IRA JUNE 1 ITN on ii The Guild ih llrigadtt do to- well coo- they tare bid The attendance at the I Ml effect of lb Mr Low Mi a Oliver Mr cdacttd by lha SALVATION The Army had Kg OJd Let it being from On Mantes Social Work of Army He la finger hid Urge work The here tab leaking tip Captain Some young to do tit of the down ifceevcniflKtp find all flldc- k On Monday log one of we be weald ia of grocery wis toifs too and he feliow to hi were the ML It i to bet that ho frill will be Co next time Court of held The of Ed were made owing from Ward Tvoba2gi wert mad from to School ppoHra follow ban to town or jircbd property added to and Header OIVqQcIK Selena J B also a of change appeal to atseej lie Bell Telephone was again till the Wreaths for Childrens Sun MS got big nice in all color l Christian Church Next Sun- itj the service of Cbi3MQc Day trill and will be decorated for Effort are being to a program vbicb be attractive aod kWping with tbere will be Urge the owning Elder will to the Knights of the lodge fa expected The of the Ontario Cbrij- will convene with the at Korick day next 2 pa A large if anticipated On of 12th York and go into camp at Tong this fan been for September Art Class Mr Pollock will give Sot work io Bind VIvt lb dote of lira Seme Ieoos 3 other intend doing Nov He to An work will be given lie month a Sociau The weather was against of last Friday evening under Society till they bare do to coca- as cleared over Lec ture Room ol Methodist Chnxch deooreted with orange bant and flevrere of e like hoe together ornamented tablet while oranges served dvar by the pi tor general Mr A and Mr j p McKay rendered and coot riba Menu and ravin month end the oar appropriate pieces A social evening was Wast In the Boot Shoe dont forget to on lie has a fino stock and prices right a Lacrosse The following team to to play tbe of thai Tillage Doyle Sharp J Lyons Tip A and VS Football Match of Season take place on to morrow afternoon between Barria and home team- bore expect a hard as la a strong team No a Urge crowd will- witness the match It will be the but till fait Kick off at The officers for the quarter commencing let of Joly wsre elected last Monday evening as fol low i 1st Vice Miss Millard 2nd VioerMisa 3rd Vice Mr ViceMiss Whistle vs The Council had quite a to decide Monday night whether blow Water- Works at and omit the ringing of bell or make at In the interests of Patricks Ward and to the En gineer it was finally decided to omit tbe oclock bell the evening and blow the instead This la the order of now owing to ringing of at pm Orakcb Blossoms Cupid for happy at ifaa town lot quite a flatter amoog Iba fair About at of Mr- Robert to ex the log nuptial knot between Dr Hope oa Mr and Clara ry and took plica while the company a lawn Tbabrida the of many The other took Sonny Side residence the Howard where Howard changed her name Angus of Thar a crowd it the depot to off and rice around lo aow farm Hughes Millinery Rooms hare in town why they doing the trade Division CoirTs Though the number of on docket last Wed- to a day the of Jodfie Morgan sT was commissioned to occupy the first case jf John Smith J Elmer and corporation of East ocoopled from the opting of til A number of witueaa wan called and Interest man ifteted The circomstaocM of cue owned which Elmer taking to own in when it off the road which was only or feet wide and drop of from to caused It to upset doing damage op the case Intimated that El was not liable and as the solicitor for the corpora lion wished to soma casts where had this cam The suit of was of interest to farmers one of land lord and tenant In which com pen sat ion The claim of Hart man for for rent was reduced to Tbsie the most important caswe A case Richardson waa poelponod till out court Cheapest Gents Furnishings and Ordered at Montgomery a Home There to of tho lui Friday ordinary for ail which Horses Wanted Though the of are ifccra to ho growing again There will pro bbly be a here as are be Royal A and Butter Making- Under of the of North York it fa that the Trailing Dairy from the Ontario College at will make lour of this commencing at King City on tho lost The meetings are free to everybody who will go end the are specially urged to be present All kinds of the best are and butter fa made milk tested and given on manage went of milk crtim churning working packing of cows etc The Travelling is spoken of highly all over Ontario on account of the practical information Imparled and good results and we ate to that the North York has an eye open to Ha own Interest armers and their turn out In ova localities and which it Intend for flnsncial gain AND Dont Miss It one of the delineators of Canada has been sacurcd Wonderfully popular lecture Life on and wo meet the Church hero neat night All over the Province genial has won golden opinions from Ms and crowded and much appIinJbtjasKrcetodhiu lectured Irs Aurora and the people were in our Monday evening he delivered his celebrated in the church on the Hall and the wo which was pliasuio of some time Mr thoroughly at tome with subject and la a wonder Jul impersonator ilia description of the jseople wo meet on almost daily was inimitable- There waa a large attendance the testimony of different Toronto Mont real Thomas and other placet which fs on the bills circu lated through town and you con that lecture Is instructive and humorous also pathos and re ligion being in Aurora the lecture Is the talk of everybody and If mi it you throw away of the rare of an evenings thorough pEteturo Tickets are only Ten per cent- stVed by in the Old Mutual have combined raiting the stands The only pjny In Its dm last year whwe income Its Big Excursion Arrangements have completed for approaching excursion of North York Society on the Inst to the Sum mer Resort of Port at the mouth of Lake Joseph In The route all from King to to wharf at which point the party will embark the steamer for trip on Lakes and to Port through Indian River and along the Islands Point Beach Grovo Island Friday Gibraltar and Venetian islands Point fit Bernard Port Car ling Locke and Bum Indian Islands Nest one of the most charming routes on exceedingly beautiful lake At Port Is ample for 2C0 persons to dine at once Id the Prospect House where ratals will served for while the large and airy pavilion In the attached will furnish an for those who take baskets Persons desirous of mak ing this see lithograph of lbs route by calling at this office Tickets the round trip only children halfprice The train will leave King at Aurora so north Returning will leave wharf at pm and reach home about oclock Tickets may be had of the rectors or at the railway stations For the Destitute On Wed nesday the Missionary Sodely of MelbodUt church two balsa of clothing to the North- on to Alberta ftnd other to Oxford about of Winnipeg WO Is a low and they pre Id Among articles Is a splendid Quilt which mad by little girls to the Is Materials at Hughes Tube Academy Rod Prepared Paper White Oilcloth o a Foe Cheapest Shoes in town go to Montgomery A RrodieV The Hops Church Case A court took place on Monday before Esq in Chamber to investigate the charge young men for disturbing religious worship at Hope Methodist church Bast Mr appeared on behalf of lb a Trustee and for the Fred Rogers made a to Josttco before the trial and to blmislf future Us was let off at and costs The charge against Joe Gibson waa proceeded and in terest was manifested by the up ward of people being present After for four hours the against concluded jadgmant was reserved and the adjourned for week whan Smart and willhayaan opportunity of hew what others think of their Sing ing Class winds up with a In Town Hall on 2nd of July Any body that is the Curfew do use should stand on for home on the first bell preparing for and in High School looking to advancement are be ginning to feel about Dr Campbell has moved to on street lately by Rev J Bell Wednesday was first day without a shower for suooeasive days morning ratal commenced carrying msterological signals last Friday Darin the last two months tramps took of lodgings dec trio storm thai damaged the High School knocked our Fire Alarm system all belter skelter and took Engineer Warren two days to pot it Into working order again week Atlantlo Express late flva days of the and Is some what behind this week owing to the floods in British Colombia It has to make connection with the train from tba and Monday morning it was 7 hours late Ou the market last Saturday quite a bit of butter was sold as low as and 15o waa the very highest bat potatoes went op to a bag There Is very little more yet In pursuance of the Sanitary ByLaw requiring the Dry System on Main street An ullage got a very bad cut in the hand while slaughtering last Toes day evening We dont thick morals of men being at proved any by the Sally attrac tion down town Rot J subject neat Sunday evening Great Questions What Why Mr John has purchased the Eagle Hotel The sidewalk aoross the East on Queen St on immediate repairs Mr Silver of Toronto did not get her last Saturday owing to tick- he came on Wednesday and bought five The of July has been Used as Decoration Day Mr Hutchinson holds meetings In and next week and Mr Davis at and Raven- shoe East Council re port of Model school and other matter till next Mayor that matter uu and but had yet it Mr repotted re pain Timothy street loads of the street between and ihAbrirfge alsa on Avenue It from slrrel neatly St Mr askacd if the to do any filling en Superior The dirt be had from Mr for and the money could not bo spent better Mr Hunter chat Superior street bad usi as a for all kinds of rubbish and even dead animals Be thought this should be covered with earth and a put further r The Major said such cam he would favor 10 or 16 of earth to bo placed spoke of the condition of the and if the Coun cil did not attend to it at he would that the Board of Health did The In favor of Road Com attending to the matter Fire and Water Com recommended of short piece of hose and coupling asked by Brigade also the paint for Fir Hal but not recommend purchase of another ft of year The ByLaw Com was instructed to introduce forthwith to appoint an Engineer under provisions of the iXtchea Water for ISM and the had its first reading Mr Roche moved that a Dominion Ensign bo purchased for use Market during holidays Mr Hunter objected to large flag being use on the of racking the tower What will it cost Mayor About Mr replied Mr Cane uid thai their flag at the factory He would like to hare a but thought the purchase better be postponed Mr was opposed to purchase on the ground of economy A good deal of money had already spent and the appropriation dwindling down fast The Mayor was also afraid of the ex pense but Mr Woodcock thought we cannot afford to be and after some farther discussion the matter referred to the Com on Progress and Industry to report at next meeting Mr Hunter said that had been made to him by a resident street regarding an objectionable odor from a corporation dump at the East end The Mayor said that his attention was directed thereto some or fonr weeks ago and acting with Board of Health it had attended to He found place in a shocking state Privilege had teen given to nightcoil therein hoi it bad cot betu properly covered Such refuse as could bo burnt allowed this bad also been violated by depositing old etc The Health In specter has to anyone violating orders in future and every carter has been notified to that effect The Mayor uked the Council it the of Fire and to omit the bell account of Curfew should be carried out Mr Hunter said ha a on subject and he did In the of the working people They depended on the 9 oclock bell to get to their work at and His not right to atop ringing If he could get a majority io his ward to sign a petition endorsing bis the bell was no where ho lived as they not hear It ho moved by way of compromise that whittle blow at am of the bell discussion then took place after voting two or three times it decided to blow the at pm instead of ringing the bell The and Bridge Com autho rised to append on Huron providing spend half that amount A to amend bylaw 170 impact ing the survey of town read a first time change is simply In the wording of a clause by statute Council then adjourned AT NORTH END A You will get the Best Value in CLOTHING Stylish Suits for Boys and Youths OBDERED SUITS Shirts Ties and English Collars HATS CAPS HOSIERY ACCOMMODATION STORE Is now with Dry Goods Groceries Ready Made ClotWn Hals Csps and Furnishings We will name a few prices which will prove to you Ihe End is the place to buy your goods Dry Goods Mens Alt Wool worth for Mens All Wool Tweed Baits worth WOO for Mods Veals worth for eta tfsna All Wool Costa op- Mens OvercoMs op Mens Pants up ad to Mens Bbltls fcisos Bocks Mens Itrseus wero for I races 10 Dozen Straw Hats away down Cotton up fANSAO Boys Collars for Maos Collars Mens and Boys Groceries Granulated Sugar 30 lbs 1 Light Drown Sugar Dark Brown Sugar lbs Tea lbs laundry dot Pure Leaf lbs Sugar Cured I smoked a lb in price also 85 Pieces of factory Cash or Eggs any day in the week CHAS LUNDY in Black Tan and Grey PARASOLS PRINTS Delaines Dress Goods Cloths Tweeds and Linens CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Fine Flavored Teas and Coffees R J -DAVISON- RUNTONS ARGAINS for Ink Drops Factory Cotton worth over Embroideries Fast Black Hose Mens Flannelette Shirts Tweed Pants order LADIES WATERPROOFS REMEMBERERS These goods are bought for Spot Cash on a HardTimes Market can afford to sell all goods at a lower profit than any house in town A AT HALF PRICE BRODIE BARGAINS THIS WEEK Ladies Prunella Slippets woilh Solid Leather Shoes Kid Oxfords Oxfords 1 Mens Tan J Green Black Japan or Mixed Tea worth Hits Soap lbs Bright Sugar Mens Working 11 Socks While pi Hats for MENS TWEED SUITS TO ORDER Buy where you can get the Cheapest Goods do UndfrseU Every House in the Trade in line of goods we handle BRODIE I J W A BRUNTON PLAYTERS OLD STAND Br unions Diking Powder always fresh ami pure Moadsy School next Only tilt Schools clots rots Toes Now Is to Km till tot Mo Town Council Per Ik of York came to in fifty and Mveoth year of reign of Victoria Queen of of un der whose Authority Hit Excellency Lord Aberdeen ruled over North Hiding of York of Jmll title command in jj to of bit district from yean npvrardi who are of called of lmoiig la all of North York on day of month and require Uttm to one of tbtirnnmber to and act for Ibem In Provincial for four and i caM of opinion should not all the people of the tribe in in their ot Riding end cut between the bo ted to htm for In Sin- the twentieth day of that LECTIONS AVIS ESQ all In Dominion of Canada end Hon eeid nit of of great Silk Worked Flannel Materia Glove and wool for mending any ot tan bote at a Chance of Time A new time table on the Northern Dlyhton of the It came Into effect on morn tog without giving wore than one notice There no change in train going but a change la made in the tbe The mall In the morning lie old time Owing to the midday but It atari It will Toronto at gethere of 20 ae formerly But radical change la Id evening leaves Toronto at not till and the leaver at arrive here at The extra half wait for evening plait from will not Improve the jam at the the midnight train coming earlier will practically debar men from tekJog In ihe placet of In To rooto In the The Ex- will commence running a week from hut it doc not atop between la tho new Time Table Toronto- 90pm barnsl4Gpw pm 1046 Newmarket Aurora UBftH Toronto at g W llegaltr meeting latt Monday evening Present and ConncEUorf Cody Bennett and Following J fixing water main 60c Warren lock up account Fay Not and Road and Bridge and Pay sheet No Water Com A rebate of IS was Mil lard on Carters for which two tender O Woodcock for cedar at per wai accepted also the tender of A Mfg Co for pine trimmed at per and hemlock lumber trimmed at HO With reference to a resolution from the Board of the Com was a bylaw to pro tide for vaccination Mr Woodcock bow the Dog Tax le being paid something over CO were paid aeked bad been done abort the sidewalk on Andrew but before he got any reply- the Telephone Com pany had been notified the danger ous condition of a pole on Eagle 8t Mr and Mr both they had reported matter to the Central office Mr Roche asked If there was a Do- minion for Mayor replied that there waa one corporation Sag naedat the Fire Hall wanted to know if Police had been given proper Id carrying out of the Mr Hunter to know If It was the appointment of Townlsipectoras made at a certain salary that other might bo added The Mayor that the ByLaw un der which be la appointed for additional dalles and when a person takes he supposed to pott on what However the Mayor that be would toe that be under what expected ot him regarding the ByLaw Mr considered the Act neeleie and did Mr Woodcock but the Utter out that any conitable baa povrer to a chili take home Mr he like to have an to bU aboat of Ontario whote First Is Sir Oliver a noble Knight In the law that a man date was signed by the of Province bearing date the thirteenth day of fifth mouth anno one eight hundred and Sanhedrim thereof and commanding all its Deputies to return to their Districts to render an account of who In fiftythird year of Victorias reign had chosen them to placet of and honor as representatives In the Provincial Then were all the various of Ontario greatly agitated by reatou oMhe of which the policy and administrative acts of the Minister and hit Lieutenants who for many bid controlled the Treasury In the of the people Audit came to pats some bo- fore the Tetrarcb the above royal mandate the Sanhedrim that a great multitude called who entertained large confidence In First and hie and who approved of their administrative acts In the Auditorium tbe Town of Newmarket to take together William a man of years and and well known throughout all the of North York chief officer to preside and and after much dlacutilon and due deliberations surname Is Davit tanner from the land of King- who bad on two been selected as Deputy again for an other term In the Legislative Sanhedrim Bat certain other of poople who be longed to tribe of the and dlucnted from administrative acts of and bit and who desired one William whose surname it Meredith to he as Prime of tald Province prepared a writing and the same tor signature requesting one John whose surname Is a tiller of the a baud known at of industry alto of laud of to allow lot to bo cast between him thould rsprtatnttfae Department North York In the Sanhedrim which annually as sembles at greet of Toronto the of Ontario where the archives the are proeerved In a magnlf Ice tit castle in Queens Park And it cams that Immediately after the mandate of was signed solving the a writ In the name of Victoria the great of directed to one James whose tor Lord one thousand eight hundred and Then James scribe obedience to the royal mandate did forthwith make proclamation in with the ot the And It came to piss after the proclamation was that various tribes of the people all sob divisions of Riding began holding coiitnltationa regarding the stal wart lo Provincial and also In to making choice and Toryilee at which here after bo thief Adviser and First Minister to at at Govern ment In city of Toronto And as tidings the dis solution of lbs became known throughout whole land Ontario It was foond that Inhabitants of the the were more Or lejs divided to be chosen to next Sanhedrim of some of tribes greatly by reason certain secret bands not In happy accord with two ancient which hither to directed and controlled ler wilt But the remit of lbs lot to be call throughout the various the the and day sixth month of Vest many incidents connection therewith will be recorded In future cbaptera chronicles Scribe The first Eyesight it be comes necessary to hold some object such as or a needle away from the eye to see clearly or it becomes difficult to see to read in the evening When these ymp- it Is best purchase a Pair of Glasses to be worn only when it is nxessaiy to save the eyes from over taxed- Be careful to buy Good Ones to Star With have them in Steel Roll and Solid Cold at vtiy low price Your Eyes Jewelofi ALL MAY 1894 TAKE NOriCKUbyttyaXven U l Us rf Township of East Gwllllmbury Id sronad thinking their about through log inmost on Bib Orlllfs vlilng with Mrs Islsiog la woods sirs smooths villi her her Mrs Lack sad Toronto Politics sad rained crops tbo topics A was by sod tor town tin Vex You A Camp meeting will be held in the grove of Mr Geo cod on Friday the continuing for days The day after closing Wednesday the a mam moth be held at the same place K J Davis Esq has con sented to preside and speeches may be expected from J Hutchin son of King J of ChappeH of brtdge and others A big time expected At for follow Ids sarposit AdiIIds toil nihla V ill nil- a rei a to ftodMteodJoxibtuinetoUe tide lot la Towmbip el Eait barf All are beret be Take Notice storera Ihomitlrat AssIsHDOUKS Office Ma tt sale of ORT ANO LOT IN bo day lb la rrfBitlaUrtsMB si lbs el o en ism st is Cub I good Terms Vcsaori MONEY TO LOAN DAVll LLOYD foe lie sisotor ibe TorootoX Of cnstsssr Run over this Kit and sec what you want I am clearing a tot of lines at specially low prices 1 lb Tins Jam for flavors Peach Black Currant Quince Cherry Red Currant and Apricot And Corn per Peas can Castile Soap per bar Soap bars for I Jige liar Brown Soap 10c a lb Tins of Golden Syrup Strawberries per can per can Salmon per can lb Figs japan Tea 6 lbs for All above goods are first quality but our Stock too large amlmusi be lowered Do you use our Japan Tea or lbs for 1 It has imitators but none equal BOOTS SHOES Ladies Fine Toe Slippers 11 Fine Oxford Shoes 11 Fine Kid Oxford Shoes Butt Turn Soles i Mens Fine for worth Oxfords for n Mens Extra Fine Gaiter or Boots for equal to custom work at and a Special Boot for at for strong wear- beats anything you can find at See them Childrens Misies and Boys Boots In Coarse and Fine Goods at prices and styles to suit all Our Stock Is fresh and new bought at rock bottom prices and will be sold same principle CROCKERY GUSSWARE Everything you want Staple or Fancy Lines we have A special printed Toilet Set at great value Our Lemonade Sets handsome We should get for them To arrive a special drive Porcelain Dinner Sets pieces be our price When you want good value come and see our Stock The Leading Grocery A SMITH Cor Main and Timothy Prompt Newmarket -THE- CANDIDATE J for North York will ADDRESS THE ELECTORS Fletchers Half Albert FRIDAY JUNE Temperance Hall Sharon SATURDAY PEFFERLAW HALL WEDNESDAY THURSDAY- TO BE TAKEN AT 800 P Everybody invited Seats provided for ladies The Opposition Candidate will be allowed a reasonable time to speak at each meeting REFORMERS RALLY Nomination June 19 Polling June 26 ft TH S BAKERY We added to- our stock of Confectionery WALKERS rated Cups Chocolates Creams and Fruits This Conictipncy istitc Finest Goods in Canada and is sold only by Leading Confectioners in theCities and Largest Towns ajth for 100 10 Laundry Soap for 5 cents We Rive a Nice Picture with every woilh of Soap have the you read about It will do you good to it Just try a and be convinced forget that Blend Black and our equal to any tea We are shoeing the Best Value in Black Mixed Japan or Hyson Teas in Town Try our Jersey Ice Cream a putt Main St GIVE US A CALL A ROBERTSON The Leading Baker and Confectioner Call and Se Patent Safety P 1- A NICE ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER SUITINGS AND TROUSEWNGS 13 A nice thing to have these cool a Light Overcoat A good selection MY TAILORS I