Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1893, p. 2

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r r ERA TM J Sail Co Notice And J Blftt to Let Ira come from it not likoly well will taepwrtd dur ing present 6 wciotni In will for needy to After I BET raiiJHtH WITH Era if Muted an At Bo FRIDAY Oar Toronto fa tip Jane IS On TiLtsdj Jury brought In bill Walter A and for keeping a disorderly tor No found the I EL for tod for Mr W for on expects ftinj six is Oak a city reper J McLaughlin A of Use Board of Trad made an this failure may wma dealers decided that 1 powf Dominion from to Monday Notwithstanding the of the Federal Government poohpooh strength of the McCarthy or discount the agitation through out the country for tariff it is more than apparent thai serious dis trust and misgivings afflict the minis terial camp- A late issue of the Montreal intimates that Federal Ministers are ready to adopt the very policy which they have all along been declaiming would prove ruinous to all Canadian interests Alluding to the proposition of Con gressman Springer respecting recipro cal trade between the United States and this Dominion in all products of the soil the forest the mines and the fisheries- and a free exchange in manufactured articles the component parts of which have been produced in country and are admitted free of duty in both countries our Mont real contemporary an admitted organ of the Government declares that if Mr Springer can persuade the the United Stales authorities lomake such an offer the Canadian Adminis tration will consider it favorably- In this declaration for free trade the neighboring Republic we have the implied confession that all the speeches of the past decade have been more than hypocritical because it implies that Ministers are ready to subject our fanners to that unlimited competition with the Stales which they hate all along argued ould he deplorably ruinous If this country can stand unlimited competition in ill kinds of farm pro ducts inanufactuics have no higher tariff than will be revenue only thus demonstrating what Mr Mc- arthy declared at one of his Curd Hell meetings ihaLafofty percent tariff is littt by its In argu ing for Mr proposition and in that the Canadian accept such a if the from under its feet all ilanks on which the fabric has been constructed Hon Mr Foster have to revise his speech and turn a pretty sharp curve to his declarations into harmony will of his Montreal oran but as the ministerial program is largely anything for office possi bly it miy be done Under any cir cumstances it is more than evident that tariff reform is the air and the knows it Ontario official of ijlui AarKmjoftmeQi of Mr Currys to the of Toronto Mr tike Grown on Saturday and Berlin Ntmt people bTe decided to observe the on ii of fit ti moot in for in caw of the owmt5 between Dominion ucl the of fend Qabdcj ere in this Ottawa It Mid important have boon brought to a jl been noird at Otta wa by Eon Bowel meting premier Canada Sir of on t decided to tie line by in anntiftl We by paragraph in Berlin that no leas than eight were to the Conference bald In Oven Sound week together with sign or the future In the district Geo- who before the Police week aiked to be Monday before County whan he plead ed to four charges him Judge Morgan aantenoed him to three months In a very lenient The of the- County of is to he levied for purposes K The qumlirtd of ii S0W9O0O What the rate be re- tn bo fixed at the approaching ra don of the A up at named John fooled the law bat he wont piny with that end of It The license of town notified hot to liquor to one in inebriate Thenpon undertook to it for him- The Inspector fined more thin thai Mr White fox end customs dteo- at is to the city today had an with the controller of Hon I premier or is In and it is Ma is to inform tbe minister that hadoeanat the prospect of Mr White Wo io of spent two week Id JUT ind Monday J P their home Port wis hurt the for- the ranawSkjr hot cutiara healing and no is A number their friends in to He- stid Mm Jaekeon to- rf it Perth Mr will go on to Ottawa to attend the and Bin J expects to a month Jackson la spending a month at and That and writer in the press Chas Esq of Toronto was in town a couple of days his week towards a monument to be erected in the Queens Toronto honor of the who for the prominent part in the of Mi is POINTS rtrignitirMi of Sir Win Is He has the position ever 1855- the taia res ignation Be has been an able friend wbiioh be has been so long identified At meeting of South Simcoe Coiner- at Cookstown Col the that riding in the minion boose stated he did in tend to resign his seat to tike the tlon of manager of the experimental firm at Ottawa and that demonstration hid no political significance Addresses were delivered Foster new coda passed by Par liament hut year comes into force on 1st of that date my person foand carrying concealed the written permission of a of the Peace be option of a fine This will probably put 1 stop to practice of carrying revol vera by persons biro no more use for a than a cat has for a side- pocket week despatch from the rumored appointment Sir Hugh J for Win nipeg of ftfanitoba This week from the same city comes an other despatch giving en emphatic denial to the first report ind stating farther Mr is anxious to retire from politics altogether as oan as he can do bo without disappointing who elected to Parliament Id this respect he cannot be said to ha a chip of block- trick for Manitoba guber natorial office in the tie Province HI to Worlds Pair was closod last It is the the gates did oouseiasftcA to enquire Into the affairs of College and charges preferred by the been by the Ontario It Winchester of John P of end John of don commenced this week on the sidewalks in the city of Albany N has become so great a nuisance that are resorting to a novel way to It Where give annoyanoo they are dropping ticks pavement These tacks rubber tires of the machines and although to pedestrians alio it keeps the wheels sidewalk It to us that In dry weather how bicycling sidewalks be prohibited- Tot picnic at Scott near Mono Cirdwell on Saturday last was litgely The man from fibanty Bay Col and North ML Sir Datum McCarthy were band and replied to the speeches of Foster and Wallace recently A to enjoyed Meanwhile fcr it kept of and constituency denied of saying whether it shall have a to them at Ottawa or not hot ihe kettle keeps haling recent circular lisued to a- fronilho Provincial attention to during the late session of the Legislature statu inspector snil commifcoiiurs partinibip in the matter of liincs of unduly in hotelkeeper In tbe time of elections is well as wilful neglect of duties For most pan those statements were indefinite hot would be investigated He then re minds these that political con siderations sbunld not their ad- ministration of the law and for any misconduct they be held strictly to In a recent interview with a Winnipeg newspaper reporter and apeaking ho reciprocity convent ton held at St Paul last week Mr Horns of the P is credited with these observations The people of Manitoba cannot bo looking very ahead to any each Ideas is ire being formulated at the con venlioo It simply mains That if these are decided the way desire whole inside of Manitoba will be Your trade will not bo In Winnipeg bet In one of enterprising American cltiei a few hundred miles Booth of yon think of that All well for Mr Van Home sod Winnipeg wfaai the Manitoba J Wilt they not bo advant aged by reciprocal trade and an open at Western centres has not been thawed oat a great while this season and the editor conservative be be may possibly feel the effect of spring weakoesi aomehow ho appears to bare struck a chord with gloomy forebodings for bis party lie says For part appear to be much hope tor the success of the Conservative parly at the elec tion There Is not one among lead en who can areas enthusiasm The of the hive lost the lies do not to people Of that the cold men are as traitors by party and only distrust of one with general fcar of the as to the It appears Dr whom a good many people in this section know his got Into bad rtpote with the Government An interview of Hon Mr a reporter of the the following particulars Mr Angers declared bo it Is said thai Dr Is an old fool and be has posted life onto me ever I have boon bore ha always been an annoyance to He Mr Carting my processor he to John and to torn him of bfs office rid of him Asked as to the trouble Hon Mr Angers replied make a living at blsproccisLoo be wants to lire the government He formerly en- annul for bis thai bis been stopped be has a persistent applicant for he written a on In animals he id other end he to jmblish It or pay him for It His demands Us iMn h Ultoo copies at wonld tojssj pablic maud The sum doctor placed in for Mr- Oscar of Bradford was Sunday Mr Pat- Harding of Toronto was in town last Mrs Frank of London was Tilting in town last week and far mother left for Brandon on night Mr Warner is back from tit of Kentucky on a visit Forbes of Toronto visiting with tins week and Mr Norton of Toronto over in Walk Caldwell is in the city this week also Mm John Mrs of Toronto mother of Mrs is here on a visit of Pine Orchard was Mr over Sou- day Dr J of was in town this week calling on old friends Mr Ken of tinting at Mr A Ibis wtek Clarence Caldwell of New York spent over at his old homo in Mrs A- of Toronto of spent over at Bowery Miss Marion Andrew of Toronto is pending a couple weeks with Mrs Heap collecting clerk of the Bank faera weeks holidays in Lindsay Mr of is visiting at the Methodist parsonage Mr and Mre of Tott enham were visiting with Mr- John over Sondny Mr and Ma parents of the leader of the Method over In Newmarket Mrs Cole dsoghtec of Jos Wood home on a visit after for two year in ft- arrival home from England and was gaily decorate in honor of his wfe Mr Lmtcad of left for Wednesday to attend the General Sessions of the Presbyterian church as a Mrs Jos Belfry of New York State daughter of J clerk sod treasurer of Whitchurch is home a montba visit- Mr Dan of Orlllia gavo a call while in town lie tells that has secured of old Asylum grounds or park and are spending a considerable men of money in Improving It wee opened to list Monday and he says Excursion can nut a more comfortable and nicely laid gronnds north of Toronto After in absence of ten years Murphy paid a visit to fett last and received a rtcomc from his many It id ten he was here and in taking a town delighted at progress of the in aver direc tion During bis which Iran been mostly spent the Maritime he saw to compare with steady growth of Newmarket and the ap parent comfort of its citizens Mr Murphy wee fimt deputy- reeve and o ran for member of in North Yurie he has a warm in bis for the people of this town Mr If Anderson of Lewiuton Niagara Co New York writes that a good deal of interest is taken In the City movement advocated by Mr Love which includes a ship canal from Cayuga creek to Niagara river- The company propose to up acres which will belaid out In blocks parks etc There are to be no tenants in the city The Company will bottd the and sell them on payment Every manufacturer who settles in ihe Model city will have a lot donated to market at on June per lh vgfl ic- hiy a ton pork or little pigs a pair hard to get at that fall wheat oats barley per mutton iOc Mr Anderson adds oil which wo pay a for can be there for Jc also that Is going to bean of all binds of frail peeking of the closing or Toronto Conservatory of last Friday evening of the following day l- Association hill was crowded to the doors With no single exception all the ladles who gave recitations displayed elocution ary power of the most merltoriooi kind to which they exhibited a lot sad selfcomposed presence which other than who many yoars of study Very rendered was vocal Ave voioes of Misses and Mrs bat can bo awsrded Miss recitation of A Set of The is a diCG colt in which tragedy sad are allied bat ss eqasJlj si bazoo In phases bowing herself to bo of a most exceptional Miss Is a of Mr town proved to the task ol taking a bod pooat In one and doobt worthy Life the Bui HOLT Mrs met with A serious loss in the destruction by fire of her fine brick residence on the of last It took fire in the roof about one oclock in the day supposed by sparks from the while Retting dinner ready Through the assistance of the neighbors who have shown her every kindness all the furniture was saved It six years since this house was built and this is the second time Mis Pegg has been burnt out since hus bands death The insurance is about a good attendance at Service turnout coofidcrihjg wti the evening fioc doubt but a ronch number would have been there J Walton returned from the Fair Ian Tuesday He has thanks fit Chicago paper factory with all machinery waa destroyed by fire last afternoon and as the wind from the southwest John Lloyds were in danger but were watched Now boy you can go with a dear conscience The weddings have come with a tush two at one house on Wednes day of last week Miss was united to Mr George of Buffalo and her sister Miss Annie Lloyd was united Mr Frederick Woodman of Toronto A number of friends were invited After the happy ceremony was per formed a sumptuous dinner was par taken of when the happy couples drove to Aurora station followed by a number of the party to see them off by train for a short wedding tour The presents were both handsome and useful The football club went to Schomberg on Wednesday afternoon of last week and played a game with that club They came off ties each party taking a goal The Foresters are making arrange ments attend the union at Bonds Lake on Saturday HOLLAND LANDING SHARON Edith spending a few with relatives In Toronto A Dee at the English Church some ranch needed last left for camp this week He drill to the Iftth regiment Willson if an in definite in Sutton Week is very much iaJia- We hope be iejtored to her There will be James on Friday evening Of as Itev Mr is attending the Synod in Toronto Miss Flo spent lost Sunday ia Newmarket of roam we obliged to lure a lemperanoo Concert era MOUNT ALBERT On the way home from on Wednesday of last week some of the men had too much firewater It is a pity men cant leave the stuff alone when they act so ridiculous- Miss- Hughes and Miss Keller from were visiting with Miss Leek over Sunday There is to be a benefit party at Mr A Jones on Thursday night aid Mrs A party went to the Lake last Friday and report a grand time and Mrs Lloyd arc attending the funeral of their sister Miss Anderson is taking Miss place in the school during her A very happy gathering took place at the residence of Mr Thai on Wednesday when Miss Minnie married to Mr A Jones The drove Newmarket and took the train for a trip out west Mr J Wood of Washington State is visiting at his taws Mr The old Graham millpond has got Mr Haigh has terminated the leas ST CHITCHAT A ninny improvement are noli- street such as new buildings new fences hedges which yives a appearance Mr John Buckle of Second St is quite an accomplish- for an amateur 11 is collection of stuffed birds is large and handsome Tory Hill women as you all know have an excellent reputation as They say the proof of the pudding is the eating thereof I have proved the pudding Mrs excels at and if she could be tu exhibit at the fairs the usual prizewinners would have to take a hack seat Robbie is vowing vengeance He dont believe in feeding chickens all winter to food for foxes in summer I guess anyone having a good iron for sale could find a customer around here Some persons are saying Im a crank on the temperance question No Im only the chap that the crank I notice my criticisms have the commendation of the better class of the community and thats I desire Those who have lately heard the Newmarket choir have no doubt noticed the decided improve ment in their singing nicely are their voices balanced They now equal most of city choirs Master Harry has lone been de sirous to see his name in Chit Chat so here it is Our youthful hero was sent one evening for the cows and a herd was slowly moving along a gentleman cow took decided objec tions to Harrys presence and began to bellow and tear up the Harry made a scoot for the fence and put nut fur home at recordbreaking speed he arrived breathless and scared out of nearly a years The lad carries a club since when he drives the Fox real simon pore Christian liv ing people commend us to the Quakers or Friends Perfectly in all their dealings simple in living and plain to dress they stand a a model for the world to copy after We never heard of an immoral per son amongst them Mr Ben had a bee two days this week moving his bam to a stone wall west of his house Mr Curry of Bradford engineered the job Jn our opinion the best part of the the jolly suppers prepared by the misses Ben now has an unobstructed view of the street The crank with which we grind out Not many of our citizens purpose attendingthe Worlds Fair The trailing season opens this week when we may hear of some great catches The river has been well inspected this year We are to hear that our Rev Scott has been re moved from us He and his family will be greatly We hear he is The will now be without a resi dent minister We are to lose such a desirable class of citizens The pa age will he rented until the at present proves impracticable If and Hunter were sent over the nine ap pointments for a couple of weeks the two ire nils would be found amply selfsustaining The greatest attraction of the moment is the garden party ot Mr Lanes a week from night The band has been engaged and everything is arranged for an excellent evenings amusement All are cordially in vited- Mr Know- All and his estim able intended will be present And did not the old man wax elo quent in his denunciation of Peda gogic tipters You are not far astray in your wrath Theeys that wink at such will toon be open and Im sure no such person can become very prominent in our associations KESWICK Our Division of Sons of Temper ance found their way to Sharon Tues day evening to give the concert announced in the Eka last week and it is no more than due those in con- with the Sharon Division that we give them our warmest thanks publicly for their kind and brotherly recptton Providing for our horses and the appreciative attention with which the program was received and applauded made it a pleasure de light for us to say nothing of the lunch and hot prepaicd and retiahed before starling homeward will not be hope our visit which was so much by us will be the means of adding to the of their some who will be kept the templing glass and at an early date our visit will be returned when we will be glad welcome Sharon brothers and sisters and we hope we will be able to show them a kindness and courtesy as they did us There are a few hoys around the corners that should be made an example of for killing the beautiful birds with catapults A golden oriole that had been shot was- seen the other day and that boy that did it is going to get into serious trouble if he follows up the business any farther Sunday last though looked for ward to with longing expectation the Sunday children as Child tens Day was a disappointment on account of the rain So instead of the program being given Mis Webb a missionary in China for the past eight years and lately returned enter tained in a very interesting way those that bad gathered However the evening turned out bright and the bouse was decorated beauti fully with singing bird and was packed to hear the program by the little folk Everything passed off nice and pleasantly the children did exceptionally well as they had been well trained by competent teachers and the audience was delighted What a grand agent for good is a Sunday School Mure of the older heads should be encouraged from last Sunday exercises attend the schools and aid in this important lifework to bring up the the child in the way it should go Mr John has been attend ing the Methodist Conference this last week Elder left Tuesday for Mariposa to tie couple of knots pre vious to attending Conference at The Elder was not as much judging bis smile as one would ex when he did not get started on for Conference on the in tended time Mr Elrj and Mr and Mrs S attending the Chris tian Conference this week also Squire and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Francis Morton Mr Ficd Doyle and his from Pickering were here over Sunday A certain young lady wears very significant smile since Mrs Lorie and Mrs me of Toronto are spending a days with Mrs Dora Wilson Elder was here Sunday EGYPT The Association in this neigh borhood has been running for two weeks and gives general satisfaction The Sunday School here intend having a garden party shortly to the fundi of the school Miss Charlotte Bailey is home from High School on the lick list Mr Thomas Yates of Baldwin is home from Sudbury Oct where he was prospecting for gold and nickel and will return again on Thursday of this week He claims the prospects are good The crops are looking fairly well for the they were got in A good deal of buckwheat will be sown in the low places where other grain could not be sown early enough York Toronto June Mr Justice McMahon opened the Criminal and Civil Assise Court this morning and the following men com- posing the Grand Jury were sworn in John Richardson John E Evans David McDonald Samuel Pearson George Scrogge John It Simpson John Sloan Frank Henry Strange Harry James Charles Stark Henry Swan William Taylor Miles Vokes J Widdifield West Alfred Williams In addressing the jury his Honor congratulated them on having such a small docket The only serious charge was one of criminal preferred against James After explaining the law in this case the judge considerable length on the poolroom cases There was a law in England he said and one which applied to this country which stated that if any house was frcuqent- by men by gaming or vice that house was a gaming disorderly house If the jury found that these houses were resorts for disreputable characters they should bring in a true bill The usual order of things was re versed at the present sitting and the civil cases were commenced ibis after noon The cases tome on Monday Read Next Weeks Advertisement THE LEADING HOUSE NEWMARKET w BOOTS SHOES We sell handmade shoes for less money than you pay for trash sewed free MONTGOMERY SON TAILORING BOOMING We have complete stock of Summer Suitings on band that be beaten NOBBY MP SON RUSHING SALE FOR WEEKS JU Monday Mf1lUtnft June The Valley coal trestles and coal storage houses containing ions of anthracite coal were destroyed by this evening The loss will reach Washington June old opera house in which President- Lincoln was assassinated has fallen in There were over four hundred clerks in the building has escaped more or less injury persons had been taken out of the ruins up to to am The emergency hospital is Crowded with the dead and injured The injuries from the very nature of the accident are of the severest character crushed and broken limbs and in ternal injuries prevailing The ex citement of relatives and friends is naturally intense thousands sur rounding the scene and the excite ment has spread all over the city Our Newmarket Markets OR SALE TO LET I am about to make to a I to J A JlonM tit ft APS to at OF Mr fid- to MO BR Ail 11 Eft burglars visited Sydenham Oat on Thursday open the sale in ftr J MuH M per 0 Bailor Peas per OS IS CO Shorts ION Oil DuUftrroUpIb- UttUritnbDcrh per CO pur ion Mr Beef per lb SCO 1C a a a 4 ft a a a a a a a a a a a a a Off DO OCO 1 low JO 9 A Our Juno I3S3 Full Wham a CI a baehol- OK a OSS DM a SO BiBipor Oil a 12 Duller rail per lb- Li a FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking A D A SPECIALTY Telephone Connection Tho radio Tpwn the lh la too lb tit the Iho by flor Kttiebr A V to or LfaoUi Air J jj maim T ftt A Jin 13 I fa y LKWLH SALE Do or rJWJJIAfltit to APPLEBY of to llio f lass to la to fl Bolloltor for of will of Mid and roll- ibo of ihoUio Appleby if held by of mar forthwith to the to of hid Mill for lha Hants of JUtfo to of whoso lh3V not Lad at the of day of lay CANADA ccLuMaiA MANITOBA MONEY Witlaiftn by for AMI to ft ten t OUT Montrljadr for lulOSt Bland ill lha Lot BUtHiaKBWttUlttl a of fooitoWa IT ANTED In flipeiif dm Id Goods fled noons Co- Cemetery of It will be raid for i nay PACIFIC Prom all Stations to ata Del oral lift Blnsoartb Res too ihoQiioniviiioConi irlturaad P lOthof 3wlD any jaid notify Seera- on or York ton Calgary Albert at oclock If AYWVARD Edmonton ANTED- to H ana Mock varlctlM fralu aq4 And only pdi- Write an and choice or may j July fib Nth Puller ilclverlnL frcm ftrraiiKO Toronto la to con- with Wonjjie from July mud Ipqvtnl vlll be la itin Iblaoveqt CHINA HALL but in order to da so the Hoc be reduced at once to make room fa carpenter and painters As an inducement to ltd Quick propose sell in the line of China Glassware at Cost Price This is a genuine sale Come and see GROCERY DEPT Is fully stocked with Best every line In Canned GoodiJeq show a large stock from best whose reputation for good qo5tj is beyond doubt and ibe price a a low as any in the market Sc Black iiock Turtle Soup Pickles etc Soluble Cocoa lb tins has no superior Con densed Cocoa and Milk Coffee and Milk both quickly prepared and are very some Jams in Peach Plum Strawberry and Black My standard line of Whole ExceUior Blend is one of best in our country Then in Tea would just say if jou Hint good come and try my Jim lbs ft has stood the also Ceylons India Mixed at price from to jot jd lb I can suit you ant Remember our BEST QUALITY OF GOODS REASONABLEPR0FITS COURTEOUS TREATMENT PROMPT DELIVERY R A SMITH Leading Grocer Mm BRUM 4V- BROS AiAfcAtAtA I T ii i I Ill NOW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE UMM MENS 800 SUITS FOR 375 HOT WEATHER GOODS All Wool Delaines Cotton Delaines Delainetts lag West End Cords Latest Designs and Coloring and all rented Fast Colors PEARL BUTTONS A Special purchase of Buttons made Europe enaDJ us to offer them to the public at low a price as per BR UN TON BROS Use only Powder

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