Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Jul 1893, p. 1

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Friday Morning GEO JACKSON V TOra9TOtriWiWH a PRINTING irons 1800 SUBSCRIBERS i 511 P Newmarket Branch W35 A JrcnlKDDCDtl D LS sSk NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday July No Y paid in in Advance 25 or 60 at end of BUSINESS interest Allowed on Deposit at sura DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL did ftttdcd to J- ROSS LEGAL SOLICITOR ETC IT Oaf- ff Block WOODCOCK so Main MEDICAL WESLEY ft tot chin 48 to 52 MAIN ST G A BINNS SCREEN AND SCREEN WINDOWS AJ To Pit Any Fly Traps Dish Covers Bough dont delay B A LS AM rum lb Aomn Water Cons HAMM IceCream Freezers OCKS I We have Just a of CAPEtU all op hite Cboreh DENTAL AND CHEMICALS JUS SIMPSON Main rE3TtST Block to the Preserving Kettles ALL SIZES Granite and Porcelian G A BINNS No Repairing iS si Main and ROBERT AUCTIONEER York Co will rtctLr iXUa or Boxtl ACCTIONEBR a solicited BOOTS SHOES A for la Eft ftt oar Edward Li tile of St Peters says his was badly torn a One of LINIMENT cured him Stable all over the our agents that they would not be without MINARDS LINIMENT for twice the cost No mora of And doubt of Iff Soon A3 rip worth Tf to droop And wither hoik He c at l EH to We for M For which envied wo not Ho prawni tool To lamenting Kg I bat thdoor last a of to J J Would fcuoik one raint Still more To tbe price from herald Than thai 1oiione Shepherd in rtiri Will with Soul Thy mission is oer Come Then God tko thou The of night the by day help Thy strength Thy fit IB EJCRCHTO Photos Photos PEPPIATT the ho MAINTAINING THE ffnnmtia to taru oat work work Lit of tad Crayon Oil- flPJCCIAliITY- My to flood hood cheap work InererIntrancd io fll and Trial J A JEWELLERY I CLOCK rlrai of llrtc Pare gold hand ftadlB S HGRIFFIS Sign Red Boot The Leading Boot Shoe Store GENTLEMEN M P SMITH DENTIST CANADA LIFE BUILDING King St Toronto MILLARD Main ft ilchUt Main trot U4 AT Aircat 5i We have really splendid bargains for i to mist them is simply disadvantageous to you both in the loss of the finest clothing possible as well as money It matters not whether you want a single garment or a full suit our stock affords the oppor tunity of providing yourselves with strictly firstlass Clothing at Rock Bottom Call and see for W D MUTCH Merchant opposite Starrs Book Store Cents own cloth made up neatly and Cheaply BRIDGING Hoots and badly decayed teeth is now recognized as the height of excellence in dentistry when the work is done by a practical and ex perienced dentist We advocate the saving of natural teeth an ulcerated tooth can be cured and made as good as any tooth in the mouth The reduction in our charges made for filling and artificial teeth has proved very satisfactory and we will continue to insert not only the best teeth hut the filling and finished plates possible to obtain at charges made by other dentists for cheap work We have no complaining patients and will make a substantial forfeit to hear of ant It was a voice uttered the name and it was filled with pleading passionate intensity He drew a Tittle nearer as he and looked as though that utterance her name was but the prefix to an eloquent pleading But she inter rupted saying Mr Chaloner you forget your self I only wish I could he answer ed huskily if in forgetting myself I could forget you I label do not turn from me I Be my wife Try to love me On child Mr- interrupted this is worse than useless Say no mote I will act listen And be so kind as to let me pass I would return to the ball room- For a place within him He stood in her way and as he looked at her so exquisite ly beautiful with the pale light quiver ing over her dedicate lace draperies sprinkled with pearls he J thought should he let her go or tell why he had spoken what was the great blow that had broken down the bar- Tier of his long silence Will you allow me to pass re heated Crystabel an angry flame col oring her delicate cheek and spark ling in her lovely eyes This is to say the least Wait he said huskily just a moment and for Gods sake listen to me child I would never have spok en of this to you My love should have died as it has lived in silence- But 1 would save 1 Save mef She threw her head back ir defiance and her suddenly clenching hand snapped the frail ivory slicks of her fan I will not ask what you mean I will not even try to conjecture You deal in enig mas and insults roe pass As if she had struck him he stepped aside but even in the blazing heat of her anger she saw and always re membered the agonized pain and pallor of his face The next moment she was gone and he sank down on a seat under the dewladened vines with a bitter groan W v a a ALLAN Cur a j KENNEDY Main oat oMtl K it iRQUted WdnbrtTiBtita I INSURANCE of or nmtrtoo id PS newiTT- A rtAJtr Dottle at Bomb lde ITT SIdIo illKCELLAKEOUS WOOD Main Ilimic Be vfMgc MANNING Mi SON CM j lnr- com iho UiU sow prepared to do chopping r TENCH Hi perdu nil train JHOLDKKNEHHPrtp SEEDS Turnip All of Field Garden Seeds Inbuilt PURE rKMALKH pi Wi PUREST Tor u4ftAnTqtixDUtr M14 AII i S8 LIFE lb j la J MR- A CONCERT BARITONE or actor of Vole Culture En- ia1xt Vlvtlo to titn TRAOt to k CO- TO hi In tj ft Of turf La rJbUw ft of U3 HJfl a rev Ihoirld it I lliJHI V V MILLER At MONEY TO LOAN flnlcUn DAVID LLOYD lor CotiTFoc4ir or lictcj Tor follow Ad 010 tor of La Consumption is absolutely cured in its earliest stages by the use of that won derfut Food Medicine Scotts Emulsion which is now in high repute the over lost I my one love I And how will she bear the blow is to come How can she reared in the roseleaf of luxury and delicate as a battle with poverty and the world It will kill her kill her And I who would lay down my life for her must see it all and be to help With what rapid swinging strides trouble grief and despair march across the paths of our lives and blast all the future with their baneful shadows 1 Three hours after Crystabel swept away from her lover in haughty in sulting anger she knew what he had meant when he said that he would save her All that he had known must happen she now knew had hap pened Summoned from the ball in cruel unwarned haste she now stood in her laces jewels flowers and beauty In the midst of ruin disgrace and death Her father lay dead by his own hand in one room her mother in ter rified convulsions in another and the house her beautiful luxurious home filled officers and men And she she the dainty belle the sensitive the frail delicate girl who had known naught but sunshine luxury and laughter from the hour of her birth what did she do With a vivid clearness as stinging as death she heard them tell how it was the old story of temptation and fll and death as the only alternative to lifelong disgrace And then her stunned heart and brain turned from the dead to living and her only words were Let me go to my mother Almost immediately she left the room heard of it and heard the We wondering of the gay ones at sudden sum mons- iferdful heavens he Cant have come so soon and she to race blow will kill her And with ail haste be followed and reached her home only to find lhat the blow had been worse than he dreamed that the guilty husband arid father was dead Whet is the Miss Carlisle he summered to one of the terrified servants who flocked in the hall There with mistress his answer u man pointed to the door And there he went to be struck with surprise on the thres hold What he had expected to see was in hysterics of terror and grief watched and tended by the devoted heartbroken mother What he saw was Crystabel on her knees by a low couch her lace was white still and tearless her eyes on her mothers insensible face her own hands chafing thnse cold life less The creamyhearted pearls still glowed in her sunny hair and clasped her white throat all her exquisite she knelt down there like angel and forgot her grief in trying to comfort her mother She did not see him and it was several moments before he could sufficiently recover himself to advance and speak to her Caul do anything She started a little lifted her eyes stunned and dreary in their anguish Nothingunless you can help me save her she said- And at once he knelt beside her and began rubbing of the cold hands with bis warm vigorous ones You knew she asked him and he marvelled at her Voice so monotonously cold and calm Yes he answered simply most of But I did not dream of ending She said no more nor did he The hours More and gray dawn began to supersede the the dead was decently composed with ghastly bullet hole in head covered The living had been won from insensibility to a drugged resemblance of the crowd had dwindled and Crysta moved about the darkened house like a dumb ghost In her robes with that awfully still anguish in her fice that almost drove Gilbert oner wild For he still remained He was an old friend a younger brother in all but blood to the dead roan and it seemed to be his place now Will you not rest he said to her at last your sake I beg of you try at least 11 Rest she repeated turning her eyes slowly to eyes that a little while ago bad sparkled with joyous beauty hut that now seemed steeped in stony speechless grief What time have I now for rest ami what would it he but a mockery No no I have had day of rest I must work now In mingled astonishment and grief he could have cried aloud at this change in her But knowing words to be useless he said no more He only went his way and wondered The world that speculated and talked and gossiped received but little satis faction after all neither died nor went crazy A strength a resolution and depth of character that no one ever dreamed the gay little butterfly could possess developed under the storms of adversity and trouble As she had said on that terrible night work she must and work she did earning her own and her mothers daily bread and when the gay world no longer knew or sough her out she felt that she was learning one of lifes bitterest lessons and clung with deeper appreciation and tenderness to the few very few friends that were true in shadow as in sunshine And in reaching the depths of her heart she found at last the love that Gilbert had craved and that has been un der frivolous and there all unknown to her it had thrived in spiteof neglect but now unearthed and fed with daily thought it grew to be her lifes strongest impulse when it was all too late too late For he never spoke of love now He was the truest kindest best of friends coming often to their humble home and never without some delicacy to the invalid mother who never recovered but was wasting slowly away He took every interest that a son and brother could take and watched over them carefully managing now and then to help a little in spite of pride But he never spoke or seemed to think of love and bore her aching heart as best she could and tried to hide any sadness or pain from the mothers watchful eye But an other blow was more than she could bear and when the summer still ness of night the tenderly loved and devoted mother dropped her weary burden and quietly passed from troubled sleep to sleep ever lasting Crystabel fainted with a wild pleading prayer on her lips to be ah lowed to die Gilbert Chaloner heard of it at once and with his heart filled to bursting hurried to her filled with a resolution to lake her whether she would or not and cherish her against further grief and suffering for Cry had hidden her heart wiih a sensitive pride- He did not dream that the love he craved above all earthly things was his own at last A stillness suggestive of death but peaceful death not wild and terrorstricken like the rested over the little house lying warm In the sunshine Several kindly neighbors with tearfilled eyes lingered on the porch and in the little yard and whispered to him that was alone with her mother in the And there he went blinded with tears and dumb the overwhelm ing love and pity tbat filled his whole was kneeling beside the dead body as once before she had knelt by the living one with her crossed arms and bowed head on pulseless bosom Crystabel I he almost stammer- uttered And then the started up Through the clouds of bitterness and grief that voice went piercingly to her heart and he forgot everything save her love and her anguished tearless grief She is dead 1 she cried up and lacing him Dead I And I even you will desert roe now And the quiv ering love voice his heart the truth For an Instant he stood as If stunned then he was beside her In his strong arms that trembled with joy he clasped slender wavering figure To his great worshipful he pressed her lift ing the sorrowful lilywhite face to his own you my darling cherished precious darling Thank God that you will at last let me love care for you as my heart has ached I do She lifted her eyes shining with love arowfd his neck ahe put her arms and on his breast head with a sigh of perfect trust and de votion The Future of Address by the Rev Dr Rose President Union and Formerly Pastor of Newmarket Church at the Big Convention The modest rapid growth and ever enlarging ihe Christian Endeavor are matters of history An which in twelve years has from a of a to One a half and root in almost every part of the and found a welcome in every assuredly the attention and study that are being given But the Ihe future be Am fond toother her child and- wonders what the tomorrows have loved so Christian Endeavor may Well ask themselves What is the this wonderful witness its continued growth or we sorrow over attested develop ment maintain its present or will it project into newformsj illustrating afresnthefi lines yielding plate to naw And in wayV he on fchoald the world 1 To those of us who believe thus movement is of God that froin the very first been in it giving it life and directing its development the outlook occasions no anxiety That for which the organization stands cannot die The Church may direct the steal and en thusiasm now expressed in this wily into some other channel but the of which the is the exponent are immortal But ques tions will address the mind of the hopeful questions and answer to which the holds in its keeping One of these questions alreidy suggested in the columns of the is of immediate interest Will the Christian Endeavor Society pre serve its interdenominational char acter That its strength lies largely in this direction no one can doubt But that weapons have already been formed and are now In use against this stronghold is also beyond the least shadow of a doubt The dis position to sidetrack this movement in the interests of nationalism has shown itself in more than one quarter I may without reserve refer to the most conspicuous example of this that which is furnished by my own denomination- The Methodist Church particularly in the United States has sought to hive its young people to pen them off into their own denominational fold from the other lambs of the one great flock Thus at the last General Conference of the Church the Epworth League to quote the Christian Advocate was given right of the way in American Methodism all other so cieties the Christian Endeavor in cluded was given a right of way In other words the CE Society was sidetracked The legislation of the General Conference of Canadian Methodism in 90 was along similar lines legislation happily modified by more recent action Now all such efforts arc in the writers judgment much to be regret ted am more than willing I am very anxious to believe that the Ep League was born of an earnest desire to serve the best interests of the young people Methodism There can be no doubt that it is the duty of every denomination to in struct and care for its own young people To turn them over to the care of any outside organization how ever good in itself is more than a mistake it is a crime of ihe first mag nitude These denominational so cieties under the direct control of the churches forming them are a gratify- recognition of the consciousness of this duty But the League and kin dled societies have been form ed in ignorance of the principles of Endeavor There is no more intensely denominational so ciety in existence as it dec- always and everywhere against sectarian narrowness and bigotry it stands quite as unmistakably for loyalty to the individual denomina tion For Christ and Church What church Certainly universal composed of all who are united by faith to Jesus Christ in general but pariictUrly to my own denomination The VPSCE- of fers to pastor and ihe denomina tion every facility for training the younjr people in the principles and doctrines of the religious body to which they belong It provides ma chinery or leaves it open to the Indi vidual society to provide machinery for the prosecution of every form of literary and christian activity which young people should undertake Where results in any of these direc tions have proved disappointing ihe reason for failure must be traced alone to to work the machinery aright And while providing In the fullest manner for denominational control the Society has made possible- the widest and freest intercourse It is dif ficult to see what more any denomin ation needs and I cannot help ex pressing the strong contention that the denomination which to its young people or even discourages interdenominational fellowship of the Endeavor movement is commit ting an error sadly near akin to an attempt denominational suicide To my own thought Canadian Methodism offers the best solution of this difficulty It encourages its young people to form themselves in to Leagues of Christian En deavor They thus enter Into close fellowship with the larger movement while exhibiting perfect loyalty to their own church For myself would not he a Christian Endeavor if I thought it meant the weakening of my loyalty Methodism neither would be a Methodist more less a member of the League of Christian Endeavor if thought this meant the withdrawal in the slightest particular from the delightful fellow ship which I now enjoy with the Christians of the other religious bodies comprising the true catholic church To the question shall the future of Christian Endeavor be as frankly In- as past it must be said that the answer rests vfith the denominations themselves is broad enough to admit them all and denominational enough to preserve their young people from departure from the pe culiar faith of their own sect Our hope for the churches and for the movement lies I in a Compromise such as that adopted by Canadian For whether of necessity Of of choice the disposition the side of this work is oh the increase This is the present peril findeavor idea from without But are there no perils to be- feared from within Is hot the very growth of this movement reason for anxious thought lest our success us Let us re member concerning Israel of old that it was when the people grew in lumbers wealth that they sinned against God and the penalty of their came fast The Almighty changed their glory We shall need much of the Masters If we are to bear our success without of our growth and popularity pride and are born then the Head of- the Church will elect other instruments for ihe forward of His purposes No foes from without can barm us if we we true which we profess we walk humbly and wisely add hearken to and obey the Divine voice our future will be much more glorious than our past Otherwise there he no future at all for our now mighty organization NEW EH FRO OUR FIELDS A postmaster recently sent to the Department a new set of post office rules says the New York Telegram They were A pair of onions will not go for two scents It is unsafe to mail apple or fruit trees with the fruit on them As all postmasters are lin guists the addresses way be written in Chinese or Choctaw Persons are compelled to tick their own postage stamps and en velopes the postmasters cannot be compelled to do this John Smith gets his mail from postoffices hence a letter ad dressed to Smith United States will reach him It is earnestly requested that lovers writing to their girls will please con fine their rhapsodies to the inside of the envelope glycerine must be forwarded at the risk of the sender If it should blow up in the postmasters hands he cannot be held responsible When watches ore sent through the mail if the sender will put a notice on the outside the postmasters will wind and keep in running order When you send a money order in a letter always write full and explicit directions in the same letter so any person getting the letter can draw the money When letters are received bearing no directions the persons for whom they are intended will please signify the fact to the postmaster they may at once be forwarded July The report of a terrible accident comes from Maskinonge A farmer named was mowing with a machine when his only child a boy four years old who was sitting in the hay and whom he did not know to be there was struck by the machine and had his head cut off l The Excursion per steamer Enterprise to Jacksons Point in con nection with the Sabbath Schools of the Bradford Methodist Circuit was not as well patronized as in former years The weather was all thai could be desired and the scholars of the several schools interested turned out in large numbers the larger por tion of whom were given free tickets The attendance on the part of the general public however was very limited and in consequence thereof the excursion was not a financial success The Georgetown Herald com plains there are too many churches in that village and that a great deal of money is wasted every year in support of church organisa tion that are multiplied out of all pro portion to the spiritual needs of the people The evil is not confined to Georgetown bat is a general one The remedy Is simple a union of all Christian religious bodies in one grand church hut unfortunately there is little hope such a union can be consummated lor many years to come ThQ ctarian spirit is too Strong The Worlds Fair will now remain closed every Sunday until the exhibition is over Iu The Bond Head Band netted about out of I heir promenade Concert recently held Richard aged four teen was drowned while swimming pi on Sunday A new hundred miles bicycle hours minutes seconds is reported from England Cambridge defeated Oxford by runs in the annual match between the universities A Grand Trunk train struck a car at Chicago Monday night killing four persons An exchange says the newest word is a signifies in ho weather what blizzard tines in cold Every kind act we do for others is a seed that never yet failed to bring return of shade flowers and barrels of fruit Parry Sound is having a law suit over their waterworks They claim that the works were not done according lo contract Keeping wolf from door is not a mere figure of speech in Russia where wolves up worth of domestic animals ever year Evangelist Moody has possession of the Empire theatre at Chicago for five weeks and has opened it for nightly gospel meet ings Mrs Lehman of Rim met with an unfortunate dent this week White engaged in some of her domestic duties she fell and dislocated her elbow William the King met with a serious ac cident on Monday the roth Inst While in hoy he off a load onto the barn floor breaking hi ihiRh Say said a city girl who is visiting in the country the other day as she watched cattle enjoying their cud do you have to buy gum for all them cows to chew Joseph Gillespie why was boring at an oil well in Mon day was Instantly killed lever pole living bade and striking on the chest He leaves a wife and family In Ihesult of ilarkham village re waterworks con tract judgement was- given for to the tune of and costs The amount claimed was Valentine a little living in Hamilton stumbled while walking on the street and a rib of her umbrella ran through her nose and Into her brain She died two days afterwards In home from Method ist church last Sunday morning the nut came off the axle of Philip Wide- mails vehicle and the occupants were thrown out into ihe ditch No one was injured The Pickering Afeujs says that owing to of enforce ment of the local option bylaw passed in that township the people there would prefer the of the license Cholera is reported from Toulon France Alexandria Moscow and other places in Russia in Hungary The cases are somewhat numerous but not so much so as last year The Examiner says more people have already gone North to the and lake district than were the whole of last Summer showing that the district is becoming more popular each year John while getting his horse shod at P Querries had a narrow escape front serious injury The horse reared and struck him near the temple knocking down and rendering him insensi ble for a time He is again able to attend to business A farmer named Shawers Durham was from Gait to his farm near St with a load lumber when the wood moved and came down upon Mr Durham was seriously injured around the head On being taken home he became and died during the night In view of the many failure- of individuals Arms and institution growing out of speculations in varum directions outside of the legitimate vocations of each makes the quotation that the shoemakti should stick to his last very cable just now It is a rare thing to occur among pailes have given proper attention and or fined themselves to their Icitiuial business The office of the Governor General costs ihe Canadian a year for salary and contin gencies the salaries of several LieutenantGovernors Ministers at draw in allowances a year involves a charge for mileage and in demnity of members per annum and even the Ontario Cabi net costs a year on salary account What might have proved a serious affair occured at Sturgeon Point When the boat returned to the wharf which is an old decayed structure the crowd to pass over it went in a body along ihtf centre the limbers beneath gave way causing the crowd to from both the Fortunately there was not much water and beyond a shaking op and a slight wetting nobody was much in jured J vi

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