A A i pi THE MANITOBA SCHOOL QUESTION lull was crowd I d to test night with riohTlitan of not thin Shortly after ft oclock Mr tho and loud find behind fc Hon Martin l ft Dr I Maclean I Alton McCarthy P J K- Thome- and other prominent lead by the author Mr Alexander and the ChslrniAii brilliant AHtuUlii Act now Canada closing with tho fallowing words Wo bo liovcs it would bo of nil creeds and that it would homogeneity In country it needed if all our children Roman And Protectant ocular schools believe friend- that in spirit ill ho of great My problem ifa In February 1095tbc Privy J of decided that Do- had power within certain to in of complained of on be- of Urn Roman Man- i In 1 month infnioh Parliament purported to A COURT and Province of Manitoba before an you an Ordinary Mnidralc and- with an alacrity all lliCif- administrative acta within than two weeks ment of ihw pretended court and having firat adopted conciliatory Manitobai and without oven Lav allowed them to what to bo done and WITHOUT J WO ALL Til A circumstance whether Dominion that formed in could accomplish mora are and most enduring harm or any good at all flhiM and wo and do regfd a of acJiooU here ami in throughout this Domin ion ia not poiblb but wo in taking position that Manitoba has acted within her riht arid it in wrong without making the fullest investigation for Dominion Parliament to interfere by parage of remedial bill wow before the Cheers MIL If Pi jlio Chairman then of roijOliitioiiH to ho to tho and petitions to be for and li ed on Mr Mulocfc to present tho first dirt in tho following jUrhriktton of in trial ij while wo may not bo to vhclhtr bucI juried let bin ought to we Dial it ought not to retried to in of and and vrithout having first adopted a diplomatic course with a view to friendly bluntly and a peremptory remedial order against Manitobri or dering that Province to leyiKlato in a- certain way and in default threaten ing it Tilth Dominion interference Well whether of that order wero desirous of having it complied with or of provoking or I do no protend to yay but that order to special meeting of the legislature of Manitoba which dealt with it by reso lution on of June last I will not at length from that but suffice it to that of Manitoba did not Oven Under this provocation assume attitude of dogged determination not to consider any that to them in re- of the grievances of our Catholic fellowcitizens of Manitoba anil to clear point permit to read a few from the iho the majority of the Manitoba in IVoviuMj all efforts to remedy the Mr in of the said As a parly it may bo thought am in company tonight in appearing on a platform with gentle men whoso political alliances are not mine and on many public question I do not but sir occasion one which war rant demands the coopera tion of all citizens of and of all political religious creeds in order to the fcolution of a vexed problem justly and wisely and which if solved will nerve friendly and cordial relatione between all claases of our people and thus assure to our national undertaking the on an enduring In western of a British colony who possibilities and potentialities justify our aspirations to fieo Canada powerful progressive and pa triotic of all the great with which Great Britain the earth Cheers in the spirit of and union the invitation was worded which me hero In my loader Wilfrid a true man cheer a good man a great man approved of my presence here that- I might give expression however feebly to his belief in the efficacy of concilia tion rather than fore a a means of to of rati for all and ud for ftucli of will IntiaUnj Wfldccrtijt aho proper to lion to the thai it only a JvfiJoa fcibwi given by Corn of tho Privy to of nutate of either or impliedly given to feci to fulfil Wo it baa Ibut fut9 of Roman a ad icopo In appropriated or Pablo School far been III far s wo ran but wd willing If any be Welt air when that reply reached Ottawa the Dominion Government with the id vitotion of Manitoba to friendly negotiations without it filayed its hand for a white but fortunately did to with A FURTHER contained in their order in Council of July lat that if Manitoba did not deal with matter satisfactorily Dominion Government would act on tho remedial order at the present of Dominion Parliament This order in Council of July last twin lard before the legislature of Manitoba from the people at its in month January last which thereupon proceeded to consider the vitaa and lHtion from which I will but a few words The remedy might to he applied with great danger to the prfndple of Provincial ftutonomy An independent of the well jjfflctlco In taW3 thit it be of t a rcrt flnj fifi5r the out It is obvious that fit prodding tha tfoercitin of A by leaving to to to dealt truest In terra Is of wootd better by ftttemptlDg to by coercive in answer to the remedial order when order not avftlbblo h to your full m- corals m tho wording of of tchoo I fif forming judgment to the effect the of in direction to in the order he- this vltv it is not too a full mi of the Should bo Adopted wo cheerfully in af fording most complete fnformtiou An furnuh of fact upon which formal with a degree of It liurgvlnjtt strongly upon involving a it and convictions of differ ent of the of and of the Province to of in the be tkcn tht on the contrary bo full and thorough And then sonic furthor rofc-r- to the of Manitoba to cay i Nothing could l- from point of the Catho lic jxjio thcrnelva or Mtioa of the iKJCrjteiQChftctloa would probably the lily in order to Impels upon it to wishes of only lyi juttfflod fayclcar proof of doing ihfl pirt of author I And further on Manitoba pro to 14 It i matter of regret that by the Attorn proper inquiry into the Li ittlod from what Kad every fair- minded man must that no thing but good both to the minority and to majority could from friendly ncotiftlions on lines of invitations twica ex tended by people of Manitoba to thc dominion Government Un fortunately vol and threatened legislation ha been into the Domin ion Parliament and it now for jxoplo of Canada to consider can by action of theira impress upon their repiMntalivcs flt a wiser than of a Province OLIVE Manitoba has held out the olive branch Friendly friendly negotiations and conciliatory methods all in favor of a iolicy of Now a Adjusting delicate question and tazznoay to facts of ftvft not hot that r before the d1nul policy without It Mbnuttod that to of ftnd ducatlocuj of Manitoba fire to in a hos tile arid jxsfcrnplory way by a tribunal approach the a judicial or the prrrxojingn to enable them to form a proper opinion merits of the The inquiry the reply of the to rome- dialordcr thould in the opinion of the drcigncdi bo again earnestly in the event of the invitation accept the coo of inquiry be cuf to frll available act to or And further on the Legislature of Manitoba procteda to fay In amending the law from time to time the it tho earnest desire to rem rfy tf and to eery or injustice that may lc brought to nation With the view of to the the willalvf4be may be made a spirit It therefore to wo pre brought to facfi with ray carl v officio connection Toronto It wf good fortune to bo Commit tea of the to negotiate with represents Michaels of order to find a for with that commit of in We of in Ibo problem which Ihink yd A Of bv people Britain the United is forcing upon tho of these two nations the principle of friendly con ference instead of the arbitrament of for a of the Venezuela affair and may the people of Canada now avert threaten ed national disaster by requiring our rulers at Ottawa to adopt like methods applause there any reason to fear that methods would not be ceaaful Twenty years ago the Legislature of Prince Island abolished Separate Schools where upon the minority appealed to Ottawa just the minority of Manitoba ia doing but the good of the Gov ernment of the day prevailed and it Go back with this question to the Province from which it came thresh it out in your own land ap peal to that spirit of JUSTICE AND FAIR which is to be found in every part of her Majestys dominions and you will not appeal in vain This ad vice was followed and was justified by and today Prince Edward ftdininifcters it Public in a tolerant Christian and Just manner and to the satisfaction of all creeds and classes Cheer Again history repeated itself the casa of Now when the minority of that Province also to invoke interference from Ottawa the Government of that day led by Kir John MacdonaM gave the tamo advice to the minority of Prince Edward Island The ad vice was followed by the minority and the result has justified the of the advice Applause Nova Scotia with its Public School system has also administer ed it to the satisfaction of alt classes If then sir in all our Maritime Provinces this question has been capable of adjustment by people concerned are we not warranted in believing that equally happy will follow if we allow the people of Manitoba themselves to come to gether as the resolutions from which have quoted they are will ing to do in a friendly conference with a view of removing every griev ance Hear Hear A TORONTO Sir I might a case nearer home which warranty me in believing that friendly overtures conducted in an honest straightforward and between our Roman Catholic and Protestant friend bears good fruit Many years ego during PAIR Wo invited them to accept advantages of tho University considered their and- jh out any were able to remove all to bring about a happy ifer between that College and which has continued up to present moment by a single disturbing circumstance and which founded upon mutual good- will f mutual confidence and mutual re spect for the rights of all gives every promise of permanency Sir other precedent end there is a precedent showing what results have attended the cite coure student of Cana dian history is familiar with the troublous times in the old Province of Canada when Upper and Lover Canada were united in one Legisla ture and endeavored to arrange tho system of each other For twentyfive years the attempt was made and for twentylive years THE WAS A a failure that practically destroyed legislative powers of the Province Bo divided did the people become over educational and other cognate matters that government became an impossibility and at last the great men of that day regardless of thetf political views united to devise ft scheme that would educa tional and other matters of a kindred character to the Local legislatures rather than to the arbitrament on each occasion of the representatives of the whole people of Canada and no subject was with greater unanimity regarded as peculiarly proper to be dealt with by the Pro- vincea affected rather than by the Dominion Parliament than was the subject of education Apphnss True it is that ft reerve power is left to the Dominion Parliament even in the case of education just as there is reserved power to the Dominion Parliament to disallow every bill that any Local Legislature may pass As to how far the Dominion Par liament warranted in interfering with a Province by substituting the will of the Federal for that of the Local Legislature on all ques tions extreme views are There ate those who contend that the Dominion Parliament is bound in every case at once to interfere whilst others contend that in every case the appeal is to be derJod list ween these extreme views moderate one set forth in the resolu tion of the Legislature of Manitoba that interference with Provincial au tonomy only justifiable as a last resort and they beg the Dominion Parliament to act on this view and hand at least until other and have been tried Shall we there fore now press upon the Dominion Parliament the necessity of adopting this safe middle course or shall we allow them to light the fires of sec tarian by establishing a pre cedent which will be a in vitation to the minority be it Protestant or Catholic in Province of this Dominion continu ously to bring appeals to Ot tawa until this whole Dominion enveloped in one general sectarian conflagration There tin be but one end to such a condition of affairs the- destruction of our Confederation Prolonged cheers