KSf y- Prostration Ills fret to 1 Jul to to euro purify- il blood blood letto I I tut fttii of II I in ami- Atjttt to I did end I to I end wolf I still and It I It to MI MO HI MOiliitln filet Toronto Only Sib yip I on Mount Why Uyo Jord fttd Jo not I It for to nolle the Win Purifier In today It mot tut tills Hoods to a fAi cunEo By taking I Wi firlt WMV ICC a lcrvi I ld liw from My Ill t fiil n l Mount In Jcjc iiAOftg to wllU Iq duty of nd of With tho mountain his ihtn tbi iTio It wntnlni Ho to tcut lotion In me1 common men tlio llit Jcjt lbs to tljtt tot to to Ten In to of on who bat of ft kind from condemn life If Site- WHAT TO Tin Grand of to rciUd Turkey ted and jays tech a treaty neither or VJLL RELIEVE OF THE HURT ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH Of THE SKIM pcc CO THE PERFECT TEA in Vcklo CUP IN PURITY lftfi If k ft jF4-tSi- UP ALL NIGHT With COUOI if you do not lo bay OLD STANDAUU Grays Syrup of Red Spruce Gum In the whiic bottle A CO- 0HltlOIl A HI that J Coy tod of that city mo offering to Vj frttoul at the elections for ihoCA the It till of vocal J tut It4uii by A A of will iulto a at coon at It known at air In a aud by an Tun of Toronto AVer from Ottawa The who men to do at are ft out of order to Indole fn and by Ilia Will of April IlJiaoiiutl for ending June been it tented to t tilt Colonial to am action that a A loabpllih of of tracllh on cut pub lic cbett by Mr Unlock In on ibb and aerogel of Ltd a but dollar Onlarloli to bo In laalvukofthfa talk platform by add ict the Initiative and re and frnd Haycock if HI abolition til end Tub Ottawa bat decided tbat will takeover for tLe latry ftclory at Itll to sum trliiiitU as dairy fclal liitrcJtin vie lo the to i of talc Lai all Co man In Wall Tort It abulia from an ibat of boundary lino United Btatfil lion lit Ibla hat fioca to lobave at pail Com of Crown itVt anything bo cant jl f l DR WOODS Norwciy Pine Syrup li a- Jf rf bv- ijia Ibe of of trouble In to ell no doubt came The be to country to toLot to for object the of JlovoK fact Diverthaltal tbat got bad beta la iCni to ifJ the firtnty to from blm in ifciCr it If Incident bo to to Cocauvattiee for a would J yr Toronto a diutLtoo to Kir in tbi it now aUiJi all actions for mail lr Hi In aiebtjrdi4 to of IfiM In a if ad of all bill of it Oliver to itnd all and to it a fa to be of pro Thau lw Iconic to a lot in City it Lava tie Court- cot to icucb dtfuidapt ibi u bill of mil JlrlloD would a Jf a a a do fill totho more in he tba cbaracterUtfoaot ibo Indiana met on end on likely of It Toronto ialr knocking at Legit- for a la Municipal other abolition of properly cation lo Iho ok Mayor laid ft only fair to filve in to ray wIhUkt men money to a with will have no difficulty lii property qeallfl- UtlOffj and then tbat rjuahfiiatlon bo not In voting for cm who no InUuit ate found among those are on rather Mvbo made Ah Ainorloari out the projKrtlcj and of are comfort ably to and electricity a claimant If It can make half tladtatfncd to play an put In the world Coke and cheap arid abundant are heated together In an combine to form calcium iil through do and then to form and llme The light of en bright that from tiny hum r but will light a good- room very too can be laid and than do by daylight It la not at all a few tho uro of tblafai may be quite at common on flticot- That What Happened a Well Who Had in Ww Union A over a year the of the while in front of the its to Union noticed four nun carrying Mr J P the well known and into the House The on the for news items at once went over lo waUtf learned iht Mr had had a alight stroke of paralysis A note of circumstance appeared in the News at the lime and nothing further was heard of it aprinji Mr Davis was obsirved ho frequently in Union bringing in flowers and later vegetable fertile and the re him day the fol lowing conversation place Glad to sec you looking o Mr Davit said the reporter the time I saw you you pretty broken up Yes Mr Davis I did have pretty tough time of it I WW troubled with my heart having frequent severe spasms and ahorv nets of breath on slight exertion I had a swelling of the neck which is said to be goitre Two year- ago I came up from and took the ranch hoping a change would do me but in this I WAS appointed and reined to be weaker I had three doctors at differ ent times but they not to mm I felt on the street UndCKiand my At I low one day J fell down on the and who picked me up was After ihflt I was urged to lake Dr Pink Pills and almost from the outset they helped me and after the of about half a dozen I as well as ever Do you still take Pink Pills the reporter Well was the reply I fceep ihetn and once in a while when think I require a tonic I late a few but as you can sec I dont look like a man who requires take medicine now On this Hint the reporter quite agrees with Mr Davis the re porter called at stoic where he saw the manager Mr Van who corroborated what Mr Davis had said regarding the of Dr Williams Pink Pills and further staled that he believed Pink Pills to be the finest tonic in the world and gave the names of several who had found remarkable benefit from their ue A depraved or watery condition of the blood or shattered nerves are the two fruitful fioiuccs of almost every disease afflicts humanity and to all sufferers Dr Williams Pink Pills are offered with a confidence that they are the only perfect and blood builder and nerve restorer and that where given a fair trial lis- suffering must banish Pink Pills arc sold by all dealers or will be by mail on receipt of 50 cents a box or for six boxes by ad dressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co or Schenectady of imitations and al ways refuse trashy substitutes alleged to be just as Potato iurnsied in tailed water un lit thoroughly cooked mash them and set aside to root then add three wellbeattn a of milk and rnonh to make a pan cake batter on a well- griddle and serve very hot A A Ea5StffeaWSSBSE To It of Era fti much ft cit over M If In to ibo of Lotv dimwit tor to force Wo tliljiJt hero for lJ0ROOi for fcar for all It AiuitoJ thai Dm lljcy have which removal will lxilnUvlthpililototholicftiiJioiil bul It no larolW In would lo tco ft wt In boo on exactly whoro In bvo Iba of not re Intuitu It net ft rioYcoco that MuiplAln of hero bat It It which ro to tcieli tenet iwl of I trait contort thopcojiio And of which will to fthy by ftny to gain audi to oar For If arc to Why not to all Truly fifoMcn htu who ftchkvca eminent Mokii either a or of ft city of ft malt of fir It mental to- bold Mo of ftcblctcl him of Is from ocean to a of Ho folorfnf to Jan On general I op- to of latent to cure nil While ft well Mated with a friend In whom I tho moat Implicit to I to try a bottle Jo v now fcup ft of It at lltiiu hi it to Wo fed thankful to lucky proprk torn for now I regret that cars of Ibo my and ftiicrs over In tint I lvtthm as I with foil to when troubkt or or liko letter you in any yon you a of ii the for the year K I A J It Shaw Dickinson rit Vice 2nd A HrcUry Dennis J J I Camp- hell Auditors J The exhibition for held October A McDonald be Catholic J ok St Josephs Ham- 0 ihk Or In the person of the Rev John Ilinrhcy of lit Josephs Church C Hamilton is found one who docs credit to the in which he is en gaged His kindly heart conslantly prompts to of love and and in the city of Hamilton all who brio him arc ready to heir tes timony his high character and generosity A remit of thinking more of others than himself he been a from a cold in ih head and its almost certain Recently he made of Dr Agnews Catarrhal Powder and has found it that he a pleasure to tell others of the good it has done him One short puff of the breath through the blower with each bottle of Dr Catarrhal Pow der diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal passage Painless and delightful to use it relieves in ten minutes and permanently cures hay colds headiche sore throat and Sample bottle and blower sent on receipt of cents in stamps or silver Deletion 14 Church Toronto Sold by Dr Campbell At St Paul Minn on Satur day J McCulloch of Winnipeg the tenmile skaling rice in minutes and seconds the fastest lime recorded in a competition distance yClIOOL RHlORTS Ho I 9 l JJitldt3 If W K ft AKItjtt p Winch I J Jllil J J A I WAS OK IM I George hive lived in Chatham forty years- lOA pains in knee which com bined laid me for eeVs during which time 1 en dured suffering I Suth American Rheumatic Cure the Chatham Wcrl4 and Within twcniyfur hours I via from and base not troubtd it since by Campbell The army rules says gineenng Mechanics are tint inch ice si ill sustain a man or properly spaced infantry 4inch ice will cany a mm on or cavalry or guns fee heavy field guns pounder J fihicb ice a of with car but not over pound square foot en alcdges and ice stains an army or an innumerable On 15 inch ia railroad tracks are kid and operated for months la Jus to fit1tclli at or ti hi of tba It n4 Pills union of the I luce attend what Under ihlitiUc Khe iftfrjltf at gives the fillwjrjf of an Interview with a Im read wfih by many of our Tire Rev J li of the Chrtatlan Church of the St was born Nevmaiktt Out on He reeived his primary l and the Ulblkal Stan- lie the fir year preparatory to his regular count His first pastorate wis the Christian Church Newton where re mained four and a half yean He also served In churches at for Somerset Mass for two years before corning The denomination to which the Rev Pvtrmiara belongs had very peculiar origin At the atari its ranfes were formed from from the and Presby terian In different together In different of the the of the one being absolutely unknown to the other When the socalled ftom the Methodist Church in took place the first toolc the of Republi can Methodius rttcJ7ard fumed viewing the New Testament only code of doctrine and rhiciplmc In the year mem ber of the Church In Hart- land Vi becoming with the creed of his church and with all sectarian denominations and prefer- ling the Bible alone as the confeuion ollils faith organized a church of twenty five members the town of Lyndon Vt In a few years lie was joined by ministers from Cloic and Free Will who lefr their former associa tions and In tome catca brought their flocks with them The third source of help to the new icct was found in Kentucky Tennessee About the year 1801 ministers with drew from the of the Church and orpanired themselves into a new and indepen dent presbytery They kept lip this organization for about two yean when they formally adopted a new name for iherovIvea ard their follow ers that of Chilians The three bodies thus severally organized were brought into one adopting the name of Christians The peculiarity the origin of hi atct therefore- iics in the fact that until this time knew absolutely nothing the other until their existence made to each other by rficirm of periodicals This in the appointment of to the reptcliic Conference bulled in the lions which known as the Convention of the I he fallowing principles are generally recognized among the The scriptures inspired and are of divine authority Every man has a light to interpret the for therefore differences theological vievts are ro bar to church fellow ah ip is divine being preexisted and a Cod and man iufhrings atoned for the sins of all men and by and faith they will be saved is the only form baptism and believer the Only proper subjects Communion at the lords tabic is open to believers of all denominations The thief periodical of the Society is the Jhratd of Liberty It is to be the oldest religious newspaper in America the fws number being r rSoS The Rev Mr is a pro hi bit Ion hi in principle and Ins spoken in public at some of the mass meetings held at for the furtherance of this principle To a reporter of tc quak ing of his work said I in reformation of the life and work along gospel reformation of the individual life is the true manner in which alt social problems shall be poS- is the only hope ftir lavtlton of mankind I think churches have failed largely in work for humanity as they have not been as active as they ought to have been in doing personal so soon as the churches succeed in re forming the intemperate just soon will the patronage of the saloon cease Speaking of the land of his birth the Rev Mr said The people of Canada I think are more susceptible to the and to the gospel than those of the United States They are more easily influ enced along religious lines Their inclinations seem to which I think be attributed somewhat to education fn the hemes the strict observance of the Lords day and the prevailing custom on the part of parents to compel their child ren to attend church Yet while I with the greatest of pleasure youth in Can ada my Is of the country where my work lies Like many another Canadian I have met with prosperity andsuccess here As we naturally fur and desire to succeed In whatever we undertake to do I feel a degree to country in I have made and found that A man to be loyal to under he lives clerical body have great advantages in CI re en point By crossing New Voik which takes us about hour often have the privilege and plea re of listening the shiest continent as well as visitors from Europe frcquurly ThoieadvantJgs arc of value to a of the gospel We also have access to the libraries in I fed in the work that I have htm doing than I have done at any time since I came bete The outlook church Increased a great deal in spirituality The Rev Mr mariied Miss Florence of If while in charge of They have mouth church ill that children The Rev liia I laV3 a Mr in Q he If A even a homely tc ro I One very that cud vtt KldCrai found logslhsr wid ptchUy to Iho the eye dull end manner Ibo intellect Ho In condition to her mucb but to even more IWWf if qJoy ftoylbfo nd and pain eve a if the to a where to to consideration etc two of the Incentives to effort to If in coy connected feminine end ten to It h It Dr in jctcllcc for A tloi Peopled be tent receipt ntj la oncpnny duty WE ILr RAILWAY 11 will he tendered a banquet by Vcsprd friends In Pattersons Hall Mid- buret on Friday evening Mr ban a member of council for Ibis he declined nomination Kiohkv Vahouisicku South American Kiunkv Cunt Tjin Which six Hours Adam Kails I suffered much pain for months torn and bladder disease I received skilled treatment and tried all kinds medicints no in fie I did not obtain any relief until South American Kid ney Cure was used It seemed to fit my case exactly giving me imme diate relief I have used six bottles and can am a cured man believe one bot tle of the remedy will convince any one of its great worth Sold by Or I M Japan placing orders for ten warships and plants for two dock yard with builders On the and Clyde lCi Woods of Chatham fac to years in for abducting a Utile daughter of hi who placed in a borne by the Childrens Aid Society NX the BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL CARRIAGE BUILDING PAPER TARRED FELT PITCH LARGEST ASSORTAENT OF GLASS IN TOWN J AS PROP LEAD IN W A J A 15 Of SOAP W I to fcwlc i Use nj A JEM fc I ir ANE ft OF early DRIVER bica a too a oft LUZQU If par a TRY OUR PAILS IliiOYOli Material REP A Wo filitad up fibp All Co airing ir Wio Into it BOLD j a TO It YKAR6 BEST FRIEND iii 1 ay Wheel Wo Wo ill ViLti1 the fA it- IK SONS MFG CO Ltd Fine Drivers Ill u f a At J f Blood a its It jU red 111 it So I J f S88S a a a r 5 HI MM a fftK TO AND SHOP AptS OUSK AliD LOT For Bale or 19 of ewriktp HOTEL TO RENT to lit ifo POR SALE to It J Residence For Sale I a For FARM FOR SALE CiaLififrn 4cr4 iO VvJf or to tl4lo4 For to For lo Rent VALUABLE FARM Cf Awl vfo9 to ere 2MOh any Office lo in style ox If any done see whit and n get at hc Era Office Our ii pro us in line la Hit el J la vet tc if lit Li it4 j ivicirvH COWC it CAN J a 4Iftf villi T l fti of a iLjci- txiHtf KnitfS5r hurled wiih i 44 I i i win yon wefhij feet tha weiLSkfti a of arc to fit fill the LOO- JjfCVcIlt While c up to Jn SlyIf tniiJi KUin their lcftectnotia hurled with a their 5 mwm wrariuost If 114 la tit tit4H it l J it ell distal It is Adopted fictr- 4f r 4r if i JlKc J tf ftfi iti ioH mi I rl i i- at I I j 1itit ii- iMO tv ikAfiaiiljrtf t life a J