Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 22 Dec 1893, p. 3

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rVV L aio A i ABUT ERA DEC IS GOING A TOWN ff A- meeting A use talking draw to the To Hall done hew N ytriiomsr Church The Pas- object t it ii the Special from the Cirri il A Lovers is the tegular or night the Slne til en uight when the for year will tali Mketing A meeting of of the North jcfXBcIctin beheld in hall on afternoon the of electing officers tte and arranging fox it section a candidate for the local jgitfiie i admbie bo t do Kind Tokex On Monday rtiiroflMl alter partaking of boarding ffllb Mr a pbM Prospect Ave quietly tailed liii tilting room and pre ieJ bet ffilh a parlor lamp of their appreciation for attention to comfort dor mice term The recognition was St Pauls Chuck Next Sua- being Christmas Era the the Sunday School will ting a to children On Christmas Holy will bo admin Wirtd am At am will and Special have been lie to have and decorations Christmas Box No matter how parte way bo filled there la be drain on it at Christmas ate always plenty of friends and whom ore wishes to member it its festive The great object is to make the dollar go as far as to get the foil of ones We cor readers to scan the of the Em well and see what oar offer in Ibis Separate The nomina tion of School at Wednesday from to Concert and in the same evening A O F The following were the elected at the regular of Coo No Lonan J fiMy J J 3 W Gemot JB ACocieirlL CampWl If to hold at J on of 2nd and member are to Sfecml Discount School at Manning Tor Sunday On morning Judge the veri baro daring lb and King wore the KiajJoa or yeftrt for Benjamin and months ai be Central Prison for breaking into Army In North Toronto A lika oat John Smith and Frank for in J Ten- was given option of paying a floe of ISO or CO days in jail and for assisting Griffin assessed fin in Rush Expected At for Goods Farmers Institute first North York is to talc place in Aurora on Saturday when Mr baa promised to give a on a practical topic Arrangement will be jit this for the inkling which to lake in the Town Hall on Wednesday and day tbe 17th and IStb of January on which occasion Ontario College at of Prince Co give On the ixolu coco da lion of the Minister of Every farmer in North York desirous of lurking the most of bis will arrange his affairs be can in learning tiring to his advantage For Presents Go to Municipal Nominations All will nominated In town it he from to 1 gen follow by from propositi tie boar from to fall Town Hall At three School bo retiring from tbe Beard this year are and Belfry election will on Monday the day of which day the plebiicito taken High School Colors To be in Kith the the Newmarket High School hove bedded on txlora to distinguish them of other The outers are in the form cf a button wilh the fifth proportion of book of face of dark greeflf circle the and the construction linei of Inght and the filliog of the triangle ii dirk The three form a pretty combination It it to bo tfcit the pupil a will riietfceojsolvci with the httco Too Thin The Aurora Banner thts last week It is an absent minded gentleman of New market a few nights ago went for a pail water aad brought along a Ian tern aa the night was very dark After tot a few all was aa dark as a Ho proenri another light proceeded to the pomp again to ho that he bad bong pail on the and was water into the Now if the had said it in dark and dismal of Aurora wo not have been surprised bat that it is an undoubted clearly proven by fact that the same paragraph word for word appeared in the Bradford Witness last week with the exception that Newmarket was changed to Tottenham Cheap Fares The Grand Trunk Railway willisana uenndon tickets for the and New at fata good to oil Deo 998334 valid to return until also to go on loo SO or Jin J valid for return Jan for firatcJaat fare and onethird to GO or 9 good to until Jan 1G9 Era The who carry Em around Town to their next week with a Calendar for which will in beauty anything yet from olFoe and they are for a Wo may bo appointed as wo have had very little oom from petting at the proper time Very Irregular The Water works Engineer has got too op hands and result It the ringing of Town Bell don not give It is too to a man to ho up every night to take care of town hall then do an to bed and ring the six oclock bell next best thing the ran do Is to the to Mr Taylor again to with the New Year The Industry It will be a some when wo that Messrs Son one Ami buyers on the market ship ped from Newmarket this season doxen of which at per It barrels to hold thorn Back From Chicago After an atcnoo of months Mr Alfred Dennis arrivixl homo safely last week to good condition Ho was tent to Worlds Fair where he successful in taking the 2nd price This speaks well for North York in lino The animal was kept for days in quar antine at at the governments expense Correction Mr A Kennedy Of writes la last weeks Em you say the Jack Southern who killed by a fall in was John son lata Van This a mistake as John Southard lives in Omaha Neb lie is my wifos brother I am sore of the facto In case Please this error so to relieve minds of friends and relatives A On Monday Crabber of this town received from the United States Govern and the promise of the of his pen a Eon at rate of month payablenaarterly wii vclaotcer in the corps till served in the American Revolutionary under command Gen Grant and wcuc by a bullet in the log at the Hatchs Bun in the to the residence in the United iftiui to participate in the bene the Pension Bill ilr Grabber deal of to aekaowledgemcnt of aervicea but at last established his claim he Is happy and contented to live in Can Co American greenbacks- SHEftirrs Sale The of fiathcrlaud amoanting Co for on dollar in Rets off the following as an the old old story about the tun in the moon It Bays Compar atively few seem to that a a beautiful lady there also aod look carefully cue night as near full as patient fail to find at ftrat but it is very plain it The ice IB In profile looks to yonr left as yon gaze the surface of the moon the talr dark and coiled rather high her neck are radiantly beautiful Lit too the dark face Ff a man fortyaxd Mr- to make something of as all the boys who belong to want opera the dark hair tlof auhronandieckso sadiant and Thoie who hud on ihe cars arc familiar with by news agents to of wares- One doming l a by the rectd a had previously Wd the teat When for the delfwrlnR op very profane of looking out window smiled as matter of the situation The bo train hands in pres- mid another demand at the same but Anson manner The circus between here and YfMtU arhc4 a to the train on Its arrival and locked up until W from the north yVytVlwathePollooMagtatfVBw the option of days in gaol or which The prisoner the fine and fold ait by dear that Mith railway for Flannels Sheet and other wither goods a 1 Model School Exams- A meet ing of tho Hoard of for the County of York was held on Saturday for the purpose of considering results of tho examinations of tho County Model Schools which in progress during the previous week The located at Newmarket Toronto and Toronto Those present Inspectors J Hughes Chapman A Davidson and Principals and Thompson out of candidate attending at New market passed names being Ira Clark Johnston J A- ride It J Norman tor go Snider Mary Cose J J tirice Leonard Luudy A I- McDowell Potter PSimpson J The Junction school pasted and Toronto school 12 Every Farmer Should have one of our pound butter prints A a Methodist Choir The concert the Town last Friday even by the united choirs of and Newmarket Methodist Churches comprising about fifty voices best jntcrjalnmentsof kind baa the pleasure of our to enjoy for years Considering fact that the choirs only had one united rehearsal together the various numbers were rendered with remarkable ability and harmony The program opened with a chorus entitled Praise the Lord and was con cluded amid applause Then followed double quartette Boatman How also well received- chorus entitled Send Thy was the peat number and was rendered with great satisfaction A Death of by Mr Ed Toronto was Timk To buy your Furniture J Newmarket Ho larger discounts than ever for cash till Christmas and The Christian En deavor Society in connection with the Church elected following Officers last Tnesday evening for thtf half commencing Jan 1st President Mr BiUiog Pre Miss Una Secretary Ada Lehman Treasurer Flo Pressor Cor M Flo Terry Tho attendant for last six months been exceptionally good and vork very creditable Society has now a membership of Bowls And knifes all A a of officers elected Wednesday evening the neat half year in Select Degree were Thus Morrison itacdonald Prelate Bister Steward Tyler Duncan There was a error in last week for the Degree Guard elected was A Davit and the Ed Taylor Bargains A great many complaints being made beauso we are cutting so but whole stock bo Gold very shortly as wo retiring from This is the only reason wo are selling at tremendous reductions Newmarket High School This Is to be a memorable day in connection 3ucational New High School Building is to be form ally dedicated at 2 oclock this afternoon by iho Hon Roes Minister of Education to which public are invited Mr Roes ia expected here on the ten oclock train and will visit Model School this morning There bo no school this afternoon in consequence the other educational ceremony Tbe Don gentleman will entertained at lunch at Forsyth at Hughes for Cheap A great variety to select from a si Troubles A meeting of creditors of Sutherland Bros gen eral merchants of Newmarket was held afternoon office or As A Tho creditors were chiefly Toronto men The liabilities were shown to amount to J and the assets to made up of in stock and book debts No offer was made by Mr Sutherland and it was decided that stock should bo sold by Sheriff on Wednesday at the court house Toronto Messrs Co were tho purchasers on the dollar Hard timet and tho difficulty of making collections were as- signed for the failure The Methodist Sun day School will bo entertained by Worlds Fair on the of Jan instead of a Christmas Tree Remember that it more to give than to receive Parcel enough to do without hunting for hand Somebody lied one to a lamp post other day These days when you must not Inquire into the contents of mysterious looking packages are being smaggled Into the house Tho Prohibition Committee meets again tomorrow night Of late ear Christmas has far more a domes- tin and merrymaking holiday than a religious one But It is religious la the best sense since It is a day of peace and real and opens the heart to human needs and human sympathies en Bargain House has moved to No 1 Millards Block one door North of Hard ti a Who May Vote on Prohibition Tho statement which hag current that all whoso Dimes appear on Tutors list are entitled to for or against prohibition ia somewhat Practically soeb is case so far aa being as Municipal Legis lative voters but there restriction Tbs principal of one man vote prevails in this in election tn Pro Legislature and the whoso names appear on such lists as ting entitled to vote for municipal elec tions are not entitled to vote on the pleb iscite in district in which they reside A LARGE STOCK NOW IN OF FINE SCOTCH TWEED FANCY CHEVIOT AND HOPS SACK BLK ENGLISH WORSTED COATINGS BLACK AND FANCY Sleigh For cost at Overcoatin Market- Friday nights storm kept everything last aod no doubt inter fered greatly with tho quantity pro duce brought to town but notwithstand ing this untoward circumstance there were actually of jultry piled on Market floor when rush got Over hulk of tho turkeys bought at a few were sold at So and sonie extra ones sold at geese from to mostly Go docks a pair and chickens from to a pair Butter from to mostly and per Beef sold from to pork mutton to per lb by quarter Potatoes not many offered per big Beautiful Silk Mitts Ai a Peculiar Storm It began to rain hero last Friday afternoon and to- wards evening It from as as It came with anything This state of things continued all night so that when morning broke everything was coated with ice to a wonderful thickness It made a beautiful scone but it was fraught with much damage Shade trees par ticularly willows were stripped of their limbs telephone and fire alarm wires broke not much with weight by being struck with falling limbs from Orchards on Tonga at were badly damaged but many sections in the Southern part of the County fared worse than we did The telegraph and railway system were almost No communication could bo had with any point of town and only trains could bo run on Saturday mail from Toronto did not get hero till nearly noon Next Week Roche Co commence a sale of the stock of Sutherland Bros bought at cents on the dollar cash at sheriffs sale BEAVER MELTON AND FRIEZE WITH VERY BEST TRIMMINGS Your choice of any tailor in town to make the garments up LOWEST CASH PRICES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED R J DAVISON A QUESTION OF DOLLARS CENTS Sensible persons are no longer carried away by sensational advertis ing No matter how much is in the newspapers the comple tion of a purchase resolves itself into a question of dollars and cents and the wise buyer takes into account how much he can save parting with money OUR STOCK all new his Season and by ordering your Clothes from us you ran no risk as in many other instances you are liable to get shop worn and moth eaten goods which are dear at any price A BIG DROP I YOUR CHOICE Hick School Can t wvctifoi Wetting J Main St for r cornet announced to be given by Mr but who ably absent through Minus Ibis solo was deservodly encored An orchestra entitled the Lord from Mozart was rendered and followed by the rendi tion of Hallelujah Chorus It was executed with remarkable spirit and precision and before concert closed again called for the audi ence ThUcompIeted the first program The second part was rendered with equally gratifying picture scalar numbers a double quartette entitled The Bill of Faro was a grand surprise and was deservedly encored Where aU did so well it would bo oat of to special mention Individuals Much pralsolsdue leaders of these respec tive choirs for of the cue we have to owing to the weather which prevailed that find when at clow Of program exMayor Ivopf that another hearing united would again be afforded citizens he voiced the seiittrnents ot the generally home choir entertained vtsttors In the the their and at the close the concert and lability of was much frpjoyod- The a terrible lodrlvp ion 93 A the suit all right nd It fits and Bought Roche Co bought last lota rt much below wholesale prices They bought from one balance of their stock of Cbrfatmas and general fanny good ouch as china cops and vases wine At the sate of the slock of Messrs Taylor wholesale they got a lot of both and Protestant religious works novels valentine pen games end on J the sale of the of fifcesra bought this stock at 51 cento on tho dollar cash consisting of dry goods boots clothing hats and fare and groceries amounting to con co a big on Wednesday next They fn a position to you money on your purchases and they intend by marking a Public Meeting Hall should bo filled to overflowing Wednesday evening to hear Gibson on the qneoHon of Prohibition Plebiscite- At tho Act campaign was in York County it will bo remembered that Mr Gibson wao the opponent Mr King and the was ouch a lively that the mooting kept up till after midnight Mr Gibson has lost none his old- into fire cud for the last few weeks has been speaking in all parts of Province This week wit in the County of and word comes to us that meetings been exceedingly Mr Gibson openJs the next in tho County of York at the County Pro hibition Association Tho ft lend a of tho cause hero paying for Town so that it will bo an entirety free meeting and opposition Invited to Ufa platform- It will be meeting Of the campaign in county and ftvexy voter in municipality should bo present ladies also invited Mr Gibson is a grand speaker and well worth bearing A Snap We are clearing out the balance of our Coal Heaters- and at a big reduction You will from to buying this month ABInnt a Of 30 pieces of At prices that will Astonish you -OK- Knowing ibis we merely ask attention lo the following yon Will you Call Will you We leave the rest your own judgment It is a question of dollars and cents We are showing a fine assortment of Dress Gooda in all the newest shades Gloves Hosiery Handkerchiefs Gents Furnishings etc Christmas Groceries Fresh FirstClasa W PLAYTER Telephone Connection 62 Main St WE OFFER PRICESTHIS WEEK AND SHOE AND Direct Importers MY Main Street Newmarket ORDER HO FOR CHRISTMAS CLOTHING We have just received this a very targe consignment of Candcs consisting of Chocolates Creams Toys Cent and Mix turesthe latter we have bought nearly half a ton Owing to hard times we have put the price within the reach of everybody no matter how poor they may be You should sec our London Layers and Imperial Cabinet the quality is choice and the price away down Oranges this is one tine we cannot be touched in as we buy in large quantities which enables us to inside track Walnuts Filberts Almonds and Peanuts the best on the market A few more boxes of those Cheap Raisins and Currants left yet That cent Japan Tea or lbs for txo is giving good sat isfaction Try it- Be sure and call on us lo show goods and quote prices whether you buy or not No trouble Remember the place Main St A ROBERTSON NB Special Quotations to Schools Public School A log Boar J took on evening the mating Belfry end amounting to over for oil for Mayor Lloyds service Drill In- tractor accepted on In vitation High School Board lo attend at Iho opening of tho Now change Ixen made room copied by inn Mr remain on floor this week and whoa Mils Host re turn to they will occupy a room on the 2nd floor- By virtue Office J A It com pitting hit term at He hat been a member Board for 20 hat rendered the very other retiring member J and J Belfry bat terve3 In capacity for 17 or IB year aod Mr Belfry It jatt bit term of wo years Both gentlemen will probably be Mr It to Mr or Th at Town Dolls Dolls Dolls dl a Reason Dethroned The tad new reached last Monday that Mr John who lived at Baker Hill two North bad killed himself On enquiry wo found that for week ho ha been failing In and his mind so shaken that he was not capable of attending to In fact it was impottiblo enter into conversation with him upon any topic of public Saturday morn ing ho got up as usual partly dressed and want down into base ment kitchen to build a Are Before Ids had her clothe property adjusted beard a below llko the of water and taring all wo not light ran down ard found her log with his sock In otto hand and a rarer in other a light that no would- care Two called In but wound Wt neck was unrepairable and In four hour spark had fled Mr taw tun about years ago on tbo tarns farm hero sun eel owned acres of land was a practical farmer raited thorough bred and Imported theep and was at or near tbe head of In matters calculated cir cumstance ot Ids brother agriculturalists Ho a JI s member of township council for about ten years represented the township Whitchurch In county council or lit retired honor from and was of most men In Politically ho a Liberal that anyone who wa running parly In Mr the Baptist Church has lost one its strongest pillars the one of Its best and family a kind husband and affectionate Co father FULL LINES OF Handkerchiefs Gloves Ties Winter Caps Hosiery Underwear c AT We giving greater bargains in out lines than any house in town a It will pay you to examine Goods and Prices before purchasing else where Montgomery Son lbs Japan Tea regular for 100 New Currants and Raisins at 6 cts All Groceries at equally LOWRATES Grey Collars and reduced to S3 Dark Collars and to Collars and reduced to Pure Silk Handkerchief suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS Reduced in Price going from up STAPLES AWAY DOWN m At corresponding rates J W STEPHENS I8ik ull03 ftbout fcVihloon ftc let and I No It id iV Journftl tot heme ad olc to to and MlftfalUrfll find ft wviB It fwli and lulu Deluded wfalch worn SrlU tor will bo written l t ftlld indoor l En and topltt Will at A aod HARPERS PERIODICALS in NEWMARKET BOOK AND DEPOT Well- Assorted Co GREAT BARGAIN HOUSE Overcoats Clothing ReadyMade Ordered at our usually low prices We mean it Call with the crowd and be convinced OHAS MAIN STREET Silt cheap now at Dry hard wood Is Belling a la St Johns Asuiua the church will bo for Chritlmu Midnight mat will bo cele brated on Christmas and alto mat at It cloak on Day v Toronto Dec to CO a per bathe per bubal OAltporbuthcl Pom I dwoM i4 priori a ii on a a 0U a OH a a a a a a it OK OSS OH CO fl Markets DM- 1893 T3 floor OH WbMt por on ton CO i CO CO a a a a a a attar tub per lb Apple pa k ti II It a hap alt a a itH i IM SCO a a OH a It a a OS a Oil a a a a VoJuratvs lima with fcr of nom no at lbs Mojo or receipt of or binding will paid or of not Oleoma dollar for ITOO per volume Cloth for for bind will bo Mod by postpaid on Arranged Specially with a Heavy Stock of BOOKS CARDS BOOKLETS To Supply Sunday Schools Rates to Schools that will Rival any thing PreviouB A CALL SOLICITED Order or Ual to lot Oaf aYrunarTlai a to A oJtvrtfiaS Hi arm ft iPwtnnornBna ir not lenMfnmlihM arcrf nun QbolM ltiModconlroiof txirrltor ten and can yon and aula aapArlor or oar will coat noibJog- WKLLTNOTONa Oat Holland Landing Bakeiy for four lbs Bogax for Box Hasina for lb Tea for ll It for and Lemons per Best Cool per All Produce in exchange for Groceries Central W N STARR Shi M FRESH BULBS I- AT a BENTLEYS K PHARMACY DR CAMPBELL Proprietor Flour BOOK TABLE AND DAIRY SALT AT RIGHT WANTED Box Oat- to of a wi Howards Bakery at Royal A ROOMED HOUSE- TO Lot Cellar bard arfl toft vstKa lp-

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