Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 7 Feb 1896, p. 2

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J rrt wi T t- y j AVf NEWMARKET ERA FEB Reductions Co Cob nebsTor onto Jobbing Hour Still Lund Sale George- Notice to Creditor Sale J Montgomery Property Vox Safe Mil Peek Card of Tbaoki WantedMr CoIIcrc ii Elliott She AMD RACK The- Era Printed all ftt Homo VU I fall In ft J IboQatin Bench ft Hall Ho Of wWTy to lltinj it FRIDAY FEB 7 Our Toronto th Bra Feb lJ3fl iot to on radian In lb icniD2 A Co- will pay fto annually of to widow of editor JtloofUiotVouog flsd for kit o pit dinner A fng will Jild In lfctr tbo fichool tomorrow atr noon forjbo of Moaning la to to under of of will AiaocEolfon Ii holding It in and to morrow Toronto bad a flro at It fctarled In VUKaini on Ontario lit Local neat Id Maritime Uondty morning fcrtd guilty an overcoat bit a fanner near and at onto to CO day I all Court COUi tile and twj iix Jtciifiuln today to Winter irocdIn AM A to Hud out It bo la owner of tbo on he iiubllibfl la tcn lug title week knnouncfng that Oliver If to rctlro tbo of Ontario during an lino put In circulation lat year ft laborer John bbl bis with an Xbo took at tbo of Peril- arntnt and la reply to of onlarglDg upon hit bat wo tbtt to lbl Q- la of J A In to fill for rd by of J took paoo Monday and return of only east ftmeog a Dominion of to ft flrcii daring coming Trill bo officially at Kioplro of ftl on May tub Birthday and nJllbakopt October It Mill firet and will from Capo County by the gave than opponent Mr and Intimidation aid to have to baa ft cartoon Aritlgonleh making ft tbo to dcotor of for and or jury Caw IJie retirement of Sir Oliver from the of Ontario to join Hon Mr I ant it in the approaching campaign Cor the Dominion is in Toronto and strenuously affirmed by the of Wednesday A tu mor to be Mine effect prevailed about Ibis lime last year when poll- ileal ptopbets went so far as to pre dict that Si Oliver would retire be fore the session of legislature closed but prorogation came without be prediction being filled The will again convene for next Tuesday and now we have the time old chestnut This lime however there is more of detail We are lod that every possible in fluence is being used to keep the plan of campaign from made public as it would greatly influence the coming session and Hon Mr Hardy is to become Premier and wear Sir Oliver mantle The re port however contains a saving clause vit the change will he effect- unless something dreadfully dis mal happens in Ottawa within the week or ten day We shall therefore have to wait patiently for the allotted time with our turned towards the Capitol to see if the dreadfully dismal happening occurs before being positively that Sir Oliver is going say good bye to the Ontario House and join in coming Federal campaign with the Liberal leader of Opposition at Ottawa trial end pending ft year In wanly jail on of forgery and relcaeod on on ball and drove Union ft opwlal train eft Malting to lake them lo On Monday in the Court bait money waa the twlna are gone and the country the the in former trial Hon of Hallway got ft to dignity oilier day of for Prince aakc4 on floor of the it ft foot that of Ie travelling In a car County during the campaign at I lent my tar drawled out tbo hero of Jay Canal fie travel In It no doubt he pa a own I It Sir Hour ft word bul report be around if be had an to git a five drlrlk Mill How la a Till waa fact week felon of Toronto la at Lodge got bock from Call on night A with at Bloom legion week Rev J J of Thornton was Dr Holt Friday It op too much room lo all who tick tbla it Mr and Millard of To- wirovliHIng In Town week Mr Frank Wood leave for fall homo today weake villi Key Mr of wea colling on frlenda In Town on IfftJ Id her Mr Cox of ftt V doling and Mi J of IjAro Ibo flucnti CMdtoy Mr aTitt of In vlclilly of Mpbciv of on It In action Ho- A Belfry of Motley In Town Mi Mr vrbo I Mi of Toronto ojtUIM for W KJTown on ilnucJy of Mihon had lunc fall on the ice find tier on Sunday A few of Rush met at Ms icstdcnw on Wednesday evening and After partaking of the by the Indies presented him with of money a slight of In he during the eight years In the Sun day School here OTORIX in Toronto of County Council by following loDH In ib At lo toward but rejected to lotten to the County Town ftnd forgot to knock which la In IbcmiclvM ml of not to Lav the And recorded on tbtao could then chuck lUo ftt comes round At a muting of And Pith At Toronto hit It to all of pirtki ba to out A lin4 for ft CO dIi to bo undo Two coupons to b AltMhfrd to tick And hold er AlloKid to kill thin Allow aUo I ah cat for killing In elites it thought la further Ally from to powers as as to i iWttAd f provisions will lo pltcl uoclloo WEITB C4mHu lLUIibtd by a from En oit for Ox kit UUiUGooiuT Mr J li or iti At IbAneit Wilih to ftttU of bit VUH of loU of Mr A vat operation reported fro in York City under of Jaoy 20th up And put And be Ie from who was shot hi The ScaUbro bullet made fair The was put of other Dr Heeketl ad locbei long and Ibo taken on rturn bolide the pailtat It was to retnore izichu of were by button which of silver tn i parte When the In eight ho ballon off other a up fine illk and was and put back the woftd and the wound It to him by of Jn two he retain food a and In eating heartily ona of his added to the of the of t ftt editor a wain of author of puUiilti a Me to by He to fiats ftil of toilcj of to of bat In if by wW ip by Etna L3 Lu In a loUty at of the Toronto reference to some by Township of doing There mora truth ielry In council proceeding very well know Jit a iu Bad government bad men or a bad of the former and a to of advocator la ft ton all are ftdmtnfttrfng It ate not of hire QUI of of plitri bis finger wrak ifOt and the of of the many ootninlt Ices and too touch daring the of He He had of oouipUid and ftgurisvoaJd with the X be la i of York a not it ellrtfrd tip and done to atop whet a open the ulaiiti thlch lha the the with Mr Montgomery of and Mr Bradford of Toronto were hero flDnday to attend tho of Mr JJrJmtont baby Onaeooontof Rev J W preached In the owning lo a large gat Ion Mr want to Horn Hud at llio of the Factory patron to glo Ihem tome in- on the A robbery commit ted on lhn of Mr IK Jlfmd Head ft lev and been employed up tlio ceo Mr Albert re eon Mr John on HI who now ftttlio Control calling on od a and vicinity form Ion rcniolvod hero by or the late that In where ho km waylaid offering a reward of for the Frank write from of there are dull owing to wheat low Ho wishes to remcrntreil lo old in returned from week where ihe had been caring for on of tho continued Ulnars of her husband and alco her mother Mm John Ed Hunter went to City on to attend funeral of Mr Coleman married of late John Cook of this Town with whom for ft mini of year Irwin of iron fttilatcd by Rro Dh in a at Rich- mood Hill one night recently and were by a hot fowl uppr at appointment of Deo Irwin hat Riven great throughout Dietrich Last ware received into TaUrnaole by paelor Rev Wo J an the remit of the revival In which he was by Mr Aiken lit J formerly Mies wellknown In Newmarket Cot or of Port Ferry a constant reminder of the many kind they left In fihe has not been to well ihie winter on account of rheumatism and her lunge are a trouble ever Ltd la March Ethel has very with la grlppo bat is Utter Newmarket honored by the York Council of at Weston the other day by reelection of Mr J Green as for the term and Mr was to the highest thai of Councillor Mr J If was Chaplain Next April the Council will held In There matt be ft pretty feeling In Manitoba write from Iorttge a Prairie as follows How did our eloelioij yog down there I I can tell you one thing If ij or think they are going to they may well call the Coats first fti but dont want to forget they will have a different crew to they had at last of a concert given la ftld of the Church Rrandon the of that Town daughters of Mr Frank formerly of Newmarket The Grit jutberoh tbo programme ah election by two playing the young little lady presiding at the Mr P who played the clarionet have been before before and they are Their time up inert and audi their pleas lo It by giylngthim very bcarly put of the programme they and pwtrousy The Convention was held in Method it Feb iili Mrs A Crosby It if very largely attended in the morning and ftfictnoon and crowd ed evening The Leaders of ihe subjects were nearly everyone on hand with careful and time nil too short for the Mrs Crosby gave a paper on Tern Pledge Cards lo be sent to all Mr wlc paper on- Missions Mr Robinson an address on Minions Several papers on lopici by Mrs Dafoe Miss Mr Mr and Mr Rev Mr and Rev Mr Washing- ton addresses the evening ses sion It a happy united and inspiring Convention MOUNT PLEASANT School Monday a close on account of diphtheria The new house is up io Messrs J ilm JIok J County Council Ian Mrs Wilson and daughter of Tot tenham aro raid five in our midst J Sturgeon announces choir practice for Saturday HOLLAND LANDING The Co ItL evening to a full house A great many did not approve of the Cool pair Mr John of it viii at hit daughters Mia Shield Mr S Maiah of Newmarket who been under weather the pin two falling on friends lait Sunday Over a hundred attended the Old Folk parly on Monday evening last in Mr Taylors Halt ihe music much appreciated and all accmed o have thoroughly enjoyed ibcnieclvea until the wee hour On account of the cold weather the Salvation Army will not hold their meetings here for a few week Coltogc will be held at Sergeant residence every Thursday evening in the Mr John of Sutton was here a fevr day this week visiting at hi father Several grippe Mil J In this neighborhood arc from revere Colds a r mi VINE Mr Watson Sri is The Sunday School convention held hero last fcnd Friday it reM Hid you hear the yelling and howl ing Tuesday night Awful wains it It set all Ihe harking the correspon dent thinks boys up here have been meddling with the harness and rigs on Sunday night It is quite as likely that ll is some of his own crowd Ihit was doing it The Division of the Sons of Temperance will be here on Thursday the There bo sonic good the Pine Orchard cbrrcsrondent for an apology for i newspaper would look Up the numbers he notice that his principally of slurs and digs the people in also out of the place- It do fyr a week or two but when it comes every week it Is We ire and liht to hi prepared wonder if the members of had forgotten Our inlcnds flatting a Claw in Ihe church here to meet every Friday think ibis step in the direc tion and with him every The question appear J nearly week Where is Gum but never Where is Mount Once person our little village and llio pictures queues ils situation it will he en- graven on his I md lie but sly the name ihe place Things arc lively with plenty snow Messrs John Kenton and Richard were up near lait week looking tip a stolen of Toronto is visiting here A clock and watch repairer vas in the neighborhood this but people haye loil confidence in per sons following uch vocation Revival services in connection with the Mennonite Church an to com Sunday evening Sever prominent speakers are expected lo he present and engage in ihe ings Mr Geo teacher of No so ill as to be un able to attend to his duties On account of Quarterly services being held in last Sun day there was no service here A sleigh load from the went to Drown Hill to attend pa My at Mr last Friday night and report having spent a jolly time The horse buyers arc to he here this week ana in 1 has a Thornton and is now carry business in Mr store at mjj On a place The were largely last and an excellent pteichcd by Key Leonard is surprising that we live a civilized land we hear tell of inhuman acts being Mr has been danger ously ill few days but at is Mr West a resident of this years ago gave an exhibition of and a lecture In the town hall on evening to a small gfippe lo be doing its rok again as quite a number seem to be laid up with colds There is quite a talk now over the propotcd change in the various school sections- It certainly would be a de cided improvement and can as sure any of ihe ratepayers of the sections affected that it will be a great it her parents in Wonder if ihe bear on Sunday- Some he comes out the of this month and others say on the and ho come out when he gels ready The telegraph wire was repaired north of on Sunday and we again have telegraphic conununica- wiih the outside world Mr and Mrs Draper were friends and relatives in Toronto and last week The slcfghlng has been vciy good thus far this wlnlcr much better than this time last year A new order has been in the hall on trial Anyone that wishes written In for ten cents just now as prices are reduced Master Willie Buchanan visiting with Mr M Gilpin Annie Davidson Is visiting friends and relatives in Mrs Walker Preiser her husband with a daughter last week Elder Prosier was calling on friends In the village this weak- Interest Is being man in the Methodist revival services now being held in the north church On Sunday evening ihtrc was not even standing room and sev eral were forced to go away without gaining admittance The ore conducted by Rev Mr Reynolds and much good is being done Dame Humor says Ihtrc is to be another wedding in near future Guess she is about right as she Wood is selling higher this year thai baa been for years Out3s the are getting scarce Now that most of the farmers have disposed their wheal it is oly advancing In price- Queer country this I We are have another change in our hotel here We understand Mr John Ms purchased the premises and intends residing here in the future Master Arnold is vitiling with Johnnie There ii some a Temper being organized here 1 Ve need lle occupied by many lines and they vrillgo at the lolloping cut prices 35 ccht now Ladies Wool price cent now price vrat Blanket the price was now 1 Ten pieces all wool View price as cent now Three Doublefold Goods price cents One piece Special Figured Black Solid price ioo now Mens Cardigan Jackets price cents now Men Cardigan Jackets price vas rovr Gems Cap the price was nor Tilly only Overcoats at half price Ulster High Collar Tweed Lined price 75 now Boy Tweed now Youth regular now Mens Fine Tweed Overcoat regular now Mens Fine Black Nap Overcoat regular now Mens Fine Venetian Overcoat regular now- Mens Fine Fawn Colored Overcoats regular now Mens Suits something extra at now Boys Sufis real good at now The above prices lake effect Friday morning and in than ten day they will be cleared out to come quick Big Reduction in Shoe Department Best Goods always at cents 50 t 50 a CO HARD I 10 tor ftr4 Id atprcciilvi OK SALE bWO Church VALUABLE FARM Township of in the County of York WANTED of Mr XLfi TO CREDITORS the tar lib In ft ctlni hlh villi to vl iltnn Mill for I Saturdaythe 29th day of Feb it Hour Oclock la ilr lb Anieilwn VAlaiWt VtottXf IM a Dull- J will bo Wfjrclifco lbt WW to at benefit to litem other financially and Mr J of spent Saturday and Mi Baldwin Mrs Harris was be of Mrs lluftOHj her mother fast week Miss who was for a short lime at the function has returned home On Tuesday evening Sens of Temperance this place mere visit ed by Sons of and A very pleasant pro gram by the visitors after all sat to feast Mr John Dunning is able to be about home Mr Barnard took ill on Monday and had to call in the physician Ve are pleated to hear that he is improving The Medicine Com pany at Ring City Urge crowds from this vicinity Offing to bay being scarce in this neighborhood G had a carload him from foid Many arc up with a severe cold It seems very much like the teal old grip malt been Mr Wm another horse last ffeeV making three he has lost year from tame disease it way assessor the rounds of the Township Mrs J Graham has again very ill but is slowly recovering The English Church choir assisted at a concert in Ml Albert of last Had colds Kern to have become epidemic here as there is scarcely a but has member suffering from the malady The skating link is being well patronized A carnival is on deck for Friday evening the see bills i Mis is spending a few days in Toronto visiting friends- East GwiHimbwy Hoard of Health met at the Mansion House on Satur day Quite a number of young people from Bradford and vicinity were En tertained at Co on Friday evening Miis Eva Thorpe is visiting friends in Bradford Getting in fire- wood seems to be principal industry just now ViVrAN SUighinjf continue line and many of our young how Of it by ending 9 of vbich are being held at Our in wblch lie for the regarding the protected ball but vt do not it wise lo allow the matter to go ili way charming Bradford roalderi parse is a though At the in as b conjuncUon is more on J CwU tban proper It is not Very of tendered singular and Used the Mm number end revival meetings conducted here by Rev are Well attended and have expressed a desire to enter upon a christian life A number of the citizens took in the English Church Concert at Albert on Wednesday even ing of last week The program was exceedingly the young from the Holland distinguishing themselves solos by Mr Reggie Tate ore worthy of mention Mr one Holts promising young rnfin ha op his residence in Newmarket where he is teaming the trade of moulder wish Steve success Robert Kay is confined to Lis room with a revero sitae of tore throat The expects to have him about soon Thompson is hay while the enow last by hauling pail to town public feolbalt club are open to from any other school club In tfin township or perhaps Ballantrce would to try us Our Secretary is Mr has gained his law suit Ksf Mill Zephyr was ing b Mr weeV Thos CurJiinvUsui On Monday morning last Mr Nel son had the misfortune of J getting iris leg broken While he was out looking his hose some the family had lifted a trap door lead ing into the cellar and Mr Lloyd re turning to the house did not notice the trap and walked right into it a compound fracture of the leg above tho a Mortky evening last the great tooi the Line Presbyterian Church King and to say it great dots not hardly do it justice for no greater meeting ever ptace in community The weather was all that cofjld be desired and excellent sleighing brought out hundreds from parts and from all denominations On Thursday last the of Parish gathered at the residence of their pastor Rev Minchan who has been appointed by the Archbishop of Toronto take charge of St Peters Parish In that patented him with an address and a handsome purse Mr John read the address and the presentation was made by Mr Maurice Dennis after the Rev gentleman replied in a filling manner and wound up by inyiting present to partake of an oyster The Methodist Baptist to Tot- lenhaiji last fialjyilay were eleven two cullers in the They were greeted by quite a of workers the Church and of a lunch the return journey aiter leaving To team tan away in the After getting things It and about half way home tome pi it of the hat nets broke ard they amy a second time Armiiage hid his ankle badly end hi team of gjt KETT1KBY There was a large turnout to the foresters Supper Thursday night and both supper and entertainment were a success in every particular Rider Chid ley and Rev Mr Rob- change here on Sunday Mr will preach in the Church at the usual hour in the afternoon and Mr Robinson in the Christian Church at pm Miss Curtis is laid up with a severe attack of Our band boys will have a grand concert in the hall here on the tost They have secured well known travelling troupe for the occasion Word has been received from Kansas of the death of Mr Robert Winters a former resident of this lo cality and uncle of Mrs Robinson of this village By the manner we see the gravel ha been placed tide the track to the couth of us on the con line it will be more by chance than management if our council escape having damages to pay for accidents which May overbalance their present economy in having tbe drawn in winter and placed in heaps so as to be ready for scraping on the road next summer Mr has gone to Aurora to learn the running of the electric motor The band went from litre on Sat urday night King City We only heard of one bachelor from here attending the Bachelors Supper at King on Friday night last So you may be sure that class are not numerous here Well warrant he had a good lime for the bachelors at the most peaceable and good nature of men Straw will be a precious article here before grass grows in spring The warmth last Saturday relieved the trees of their heavy load of snow and ice A good from here attended the King Plowmens Supper at and reported it as being excellent throughout The Mock Parliament assembled on Monday evening and in of Very bad weather the benches and galleries were well filled Jacob Walton Esq read the speech from the Speaker promises to make a presiding officer The address in reply was moved by Rogers and seconded by lion Grant in able speeches The discussion was interesting and well sustained by Opposition It is expected that the Minister of Finance will bring down the Budget next Monday evening The following notices of motion are Ken W confi dence in the wise solution the affair by the statesmen of the other country and pledging loyalty full assistance in any Proctor To amend Senate Mr Jams SearKantatarms by the prompt and dignified manner of dis charging his duties gives consider able tone to the proceedings Mr his been ap pointed of the House Mr Speaker may find it necessary to limit the privileges of the visitor gallery In the event of overcrowd ing he may an order excluding persons under as years of I tut J A Ct- ro lb ffOf Chip It In Iran Creditor to Am Oa lobs a til o I to All Creditor are to mo iott9 Vtrt How I A Hindis Ltdr of I I hH litre Hot ho to friWi vhtctlrri not fit Sale or BONDS LAKE HOTEL AND OTHER PROPERTY fttl Ilj t to rho 1 bo iH ftl A further to Id Vivo J Jlunrlr lUr4fhkb to For fc lo JliMOKICOMKIlY Lay Is Paper down it on lop You ice expect bo at the top and trust you us this favor In any you will find Solicitor Pure the leading remedies that have not lost their medicinal qualities by a long time on our shelves together with a Complete Line of Toilet Articles at JOANNA bo el Joha ISA No i 111 out L to fit known In ihli opvrt en lirat ma Baylys School NOW OPEN a 4loUrBot4ti04c fril Ifotirtf 4tt Cot on AkMMcbiapifMtlbMb boat- loa 44puS to to Vti the ceo of cur lobnccsrc4 flnt Hire taf lib Ibo iLl 4 fur r Iri cart or Ha two In flrtt lowi60 It lied of ttr run French and Music IB will ex Vt2orJt-tcr- U at GOOD ica irclEj yeutsrXt a 4 ftiWl lit TORONTO Uudcrtttlung Mouse for WANTED Of kooI cad rdlJhtrU fully Ltd Of DEEP HEIFER JncacuCl to ftwer to its ml its lo til it The Secret of Fine Printing iEylki iKiii lt cad ImC Is sffKUTQ tW thiol to I la wi3kr0i to t I A alUadtJ Sue t to at NEWMARKET l At Co ffcf 4d4tabttf 7rt tfn J Wright en Illicit J It dviblor AtuitEOQOa idid nit it It ibo lit- About I jTilt JfiU a to ere to yea en ii Notice to Creditors to ttautcj lt Tottuj York FOR ate clearing off the of out Christmas Slock of Fancy and Dinner Toilet Sets at J wKoJdcatblttiidAjrcr idtctoci J of tho wirfi kc4 full 4jilji their After tali day 4itfj ifco nil to bo wcyrv3Cf ii Hill tt SMITH It We have some very nco fiartt room for PJLLEL Jill- It Ate -ill- Wocj it li led tea WeVitfcSd tics U6 foitto a rl Attf J I fl- Wc LI If it lnfrtcr I r lit Hi 4 iVr Remember j I they are priceless- 1 care of them will lake I of fpr are you- 0 BOOTS SHOES RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES Axe and in price iy J 1 1 Windows of the A If you need Spectacles ia or A i EyeGlasses call us and our You trill find mm Aim levvekr and Optician St- Newmarket If

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