Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Apr 1896, p. 3

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A NEWMARKET ERA APRIL telfcil WHAT ISGOIHO A St Pauls p oh fed A change of on weal effect Jul Ay lltn ly A Mr VdwX residing iho iraOlo of inly a different feci on of The next morning object will rfer to form fttvi If ft IguffM to lit J Ml heir Dell who Mill of liv Church notice Of fc Lucky Mo The ft croud on fjtlutdty night JhaftvlEiVs at Iho World Chicago Iljy took flight on At ere pro Uriiltd fr loLcluro of the to ho by ovtnln end ft of a Mke no intake cut jh1ci feVxk Town Ji vote on ft ft from hit ft for which throui ftudiomo Inform crowded till Sked Sheds Fresh end t A The Votritni of HI bo oclock on April At It ho Think Offering a full At- ttudroo fi on when pur Ihta for f worth fllra charge Messrs I A fc in on ht of lire their bulb to carry llnrcrra In future In to bard Saturday wtt day In Town KM Crtt day a fHrtct of ftlXrOay All sold and church tied filled did trade looking for resl Millinery fttlloihci Toms Quite a crowd to IhtTdwn Hill dy A pronounced of la fairly Iho of vv concert much Special Friday and p en Decani littler Saturday were liltlo higher than junht of the in- t vat in town that another bad with a fcnffo JsjKfiy to Still Canes shipped half a of woIcnweiro week to from In Writ to In Km he ft meet of evening in All of to bo Avvuf It been thai do to week In lo train In I T J YOU afoetf Till for bit during tlit Amount A It A A young My CO to dill 17C0 who bad put oat of Joint through ft Ml lay OQ of March not tor much and doubt a to way to allr on Runway by of Mr dent occurred on corner With Iho aid of a locking chair oho to fjrigloya ronaln ad over It la that not half at fill and an action dam- Corpora- lion flight iiui ft lap ij Of Wo Jobbing the on lluiiday ft yoang fnbu door and windov of boon by Salva tion Army uiilll tho woo It Dot until alio ft window tho of Iho called for that In truder departure Had ha not ipan of ouch ftdlartpuUblo act and lltfort Wo da Inking Indulged In on tho aly In on but la to under our notice If each an will follow ftave your at ltobcrlono fr Hot Juni to to morning a During the of Hot W good on lbo of ltoSaiation I a toil but which unduly or no bo aud atJiLUmtnto a for or Kid Into aro In doubt aboold bo In faor of moral reform A la not to do anything will think of homo parlor not for tt4 and if J bo Hi church iKoli auiQituiLta both in and at or of all Hi but that not till rjttadruio Ibtlr to to to the a piO Choir with a lull the will be and will by Choir tutor for Jus ftrtt Marching fcftho quarter lflnnli April and VIcoMaUl VIooKta th VIcoMaUICatio I Nevrnarktt is to laundry of own Hon having to and Ihu and proinlto Aral In eary partknlar Mr not altogether ft ilfr In having of here and la a of lite ad The variola Coin at fiiccllog Monday that the J- In order and all quarter well lo the Convention at Mitt Jftckcoii Mr Con neat Monday Nature is for wcathof or beguiling man Can 11 vo of blue to lbo Of and lbo of and labalo of hut la at in fa lha ptriftd and gran furaoo Arcs and out on the concert lo gUeu In fit aohoothooto noil April Jib by young of lbo Sunday will cra open at p to- Ask fr water and weather proof and no other It belt Tor into only by A- a -Sine- the paragraph In rubber two retirnit to Tiro la rroro lantern ScAbUho On St Mr litllo only badly day tail ft of and It tcttlij on Dr Hull on properly pulled down week rcpalri to rndtiico by lbo ftio Sun day It and Mid Murray At a I an Mr iddrci and Mr Ad daughter a WOiU proviso program I Intend In a creak at Timothy Thro of arrived doiOt but will not bo put In for two or jnonlbd yet J bo tpm will IO longer at ftleel feet will a rct Improvement The Com met on nd acciuiila amounting to over which include of to or v ere- fob to Mr Mr A lo Mr arid Meat Mr Wirt Kay- RY fin for Accord- In to night moonlight courts but had to On and 10 oclock w falling off Vhtro Hid A Racket While Morning tn at tho Method lot Church tho from of look a tumble In It did not tho hour Ho particular dornto i The by lair of on vlll Council Monday lor rcrln Aiy member of Club that baa any to will an opiirluuUj of awaking lo Council Club not lot bill Jaw without Wo on only wood parlor box which bo Wo do not Intend any over lbo call And an offer A I Good trifle Factory Tins for luge per paper Curling Fancy Ginghams for Wool Att per yd Inch Serge t find all colon gc A quality Good fie box Soap per bar Evaporated lbs Beit Flour per box m Tomato per tin Mixed bottle are to show you the most comploto etc A of Wc Buy for Spot Cash and you get the Benefit between Spot Cash and Bad Credit a MATS ever offered to the people of North York FURNISHINGS Alt Cooks J 11 York County Stores S Is Diamond It during A Away The rider on the It t fall him death Hill Friday a w a ton of and a wry bright and boy He of hie father a tew irfonlhs ago Whoop ing followed by of suddenly blighted of hit who proudly build ing upon hit In the futura wad held In after noon and largely at will as very An meet log Club lutd at on Friday evening A attendacctf Includ ing a well for a strong urn lilt were elected for the year Hon J Hon VictlVct II VicePrca Boyd and Hatch Corn mil let were will bo to et euro Uf for a addition will he irido to Tub A amount of additional in Lemon on Ihu nit Moio Jbcktoi vhoti court till to en a Iho J County Attorney atd t it further adjourned till tho jth at A at Mr- in men not to arid opinion in time for Try for iminclinto iixj mud- jitaro lut Oil for wear and only at ft curiosity was on to Mil tttablithincntH a lovely bo a of and ox- juibito In and out various and and though tht climax had ached In display that and ijorOu arc in ribbons aro in stylo and a of tht will In their from tho halt to all ho considered yood toMo Rainbow Social- The of Church looked very Ittl in colore when the ato their looked In their pretty of and A of and was pro had rendered of gave enjoy work Inter hie with choir church the by and by Kennedy All Sizes i i Our JscVtt arid Cape is well assorted it with the scry at prices ilrt you the villi Urge and hutlonj in and Fawn alio Capes the tame colors The MiltinaiyOptnlty a iucctjs It will he con tinned today and Saturday You not know but ihii Millinery Show and the jov3i in it very favorably with place Canada with a pvp of people light here lu this liuU town I lie China and Ik- Show lirdly jh Co The York County A to he il Willy are ha do not like it A lCditing a paper is a Lmiff If we publltb a If wo wear If wo pub- lay the If va tivo wo arc loo lazy wiilc If we a man a puff are partial If the if a fi lomaka of If wo our of ilea too proc3 to with herd wo are on attending to our If wo wear poor clot Iks Ii If wo good clothe not pay for what Home an did At the Friday mem the chair Library re A Of Garden and Flower at Escape Mr Will a deal of for hud it not for promptness on Monday it ii that we would have a drowning accident the little Mr It Smith was water in lu family at the End having a in her band when the tuddinly drew ltr in under bridge a alxyut ten when ah caught hold of a pieco of Her attracted tho ol Will who wab tool his own for a ball In hit he tho through the lch up to effecd a Makers Can get every thing for butter at A a ported the new hooka and the La paid Instructions wjfciun lo Itinjjt aty to accctnmcat a list of wo git the tut ija of In the hops that It attrcc firat lcktt lha family is W ari For want of patronage It way to eon- lha aflr llii HI of but until mere bo in the will bo at at IfiL Male sap is running fine ibia weeh plenty of on the tomorrow Tho wheels on Monday morning a Any that aro not clean ard dry by on atop your carriage or wagon on ma4a for lion of trcdiilrianaiiot of WOT el Lira Dennis on I Health take a walk In vicinity Ave and It hit pro I I In fel wilt ivrjuthiujlhat budsattonlton Our whole l atiritd Aid aitiid for Itoni other at 11 The WtdKtliy ijrialty Co There vat a Ml fats under ray nil 1I10 avenue vho about motion Timothy to Warehout up in arnii against and no wonder Mr Editor no cloilni up for vehicular Wo all know that is of Vidttilo keep in repair it It of wooden and filled with earth It I continually away at and in after nearly a torn sidewalk built upon work want almost continual J ho hi repaired only a years rued op tho abut- In of a re short of time wo bo tJ dot laruin a and tub- highway from Main to Project avenue without Timothy bridge J I claim vehicular not rvjulro a fourth into town from cat I by way of tho Townliio have Huron and Que- all from v ay of Vakr Very ftf travel by of finch do can easily drive south to Water Tho VilHc of over two luigth with ro on lth of iho it hut 00 Ho many residents of Aw do much driving I venture to aay on Jim- thy any of is that it I In the Interest tho Town to do- It and willing drive lbo from Vfttor thereby a Laving bo Now advanta gainl by atrial a A con bo Holland Haver for foot for a dollars tho abutments aro for that and If not a in front J ill and a of at can bo 2nd laying tho of avoid an annual eiiondiwc on rcuirinto Only five or feet wido i lead of as at repairs will bo required in filling up aide moving earth will form a natural embankment or 3rd pulling la a abutment and for Co all vto is to make of width at the top opening to form a one and ft half feet to the fool the embankment requires no abutments and and a fetf dollars will build a bridge over it for Wo all know 11 is difficult lo get per to doling up roads but I submit if wo can save at once and an of dollars persons who drive should consider demufng loo In the built that Is not netted or at all events could done without Wo constructed and opened and we sidewalk to hup in repair the streets to keep fit for travel to lavo writs for damages firc4 at us and a tax that it almost largely by anxious to do something in Improvement In their respective Wards to catch the vote that was not then nor required I more noociity for for more than fool at scaler traffic than is for a new midway between Qceea and Timothy The land it low and for reHdcnlial purines and not manufacturing However if the ItaUyers aid not tirous of doing away with I the can expend the money at frU events I feel that ft nntilis lo ore bridge on Timothy much loCKer for or wo may have to meet a heavy bill of coats for Yours etc J March 0 W23 the shoe trade sell the best and cheapest DO the trade because our stock is new and up to date WEI DO the Furnishing trade because we keep the latest styles DO the Clothing trade because we sell good goods at low prices DO the Grocery trade because our stock always fresh Como and be convinced that we sell the cheapest No old Bankrupt Stocks to choose from Clothing made to order at prices that will surprise you Jackets and Capes Millinery Goods Mens Spring Suits Boys Spring Suits New French Dress Goods New New Wall Papers New Hosiery and Gloves New Corsets and Underwear New Dress Buttons New Carpets and Curtains New Prints and New Washing Goods AND A- r j IN A FEW DAYS DO You know that California Hums axe you should try the in imputed our this for more We hare a of and intend to specially of this line We can YOU A or and from up to arc he Meat and we can assure the Public that they can get the Best Mildcit and the us Vhen you WANT A of a call Our Grocery Siock well assorted with fresh If you A Good Cup of Tea can you Chrisiifis Sodas received Were you satisfied with the Coffee your W J Made for Breakfast tins If not try AHI CAKES initio every If you to buy jour Bread this Sununerj we would pleaded to itrve you and wo can A ROBERTSON t N Not allowed fo carry on business at Aurora x J J NEW A AMI MEW j Road and values or Hi Class and cook other than 2nd Food NOTE A FEW brlrii J HAVING OUT TUB per box fie Fresh Sea per per do Fine Large per Worlds Tea per lions Shoe Salmon per tin Herrings per Fine Clear Bacon 15 lb3 Roller Buckwheat Flour for Very Fine Boys Mr We arc now showing some value in Mens ftnd Clothing and vc opened up a lint of Tweeds for Spring THE PRICES WKHE LOWER our Trices and Telephone your Orders if unable visit our Stores in person HOUSES MAIN STREET AND 10 HURON will toon be here and Suit -i- the nut four VtGLTAtmSi flwli Complete of trd Window Brathei Our Ilea I tiotrfl Xho QnDiiofl Mr Kid lie I J to fijarci fa Town of KUerfeonlhvLfce for wyimtrclftl par ilieir Item over to doiACit limits fc7 Of 115319 of liOUttrdiitllU iLi tptt fit- tM in of llti en Of trot Id otr CO power If ItQ Town to boy fticount of ft I Incline- lo ihin Kow with gird to tbd buy wiring bur ft objection I to words and incde faiprgvnitti b llmobsck it- devoted to The ftrodyniinoif ft la Mr ftto plutdlatbe of Dftehlnt If wo git J for seen offered Town will from to iA I othir wolgbty to two If we pints we off cta of lion if cot buy l yd to It meant lowering liUticb ibtre- ibe body of will the own by the fttiDdtt to iht of vie do i la I ft wo iLo11 J- W- tart op Bui who find a to choose Wo hive a vaiitty of Suit in fi1 of ENGLISH oil AND I I AND of will continue it in all its branches of the trade and will no effort to tie thing done W STARR Office The Great Bread Producer Mill te 11 If ought a Nobby Trouserings From it p lt la J 1 to Hew Laundry in to tie the LI Our reputation for turning Out Makes more Bread to the Barrel and bitter than any other Flour on the Market jit farther comment our ill Hi f if Hi ecu Your to I v fttjtii fir It- Omen till tics jt ltd to CO IEO ALWAYS USED MANUFACTURED A tu lii if Lcrt- WILLI A Caoal end POB House htt Monday lo A yiiniaittr lslt a Oil a J a a a on a its a i on tit ljlt Oir on a a a 1 0 I a Oil ll CO a Hi lftfUt4v ait a 11 J J Ct4 a lb- U a a W a A OF- Cora Peas Jollies uro ami Quality constantly on harfi ALL AT- i DAVISON V I

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