Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 29 Dec 1893, p. 4

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t i ERA DEC 1893 tiff Wash Day AND No Steam IN THE House A Use bo cat jroacf or delicti do wishing without Tllin You Say HOW of Herd bo with you ail Amen Rev BY USING SOAP to Easy irectio Pal your Jfteu DONT INFLUENZA Or La Grippe Ifcoogh occasionally epi demic is always mora or The best for complaint Is Pectoral- ra tak La Grippe I pros trated and difficult was ray ihit In an cage I procured Cherry Pectoral and no sooner bad I begin carcMCOmplcle- City Cherry Pectoral till Sickness Comes of PERRY DAVIS You may need it tonight GENTS IK YOU WANT NiceFitting Clothing CO TO WILLSONS Main St North NEWMARKET Our work for itself and Samples find Prices NEGLECTED sxrtiv AND curio Allens lung Balsam f How to Got a Sunlight Picture ficnJ Sunlight wrapper wrapper bearing the Why a Woman took Old yiian Man J to Limited 13 tit Toronto rind you post a pretty picture from ii and well worth framing J an cany way to decurato your home The the and It will only to scud In the wrap pert If the ends open Write your Coming Year Before oar feet untrodden Ilea J Another yew And in arise with fear We not what For It we walk through On ways wo shall waken to dismay Or glad surprise If oer shall be gloom of gray Or skies If we at eve work well done Or or bootless task shall grieve At set of fan If we mourn oVr quenched re- reives As in the past Of Joy to think to know Grown trae at last If we shall Christ denied By deed or word Or find we walking by His side Grow like our Lord All this is shrouded from our ken Hid ways With Him who not to book of days And as we dread Ibis stranger year And from it shrink Ye fain would pause reluctant here the brink But hark I across the unknown way Comes to the fainting root TheroiMof God A courage kindles at words And dread is fought For faith and will words Cods Fear not For I tlo Lord thy God will bold Een thy hand We shrink no more from brake or wold Or dearest land I Bear Lord since tis Thy voice divine That bids go We lay trembling hand in And face each foe With The into opening year Oar feet know no fear- Divinely led ACTIVE EXERCISE and good food plenty tends to make children healthy If children suffer hpwever from Scrofulous Skin or Scalp Dis easesif their blood is impure and pimples or boils appear they should be given the right medicine Dr Pierces Gold en Medical Discovery brings about the best bodily condi tion It purifies the blood and renders the liver active as well as building up health and strength Puny pale weak children get a lasting benefit arid a good start from the use of the Discovery It puts on fltsh and does not nauseate and offend the stomach like the various preparations of Cod liver oil guaranteed to benefit cure you or your money returned is Dr Sages Catarrh Remedy Catarrh In Head FOR MEN AND WOMEN THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT For if it Prohibition The only Scientific and Current of forth cure of thatcftirbo felt and both ill errand applied to It he worn nt during working Or and trill euro General Debility Lnmbaico Djspepiln properly applied the drugs Kid- A fci take no other fei Win Simeon of recently one of hi feet badly jammed in a hone news from the Gov- erecting and pits intention of any attempt to Queen to power In Ml t tale dU1IAI iu YhUotw i deHjebt to f lis la Jh In liny tf tli Aiortc lritiiVlletia to It Voir Ri MlS AC Hand JMrflkCjf yrOii 9rr of Murder was the same terrible crime in the time of Cain and Abel that it was after God gave the prohibitory law Thou not kill jet the law was not Riven till the tide of human affair was strong enough to carry it through the ago Am I my brothers keeper The answer through thei history of the past as we read that history in the institutions founded and carried on in love gives us the key to the prohibi tion question True legislation aims as an emi nent statesman has said to make it as difficult as possible to do wrong and as easy as possible to do do right Does our present Legislation on the liquor traffic do this An overwhelming majority answers No I What then is the remedy Moral Suasion says one j Prohibition answers another With regard to Moral Suasion v Prohibition we are forcibly reminded of an incident that once happened while Dr Norman MacLeod one of Scotlands most em inent divines was crossing the sea The doctor was a large man physically as well as mentally On the day in question he was accompanied- by a clerical friend of rather less propor tions- When about midchannel with the sea running dangerously high and the wind freshening the doctor was earnestly besought by his clerical friend to pray for their safety Na Nail shouted the ferryman the little one may pray but the big one must take an and so the big one did putting a prayer into every stroke The prohibition boat is now in the teeth of the gale the little minister is there too looking very frightened notwithstanding his strong faith lie is holding on to the side of boat with the one hand and preaching Moral Suasion with the other but the ferryman shouts above the gale Take an oar We have experienced one of those terrible mornings on the British coast recently described in our newspapers fleet that left the harbour the previous afternoon have been caught in a hurricine The lifeboat crew are ready every man in his place but what figures are those moving from place to place and wistfully looking seaward Who are they Who could they be but the wives and mothers of the loved ones in danger Surely as they stand thus on the rocks in the nay daylight of the early morn ing cold and with their little ones clinging around thin they present a pitiable spectacle Nut so pitiable as the sight of hundreds of wives and in Ontario and elsewhere as they sit oft in in lure cheerless mom- with shivering aiund frurm wait ing through hot of dark- new or a drunken father to come I id kindly the encircling Moral inchitl face of a child appeal tin have lot their power where arc to look forth it power A chorus of Iraincs vnicvV answer To V when follow tits example in stilling the tempest Mark At His the Hind ceased and there a great calm pur command on the Jan be traffic cease and there a calm in our ami in our homes a calm which lift the many a weary and anxious Dec TIl- Town Council of Clinton grant 100 lothi Mechanics Institute tip municipal authorities of took it upon themselves to direct the comae of the river and the matter was to the town was to pay and all the com aliiOyfls about more Liniment Is by Urinal in JiopeltK every An or mean bo to Is too la medical And Belt lit practice ODIt CATALOGUE euro of acute chroDlo and nervous how to order eta untied FREE to Anjroddreu Ovea Electric Belt Co 49 KINO St TORONTO Oht CblWKO lit Till Government po litical ftaotfaer The possibility of change of ficial filTAiHwtiilo when docomeolteo pave tho way to the unearthing of Of tracks of plunderer very but somehow alter a grow or on and then their iniquity is dis covered A pros despatch from Wash says Gross amountiug to of dollars are stated to been discovered in New York customs by a special ajjent of the Department detailed to miko an investigation report which is elaborate to detail has been laid before Secretary Carlisle and was- to the of several of discussion fcc- Iween him Assistant Secretary Ham lin report refer principally to to bacco refunds in which the irregularities are alleged involved stated as as a million and gross negligence or worse against the customs hour officials period covered by tbe alleg ed fraduknt refund in Is from to present time Meier Carlisle and this evening refesed to discuss matter KempcnfcWt Bay was frozen over on Dec the earliest time in nine years By the accidental breaking of a coaloil lamp in the store of J Bradford a few even ings about worth of damage was done A freight train going south on the was partly derailed a a short distance below the Holland River bridge on Tuesday afternoon caused by a number of telephone poles on one of the cars falling off and getting under the wheels A derrick and two flat cars came down from to clear away tho hut fortunately there was no wreck train had not got more Han nicely Mailed when the accident occurred The passenger train from Toronto due at was de layed several hours at the Holland Landing in consequence Witness Ore private property of a Tint citizen claimed dun tspeAknotoulofwaakturnifitff but from proof LARD MUST GO has como to take place The satisfaction with which the have hailed the advent of the New Shortening evidenced by the rapidly Increas ing enormous sales Is PROOF POSITIVE not only of value as a new article but sufficient proof of the desire to be rid unwholesome zing lard and of all the that lard promotes Try at once and waste no time In discovering like thousands of others thai you have now NO U8E FOR LARD by K A CO and Ann 1 SH1L0H CURE Sroat- To W tu ceata and think This Reve nue Hog is thousands of soul and body every year besides taking- over fifteen million dollars annually out Ontarios people Let hang him by marking our ballots YES as below REMEDY ItvJtt na Cure you InJeotar for It umUhodfrod itemeinticrBhilohilcnilira ft uunuv to Wartiob- 189- Harriers 1LLU3TUaVbD bo Dial periodical fort the mult of there will the S will It iht hom Poult- hi on Kir tiiortowoaPrUb TOM Amooff other of year will and W Ho hart Of Short 1to hid Davis ihKnbrt Wl ALMA A mat iUavruuibk ad will bo HARPERS PER topic of cur- by We glad marked that ballot so the Revenue Hog get current it sir Jtiwitr SlJlfl I I VoJuwNot will will wh or receipt of Bound Vol of for to will luAlKpcupiiu ofW per CiiofiforbloQjufMcotfl oh by ilooor Order or of not iA nprei W too BE WISE READ THIS Prices to Suit the Times at- Shropshire Rams a a FEW RAM I 0k WANTED About 10 Acre within few mile of to Box GROCERIES Granulated for Bright Yellow Sugar for 6lbs Good Japan Tea for Blue Diamond Chop Tea pier lb Bar- Soap Tapioca for Fresh Iink Salmon cents per Can Water White American Oil per Canadian Best BOOTS AND SHOES We are selling Indies Boots from to Mens Con Gaiters 125 worth Fine 5 worth Mens Arctic Overshoes worth Mens and Sox complete worth DRY GOODS Grey Shambly Flannel all wool from to worth from 20 to Flannelettes and Meltons at very low prices Mens Underwear at 58 cents per suit worth Wool Sox from to cents per pair worth 25 to Mens and Boys Overcoats at Cost An endless variety of Mens and Boys Fur and Cloth Caps we are clearing out at Cost Have a Very Bad Arc Suffering from Lung Trouble Illness Are with Consumption IS WHAT YOU NEWMARKET E STORE So many complaints have been made of delinquent Municipal Treas urers that the Ontario legislation at its last passed the following amendment to the Municipal act 5 The said Act is amended add ing thereto the following as section The provisions contained in this section shall on and after the first day of January be in force in every counlry city town and in corporated village in this Province except in so far as they shall be al tered amended or declared not to be In force in the municipality by the council thereof 1 The treasurer shall keep a book to be known as the cash book on the left hand page of which he shall enter in consecutive order all sums of money received by him the dates of the receipt thereof the names of the persons from whom and on what ac count tbeSame was received and the amounts thereof and on the page of which he shall in like order enter all moneys paid out by him the dates of the payment there of he persons to whom and on what account the same were paid and the amounts thereof The cashbook shall at all times be open for inspection by any mem ber of the council and by tbe audit ors and shall be produced and ex hibited by the treasurer at all meet ings of the council at which he shall be directed to produce it and at times of such meetings it shall show the balance on hand in two items that is to say the balance deposit ed in the hands of the treasurer and tbe treasurer shall also produce and exhibit at every such meeting the proper book verifying the balance so deposited No entry other than a cash entry shall he made in the cash boolc but the treasurer shall keep a book to be known as the journal in which he shall duty enter all debts and credits not consisting of cash The term cash shall mean lawful currency of Canada cheques and such other representatives of cash as ate usually received and credited as cash by the chartered banks of Canada The treasurer shall open an account in the name of the munici pality in such of the chartered banks of Canada of at such other place of deposit as shall be approved of by the council and shall deposit all moneys which shall be received by him to the credit of such accounts The cash book and journal shall be provided at the expense and shall be the property of the munici pality Thus on and after the first day of January all county city town and incorporated village treasurers must open a municipal account with some chartered bank and deposit all municipal funds consequently pay all municipal orders by cheque thus all receipts and payments will appear in the bank book for the convenience of the auditors and others interested PUREST The above gives you an idea of what we are doing these HARD TIMES I IS In Fresh Goods bought in the regular way for Cash Our aim Small Profits and Quick Returns Nov 28 93 TERMS CASH FALL 1893 L A Full Stock of Seasonable HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE COMPRISING BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL IN ALL SIZES CARRIAGE CUTTER TRIMMINGS THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE FALL G00DS INCLUDING nil sizes of Glass Sawn Axes ho best makers Rifles Shot Guns and Revolvers Ammunition of all kinds FULL OF CUTLERY of all the celebrated maker Horse Blankets Cattle and Cow Chains ALSO Opaque Shades AND Curtain Poles BRANDS OK 1 CANADIAN J A W ALLAN CO MAIN STREET Telephone No Jacks AND PITCH FARMERS PLATFORM COUNTER SCALES GRAIN SCOOPS SHOVELS HALFBUSHEL MEASURES Wilkinson Celebra Plows Kept In Stock Repairs for all makes of Plows kept In Stock JAS PROP ThlWCmS5 OP NEWMARKET TRY OUR tuiis Clothespins and Washiioards LUMBER I i AND PIANO AND JOHN Shingle- Flooring Moulding OUR AIM Lath Doors Sash and Blinds GOOD WORK -AT- possible prices ar NOBODY SNOULD BUILD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT EN QUIRING AUOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BUNDS LAME BACK CURED EVERY TIME PLASTY A Harmless My drinking friend I wish to ask you a few questions Who had a turkey stuffed with oysters and all the fixings Christmas Day you or the roan who sold you the beer or whiskey Who keeps a horse and takes his wife and children out riding you or the man who takes your money for drink Who wears good clothes you or the liquorseller Whose children are dressed nicely and have all that children want to make life comfortable Who eats stale bread because it is cheap Who buys cheap meat buys cheap bones and everything that is a little poor because it is cheap When you are hauled up before the police court for being drunk and disorderly whom does the magistrate smile upon bow to and treat with deference you or the man who jingles your weekly wages in his trousers pockets Who pays your fine the man who has your money or your broken hearted wife who has earned a few extra shillings by washing What good has come to you from drinking Has it made you a better man Then for prohibition Council had a mut ton bill of at its last meeting- AMandate reports seven loco motive engineers work through the grippe The engineering expenses of the Egypt drain in the Township of Georgina were which the Council paid at its last meeting storekeepers have decided to close at oclock sharp on week nights excepting Sat urday when they will close at oclock harper a prominent farmer of Peel County was fatally injured Sunday by his horse running away and throwing him out He died next day at his home north of Bolton Port Credit Mr and Mrs J- Williams a highly respectable old couple living a mile and a half north of here were found murdered in their house this morning The murder is supposed to have been Committed on Toronto name is unknown and who has dis appeared taking a horse and cutter belonging to The bodies were discovered by neighbors whose suspicions had been excited by absence of anyone about the place The old man was found sitting in a chair with a coat thrown over his head which had been crushed Mrs Williams had been struck down the door and her body dragged in house The passengers on the after noon train on the Northern last Sat urday had a striking example of the slender thread that binds life to us At the train was boarded by one been undergoing a medical examina tion for admission to the Order of Shortly before reaching his destination the conductor asked for his ticket Receiving no reply he touched his arm and was horrified to find that he was dead There was no physician on board and all that re mained to be done was to stop the train as near as possible to his house when some of the passengers carried the remains home The scene was affecting as it was totally unex pected Heart failure is said to have been be cuw of death I TRUNK in if mm WARMS la orchid johs fqrsale Shropshire Rams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS hector ictfa Ontario the Toi for ad Act to reduce EM br od Lbe Qrela of North pfrfJ lb flhr to tha South ffwt IM la EAnQffiltlmlirthaSrf leu to a South WYCDtrfourdfBrws cWi or to oik1 or four ltd or to 8ootfcefo liw this lilbi tf Cloik oMbo CHILDREN or DUNNS BAKING POWDER For Years 11 JJ milt a day sore bout to Wla aid so J AVERS Pot H

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