Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Apr 1896, p. 2

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t Qttty Cub Co Land A Co A Ulaoi A Spring W Motets A Malta Kltlo Money Kvn3h lie rttVRttfS AHP Willi J53UR The Era la Printed vm fcoiun rut FRIDAY APRIL Our Toronto Despatch to fl of for to lit did JniioO of J limit well- or it J Governor On of Hit not ferry lo will A mm by tried by Into from Ink- and liken to llio Dominion In on The School o1nt- cd by he Federal Government to confer with Manitoba the Involved in the now before JMflbrncnt like the pro thyme Jack and lilt went up to Winnipeg and then back but to fir us reaching a to the difficulty which has the conference an utter dilute Official paper abow that Horn Dickey and Sir Smith went all the way to the Prairie Province limply to Slate aided Separate School and in tome cues a a Mo wonder their mil- lion a failure From the declar ation made by Premier previous lo they ought to have that if no other be acceptable to the minority than a dual of education at Provincial their proposition and doomed offering it But to far a the friends of Provincial autonomy are concerned however commission hat not been important it- White rejecting tbe proposition to Separate Manito ba Government did offer mi nority the Nova Scotia which Archbishop OBrien of Halifax It perfectly satisfactory to the Roman Catholics of that Province The Manitoba Government further offered at a to make all schools purely and to provide half an hour of each school day for instruction by the clergy of all denominations under ar rangements school par cms to have the option of allowing tht children remain or other wis the dcmfJ proper an itfcenLnt at to certain which would be satisfactory to all panics concerned varied pro- ail griev ances by Roman but ihe Federal commissioners wanted and the fullness They would not be with anything short the demands contained in the dial Hill now before Parliament and were competed to return and a humiliating failure because the propositions of the Manitoba Government were as would have given satisfaction to Roman Catholics of Manitoba and removed the realm politics a fruitful source of discordant unrest Sine return to Hon Mr has slated that the rcep- IiOti of the commission by the was rnostftindy He alio the belief that good would eventually come of the confer ence In any two Govern other niter and irk dealing further with the at issue they would able to proceed a fuller knowledge the and all it involves The lion gentleman added he had no doubt the of he Manitoba Government And now the lasl chapter of this whole business art being up at in all day and ail night continuous sessions but after the when the whole combination have to go lo their constituents then the cotrcionisls will find their iribulationv from Winnipeg that Premier left that city on Tuesday for Ihe Rati His or the JrituM he went to Toronto on immigration business but a Ottawa that his trip is undertaken at the request of Sir Charles Topper and with vie of considering the school having been given that the Ottawa Government would its propositions JJy a for by the tame train at Pre inter altudinj to Mr jiya he has fcOne to Toronto to confer with parly Indus on the of campaign for the but there it 10 much about the tLoe that it is lard to know is and what fiction A few will the The Ontario Legislature was pro rogucd on Tuesday customary Not to much is attached to closing a session at In hi opening a come the gathering of both ruem- and were not but the floor of House was pretty well filled by the time the Lieut Governor toot scat in the chair After assenting hi the various bills during ha His Honor delivered the cut eaMing attention to most prominent measures to which he gave his assent The session has been a very busy one No than bills were pasted and over aoo Introduced The bill for altering the election of County Councils also for enlarging ihe jurisdiction of County Courts respecting liens of myehanlcs and wage earners encouraging tree planting and for ben fit ling the of the Province for our the prulcciion of gam for pro- under our insurance lairs and for the ration and disposition of the etlatcs of Insolvent debtors Arc among those that iecurd the royal assent Of all Ihe measures adopted how ever the one altering the construe- lion of County Councilslargely re ducing the number providing for their election by districts is per haps the most radical and should it meet with the expectations of its pro effect a decided saving to the laxpayers ID On ennj tendered to J P loader of ihoContcrYa- parly In fit A from utiles tins sh- murderer of ho Acknowledges Including In Toronto Oil ho an In wllb Oliver on the titration arid took train It en to tlp ivr of let I retail lo of III man- As of public An of It rank JOurnkTl by Hon of a hill to make pro lelon rcipitllng of to In fcft5 rebellion to It go tVOUijh ft ever thing to bill entering lit lath year paUlcatlon hit from Mr Soul and jxriflanenlly new arc youngfAtu And will paper an factor fa the towns Tin Hat that with of Iho Jaw paper In of Wulsra ft alt with Mr on account of 111 for DHL retnurls that flagrantly opinion ft jiovplo whom he tat Whim on Ma troui iho TO on irukMr was with on On Arriving in the city ho was to hi hotel and to Later on ho was removed loSt dinger Toronto ho has changed for tetter And hopes of new Bill hat bo And now Wo Govern to it that llio doctoral are At an duy to that the doctors may have plenty of time to Iho of tuitabto lives to County It If tint judicious at inception so thai changed hi to hotel Ontario lo lfy iho Matrons and atill for has day Oliver would mlltAgf as The the to pro- pouchy hot man Agtraaidht was wilting till last April from each now year will again up rt if PkI WrliiLitst LXlwoudU to to it Aoticufroui Ottawa week from a pretty ouros aia to fefftct that general will Iho AM Id wen to look after parly of and North York lit Hon of net their work la of at Ottawa acd demand a Toppers it It tho now lo a and by at not lota QUI copied we for the week Feb a car lov of and four Our wltuiporaty Iho abipuicnU and by from that polo tor follows whtit ft Mrs of fiotr and A cart of Lrao la hand la ilxWo the or and jv to the jicro i pjcducltvo wealth piodects l fclve ibU was oar Iho aim a caucus of held Mr tendered as of pirly for as saeoMcor Mfi became leader In shortly of Mr Meredith to Chief of In but a general of among thai did not measure up to anticipation Mr a man of raptd In or being a genial man and personally popular on hoi sides of lbs Sarrdon Quccnvillc ft visiting Mr Sstrdon Mr Wm Hilt and family Ruler with his father Mr Hill QticcmvJIc Owing to the bad Rev Mr Wo tiling ton unable to make hit appointment Mr Hill butcher formerly of has moved to nlscc and Intends run the same wuh him succcsi PAIUOftlVitSI Vm In Mrs Gotten sjint with her Mrs Is Improving ttifi week Mies For iter Is spending wfcs In the city Mr J K city Mr J McQolllsn spcot Friday Mr It Mitt and In city Mr Knoulea of Toronto Friday hi town Mrs It JL children arc In lbs city this week ft juve nile party yetterday allerooon Holers and v Vitlllng in oily week Mite of tpent her grandfather holi day a with her inolber at Jlonmanvllle If lit of Aurora was of of Toronto Friday a7 Webber of Toronto was IhogQeitof Jo over on Mr Heap from J at Nad bury was at day Mica Winnie JSva lu Mr of Alder man spent hero Mr and Mrs and Mrs kin of spent Hester holidays In town Mrs Hill of Toronto Friday with her Wi of of Mr A on Good Friday I mother from To to Junction lero It J And liunday In Toronto Mies Toronto holidays with cousin If Mitt Had to of Toronto smnt with her Mr John hat hin conAncd lo hit for two or three and Mrs of Vaubxuihcne vJttHfij her grandmother Mr Morion Mia It Toronto spent hot Ed ays friends in market Mil of Hill goes of Mitt over of Toronto Is with Cecil JUMo Mr V Donne of wit hero Ibii week on Atid for the city on Tuesday family expert to removo there In a for vrtckt Miss who has Attending At It homo for flatter Holiday Mies was homo from city for and re turned on Wednesday Mr J was taken ill this week Is under doctors caro la improving Mrs and Mill Van No Ira ad of To At Mr Gobain over And have All gone to city to accept Mrs bis returned home After two months At Bradford with tat Mn Tho Hit Amy was home Barrio And May fxom for the holiday Mr his employees at bit on Monday a and a is reported Mr one of em- pJojxti of ilifi Office Co spent Friday And To ronto has returned where a at real County Crown Attorney Attended Board In with Ihe Conference at Little last Friday Milt of and Toronto spout Monday their friend If Atkiutonof Mrs Timothy very Ell for borne It belter It to alt op part of the day Mrs and Mlu Forte aro a fa at Mr J Mrs It her way home to Anos bat school at Wlodovr Center holiday a with Newmarket- choir of John Church tclal mulo lait being by of city The following were Lome for of Klcgiton J of of Jet Art of Toronto of Mr J artcr op their apcratui toon as bay a tow of 1 And by rail to they will be tubs liU etc ii VIRGINIA VIBRATIONS Our Jiihcitncn the Hah scarce this winter Mr Dan Kings mill going lo commence operations In few days The school J opened be Easter vacation end once more the children arc lo bo teen going to the store for a package of prize In each package or money refunded Mid Josephine vlilllng Button vrcck J her at Qucenivllle Mr our former teacher at Mr Geo were pleated to notice the following atudenta homo for their vacation Atkinson Amos Kay and from bridge School Kay and Mist Maud JCvana from Indict College An unusually number of the old lu town Wo noticed Holland I Hillary and a number nf fair MS at extended tint to ft Oil Oily and M at tamo tiine Kiodut a you la Ktciter than at any time A flirt brook and I aha And It have Haven gone to Manitoba young ladle gone to bMplUllAl flrcbag again opera tion About J a tp on Monday morning old residences covered to on flro It far burnt that no effort atop 11 there being other In Mr formerly of Hew Factory for the neat yean On Iho of lira Fox formerly pitied through here for Interment at Her youth jcnt In vicinity and licr fine won for affection and ltern of all Mr if Mow York Oily I a wtthi The sleighing is nearly all gone anil hope soon sec seeding commence The ice in the lake is vciy Mr JnO Ward and family have moved 10 a faint near in lie intends to reside in the future Mr J P Monday with Mi Mr Ins Mr ftfter ft ftt ft in Toronto Mr ftttl Mr iliy in J At icy Mi Jliclianfn JJJ11 homo from two Etlt Morton fitd in Toronto Mr I J for tbo P of lbi It pro- grailojj HunJay a number p6Mnt and were ftdHd lo ftirtady long Hit SUTTON It lM Mr a chinch found jrrtn fade caw the of Toronto com plaining of til the dominion He contends ibat of the princi pal con- the and demands rial If this refused He action The toads ate here never lo be so bad If it comt a heavy rain it vrill a flood many readers will be tony Word Saturday that he was very in Toronto Junction Vc hope for mote favor able They arc crossing ice tcamt but It Is gelling near the shore PLEASANT VALLEY Owing 10 the thaw hut wecV roads became so nearly Impassable that Itusied to being kindly excused Sugar making season has arrived again Mr J Wlddifield has commenced opcraltons and secured a splendid sample of syrup Mrs Knovvlis spent the aster tide wiih relatives at Meaford while Mill J- Nugent passed thai period Miss has recover from her of last week but ate terry lo say that have a sick lilt Mis Chris Starr and Mr Randall At the regular monthly busmen meeting of on Friday evening las the officers for the next term were elected with Miss as Mr and Mrs McConachlc of Dum barton spent a few last week at her old home Mr J Wilsons A real number of people were much disappointed last Sabbath even ing after waiting at church for a con siderable time to obliged go home without any owing the arrival of ihe minister p held an cupper at Mr J Wilsons on Tuesday Mr and Walton of Aurora Mr and Miss McMillan and Miss Knottlcitooktcatt Mr J difrclds on Sunday last It is hard to our neigh bors these days have to many new ones Si The trial of for the murder of Mr commenced on ibertwtntyid and AMD Her are here in such profusion in wc a page of this piper to even ted you half about then but our to wc invite you lo come arid look and expect find things belter than the papers tell DRESS A Brush Crayon Ink Portrait With every Cash Purchase of Furniture CAM AND SEE SPECIMEN Work at JOHN NEWMARKET they should tell at but they go at Figured and Lusters at Silk and Wool Plaids Sateen Crimps Hack and White 40Inch Gloria Silk shot newest shade All Wool Serge very vide Specials in Kid Gloves Specials In Hosiery Largest Stock of Prints In 55 ii So Reliable Kinds- I Mens Real Good Suits Mens Serge Suits good Mens Pine Treed Suits Mens Black Venetian Suits Mens Pants A ftt Bop Good Suits The Best Wearing Suits for Boys In Halifax Tnted Hobby Styles i The stock we have ever shoin We can fit out the family and tare you on pair of Boots 5 tow CARPETS AND CURTAINS AT RIGHT PRICES THE TIME YOU WANT THEA TUG GO smtu A 1U At lor- a wlfo A- of a tea WirucsTAVtoicAlCfatUtCkorcb ol itttlcl tail Ann of Ho In Kid l hit iVrirt eo It of Tomb 19i Lit Wew fnirktt liV i jfttrdfcy Worlds Blend Tea jcr lb Shoe Salmon Shirts 15 Our Bargain of the spasmodic order in force once in ft in a few departments but all the time and in every department This explains why people after going around to oilier bouses invariably comeback lo us for he only Genuine JUST A SAMPLE OS- OUR PRICES Clear per lb only I5ll5 Buckwheat Pure per lb Mens Sox per Our Factory Cotton oil arc showing tome extra values in Mens and Clothing and have without a doubt the finest and cheapen of Tweeds for Spring vie have ever offered can make you up Clothing about as Cheap as you have been paying for BARGAIN 71 MAIN STREET AND 10 HURON STREET CHINA HALL SHARON must congratulate the young people of our village on the success that attended the concert given on Monday in aid of the Armenian The sum realized therefrom was was rewarded applause- Mr Jas Kv- occupied the Miss the accompaniments while our Teacher Mr Turner manager was tike the dog at an Irish fair in and out everywhere and did his part Well The floods is the principal of attraction Iits of mud and taffy now Those spent their Easier holi days hero arc as follows Mrs and Miss Murelt at Mis J Downs j Miss Steel at Mr Miss of Toronto at Mr Way lings Mrs of Chicago at Mr Oxubs Mr If at Mis A of Those home from college are Miss Mildred Miss and Mr Ktvansh Mr and Mis Abbot of Matkham are guests at her brothers There is cough around us a d Mr Martini babe have been very ill from its effects Miss left tat week accept a position with her sister in the hfli New York Miis too has gone to Toronto May be theirs Mr Stephenson It preparing to model and build addition to hit barns this summer Mr J J Graham vliIKng ia the vilttgc and we are sorry to fay he is not able to do much Hooting now We omitted last week to the departure of three of our respect young people Miss Lillian his gone loGoshen New York she his a nurse In the Inter Pines Mr Irwin of Mr Irwin bis gone to Detroit Michigan while Mr Thomas has hit for Minnesota We have not the slightest doubt that success hem is they are well worthy of it Sugar making is once more in order and taffy and no doubt be in fashion for lime The road to Holland all out near it is imparl one its the through the firidi our watchful council I iLtfr of list ihequcslion of the day is Shall the County Football be a Many in our small hamlet anxious that it should succeed Every lover of football should spare no exertion to make it a sutcet as the ice has been broken fur them It the true value of a learn This is plainly seen in the mile limit means that the twin named- got their men on Canadian at In this neighborhood for pistj many of the football teams have country for players Probably two or three men would put their heads together and import these mercenaries who would with all comers but the employers look the name of the team upon themselves Therefore for this reason you could never lell where a team really did come from J Precious of was here on Monday A number of the rural schools are taking a weeks vacation We notice our teacher Is at his post J lias hired with for summer J Ross is thinking of to the line of King A young Englishman who for a week had been under employ of took pinching some of the contents of the house on Sunday while all were at church The following day he was traced a far as Weston and was lost contents taken consisted of a new overcoat a cap fire pain of socks two rings and a small sum of money Jlrown had a wood bee on followed by a hop at night A time was spent HOLLAND LANDING AondgljUr of Mr tills Mr of in The this iho acting of ti gcccxiisrj John Mil Taylor ftci of Itr A It riil other At both Ihe ftnd she 110 t hit for Jirsdfoid will in tie future Ifr But of VM Ihe Little during lit KtiUlUnd Ontario M Toronto ii the roof far toll 1 the Ktit r ftl lioedfty the will ftlWadcd Its bid end well The Vermont well Id ever took nit la the a all Mr cow on Int ft list in stall ftcd In inoralcg bau ftrrlitd at first one The boys tod the the river at will alyeyca an Id a Arty new cupel Its Cbolf ft the ftpuar ftcw lie The on Mr John of lie at Me vMvUtlDd here on Ballot on lUilIoyibbyvtdbte fa the jut hcl I -r- or ftote put a MAUI iAll WHY NOT FURNISH YOUR KITCHEN WITH HUG J Is now ready for DIG HUSH costs no more than Tinware OUR NEW TOR GOOD to io inches and prices and Childrens Waists Stock How of COMPANY Customers arc our Premium BcMXtlftll Get a ticket jour niched in ii reach Wl HUGHES yon Kindly tun your eye along the fol lowing and see if there is not thinjj you the price you will find very and to quality we you to come and Our facilities for buying arc SECOND TO Since opening here bought for CASH ONLY and are satisfied can and do the best all around value in Newmarket Grocery Department Evaporated Peach finest ice lb 11 Prunes 5 and roc Vnill French Prunes vet fine bottle for Figs lb- good quality on Sardines in ice Preserved can Cream cam 25 only Elecuic ban for Mince Meat packages for Japan Tea flood quality aoc Coffee lb in pail for Soap 5c bar Our Japan Tea at lb or the you can find for the price- ViJ lVl aijd Ladies Childrens and Hoys for Spring will Fine Valur and Best Quality Big Assortment in All Styles Si Another revolution of the groat wheel of time brings us face to face with the Spring of and consequently New Styles of Garments for LICENSE DISTRICT North Riding of York pitta ILL Iti of Attk6bOUf J lftra IBT All Atdr A fler lcLcoJlt tit I liter rd l tut low x3 Witt tttci It A tit ildctt it I niLAOl TfcVldI tttituJ dor or VifgyUjfHU K VotI rfiiLiWJ fcLo- IwttS N new our own Special in a to failure of a IwgC wholesale Woollen House Montreal which enabled us 10 secure a beautiful of the Fine it Fabrics ever Import into original prices cut in two IN WOOLLENS purchases direct from the Stiecisviile Woollen Mills A SUIT OF CLOTHES AT MILL PRICES Is an nol pass Our reputation for Crockery In our new Printed for worth alio we lave vtty new from up Dinner from coup China Tea Set piece i Set of 4 mirth for If you have piece of your Totlel See and if we cant milch as bought a odd lot for Out as it always has a comparison prices is money for you J y4 Si THE CLOTHIER- ONEY LOST r4 It till I toiL w ASKVOMAH WANTEU- it II Tuva p Kirto If lt-o4- A7 t SALE it Wiser A THOU WO TOOLE PAINTER WANTED rf li acwy 111 A UAK0L1 if 1- tiiiil h2ic4i or win fclUjtliBtitriiccJ fcor lOltteUtallVlUalU CI tew It lUu Up VVkS ji A I lit It J CO A TUB LEADING fid Hew in llewiiiaikel viffitJ Gains to AM fix jiari la ia WILL REOPEN ON VEDNE6DAY APRIL English French and Music ILltMB 11 o DRIVER A A LI

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