Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Jan 1896, p. 4

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of Weak and Nervous body ha been by It built up a of of bond When I J a very and voir condition and neuralgia iiylKid laving no I Very Thin and who had bene It kindly try It J nd Urn now well it I over I not without In lor Manning Ave Do Only True Blood a la ljJlya of John mi Lisa anointing tilth Holy It In an ftbont ft la How irucomoW with Soon through elites r4 towns of IoMumuHi trying tiling oven to our a ftll llli lift who bio ton In anything fifil butt ami serve lo ftroort their carload when heed In 111 lUtcili In of for truth could well jirfitly Ho fell do- minded on lo Whom fc to jive flitro end to do to lick Ik tho and every of poor tod IMlltotho telenco which dl cor or log in ftur- modern Jliojo In lr of com putton It fool iey And to 0r HOT TO EFKAK WORM IK A and WJj9 In Body Mind The itycnlynifitii day of April iih notable day in of llic May Memorial chnrcli ill it the of lire insiaUalton of Rev Samuel I tbc eminent divine long has ministered to as pastor of the Dr bom it ant received hit itc at Pauls Lon don Entering Trinity Cottle Cam bridge he soon ljccamc a bright fig ure hit of literary follow ed in the traditions of imcrity In the middle of the century he and received his ini- of the city thai near- a of later lie was to choose his home and in vhlcb bis have been to long and effec tive- The masterly addresses of have had their fun drawn from the deepen research- Ills people have been in structed by him not only id things spiritual in llic elements of the broaden culture in literature in ait and in science His young men have been taught a muscular of morality In these and in other ways has he endeared himself Ins congregation one of the most and in the city 111 too much and too fast by mascjicd food i by top much fluid during meals by drinks freely by keeping late hours night and tot late in the morning by wearing cloth ing loo light tops to circu lation by wearing hy irj sufficient to keep the handi and feet warm by to wash the body ly keep the pores of the by the warm clothes worn in a warm loom the day for and exposure incident lo parties stomach to Katfy a rain pji inn for dress by keeping up a conitant by fretting the I Wit arc Hi disc tut hvilUty lyt the will fall of ly to If alio worried ul weakness nod Most Most all melancholy tick an will take lioulte to to for Hint 0 THE MP AVERS lot J nil Iwk J truth lirtiu WHAT Hi KB TO Vris7K A comix JctcjJj ikVl J i ftvrouhtliig to ftud J ho mo mini with troubles IhUtwUlnGMdptTMtBhIji Mi nth Hi iV ah V IS fersSSarsaoarllla irtW Tut iar the to hold In Toronto to out candidate for Dominion It carrying tho war Into Is of for the Western V Dr has a striking per sonality To the eye he is a most picturesque figure His head and lace framed in mattes of WILL OH RELIEVE Or HE HURT or STOMACH Or rfiitjA OK February and attoda of a Chit and to the length Icrio alto ratUr relative lo lo are from inrrtultol general In ta The only to In regard to end no than three French Roman n- aiHatnclta returned of Government thereby lgoIifnaj they no it it no other ouffhs and Colds Red Spruce Gum ray STANDARD itnd of the Icings J iuc jc gold tiywJcc VATSON CO i KCT TEA Ml hi f TO THE Ted J voir IK I i ffiJ rxrftdTaali ft j li iMriKr CO DR WOODS Norway Pine Syrup a cunt COUGHS Itiujtttiiiilizf CivaUUntHOAT OtLtf ins jrflv to AC4 at 1 1 J fcjv prrsi the JJlrccloi of lha liouVb that CO of t lea que- Hon of Toronto VoodLrUeo city find ilc ttjucjiirjtctsi fciuic- Itcije ika city Jrwly likely to to lo tiling a blot to the North York Tat lb for Chat locvr a floor of Mr for the for ft o It in ft carried by lfcfct election over WO tilt got kU for ffoca tlilition tihectn in of Huron Dd in the of married men and their wives household account Mr Jaraci Payne The husband takes of and tenders bit wife powerless either to or lo incitase expenditure when is if the it not a down- light fool himself He is the domestic join he washes to be hut a domestic titnt considerable out of doom may pay hit cab man hut ihe at rttUorantncver make in fact for the want of spending an extra he is a fellow for til that and tome tiling of a coward too he his for ihe one too who like to complain publicly of hem The reason women have a reputation for nest in out of four they have no margin for ex penditure of kind their pocket- money if they nave any is dealt out to Ultra with a This is a real womans and it found society except perhaps the highest No hus band of course stive he has not got hut is no rank of life in a lias shown to be a child he as a child It is ihe dticiiption of slight for it is Wherever a adtniit of he always yjve a account a fctnall in life It enables to that the of it to import ant to all It her hat its gives her to tome ex tent dial which is to My is if of polled nine out of Itn of them by greater upon the of a than on all the BO hit liavu on the li while hair and heard of the and Jrlcltov seventy old his spate figure film and erect and every active and grace ful His whole life long he has been an ardent admirer and promoter of athletic sports and even at ad vanced age plays tennis with all the vigor and skill of young mail- To perhaps this remarkably versatile man is most widely known aptt from his profession as a scien tist On a bright April morning a report er followed the winding driveway that curving the hill leads lo Oil an oldfashioned red mansion surrounded a grove of oaks and chestnuts Wearing a black kul cap and a black coat of clerical cut master of Lodge graciously received the reporter who called inquire about his health for though manfully re pressing all possible evidence of his suffering Dr Cahhrop had for many years been the victim of a distressing affliction until by fortunate chance he was led to lake remedy which has effectually cured him During more than half of his pas- torate in Dr ha been troubled with rheumatism and at intervals he suffered excruciating from it At times ihe pain was great as to prevent him from walking Many remedies were tried without success and he and his friends had given up hope of a permanent cure or of more than temporary re lief when he look the preparations that drove the disease from his system In a letter written to the editor of The Evening a of Syracuse last year mid of his afflic tion and its cute This is letter To the editor of the Dear Sir More than years ago I wrenched my left knee throwing it almost from its socket spell ing followed and the synovial Juice kept leaking from joint This made lame for years and from time to time the weak knee would give out entirely and swell ing would commence Tins was al ways occasioned some strain like a sudden stop The knee gradually recovered but was always weaker than the other About years ago the swelling re commenced this lime without any at all and before long I reilired that this was rheumatism settling in lic weakest pan of the body The trouble came so often that was obliged to carry an opiate in my pocket everywhere I went- I had generally a packet in my waist coat pocket but in going to a con ference at I forgot it and as the car was damp and cold before I got to my knee was swollen to twice its natural size I had seen the good that Pink Pills were having in such cases and I tried them myself with the result that I have never had a swelling since was effect by taking seven or tight boxes I need not that 1 am thankful for my recovered independence hut will add that my knee is er than it has been for Ji years took one pill at my meals three times a day I gladly give you this statement Yours Since writing this letter Dr ihrop has not had any visits from his enemy and is even more now in his recommendation of Williams Pink Pills than he then To the reporter he said I am continually recommending Williams Pink Pills ancesand those I chance to meet who we troubled rheumatism or locomotor ataxia Pink Pills continued arc the licit thing I know of They superior to most medicines that axe put up for knot well that the pills contain and con sider it an excellent prescription It is a one as 1 might get from my doctor hut he would not give it in a form and con- Vtokut to I recommend lift highly to I quack doctors and swallowing iiositums for every imaginary ill taking meals at inter- of there his been a great deal of fretful impilicnl womanly writ the degrading depressing fhiencc of household work and it his urged thai it is better for mothers write and or to do any kind of menial hi order to make money to relieve themselves of the duties of cooking and musing Women who have this idea outfit never never to have become mothers For if there is any loftier work than making homes holy and sweet and restful or any holier work than nurs ing or training her little children woman wilt find it in writing or or or lecturing or in any craft of hind or head known mortal- cam On- Six 1 hive been troubled gravel and kidney years during lime I have I tied remedies and doctors wihout any permanent At times the pain in left kidney was so severe thai 1 could not lie down or in one silioU any length of time Seeing the advertisement of South American Kidney Cure in the procured a bottle from A GoodcvCj druggist and laking it according to directions got im mediate relief and feel better now than at time since noticing the disease The soreness and weak ness have all left me I all who atc afllccd with this danger ous trouble to give South American Kidney Cure a trial Signed Michael Ontario Dr I the wo in Is leu amiable at What tan fcc from a woman if a dreary when tlic arc ell on In with tlic particular affected It death were referable living irbat can do tier children then It is woiuana duty to hi well and healthy There It no reason why ab rlioyhl be it only ahc will take and Dr whea rtei It This celebrated remedy been In the Invalid Hotel and Surgical at which Dr la Chief Consulting and over y ycara of have been cured by It and hue written lelters of ore embodied In a low profusely Illustrated called The Medical which will he cent on of In one- penny ami duty only by ax Main it very thin arc what there by filling up a- Vival the by arc he lupctvisicn our Addle Wight of a few lasl week viiifng with and Eva for good of her health Who it he laddie thai hia fiiil a circus out Leap Year boys Quito a on he sick list around his tort feVMinj all the fhcie ate Two rinks in one Tor he and for the dudes and dandies Mr hail pleasure of a hath A numb of of this Street met at Mr last evening and spent a very enjoyable time I GRAND TRUNK 111 m Atkinson of Vcspra charged Healing a whip front a hotel fined and costs 1170 making a total of He went for a day or Iwo hut the amount afterwards paid and he ias allowed his liberty POKt Towns Jan Last a vas avalanche of swept from the mouolain tops Stiver How a path wide for miles sweeping of all buildings and carrying away millions of tons of rock and earth from protruding of he mountain A mining camp and mill was obliterated and J was killed The roar was indescribable The new an Church on line of King south of Linton will be opened on Sunday Jan and grand lea mating will be held on evening Jan Work The Era is printing In a manner loany other In section and at price lor aa good work can bo A trial order will aatlily S7hal it very later of bar- added to oar Jobbing You in by have found In fitr Wood creates an yi and ah fiolyUljr and earn ail Fills for live and act and a el PI jw to Or a fi 1 a LIT J OF lC3i At a municipal election residents of decided to amalgamate voted in favor of annexation and against The majority for the House of Re fuge was The Jury the Civil Assizes at Toronto have father and of Prank Tosvmetid was killed it the Scarboro Railway disaster and respectively in their suit against the Klec- trie lUVR ALL AND IN IIS The clergy of Canada of all denom inations seldom sit ate to speak frankly in the interests of a good cause or on behalf of some meritor ious article is given to utter ances of this clmacUr when the men can from individnal experience This is the case with the Rev A It Chambers and LI It and Rev With row whum few min isters of the Methodist church arc bet ter Toronto or elsewhere throughout the Dominion As with many other these brethren haw been sufferers with cold in the head and its invariable successor catarrh A remedy however within their teach They used Dr Ca tarrhal Powder and Mind as every one else finds that relief was speedy and and desiring to benefit others they franVly make this state ment the world over their own i nature One short puff of the breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of Dr Catarrhal Powder diffuses this powder over ihe surface of the nasal passages and delightful to use it relieves in jo minutes and permanently cures ca tarrh bay fever colds headache tore throat and deafness do nis Sample with blower sent for in silver or stamps 1 Church at Toronto Sold by Dr Campbell Cuke the Heart Relieved or Fain in was TUB Means of Satis Mrs three ago I was at tacked with nervous heart trouble The pain was to severe I could hard ly breathe I could gel no relief and feared that I could not live advertised in the Lender Dr Cure fur the and im mediately procured a bottle 1 se cured perfect relief inside of min utes firmly believe it was the means of saving my life If your heart flu Iters palpitates or tires out easily it is diseased and treatment should not be delayed a ingle day Dr Cure for the Heart relieves almost instantly and sill effect a radical cure Sold by Dr D Campbell A boy from school his father to solve the following riddle Sir if you invited to dinner on Christmas Day and in the of the large fowl it slipped from the dish and the table upset and gravy fan over the floor what would the whole thing resemble After many a I tempi J the solution the father give it up when his soil coolly It would resemble the overthrow of Turkey the breaking up of China and of Greece Winn Arnn Dose the Left me or I have been a victim of rheumatism for seven year confined to bed for months at a time unable urn myself have been treated by many physicians in this part of ihe country none whom benefitted me I had no faith in cures adver tised hut my vifc induced me to get a bottle of South American Rheuma tic Cure from Mr Taylor Druggist of Owen Sound At the time I was suffering agonising pain but inside of twelve hours after I took ho first the pain left me I continued until I took three bottle and I considered I am completely cured Signed J P O Sold by Campbell BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL CARRIAGE WOODKNWARE BUILDING PAPER TARRED FELT PITCH LARGEST ASSORTAENT OF GLASS IN TOWN- GOWER PROP WE LEAD IN PAINTS 1 4 a J i SI a A W yon vale on to D AND SHOP AND LOT W Wl A ii K Jitpwait wife and child had a runaway experience last ueek but hey were lillte injured The bridle broke and he sleigh ran an electric lihi pole The tongue was broken occupants thrown out and harness badly smashed The late William Atkin son of Richmond Hill has bequeath ed t1 in for his son An action is threatened against the old council of Lindsay for illegal expenditure of public money during he past year ri f A r- fire received in Ma drid taie the hive cut of communi cations Havana and the in- A young be only ihoie whom he without hi5ilation home and to his mother or Wc wonder how many young men he willing in submit his Us I In teaching your Hide girt geography try lo nuke more than a dry of names to be learned by rote voyages and jounuys from one country lo another Tell Her ihing of the and custom of ihe people and you can learn yourself ihe of ihe chijdfcn her hoys herd ate made daring by tcinA wroan in io icy in lhirjjwnc fat fiatineriis Tell lives the pit coal of the who learn to fivoliijg toon as ihcyfhotd them of ill you Information the Its Just This Way Papal If dont lake the we wont know what is going on in North York and we will be like a back num ber compared with our neighbor The Era more local news than any other three papers put to- while in the general reading matter everything is good quite different from the trash that is put in to fill up those local papers that get half printed in elsewhere The Era and Weekly Globe make a cheap team at and give us all reading The other combination oilers are Mail lira and Daily World Toronto paper and Daily evening Toronto You had better send he money at once as it only costs for a Post Office order and then you dont have to think about it for a whole year We cannot do without the anyway and if you dont for it us girls will There no paper comes into the house that we think so much of It is like silk to cotton compared with other local papers that charge the same price Si a year in advance ALLS For or to la of HOTEL TO to or to Keymarket Residence For Sale car HI last WaWIDDIPIRLD It fjiy J A D SCHOOL SUPPLIES Britelm fircct mil tor to to Vet TRAY Office- w STARR SUNLIGHT SOAP HOW JO A COPT fr I j early TRY OUR PAILS TUBS VAStMkD3 ftwe a OF the Con A LAUD proper- S- DRIVER- Mi p a J Is now pap to lo all and Cfv Building Material REPAIRS I We Iavc fiitol up fibop All k 1 Truing putting or Toting i 1 Al License of Ho ill York NOTICE irtifr liMwi 15 IK5 J If fail I do net ihis line Iff ak can to will ret be a tin piiiiitim ff-s- oiler fiepiciu Iter tji-103- lruIdcDl no It Mday Hit in ihdciiiiDri lb Lr j Hot r It infiucj ill fcrt Ml to tc Ill into o anolhtr pared make to any a lU very All J We a Call ia it SONS MFC CO Ltd NEWMARKET Cl J J etc Arc i a It fciOiJ tilth WrllitMQlrtJ- I a Iri iiCJlttOU I J JttiJ lid i Aim jt J IF fe 5irfi vfeiio J If J- Fine Drivers lcry 13 jicftjofoiulaterb a irua aid a t 12 Dicks Blood Purifier We any to outdo cither in I j or If zny kind of done sea whit work ind terms you can get at Office before Our is y FOR YEARS MCI MS CANADA I a a li a Ihl a It a-jc- a a u4 fset C0W3 tUiisyJ la ftvr Purifier lists over ta Li a f out again season in new styles and in the new Shoe shapes right to date but Willi the same old wear like iron quality that always characterized them because they arc honestly made of pure Rubber Be sure you act year COPYRIGHTS CAN I A a fiwt South End Tannery I J J flu i fc Wr J J a

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