Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 22 Sep 1893, p. 1

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ZV ti Friday Morning GEO JACKSON HOUSE nccbcolattoa of m already caafidtfy SUBSCRIBERS Bret taihl In lo GIVE MB THE LIBERT TO TO AND TO TO ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY ONTARIO BANK NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER North York paid in advance Vol XLIINo Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Sept 1893 Strictly in Advance or at end of year REST TORONTO SIB P Newmarket Branch A BUSINESS TBANSACTRa Allowed on Deposits AT nKIQCST RATES DRAFTS ISSUED IT POINTS Slewing American Drs bought And Farmer lipoj promptly to J E LEGAL THOMAS J Hie I A SUf Ioori Block KM i J WOODCOCK Main to 52 MAIN ST A FEW MEDICAL- I P for lb of York J STOV To make room for New Fall Stock to arrive thia month gllAo I A Ittfornicr k Coal Wood Cook good as new 10 Parlor Heater wood only 5 co Coal Parlor Cook Garland Heater 00 25 1 Wood it a Coal Heater self-feeder- to Coa Parlor Cook THESE ARE BARGAINS cents and cents Per Gallon A BINNS No done promptly rtjLTrJr6frCtfiptjc3taCrt rtra relief fci Hii it Yea w tie ALL MIRACLES DO NOT OC CUR AT HAMILTON The of knows of a cure by he application of LINIMENT to a par tially paralyzed that equals any thing that has transpired at Hamilton Harrison- Jit A Photos Photos BOOTS HOES SIMPSON Main M Main- Telegraph office A York Co ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES PEPPIATT the Mr iioamt ibl he Intend THE LEAD For ftud your mother your it Love and your brother Try to let Ihem it A hot ft worlhkas But that good yield Is beyond If you nearest neighbor fthpsa uttle yoor corn When yon see him bis labor Dont curl lip with scorn Perchance ho did bii very failing with regret Hit spirit finds but little rest Till knowing forget And if yon you all along tender each day you With raolloy Then do not wait until too Affection to For I ie That earthly I A tender a loving fot Mora far would bo Thau flood tear in after all were for rao While living hero oi Oar But wheo wo leave let no For we shall Old and Bottles Tinkle tinkle was no sound of sheepbells on the Apennines no chiming of An- at iffilight across empurpled vineyards and Pontine marshes yet it had a cheery echo under the while- blossomed close to the old farm even though it was only a string of bells stretched across a wagon and agitated by the jogjog of an ancient that was as blind as the little god of love while a shrewd old man trudged beside him devious way Tinkle tinkle tinkle Its no use she said to herself I must wait until tomorrow The morrows sun was sloping on toward afternoon when Mr Ral ston hurried into he kitchen where his wife picking plums to pre- serve piercing each purple sphere with a relentless fork Mother said he be I Wind as well as or be I my senses If aint that old sheetiron stove as used to be in the corner of the woodhouse Mis guilty conscience sent the red in a hot flood to her cheeks That sheetiron stove Simeon For Hit bra Of Such la the of darling boy has crossed tide The little touched For bora him at upon glittering in Bis anna He hit And wiped away his falling dwelt on and talked with men Fond to Him their littlo lie took them in Bis anl them then When bo was blamed he said gentle tones Buffer the to unto me Of my Kingdom and eer shall ha pill I 10- ArflilfMlwL St Sign Red Boot The Leading Boot Shoe Store GENTLEMEN A- J MXtOX v ANI CLOCK MAKKIl up HLKHAJ Mam Main We have really splendid bargains for you is disadvantageous you both in the the finest clothing possible as well as money It matters not whether you want a single i garment or a full suit cur stock affords the unity of providing yourselves with firstclais to turn oat work every city and eld fttllstlciilcliiro In or Oil will not bo o flood the cheap work but In ogive entire Old An Honest Offer you have Catarrh and desire to be cured without risk losing your money call at our agency in New market and a Inhaler without a pay in advance After you have jjiven it a fair trial at your own home and you find it a genuine remedy you can pay for same If not satisfactory in every way need not pay one cent could be fairer If you have Catarrh call immediately and get his remedy on above liberal terms at Jr Scotts Drug Store our sole agent for Newmarket and vicinity Those who cannot call address Medical In halation Co Toronto Ont at Rack Prices Call and see for rf AT D MUTCH opposite Starrs Stoic Cents own cloth made up neatly and Cheaply THR w it T Kef Co J wS- J OuiVVJAtoinhliftp SeHinnrket- HUB INSURANCE Jf of f LARDINE MACHINE Ire Medal Oil which cannot be CYLINDER no MANUKACTUKKfJ BY BROS CO TORONTO Ask your and beware of Imitations BALK J A ALLAH A CO ALL A Bright Lad public Makes ttils authorised I one miimrflcl tvouM our did die I would retir woK A ijatlieilru tonntd I wtheftj out wectJ bone so to lite It iki i a J had to take lots to I rid ffgSI j- 9 VC I I aid Life ftssurance Go MS WM vmxit rfllc A iiirfidi4 AND iONSOItlAL jt Main and A 5 WiR BARITONE of a lit to or grncr or ric LIFE D 047- DOLLARS jLACKHUITlfS MANNING J V V Ave J McCKACKlvW- fn ppty t t Mrs Baylys School MYKltY Jim mo well itone- fl M A I AVERS Cures euro you GltLETTS PURE He loves them and from Hit throne Ho ilia lie in their And calls them home Id pity and In love Bee a re from tempters who would lead them from woo of wasted While la rich for Iho Your come yon Bat you and go to Him Hell watch he Bees coming Till the pearly gates lie With glad triumph dad to your daw- Hie Infant heart expands with para de light he goes on the Keiiea ho the clothed In white And claps hi hands and what the sing While of gladness nag You not if little one had Ho might have atrayed paths of and truth hearts with sorrow While he had died in youth many hearts with anguish sore have bled That they cherished lay despoiled and Ho Is a precious stored on high Where you will follow oft with loving thought To hind your heart with stronger He To J lijii who by Ills wondrous love has a work iliat when from riw Youll find your darling wading In the To you to that Where sin and dcotti wilt neer distract In blissful maimioiis dwelling Forever endless ages roll hi a all divine Where all be truly thine Wo ought Father for He knows deep the that heart All the ejection that to children flows And knows sorrow felt when called lo part When He withdraw them 111 to shun Tie to say dear Thy will bo done Hill P his march as he caught sight of Mr Ralston gathering the early ap ricots from the sunny side of the wall Git out was the terse reply Rags suavely added Moses stretching his neck to look at the red- cheeked beauties whose subtle fra grance filled the air Bottles Old iron Git out say 1 growled Ralston once glancing up ram his oc cupation I haint no time to bother No offense I hope said the in domitably cheerful itinerant I seen an old woodstove in the shed as I came by Well and if you did what busi ness was it of yours retorted Ral ston none not if you look at it that way said Moses But if so be as we could drive a trade We cant then and theres an end answered Ralston And after one or two seconds fur ther waiting Moses Minton chirruped the old gray and once more the bells jangled merrily on the air indicative of a move Strange how persistent them mis erable creatures is thought farmer Ralston Strang how crabbed Simeon Ralston gets as he gets older medi tated Moses If that whit money brings with it I for one dont want to get rich Get up Old Gray Farther down the lane however where the ripening blackberries hung their knobs of jet on every bough and spray and the sound of a little brook somewhere in the distance made a dreamy gurgling Moses came across Mrs Ralston a fat comfort able old dame as unlike her husband as the motherly barn door hen is un like the gaunt highshouldered game cock fil Well I declare said Mrs Ral ston if I wasnt jest about you Minton Was you though chuckled the old man Anything in my line to day Gray I to good ness as the old contentedly buried his nose in a green bank that there critter couldnt find out where the clover clumps grow no better not if he had forty pair of eyes sted being stunblind Me and Comfort we was contentedly purred on Mrs Ralston who was in full pursuit of a flock of ducklings who were evading hex guardianship in every direction that you hadnt been along in quite a spell And the bag of mixed rags is quite full itnd theres a lot of old numbers of the Mission ary and But dont speak so loud 1 kind dont want father Anything in ray line today said she Why I sold it squire asked Moses check- Sold it 1 shouted Ralston When Why Yesterday afternoon said the old lady To Mose as goes around with the ragandbottle nigorL It wasnt no use there and he me fortyfive cents for it For ty fivecents I And he rushed frantically out the house Mercy on me 1 said Mrs- Ral ston Is father crazy About that time Mrs the tall and gaunt helpmeet of the itiner ant hero was down in Ibe cellar her house rooting in the ash drawer of the identical woodstove which her husband bad bought yesternight while Comfort Ralston upstairs awaited the result of her investiga tions with a palpitating heart Here it is I said Mrs Minion A flat packet papers I And its a good thing you thought it afore had carted it off Quick I Give it to me fluttered Comfort as she caught sight of her fathers figure trudging in the lane Let us get away before father comes Mind Mrs not a word of this to him I And away she ran disappearing into pine woods before Mrs could realize what it all meant Well I never I said Mrs Then its true that she and Ben are engaged her fathers wishes I And these love- letters Well I do declare Nobody neednt never tell me that there no remorse even in the ragandbottle business Then entered Mr Ralston panting and perspiring with the hasle he had made Be you Mis Minton was the curt addrets Yes please sir said the old woman smoothing her stiffly starched while apron Your husband bought a sheet- iron stove at our place yesterday the Ralston farm didnt he Yes sir a timidly Its in his way of business you know sir Yes I know But there was a of papers in the pipejoint No sir it said Mrs- Min temporarily thrown off her guard It was in Ibe ashdrawer for And then remembering herself she screwed her lips together and grew very red Where is the stove ejaculated Rilston Down cellar sir said Mrs Look for yourself Im sure I dont want nolhin lo do with hone Of your papers And down- rushed Simeon In half a minute he returned evidently much relieved They were in the ashdrawer slid he and your husband must ha changed cm around I declare be tween meddling men and meddling women Im most ruined I Dear me gasped Mb Minton looking feebly him as he strode Lift tasi BOND HEAD A heavy storm accompanied by some sharp peals of thunder and lightning was witnessed here on Thursday morning The lightning set fire to two barns filled with grain one belonging to George McClain the other to Bros north of here and to a belong ing to Mr near this village Everybody returned from the pic nic at Newmarket delighted with ihe speaking procession and the music from the different World SCHOMDERG Quite a number of our citizens at tended the Reform picnic at New market last week The Noble ton band when reluming had an upset and smashed all their instruments The band seems to be very unlucky for on Friday last they were fined 10 and costs forgoing through ihe toll gate on street without paying toll going to the pic nic at Newmarket The new Church of England min ister at seems to be well liked as the church is filled ever Sun day Mr George Hill who was assaulted by a gang of roughs some five weeks ago is we ore glad to report improv ing but it will yet be some time be fore he will be able to be around Mr Brock Clarke is attending High School at Newmarket World old brass and copper which will be made up into souvenir medals The number will be limited and each will be stamped wilh a number lo prevent any possibility of counterfeiting The timber has also been worked up into souvenir canes etc Builr and equipped at a period when steam navigation was in its infancy it is scarcely a wonder that there should be a call for souvenirs of the first steam vessel to plow the broad Pacific STRONGEST BEST If All What Old Man Main la J I At it rlTtfl CM HUGH KS Main jarpUfJU Afarktt Term lMUd two Aoutaodfeilop tor tl Prop Take tare that your drafts your endurance dent tame to yon same day marked no fund Take EMULSION and id vout at At IT CUKES SCROFULA COLDS and alt forma at Jafalatft at Milk tit arc frequently taken to task because they do not make Ihelr papers led hot enough lids Is to do not abuse and malign political opponent enough to suit some great lveriof the party Now the fids arc that neither papers people nor parties achieve success by abusing other fellow Men build their success by their own actions and speakers and papers can make more converts by persuasive and sound logical arguments that appeal to a sensible mans than by abuse Abuse does not promote har mony nor win friend nor are those who happen o be wrong converted by abuse Wilson Star The Waterworks bylaw at was carried by majority The vote stood to The tear ing down of fences and pelting of rotten eggs during the evening 01 the voting is a standing diigrace to the Liniment cures Distemper to hear hes so morlal set parti with anything Its a kind second nature to him to hoard up things and as he gets further on in years hes more set in his ways than ever Just you come round the back door He out and Comfort is out and a firstrale chance to get rid of the old woodstovc as it has been in the shed for a hull year Moses Minions eyes twinkled It was not the first time he had become an accessory to just harmless domestic as this Im at your order mum said he and prices warnt never better for you nor wuss for me apound is what were for old Iron how Taint much said Mrs Its better than argued Moses And really now aint It wutli that to get a lot ol old truck Well I hut what youre right said Mrs Ralston And while Mr Ralston was yet culling out the ripest and coloied of the apricots for A special order tux a dinner at Doctor on hill old Moses load ed Up his cart with ihe rusty wood stove in centre of the bags rags and bundles of old newspapers and drove away jingling his bells through the purple twilight to the Infinite dis gust of the gray horse who knew an of clover and daisies when he it and was correspondingly re luctant to leave it Presently Comfort Ralston came In a fall rosy girl with limpid brown eyes and luxuriant auburn locks push ed off her fair freckled brow Am I late mother said she But they kept longer than I ex pected child no Mrs Ralston re- snondtd I haint Jctt hung kiltie over Im sort behind hand to night Old Mose Minton has been here but dont for good ness sake tell your father I And Ive sold the rags arid all old pa pers and the woodstove out In the Mother woodstove I got fortyfive cents for It said Mrs Ralston it wasnt no use us rusting away there Has he gone mother Your father Whv no busy with them out by the orchard wall for dont mean father I mean Moses I Has he gone I More than half an hour ago said Mrs Ralston- scooping the tea out of a little japanned teacaddy with ledurely composure Comfort turned red then white She made a step toward the door almost instantly checked the leaped movement away there aint neither nor end all ihis fuss What will Moses sy when he comes home Once safe in his own room at home Mr Ralston fitted on his spec tacles and hurriedly opened the fate ful package Faugh 1 he cried dropping it in dismay Its a pack o loveletters I My own love My dearest treasurer unto death I What are these And my five United Slates bonds for a thousand dollars each He was answered sooner than he had for while the exclama tion yet hovered on his lips Comfort rusted in with hands Father she cried here is something that belongs to you I some government bonds with your name on them I And 01 where did you get Bens letters Bens tetters eh said the old man a slow smile over his face Well here Ihey be A fair no robbery Father the girls head dropped on his shoulder- the tears sparkled in her eyes you know it all now We each other We shall bewrctch- unless we can be united Take back what you said father Do not forbid us to be happy dear dear father Well well said Ralston- ready to concede anything in the immense relief of recovering the treasures that had been well nigh lost have it your own way if the case is really so bad that Folks says Bens business is looking late and hell make a decent sort husband for you yet Ob father I Oh father There there Comfort dont mc so close re monstrated loold farmer- But its sort queer now aint that we should both selected the same for our things eh And Comfort Ralston hastened joy fully to her mother to Impart glad tidings never would have happened mother If you hadnt sold the old stove I Oh you should have seen fathers face And ever the sound of Moses bells was music In Comfort ears Angus McLtod of was shot and killed by a whom he caught in the act of robbing his house The burglar The Royal Templars will hold their anniversary on the inst when on of that day the Rev Matthews Select Coun cillor will preach a sermon in the Methodist Church bearing on the object of the order On Wednesday the they intend to a grand concert in the Mechanics Hall Mrs Robert Davis of Sail City Oregon who has been here for the last three months visiting her parents started for home bit Wed nesday morning Her mother Mrs Alfred Graham accompanied her as far as Chicago and will remain there for a month along with her brother Dr and visit the Worlds Fall On afternoon a number of ladies and gentlemen as sembled in the auditorium of the Methodist church to witness the marriage of Miss Annie Gregory of Oak Ridges to Mr Ralph Os good of Samaria Michigan The bridal parly and invited who numbered about took carriages and drove to the residence of the brides father at Oak Ridges where partook of a sumptuous wedding dinner The presents were both cosily and numerous The unrest among tenant farmers appears to be greater this fall than for many years Many more than usual have thrown up their holdings while a very great number are threatening do so The trouble appears to be that the products of the farm have heavily in volume and price have not been reduced in anything like equal proportion It Ins been our pride in Ontario that all our farms been kept under crop while over in the Slate of New York hundreds of good farms have re mained idle The now indicate tinny a farm will soon be a weedy the greed of landlordism which blind to altered conditions and prices insist upon a rent far above what any tenant can pay and exist himself Tne great thing needed in the present emer gency is a land court such as exist in Ireland to determine what a rent would be in each and every case of disagreement between the parlies As gold has grown scarcer has taken a greater amount of grain or produce to obtnin a dollar of it decline in price is not local but world wide and the landlord must make up his mind for his own in terest and the interest of his country to face a probable rental of to per acre Haaner Liniment in Steamer of Nearly threescore years passed since the Hudsons flay Companys steamer Heaver floated down Iho Thames The Seam was the first steamer 10 round Cope Horn and was the pioneer- steamer of the Pacific Ocean ihe passage from London to Astoria Oregon consum ing j days The Beaver was feet long broad and the depth was A feet the tonnage being The boiler and the two side lever en gines of horse power each were made by and Watt at their Birmingham works The engines cost and weighed tons The vessel was built in the most manner of live oak and green- heart the timbers being held together by copper holts The Seaver was used as a fur trading vessel by the company and on one of these trips coal was discovered on Vancouver Island In during the gold ex citement many miners look passage on black steamer In steam ing out of Inlet in the fall of she a rock and wrapped in a sheet of troubled with head resting on a huge barnacleclad bowlder the Pacific pioneer steamer Beaver passed Into history Unsuc- efforts were made to float- the Seaoer and she remained on the rocks nearly four years Ah attempt was made to take the Server to the Worlds Fair but was abandoned owing to her damaged condition and cost of transportation Messrs McCain Menries well known con- tractors of Vancouver BC purchas ed tho vessel and obtained lbs of ENTRIES I FOR THE NORTH VORK FALL will pay a rate of mills the dollar in taxes C was visited by a fire Sunday evening Col of South lost a valuable horse last week It was worth KT Mr Rough of Owen Sound has won about his Galloway cattle at Ihe Worlds Fair The Cherokee strip was open ed for settlement on Saturday and a great rush of settlers from border occurred KL A Hamilton man has been fined for refusing to answer ques tions put to him respecting his in come by ihe assessor Barber of Acton was fatally shot on Satur day by accidental discharge a shotgun which he was cleaning A gentleman named Kemp of Highland Creek was thrown out of his wagon through his team running away and had his leg broken Seven houses three stores and three planning mills have been finished or are in course of erection this season in the village of Hunts ville The Provincial of the P S C will be held in St Catharines Oct 11 and for which extensive preparations are be- made At Owen Sound Hugh and Thomas Bell were con victed of cattle stealing Hugh being sent penitentiary three years and Thomas allowed suspend ed sentence York express on the Lake Shore road was held up by masked men miles east of Chicago on Monday night and the express car was robbed of a large a- mount in gold KSi George W Dye one of wealthiest planters in Northwest Georgia is dead and has left his for tune of over half a million to ih negro family who attended him fo r the last 50 years The Patrons of Industry will hold a convention at Alliston on October for the purpose of nom inating a candidate House of Commons in South and an other for the Legislature in West Simcoc J and M farmers two miles from Midland occupy the one home When returned home Tuesday evening they saw that a back window had been broken and investigation proved that between and had been stolen from 1 drawer in a bureau A revolver and two silver watches were not taken It is supposed thai a tramp was the thief Sr On Sept While Mr Stephen Keen was nicking apple this afternoon the limb which he was standing broke and lie fell with great force on his head crushing id of the skull He only lived a short lime afterwards and never regained consciousness He was years of age and leaves and grown up sons and daughters On Thursday last a very severe thunderstorm over Newjon Robinson A bam belong ing Mr Geo Median was struck by lightning and entirely destroyed by fire together with contents con- of about forty tons of hay frll wheat from twenty acres and from twelve acres Insurance A barn belonging to J Robinson wis also but not burned Mr Robinson and man who wero in the stable at ihe lime were considerably stunned Some were slightly affected but not serious ly Sept This morn ing about two oclock Angus a merchant tinsmith was awakened by burglars in his house He arose and advanced towards the burglar who told him not to take another step or he wound shoot him at same lime firing a warning shot in the opposite direction reached for a water pitcher and threw it at the who in ex change fired a taking effect neck severing the main artery died almost instant ly without spying a word The mur derer escaped with about the of a social held the Church last nighl and leav ing pis hat behind Men who arc old enough to have travelled on cars thirty or forty years ago will remember that in those days the conductors punch was like a shoemakers punch with a spring to keep the laws open ami that it punched simply a round hole There are now fifteen or twenty Kinds of patented punches and arc made to punch holes in hundreds of different shapes With old style- punch the llckel sometimes stuck the punch and it took time to release it and it was torn AH the modem punches have a slot- or jaw to receive the ticket and the die or punch shuts through it and returns leaving the ticket perfectly free in the slot Most of the large roads now use punches with Individual dies A special punch is assigned not to a train but to a conductor It is easy by means of punch holes a ticket in wanderings

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