c NEWMARKET ERA SEPT Theres Nothing Like SOAP IT 50EjTAWAY WITH BOILING HARD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS mil Sunlight REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS Only Scars Remain rtkh I in i the Co tone jjcU Dior than years 3 A S WW fc pci CM mother to try lis sores I liro not the put to mo of good Ay hat I cow iccnty I years Jure In all i ft for Ft care of la I I Cures will cure you Power of Gospel Oct Golden I not of of for it tho power of Thii at of citizen GoHotb Mid was lent to Roma by hands a el ConcbreA a port of Pad ftboni Hi oat for a towards i of Ms A t fit Roma already years had vifiiled Rome be acquaint believers there soma of may from iniwionary labors twin to haro largely Hoping soon to short visit writes this as a lor aiming famish them with ft troth The central is justification by iho of God- gives honor of founding this cbnrth this proved The of the ebnrchs of far greater importance than was the founder The of web would strengthen the oil Paul them if becan them is it that it of or of that it arise Do the children think of the spent in witching the toils of years of parents Do boys often think of privations sacrifice of lher attend and what they that coming gen erations might be educated Are there obligations then So Paul was under obligations to Christ A gift not a gift it received Christ comes as far and as into our life we are willing to Admit bim Christ himself is bo centre and be the of oar power- Thoso who try to do right alwaya governed by confidence in and willingness to follow higher All men who walk walk by faith In in re ligion in life law is the Farmwa Tout Accounts- rather too much for you the Ordinary bulky Too big to toko mil too for your poor The fimaltcst to test arc leave out nit disturbance but do you more good Their help Bilious Attacks Sick or and all dniilgcnitnls of the liver and arc relieved and cured to or your money is I an advertisement in a city Of new patent inodicinn An said a ten dotcrs kind For them for to work was ratter poor It to me that thats staff for for ma to go and buy For that eon q to sort him spry flo needs a np when tthm fiih ranoio good pretty slick an that boy lake a An walk from tea to miles an think be having fan lint there for to do thats in the lie even eem to ton of a spine lake in all the Centra and hell work like all At for gait bat never has no cheat come to tbo bay sthejin in the wheat very idea that off his cold itf Tin is by Dr Sages Catarrh So Catarrhal I lead actus and trouble that is by Catarrh is offer ill cash for any saio cure by all dinyists Sold A retail grocer told us the other day that he had a good balance in bis bank and proposed to keep it there L Do you owe anything owe a few accounts hut theyll wait not going to squeeze elf dry for anyone This merchant is guilty of a grave fault He may not realize it but so far as business honor and commercial morality arc concerned he is a thief In all probability the jobbers owed been carrying for months and showing ever possible kindness They have taken the word to the effect that he is unable to par and have treated him with all possible leniency They need every dollar that is due yet forbear to press the debtor to a settlement And all Ihc lime that retail has money in the bank and could pay his if he would The man who owes his money and will not wrongs himself his creditors and the entire community In times these a merchant should pay out m to knock his cash just as fast as he gets it He should keep his accounts paid up DELICATE ANT MANY VARIETIES FANCY BOTTLES OR IN BULK w or An I Ill town o that just as closely as possible If he does if he shows a disposition to do lot for Tom Ho Ten fioiBco to put so id Hut Tom I think Ill down for him VILL CURE OR RELIEVE lUDIGESMO JAUNDICE SALT HEADACHE ILUlTEPHiG OF THE ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH DRYNESS OF THE SKIM every species dlsexs arising itam disordered KIDNEYS STOMACH DOWELS OR BLOOD CO to Creditors OF HOSE fiiAtntca of nil other hating if ISA the tho of York who ifco July of tier totcti to The- J of ibbTown of of will of mi tholr frQil of stiut of Ihflr iur MUi Itiiimdloulr Alter It day or of lac Itvta will to AnoDii lltf parties entitled llKrU to tbo of of or 1 tlio i Hid J KkMators How to Got a SualigM A speech of the Dominion Premier cleat ly indicates liat his Government has decided disap point those of bis Conservative friends who have been prophesying that as a result of Hon Afr Fosters confer ences in various parts of the country radical changes would he made in the direction of tariff reform session of parliament week at Mont real Sir John Thompson declared the governments future trade policy as follows We of servative party come the country to announce we will stand by the principles that were adopted years ago and which have done so much for the Domin ion of Canada- That policy was adopted at a period of trial and dts- tresi and everything of it has perhaps not Ihco fulfilled yet on the whole it has done great things for Canada and is worthy of our continued support We admit that have changed values have charged and for a hundred reasons I have tell you that a complete and careful revision of the tariff is the policy of my Government Now if this means anything Sir John declares that while a complete and careful revision of the is the policy of his government that revision is to be made on the lines of protection and not a for revenue only The combine and manufacturers arc still to be maintained and supported on the principles adopted years ago and this is to he the measure of tariff reform to be meted out to agriculturists of this Dominion No matter if values have changed no matter if farmers have toil on for a meager pittance the Red Parlor adherents are still to be petted arid pampered There is no mistaking the trend of Sir Johns remarks He promises a revision but he a reduction Mr was light when he declared that the government appeared blind to the real wants of the country they were wedded to the idol and would not be awakened till the people had a chance speak at next election to roll for of Toronto shows drop of the way with town which booms they fiaotaations of population It is that the Supreme Court of will meet at Ottawa on the 3rd of October neat for fall term Tbo fint on Iho Hit will bo Do minion Governments Manitoba school all he can he has a right to from your jobber and will doubtless receive them Dont hold money in banks Pay it out and thus help to keep the business world moving commercial Tribune Liniment cures Diphtheria Stock of EyeGlasses and Spectacles at Cost DR CAMPBELL NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT Man Why dont yon gel op and give the lady a scat The Boy Why dont yon get up and giro them both a scat Life if Knew Jill Penchant It the American Rod surveying sent out to and the correct boundary lwcn Alaska America acre flay TCork with but of agree- between the two cor pa it very con- Each par claim that survey is the correct tie It la now thought the trill have to be to arbitration DR OWEN jTricUcil Brltfrr civil a CvrrcAt el Cirtof OUR CATALOGUE LINES OP SCHOOL BOOKS ISOHOOL SUPPLIES I IN z The The cow butted Mr yesterday The Other Girl Dear met She must known fond ha was of milk punches Trot It slcrlor For is dearer than beef or mutton in Paris- The same is true in America when you happen put your money on the wrong horse Storage room out of doors for farm is in the first in stance tut the most costly thing a farmer can indulge in at the final reckoning When they are wanted another season and you find the iron and steel work rusted and the wood work cracked you will think that a shelter might have profitable and will think right matter how rough a shed you may have to put up with have at such a one as will protect these valuable aids in your work from the wind the sun and the rain lll of IM of who bare been cured etc In KoRlh Tali lorflaarcdwltti Electric Truu Hill bo CO to any THE OWEN BELT AND APPLIANCE CO KINO OKT TO ill CHICAGO lirgeit Belt EiliMiihmnl In World Wold tho Worlds Fair do not fall A Owens Exhibit to Electricity I S3 IN CANADA COLUMBIA UNITED COAST MANITOBA ESQ LAUD ftOOTUWt DINNER SETS CROCKERY GLASSWARE Fine Line of Lemonade Sets Cheap V Central tele THE LEADING Baking powdeb Full Lines of DUNN Life An 6nl Sunlight wrapper bearing the Why a Woman Old Sooner ft Mart Scott Toronto And will by a pretty picture Jew from worth Hay to Jocoraio your homo best in market and It will only cost to it you carefully Indian summer a by I The nasi Ip ihc this con weisNcsiiv chiefly by the Indians at lbs time the term introduced and holding a of meeting here the the rink The rink every in and on Sunday it almost to gain admission Upwards of have found their way to the room ihe town under a wave of religious conversion r la For at ycfitti jitidtr ill iha BOfTTn AbMitjIHXlWfkVCVhA It a aivl oa acouft Jo Of la or to la In for fat to For at Lome from rrJjKoJ oh of ova for Mi at BAKING PUREST STRONGEST BEST or any Toronto ST in Toronto AM thai city been appoints to of at Ontario A city paper hi in jrkl lol of it of this of Current for the of come to hand of prtdeMor4 a library of It Willi an fjittrrttinj and tlmy ar- the iloncUry This contain a careful of flnanciil condition and policy of the varoUf of the world ffid the which led to tho of the money market The portion rvlat to erf in United many important facts Among othtr topfct arc Hex the action of in the trial of for tho Hawaiian Itanlan Treaty and of American and Canadian CHI- which held at fit Pad Minn In Jane There It a description of trouble and IntcrMifog concerning farreaching effect which of Franco may the Important home which ire treated ate The In escalation Act Army Tbe Labor Combination Colombian and the Fair of Central and Mouth America Alia Africa are alto A per j ingle copies Garget In I bad ih barber dont you know whet her better to up or down in your only was latter but from proof LARD MUST GO since COTTOJEHe hat tome to take Its Place satisfaction the people have the the New Shortening evidenced by the rapidly Ing enormous sales Is POSITIVE only of Its great value as a new article of diet but Is also sufficient proof general desire to be rlj of unwholesome zing lard and of all Ills lard promotes Try THECOOKSBESTFRIEND sale Canada FOR SALE Shropshire Rams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS GOODS The price of wheat now pre vailing is the lowest of which we have any record It is one of ihc para doxes of the times which one yet has successfully explained The fav orite theory it the financial stringency but there ate 0 doubt causes at work It is estimated that wheat is going to Europe from the United States at ihc rate of oyer fire million bushels a week It is slated that the case of vs the Grand Trunk Railway has been settled for r2oo The action arose out of the death of McKee who was killed at the lendal crossing about a year ago At the Spring Assizes judgment was given by Justice Mac Marion dismiss ing the action but on appeal from his decision the above settlement was effected before trial Monday morning a acci dent occurred in mill A buy named Otto Hotelier up on the table of a machine to put a belt on as he got the belt on the pulley it gave hi hi a sudden jerk throwing him down mi the saw One of the arms of the young lad was spliced and a small portion of his skull was cut off His recovery is doubtful A boy years old named Crosby from Uxbridge the son of most respectable parents was sent to jail at Whitby last week or Watts store It appears that the boy had become possessed of a dark and a revolver and in the quiet hours had conceived the idea of burglary probably from read ing of depredations commuted tbosu having the same equipment as he possessed The Mcintosh were sen tenced mi Monday by His Honor Judge Mcintosh two years Daniel two and a half and thret years in Kingston For such a gang of notorious ruffians the sen was extremely light Residents of Brock township down here at court this week state that the people of that locality were afraid of their lives while these fellows ran at large and it been for years a matter of com mon talk that the magistrates of that part dare not deal with them There would not have been a tear shed in Brock if they had been sent down for ten or fifteen years As the up express was pulling into the station yard on Thursday- evening of last week a horse driven by a daughter of H King ran away throwing the young lady out It then made a break down the track the buggy tearing some of the battens off a coach as it The horse went head first into a deep culvert and the efforts of many men were necessary to extricate it from its position The horse and harness are little the worse but the buggy was almost demolished The young lady escaped with a good shaking up and a few scratches messes say it was an exciting runaway Bolton Enterprise IP jUfi3 To Let pARM TO F on vu fctf TO RENT- nEVKoua FOR West II IT J will iculir apply to VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE LLOYD rakes hoes- lawn mowers SPADES SHOYFLS GARDEN HOSE BUNDS AND CORNICE POLES READYMIXED PAINTS lALABASTINE ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE A SCREEN DOORS DASH AND A BARREL CHURNS AND WINDOWS a low to it Shropsliire Rams for nl 0k In 1SJ2 Vlrtortft of College hits do voted ilmu tftihorccliiirr And Thecal f IUiiror anil ihopdlleut In the Ac of Wfmlilfijcloii I of Toronto wilt nam lilt Mechanics Tools a Specialty Also and Supplies J A WALLAN CO Telephone No MAIN STREET to yrl ItaUfrhal Chronic find lno Volco Throat removed a knife T f NEWMARKET that fit and waste no In discovering like thousands of others Uiat you havo NO USE FOR LARD only by MONTREAL FA L 1893 A Full Stock of AMD SHELF HARDWARE IRON STBKL IN AH SIZES CUTTER WOODWARE TRIMMINGS AND PITCH FARMERS PLATFORM COUNTER SCALES i GRAIN SCOOPS SHOVELS MEASURES Wilkinson Celebrated Plows Kept i Stock Repairs for all makes of Plows kept In Stock PROP TUB AND PIANO Toronto Hi lor L TRY OUR PAILS TUBS and t I Til WE GMCS OP NEWMARKET Mr- Mason Port released from Jail here on Satur- for alleged violation of that rani monopoly the Medical Act having been completed- We explained in these columns a month that Mr Mason was im prisoned for selling a sickly looking man some medicine The sick man who was a pretended he did not understand from the labels on the bottles which was to be taken in milk and which in water so Mason told him and this was held Magis trate to he prescribing It was probably a fair interpolation of the medical act and a fair indication of legislature makes As a principle we expect to sec A man locked in jail who has not wil fully violated some law or right of fellow man but that the Act of one who was trying his best to relieve a suffering strangers pain should lead to imprisonment shows how peoples rights have been wrestled from them by the grace of our lawmakers The people of the Province should now take this matter up before all their rights are peddled away and send some men to parliament who have a different idea of duty Whitby Chro nicle A man named Jno Arnot went to Toronto on a return railway ticket last week and then sold the ticket a he had de cided not to return this he was locked up over night and fined 20 and costs The railway companies are compelled by law to redeem all railway ticket or parts of tickets Some years when Sir Charlc Tupper was Minister of rail ways the railways wanted a clause in troduced to stop scalping but the government demurred and the mat ter was compromised by adding an offset clause compelling railways to redeem unused The two would have worked verv well together only for the fact that when one buys a railway ticket he dont want cannot draw his cash at first ticket office he comes to as is the case with a cheque but must hand it in and wait about three months until it has been through about fifteen Audit department and then he wll be handed the money some day by a station agent The effect of the change Ins that one cannot his unused ticker and has to until the railway gel ready to redeem it instead of having it cashed as should the case Whitby Chronicle If ARMS FOR SALE OR OB el bury No- All til under good ctiUifttlca ltd flcrJ In lb lib con North I In 3rd I0nall fti1 Ait Nice Very teroii Mil or JOHN Kt PO Notice to the Public HAVE MONEY AND BUT BENNETTS FIRSTCLASS PUMPS ASP two ldr lauo I Is over ihnzfi Well JOIIX S3 jfcintJ lonco wcu I llQUoMcoutrolottctrltcrr 1 Mi superior for cur WELLINGTON LUMBER Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding Wainsootting OUR AIM GOOD WORK AT POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Doors and Blinds ffi BUILD A WITHOUT ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS I- TO LOAN At fix per cent on DAVID LLOYD for Accnt Iuucr of Mar follow Kit nUMtico yucco of amnion And OOIca Milt Family Flow HOCK TABLE AND SALT at PRICKS W St iT of EtocKt Mill now to do Jr O TENCH SALIC CHEAP A Holler bad Apply t TOE- Duller at ROACH FOOD NOT A FATAL TO COCKROACHES sctoWritftdir02gS Montreal Wall Paper Factory til COLIN CO cum nun WI1M A OSTRICH THE EQUAL OF LUBTS PARISIAN HAIR RENEWS for color It and cool tbo flHAJ col fc annus I rto 10 it J Of