ftiljyau i NEWMARKET ERA JUNE Dry Good Provincial Elections J Spectacles To Elector J Nolle to Creditors Lloyd J Hague Wanted A- Wanted J for J Site NEVER LETS UP OUT BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE The Era la Printed all at Horn MIST BOOM JUNE Toronto Despatch to Br ISP Toronto Field Battery tamp this at tbo Exhibition Fitter been In city week- The registration booths for voter in wk to b ap proaching proportion the Bell Telephone Co for to new Added to Ontario liil by remit be recent fiotl ftcd llaigh at before Jade and hare rtounded for it yesterday Speeches Muter Maclean an of find art vbaro If to lariat cow reofld wool kirta of Ha to lb to in Mr will and towud belter fttmtt Ibtj with to la for of Pi afUr baa to cod solid the baa attract eg the and JlrgUccc who not fcaown to la Far- ftl lbs rtfdilly iha oca Nam- loatba It oca it Mr Sim mas acd Sod halt with for be a la bla and after all re are Dot amoog vks that Ibe a lojt fioecc that a fall of Iwat lately due kbit hi to Yarn Tki leader billed East at evening and at Drawbridge MOUNT ALBERT The home of John Graham East was the scene of a Urge hippy gathering on Wed nesday May the occasion being the of Miss J of Mrs Graham to Crosby eldest son of Crosby Esq- of The ist of the bride Fannie acted as bridesmaid while Mr Ernest Crahj supported the groom The ceremony was performed by Rev of Mount Albert assisted by Cowle of The presents were numerous and very including two gold pieces Mr and Mrs Graham After partaking of a sumptuous the couple left Toronto amidst of rice and the good wishes of their friends A to Falls ia to month- Mr married to May on Wednesday Mr ia over from his nephew Mr J CL Thursday of but week and was on Sunday ben for a long lime wife and J Newmarket ENUINE Continued Hard Times and Depressed Trade m We have never disappointed the public in one single instance you have always found everything here as adver tised and when we talk bargains we mean genuine cuts in regular prices of all Goods not only a few lines reduced Everything in this house we guarantee the lowest READ THIS LIST THE PROFIT ON ALL THE EXPENSIVE GOODS HERE NAMED TO BE N AWAY as Ur to car alrtttiiog It will Mr for of Q io to Mr E J- Liberal ad id the otvet in in ifttttSdaU be Tea of that platform la Ikes it Dow a mallei of to electorate to a if aay tbe two kpd Ha for of aadiiaasfaaod timber whit he Med firm for iciUlatioaa axd aharaaca Plank So ft la of public aclQil ft accord fixed policy of Mr a npprtr tbal ia all attic adaptJ to to actual aettlera No lor Ad- role satiation aod iadeadece to ia a io do to IvIoiiLj ttfoie iba tie lb tot it no baa or tot GarirCueaf ta ytt Mr JavoreJ act tail JoiiflitratDj till a QIr or frill to a ao put aBnda for the it bt of Mr id mobile baa time irtjcouotfa1 ax fTVr 4 aiouat aitto it ho Uja tt- flaUsIity alap l parties in bare chosen colore red Woo Labor an aaya promoter may a badge of Monday prints a of one J de tailing a of practiced id Toronto at Provincial Section in city ago was one of the gang lo remarkable wet season Ontario has beta the Friday remarks lt For two weak cow the ikies bare steadily weeping the wbito lies which both political parties have been telling their opponent a delivered recently by Rev air officer in the order he announced that the now bad in the field election to the Legislature Possibly but if wo have ailed to tbe fact aBnonnced in the list of clarified candidates come of ck the of their lions prisoner now held In jail at Brampton under sentence for the of family respited till alter Walker gets bis trial and it possible that tbe application of bis el for a new trial may be granted correctly Mao- a great deal of sym pathy if he bo if- he bo id too good for him- of further may sure jbtttice both to and lb School Hoe Intro party at of other Tea Oclock Ho laat Mr ton or William on Mr Hiram hot la opMalla Mr- Walton out of on to the Mm Ur Win Clark to time where Mr J ao bail a lt km to the ll to rvar up and In were aablouabta all week cod- to hoped he wilt make proper of lu cob bed or weei tor a lor a work bat a came op A Dumber of tbe bare up but there a to do It not able to get their late and early that have been patio got roach water to that I fear they will way tip Mr J baa got barn prepared weather bj a of Oar apparently the new cheeae baa and A 1 Cortst Church lawn party bad to be u it lurcdJoat wet time price reduced to 35 85 65 inch Hop Sack Dress Goods inch Black Henrietta inch Black Henrietta Our Cotton at per yard is equal to any cotton in town Full Sized Ribbed Cashmere Hose price reduced to 25c Stainless Black Cotton Hose cheap at 35 Good Cotton Hose these days at per pair very pretty Fans for A Good Strong Corset at Corsets always 1 our price See our Special Corset in Grey and Gold at See our Model Corset cheap at 80c our price 65c Our Prints at what Others soil at 12ic Girls Trimmed Straw Hats very pretty at Girls Trimmed Straw Hats worth reduced to Mens Straw Hats cheapest in town Mens Black and Brown Felt Fedoras cheap Carpets and Lace Curtains Away I Vu the flail next week by five Conceria on even tog will ho one of crowning events of the fcM it seating capacity of about acd represents the by ft wealthy citizen Mr A The choir of voices and of iDilrumeata will Handles Kreat Oratorio on opening be taken by some of the raot prom- vocalists Mr To too ia the conductor Or Concert lo given by children by the Toronto Orchestral School of hi A all r lijtlfiit o 1 acjLd eat ill- in alt it be ataad in tuff abb a Jeian atd tie an J Iff a action In iobllo of atata be able aa moat What Society is mitt Tariff no in 1raTiDtitl u St In lb We Mr Id pUnk faarrr to ha to Hh ravtBaaforOfiUTto only no Kill U a Mat Dominion tod with tariff Luqa a IpgUUtor Paok not our local a of da Trfopfox mm mMIb now whan a bait o far E coocarnfJ aboiild it mecftbaDawr which fall for aid ltd to which might aloe will lLtlt mlbt net in in lo our but rora a Dxcltlon than a our J art at iflifi alftalv fQbl iu it for of which Mr upprti of that J will I to to whuila If Mr in lUMUaUjtlcnoftf ofptitoc by ftUtM from municipal or a r4i onto a afloat Mm If all tot to alt ratpaty on par tfK tha Mb- fa UtloaaBi tbMMbAtia4lttrfl Sail In w for paid I Mag wV I SI- if aa a proportion ilra Kennedy Toronto over Sunday at Lodge Mm Copt home on a Mm of Toronto waa or the op Roche of Toronto over mother Waterloo fa with week flnnla a irveeka with in To- t -r- aUIti Alice and Hiss over with Thorite Port Huron Mich la vet on a A E Ma of Central bad call from Mr Toronto thla week Hewitt got after three wMka with fata aon Joe at Buffalo Triton Jap OBrien and wife and V and wife were on Sunday Treat and her daughter were viaUtng with Kelt a couple of week J Howard of waa on a to fathtr Mr Howard for a of week of vlaltloK with Nettie week baa a coorae in the city Mr A Putnam of the Ontario Collet In town on In connection with of the Travelling Dairy to North York To ronto Tbnraday delegate from Newmarket are Jot J J ton Annie It of Mr of and of Holt at the Central week Rev J wife and two children from are vliltlng at Mr J Toronto fa Waiting with her Mr J WStewart Mr J Millard attended In Toronto on Tneaday evening Undertaker of the city lo Mr- Alex Millard In honor of Mr J over la to locate here He will open a atoro the in a few merchant tailoring aod and here on way to hold a at Button an and A J folfoavcJ a it No there aono fan night Mr of Falla from the loGravenhnrat They cannot to northern teflon to behold under more It la dcllgblfo to aw r waller QUEEN ST CHITCHAT Mr Prank Sbaroo wbo baa been for many time and out to the ago On wofe For from to parts fne nil lo Ket a Let mo aire you a If you iucc the Our wished tar anew to they set about to collect amck like Ion what they Oti to the tttoa but a few were loo aollaeald- Miller or St had an week fctnk a tbe bora broke It him out of bead the coca Kith cot bruise aod then off ran fuaeral cortege ef lata for many yeara a ledchartn KcttOD hereon Tuesday en cenietenr- Deceased tor a married daughter at his rent in Mr The or the men club are their by they WOtlld tfrrtilfy any frlcllv very a tuiiry It i nut I the may bote hard few rtt record the The of Wtal downed out tlKlr cells 111 tit wlthwaier ere In the Who are who trudge up to every around oniald till ifrffleo adlarntaaed hoping ladlea The talk heard our Quran t- villa theao remlnhcDra of they hod the great Held of battle for the football wr They arapractlilng and which 111 to work again Queer road making The on pretty Rood baa bicycle Maxtor Like cranky and a a kite a Short Pants AH Wool ranis Boys Suits Mens Suits Mens Suits Mens Mens Pants Mens While Shins Gents Linen Collars ice each 6 at 3 at at at 1 at 50 So if Ladies Oxford Shoes turnsoles Ladies Kid Button Shoe worth 175 at Ladies Heavy Lace Shoe at 1 Mens Heavy strong Mens Fine Lace Shoes worth at Mens Kid worth at Strong Shoes for School Boys Strong Shoes for School Girls Courteous Salespeople and One Price to All E MADDOCk DRY GOODS CO Successors to Brunton Bros Last Store in Brick Block SHARON Si a ecu- and will be and a iborougMy Public Decoration Day has been fixed in cemetery Saturday June at oclock in the for the purpose of plammg flowers c Ill to one for a The luotti bete which will ho a ami thin on the and cIlo1 to be held lit- to Honor of at bed lUtialodo Any eta who and tte lima bay Kkow Km if Mr aa ariifanitiM won I fa nuyjrt has into Jos- Robins house the side west of the line Miss Minnie Gray Mis Kennedy and George Johnston were to the convention of SaCE held in StoufTville on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week Sunday being Childrens Day large attendance in the Methodist chinch in the morning Rev gave a vciy en- and instructive discourse to the children of the Sabbath School The ladies of the congregation had the church tastefully decorated with flower on the whole the sermon was very enjoyable A Sabbath School was recently in our It is well attended and gives promise of being a success Rev Mr McFadgen pastor of Mt Albert terian churches Is preaching scries of powerful on the as described in are highly appreciated our is evident by the large congregations that come to hear the eloquent preacher whose popularity has been steadily increasing growing since his hrf appearance among us Rev it attendins this week- Hill our telegrapher has gone to Hamilton to transact busi ness and see the farfamed mountains of which have alt heard hed the first picnic the season at Musselmans Lake last Saturday and Hood caught one hundred and thirty suckers in two hours J Smiths brother has arrived from hold A Ir JrfEnJ In Columbia latere and day la fliod tor the be intlinj I lev Mr Adit ton Ivldcr o and Mr- are the of promised lo be Arthur home by bride home la England from there on mouth Inst We think Mr their courtship marriage be termed a romance in reel life hate Iwco for never other until tho day wen a party of a few friend a a valuable cow day lest week running on road and jot broken and bad to be killed Morton spent with friend across bay at Mr agent one day week arranging for meeting day in bath on next request of trtiateei the here Elder will on tbe of and John In evening doubt both will bo crowded that day Mr will preach In Church next Mr Davis was then called on and for nearly two hours dealt with the record of the Government its Fi nances Educational Policy Crown Lands Management and especially showing whut the Government had done for the- farmers Some ques tions were asked and answered Mr J M Walton delivered a- brief address and a very meet ing broke up with cheers for the Queen end candidate viy lift iiijcbfOld prevent a atUfat at hi the raLci tlm lime lavlr had tin Ibe iror luuliyur In mil be wan Mr Will- a Sirva y Art iual ia On Jan a Jar or erectors hit lihii candi date llta he looCfr of a but raited umbo known by He davotnj a Sir that he Mr upbald ail Ha Important ilarlnr whole public carter having by a private a very recent coo vert For over a half to axplaQalloaa or public and In Parliament I ait je He dealt particularly with our educational the and the regard to Agriculture be ijent a abort 11 tuft lo all q a fccntleraanly manger Vary do elector lake auch la public evident from enthualaim with wai could not but worth honor be had fceeo North York and lha Province baa a public man a taller lmpreialoq on a June will rtaulta meat lor closed with IbreoebMri fur the and Mr that wai made that the abolition or which wit not correctthat ha had no auch in or aaldabollUou He totba thai be apoken afaloit North by It a flat filial aiylnr that at the In bad reported lo the day tbat for favor of and for ftvary that platrorm but one of and the he thai an lh of fellow to municipal for nearly yeara alai itcii him In York bad vo nearly evey plank In the In the and ho da the In aitiafy inealucrlty of the atKli whan be la a for vote a Mr frtiUd ba JuJied their record by Ibat ha willing ahldo the North York on 1uat of Deputy- briefly Ibe meeting- lu consequence of the very unsatisfactory state of Trade and the season having so far advanced we are anxious to clear out all the Expensive Goods we have which we find are slow selling this season on account of the scarcity money we therefore commenced on Friday June 1st a Big Clearing Sale of ALL THE BEST QUALITIES OF GOODS The Low Price Qualities we are not so anxious about as they sell themselves every day But we have too heavy a stock of Expensive Goods and we rely on no profit to take out the good stuff Its your chance and a good chance to save money We sell on Friday morning the 1st day of June and every day during the month of June only as follows All the goods we have better than the prices named WITHOUT A CENT OF PROFIT We I only have the satisfaction of securing the money invested in them to put into something that will suit us better All Spring Jackets over at Coat All Colored Silks over per yard at Coat All Colored Dress Goods double width over at Cost All Colored Parasols over Cost All Moreen over 26c at Coat All Black Parasols over at Cost We have qualities good as All Irish Table Linen over at Cost Wo have them running as high as All Irish Linen Towels over 15c at Coat We have them as high as each All Printed Cotton Drees over 12Jc at Cost in French Printed Lawn Scotch Ginghams American or French Printed Sateens excepting plain black All Madras Curtain Hoods over at Coat We them in price up to AH Art Muslins over 10c at Cost All Printed over 16c at Coat All Printed Plush Curtain Goods over at Cost All Linen SideBoard Covers over at Cost All Stair Linen over at Cost All Linen Crumb Cloth over at Cost AU Swiss Embroidered White over at Cost All Ladies Black Silk Hose over at Cost All Ladies Silk Handkerchiefs over at Cost All Ladies Irish Embroidered Linen Lawn Handkerchiefs over 2oe at Coat All French Flowers over 36c at Cost All Ostrich Feathers over 26c at Cost All Fancy Millinery Ribbons over at Cost AH Ladies Mack Shoulder Capes Half Price AH Ladies Waterproof Cloaks over at Cost All Scotch Irish Cauadiau Tweeds over at Cost- All Wall Paper over 10c per Roll at Cost We have American Canadian in good qualities and you can have them without a cent of profit to All English Lace Curtains and Swiss Embroidery Net Curtaina over at Cost We have Curtains as high as We have had as high and as low as All Chenille Curtains over at Cost All Madras and Felt Drapes over 26c at Cost All Chenille Table Covers over at Cost Brass Window Poles at Cost AH Wool Carpet Squares with Border at Cost AU Cocoa Mattings for Cost AU of Wool Carpets where the Length is short of yds at Cost AU of Carpets where the is short of yds at Cost We have a few pieces of Brussels Border but not the Carpet to match If you can make of them we will sell them as follows width for width for 125 width for Please take a look at them All short Ends up to yds of Brussels Carpets at per yard AH Ends of Tapestry Carpets up to yards at per yard All Cherry and Oak Cranes for Doorways Regular Price Half price AH TWEED SUITS over and all MENS TWEED PANTS over at Cost Mens Spring Overcoats lot Mens Hats over at Cost Mens Irish Linen Handkerchiefs over 15c at Cost All Mens Silk Handkerchiefs over at Cost All Mens Kid Gloves over at Cost AU Mens Long Boots over and all Mens Lace Boots over at Cost AU Boys Long Boots over and all Boys Lace Boots over at Cost All Ladies Boots over and all Misses Boots over at Cost All Childrens Boots over at Cost AU Dinner Sets over at Cost We have them up as high as per Set AU Tea Sets over at Cost We have them as good as All Toilet Sets over at Cost AU Fane China Cups Saucers over2Bc at Cost v AU Hanging Lamps for Parlor or Hall over at Cost All Bohemian Glass Vases Half Price AU Wine Decanters at Cost AH Fancy Flower Pots your Choice for 28c worth regular and All Tumblers over per Doz at Cost All Teas over per pound at Cost FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH it Undertaking AN Embalming A SPECIALTY- Cliair Tea CozIm Pin Felt Fancy Work with Box to finish Albania Scrap Albums Envelopes Paper Fancy Stationery Tinted Frames Hon of Paint Calendars Ink Stands Pen Knives Scissors Portfolios Parlor Bate Ball Mucilage Work Baskets School Toilet Paper Vasea Slates Pictures Hand Berlin Woo Bronze Ornaments Tin Hones Cars Iron Horse and Cart Iron duns Dolls Bronze Card Receiver Bronze Paper Weights Writing Desks Flower Stand Ink Pencils Tobacco Pouches Smokers Companion Beads Cases Cork Crayon a Boxes of Tinted Stationery moat paper in use today Mitch Or J Boxes Brass Childrens Birthday Invitations Fans Sets Parses Pocket Books Horses Rubber Balls elarbles Swords Fancy Baskets Tennis Balls Childrens Blocks Games Whistles Pictures Hand Painted Satin Glove and Hand kerchief Boxes Work Boxes Books Books all at Cost many articles marked less than Cost Please examine any of above goods The Total Value of our Stock today is the largest portion of it being of the Better Class of Goods making this the greatest offering of extra cheap goods ever placed before the buyers of Newmarket and vicinity EVERY DAY DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE ONLY Roche Co AURORA AND Mo- ft la la Id of la Campaign A public meeting was held I he evening in the Liberal candidate for North in Local House attendance was large the meeting orderly and touch interest manifested the discussion of public questions Dr of this place called to the chair and made good presiding officer After a short address in favor of the Government and Mr Davis he introduced Mr Robert a leading farmer and of King who gave a good address speaking of ex cellent administration he Province by ihe Mowat and especially showing the efforts had put forward behalf of the farmers and the of agri culture expressing his belief that ft would be a calamity to thy Province if it were defeated on tbe of June lie also referred to the record of Mr Davis in Municipal and lary matters a being economical and progressive and while dealing fairly with the interests of all classes in the Hiding ho bad special pains to advance the welfare of ihe farmers in every way possible and as a farmer be would have pleasure in giving his hearty support Mr occupied brier meat and rnridturt Davit Mr Mr Albert Mr A J of of whom Id be MowaI injt 1 It bud put iinnicce the were active or Mr Davie m by a Mr ilien two imntdurlnv Ibelr AneocUl ebowlDf that the people pro vince Dually and had a lor all or of atid It clearly ibftt or timber were made Iba and tire raid It Id province to do and the the price obtained Tor a moth lareer than obtained either by Dominion that of province of Tbe work dope the next of the a to end for tbe of la Mr by the act that at nearly firmer of the la which held lake Mr Telephone Connection A of tbo tril Hall llalttDlrM June Mr- artlQ and tare be Mr be called thecaddU wbo hit be Id at of a roaaa meeting of the or toe In the and a openly the of pobUh4 the tbattJoae hit opponent eervatlvcaa to run not by toe or the ai at their April latt they pot to put In the Held 10 tbli now li ha brought out fcMrtf by Mr Davie did do take electore of the wtalte which he wiHopei lie jctcrrw radio lait wife a too At May wife of hepprd I Mich the John At farm Eaat lltiibury June 3rd wife ol ft of Hat pa Her bert Auror to the vealdepoe of bride on Williams Howard widow of ihe Howard Of Slit tho homo of bride Iter- Jo on Icit ClaTton of Hope to rer of of the of Tomb Saturday nt- ld of hi KkUokIoo it lhjr4ldenc4 Ibroafth the way to Bo una for of ihe la Vorlh aod ouch fis T All attention- III careful d A reform rally took al evening to at tho eeleotlou of Hon Mr for a inc and to extend a to Oliver Ad present to the letter who an tod reviewed of It a Jul To Electors of North York to a Dome- I to become an Independent for the Local Lealtiatttie believing I do that roral population not only of thli hot of hotter by mm of our calling thin It bow to no party but will any wlllffranl GIRL WANTED Mlia J a FOR SALE to Lot HORSES WANTED will bo at relief aod be for the the fir eolonuatuU anrt tie effort procuring eneh or the In the maintenance of of public for the eciaiLliMtler Our economy In every department of Tariff for only and of On Hal to In good con from to 19J They bo lUIOQa A WANTED Executors Notice to Creditors hereby to It and Actt that all and the OF late In the Conoty of York who ISfli are 101b day Of July 1IM fcr mill to the nnd and of tor Dr will of d the and not upon the of life Ihe Preparation of the Dominion end Pro vincial voter by the 6 I the monopoly fftnnu to iht In with contract for acbool In which the the lncread rinding toward iq that people may know they to those thm 10 will and advocate the bttt Vacation offer flit with will have an the to ihUoonntiy avproachlngeUciton of doing eomalhtni to greater economy In Government and of at record thtlr for economy all man era Par- lalnlo JCitEilallona On appeal to yon for yonf 5wne4tohold at the at description their aod of aocurliy If any held after or io which ho have hid notice and cot be liable tor the or pari to any person of hai not then at day of fat ibt at I aball mcr hit DavU or Mi frliaaa to whom a rtatonibla Una will A J il J a Jo flb Albert STONE WANTED a Bis of good Stone wanted at once Tor cellar For full to Mr l Aran or do Monday do do M Friday do d do JOHN June per barrel 13 per per CO n fihortapertoa per Batter per lb be Woo per lb Ray per ton- a at iii 1S a aw OH a a CO a a Oil a a Ob a a a 0 a a a a a a oar Toronto Jnoa J ijm Fall Scting BfU par faaaatl par Bra par boabal par do us roll per lb per flhoowxiDa Wool per lb Per tOQx Pork per Chick cm per pair fit a ow II 1W WOO Oil 9 on Oil oil W a ail a a a a a a a a a a Town of Newmarket NOTIOK la alreo thai the Council Of Town of To Mala st SprWHtlDJraJlprlf each Lot street Water JteedwlUiolWl6etofMalo itreettoba MANITOBA JUNE AND JULY 17 to the therefor By order Council Mou Lot for Sale PURSUANT to the In a at North Hotel Newmarket Jnae atnaca a South aid of to Albert Si JrcaCeMraStreetiYlra a of itttnatreat and a depth of Ml and mora fully described of per cent at Sal For condition apply J j