v 5 v J i vv- AJ w 7 v 1 I v Hi- ki te s ill IV j bead of lDDdrrmcd both fen si tod of lb of SOAP la dm for pot muaUtttiwihftT BOiy TO For Years STOCK jalo la of cheat ton weight ro a spot my Id for mo to male to boor of or from to day for days after I was qnlt v- SomtUita atiwiJt cere almost dIyUieDtcfrtqMDt Alter yean IbU I was taken I to ncorer I bat wont of my old irouNe I At the flnt or ray mother tee my doctor reeonuneodliig them u better be I eootlnord Ibfie sod so w the dented that newly thirty yean I bare bad but one attack my former yielded readily to aame remedy AYERS PILLS bf Pp J A fc Ct lon Km Every Dose Effective WILL OR JAUNOi RELIEVE SALT fieil HEARTCvftB THE HEART OF STOMACH OF THE SKIN CO TtUDrrail0D a and loogreU vho from It Li of the rarft reliable d moro met AatklpsiEooS of it la IS A CUliK when lrctmCQtt to fur- or on receipt of 8TK0MJ Oat l AT Ada Believe and bo flL met a demoniac raving were popularly to be inspired by Apollo and who thai became a to Like aome afflicted lit Mark Hi 11 to the and The the of malice on the part of the evil apirii sorely it in the of Jean and a In the mid of wo may rejoice Faith In open We bare hot to with the heart oar Lord what wo in atd wo an even aa jailer I WHIT HZ TO Ha had pay dearly for but fan wad cruelty- The Arthur Moore was fined 310 and costs fir days for cruelty to a hone He lied two tin and a milk can to the boraae tail Tea Government has a of to the relief fund Expression of the sympathy of the Canadian with those ban been bereft of father eon or brother by the disaster of the alt It is now reported in Ministerial organs that a big Conservative as an offset to the coaveotion been decided The of meeting is Toronto the date wilt bo later All the Conservative dabs in the Dominion will be an open letter TT is Grace of J 28 declares statement of Mr J Israel Tat to P negotiations between the Archbishop and the Federal Government in regard to the Manitoba school are entirely online Ho goes on to say Neither Mr nor any body else entered into negotiation with me in the name of the Federal mentp with regard to the Manitoba etc Mr will now have to explain official was made last week of the appointment of Mr J J- as Superintendent of and Dependent Children of Ontario the Act passed last of the Legislature by Boa Sir Gibson lbs appointment Is aaid to be a very good one and will meet from en gaged in philanthropic work The prin the new to the idea for dependent child renan advance that is recognised as far ahead of the institution plan in in It is nnderitood in compliance with the request of a number of Parlia ment and others who wetted Hon Mr daring the recent Ottawa Convention to interview him a condition al consent was given by him to make a tour of Western Ontario after harvest and deliver a series of political Mr and Dr are miking and by the middle of Angust dates and places will probably be announced- Tt is to be hoped the members for North York and West On tario will arrange for a union meeting at Newmarket DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE CANADA Opt Weir was Sound A friend in town telephoned Mr Murray to have a horse ready for him when he got to On his arrival he was met with the questiun Are you the gentleman that wanted the hearse replied that he consider him self a fit just then and asked It that in transmitting the was la and there was iifj such thing at Allen- Mr Murray had to get one from J a very lively corpse- In- over he wire as to was dead pave the thing awayBrurc of la fur until health was aoue I of Heath roe mm a worth of leser la coy Ufa J would weak end lovely Bold by Pharmacy Day mb lor Jj and radically la to M it removes at the The firs bo do Ota The new criminal code carried through Parliament by Premier Thompson came Into effect on Dominion Day and with it important respecting both the range of icdiclable offences and pro cedure In the trial criminal Section defines that a common gam ing is a house room or kept by any person or gain to which persona retort or the purpose ol playing at any game of chance and Section imposes a penalty ol one years imprison ment for the offence In addition to this every one who plays or on any other person Is playing is liable to a fine of from to or two months im prison for default Have we any gaming In Newmar ket action of of Id the rial and created widespread notoriety five years ago has justly brought upon the Indignation of the people or his outraged justice Before these ansrcbialu finally com mitted their trials were carried to the Court of the ConxmOQwealth and now baa the gall- to charge that the jury was packed and Suigft prejudiced The evidence doling the trial was published from day la day and the whole reading pottle en dorsed the of the jury that Spiers and in crime were the authors of the massacre at the ay ma while of Chicago felt a of relief and when the were No wonder an people burnt the Governor in after bearing he ld clemency QUARTER will do yon u much good as one that Dr is what yon get with them An absolute and cum for Constipation Indigestion Bilious Attacks Sick and Bilious and all derangements of the liver stomach and bowels Not just temporary relief and then a worse condition afterward help Pleasant help too- These sugar- coated little fmallcft to and the in way they act No griping no violence no disturbance to diet or in sealed vials which keeps them always fresh and relia ble a convenient and perfect vest- pocket remedy- Theyre the cheap- f can buy nothing left of Catarrh when you Dr Sages Catarrh Remedy The worst yield to its and healing properties cot advise viy to marry a man with an idea of reform him writes Wilcox iA the July Home Journal I have seen this effort too often end ignominious failure And yet 1 have know men to be reformed and to stay reformed through the influence of a good woman The man who has contracted vicious habits in his early youth be comes disgusted with them and him self before he reaches thirty if he is not almost wholly dominated by his lower nature When he reform it is because his spiritual nature has the ascendancy When a woman suc ceeds in reforming him it is because his spiritual nature is influenced by hen The very tame influence patience devotion and self sacrifice would not have effected a reform in a man whose higher nature was less developed- 1 believe that each one of us is connected with divinity by a spark of light within In some it is a mere speck of light- In others it is a steady flame in others a burning fire and the physical nature is a mere gate which contains this fire Perhaps the man within whom the spark is very small and feeble may conceive a mad infatuation for some woman who believes she can reform him through this love But if he is merely infatuated with a woman in whom the divine piinciple is feeble his reformation is liable to be on an unstable foundation The man who has felt the divine within the woman appealing to his better nature who has felt the holy spark within his soul fanned into a larger flame by in fluence who has felt her spiritual in fluence above her that man may be reformed and stay reformed although his past may have been worse than that of the prodigal son And yet I think as I said be fore that the spiritual nature which enabled him to respond to this woman love could have saved him by its own force The woman was merely a mouth piece for the divine to call to the divinity within htm and enable it to gain the ascendancy I do not believe a man was ever reformed by scolding or sarcasm Tears and and complaints soon grow to be an old to him He can find more pleasure among his convivial companions than he finds in such a home that it should be so- Good women ought to the art of pleasing more than they do No woman can afford to fall back upon her to reform a man- It is a dangerous experiment and one that rarely succeeds The average man must be entertained who has been a hard drinker or opium victim cannot suddenly give up his vicei without some stimulant to take their place for a time A man accustomed to the of gay company cannot suddenly be come satisfied with the dullness and stupidity which many good people allow to creep into their homes boy and Bring alooR foil basket plat all and cars at homo to fate Thfroll bo awing ud all aorta of To Bo lively prepare Cor a ran Dont aa Some ttUl bo with all aorta of Orange f and Ohl wont they be grand and excellent treat disappear than Vften the or after thd ball Or running hop step Jorop all in good part for to fall Or reoeira in a thump And when on grata to to down I know will work with good will to there will neer bo a frown But mind dont eat till youre ill Than all do not tho good fan It is to both young and old say bad whan tho day better than oer youre been ainuiM I hurrah what bare bad to day It bo I know Then let borrah hurrah and As home mid- bono d we go PUR6 3rQll It any case of t tftutUoyiAtopte CTjrct Sjraipr fcr It epiawr Cv I a i i1 cored In iatea all by JtUoo For ala at Church again on record regarding prohibition At week on adoptod That Ihia with aatta faction that not than per cent of iha reporting the Of a prohibitory lienor law at an early date and that Ultra la a mad popular prohibition the cOootry of aaloon or dram a centre of moat degrading Influence and a of great danger to the church and country conviction that the liconso baa prored to terrible drink and that fir ai legislation concerned ttolhlug of ritfidly by the proper aulbcritfri J erer be accepted aa final or factory JLIUImcnt- aod t CuAa ftwrtMriififii by or Renfrew on list week a young woman of with her niece of returning home from berries by the C track The whit ding of an approaching train confused the little one who r an down the track ahead of the engine Miss Kaily along to get her off and had reached her when the locomotive them both The child was imuntiy killed Early Jived a few moments Liniment cures Dandruff Boys who frequent the Hol land river on Sabbath and go in swimming arc possibly not aware that they are Liable to be heavily fined for such conduct if convicted of the offence It has come to our earn that a number of the thus era- ploy themselves and besides conduct a very annoying manner to good bred hut To but and anjmcHefkitfi bought Coital effect found ft fthd meat evr made BEST Was Ton One poem taken from Mitt What Did Noil very well the feeling of of our Break Break Break And that my tongue could utter hatred I feel for I Oh well for flbermana child On the beach at bis play for all sensible Who are safe at homo I But horrible keeps on And is never a moment at ill 1 yearn for the loach of the nice dry land neednt feel PERSONAL ATTENTION TO Dispensing Compounding STUART SCOTT MP Ten yeari of aaahnt to name to makes this aathartied to as When frii one year my ftd of The doctor too would soon die aw all out lhoobt era If hot die be ftbla to wal was puny A feaUtertng ahj mj I Lereu and out pieces SPRING 1 8 3 A good live by in there is a ronml strain upon men is to so out in evening often and borne you out write Bole In want w thing in world Variety not only the medicine and tonic of life A change is good iMc in a rut and you wilHhjn in a rot- Going out doe not imply the of money if the domestic parse will not bear It We need not go to the theatre to a conceit to a lecture each time that we venture out The best society In this world is that of our friends those whom know to be OUT friends o be sympathetic with our beliefs to be in touch with our surrounding An evening at the bouse of friendi or they at our house is relaxation and diversion from the days thoughts Unfortunately in our larger cities we know sp little of this neighborly so of that community intercourse that makes life In smaller places so much the better worth the living In the great er cities it is the exception rather than the rule that we know those who live nest door to us The people living in the same house with us are often as far removed from us as if they lived in Honolulu But frfcnds we all me more some less and the very fact of seeing other faces takes us out of ourselves lifts us into new spheres of thought gives us new ideas and takes us away from what we have to face on the morrow J I A at Of 11 c2iw I Break I Ureak 1 Break There do good left me For I ale on shore so late Baa into the sea Liniment cures Lords Think of praying HALLOWED BE THY NAME then to legalize the traffic by license which causes Gods name to be continually blasphemed KINGDOM COME then voting that Satans Kingdom the saloon may continue if it will only pay the pike which politicians bare fixed upon it thy will be done and then voting it shall not be done GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY and then voting to license that which takes the bread thousands of starving mothers and helpless child ren LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION and then voting thai the allurements and temptations of the saloon may go on under some form of liccr se DELIVER US FROM EVIL and then voting that the State and Nation shall become a partner in drawing young men into evil if the saloon will to pay the license relieved It rtlhcm ana out pieces bone I hurt iny6U ao mi to Hie It suns to Mcomo a rutin lop sore to take lots medicine but nothing much It me oI strong AYERS Sargaparilla Cores others will cure Da Graduated la h aO10 of eUo aikI Sines ISM Dr W Mb who lime to iho peclir of I to of bra thing Br A loo of wilt Dr wilt not ba until Sept to on annual holiday trips Cat of and Chroolo and ftio Loss Of Throat Or any other Ob- without a BrIntford Bicycles HAVE A STANDARD VALUE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Of MiWriMUBVVa BUILDERS I HARDWARE I W SUPPLIES I TOOLS BAR BAND HOOP IRON AND ALL DAISY CHURNS BLIHD5 CORKICE JEWELLING JACKS U0R SALE new a market naas SPADES SHOVELS HOES HAKES AND ALL GARDES TOOLS JACKS KEPT FOR HIKE IN CANADA OOLUMBr MANITOBA THEY ARE BUILT TO BELL AT THE PRICES OFFERED rhe Goold Bicycle Oat 1 Yonac Tokshto AGENT- J km NEWMARKET THE LEADING Full Lines SPRING GOODS OF CANADIAN MANUFACTURE TUB DELL ORGAN AND PIANO COY CANADAS AND Toronto LUSH SI EYE Anyone can see the superiority of our STOVES AND I I N G sKz RAKES IIORS SlADKS SHOVELS OIAQUE BLINDS AND CORNtcli READYMIXED PAINTS LAWN MOWERS GARDEN HOSE ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS DAS AND CHURNS Mechanics Tools a Specialty and Supplies J A W ALLAN CO TINWARE The goods we manufacture are made out of solid Now is time to order Milk Pails and Cans before the Spring rush HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH No MAIN STREET to OILS ARE THE S LARDINE CHAMPION GOLD MEDAL OIL OF THE MACHINE DOMINION TRY OUR PAILS US Ami WASH HOARDS OP NEWMARKET I LUMBER Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR Lath Sash and Blinds CYLINDER OIL will wear twice as long as any other make THE FINES ENGINE OILS ARE MANUFACTURED BY BROS CO TORONTO BY J A ALLAH it CO AND PRINCIPAL DEALERS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY GOOD WORK POSSIBLE PRICES A WITHOUT ABOUT WILIER INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS Shall a Bead With roan girls reading is largely a matter of opportunity some lack ihft means of procuring many or more frequently still time for a mastery or Of the helpful volume or saddest of all the taste or appreciation of what is beautiful and litera ture is lacking This is bolt on the of knowledge for of cart give one enjoyment of a book and In mtiilci as in food c are profited only byffhat we assimilate But Is just for feel longing and limitation this article is written simply to act as a fingerrpost indicating what mental culture may reached Dear in mind there are pass- lasting books books books or all time Help arid pleasure are to be found in both but tha manner of reading them kino fyrntsbesl reading- becauw more of our know ledge and experience latest book- or mere excellent magazine occupy the lime to the exclusion of the older who according to often give you their thought more by way of reward than of help just a does not spread her gold upon the surface but lets us search and Crush the rock to get the precious ore Do some leading that requires thought The Iowa State a daily paper printed at Des Moines la de votes several columns Co the doings- of the Grand of the Good of the world in- session in that city- Among other interest ing matter it contains an extended in terview with Grand the from which the following is aril ex tract It is safe to believe were people in Moines who that they would see a tawny redman with a blanket and feathers up and down his spine in the person of the Right Worthy Grand Templar the Independent order having heard Dr Oronhyatekha spoken of as a fullblooded Indian but all such were disappointed and very pleasantly disappointed too Dr is one of the most cultured and refined of gentlemen fascinating manners and the polish of a courtier Dr is making his firii to Dei Moines He has been a great travel ler however and was educated in Englmd His- life is a series of great successes He is but years of age but in that lime has accomplished what combined lives of thousands men would not attain Ha is an Indan having been born on a reser vation in Ontario He learned the English language at an school and in addition the shoemak ers trade Liter he attended a sem inary in Massachusetts and then col lege in Toronto and in Ohio That was to be the end of his educa tion but the fates combined to make this man famous He became a protege or ihe Prince of Wales The Prince visited Canada in 1861 The Six Nations selected Dr to deliver an address to him on their behalf The Prince took a liking to the young orator and matked him for honors He educated himself at Oxford and that was the beginning of a long of thing befell the young Canadian He a physician and has at tained in the because of his great ability He be came an enthusiastic secret society man and Holds the highest positions in se lie affiliates with fje is at the head of ihe Good Templars He is Slprcm Chief Ranger of ihe Order of Forest fie is the Wor shipful Wind Master General for the Dominion of Freema sonry He has held places of trust and honor in Canadian affairs and all in all he is one of the very dis tinguished and learned men which North America has produced How to a Bend Sunlight Soap wrapper bearing a Woman Look 0M Dim Limited tit Toronto and by pretty liiing well worth framing an way to The the bent in the market it will only coil la postage to eeod in wrap pen if you leave the ends open Write to Mil our None MAY Miaatde Liniment tor fate where BY da STALLION trot mire stable OAK wlxh Ma ia of faUbeaU In aVow QEORQ Royal On WirvcToWABUlitos iTWiMS to 0KOftatl4 CO Wrappla ROACH FOOg not a mm FATAL TO BWATni 179 A Montreal Wail Paper factory A 2 TRUSS OSTRICH to mi THE EQUAL OF PARISIAN HAIR REHEWFJ cool frta t fan fiiiil tho Ml two and Ihf pKco or llun tail it Wo La I I I HILDPEN Notice It all oilier Of l Kin yorhwllDilM rtJ thrUilnu nd full or ton of vblcb ll4bt nr of id l0 at KM ir ifSa held aid- ft FOR Shropshirejams a law