Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Apr 1893, p. 4

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NEWKTAKKETERA APRIL Jobs sad Restoration I MX Job12 Text Wo hoard Job and Ijmo end Lord fa and of tender mercy la third of exhaust their After Job reply to ftQ on the of hut with merely a of bit in of to the victory cl argument with Job umoxa Hit Cod lorepcnLancc- dial more now at lb the boo- not mtan lion of acorn may to ft the groat aowly it it complete 7bo nearly perfect a more he real izes his imperfection Turning low aid Rood tat tit evil A man both ways At nor ho two master it came time Jab to appear his hi be The is by hiker And at taught lifes by the little in they are We Al ore of btcaan ibe of Bat men But the come find it nd peace in God wish our Linen to be White as Snowd Why do to Injur or la It and public the of any the World How test If who ley think try The alii phase year tci varhed far tide with Comfort and tiro Ixforts fiicJcrJUtJj Is That will do it Iirit bat Of vndlj fairtrUl You arc cot ii a tout e try Uy a ly at- i ur I A A rtil hi i f IS ltUlt fair IfMMli fill ft by in dim PURE Ja lj All Burdock Blood Bitters I ft purely ltfce to I controlling that it AH taaj aeon- iilir 4 cLrxIwttV on tho liver ami if it ho JOURNALISM MR JACKSONS ABLE THEREANENT wTiilrrfho fitcatfttton in country parte a In IhoeoiUys mom as lux a by to Hi A paper were 1iiitcl or ro each to Or bldilca or and a tort of jingle Thyme or wbwft of editor went of and too to wlver Methods In the on In I iDjnry Oh ho would coptMo and founded PP Won The by iodMwJal Plenty of of a brighter As SJ tiro Committer or would of noble Echoed yemj and edifying aboot period of which lam grew that 0 ejlacntion ftyerwn i bat thing PS the Minora a thirst r know- nJJodo and method of half a and a to to in thiscooneclion a was Jbowido world to little personal ipenenco meet wound io perhaps not of place altogether on he family its donominarional auspices rather than KinabMiih world Ibis desire and perhaps to now for reflection not no- family without its chosen journal profitable W of today with all which Herald was varied and fnelHilw which its Spectator and as to Times but recall London its Pre form but a very inadequate conception in mo Free Ottawa its what journalism meant fifty or the of his readers called years round a of this J am you Send along your orders the Old House have before and where your Father used to dell THAT IS MoCOLL BROS CO TORONTO SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF Tilt ONLY CKNU1NR fiht lfial news was con functions ho was to ft wconaary ImiHirtaHt Mr then ere By certain with journals in tho its its its Roconler Perth to fortiMervetl to Jrow the lines of Muefcd an by Aviation yMr tt County this having election a ml two ftnd men Into Sir Frauc mcW and as the of to rvUitlon of its by Mr Mr John Catholic quarter to ft organs of the Orange and Green bo of was it- fad were the leading political jo in UvralU the former by an old those days Later a with member of this association with made its the anXorth merlcWaWwUb KiJSISS 6 the Globe Most of I at so fvr down to and wre printed on But Washington hand presses and enjoyed was a a circulation wrote of their to supply The men of wi conducting the editorial depannienU me- llulU were giants in f and talktog to Pt to foiSS Suctei intellectual of the Tins country presented weighty for thiukiug to consider feature was more pnrcicubrly noticeable a one of the journals however in the city that day tho former being conducted titer on by oxPresident Hon James Votings Fergus had its Hi then under a vigorous mel St Journal and Constitutional latter old of Seymour Chatham bad its what is familiarly termed the rural presses to me issue un press did not faro quite so sumptuous- edition numbering into thousands Mail Owen Sound had its Comet rural presses to enable the rapid issue of He had person tho the reporter to bis own per hour were then unknown Most of conducted by Mr and sobsft- the printer papers of the country were ipjcntlytsPresideutCampbeUhadsoino the and on mmd presses on which eight to ten connection with it There may possibly failing of a diem was considered a good have been others that should be named genial and considerate nartuerof domes- days worlc Possibility of numbers hut if so they have slipped tic and sorrows as an assistant to was therefore limited but to day many During the next decade from IS50 to form the task of inking the forms ha country printing have a circula- the country press doubled its nom ad to be both pressman and printers that conld scarcely be priutcd on a hers and all along the lino activities devil It was no bonanza to bo a pub- Washington on day of towns mid villages were quickened by under circumstances of char- publication Then too our printing the impulse and influence local journals of you who have become were not furnished with imparled The Barrio Advance was the with journalism within the ting machines to rapid despatch pioneer county about last decode or two go back with mo to In mailing genius had not developed and in 1853 tho Newmarket Era days when receiving daily this important appliance often- its appearance as the first nows- from over sea fnrnish- times the country tditor would take his paper in York Comity and which I con- lug latest political commercial and turn at press run off a token or two trolled from until it passed into the social events in the Centres of the then by way of change and for a rest hands of its present publisher about ten old world we had to bo content with would himself folding addressing years ago It was my large privilege to the mails brought over in fortnightly and bundling ready for tho papers be one of jolly company comprising packets bringing he just and on through his first auspices of and papers weeks old from which to weekly editions Canadian Press Association the collate foreign news when we had no thing for the editor- to labor at com- telegraph a means of communication case during the day and by thence per steamer over Lake genius of a way of change toil on far into the night to and return of later period chained the lightnings by the light of a tallow pie ir- with the journals to editors behest matter for the next day named have passed away but they are on toil before Edisons books answering and forgotten They left their impress masterful mind marvel- over chemc which on the rcsicclivo in which ons inter with be could transform cord wood lumber they Most of them were the telephone service and thereby en potatoes cabbage turnips other men in some instances the news gatherer of to day to be products of farm or girden lacking the culture and lightning ex- wherewith to enable linn the of press trams old mail pressing of a financial affords but their will live in coach iu carry daily papers from oar tor urged by his papermaker of the among whom in time for by country in the of Ins lifter contemporary citizens joumalists after partaking disposition only charged from to WA have been for- weal then larr lb for an article today gotten They took an in all with opiiortuiiilies will of tho Fourth that o- which modern in- on the streets to contracts wellbeing of their reiectivo vcutions mechanical genius and for at that important positions of of science now places at a Advertisements were everything to as school- trustees command mid you l liO form some concept will newspaper man in those days but of councils directors of me realyalituofthopresaiiSBnWiy Institutes and agricultural as- and their names will be etc of what pioneer meant wen medium was generally satiation within the limited period of the past or uiercliant who ex- found enrolled in with vari- half At time of which P n local organizations benevolent country journals werouotso along having for their aim numerous unities to was priseuti and would facetious- society uplifting of from of neighboring Jy Knight of Quill and humanity True they were sometimes intended starting a bank or vcliwuentiiicontnversy weroiM then patent other institution or occasions were unknown in Purchase full in rt in place of paperdvin had yet to the store but ho never failed his meut hut the Associa- the publishing world contra account to a credit prico for all the goods the editor had lion within n very few years after its and of that were published am goous the had pur- softened of as- free to admit wry few conduced chased wliile its was indulged in Tho the spirit and vim of many davs quack together at annual try today Hut at that dealers got in their lino work t members of press to secure alloway a or a Pills and Santa think tetter of ithth-ad- Sarsapanlla could securva whole column felt today has giver for for from M to the re It Vttl early tint local vantage- our has giver ior r iromyoto vvcoiinlincanfumth to lie taken goods which the jSastmiJi ns a- the editor had out at various prices il in preparing to local grocers or mid their win I- of press that in- hopeful read by Mr market iu Aioviiitiou of lie- is Ji 1 fa the itiihibh- tell of little jtirivtdot Jenkins nit hand or an to for the mount liut there another tide to the picture There were times Hayes did not carry A when he had unity to play watch tho reason for which peculiarity of the in her Oracle and much WMrntesoiio of Units of his char- and Mich other The picnic mid t that in younger dent of ieialiiibret to country cultural fair senilis afforded watch he then was hi I bun ukuul for two men to a Jones and to bMow was tocn from ds pock- wiituepM Patronizing it was gratifying was raptured con- duties and ll time but this was about all and sent to the penitentiary iv mih1 editor did get for a quarter column r years Mr Hayes recovered arjlit had another of the gathering lu advance a hjiidieftpped column of reported proceedings in of The ordinary half Rind I v was over con eportvl proceedings it the party ho however The ifalhecMriflioif vialll provided for mu I flown to according occasion was not considered lh watch and a lime It was The thief out to bo a man with a largo family after was vent to Mr en to conclusion that ho can of imiult to lint MOW ior- l gen- rouble to his fellow Since thou is and of more elderly had walch Her- trem two iill blotches cuif inlal From two to foui Lot tlcivill euro or til skin It that luflerers torn akin DISEASES by this quickly aobeidts on the removal of by on to such as humors and SCROFULA proof that from thro to Internally and dilated If tha fcroicn to affected will fft scare The great of fa to the bur bonis and blood acidity and wrong action of thoateroach alnlcasayaof the to carry off all tioeeedandlmpuro tioaa silowm thus to aid rcMrer and without tall BAD BLOOD Uiceocnplaiot dropsy and breadth f tin- for cent only to for what editor had pleasure in repaying hi fill- and thin outlay but compliments as pail of the his paper I reuumbir in- riptiii led to and tho of the prert more factor pub lic life for the removal of import win felt in A reduction to ftcriljOfH making pay- unsatisfactory and 1 undercurrent of pro- vaiud that the more money Into local than fonud its way into the depart ment and another change followed way of making of tbo government the import from tho su1fcriler to publieher This was a serious matter to latter credit pruvalkd to largo extent luahus and and had to follow thin custom but under then regulation ho was placed a disadvantage- In caw a sub scriber proved or In forties when tho who by way was a clergyman in Orders was called lo other duties not us ually performed by memliers of Fourth One day while fleo janitor was alternating between composing room iu nuxlutis for cony young and hardy of toll from the country with a fair and blushing en- editor apartments After bidding tho day ho presented to tho editor a formidable document an which in those days coat but can now bo procured by order of Sir Oliver incut for and inquired if the editor could there mid then tic a With a bland en gendered partially by novelty of situation and partially no doubt from the fact that ft meant alto something towarda replenishing a not What the And liIit lief ilc COTTOLEiUE Vb iuch A ti i pies he it An I Ids away from a locality without intimating replied in tho changed a month or two iljyees of the return back number un illr iV His Satanic uot an called removed In which the publisher was not only the amount tho delinquent owed but also iwamtveroinaooono of cooo lids to further Satanic Majesty got nil Invitation ceremony Iu duo the happy twain d Lower nice to in a COTTOLENE it ocillt or or tell In j yud enbh vih with early history Aasoclnflon Til j aid aie our onwn fsr ruLV fl editor referred NT StL who bo by fclid to tend lutiaicUli a iflc idujiuaa co yon We i and In t ho consideration of government fact that puss was a public or doing a work that no other agency then could do ftn also that fe through thy much gratuitous In- cling I violation and other matter along that of fulvnii Inbtra In Christian Advocate removed to Hamilton and Imp wiw your Let mo add all the printer who wit mod in old stylo Of oi 11 I I it good T iniy K ft CO Ann ftllhg toi fin A sir tub Consumption comes A slight cold with your system in scrofulous condition thats caused by is enough to fasten it you That time when neglect delay full of danger Consumption is Scrofula You prevent it you euro it if you havent watctl too long with Dr Golden Med ical Discovery is moat potent blood cleanser strength re storer and fleshbuilder thats known to medical science For every dis ease that to bo reached through blood like Consumption for Scrofula in all its form Weak Lungs Asthma and all severc lingering Coughs it is only remedy If it doesnt benefit or Cure you have your money back proprietor of Sages Ca tarrh Remedy know that their medi cine perfectly and permanently Catarrh To prove it to yon make tine offer If they cant cure your Catarrh no matter what your is pay you in cash DRIVING S TO SUICIDE bow and bird in not the credit for liiiiu vow and declare that the a west ern of cuckoo forces the rattle snake to commit suicide by modus operandi of snow- bird is St- Louis Re public follow Ho iHrambulnlv3 till he fiudshUsnabtlnp enjoy- lug After fully Satisfy- tho rut IK id really truly sleeping the about prickly and other cacti thorny vegetables carefully airauged in a circle around the fcmikc recks of trouble brewing When every tbiny the bird the fileepiagroprile with a coarse flhriek attitude of and iu doing so pricks coat la a score or more of places on the cacti barrier It is a true case of out of the pan into thefixeasevpry adds to his torments Finally so the say bites hiuisolf of freeing himself from unbearable Ho dies of course at least tbe above mentioned or- declare and road- runner which must certainly have for two heads cackles that another of bis traditional enemies has snake being now dead as a direct result of the birds ornithological part of the story is ended the lias his say By the Is a who is supposed to know all about snakes even of the private affaire of The editor of Notes for tho arious is easily gulled he believes nil sorts of queer stories ami prides him self belief that ho still has capa city for belie thousands of tonic yarns that vet spun but the story of the snake ability to himself was too To a long story short I wrote to expert tologist Arthur Stradling who had previously given his opinion as follows what extent a poisonous bite is noxious to itself is doubtful it inflicts mechanical injury only upon its own body I seen cobras shako each other like dogs over disputed rate and I recollect a being badly wonted by a puff artier under like circumstances too result in both cases being a simple frayclliug and a slight of a few hours duration Ho also speaks of a rattlesnake that severtdy lacerated its with its fangs without the wound exhibiting tho least signs of having been Gloves should always bo mended being jseitt to cleaners as repairs show less than if they are before dry gloves thoroughly laying them away Warm glace kid gloves slightly them on in cold weather ami they will be much more elastic as heat tends to soften tho pi in leather Genua Though Germany f s more thick ly populated than United States tbe of forestry has so in ft that her per centage of forestry area is larger than of country Machine Oil OILS is the Champion Gold Medal Oil of the Dominion and our Cylinder Oil will wear longer and give belter satisfaction than any other Oil- ASK YOUR VICCOLLS OILS Sold All leading dealers throughout the country WAT I fr J AH till i SIEIt Tower Till CO Frtr Turning Wood iiu iIiq work four fur iliuly lilut niur oil mill 1MI J WO THECOOKS BEST FRIEND SALE IN A kept for I rt a initc COW for he Term I have just received mid a jinc of Watches at very law price See our 10K Gold Watch ft only a lew left See them before L ATKINSON MAIN ST A The ban of frontier life is drunVciVnciA- The liter Mute mining the and ranch creeks with whiskey In every settlement the saloon precedes the choolhou5c and the church the of ruffians ihe harbor of criminals the recruiting of the the the harlot and the thief perpetual menace to social order and intelligence Agitation the evils of in temperance was contemporary with the political organization of Kama Territory The of and the of loxicating beverages within their cor porate limits and he debate con tinued until when a amendment adopted for ever prohibiting the and of liquors except for mechanical anil scientific purpose a This was enforced by and the validity of the and of the statutes was the Supreme Courts of the Stale of the nation futile and costly resistance the dram shop traffic has disappeared from the State Surreptitious sales continue and joint are not unknown but the saloon has vanished and the law has been better enforced similar legislation elsewhere In the larger towns prohibition it not so strictly observed as in the rural districts where public opinion is more rigid but in all localities the remits are apparent in the diminution of crime poverty and disorder Banned by law the stigmatized and becomes j disreputable If the offender avoids punishment he docs not escape con i PUREST STRONGEST BEST do uo IRAKI TRUNK RAILWAY JEWELER WWMAWlfTT Drinking in secret iJWlUii2XXiI j diminished the Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for goods are protected from their ant the young from appetites and passions CO CO rn CO How to Got a Scud fiO Soap wrappers a Than a brvrfl rAi St will receive inuturc from worth trAiinnj- Tin is tin your home The ii i in the market it will only to in wrap cri it you the open Write your The helmet of Richard id Hair Swans are now hard to raise They at from ftijty to seventy- five dollars per pair r for Rheumatism FLOWER FIELD AND GARDEN ALL AT PHARMACY NEXT POST OFFICE TRY PAILS j AMI Sows hi the County York incut loin under Hi Of ill vovihinl market on Mate of Mitt f in the OP LUMBER Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding GOOD WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Doors Sash and above an hwwn- Cap- lor creditor Is my Atlleo New- Mil fit i t of April A it Two hi tin of ftDd littler J to ft rilt Mid In the tXAiuI- llblkO im devoted lilt time Throat and a In Throne A I villi In Kuropevlnlt I Jut- nnti Will In New tram a tin AH of of ftflr to ii t Head Chrfnto Throat Blinds 9 SMOUID A en- INSIDE SLIDING BUNDS uit of i ho Sctentino Agency for CAVEATS TRADE MARKS PATENTS CO la iTir out Li t a fiitco of too t rtrrJtAt of wiootiCc w SO lilrt A rsmiif A i fit it ORDKRINC BILLS FOR ELSEWHERE CALL AT THE NEWMARKET ERA OFFICE f AND OUR COLLECTION OF SIXTEEN FINE HORSE PLATES COMPRISING CLYDESDALE ROADSTER AN I GENERAL PURPOSE DESIGNS mi B a lis 2 wit Iiliyu ia Twin a hi Afttrd in ih Mount A Iff altrtln A In HI A la A AO 1 A iliy ilfipoErtry Ibnivfiy Ecrytuly Hht OrrhuM Tory rUu J mi vcty HUH Kf iro ft day 3rd Terrier Mfotlrail JACK50S iri lUak of Alh VAUlt Apply Or to Hootit iho Col he Town FOR ALE SALE- A pump on I Will Willi VERY TOWN PROPER FOR ALMOST An iti1 nut unlit 1 to SALE mil KM Siw rt FOR SALE CALDWELL ESTllH town t on Aft oa KiJcn FOR S ALB Shrppshireja Orders mail promptly to All bills printed here will he noticed free of jjf charge in iho Stallion Register Tor 1803 L G JACKSON Era Office Newmarket- YOUNG HORN a law AW FOR SALE

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