NEWMARKET WHAT isooino on Public Library- During It look If mouth ho I Hying A tig ha Ittaatag ho lo do kindle Mr at In intrust and to giro A Wilting Council for trek from Of iih Co- to acoommodali Court AitoTitCR Menrf J A Allan A CO bought cut Utiui A Co morning trill llitu for and anybody wanting In lo at the IbfllitlUrd only a to In Hall Friday night And lU Willing only In Lai fa aolcnco thought did not com Dp lo Iter ptcn Mktjiooist Church The pastor gar lino Jul Hun- day morning by choir of BO morning and and viry Kill of Toronto i led lo on fob tit of ltd- you tried floor yet Mill Living n ron ra CbopplMtJOTtfry day A of Wheal for per Lb I loo for this Among the ablpmenta fito car of for Toonto car of larnlfu for York car of for and ftio of woodomrArft Material for lha of high will ha all to pal By IhU method ItaQo cot impeded I The Fund Received for daring W ICO A Friend CO a of on lcr- of icck Mr of viii AWoloUJ for It will tlomon Ifonny hi Mr of the flnt Of Button of the York Cornell trill dtHvcrcd lo da ftt Toronto Willi Hit two iUja lljo our j it on of And of via IJcUl on of Job J Jo la occupy And fotirchtlti to lo know The lit the of He t was a j- At bo con clutlciti of IkiU J to to feet t to rt ftllgotostibtn CoMitiKiA of and A of with lmiroicr lfgUlrAUi a AndcorniAltM Hop- liking for of Il la only fair lo iay or Ago It is report ed Along Main that opening Dp in In iay fcl- and Tramp The of night wudlffllged lb day lo that At itjoy WW go Mil El wry four And bo for no won- ot or every oHibf During month hut number oil Mon day night And on It It time Council had of police and men earn tbtir at It la far to food and lodging by coriioratlon than hi thotn Around lie Alrtota from door to door Might or not much for Iho ApfrH In our iiTuityj Itecr Tht Ibty kikod for Iboy lold to to of Chair at A lokin of and A read by arid the prcitutitlon Mi wis by a The ell bad a of opinion abut of on ildcwalbi At all weta them any of Mala ml flvo In favor of at lowing to on all on Mala from Lot to Finally to net our dudlock the It will work Ho to go filter than ill an boor op walka and on atrMti Whan pauinji any per to four an the rider intuit ring a will law on iht of ry too cold la with pltnti and flovrcra iml kind of biro tbo flowtia at on former Hi look A larfocrotaof and whlto on altar on aide Foot alio calif and In Ibt vera only a atockk jplint wai dccoratM white wato a few flotra frnd aud the MooKb School Division Willi IbM Irtffiir Hoy iii Valter Daw- Mi Hazard i Ada Clay 101 randi 1D3 Happy Alfred Howell Mary VrlgblCO Taylor WO Aubrey ArtllaG US Norman 130 12 How- 111 Harry The Yellow Fallow at Hard- wart Call and Inspect a School Holidays The new bill of of on It by protlilona till next Monday Last Monday morning to Mr Haiti of at wofkot tba flpKlally Co waiting for 0ma train Tba frightened and iaway wciacicghl at of hill any ox pt lonofAlilUagral A Mrah Thick One of the beard of of l young to ind a young Had dona on tbo lit of April would boon bad laid him- for A to The Married Mtthodlit glvo an In tuning on behalf Fond A Tory progratn been and whit big croud la anttclpilcd around At the or called an publlo in tho Town Hall night to mora folly to of IboOu ell ibould carry on Monday And alto to glio lo Iho thcrifor lo ara alio lo bo pit It and lcii The Society of would Ilka to on old Church can hardly ceo thai way yet flnanctaHy have beta around Town week what can bo counted on with work A brick with In rear fawlitt lhay In Who Mav Vote Voting on nail Monday Only thou to iroto who of and appear on last Voltri and a iIod of Iwtnty from Iho by law whoo appear In Votera for more than to voto in each If hoy Mr in- 7 Again The list of for year May lit column lha last Wills The will of the Walton Whllchorch entered for probata It directs that bit property bo Aftioog and Henry condition thathli tbo of end Ity John farmer residing King who month ba widow and children of land worlh and bad a to of ion hit I Vl ll YOU Good Friday wia a cold day waa bright and Pay Ji Monday Monday Light Mod Meeting Now moon next Li on Main fitrcot There waa a largo And orderly at mut ing I ion ibo chair and tin Jaciion at organ Mr And Mr gave apian VAtt of gua AHeo and by Loirin Ifondry And abort by Mr yooinanii filial hour Kail tho Endeavor program Modkl Jr Ill of in ArUhrnrtio for March and Arthur Marlon Ford and Hilton equal and equal AIva and equal IanQQ ticurgo Wilton Jcnnlo Millard Cora Willie Parnoll Howard Major Frank Travis A Of Field and flcela At fhumacy fa i is pulling an addition to on At Thailfe and Drum Hand again Quito a number of our having painting And doae to Arold Iharuihlator on were a gallon for ayxapbn arc for loi Allltlo In on The is Again ar rived whoa joy and of lha boy an down fan etc will bo familiar Co now filling a car a will that I cent to for wttar it awaiting th Fngineer of ground pair been reopened at Factory And wheel coming In lob overhauled for navr cooing iu Da via who feet frozen at be here Iim not been abb to put her boots on March Monday ltoovej Cody Wlddl- field and Following J A post card breaking mow WW AOaant Water IS Johbionp finding liuhci fttB Warren lock op accovoI J MoKcnrtlo thg to loty team Aro wig Meat cleaning lo lota look of and a to re amount to IS vm from Vernon and Wool tl Dp a of Livery Wwnio nance wit to rejort Al noil of Cooncll on ad of the halfyearly and of Mr Hunter on Introducing motion ha bad matter up four ego that Il would bo In of iho paid halfyearly would of borrowing mony and many peraonvcould more pay their Clerk laid tibia the nput Iho which to FlrjancoCoin Tho Mayor and were to call a public nulling jo Town Hill on re Mr laid that re Timothy was not prrtd lo rejort Watering Wagon rvflxl verbally that Iho contract been given to of Mark ham to bo delivered In month- The upUd con- finally pwtid ill Third The ltctvo vcrMlly retried in regard Mr Hardys r Co Councillor fi but accomplithed Inch Print worth for Good Factory Pins for large Pin pet paper Culling Fancy Hi for Men- Wool Socks Art Muslin per yd 40 Inch Scrijc all nool and all We Buy for Spot Cash and you get 5c Id A Red Salmon Sardines god quality Gcod Herring per box a Sunlight Soap per box Soap Evaporated lb l3 Best Flour per box Herring in Tomato per tin Mixed bottle the Benefit between Spot Cash and Bad Credit a I TO THE Goon Cooks Stand 3 York County Stores MAIN STREET Granulated cents Soda l Box cents Christies Soda Biscuits cents tin Honey pound Canned Corn cents Sardines cents Figs Dates Sets Dross Goods New Millinery Shoes How Gapes New Boys Mens Suits by Kb J IN THE MILLARD BLOCK J A W ALLAN ready to show you the most complete stock of SI -4H- tiling Fob Coon Vcgktabluj Sow good Pretty Enough but Disfigured a Little tc dainty llty aon filler lomcii Then lliy ate to We lii- down One the Ve as l1 will juice lace tome silk most ilem iinlitoidded linen for the Tut t he a They arc Joodi every few Net Vcilingi came nd the But- tons Any fc you they have not tot ihcy t lime it be kind a a to be St Church Wtek laid And th children Ml vic4 except p iu p on Ibo of lint preceded our fig ho temple tho in the betray and of floor AH io were villi LtUndvd i decorated lot The wajreatioritt were 1- both dud There two Holy ft ft If ftt ft number of people left ted iba fttwruioo regular S the ltelor It it dinted from Ibt Lord ftd if id our Ii the iho Hoc Joy of iSiiUr fthd In tin he jjVe on of he io Church choir ell Good irtii Jidi ftyjicoiriftteiwd by on Jlcftv iu ft lo ttou fl of lut J ftLd The of the Wftrdoat lo the Vttiy tbo tUiiu it euu cod to of were ltdtrl W ant I ftd- till the The Once wodslro to call of to Oar ftrd new by the Council Is to for Will with that tint Is too tor ft town of lo pay for that purpMO or do our own A by jiiulnj- Ibo Town coo tholigbttf from to And taxci ftt tbo Mayor other day fighting and in hit reply ho that their were for for 20 voire tod ltit year 1 ret lighting cost town only for ISO which cheaper Ihin if ft the light and again plant only next light been graduolty increofiiog and will ad from to more run with wtnhelp cm our experience to I that is a ftnd long a truly aolhorjty exlitt control they cod do lo without In- by providing to fcbrcholdoifl In of annual for How- ibo ftto placed at plant at ftt verbally tho tab Council adjourned Rogloifr Jlfbat A ItAc We uUettOft I fill to Mrf vm iod t ito Mens AuirriiiQ Ace ill at ftt I oclock particular o MOUNT day April The Appear tench lo pro- with ftuuimm rogcJtloo by appellant to fc During the noon hour from took into cooaMcrAtioi and finally ioxAit1 which ahoaM to it- The effect of It with regret we heard on Friday fatx of the sudden death of Mia Fox who had only last fall moved to Toronto with her husband and two Small children was a daughter of Mrs- Wit- and for a number of had lived in our re- The remains were brought for burial in the ceme tery on Saturday last The coffin was fust taken info Christ Church where the Rev Mr Williams preach ed an appropriate to a large gathering that had collected to pay a last respect to a loved friend Mr Silverwood an old that had for a number of years lived among us but for a white back has been in the City died there and was interred in the City cemetery recent ly- While Mr and Mrs Matthew of were here visiting their daughter Mis Walton he was taken suddenly ill with congestion of the lungs Die physician was at once sent for and although he did all that he could to stay the malady death claimed the victor early on Saturday a after four days of painful suffering After death the corpse was taken home and the loner conducted from residence to the of England ground at on Monday Mrs Iron visiting her brother Sidney Rowland from lie City calling on friends Mr has gone few days with his sister The masons ore ittiin dvn t Ross to rebuild A grand concert in Methodist Church on in aid of the choir Anson Jones spent in the city Mrs J her litis- band with a fine girl and Mrs J Watts gave a boy lo her Miss Jutc- tion for Some of the youU been investing in gold wonder if the boys will sooner on Sunday r I an mi AND 5 and Facts Are More There is a large choose from and here will he no difficulty about you being pleased with the goods and prices WE WE WE CLOTHING HATS GAPS ever offered the people of North York 1 1 1 because we sell the best and stock is new and up to WK DO the shoe cheapest hat trade because our the trade because keep the styles Clothing trade because we sell good goods low prices the Grocery trade because our stock is always fresh Conift and be convinced that we sell the cheapest No old Bankrupt Stocks to choose from Clothing made to order at prices that will surprise you DO DO DO IVJODOUQALL We sell no shop worn or shoddy goods here Leading Citizens Recommend fie General Use scoirs It is tho Genuine Article and tlie Greatest the BAKERY WVWV ire excellent you Made in America Styles iu Footwear at Cut Prices Any for STOCK OF Q Si for It no clainf to have he Most Complete Stock for you to choose from in Town Remember out Stock ill lib meant a id a or When dinner til feiil to in wnoioiloo Iho luniUticof all of oalJ inuiitci polity lo pay Hi tut after J ftto Ibo caw would iho two to folly a thought to to iliin to incur what tiptniH City that of who pro- liti ft af of at to county of WW- The wilt now bo rloUi for ft If matter like b roratbit- Sttos end A Mr hls68tli widely and inspected The relatives which are many will have the fullest sympathy their many friends everywhere Mr P and family turned from Michigan last where they have been for the past year or so was made in Ibis vicinity last week but the cold snap on Fri day up the for day- Mr- Joseph Roger and family moved on his own farm Hat week Ihey ill cow be much more con venient the Sunday School the Public School The bear has had for a he was out for a wink on the of Mr under- cleared a site by cutting down a large elm and maple that have stood years a mark on the his lot with the intentions of erecting a temperance hotel- Wc It be rather far out of the centre of the to be a flock of wild have I icy to that of la a I la tor d it of Sf avenue Toronto Shoe rauch Oct Dear w Co to the fisrtiparill tut most in mm 1 ion I mm to iacli do wo I rt to sire l work at If not ivortj tiring Mr local toKrcLatt me to tSataaarijU did to took our bottle I aw cow I to for the benefit of from J PO pfct- n Sir Toronto July l6Utcuiil- No Mistake- Go he Boot and Sign ofthe Bed Boot Store Yon that those California Dried are you tiy thru We our for more We- live received a of and we intend to mike of this line We csn give A good lor ice from lint up to We ate again the Meat Cos and assure toe Public that they can the the Wben WANT of Ham give oil Grocery Sock is well as sotted with fresh- goods If you enjoy A Good Cup of Tea we can joj received veeUy Were you with the- CoSco your Hide for iV morning not try oar BREAD AND CAKES nude ever day If to buy cased to serve you and we can assure can di ll a do SJlaWWktAtrtiU- I 15 IS Oil Si II fa I It on It ii lAil Ii ri J Oil 9 W CO ir tea J S J CUiitcrtr ii thrift ii nit iu J I Oil to a a COM a a Oil a a a CO a A ROBERTSON N W A il i HAYING BOUGHT OUT THE J a IU AMD lie- Ltd rl ill 0 w I A 1 A