Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Apr 1896, p. 4

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ViV j APRIL Nervous Prostration It nw ft well tad to fltcrtforo Iho way to by purify Aiilf Middling blood K rent blood purifier I florin thin lulfcr Fortn two I pccn of I In my my 4Ii1 to try I to elf nd would not I It to kit aro ui of t Pronto Mario Oct IfcodV Vug g tho Only Blood Purifier Iofiient In lo5i liiuttvl iBpMlllvd Pills Hair VIGOR natural color to hair pn4 prevent out Mi A liltlo mow than two out tor of oho of Hair win to Its color falling out An In condition I Ayrs for lhno Imlr hack to Ha natural color if J of Great fluppoi April IKS for fcll no about to to to etoVr lUttfib JlynaailoQi Ho to ho to their acotjt and that Oar for at danr lhUtcflntlay danger of jcira J MICTION cat of own of twd way to Urn Ilea to gala throne Great ft let down from to to ihott In nJ unfortanalo Si reported iht P and a Vill t of In ftroutto ho iMkcffcVforaD llo Old A Wlt Infvrttoticn If which a i aro lowered flour of car which done Into a parlor car Let tin Iho aro in left by Largo to tho vcnlllfttloti AJjio alto tlircoor four la or tho Warner It thai a Ho can oat of wet In an arnaa go forth with on rail that a welt been lavlfr In High cUltnlnft from Mao- LI for of Algocna of for for that defendant a alt or In did A hat been lisrto utccitt Dominion by iht of and Man In a ton a of wbloh wo from Canada and of en Continent foil and to plaintiff for who up from vhlch nothing oould ally who tntin mutt Iho Invitation follow Iord AVERS J A Afck Fifty Years IIB I Or ays of Red Spruce m KeiirtY WATSON A faor County the llic of he doted on lucidly llit of Hon Mr Hardys to reduce to county coun cils A general convklion loo to number of count had an outlay 50000 in direct taxation tot indem nity any measure to IkmIic ficinjf would meet with public approval Different I torn to his cud were considered but Ihc by the Hon of ytned in the and the jcoptc will of merit by As our readers will 1 of the bill have already the groupi towns and village into municipal districts each two but limits the of the It that this will cut of more than onehalf of the council lois in llnotiglioul save about one half ihc coil of indemnity In county it will the number from a reduction of and will probably effect yearly saving of indemnity and mileage of from Members the county board will be elected for two years As district will more than one this will mean increased difficulty in obtaining election Can didattj will require to be known out side their own immediate municipality in order lo a No one who has taken an interest in municipal affairs for the past decade but can recall instance here matters of a purely personal or of mere con cern have defeated efficient men and elected others to deal with important county interests of which totally Ignorant and I though stilt entertain the opinion often ex pressed in these columns that raising the standard by giving a Deputy for every ratepayer on the roll in- stead of have given the reduction without changing the system yet arc the new is better than now obtains as it will very materially lessen section alism kindred evil of rolling in tic of business hotel will he abolished day laid and voted appears that defendant elected at and to Iho writ of hit It not within atlpotated by law that pro of tho from flnltb wero and tfr a our hit teat In Irk of on ho of for hit county It that applkvnti for I at J aro hat I j 1 1 and pirtylVn alonln parallel Jiuei when rih pturm Our etio that ho to to fllled lo top of hla tho apCttci of pLlrlOlhrn re reward and trill hit enable to vhlehover party to inoit fat auit it well at lo think ho did not thing Ik an among tho note a and com rncnti of Ghbr wo find that thoarnlriaof Iho convict In family or thilr nono Oar f art ceil of caring for their earn family la nil projoto to another member and another to ihoaddt- l will from Alberts which will divided two ton norr will other tug dtatrlcti of and being alrtidy rcpteaentcd In a of South Wellington at Mr tendered lilt for Tho nomination then tendhred to Ihrco or four other yen- In hut at do cllncl and tho convention ftir two wvekti Iatroufl to think Mr Inula Ja govt enough candidal for Incomes of It lb I Com that on of over 16 and not ten bo tho County On and not thirty thereof On not fifty Oil our cent thcro of County ftnd of Pain what Arm why is ir Work that it by in fulfilng- A affording fug Illuetratlon Vow From the time when man the to the present day the of pain has Ailed all hearts with wonder and terror What arc why is it permitted and what iu arc in the great economy of nature have of and of ore another but the question has found no solution All that can be done to devise of relieving physical suffering and bright minds have assisted tender hearts in bring the afflicted AH the vast Of can entry the little vial not right In vcrtpocKct of your suit and It will not a lump The Pel lets to email to of go In a vial more than on 1Ijj round fl3 lead pencil They aire con One Pellet It a laxative two a mild cathartic One taken dinner will Lite digestive fiction and the of They act on Mom- liver and bowels They dont do the work They fiUntulate the natural Action of the organs Ja where from nil other pills That is what makes them better than all other pills You dont become a to their use as with other pills their help fasfs Once used they are always in favor Jul V at al kind letter thins lo it turtle 1 V RENT a4 St TJOUSKANOLOl 10 Item ARM In IV to VfMUfieV milt a pxi acS A Few More of tho Now Books In tho Public Library For Sale rpifATDirftUotttMcncokconoftBTto J cur thai It J till or Victoiiiti It Poems by J K Xbotights in Voro for Holy Walter CO Lord Ten con VeiflCH and J Bayard Taylor What Old to HOUSE MID STORE TO LET J ar3 itaMr or rt TWO TOWN LOTS l0 v4 VooMia tor JtcalKaUto s isr Wat I- r HOM AT Hi aM I of tT r K J Tut I tea h COP ir ill kJLyllcjl lIlfcliJMoCfcOC ki lb frcdixl it ii hlML CO J are priceless care of them lf of I hem for are you the I Windows lfyoUMcd JSptclaclcs I or jcall on us and get Silk tiit TO afo of dont be low- io that have by cut cut of Feck A advtrllae4 fa li the Wit Ft irwtilt fteatura On tbo to polling day day Jj olid ay which a municipal etc In Homer nuance would prevent one may of In Ambition City from toco local Mr will not of Kfoj William In tbo In loo although St Mtatbl veto on the bill may a iho Mi of Soul our puces LATKINSON Jeweler and Optician So Main St Newmarket JO J A V I Y Of 4d VllItAtl a J for Eli of la at party on the Maul tolalnuo It iiltlf four Ontario iiUijt to fear out of Ibi by a lMtj bate kepi for In Votc ard of JIouim data Tbuulay April and can for iVa fact ai realm a of It on of itli at ijlsi To oftcl Ontario action In bail at Central autboritIGfoltovroi the and now lob- lio of a Mr Con whoai tiding of for Wih of Lli to Krcat to tbocQAtiy will lt a deficiency ihotild allowed lo a litva it of resources of nature have been pressed into acivtcc to the end that tortured might have from and ttie peace only can And what thai ihCSC poor victims dcas thus laMtcd m to aid the of lcuiinliirge of the thereby lltty have been be fit ted Such a one Mivs Shit of a of pain endured through weary years and of final relief and cure through the use of Dr William Pink the greatest medicine of the Miss Stringier Twelve years ago 1 became afflicted with from which I have greatly Two years later this a by a growth in the lljroal and which each year be came larger and larger until finally it became so bad I I bar obtain any sleep as when would lie down it would fill threat causing a ins suffocation- What I suffered is almost beyond description nd all the medical aid I had no good and I was that I could only hope for relief through the of an operation I dreaded such a and declined ing the operation All time lb was taking a firmer bold upon my system and felt like giving up in despair I hm the power if m limbs and hands got o bad that I could scarcely hold anything At Ibis a friend who from expe rience had slrongfaithin Dr Willi mi Pink Pills bought me a supply and urged to try I thought felt an improvement ifter I had used little more than a box and after usiiw them for a few weeks there was no longer room to doubt that they wore helping me I taking the Pink Pills in hope of finding relief from the rheumatism but to my great joy found that the medicine not only diivjng ibis painful malady from my System but was also away the growth in my throat The result was that after I had about a dot en boxes of Pink pjHj I com cured a con siderable his now I have not hid a recurrence of either trouble and sm enjoying tho of health the help my statement may to others I am only too glad to add my testimony to the long list of wonderful cure such as mine that have been wrought by the use of Williams Pink Pills This greatest of the nineteenth century medicines positively cures all roubles arising from a disordered or weak state of the blood or shat tered nerves you are feeling weak or depressed Dr Villiims Pink Pills act as a prompt tonic and if seriously ill no other remedy can promptly give health and strength The genuine Pink Pills arc put in round wooden the which bears the full I or Pouim IT a you been benefitted by the use of Ponder Father of Jotcplta Hamilton follovrcd the counsel of the good book and carried the good news to others One of his Miss Maggie Mclcdy had been a sufferer from influeuf a Father 1 how much gornl his remedy had done in case of cold in the with himself and recommended it to Miss fur her case who over her own signature has written I have Dr Catarrhal Powder for influenu and found it a grand remedy In fact it gave re lief almost at once can with pleas recommend it to all who arc suf feting from this malady One short puff of the breath through the Jilowcr supplied with each bottle of Dr Catarrhal Powder diffuses this Powder over the surface of the nasal passages and delightful use re lieves in ten minutes and permanent ly cures catarrh hay fever colds headache sore throat and deafness cents Sold at lleys Pharmacy Am Act to Act to protect Justices nd r I or portent vuLslnlrcluod in Jgiata by Mr fit John fif P lor York This Act In- to glvolinmuolty from or anythlDgdene by or other or fulfilling ny rfuty In belief ho acting In doe execution bit doty as such officer or Per Cent need to take a Hoods at to pre down and debilitated con dition which invite lovcstot la hilt a dozen bottle of will back with in Iiealtb and vigor of body soil strength of easy to buy essy to take to all liver Ills Mr Justice Street has given judgement selling aside a convey ance of property in Richmond Hill made John J Cameron a black smith to his on the ground that it was made in order to defeat the ex judgement which a farmer got against Cameron for causing the ruin of his Children Cry for Pitchers Children Pitchers Children Pitchers Tun world the Hut of it now employ by In ex- trtitif To iho Lattery erg Mlret Two of whits tho third is to fore- Is on applies liia forceps to tooth In tint tbo is It as pltJ to AjxiiiLto Hurl it So La opts Ion after the Howell to England confer- eroo and as High Commit will tale chugaof the campaign ai Premier as- by and in I been a read to reach end but till eoccloilon autclpslcd when war bono was on track at ai have livd long enough in the ivolr 10 that eternal vigilance is the of success in business The man would succeed sork early and late and forever on his guard against the in lei of scheming people And even success his and be must le vigilant there pre abroad who would not hesitate to tour the fruits hard if op presented Itself The old lli3t one half of the world lives on the other half not far from the actual truth I Took Kb- This id a Few Alio Usually Cukes If a prominent of Liverpool makes for the benefit of the public the following statement I was greatly troubled with rheumatic pains for a number years- On occasions I could not walk nor even put feet to the floor tried everything and all local physicians but Ply suffering contin ued At last was prevailed upon to try South American Rheumatic Cure I obtained perfect relief he- fore had half a bottle of the remedy and to day regard it the only radical cure for rheumatism Sold at tit n l leys Pharmacy On Saturday afternoon while Mr a miller of Union- was clearing the ice and snow away from the ftt his he slipped and fell down over the gales and down the under the ice He was taken out a few minutes later but life was ex tinct cow hill for reducing pitied tbo third on a vote to electors now with it provisions fioiijo few made of before ftctl A as wo receive of iho bill the full test irintod in ft in can bo a of new Death Seemed Tire Mrs of P 0j writes I have used cure for the heart since laH fall having taken in all nine bottles and I now feel entirely like another woman I am 54 years old and have been troubled with heart disease for more than twenty years some times five hours at a time suffer ing such agony that death seemed preferable to the pain The cold sweat stand out in great beads upon my face The Heart Cure give relief from almost the dose has proved a Ral 11 You are at liberty to publish ibis if you think by doing any he accomplished Hold at Rentiers lharrracy Men who the style vail have to hear he coining spring green shirts will be all the go Not a pretty or but yellow something like the color of a yellow and a green about like ihe worst grass you can imagine White collars will be worn to a belter contrast your just think of proposing to a man with a shirt- OP EAST d la a at NORTH AMERICAN In Town On or Aprils lis Al It ftlowif Kilt or No In tr- VttufT tut arl ll Auction an J Joiner Hidden of in Iho Tiny World in North lid in on of Man Oil Electricity Mcgnclism Electricity up Money of tho OB of tho and Man Mm In In Worlds How to Know the Wild Homo Decoration HdIMIoui1 in tho Ear East The in North America Burn Vrolor Kerr Allen Brewster Henderson Darwin Maycock Verily Kevton Bpencer Dawson Mia Wright 107 end Physical Art Vim Principles of Guyoi On Caw and Off Child in Homes 211 At Homo and Abroad Vol I VollI find 2H of tho Sun Tho Skipper in Arctic IJeaa Beyond A 218 Almaycra Folly In and too Trail 220 Early English Voyages Early Travel and Adventures Vol I Btanley Vol11 Be a and Lands Edwin Arnold Tropical Africa Miles by Land and Boa Bon Mm Julc3 Verno in Brazil Two in Frankfort Travels with a Donkey in the Hound the World in Vol I Vol11 The Walrus vjh Ceylon and Borneo Corhtfan Bold John Joseph Conrad llHnovoi 8irP Ciutkib nek lllt oof Iho will Public VILLAGE Feels I s not IO case vilh an blood of Order a it all he needs a tonic the nine a Often cannot lave complete ict Give Blood note quickly he will pick up whole invigorated- that all the drawn from the food an lex of it will required Purifier drive cut Worm and all Co I North t To lyilo fcuic for economy la of however or bud with ft the lcd oyer for It a tattler jail why lho dolUii by lc op ftu mirk Williams Pink Pills for Do not be pert I lo I It j A Queen will buy only of Victoria buys Sunlight rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt TALK BYLAW NO To en ll of lifi Town of ImCiII the cf Heal prop of of Do til viable to a of wuity yortMtf Mi 1jrultrd for tree toifOrWefCT It Ihfiirorcr pcrcen 1ir over a tVJnnuFflOYunnio yd f OP TRY OUR IAIITOJtS ViaIIIMVI Material REPAIRS BARGAINS Wo tie lot of arc Out our Whole HO then This is no Wholesale Price hut a ioiiafidi If us OH Day Below Cost Any you liko- Hurry choice TermsSpot Cash No Tick I NEWMARKET rt rt rt rt rt rt rt for la til her Sit tttt bi over rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt for a VrVftuber lvti I ict Ml l rt it ic4t to FOR Abb j i ludjtoi eCo vie iurtu vcr pub J lupfiucdAA yMit tiAu New iiuJ fitoKouytf lie by lie ibi tdy A yj I ii in to- til lte It I Adored lb lit stir t etc It 111 Ju of et ltd fetd i lb JScgilrbtttikfea world- J In It iLU try I td JieJbeuUcfptlQapolr- I SfO lcin jeer tub terlplloti 10 1- on SALE Bl up t in fchep of the ttjttiTft In stit nib term td W t- w wnt of tnd J raeiel other yrart tciCiut to bo the of the for j i of Twenty erJtrraitho to of to thclwt to of no or or InWrest la la of the of tbo of to counter the ibouuirf wv v known to not Jcci be fik4 tc of ifiyor tut Sect the of of of lis it per jwj that Ji to in AH ilrin op Refitting r Tire fH Viro into All tOtber We arc to any of Wo will fiimplo Wheel very Hi il THE CANE SONS MFG Ltd no that ben not time as the boot l uncomfortable It cmij y to employ tatteQ but the remit is a fit Each new arc to fit all the blest and Rubbers date They honestly made of jjrc Dont DlaW tlie thin thick nd I hey Fit the Boot Ufa laJ4 bo the In of II of lnvrat tbo Of a in tivl ibQ li the of fvra tJM tbi bavc to tun If to thv eJi4 thuea fits of of ibe fjj Toko bt tbo It tori of the Towo the of Uorur A ti tit of In KIM to or the null tt oclock Id thy uldty the of raid rtetvcJr ibJJ tt Ac Jr VttrdW Deputy IttOuuneilCtaubeK It the tt the Mi or la KUiir tt up thcou ICif of tilt Text th ttli the daj of A IM ma up ho Co The only Laundry doing Strictly FirstClass Work Does not break Cumins done up equal to New Collars in turning Kiody us to In all diseases that affect humanity there is sonic weak link in the chain of health some spot that is the seat of the trouble It may be the liver it may be the stomach perhaps it is the bowels or the kidneys most likely it is the blood Blood Hitters goes straight to that spot strengthens the weak link in the chain removes the cause of the disease and restores health because it acts with cleansing force and curative power upon the stomach liver kidneys bowels and blood With good red blood health is assured without it disease is certain to come and is the only remedy that will positively remove all blood poisons In ulcers abscesses scrofula swellings skin diseases blotches old sores etc should be applied externally as well as taken internally to directions NOTICE iff vent bit the tuttAzgU a In of t n into p tbe A proved Lav his Into ieratlco by tbe of of fa the the the KttCTi thereto tfter ceo lathe Cm do Twentieth the til find if iht AVID LLOYD TV job We do not any Oftce lo outdo In line in or If Midi my kind Printing done whit you can get at Our ii kk irlLTaninWJTiirt

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