Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Dec 1893, p. 2

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T 8 Clothing Roche A Co Gifts A Good Robertson i Ioi it SowStr5rGinooil Dnford I Editor what i TOT Liber of Norfolk on If on day ilr ai the party Candida to for next fe NEVER RUT GROWS BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE The Era is Printed all at Home FRIDAY DEC It i fttmoanopd Sir will deliver itsam of the before Young Tuesday evening to Con- gross Monday list declare emphati cally tariff reform practically an of the tariff bill Toronto Despatch tin Era Mr Kfonrdy only de- for tile Mayoralty op to the Solicitor baa tendered bis but the baa yet it Kington will ask Prin cipal Grail bo candidate for the Log- A is lO come in a The is in this A at Jndc School itir irlica The Abbey a roofer f rem of idlest fatal A iirateb from to cay last jninpol hi tail Oar Deputy has a for before as a In column opinions we regarding the wfeJom ilie ffithou the covert id rum 1 and Light Co While outwardly to a rational as be ne factors He says horns of most eminent engineers in liie country pronounce Ihe he man by feasible If we arc to understand by this that modern cii1 and mechanical skill is capable of surmounting opposing in the way of construction then we con cede the simple ground of possible feasibility but feasibility in this sense does not mean practical utility as an investment or commercial enter prise Our Deputy says Some engineers endorse the project but equally qualified engineers men like and others who have a large interest in Torontos success tell us otherwise as a commercial under- taking considering the lockage stop pages and consequent expense these us it would take a stream vessels almost touching one an other and passing at a rate of speed now averaged by vesselson the Canal five months in the year to pay less than two per cent on the investment In other words we have to assume an almost impossible state of things to enable the enter prise to pay capitalists less than two percent In this sense we contend the enterprise is anything but fea sible and hence all the other non sense about Uncle Sams millions without bavin shrewdness to see about its commercial feasibility is a vain attempt to cast a glamour over the scheme of who attempt to justify conduct that bears the impress of want of judgment Bui supposing the position taken by our Deputy to be tenable then we hold he and his colleagues were remiss in not so qualifying the petition to the Legislature as would protect both public and private interests Why did not the Council ask Assembly to see to it that the proposed company should be com pelled to build bridges at every con cession or side road the canal crossed or inteifcrrcd with Why did they not limit that all etc should be made by the Company Unlike a railway farmers cannot drive across an open canal without bridges Many farms may be so split upas incon venient for farm operations without bridges Why did not the Council ask the Legislature to protect these interests and not Lave indivi dual at the mercy of sharks Why did they in shorty ask Legislature to grant a perpetual of immense worth without a cent of return to the people Their entire plant is asked to he made frecof taxation and should they come near enough to an town or village to put in light or power private enterprise would be taxed and this monopoly untaxed But we do not intend to pursue matter fur ther than to say if the County Coun cil would confine to the legiti mate work for which it is organized and not three- dollars a day each of the peoples taxes for doing outside business of a private character and on which the ratepayers of the country have not pronounced our Deputy would be spared the necessity of calling attention to the ability its members If a private individual or company want legislation ia the Assembly they are required to put up to cover expense and we do not tee why the general taxpayers of York should be called to pay to Councillors to express an Opinion on the speculating schemes of private corporal ions or companies Council Is not legislative it never was to intended Its sphere is one of practical within certain limits and when that body trans- these bounds it travels beyond its functions and assumes what does not properly belong thereto The Aqueduct Heat Power etc scheme is simply a business enter- that should oh its merits and contribute its quota towards law and order taxation the same as any enterprise nd the- of East ttk place on rodnco Mr majority over Dr The patrons ore fied with majority and cay la lock in odd Tut of East Wellington hare decided to make a change their representative to At a Monday Mr John Craig the was mously as the for election Tnc death Hon- John Governor New is an nounced The sad event occurred on Monday very On Sunday morning be o feel- and asifeied pain ia the of the Before morning he passed away He was appointed Governor September At byeelection for the Commons at Ottawa to nil the occasioned of Mr Macintosh to of the Afire by Reform Hon liir jrreseot It not to their for election- Municipal pot ia to AiiBnier In GwiJlitniaty It his been ftrouod a ncek pre thfl Mir Hoi- will the fr Mr John fied intention of from Ibe it fe Mr Js Cunniiliu for a at the County Council Lawyer to have ibe field for the Mayoralty Mr TriveU wye he had of it eg alderman for St Georges Ward Every thing else teems Nothing from the other MOUNT ALBERT to n Sunday Mr KeDnyJy of Toronto Ik to and and the SiuiJ Family bo here the night a Bedford if aaffering from poison in hit fajoid- While hole he cams a hog- Soma get bit hand and it was time be hi but is on mend- In Toronto Another redding hero on A rrellinjr photo car located here this ST CHAT Did on your I Mr is engaged for next year to conduct the school an assist mi t Mr he of the to home from oar deer and a fine bear ilnoicipaj are TCry quiet here yet A Urge number of Son of Tern- tbii neigh borhood on Wednesday evening last with of starting a Division and treated us to an entertain rao- of jading recitations duets aolc and a a goodly number in their for a net division here which on evening La Grippo last week we dont of any bad to ihoVoathex on prrdkAi I iMn ibn aDoiiafDeborcb fchonki la a he n who for f rco Mil to bear falling plQally of cat out In to of Jr matter Jon of oar mm gixiM Up t loci VfAlxihhft a Cert At a tavern In a local for Who itli ma who man affTofi brawl On a a Try lima ft of tbo beat ever la Qoccof villa universal opinion doliabtod ibat ibo deliver Rot J- Hector the orator ft- evening IxjU in by cry of well inftiircer Im or left optic put Wi ith of an to be bad CD on Friday tut from Brussels ett be visiting mother whom ha bad ot for many She with to a while lit Society is Dig Mr of Port Hope was the Mr- on Mr Mid of Bradford were at Mr- of Muter Walter and Norman of Toronto with their aunt rHr J getting a very aeriona which has tor a period of tight weeks hopes to be the fine Esther Dennis and expect to leave for Kansas next week to spend the Christmas holidays- Mis Dennis intends to remain for the printer Mr an old throughout North York was in tatrn Jut Friday ad Saturday celling on old friends Mrs Howard of will who has been very poorly for be pest four weeks and confined to her bed whole of the time is improv ing this Her J Bell was so poorly thetUwes necessary to a supply from the city We learn that he Is improving this week and hopes to be to bis place next Sunday Since Thnrtdty night of Mr one of pioneer residents of the Township of East has been W bod from pneumonia Since Tuesday noon be has wry low and his physicians have little hope of recovery Mr Terrell who a severe attack of the grippe the past weeks is improving Ills Mr while employed In a packing bouse at Montreal slipped on the one day lait week and throwing up his arm it came in contact with a revolving knife result being that hie hand was cot completely oil Mr Brown son of late John Drown town that they not had much snow yet very little Ice He has on a steamship for two sous plying between in Ohio and Michigan a of miles which makes In 43 boars carrying tons iron ore Vivian Scott returnril he of father on is very prevalent in quite a amber being down with it Mr Stoner into our village Monday Eons have Jo iKe of their stock rioter A throujilj here day week causing wmo of people to wonder what it until it was expedited of onr wits with hi Tmftrb Sure it a lcok- for water tev Mr whilst returning home from cervices on day had in a snow On the liue getting away caused him to have a walk in Mr Gray was call at Reeve Saturday even Albert of was at Mr Smarts of this week Mr- of Lindsay spent few days with hie daughter Miss Nugent popular school teacoor Why do ihfi two young carpenters go to meet the train so often Ho merer trial will John J on Some a certain feeling very brave went resolved to a poor wretch of fallen a til raid b45encd to rescue- Whin they met tbero were lerriflo oxcb ths After Ha each parly retired a the avexled- that the Women tracks for Ann after- Do you notice bow planet hoea I Vote Ma tha time is drawing near for the all vole on and as the elections are on at the same time would it not be well to remember the proverb ate a jewel Now think you would it fee consistent to vote for Prohibition the same time mirk a for a man that indulges in the fatal a thousand no Then bring out wlxr hone- if men for all office and let everyone nobis men end women find fchow by that vote that you are determined to rid this fair Canada from the curse of intemperance- Etrxi Jake CHRISTMAS OOD AT RMAGY We have a Fine Variety this year Call and see them A Good Pair of Spectacles make a nice present We make no charge for testing Eyesight STUART SCOTT MD ROBERT B A K Y Register boa Bo will tare an extensive liplcinLiitCt tot In ho or Credit given iHI except tin fot bay aoJ Etims of SI bed Salu at oclock W- duct Dec Mr Implenicrta lit lo Con chnixti till Nor over or pcrrcnt off or Silo at Dec will Iiavc a mole- on lot In or Terms llapa and under rath over Hint ti cent for Jate ac J- Killer We arc now receiving our Christinas Groceries and would ask you to call and inspect our Prices and Goods before buying elsewhere We think we can you both Quality and Price We want your trade and expect to get it it price and will doit Loot at our Display of Nuts Feds Sec in our Window on Siturday have just in a daisy line of Japan Tea at per or for this is extra value Also our Blended Black Tea and you will find it equal to tea sold at 50c Our Newmarket DONT FORGET US AT XMASI We dont to make a Special Cut in only one line but will have Nuts Fruits Confectionery And everything in our line At Rock Bottom Prices Main Street iVcwmnrket KESWICK The anniversary of the Church here place on the and to reach the anniversary aermone Bun- ay will preach to children in the morning and to the teach ers and parent in the evening Mr Davie an worker end we are looking to a treat- On Mon day an entertainment wilt be by the come out ride tint will Rev Washington preached an ftble temperance on Sunday last on account of the big there waa a Stewart of Newmarket ia to preach in next Sunday morning end Washington in tbe evening Mr Gilford Mann went toon Jury Cooka Bay waa partly frozen over on but it broken up again now- Jimmy Fax ie to be at the Ball to- Friday- There la not much stir Vie in our township yet Our temper ance have lo stir themselves we think A to be bold at Bethel on Monday evening next Id the plebiscite Flour per barrel Fall Wheat per Spring Wheat per bushel Wheat per 0 Barley per bushel per bushel bushel Bran per feLociB too Batter roll per lb w Butter tub per lb Potatoes per per Wool per lb Beef Pec 8k WOT OW 0 a a a a a a CO 18 a IB 19 a a a a 0 a 17 a CO a a a a a 0 not put Until the week before WHAT YOU SHOULD DO Our Toronto Dec Kail Wheat per 1001 Wheat a Wheat per a per Olio 33 a 31 fid a Life tail lis lull HOLLAND LANDING The sleigh belli aro hoard on The of the Guild was well at tended inclement weatbera was really The municipal kettle Is heard to All the old municipal to in it Martha Tor onto for couple of weeks visiting her ttneW MMorton a by on waa highly sprttn of Mr Hood has busy looking for a Mr afford Us The la holding out In Ibe Tern If all now Lois on Tuesday night A Central alio or tilling at organization at Button Is In With J to for good- for sny The Menoultei are now having meetings at church Mr Anthony Mitchell has returned from Brandon apparently In the best of health A was held In lbs church here for the of Organizing the number of vote for prohibition In this rolling Avery made by after which the following were to Mrs and coo J J five Mr giving up fsrnv log and going to the city where ho will cupcarlp JACole and King con- A con Mr- R Ml spent Sat urday and Sunday under the parental roof Mr John Moore who has con fined to bis bed for the past slowly recovering and we hope to see him out again in a few days Owing to weather tho con gregations wore verv small on Burnley all that wero present at the Methodist in the morning expressed aa highly pleaeeu with address by Key J of and that may bo favored with another nddrcte in tho near future It moat bo a Mow York the the a Can adians geuerslly get married at homo and dprrt try to keep it a secret for four months la nothing like In columns Mr our at items Know All has been fomul No doubt he bad boon av ay aeeking a part ner but he failed to socurooLc ho turned heartbroken On morning 3rd woro awakened from their slumbers by wild fierce and deafen ing cries On ascertaining It that the who was carrying a club was having an Irish mans row We are very sorry to report such a racket but the offend ers have to appear before the The temperance on Friday even ing exceeded all expectations The church was nearlv filled and all were The society are trying to secure Hector for the temperance meeting at Albert and If do no doubt a great number will from here We are glad to welcome earths white mantle again and to hear merry jingle of We might Inform tbe corres pondent that Know AH dcem appreci ate good sidewalks when he has as he would rather take the roxd for It thin clean off the enow Is to be held on Thursday and all day Friday In this having a shooting match on Thursday of There are to bo besides turkeys sod men are not moving Prohibition Is tbe foremost question of hour as elsewhere A meeting will be held in Interests of prohibition Friday evening tbe dist Church here when addresses will fee delivered speakers in favor of A wellfilled Is confidently factory employing some thirty or forty hands Is at present shut down Ihe owner Mr Campbell Is sick with typhoid ferer The factory an wagou- are running as usual The rebellion in Mexico has become and whole country is disturbed men have tiken aims lire per Potatoes per beg Apples per Wool per lb Hay per ton Pork per Chickens per pair Ducks a 0 21 a IS a a a a 80 a 30 a a Oil 31 on 060 3 FURNITURE CHEAP FOR Undertaking Embalming A SPECIALTY JIMILLARD 1st of December -00- you intend to buy yourself an outfit in the shape of a Suit an Oncost place your order in time you do not know where to go ask your neighbor and he will always tell you to go to MY TAILOfi If you have any cloth lying around the house bring if in and have it made up infirstclass style Prices reasonable- FOUND On Saturday Owner them by tola ARM WANTED if About Acre a tow milt Box J PO ROBE LOST On Town between end Morrlwas lie ward for lu Return to to TRAYED CHINA HALL A black sow one btid andtaH week on Saturday Holland i Any wilt bo thankfully rcoflivivl- to ASTRAY- or about Nov properly and the animal FALL t TUSCAN LODGE Telephone Connection Tlio pttdlo bt town on the the wife of a sou lost the Hartford 3rd the wife of udnureofaiou lost at the bride by Krir Mr to Qoorgtoa Church Mark- tfastSthNov by Croft Ira A of of Mr At lha of brides on h lost by Elder If Mr of VrbitchurthtownibipLto Miss Kate daughter of Meant Frederick broths of Button 3Sl At the resldeuoa of Yoose tbs Mm her Interred at after noon of John Frtdar- the at if oclock ail at Cemetery J MAIN All orders will nd AM No will be hi the even tit Invited order I tfecreury IN THE SURROGATE COURT Of the County or York berth after from first of ihCa nottceapptloatlon will be made to the of lbs of York on sat atotler or town or Now- market to of the la- and Ateoto late of deceased Holland Landmg Bakery for a four lb loaf of Dread Yellow filler for 1 Box for Its Japan Tea for Its for 25o OrtQKci and Lemon per Best Coat per gallon All Farm Produce taken In exchange for Groceries Howards Bakery r Mount For Sale TUrt3UAHTtotho power of JC IE time will be aii gainst the I salt will be for at the on December- ISO at a- of land on South of Albert from of H or in said Terms of Sale Tea per at Bale balance In thirty thereafter For and conditions of aaie appfy to itat STATUTES rto for At New Fruits coming to hand daily I have in stock now some fine new Basket very choice for table Prime offstock Choice new figs on Ihe way Orange and Citron Peel assorted In boxes Very nice for family use and all other lines for the coming season now in stock or on the way Finest Golden Syrup In alb Tins for rac Last seasons Valencia Raisins lb boxes for lbs good Japan Tea for good value at California Breakfast Food Packages for A Grand Slock of Comb and Strained Honey CANNED QOOD8 From the best each or for Good Pink Salmon cans for TOILET SOAPS I am making a special run to re duce stock Babys Own and all others in proportion Later you will hear from me in Fancy China Lamps China Tea and Toilet Sets would say see my stock before buying It will pay you Now just one word dont forget my Excelsior is the best in town and our regular Japan Tea or lbs for has no equal A Main ft HA TIM SAL DONT FORGET We are cutting into the prices of MENS BOYS CLOTHING LADIES CHILDRENS MANTLES RESS GOODS BOOTS SHOES -A- A AA And commencing this morning we offer our entire Stock of Crockery and Glassware at Discount of per J v p This discount off these Goods which are already marked a low price in keeping with a Cash trade means a loss as the net prices will A a We are hound to clear out every dollars worth Compare our prices and you will find out we do exactly as we advertise to do i BRUNTON BRbS REMEMBER F You can purchase your At COST at our Great t

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