Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 22 Sep 1893, p. 3

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SEPT 1893 MILLINERY AND Tuesday Wednesday and September 28th and following days DANFORD ROCHE CO The City Store fas IN ABOUT TOWN The Your cases of frili which Mr teat to tie boma on decorated with prize tickets He got Iwo a J two 3rd well or Newmarket on The Industry The two of Mr Alderman taming gal So far the product bis been over and pick- leg net done yet Mr la coring rf pickling the for trade at bit Packing and will mid for Bad Fall One day last week J Jitte at fix ity int paper accident to Ml to door descent ono til lover limbs track the edge of iodictlng a In Medical aid jrtuot Crop Mr Wm had In hit garden week In lbs rait a blackberry bosh a beautiful cluster of It ripe for time this the Sight Dr Scott having attended at Optical of Canada la pre pared to teat on and correct of by roiublo Ha make no charge for eating Salvation Last Monday Capt Lieut Milne received of paper notifying them to fare- well next Sunday night have been here nearly and their quite a on loch abort notice Next Wednesday be ing tbe last day of Fair they bare decided to hero a farewell tea which will be aerred from to at Barrack After tea a grand beheld from will be present- Fruit Stealing This reprehen sible ttorK appears to be going on occa sionally notwithstanding repeated warn ing On Tuesday night Mr John bad four stripped of their product If he can get any cine to perpetrators ho will not spire them Under the new criminal code frnit-eteal- it punishable a Justice of tbo for tbo first offence by a floa or one months imprisonment bat for Ilia the prly charged mnsl be higher for trial and la liable to three in the Match Arrangement have been made with it Brock team of Toronto Dry League to play here afternoon- This is the same team that played here last fall when our boys were defeated by one goal to nothing The following will rep resent Black A White Goal Becks Cain J Smith Clark Left Wing J- Bargees A Wing head Montgomery Spare man Frank Lloyd Toronto is expected here a week from Saturday The Stylish Millinery Of Newmarket to bo seen at CM Hushes Cheap Trip Invite your old friends to and see yon next week and show hem kind of grain roots vegetables we grow in North York also kind of stock we delight to keep- No more favorable time can be selected Return tickets issued on Tuesday at a fare and one- third and at single fare on Wednesday good till following day from all stations between Toronto and Barrio The weather is delightful bright balmy and and there is no place where you can have a better visit than on the Fait viewing the works of nature and art and listening to of beautiful from Newmarket Brass Band A Word to the Ladies Ladies deairing to have buttons to match their Dress Goods or Mantles can have them made on tbe shortest notice by NN My Tailor a Put a IN Here What is the matter with our people The Mechanics Institute Library is not patronized it should be worth of new books were added last year but they are not half read There is more reading done in our farm neighborhoods than In our towns and cities and tbe good typical farm has its newspapers always and its quite frequently With the opportunity of getting wholeeome reading at a mini- mom of expense every family in town should have an Institute ticket Now is the time to get one Only for six best reading months of year En courage your and girls to read mora and think less of amusements by setting them an example and you will never regret it Knowledge is power Why is it that farmers sons are crowding the mechanics and out I bey are doing the reading Ladies Try Shells Brand spool cotton very sUon smooth and even For at Hughes a The quantity of milk the Factory dry weather have decided to discontinue operations for tho present season this week Vandalism Somebody is going to get into serious trouble if the fences are not let alooe at the Sooth End of tho town- till people are to torn their animals loose In the fields for fear that ibey will get the fences Coming- A FirstClass Concert is announced to take place In Town Hall on tbe second night of Fair Emma Wells already baa a reputa tion here as a singer having appeared be fore crowded houses on two previous occasions The company is having great in tbe West bating drawn See ad- Thankscivikg Day It is that next holiday Thanksgiving will be observed on Thurs day of November This is an other week later that last year and only four from Christmas Why we should wait bo long till nicest fall weather la all goneto giro thanks we dont see unless it fa to follow the ex ample of the Americana This is the day or rather set apart for that purpose across linos Warning On Tuesday alter- red noon throe school appeared the Mayor charged with cigar ette There was no doubt about their guilt and they did not dare to deny it though they refused to tell where they got them The Mayor severely repri manded them explaining that the small eat fine be could inflict was each withcosls or imprisonment for days but they promised never touch them again His Worship allowed them to go suspended New High School Work is pro gressing on tbo new building slaters have fioiehed roof aud the are tacking away It is a wonder somebody dont get hart Last Sunday a lot of boys wore climbing all over the building re minding of the Experiences Brownies One fellow even trying to reach flagstaff on In connection with the High School our citizens will pleased to know that there are iV pupils on roll and have no doubt but that when they get into new building it will run up to a hundred A Disappointment These are the day that the ladies are busy putting down fruit for winter use i there it anything like to point to with it sealers One well what a feeling of con- and came over Mr P J day last wheu to tho midst of quietness she heard a crash the cellar on beholding found that every jar in a wellfilled larder was smashed the floor being strewn with pre served peaches pears berries pickles etc The weight had boon too great for shelf and it collapsed Let other ladies profit by Who is Your Tailor When you are in need of ft suit or Gallon My Tailor next Atkinson id to to Another Claim On the and of Mr if fibber clipped Huron and to that the tut Dot We to oat to work a She cltmt of wet at tho time that ttticilcat occurred and aiked for 0 will ihenutlcr SlCTKbDIRf Last Sun- preached an do and exceedingly In Vrepqx to a and greatly Mr Odiry will addreiB tho scholar Instead of tho preaching it Quarterly He J evening pastor will to young men sub- ibo coming m Law The Game In- Mr Geo laid an In- Joseph of for in his possession oat of civ came jacktoa Monday and adjourned of for defendant till Woodcock fart- various water fowls the of this month and do J till of them out of season to VotR For our I probably aomethlng yon are sto iherc a A largo WUtyd batter was offered and Kggi firm at 5 the huckster and by of In Ptfmi Wc a pU pears a pall to per basket Apple the peek or Wo a bushel Grapes lIitdac per lb to JCaUiket celery a from each JoltloisfrouiWtoWofcUg Cblckoo m Fair The annual Fall North York Agvicul torsi Sodetytaltcs piece on the ociety spacious and convenient grounds in New market Tuesday end Wednesday of The Committee been busy all tho vreek fixing up and which will add to pleasure of both aod vlsid- while two or days tbo Secretarys office been by eager competitors who are anxious to carry off the honors well as some of the offered In prizes In 1T10 various These agricultural exhibitions are thing They keep the their mettle and the farmers wives and the farmers too- For there are sofa to socks to holt and butter to churn and pickles and preserves to put op and all sorts of things for minis tering of the to do so thai the world may see what excellent bouse keepers they The success at the Newmarket County Fair Is something to look back with pleasure and delight and something to look forward to with speculation farmers daily round Is monotonous and unevent ful but lie la backbone of the country and we all tough time try- lug to get along without Bo the farmers are getting their prize pump kins and t hogs ready for the red tickets of judges our are dusting op shelves and pretexting the most tempting goods the country can supply so as to bo ready for the annual rural In vasion- Kvcry enterprising farmer will not only the show by purchasing a membership ticket but he will endeavor to show something of product of bis farm or fireside and be will also In some way that every member of his family the loo Ho realties that Us stimulating in swing what others can produce is worth many times outlay In Increased effort and energy to excel the coming season Directors are anxious to Wake this the best exhibition over and if possible frco the Society from debt To this end they have endeavored secure several interesting attractions which are Peppers string of High Jumpers Includ ing champion ot America the West and Zoo logical Exhibit at thi Industrial Exhibi tion And addition to the service of Citizens Band for tbe Con cert In be evening Torontos and clean comic singer Mr Fax ha been secure who is sure to bring down the hours whits reproduc ing the tongs of the day Edisons Talking Machine Is also to be on the grounds are requested to state that prfz for Lady Hiding will be competed for on lbs afternoon of the 1st r i The Mayor was called in to settle a dispute on the Market last Saturday and then they wouldnt let Look oat for bogus lOOp pieces A clerk in one of tbe store was taken in last Saturday Referring to under beading Mount Albert last week we in advertently used the word aynonym for Idiom Possibly some of our sub scribers noticed mistake of East arc to be by Auction in town tomorrow cool call for tbe of overooste and wraps and fires In living rooms if not uncomfortable Where were they taking that cow to last day by way Hill It was a pity kill her now if report be true wbuld bo old enough to vote next January The time is drawing near when the ice cream sign will droop and fesllvo youth and oyster will both be In soup Tbero Is practically little progress to report at corporation well the past week The Buds of Promise meet at The Bowery on Saturday after noon you fond of flowers in winter Fresh collection of bulbs at Pharmacy Stuart Is getting things straightened op around his new The front door sign is of Huron street has been completed at last Dont miss bono at the Fair There is no fraud about It a cariosity Prepare for Winter By a supply of vrooten goods ana yams at a Ink The equinox in over In good time Sun crossed Hue Daylight growing shorter Demand for oil Increasing Stovepipe time around again Take off the screen doors Newmarket Fair next week Entries close on Saturday The turning Mushrooms In season has sign frost yesterday rooming are plentiful 18 Prewar Mayor Deputy CbuneUore BUrrnrt passed Co re for Atarai repair referred to A Watts Itobertsou ft Co Stark A eliJm of tbrocgh upon to of Sg flcdelr was a of for band for fair- od mora It wasdeolded grant motion ss not tecurl a loitdel to meet of Wbeu the with to Committee to the prin ciple of and Major for so that cost mora lhaaflrti expected as polo was reference to erectlou the new bridges Mr Woodcock that time contracts were signed Tbo asked for about with report of engineer regarding tbs work read Mr that the tbs affle two steel bridge and the of Ilia more Itianitas to be ratted for purposes If any doubt about tbe giving cedar ahould be Hunter and Cody strongly In and Committee was to understand that In a as to coat Council could giro a deflate subject of Mr hoed wasted to know It was lotentloo of tbo Bridge to win put lo that not asked for cue that was needed had not at oat ton Th Major that tho to he lorn down aod WAS would consider nast ier Mr W6uttd to know If It Commutes to for extra lumber of bad iht feet of lumber bid Matd to that It groat con- streets a bolter to bers thrown down tootcpoo- The oast would amount to tOor Was too to soy ooxthtng about Whore partleohftd width for their ao would bo billed for It Air Woodcock thought It Committer wet of will bo and bdOQ roll He wore and oald abut pro tedtod naa another evidence of Fire Water Committer prejtntod a report follow T7 Wis Jot Rice was granted for tiling Huron providing the Council of East printing J Dion 1531 add Report adopted wore passed rotating to and of adult milk YOUR GOOD AT THE Wrilitnfor Em by It la our duty this week to record the death of Mrs Elizabeth It widow of the late and daugh ter of late and Mary Held sen at age of years aud The deceased was born In New York Jauoafy and with her parents to Canada in Her father tbo Held ecu was one of first teachers on St and Sharon De ceased was one the large family of whom tbe late John jr and Will- son Held were brothers was a quiet person no spiny or was a good wife mother Iter end wee peace J McKay minister coo ducted the funeral last Monday afternoon and tbo remains interred by the her husband in KElTIEBY OF Tfeh NEW FALL GO I AT THE tobeioM at IimIn1on Hotel at 13 clock or fur particulars see advcrtticmrnt aud posters TJ ItoborfsoDf solicitor Sept- horses cows of a number of form Implements are to be sold on South Half of IT In lib of East le at one oclock Terms auctioneer Executors of the late vilo lroplemento of 5i to 3rd cod of fcUit Mr Albert Hoses yIo at oclock light TuunsnarOctdTbs Kxooutoroof the will of will lbs farm of ICO auction on Bee and advcrtUcmont for particulars i day In which there quite a growing There are also trials of speed for horses and bicycles on tbe first day which will form an attractive afternoons A MaOKIPICENT Of In beatlog sloreIUnKaQd Cook Stove aro exhibit A toba and wo will to oat goods Fall North York at Kept MA SO Klug at Oct Whitchurch at a 1 1 io A 10 Coll lug wood 11 in i 1213 A- A AC ia The contracting panics I spoke of last week were Mr Leonard of Schoinberg and Miss Elizabeth and marriage took place the residence of Clarkson amble ton where Miss has been making her home for a number of years The was performed the Rev Mr minister of Lloyd town and was witnessed by quite a number of invited friends After the knot was tied and the usual congrat ulations and festivities gone through the happy couple left by evening train for Toronto and other parts Mr J Curtis got bad bruise last Saturday which will be apt to give him a couple of weeks holiday- not asked for He was helping Mr Harry Pox in threshing and while shutting the barn door after finishing a gust of wind carried him back and threw him off the side of the bridge which is some or feel high fall ing with his back on a large stone lie bad to be taken home and a Dr was sent for We trust careful nursing he will soon be out again The threshing machines are now having a few days rest between barns The fine lately have Just been in the nick of time for starting the fall wheat Visitors from a distance were Mrs D and four children of Lon don Ont at her aunts Mrs Curtis and Mr Joseph of at his Mrs Sarah Lloyd Have your barnyard slock weatin their best smile ready for next day and Wednesday Mr and Mrs John wer spending a few with their daughter Mrs Annie Walker- of To ronto The ladies of the Methodist churches of Uoydtown and Pottageville will give a union harvest home at Thursday Sept Program as follows pun Reunion picnic 5 music and addresses 5 grand dinner hot fowls vegetables c phonograph concert Proceeds in aid of parson age fund DRESS GOOD In Black and Colored Henriettas Whip Cords Brocade Serges and Meltons A SPLENDID RANGE OF FLANNELS AND YARNS Wool Shawls and Underwear in great variety FUUL LINES OF CORSETS GROCERY In the Grocery Department everything seasonable Pure Spices and Vinegars ALL TERMS CASH AND CLOSEST PRICES R J N FARM PROPERTY In the QiA of NORTON ALDOM aOeoousAi VTOIIOE At Us taut ftdoclt la iho t Button will by Mr A Auctloatt from ibft TiUU from of IbofoUoTr- laUstfUsfioqthiattqdMUt of flr we with with tad Wm Including UDfffOff borftMt tar loft Willi it Urn with tinder tor of jd tiring abed lag for fear wHbgoodDucopiHOodofcbfcrd All lx IMlt In good aUkd Lot of Iblt ft boon Mat tag for four root Is well Both Pat will bo sold to a to bid LUtd both 1893 IN ORDER TO BE WELL DRESSED You must have a suit of of good material a good fit combined with good workmanship a look through your wardrobe and what you require in this lino and place your order now have goods suitable for the Working Man and Mechanic well as for the and Clergyman Call and examine our goods before purchasing else where Prices within reach of all TERMS CASH MY TAILOR Door to Atkinsons Store A Full Stock of Seasonable HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE COMPRISING BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL IN ALL SIZES CARRIAGE CUTTER AND TRIMMINGS BUILDING PAPER CARPET PELT AND PITCH FARMERS PLATFORM COUNTER SCALES GRAIN SCOOPS HALFBUSHEL Wilkinsons Celebrated Plows In Stock- Repairs for all makes of Plows kept in Stock JAS PROP ft moo I from or sals Yet tarms to Id Bank of Klog Watt Our Markets 80V fever has been at Savannah and arc fleeing bombardment The caw may be wrious Several Kuropean wax ships are on their way to diagnose it Crawford peaches are selling for cents a basket at Wilson A fakir is going around the country and getting away a good many dollars of the unsuspecting youth following manner On arriving at a town he gets all the boys he can to sell pictures of the worlds fair and requires each one of them to put up a dollar as a good He gives them few pictures worth about a cent apiece and while they arc trying to sell them Iho fakir with Sept QiA It t Till per Spring Whs Mr pet MCjpCf per bathos 11 Sborttpcttoo a to IS IS ICO IS 4 I I I a I I It ft SI lit I a It 1 1 l a S3 Id a oet a 063 a a OSS a OK a CO CO a a OSS a to a a a a a 0 QU NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES FULL LINES OF I IN a a a a DINNER SETS CROCKERY C GLASSWARE Fine Line of Lemonade Sets Cheap WN STARR- Central Telephone NEW FALL DRESS GOODS We arc now our first of Fall Dress Goods would ask you to call and inspect them for yourselves Our Black Henriettas will be found to be the beat value in town Compare some of them and Bee Now is the time that people begin to think about Flan nets We have a splendid range of Flannels for the Fall Trade good value for the price asked Cotton and Shirtings We have a full lino of these everyday nuked for articles and all we have to say about them is they are the beat we can buy for money Our Groceries arc all Fresh and FirstClaev Try our Blended Coffee at 10c Also our Blended Tea at cents- W W PLAYTER Connection 62 Main St QUOT The following This our Clearing Sale Japan Tea Regular lb for 1 00 Japan Tea Regular 35c4 lb for 00 Mens Long Boots 3 Line for 2 25 Mens Plow Boots Mens ReadyMade Pants from 125 up it kB ALL GOODS at CORRESPONDING RATES J STEPHENS CENTS WW NEW OVERCOATINGS VERY CHOICE GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES OUR GIVE SATISFACTION BECAUSE they are made well are trimmed well they fit well it they wear well And we turn out work that pleases our customers CALL and Examine Goods and Prices before your order MONTGOMERY SON

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