Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Nov 1893, p. 3

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J ERA NOV 1893 STANDARD A special meet ing to tonight to consider important Every member if SATURDAY BARGAIN DAY No Navy Camels Hair goods inches wide whit Crescent figure Regular pncaSi25 A high Saturday No 2 Grey and White ilk Diagonal Scotch Cloth I pimp with infllPS a have been a Suiting- a ftbuit very high class costume Saturday Voters Court His Honor frill tit erf tba Cham ber Mid Volar Wit Looks All the flowing wells at now connected with and got cleaned credit- Christian Church Elder Of Will preach fa Ihe Christian on Union next morning at A will bo taken for Mr conduct la iho Christian Cborcb here Fawn Jersey Sed- ford Cord Clolh Jo inches Regular Price 22 Saturday io inches Navy Wool Serge with line stripes of either white gold cardinal or cream Saturday 49c J A New Shade in Wool Serge inch Reg ular Saturday No 63 pieces only of inch French Printed Wrapper flannels Regular value Saturday No 7 A lot of Fancy Stripe Silks Regular price to Your choice Saturday for No piece Silk Sealette Regular value Price Saturday t When inquiring for any of the above please men tion you noticed the adver tisement in this paper- DANFORD ROCHE Co- The Leading House a Sung For two weeks Mr Jacob Bock sorting a tore hand It was a cue of arising from a couple of and wo did matter had be not obtained medical aid when the swilling in- It it aboat right now Here Weekly our wage bill a month pay oar paper wo to cash fair and If arc In this will explain why are billed More A Han erected at the rear of feet which will bo used by the amity and parlor will be and occupy the whole fiat which much needed improvement Robert on it alto patting in the largest License Transfers The license for North York met in Newmarket Wednesday to decide upon two application for of licences- In the of the Mansion Boose Sharon a petition in f of transferring the license from the late to Brans signed by about Two counter were presented one by the of with and the other a general one in the polling division with or signature In addition to this a down who signed the fint peti tion sent in written requests to withdraw names Hie to the effect that the hole not that former Occupancy the petitioners to be incompetent The Board consented to transfer the license to a suitable tenant bnt declined loenierUln the present With regard to the BeUuren hotel the license was transferred from Mi Local hi THAT GOING ON IN ABOUT TOWN Good Music- Speaking of the the Witntn New- urVet provided the cine good sat if Action Warmer pronounce that the celestial by electric on evening Is a sure sign of weather for a short spill Army Notes Capt and wife are the new who have been appointed to take of this corps The Capt is an officer of nine years experience in the A- and has met with much raocees in tho many stations which he has bad charge of He was stationed here eight cadet under Freer and was known as Happy Harry The and wife were last in change of who supplied hero during the past three weeks left this week for Port Perry who was the last officer in here has been attached to Lis gar St Corps Toronto The Newmarket a cable member In Color Sergeant Gregory who leAvee this week for Davenport where he fas obtained a situation on the Eaton overseer Bo will bo greatly missed here Capt Carney who was formerly here and last Inchargoof has been appointed to take charge of Bloom- field O The Proper Stock in Proper Having bought bankrupt stock of J Aurora consisting of Ranges Wood Cooks Coal Cooks and Box Stoves intend to clear tbeabovo stock at a reduction of 20 per thus taring yon from to on a stove Call early G- A a A couple of Italians with violin and harp were doing the town list Saturday Pay help promptly and they gossip so much about affairs The Johnson property corner of Prospect Ave and Street is undergoing extensive repair Keep your boys and girls off the at night The popHs at lbs Old Kirk school complain of the cold A yoke of oxendrawing a load of wood was a novelty on Main El Mon day forcibly reminding old people of days of yore Never hay what you cannot pay for Is present day axiom demonstrated by the foregoing lion Tarn are all the rage Where was the last Sunday night Streets were vgry dark Has tho Mayor made a note of It Regular meeting of the at Hughes next Tuesday afternoon Tho Standard Fashion advertised by Messrs Co- is like and only half the price Bctf a Padlock- If you have a chicken roost and you take any in breeding fowls this advice is necessary to handicap prowlers in the darkness Last Saturday night Mr bad three choice birds taken and Mr lost one Report says that the wood is walking away from several sheds without so much as saying lean- People better load their old shot guns with salt and be prepared for offend ers that make a practice of stealing The First Railway Tomorrow Nov will bo the day of breaking ground for the construc tion of the Northern Division Q then called the Ontario and Huron Railway through Newmarket An old Toronto paper which wo the privilege of pursuing this week to the foregoing incident There was a great display of fireworks that Is Nov The contracts for construction were let fa sections on was broken in Newmarket within three weeks after commencing operations in Toronto for the ame paper states Ground near the Parliament buildings for this railway was broken by Lady Elgin on Wednesday the of Octo ber Wo give these dates for the younger people of today to remember Model The Water St this weather the contractor to have the for the new stool Water ready for the in ten days- They com menced the blocks of west rideyfitrday Church Regular Fellowship Meeting at oclock next morning Pastors subject at service other rids of the counter evening sermon will bo the dosing of the series Progress subject Prises and Blank Burglars Yesterday morning Chief Savage information of a at a small village about miles East of The post and store kept by was broken into Wednesday open and in with iooio postsge stamps were No due IN OUR ill are the in the Class who took the highest number of marks at examinations held daring the month of October The highest number of marks obtainable was Alva Guthrie Cecil Geo Simpson 407 Mary May Brunton8M Walter Maud Smith A Caldwell Millie Howard 342 Fred Rogers Maty Mills 337 Minnie Earlby Oliver Flo Trent 192 Harry Orris Howard 171 Sarah 310 Herb Armltage161 Madge Bennett Thompson Industrial Home Just a dozen ladies of the went to the Home on Wednesday afternoon and held a service Mr Rattan a of the Society of Friends from was present by reqaest and gave a short address The inmates joined heartily in the filogingund at the close each one was presented with an illuminated text card Refreshments were then served including cake and grape which the old people thoroughly appreciated The met at the Home the tame day and passed the monthly ac counts which amounted to Con took place regarding the salary of the Home At the present time these cervices cost per and the Connty pays for all the medicine According to the number of risits made this year the salary runs about a The are favor of next appoint ment made at a price per visit be lieving that It will not only be more economical bnt better attention given The Prohibition The actual question to bo upon will be found In following ballot paper which is in the form of that which electors will mark on election day Mon day January 1st A Novel On Tuesday evening next at the Town Hal a moat attract entertainment will be given in aid of St Church Stat uary that mores and statuary tbat does not will ho there beautiful old ballads will be infant will the advance in educational methods the will play and latest confections and cooling drinks will bo dispensed cheaply For all this diversion the of is only ten cents S S It tht will be alive week with Sunday workers They are coming from North and the East and West and will have heir hands full Already of a large number of delegates have been sent in and a very profitable Convention anticipated It will open Wednesday evening in the Christian Church when Rev of Toronto of MoveOn fame will give an on the subject Workers for the Age The will be tad by a union choir under Mr A Programs hare been sent to all the schools In North York and South Dr of is to give the day evening and Hon S Stake on Friday evening Those who expect a good seat at the evening meetings will have to go early The day sessions are for practical work r you to favor of the immediate prohibition by lawof the importation jmannfaclure intoxicating a beverage YES HO California The Presbyterian Church was filled on Wednesday evening with a very appreciative andienoa The pastor Rev J occupied the chair and introduced speaker of the evening Rev J Smith who was pastor of this church here some six years ago and who was announced to lecture on California Mr Smith handled his subject in a moat excellent manner and for nearly two hours follow ed him In bis vivid flight over mountains and across valleys time pasting so quickly that all sorry they could not enjoy his oompany longer Cold mining ranches the habits and of the the Chinese the low state of morality were all explained and the phase of his nature was constantly apparent J- Dickson Esq A seconded by Mayor Lloyd moved a vote of thanks From Mr Smiths healthy it is quite evident that life and work in California agrees with him but his adyice to North Yorkers is If yon are able to a comfortable living stay here props 1 SUTHERLAND BROS I NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALE AT THE NEW FALL DRESS GOODS We ore now showing our first of Pall Dress Goods and would ask you to call and inspect them for yourselves Our Black Henriettas will be found to be tbe best value in town Compare some of them and see Now is the time that people begin to think about Flan nels Wo have splendid range of Flannels for the Fall Trade good value for the price asked Cotton and Shirtings We have a full lino of these everyday asked for articles and all we have to say about them is they the we can buy for the money Our Groceries are all Fresh and Try our Blended Coffee at Also our Blended Tea at GO cents W W PLAYT Telephone Connection Main St GREAT HOU hero today Council tomorrow Town Council Separata School Board Tuesday Convention here week Weeks from Thanksgiving Remove doors and windows on tot cold weather Another FootBall match tomorrow Visiting Our present stock of ReadyMade Clothing being far too heavy we have decided to reduce by onehalf by making Division Court the for the Cootyof Court on of ihiTLnroonly new bat tome will m will bo fought on An old Toronto bearing date Nov Snow fell in In City Oct fell Id Toronto on the and ftUo In New York The bit tamo date we had quite Oct ft any engage- Club performance which they tula will be the The been to- Mr HN tenor In Toronto Conservatory of Mi Conn Toronto ate alto prepared In fan drill wand rcw hoop drill It is that Ontario for of for oi In taking the rote In pebiKitcon the lit of Jan r and poll with the t procured of each municipality but poll book will bo mod with addition of a ruled cola ran headed forma will fftM without charge and will be fcnrarded with plebtaclte ftct J cm by the time for the corning municipal ftiui or If the with g of ft candle electric were to bo left to a owloil to Indicate where be found do you think linger would refrain from- grefectlom about of a atiur ot tail though bat the Aurora elect rtcllglA by the New Heat Light and Power Co to here com- In good poaliton to renew the and bo able to do tban the corporation ran oayU Notice and Faded can like new reliable Work of 0flo who arc well known every tt work well finlthed up JCiaLdhave ready ittfeUUit What is Said Everybody who A at retiring can buy two for what one pair coiti else where and quality la always tecd We may the great re daction In depattmeat are going out of Still Another Although the weather Saturday from being to match outside sport quite a large number went over to Park to see Foot ball match between the College Pharmacy team and Tbe home weakened by the ftbseneo- of McKay Rolling Coo Clark and Cain and went the field feeling rather the deter mination not to bo beaten It waa nearly nearly three when play called the lining Mitchell anting I Johnson Left Bedford Wing Mian Centre Coal Bocks Flood Lloyd Doyle I vino I Clark Bight Abbott J Wing Montgomery The viiltora haying won the ton dec hied to kick Into the goal wif a at wind In their favor For the Ant fifteen play pretty even If anything a liltlo In favor of visitors and altera good on goal one of Toronto players scored our boys ftnd when half time was they cooded in getting goats Mont gomery adoring each time the second half was slow the ball defence and the homo player evidently caring more to keep the ball amongit themselves than to acore When time waa called the game atood Toronto Newmarket The match throughout devoid of rorighnet and our claim this team to moat gentlemanly lot of they have met this season Much credit for the of moat bo to Mr A A oWJaccnsvllle who has referced all the not only lo of oar own players but also to that of tho vliltlog teams j ftnd when the city Invited our team to play In To ronto they alio Invtted Mr fjmlth to go along and act fts referee there dc team one of the atrongeat In the Toronto Dry League play here Everybody wlip can turn out and tho Kick off at oclock sharp stand for IS FOR THIS into or Ho i a new Men will on yellow ballot papers womcti on blue pipers no election beheld Toll will bo open for this Prohibition vol- No portion can than once tho question not even if ho or she holds In different municipalities Agents to the polls on behalf of both sides will bo appointed by Muni cipal Clerks on Monday 11th Dec at oclock noon Two agents or for poll can bo appointed by of the the number by of a Ladies should sub- bo for Standard Roche Co agcols for Now York and Chicago Fashion Co- They also keep foil slock of Standard Paper Patterns which beat In use a Halloween Pranks Boys will bo boys In It can bo easily and yet It generally Oar local poll realized situation on oven log and whenever a group upon strict corner thero was a that they were being watch nod so as the glare of electric light dispelled gloom was chanco to carry out their plana without being caught evening hours away with little except now J then of who been In their beds would run along sidewalks making clat as if cop was after- them at fall shortly after midnight when the lights were oat andall was quietness Mg commejicodoMratlons Numerous gales packing boxes were piled upon sidewalk front of were removed For Jntlanco a hanger In front of Manning book store to the top flag on Park avc and a pole belonging to Mr A cannot be found An old left tbaiMJKjPAraillng on Timothy while a new fisfalonod bas awaited of gatttsfrom the Forsyth Hooter Then four or five buildings like this but Wo have no patience for those who Indulge that kind of work and ft would them right it they were Jerked Some artist with a brash was rather lavish In his To conclude an cannon resurrected and two or three flrcrl one oclock which scared the neigh and home guards only to find the Implement forsaken the in Eta Here wo are again to use a com mon expression of clown small us though didnt come back until faods were exhausted and White City has plenty of vaga of ita own without providing for The question la asked of every visitor who returns from the Fair What did yon see in Chicago Can anyone an- It No and why the of a visitor who had only eleven day limited ticket was too much engross with generalities to particulars No visit to windy city would bo com plete without a visit to the Block Yards Lincoln Washington and Jackson Parks Auditorium Hoard of Trade Jlulld- Uasonte Temple with lie obicrva feet abovo the sidewalk situate on story a on tho While- back a vessel constructed purposely for Columbian Exposition between city proper and fair grounds with a carrying capacity of persons each trip ho County and City Municipal Post Office Messrs Cooper the largest store In the world aomo one of Courts of which there four one of Justice Courts where civil debts to the extent of adjusted by a where and spitting of to bacco smoking cigarette cigars and babbling Is continually with tho administration of justice And last but not least America a performance and put on tho by KiraKy for which he received of In addition to To a person geared In Canada with inherent respect paid to the Lords Day a Sunday In Chicago dtsa Auctioneers and vendors of wares occupy the railroad tick et for sale theatrical attractions saloons novelties etc saloons open to public with special attractions such as punch and Judy shows low thea trical performances etc to draw custom Yet with all advantages given the traiTic by licensed third as many once together with places on the Fair proper where liquor Is dlspcnted did not see a drunken during my ten days Did time permit one might note a features of the Columbian which now look like a paradise although two years ago It was only a boggy slough or morass and plate what the Ingenuity of man backed up with unlimited capital can do in so short a space of time The Manufac tures and Loral Arte Building covers an area of thirty and onehalf acres of ground has a promenade of one mite In length around It Is 767 feet wide and feet length has a promenade half a mile long on top of the building feet abore tin a reached by innumerable eleva tors and stairways and Machinery Hall feet wide by feet at a cost of betides hundred or more of buildings too numerous to mentlpn Ferris wheel carrying over two persons at once and handing Its owner every time it makes two revolutions has proved the greatest moneymaking invention of the Fair Time forbids farther remark at present Sweeping Reductions IN OF Black Worsted Coats and Vests Mens Tweed Suits Boys and Youths Suits Mens Overcoats of every kind Boys Overcoats of every kind goods will he marked down by Red Ticket and there will be no deviation from said mark but it will be bo low that everybody will be satisfied that they are getting rare bargains and will at once see advantage of early buying TERMS STRICTLY CASHi R J Markets Not Wour per barrel en Wheat per Wheat per DM per ner CO DAY IIFMIIl rial i Iran ton per Apples per baa pe ro per ap Fore nerowta Deaf per 1 COW If IS aw Ducks per 0 IS Ih a 9 Toronto foitONTO Fall Wheal per a CO Spring Wheat per bushel a CO Wheat per W a CO Oath el im 4 AT Proper CO per 13 troll per 11 hmm a Oil Poialoeeper bag a Wool per lb a Oil per too BO W a Chickens a pair a a TO fc at VlttorU with honors Iho rear passed the VsKca of College Since Dr his to the speelsli Throat and tun represents a Id i A lunjr Toronto will Hew TOSVei Amia UUi a to be In his ihs p I Ihs op sun sad the Lose of Bore Tonsils other a hniis FRESH BULBS CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST also sustain our lor Ordered Clothing Superior Goods Call and be convinced 94 MAIN STREET EWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT Along with our Increasing Trade have added a Complete Line of Butterick Patterns up to dale Save time by looking through Our Catalogue and what you want Delineators Fashion- Sheets For November on hand at the Contra Office STARR With cold weather come thought clothing The question of the hour is Buying With eyes to see ears to hear and tongue to question you can learn that N N MDOUGALLS IS THE TO YOU A Suit or Overcoat We claim to know the quality and value of goods therefore you can depend upon what you get here being as represented We are too jealous of our reputation to sellitroshy stuff as good goods Call and inspect our N N Main St Newmarket MY TAILOR BENTLEYiS J- PHARMACY Proprietor YOO PAY YOOR AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST STOCK OF STOVES OP TORONTO CALL SHE THEM TO SEE IS TO WWI HODGE CO 21 MAIN ST SOUTH OUTFITS- And or at a Buffalo fi Power now do

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