Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 25 May 1894, p. 2

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r ERA MAY 1894 Co Provincial Elections J Darts Elizabeth Graham Jr Fines Vernons LETS UP I BOX GROWS WITH ISSUE ly Editor UZS TO Tex of York the bill by forbidding the erection or cotitinniix of within fact church edifice is Prints U At Home en so tit kit FRIDAY MAY Despatch to Era May IBM done the this mil ran up in to the No lew ware Ifce Winchester bridge loUl is alto damaged on the The Toronto convention for ceil Monday night to to It ft expected hi trill give hi decision in ike Evas And for reduced by on third the wek jo of work- of cool Is the am in nil for loroorro birth- day The in a gain over The wo will the it St At Gilt the a Woof tack will commence the tint week In Jose Be will be by Hon each taking a lie Premier fail do yet been nap ped out bit ho In the election the department but the Uteri effort le In of en acting a compelling the to make other than yellow how or the agistor it better In brown or the are the of for the Boon Candidates bare nominated by And In lut the Boom J of a Adopted In the Imperial Parliament end by the as a of aettleioani of difficult initsdof by the of war The adoption of this principle by the nations of the world will of large Armlet At tie Sooth York CoQTen- week SlKostioD on regret wn that fit in to off the for promotion io- la nch would Political The Reformers have started the ball rolling in North York it looks as if they intended to keep it on the move- Organization meetings have been held the past week and public meetings are advertised else where in the at three important points in the Township of King Mr Davis was in town last Saturday and met political friends foam Whitchurch and East for the purpose of perfecting organization in the various polling places of these Town ships For the last Mr- Davis has been identified with all public movements in North York and he has advocated for years all the planks in the Patron platform except elective officers therefore he claims that he is a farmers candidate Mr- Davis is a thorough gentleman and this coupled with his municipal and experience well as hi firm temperance principles makes him an exceptionally strong candidate According to the Umpire Mr Davis is 10 he opposed by Mr Hut chinson of King Township but up to the time of going to we have no definite information regarding his intentions of any movement on the pan friends respecting his candidature high bat well have them dollars hate already been expended upon the High School building in Toronto eod now the more to complete it The origiDfrl were a little ever half the of the men of Hamilton lote of fan already The fear and tumbling in the Gibuo amp an earthquake gone the cant be The notion the earthquake will the neighborhood of Sfttiaicr the of Jone death of John for in the end Already the name of EL and Btaflord are mentioned Mr Lynch Is also of In the Lib- And it further rumored may make tbe a fight by pee ing an La again that a bill likely be introduced in the Dominion to all even to local on the ground that the Ontario at certain oSdali- pica not u the more of ili own officials than of In Ontario thoee who may are clerki of the regutiAr crown And salaried all appoints of the ProTlncial Government while of by Dominion only postmaster in and officials and officers of inland revenue named Always the Cheapest At the West York Liberal last Monday positively do dined for be intimated that he probably try hit chance with Mr Wallace for the The Mr J Hill reeve of York tbe party nominee to oppose Mr St Great followed Bills nomination At the meeting in London Monday eyening leader of tbe Opposition down the foUowug in his political platform on which the party win make appeal to the the Mowat Economy in Public by abolition of Government of iron mining and indojtries of bieoniel the Legislature and lopping off of ficiali re Efficiency in every department of service Uniformity of teat books end the for rate control of lienor license in- And these to be appointed by county councils Aitnfghl for prohibition ALWAYS RELIABLE MOKE PLUMS mm THIS WEEK dozen Childrens Straw Hats regular price 50c going at dozen Misses Trimmed Straw Hats worth at Good Corsets at a 60c Corset at BC Corset at Black Cashmere worth 50c at 35 Fawn all wool Hop Sacking price 55 at Wool with Silk Stripe 25 cents 697 yards Light Print price at 9 cents 6 cakes Old Brown Windsor Soap 10 cents Yard wide Gingham at cents 1 piece Table Linen worth at 30c see it Ladies Oxford Ties at 1 and 125 Mens Heavy Boots at 1 and Mens Fine Shoes at Mens Pants at Mens Suits worth 6 at 375 Mens Tweed Suits worth 9 at See our Suits equal to ordered goods at Last Store in Millards Block THE H E DRY GOODS GO Before we Move e 1 25 1 1 The Montreal Gazette is too vijus iirty in its to the for North when it iht Mr Mulok it had iniulto the because he protested against the tactics of Messrs and for delaying the business of the House with apparent intention to kill antibribery The oc casion the bill of Dr Sot the punishment of bribery when the referred to tlhen tint hereby the cause of those ready to mtthoJs at elec tion the time of the House had been wasted the Cornmittce and reported pro- when Mr took to jay Mr think the we have not Urge nd there dots not to h9 to with the of I think the warrant Where the I dont to niht but 1 think the time come when the and the country the fit this are- to into a farce or whether the of be carried on properly think the will die the proceeding that have the was carried by an meeting That a be given to tho Upon which the Thanka The press little attentions that kind bat a little accompaniment would he more and and woold Insure laid hire Ox and ad- rolreraof Mr gave him a grand reception and him from the depot to bis with a tremendous torchlight the convention on Monday his renomination the date for the city wee when he made a lengthy add ret a defining the on which the which he leader will go to Id the election exchange Pht electricity fedcrinand will do for table decoration it in an of a recent where a of an electric light mace The effect of aet flowtn and protected by a silver cover till the Is very strik ing and original The of fecUpotsibU for electricity diy hat that die are tore come to grief bat the warning Is who fancy they are Word been received that OJ the bookkeeper of the Arm of McCarthy Oiler has been fn It fa be forged the name of Mr McCarthy to aggregating sod got the same at the Dominion bank hare been nitltnted to bring hick to Toronto for trial What Sooisty is Doing FOISTS If I ceo there proceed with on the pepper t tht above is report and which thai journal charges is an to the French members But ordinary people will find it difficult discover Mr Mu- offence It is true for lack of better argument Col played his little part in an endeavor to raise the national cry but if he or French colleagues have a quarrel with any one it should be with those like the who thus seek to include as defenders of bribery and wrongdoing The real motive how- ever of those who delayed the pro ceedings of the House was made more apparent when a Government notice appeared on the order to take Wednesday for Government business day probably means that there will not given another opportunity this session of reaching a number of public bills In the hands of private members of great public interest but which appear to be a little embarrassing to the These include not only bill disfranchise voters who have taken bribes but also Mr McCarthys bill respecting North West schools and dual language Mr Charltons Sabbath Observance bill Mr- bill respecting ocean freights on cattle also bills members of Parliament ac cepting pastes on railways and to fix the GovernorGenerals salary It such bills as these the Mini side of the House and especially such as and are playing their hide game to pre vent corning before the Commons ducig the and it was because of the cite retorted to in order accomplish their purpose hat the member for Worth York took occasion to complain of the proceed- of the Ho being generated a farce ad of thy Mr Mute fc for of he been corn- i for th courage fa object unseemly procedure to from Ottawa lo Mr P Mrter he In to Mr Tail for North Toronto bee bed eo with Ontario the Commons fa reference to the election Province The deep etch Tbe coo end from ft thet the wboe of the CoDecrntire determined to pat Mr Meredith fa office Premier of Ooterio It Mr had better at Mr Geo of Detroit is home over of May P is spending birthday Mr Mr J P Belfry and two children are visiting at Miss Eva entertained a num ber of young at the Parsonage evening- Mrs Geo and John Cow feion are spending weeks at Win- cheater Co Bat ton Hi told Mr and wife Newmarket were of Mr end Millard over Mr Stewart of has la town a few days this week old been op at Point this week cleaning and fixing windOille for He says there are going to be a lot at the Point this season A reports that Mr formerly of this town bee a magnificent chrysanthe mom in bar window At present there most be folly fifty flowers open on ft Mr Ed his pre liminary fa Toronto as a candidate for entering the Ministry of the Methodist satisfactory exam nation at Meeting on Mr Kenneth Stephen formerly bee been one of the sac who this sea- eon from the Central College having carried off two cooree del work and one for ehorthsod and typewriting work which is always supposed to late from sins month to one year was fa four montbf Pickering save wilh the cbarch here the ed ifice was comfortably filled both morning all eager to hear Rev Those came expect log to bear good sermons by no means dis appointed gentleman lost none old time at m This la the gentleman who Is expected toaac coed Rev Mr fa Newmarket Life Around Ik SHARON An evangelist has for the past week been endeavoring to hold a series of Tent Meetings in the Drill Shed yard but on of irw heavy rain be has thus far met with but indifferent success Post Master has moved GUM SWAMP The great coal strike is beinv severely felt here A gravel train cars suddenly stopped one day last week Cause want of coal It knocked about men out of employment besides our butchers grocers and baker found themselves minus a considerable trade If the rest of Canada and the United States suffer correspondingly the loss will be immense It would save millions if strikes were illegal and it were made into his new building two doors north compulsory that all differences his former premises and if he will employers and the employees only put in numbced boxes to rent should be adjusted by arbitration it it will be a great improvement on the old and out it ions to Mr Hutchinson are Spttiat to Era Our Ottawa Mar closing scene of last week was en livened by a short debate in which tbo front benches of both side of the took of it was the which lias taken place in patting brougb doit tariff and the great nam of changes made by Finance Minister Mr Patterson Brant opened the subject and ft looked as though bfs abort fiery speech not expected by his friends and that be was playing en tirely off his own bat It was not a sob in which either side need- 9 00 would at least prevent the Coal The Barons from making money out of founded that they were strong in without any signed for that In an interview with Mrs Jerry one looked to out as an in- Graham as to the proposed sale of I at from the The leaders spoke funurs candidate Sharon temple she stated she with warmth and spirit The farmers was willing in fact anxious the temple It was all over half an hour and and many he want less politics should remain as at present for down to aiiil fi re ind lgsaiion religious as she is averse to The country will understand perfectly of IVmiCrance are the church of her ancestors merits of matter It is too clear extensive preparations for their despoiled or used for secular pur- to allow the taming the 10 their poses force the that they were will lie rewarded with a large audience Many if the people here for not prepared for the revision of tariff Mrs Caldwell is sufficient in herself several seasons have paid d that bad neither nor 10 aw a house attention bees butter J tor J- organised a Club and we understand Important that the will play a friendly game with the Baldwin merchants are doing a fine Keawick club on the Mr C Ingle took in over Kenton of P J Btclon manic a short call at our vilbgtf last KESWICK sides a amount Who incut mast either Here ignofant of the with which to bare become during a ftlai1y or it that the pro the Ottawa of the aeeoui to think a alccttra to the Common the the of writer A of the la certainly one the of the have to fa the field all the nl In a prepared or emergency Then tie preparation the nd of to Coaocl at Baldwin Bat- Moo fi lomloion attended Bun Town Coart it Wed will Imported hare attired Election Li the more A Empire mate a vigor- out the tattoo which fine the of a Utter the hare other official tofoforoi bleu whereto cootUta the or of the pay mora when The to any extra It do ao not only to tax the recipient to matte op the abort- tat alto to prepay la the firat iWeUoee- tome In the the Oeoeral to give a for rejcolatloo i hi the Marriages at the of the legislature If of the rtle4 sge Its of rgutllao to the vt License at of or a marriage cue or la J Vrov- le at of application tor a license ard party or two a ret Meat of the for the gr ll k be folly uitrried It years of age This Act comes Jeto force oa which verbal coastal Is party fa of age Victoria when but a girl of eighteen became through the death of her King William the royal head of the only empire that encircles the writes Arthur Warren In the May Journal- On the day of this month will be celebrated the seventy fifth anniversary of theQueens birth For fifty seven years Victoria has now reigned as Queen It may be truly laid of this long reign that it has been marked from beginning with strong that have made Victoria the most beloved Queen of England- Her very first act Queen was womanly Imme diately upon her she indicted letter of condolence to the bereaved widow of King This letter she addressed to Jier Majesty the Queen Some privileged person fearing that the yfiung monarch to her new dignity had over looked the peculiar etiquette of position ventured to explain that the form of was incorrect that she Victoria was the only one en titled to be known as Her the Queen Adelaide being only the Queen Victoria replied but I shall not be the first lo remind her of that fact Vtry small congregations at churches and schools on Sunday The annual Conference of the Christian church is to be held at Keswick this year commencing the of June Mr has his summer residence to exMayor Manning of Toronto Mr Manila attended District Meeting at Altiston on Tues day and Wednesday of the delegates from the cir cuit A goodly number of members of the Division here the Sharon and Division in a picnic at Point on the Miss Maud away for a few visit at the home of her father in West Kev Mr Rogers will preach in the Methodist church on Sunday morn ing next There has been quite an eruption in a certain family a few miles east of here- The portable sawmill which operating in Mr Gilford Manns woods Is doing good work Mr George Thompson of Hast Gwillim bury Is head sawyer VANDORF The Tib aoaual meeting of ear was beta fib hell Of US members cot mora were fagot ruinate the following report was adopted lut I 113 Hi says hard times when so much hard position which they laid cash is afloat of the kind mentoo the of March just a around Baldwin blind to deceive the country and M D Silvers orchard is again for the additional purpose of searing the full of promise and he looks for the man fee to re rs Into closer alliance with ful fitment that he may be for the next election able to supply the rosy Northern Spy The notation of the elections Is now to the multitude 1 and then was The gentle rain basset the riyer seething and furiously One of James Taylors children has been low with typhoid fever He is somewhat better and phy sicians are likely to pull him through more anon Casual Campaign A splendid organization meeting in the interests of Mr Davis took place at King City on Thursday evening of last week Officers were elected and the work entered into with regular enthusiasm No Division will give a good record for Sir Oliver Mowatt On Saturday night No was for the fight next Kettleby Div No King organ ized on Monday night also Divs and in the early part of the week On Friday afternoon at oclock a meeting of Reformers will take place at Kettleby to form a Township or ganization which will be in touch all the polling divisions A large at tendance is anticipated Members Kaileat Iota Jauruc4 for fill IS a sens Vloof books lo t en Edmund Yates the died at on Sunday Boston had a million dollar fire week people left homeless Til On Monday evening last Hon Hr Daly introduced a bill in the Commons to further enlarge the powers of the North- West Assembly In direction of local autonomy The provisions of his bill it Is under stood received the assent of Mr Premier of the during his recent visit at Ottawa It enacts among other that the Executive Council shelf hold office At the present time this body when the Assembly dissolves The bill further that members of the Executive Coun cil ate not required on appointment logo back to their constituents for If reelection Why the principle of responsible government Is departed regard not quite dear however is given atore does tot Ifcclode ull control as to the number of Its number and bounda- of of the constituencies the In- waolry to fa with til re PL A ViL4fifd lOjnoldif A fritter A We Henry the anarchist who bomb which created such deduction at the Hotel Ter minus in 1wis was guillotined Mbn day morning The duration of ture fs from three to bur yean and provision Is made for the appointment of police magistrates and local Justices of the peace The latter are required Co have teat estate qualification Altogether this bill advance on the existing and privileges of the North West About 500 men In Stratford are affected by the closing down of the locomotive works there in week there mil bo a of Votcrk fa Is tTfyaJly a of n appeal to If It ft trot this lima tti election may place not ft who My the Government Trill pat off of at long at who prophecy lhal next all of tho tariff Controller Wallace authority tot a prediction vory that the party will not Into elect Ions with Thompson aa leader It been long known that premier no for hi Job and he will bo to oot of ft to ft on bench on the first A of direction of ambition aafolUwa I anil never I believe been published It km when he to from go to the flea tribunal at Pari At one time It looked aa bode- by party In of to accept the honor which was offered Mm by the Imperial Govern- On of Deputy Mln liter of with him he Impatiently They kept of the and now ittcemaaa thoy woold pre lect my Going to That he no ambition the of political follower very welt know The only he there la the difficulty of Andlng a AKainitaroyonoivhoiename la are Mr Potter and Tapper are both spoken of To one the objection fa lack of and to She other and which coring at kit at was hoped for him To a man whoso few people In tho with the whoso growing and already dominant recognized the party maybe obliged to turn It will not be palatable to a portion of the to have John aa leader but that the way the algae the zodiac are beginning to He fa a with no of either Intellect or but a man what he wanti and far been in getting ft chance If there a really eligible candidate A weekly from the Capitol mtgbt not be considered a to the Senate tot at a reference fa very and bo In danger of monotony we will omit any re mark week than an Intimation to an and reliant people that the until the of June and left thli bereaved of the pro tection of the Chamber to all baity which It la fiction that are our protest or From now until the Juno tha Chamber will be empty and in members will bo from their libera In the of their It I THE PRIC Which we guarantee the Lowest in Newmarket We always Lead in Low Prices and Never Follow Boys piece Suits 225 now Mens Pants 90c worth Mens Pants 140 worth Mens Suits sold by some at 6 our regular price now 3 Mens Hats cents worth White Carpet Warp worth Colored Carpet Warp 99c worth Fine Black Congou Tea 35c regular price Extra Fine Young Hyson 35c always Dresden China Cups and Saucers worth Dresden China Cups and Saucers 35c worth regular 12 cents now Mens Scotch Tweed Suits worth Womens Oxford Shoes Womens Black Cotton Hose Boys Fine Suits sold in town at 10 our regular price now r Ladies Jackets 250 worth Ladies Jackets 350 worth 650 worth 850 worth All Wool Tweed cents worth All Wool Tweed 50 cents worth All Wool Tweed cents worth Skirting wide 35 cents worth Mens Outing Shirts 1 worth Floor Oil Cloth good patterns Lace Curtains worth a Factory Cotton worth Mens Braces 18c worth 26c Cotton Spools best 2c Cotton Spools job Opaque Blinds for windows We Commence Alterations on July 1st We are bound to the Stock ROCHE CO Ladies Jackets Ladies Jackets 8 12 75 J i Cotton Grain Bags 12ic Mens Woolen Sox 10c Envelopes 3c worth Envelopes worth 10c Wall Paper 3c The Manchester Ship Canal was formally opened by Queen Vic- ton a Monday The HuUc Hotel Bradford had escape from fire last Saturday night when some straw one of the sheds iznited through some one throwing down a cigar stub The large bank barn belong ing to George Elliott line Albion was burned with its contents On evening about oclock The origin of is a mister about insurance on will bo soma gratification to follow countrymen to know the in demnity Dot Impaired by took with them to homes boxes of stationary and otbor costly which are among their Another day was wasted last week by to was most clearly shown and no tha slightest doubt that It was the not nation lo proven I the reaching the bills which were the order paper below Mr measure are some in which there Is a deal of Interest Rut whale the- are It aecms they barn 400 on contents will not bo taken If the can block them Only day In- the week Is devoted lopubllo promoted by private member and for two the whole day has been occupied upon Dr Now Government propose to tale away that day on the that for of Government When la of an of score or more will be gone It turning Parliament loto a mere recording machine and destroying Its as a body the Included in will be the bills IntroduceJ by your member for North York These are the hill for the Geo- respecting freight on cattle a matter of such great Importance that It Is a ll be ohoked off tlili way member of iravelllogon and then charging to from Ottawa All are subjects upon which tbsro Is a strong public Mr there are a number of other which Government might find to deal with and their majority will be called to wipe them all off The will adjourn on night until Monday the are to mernberH to go home a will spend them In Toronto at Woodbine On acconnl of the adjournment this will be a quiet week hero The love I gat Ion will be with and the will lllety bo Io to the charges made against Mr Turcot lo member lor Ihitheihaa violated tbe of Parliament selling grooerlo to the Govern ment Many industrial etablish- across the line are closing up for lack of coal Mr Mortimorc of met with a severe accident last week which will confine him to the house for some time While de scending a hill on a load of lumber the seat slid forward and he was thrown to the ground His left leg was fractured just below the one of his ribs was broken and he had bad cuts about the head horses ran away but damage and Jones sentenced by Judge Miller in Washington Coun day to days In gaol for violating ihe of the United States pro hibiting the display of partiun ban ners in the Capitol grounds and and Browne were fined each additional for trespassing the grass the being ten days in gaol Jones was acquit ted on this last charge Government Detective Greer arrived home Saturday night from where he succeeded in obtain ing a confession from William G Hose who represented that he had been robbed of by highway men and driven by the robbers to near Tavistock Hose admitted to Detective Greer that he manufactured the story out whole clolh and that he drove the horse to the place where it was found near Perth County on day last Rose owed on a mortgage due the day of the robbery and his object in concocting the rob bery fake was to induce his creditor to guDt him an extension of time The countess of Aberdeen will leave May for England and will visit Scotland and Ireland re turning in July FURNITURE CH FOR CASH Undertaking D- A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD Telephone Connection radio on ibe Mr Jm a daughter Tomb Mar sped sear ft J T NORTH AU will cut

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