mr Campbell who has moved to Bond Lake At the annus vesliy meeting held at St Johns Church Mr well was elected as clergymen warden and Mr Geo Newbury as peoples warden Mr M was friends in Whitchurch a few days week Our farmer arc very busy pre- for ceding which will be In fututc Mrs J who ha been Visiting daughter Mrs Nichols at Mitchell returned last week We bear our leather intend getting a wheel this summer Mr J Sutherland intends Inking in ihe Show at Toronto Our burg can now of two very enterprising agent are the order of toft trees tapped had to hustle keep it down fast Grass and tome the other earlier of vegetation ore beginning to show green Tommy strapped an egg thief past week one of the highly perfumed varily Mr Walton has been under medical treatment lie pas week for throat trouble He is recovering Tfceti were pancakes and molasses for bill of fare at the Division last Saturday night Should think the combination would not go bad Mi Cook of Toronto was ibis week Kile practice on the flat Saturday Tie sucker will soon be herd The hop will be hunting it with and ly Holland- looks like a lake now old bachelor friend Mr Geo A parly from Roach Point was hunting law here in regard to a boat he says was stolen and taken across the lake The Fall wheat in this section is looking very well and if not damaged by heavy frosts promises to be an average crop its CI been pell has for about two months playing possum with us It has out that he had mar- lis housekeeper on the tenth of Feb rary and of course it was a great to us As soon as it became n as a fact tome of boy they would let him know knew it So on Monday of last week they hunted up a few musical instruments generally such occasions and serenad ed hrn and his bride It appeals the cither resented the compliment or was not pleased with the must and early the next morning she as to Newmar ket gtt damages for not being sup plied with a better program of musi cal talent and for the toss of two or hours conjugal bliss in the arms of Morpheus These musical treats are trying to the nerves of ml accustomed to a backwoods life Hut ihe boys say ihe j wont do it no more AUfcORA incendiary fire at midnight Sunday another Friday Is too much Shortly after midnight a Hide boy going home from ihe Station saw a light in the owned by J Smith Co gram dealers Toronto and occupied by A Hull He verv promptly- gave the alarm but rang while the box was No Tht tome delay to fire brigade but when once in position the was at once under control and in a very short time was put out The building well filled with grain having about bushels made up of wheat barley oats peas corn and clover ited Setting this fire wis a cUiardly act Coal oil of which three empty bottles were found was poured in an opening made by the door next to ihe railway and then fired Indignation runs high and if the culprit is found he will aland in danger of summary pun ishment The Insurance- companies will bear nearly B the losses In order to stimulate further action on the part of the detectives the town council at a meeting on Saturday night decided to reward for such evidence would lead to apprehension and conviction of ihe guilty or parlies The Grand Trunk and the insurance com panies will be asked to a like amount making the reward offer ed On Friday evening Ihe Rets gave a conceit which in Itself was very nice and was made really entertaining by ihe address given by Mill Rogers who lately from the- miiioii field of India The atteiidince large The stock of belonging to K C Wilton sold to Messrs Wm Willi Son at the 1 A stranger was around silling on sampled it were of opinion he hid not been eyeful a good of sugar to begin with About the station ihlngi were lively ftmeii from direction v VMSJirlMV iruiu t rw I j lo bay to lira itM it America rl Of AftfCAnIlctelKbiearktttllo fc2lc2 to For Two fined for telling to minors A young man named Knight who was shot during a charivari at Port secured a verdict of against Mr Addy at the now ready for a BIG RUSH 05T It im a i a I- iKtf any time BIT AW Leading AND CO A Air Brush Crayon Portrait With every Cash Purchase of Furniture CALL AND SEE SPECIMEN or Work JOHN Ha NEWMARKET A SPECIALTY calls attended ThO liar b m Dint At 24 ii raaaita al toffia BUI scaeiiiittjaid dan AT 1 1 CORK FOR SALE ft OF THANKS Wi I Suggy sale SEE HEADQUARTERS FOR from lo inches and prices the lowest Childrens Waists Rig Stock Now of COMPANY Culornars are delighted with our Premium BCMttifttl a ttcVet have your purchases punched in it and when they reach you receive one Part I Kindly run your eye along the fol lowing and see if there is not tome i7ant the price you will find very ve you to come and examine via- facilitiw for buying are SECOND TO NONE Since opening here we have bought for CASH ONLY and are satisfied we can and do the best all around value in Newmarket Grocery Department Evaporated lb i Apricots 11 Prunes 5 8 and roc Extract Venilla French very fine sec Extract Boxes Herring for CooVin lb V Sardine good quality can Sardines in Mustard can for Morton Preserved Bloater can Dairy Cream Baking Powder a cans 1 lb each for 15c Soap only Electric Soap bar for Mince Meat packages for Japan Tea quality aoc Coffee lb in pail for CastUe Soap bar Our Japin Tea at lb or 4 lbs is the best value can find for ihe price TROUa PITS is a large slock to choose from and there will be no difficulty about you being pleased with the goods and prices No MDOUGALL We sell no shopworn or shoddy goods here PONV I J reHfiKl OR SALE tea in trim fe Sale on gxoHtKOE A lace IS WEST ONTARIO ELECT la To jdediar via literal Ola TEMffERANCE HALL on Wth At iter J- VlMFiaik trjuiuuiiiu For Sale or to Rent ill tbi a aula 3 viler kz for iiikt 11 4ruLitKa Heavy Draft Carriage and Saddle Horses tacit Its- llcvil till La at vifci ss tn I A Boots and Shoos Childrens for Spring we will Pine Value Latest Slyle and Quality Department in See our new Primed Sets for worth alto have ictiie very new de signs from up Dinner Sets from coup China Tea Set piece for 5 Set of Howls worth 35c- for 35c If fcae broken tome piece of your good Toilet Set come and if we match it as we bought a Urge odd lot for that special A SUN I Si THE LEADING Cor Main and fifi Hew in ti via klill it fcEtcltJt fill GET YOUR AT THE Away Will TOOLE VkLLUiKlfi till OR Al a WW Mtlli iLa eLcrtut tiuif a la it APPKENTICE WANTED f J